Sorgenti della libreria generale

abort.c i189.10.2 abs.c i189.10.3 access.c i189.17.2 alloc.c i189.10.4 asctime.c i189.16.1 atexit.c i189.10.5 atoi.c i189.10.6 atol.c i189.10.7 basename.c i189.6.1 chdir.c i189.17.3 chmod.c i189.13.1 chown.c i189.17.4 clearerr.c i189.9.2 clock.c i189.16.2 clock_t.h i189.1.4 close.c i189.17.5 closedir.c i189.2.2 const.h i189.1.5 creat.c i189.4.1 ctype.h i189.1.6 DIR.c i189.2.1 dirent.h u0.2 dirname.c i189.6.2 div.c i189.10.8 dup.c i189.17.6 dup2.c i189.17.7 environ.c i189.17.8 environment.c i189.10.9 errno.c i189.3.1 errno.h u0.3 execl.c i189.17.9 execle.c i189.17.10 execlp.c i189.17.11 execv.c i189.17.12 execve.c i189.17.13 execvp.c i189.17.14 exit.c i189.10.10 fchdir.c i189.17.15 fchmod.c i189.13.2 fchown.c i189.17.16 fclose.c i189.9.3 fcntl.c i189.4.2 fcntl.h u0.4 feof.c i189.9.4 ferror.c i189.9.5 fflush.c i189.9.6 fgetc.c i189.9.7 fgetpos.c i189.9.8 fgets.c i189.9.9 FILE.c i189.9.1 fileno.c i189.9.10 fopen.c i189.9.11 fork.c i189.17.17 fprintf.c i189.9.12 fputc.c i189.9.13 fputs.c i189.9.14 fread.c i189.9.15 freopen.c i189.9.16 fscanf.c i189.9.17 fseek.c i189.9.18 fseeko.c i189.9.19 fsetpos.c i189.9.20 fstat.c i189.13.3 ftell.c i189.9.21 ftello.c i189.9.22 fwrite.c i189.9.23 getchar.c i189.9.24 getcwd.c i189.17.18 getenv.c i189.10.11 geteuid.c i189.17.19 getgrgid.c i189.5.1 getgrnam.c i189.5.2 getopt.c i189.17.20 getpgrp.c i189.17.21 getpid.c i189.17.22 getppid.c i189.17.23 gets.c i189.9.25 getuid.c i189.17.24 gmtime.c i189.16.3 grp.h u0.5 heap_clear.c i189.12.9 heap_min.c i189.12.10 input_line.c i189.12.11 inttypes.h i189.1.7 isatty.c i189.17.25 kill.c i189.8.1 labs.c i189.10.12 ldiv.c i189.10.13 libgen.h u0.6 limits.h i189.1.8 link.c i189.17.26 lseek.c i189.17.27 major.c i189.14.1 makedev.c i189.14.2 memccpy.c i189.11.1 memchr.c i189.11.2 memcmp.c i189.11.3 memcpy.c i189.11.4 memmove.c i189.11.5 memset.c i189.11.6 minor.c i189.14.3 mkdir.c i189.13.4 mknod.c i189.13.5 mktime.c i189.16.4 mount.c i189.12.12 namep.c i189.12.13 NULL.h i189.1.1 open.c i189.4.3 opendir.c i189.2.3 os16.h u0.12 perror.c i189.9.26 printf.c i189.9.27 process_info.c i189.12.14 ptrdiff_t.h i189.1.9 putenv.c i189.10.14 puts.c i189.9.28 pwd.h u0.7 pwent.c i189.7.1 qsort.c i189.10.15 rand.c i189.10.16 read.c i189.17.28 readdir.c i189.2.4 restrict.h i189.1.10 rewind.c i189.9.29 rewinddir.c i189.2.5 rmdir.c i189.17.29 scanf.c i189.9.30 SEEK.h i189.1.2 setbuf.c i189.9.31 setenv.c i189.10.17 seteuid.c i189.17.30 setpgrp.c i189.17.31 setuid.c i189.17.32 setvbuf.c i189.9.32 signal.c i189.8.2 signal.h u0.8 size_t.h i189.1.11 sleep.c i189.17.33 snprintf.c i189.9.33 sprintf.c i189.9.34 sscanf.c i189.9.35 stat.c i189.13.6 stat.h u0.13 stdarg.h i189.1.12 stdbool.h i189.1.13 stddef.h i189.1.14 stdint.h i189.1.15 stdio.h u0.9 stdlib.h u0.10 stime.c i189.16.5 strcat.c i189.11.7 strchr.c i189.11.8 strcmp.c i189.11.9 strcoll.c i189.11.10 strcpy.c i189.11.11 strcspn.c i189.11.12 strdup.c i189.11.13 strerror.c i189.11.14 string.h u0.11 strlen.c i189.11.15 strncat.c i189.11.16 strncmp.c i189.11.17 strncpy.c i189.11.18 strpbrk.c i189.11.19 strrchr.c i189.11.20 strspn.c i189.11.21 strstr.c i189.11.22 strtok.c i189.11.23 strtol.c i189.10.18 strtoul.c i189.10.19 strxfrm.c i189.11.24 sys.s i189.12.15 time.c i189.16.6 time.h u0.16 time_t.h i189.1.16 ttyname.c i189.17.34 types.h u0.14 umask.c i189.13.7 umount.c i189.12.16 unistd.h u0.17 unlink.c i189.17.35 unsetenv.c i189.10.20 utime.c i189.18.1 utime.h u0.18 vfprintf.c i189.9.36 vfscanf.c i189.9.37 vfsscanf.c i189.9.38 vprintf.c i189.9.39 vscanf.c i189.9.40 vsnprintf.c i189.9.41 vsprintf.c i189.9.42 vsscanf.c i189.9.43 wait.c i189.15.1 wait.h u0.15 wchar_t.h i189.1.17 write.c i189.17.36 z_perror.c i189.12.17 z_printf.c i189.12.18 z_putchar.c i189.12.19 z_puts.c i189.12.20 z_vprintf.c i189.12.21 _Bool.h i189.1.3 _bp.s i189.12.1 _cs.s i189.12.2 _ds.s i189.12.3 _es.s i189.12.4 _exit.c i189.17.1 _Exit.c i189.10.1 _seg_d.s i189.12.5 _seg_i.s i189.12.6 _sp.s i189.12.7 _ss.s i189.12.8

os16: file isolati della directory «lib/»


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2030001 #ifndef _NULL_H
2030002 #define _NULL_H      1
2030004 #define NULL 0
2030006 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2040001 #ifndef _SEEK_H
2040002 #define _SEEK_H      1
2040004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2040005 // These values are used inside <stdio.h> and <unistd.h>
2040006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2040007 #define SEEK_SET        0  // From the start.
2040008 #define SEEK_CUR        1  // From current position.
2040009 #define SEEK_END        2  // From the end.
2040010 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2040012 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2050001 #ifndef __BOOL_H
2050002 #define __BOOL_H      1
2050004 typedef unsigned char _Bool;
2050006 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2060001 #ifndef _CLOCK_T_H
2060002 #define _CLOCK_T_H       1
2060004 typedef unsigned long int clock_t;      // 32 bit unsigned int.
2060006 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2070001 #ifndef _CONST_H
2070002 #define _CONST_H        1
2070004 #define const
2070006 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2080001 #ifndef _CTYPE_H
2080002 #define _CTYPE_H       1
2080003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2080005 #include <NULL.h>
2080006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2080007 #define isblank(C)  ((int) (C == ' ' || C == '\t'))
2080008 #define isspace(C)  ((int) (C == ' ' \
2080009                             || C == '\f' \
2080010                             || C == '\n' \
2080011                             || C == '\n' \
2080012                             || C == '\r' \
2080013                             || C == '\t' \
2080014                             || C == '\v'))
2080015 #define isdigit(C)  ((int) (C >= '0' && C <= '9'))
2080016 #define isxdigit(C) ((int) ((C >= '0' && C <= '9') \
2080017                              || (C >= 'A' && C <= 'F') \
2080018                              || (C >= 'a' && C <= 'f')))
2080019 #define isupper(C)  ((int) (C >= 'A' && C <= 'Z'))
2080020 #define islower(C)  ((int) (C >= 'a' && C <= 'z'))
2080021 #define iscntrl(C)  ((int) ((C >= 0x00 && C <= 0x1F) || C == 0x7F))
2080022 #define isgraph(C)  ((int) (C >= 0x21 && C <= 0x7E))
2080023 #define isprint(C)  ((int) (C >= 0x20 && C <= 0x7E))
2080024 #define isalpha(C)  (isupper (C) || islower (C))
2080025 #define isalnum(C)  (isalpha (C) || isdigit (C))
2080026 #define ispunct(C)  (isgraph (C) && (!isspace (C)) && (!isalnum (C)))
2080027 #define tolower(C)  (isupper (C) ? ((C) + 0x20) : (C))
2080028 #define toupper(C)  (islower (C) ? ((C) - 0x20) : (C))
2080029 #define toascii(C)  (C & 0x7F)
2080030 #define _tolower(C) (isupper (C) ? ((C) + 0x20) : (C))
2080031 #define _toupper(C) (islower (C) ? ((C) - 0x20) : (C))
2080032 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2080034 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2090001 #ifndef _INTTYPES_H
2090002 #define _INTTYPES_H     1
2090003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2090005 #include <const.h>
2090006 #include <restrict.h>
2090007 #include <stdint.h>
2090008 #include <wchar_t.h>
2090009 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2090010 typedef struct {
2090011     intmax_t quot;
2090012     intmax_t rem;
2090013 } imaxdiv_t;
2090014 //
2090015 imaxdiv_t imaxdiv    (intmax_t numer, intmax_t denom);
2090016 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2090017 // Output typesetting.
2090018 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2090019 #define PRId8           "d"
2090020 #define PRId16          "d"
2090021 #define PRId32          "ld"
2090022 #define PRIdLEAST8      "d"
2090023 #define PRIdLEAST16     "d"
2090024 #define PRIdLEAST32     "ld"
2090025 #define PRIdFAST8       "d"
2090026 #define PRIdFAST16      "d"
2090027 #define PRIdFAST32      "ld"
2090028 #define PRIdMAX         "ld"
2090029 #define PRIdPTR         "d"
2090030 #define PRIi8           "i"
2090031 #define PRIi16          "i"
2090032 #define PRIi32          "li"
2090033 #define PRIiLEAST8      "i"
2090034 #define PRIiLEAST16     "i"
2090035 #define PRIiLEAST32     "li"
2090036 #define PRIiFAST8       "i"
2090037 #define PRIiFAST16      "i"
2090038 #define PRIiFAST32      "i"
2090039 #define PRIiMAX         "li"
2090040 #define PRIiPTR         "i"
2090041 #define PRIo8           "o"
2090042 #define PRIo16          "o"
2090043 #define PRIo32          "lo"
2090044 #define PRIoLEAST8      "o"
2090045 #define PRIoLEAST16     "o"
2090046 #define PRIoLEAST32     "lo"
2090047 #define PRIoFAST8       "o"
2090048 #define PRIoFAST16      "o"
2090049 #define PRIoFAST32      "lo"
2090050 #define PRIoMAX         "lo"
2090051 #define PRIoPTR         "o"
2090052 #define PRIu8           "u"
2090053 #define PRIu16          "u"
2090054 #define PRIu32          "lu"
2090055 #define PRIuLEAST8      "u"
2090056 #define PRIuLEAST16     "u"
2090057 #define PRIuLEAST32     "lu"
2090058 #define PRIuFAST8       "u"
2090059 #define PRIuFAST16      "u"
2090060 #define PRIuFAST32      "lu"
2090061 #define PRIuMAX         "lu"
2090062 #define PRIuPTR         "u"
2090063 #define PRIx8           "x"
2090064 #define PRIx16          "x"
2090065 #define PRIx32          "lx"
2090066 #define PRIxLEAST8      "x"
2090067 #define PRIxLEAST16     "x"
2090068 #define PRIxLEAST32     "lx"
2090069 #define PRIxFAST8       "x"
2090070 #define PRIxFAST16      "x"
2090071 #define PRIxFAST32      "lx"
2090072 #define PRIxMAX         "lx"
2090073 #define PRIxPTR         "x"
2090074 #define PRIX8           "X"
2090075 #define PRIX16          "X"
2090076 #define PRIX32          "lX"
2090077 #define PRIXLEAST8      "X"
2090078 #define PRIXLEAST16     "X"
2090079 #define PRIXLEAST32     "lX"
2090080 #define PRIXFAST8       "X"
2090081 #define PRIXFAST16      "X"
2090082 #define PRIXFAST32      "lX"
2090083 #define PRIXMAX         "lX"
2090084 #define PRIXPTR         "X"
2090085 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2090086 // Input scan and evaluation.
2090087 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2090088 #define SCNd8           "hhd"
2090089 #define SCNd16          "hd"
2090090 #define SCNd32          "d"
2090091 #define SCNdLEAST8      "hhd"
2090092 #define SCNdLEAST16     "hd"
2090093 #define SCNdLEAST32     "d"
2090094 #define SCNdFAST8       "hhd"
2090095 #define SCNdFAST16      "d"
2090096 #define SCNdFAST32      "d"
2090097 #define SCNdMAX         "ld"
2090098 #define SCNdPTR         "d"
2090099 #define SCNi8           "hhi"
2090100 #define SCNi16          "hi"
2090101 #define SCNi32          "i"
2090102 #define SCNiLEAST8      "hhi"
2090103 #define SCNiLEAST16     "hi"
2090104 #define SCNiLEAST32     "i"
2090105 #define SCNiFAST8       "hhi"
2090106 #define SCNiFAST16      "i"
2090107 #define SCNiFAST32      "i"
2090108 #define SCNiMAX         "li"
2090109 #define SCNiPTR         "i"
2090110 #define SCNo8           "hho"
2090111 #define SCNo16          "ho"
2090112 #define SCNo32          "o"
2090113 #define SCNoLEAST8      "hho"
2090114 #define SCNoLEAST16     "ho"
2090115 #define SCNoLEAST32     "o"
2090116 #define SCNoFAST8       "hho"
2090117 #define SCNoFAST16      "o"
2090118 #define SCNoFAST32      "o"
2090119 #define SCNoMAX         "lo"
2090120 #define SCNoPTR         "o"
2090121 #define SCNu8           "hhu"
2090122 #define SCNu16          "hu"
2090123 #define SCNu32          "u"
2090124 #define SCNuLEAST8      "hhu"
2090125 #define SCNuLEAST16     "hu"
2090126 #define SCNuLEAST32     "u"
2090127 #define SCNuFAST8       "hhu"
2090128 #define SCNuFAST16      "u"
2090129 #define SCNuFAST32      "u"
2090130 #define SCNuMAX         "lu"
2090131 #define SCNuPTR         "u"
2090132 #define SCNx8           "hhx"
2090133 #define SCNx16          "hx"
2090134 #define SCNx32          "x"
2090135 #define SCNxLEAST8      "hhx"
2090136 #define SCNxLEAST16     "hx"
2090137 #define SCNxLEAST32     "x"
2090138 #define SCNxFAST8       "hhx"
2090139 #define SCNxFAST16      "x"
2090140 #define SCNxFAST32      "x"
2090141 #define SCNxMAX         "lx"
2090142 #define SCNxPTR         "x"
2090143 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2090144 intmax_t  strtoimax  (const char *restrict nptr,
2090145                       char **restrict endptr, int base);
2090146 uintmax_t strtouimax (const char *restrict nptr,
2090147                       char **restrict endptr, int base);
2090148 intmax_t  wcstoimax  (const wchar_t *restrict nptr,
2090149                       wchar_t **restrict endptr, int base);
2090150 uintmax_t wcstouimax (const wchar_t *restrict nptr,
2090151                       wchar_t **restrict endptr, int base);
2090152 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2090154 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2100001 #ifndef _LIMITS_H
2100002 #define _LIMITS_H       1
2100003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2100004 #define CHAR_BIT               (8)
2100005 #define SCHAR_MIN          (-0x80)
2100006 #define SCHAR_MAX           (0x7F)
2100007 #define UCHAR_MAX           (0xFF)
2100008 #define CHAR_MIN        SCHAR_MIN
2100009 #define CHAR_MAX        SCHAR_MAX
2100010 #define MB_LEN_MAX             (1)
2100011 #define SHRT_MIN         (-0x8000)
2100012 #define SHRT_MAX          (0x7FFF)
2100013 #define USHRT_MAX         (0xFFFF)
2100014 #define INT_MIN          (-0x8000)
2100015 #define INT_MAX           (0x7FFF)
2100016 #define UINT_MAX          (0xFFFFU)
2100017 #define LONG_MIN     (-0x80000000L)
2100018 #define LONG_MAX      (0x7FFFFFFFL)
2100019 #define ULONG_MAX     (0xFFFFFFFFUL)
2100020 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2100021 #define LLONG_MIN    (-0x80000000L)     // The type `long long int'
2100022 #define LLONG_MAX     (0x7FFFFFFFL)     // is not available with
2100023 #define ULLONG_MAX    (0xFFFFFFFFUL)    // a K&R C compiler.
2100024 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2100025 #define WORD_BIT               16  // POSIX requires at least 32!
2100026 #define LONG_BIT               32
2100027 #define SSIZE_MAX        LONG_MAX
2100028 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2100029 #define ARG_MAX              1024  // Arguments+environment max length.
2100030 #define ATEXIT_MAX             32  // Max "at exit" functions.
2100031 #define FILESIZEBITS           32  // File size needs integer size...
2100032 #define LINK_MAX              254  // Max links per file.
2100033 #define NAME_MAX               14  // File name max (Minix 1 fs).
2100034 #define OPEN_MAX                8  // Max open files per process.
2100035 #define PATH_MAX               64  // Path, including final `\0'.
2100036 #define MAX_CANON               1  // Max bytes in canonical tty queue.
2100037 #define MAX_INPUT               1  // Max bytes in tty input queue.
2100038 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2100039 #define CHLD_MAX          INT_MAX  // Not used.
2100040 #define HOST_NAME_MAX     INT_MAX  // Not used.
2100041 #define LOGIN_NAME_MAX    INT_MAX  // Not used.
2100042 #define PAGE_SIZE         INT_MAX  // Not used.
2100043 #define RE_DUP_MAX        INT_MAX  // Not used.
2100044 #define STREAM_MAX        INT_MAX  // Not used.
2100045 #define SYMLOOP_MAX       INT_MAX  // Not used.
2100046 #define TTY_NAME_MAX      INT_MAX  // Not used.
2100047 #define TZNAME_MAX        INT_MAX  // Not used.
2100048 #define PIPE_MAX          INT_MAX  // Not used.
2100049 #define SYMLINK_MAX       INT_MAX  // Not used.
2100050 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2100052 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2110001 #ifndef _PTRDIFF_T_H
2110002 #define _PTRDIFF_T_H    1
2110004 typedef int ptrdiff_t;
2110006 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2120001 #ifndef _RESTRICT_H
2120002 #define _RESTRICT_H      1
2120004 #define restrict
2120006 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2130001 #ifndef _SIZE_T_H
2130002 #define _SIZE_T_H       1
2130003 //
2130004 // The type `size_t' *must* be equal to an `int'.
2130005 //
2130006 typedef unsigned int size_t;
2130008 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2140001 #ifndef _STDARG_H
2140002 #define _STDARG_H       1
2140003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2140004 typedef unsigned char *va_list;
2140005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2140007 #define va_start(ap, last) ((void) ((ap) = \
2140008                             ((va_list) &(last)) + (sizeof (last))))
2140009 #define va_end(ap)         ((void) ((ap) = 0))
2140010 #define va_copy(dest, src) ((void) ((dest) = (va_list) (src)))
2140011 #define va_arg(ap, type)   (((ap) = (ap) + (sizeof (type))), \
2140012                             *((type *) ((ap) - (sizeof (type)))))
2140013 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2140015 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2150001 #ifndef _STDBOOL_H
2150002 #define _STDBOOL_H      1
2150003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2150004 typedef unsigned char bool;     // [1]
2150005 #define true   ((bool) 1)
2150006 #define false  ((bool) 0)
2150007 #define __bool_true_false_are_defined   1
2150008 //
2150009 // [1] For some reason, it cannot be defined as a macro expanding to
2150010 //     `_Bool'. Anyway, it is the same kind of type.
2150011 //
2150012 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2150014 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2160001 #ifndef _STDDEF_H
2160002 #define _STDDEF_H      1
2160003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2160005 #include <ptrdiff_t.h>
2160006 #include <size_t.h>
2160007 #include <wchar_t.h>
2160008 #include <NULL.h>
2160009 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2160010 #define offsetof(type, member)  ((size_t) &((type *)0)->member)
2160011 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2160013 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2170001 #ifndef _STDINT_H
2170002 #define _STDINT_H       1
2170003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2170004 typedef signed char                   int8_t;
2170005 typedef short int                    int16_t;
2170006 typedef long int                     int32_t;
2170007 typedef unsigned char                uint8_t;
2170008 typedef unsigned short int          uint16_t;
2170009 typedef unsigned long int           uint32_t;
2170010 //
2170011 #define INT8_MIN                      (-0x80)
2170012 #define INT8_MAX                       (0x7F)
2170013 #define UINT8_MAX                      (0xFF)
2170014 #define INT16_MIN                   (-0x8000)
2170015 #define INT16_MAX                    (0x7FFF)
2170016 #define UINT16_MAX                   (0xFFFF)
2170017 #define INT32_MIN               (-0x80000000)
2170018 #define INT32_MAX                (0x7FFFFFFF)
2170019 #define UINT32_MAX               (0xFFFFFFFFU)
2170020 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2170021 typedef signed char             int_least8_t;
2170022 typedef short int              int_least16_t;
2170023 typedef long int               int_least32_t;
2170024 typedef unsigned char          uint_least8_t;
2170025 typedef unsigned short int    uint_least16_t;
2170026 typedef unsigned long int     uint_least32_t;
2170027 //
2170028 #define INT_LEAST8_MIN                (-0x80)
2170029 #define INT_LEAST8_MAX                 (0x7F)
2170030 #define UINT_LEAST8_MAX                (0xFF)
2170031 #define INT_LEAST16_MIN             (-0x8000)
2170032 #define INT_LEAST16_MAX              (0x7FFF)
2170033 #define UINT_LEAST16_MAX             (0xFFFF)
2170034 #define INT_LEAST32_MIN         (-0x80000000)
2170035 #define INT_LEAST32_MAX          (0x7FFFFFFF)
2170036 #define UINT_LEAST32_MAX        (0xFFFFFFFFU)
2170037 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2170038 #define INT8_C(VAL)              VAL
2170039 #define INT16_C(VAL)             VAL
2170040 #define INT32_C(VAL)             VAL
2170041 #define UINT8_C(VAL)             VAL
2170042 #define UINT16_C(VAL)            VAL
2170043 #define UINT32_C(VAL)            VAL ## U
2170044 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2170045 typedef signed char              int_fast8_t;
2170046 typedef int                     int_fast16_t;
2170047 typedef long int                int_fast32_t;
2170048 typedef unsigned char           uint_fast8_t;
2170049 typedef unsigned int           uint_fast16_t;
2170050 typedef unsigned long int      uint_fast32_t;
2170051 //
2170052 #define INT_FAST8_MIN                 (-0x80)
2170053 #define INT_FAST8_MAX                  (0x7F)
2170054 #define UINT_FAST8_MAX                 (0xFF)
2170055 #define INT_FAST16_MIN          (-0x80000000)
2170056 #define INT_FAST16_MAX           (0x7FFFFFFF)
2170057 #define UINT_FAST16_MAX          (0xFFFFFFFFU)
2170058 #define INT_FAST32_MIN          (-0x80000000)
2170059 #define INT_FAST32_MAX           (0x7FFFFFFF)
2170060 #define UINT_FAST32_MAX          (0xFFFFFFFFU)
2170061 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2170062 typedef int                         intptr_t;
2170063 typedef unsigned int               uintptr_t;
2170064 //
2170065 #define INTPTR_MIN              (-0x80000000)
2170066 #define INTPTR_MAX              (0x7FFFFFFF)
2170067 #define UINTPTR_MAX             (0xFFFFFFFFU)
2170068 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2170069 typedef long int                   intmax_t;
2170070 typedef unsigned long int         uintmax_t;
2170071 //
2170072 #define INTMAX_C(VAL)            VAL ## L
2170073 #define UINTMAX_C(VAL)           VAL ## UL
2170074 //
2170075 #define INTMAX_MIN             (-0x80000000L)
2170076 #define INTMAX_MAX              (0x7FFFFFFFL)
2170077 #define UINTMAX_MAX             (0xFFFFFFFFUL)
2170078 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2170079 #define PTRDIFF_MIN            (-0x80000000)
2170080 #define PTRDIFF_MAX             (0x7FFFFFFF)
2170081 //
2170082 #define SIG_ATOMIC_MIN         (-0x80000000)
2170083 #define SIG_ATOMIC_MAX          (0x7FFFFFFF)
2170084 //
2170085 #define SIZE_MAX                    (0xFFFFU)
2170086 //
2170087 #define WCHAR_MIN                        (0)
2170088 #define WCHAR_MAX                     (0xFFU)
2170089 //
2170090 #define WINT_MIN                     (-0x80L)
2170091 #define WINT_MAX                      (0x7FL)
2170092 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2170094 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2180001 #ifndef _TIME_T_H
2180002 #define _TIME_T_H       1
2180004 typedef long int time_t;
2180006 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2190001 #ifndef _WCHAR_T_H
2190002 #define _WCHAR_T_H      1
2190004 typedef unsigned char wchar_t;
2190006 #endif

os16: «lib/dirent.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2200001 #ifndef _DIRENT_H
2200002 #define _DIRENT_H        1
2200004 #include <sys/types.h>  // ino_t
2200005 #include <limits.h>     // NAME_MAX
2200006 #include <const.h>
2200008 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2200009 struct dirent {
2200010     ino_t  d_ino;                  // I-node number [1]
2200011     char   d_name[NAME_MAX+1];     // NAME_MAX + Null termination
2200012 };
2200013 //
2200014 // [1] The type `ino_t' must be equal to `uint16_t', because the
2200015 //     directory inside the Minix 1 file system has exactly such
2200016 //     size.
2200017 //
2200018 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2200019 #define DOPEN_MAX   OPEN_MAX/2  // <limits.h> [1]
2200020 //
2200021 // [1] DOPEN_MAX is not standard, but it is used to define how many
2200022 //     directory slot to keep for open directories. As directory streams
2200023 //     are opened as file descriptors, the sum of all kind of file open
2200024 //     cannot be more than OPEM_MAX.
2200025 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2200026 typedef struct {
2200027     int           fdn;       // File descriptor number.
2200028     struct dirent dir;       // Last directory item read.
2200029 } DIR;
2200031 extern DIR _directory_stream[]; // Defined inside `lib/dirent/DIR.c'.
2200032 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2200033 // Function prototypes.
2200034 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2200035 int            closedir  (DIR *dp);
2200036 DIR           *opendir   (const char *name);
2200037 struct dirent *readdir   (DIR *dp);
2200038 void           rewinddir (DIR *dp);
2200039 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2200041 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2210001 #include <dirent.h>
2210002 //
2210003 // There must be room for at least `DOPEN_MAX' elements.
2210004 //
2210005 DIR _directory_stream[DOPEN_MAX];
2210007 void
2210008 _dirent_directory_stream_setup (void)
2210009 {
2210010     int d;
2210011     //
2210012     for (d = 0; d < DOPEN_MAX; d++)
2210013       {
2210014         _directory_stream[d].fdn   = -1;
2210015       }
2210016 }


Si veda la sezione u0.10.

2220001 #include <dirent.h>
2220002 #include <fcntl.h>
2220003 #include <const.h>
2220004 #include <sys/types.h>
2220005 #include <sys/stat.h>
2220006 #include <unistd.h>
2220007 #include <errno.h>
2220008 #include <stddef.h>
2220009 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2220010 int
2220011 closedir (DIR *dp)
2220012 {
2220013     //
2220014     // Check for a valid argument
2220015     //
2220016     if (dp == NULL)
2220017       {
2220018         //
2220019         // Not a valid pointer.
2220020         //
2220021         errset (EBADF);         // Invalid directory.
2220022         return (-1);
2220023       }
2220024     //
2220025     // Check if it is an open directory stream.
2220026     //
2220027     if (dp->fdn < 0)
2220028       {
2220029         //
2220030         // The stream is closed.
2220031         //
2220032         errset (EBADF);         // Invalid directory.
2220033         return (-1);
2220034       }
2220035     //
2220036     // Close the file descriptor. It there is an error,
2220037     // the `errno' variable will be set by `close()'.
2220038     //
2220039     return (close (dp->fdn));
2220040 }


Si veda la sezione u0.76.

2230001 #include <dirent.h>
2230002 #include <fcntl.h>
2230003 #include <const.h>
2230004 #include <sys/types.h>
2230005 #include <sys/stat.h>
2230006 #include <unistd.h>
2230007 #include <errno.h>
2230008 #include <stddef.h>
2230009 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2230010 DIR *
2230011 opendir (const char *path)
2230012 {
2230013     int   fdn;
2230014     int   d;
2230015     DIR  *dp;
2230016     struct stat file_status;
2230017     //
2230018     // Function `opendir()' is used only for reading.
2230019     //
2230020     fdn = open (path, O_RDONLY);
2230021     //
2230022     // Check the file descriptor returned.
2230023     //
2230024     if (fdn < 0)
2230025       {
2230026         //
2230027         // The variable `errno' is already set:
2230028         //   EINVAL
2230029         //   EMFILE
2230030         //   ENFILE
2230031         //
2230032         errset (errno);
2230033         return (NULL);
2230034       }
2230035     //
2230036     // Set the `FD_CLOEXEC' flag for that file descriptor.
2230037     //
2230038     if (fcntl (fdn, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) != 0)
2230039       {
2230040         //
2230041         // The variable `errno' is already set:
2230042         //   EBADF
2230043         //
2230044         errset (errno);
2230045         close (fdn);
2230046         return (NULL);
2230047       }
2230048     //
2230049     //
2230050     //
2230051     if (fstat (fdn, &file_status) != 0)
2230052       {
2230053         //
2230054         // Error should be already set.
2230055         //
2230056         errset (errno);
2230057         close (fdn);
2230058         return (NULL);
2230059       }
2230060     //
2230061     // Verify it is a directory
2230062     //
2230063     if (!S_ISDIR(file_status.st_mode))
2230064       {
2230065         //
2230066         // It is not a directory!
2230067         //
2230068         close (fdn);
2230069         errset (ENOTDIR);               // Is not a directory.
2230070         return (NULL);
2230071       }
2230072     //
2230073     // A valid file descriptor is available: must find a free
2230074     // `_directory_stream[]' slot.
2230075     //
2230076     for (d = 0; d < DOPEN_MAX; d++)
2230077       {
2230078         if (_directory_stream[d].fdn < 0)
2230079           {
2230080             //
2230081             // Found a free slot: set it up.
2230082             //
2230083             dp = &(_directory_stream[d]);
2230084             dp->fdn   = fdn;
2230085             //
2230086             // Return the directory pointer.
2230087             //
2230088             return (dp);
2230089           }
2230090       }
2230091     //
2230092     // If we are here, there was no free directory slot available.
2230093     //
2230094     close  (fdn);
2230095     errset (EMFILE);                    // Too many file open.
2230096     return (NULL);
2230097 }


Si veda la sezione u0.86.

2240001 #include <dirent.h>
2240002 #include <fcntl.h>
2240003 #include <sys/types.h>
2240004 #include <sys/stat.h>
2240005 #include <unistd.h>
2240006 #include <errno.h>
2240007 #include <stddef.h>
2240008 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2240009 struct dirent *
2240010 readdir (DIR *dp)
2240011 {
2240012     ssize_t size;
2240013     //
2240014     // Check for a valid argument.
2240015     //
2240016     if (dp == NULL)
2240017       {
2240018         //
2240019         // Not a valid pointer.
2240020         //
2240021         errset (EBADF);         // Invalid directory.
2240022         return (NULL);
2240023       }
2240024     //
2240025     // Check if it is an open directory stream.
2240026     //
2240027     if (dp->fdn < 0)
2240028       {
2240029         //
2240030         // The stream is closed.
2240031         //
2240032         errset (EBADF);         // Invalid directory.
2240033         return (NULL);
2240034       }
2240035     //
2240036     // Read the directory.
2240037     //
2240038     size = read (dp->fdn, &(dp->dir),
2240039                  (size_t) 16);
2240040     //
2240041     // Fix the null termination, if the name is very long.
2240042     //
2240043     dp->dir.d_name[NAME_MAX] = '\0';
2240044     //
2240045     // Check what was read.
2240046     //
2240047     if (size == 0)
2240048       {
2240049         //
2240050         // End of directory, but it is not an error.
2240051         //
2240052         return (NULL);
2240053       }
2240054     //
2240055     if (size < 0)
2240056       {
2240057         //
2240058         // This is an error. The variable `errno' is already set.
2240059         //
2240060         errset (errno);
2240061         return (NULL);
2240062       }
2240063     //
2240064     if (dp->dir.d_ino == 0)
2240065       {
2240066         //
2240067         // This is a null directory record.
2240068         // Should try to read the next one.
2240069         //
2240070         return (readdir (dp));
2240071       }
2240072     //
2240073     if (strlen (dp->dir.d_name) == 0)
2240074       {
2240075         //
2240076         // This is a bad directory record: try to read next.
2240077         //
2240078         return (readdir (dp));
2240079       }
2240080     //
2240081     // A valid directory record should be available now.
2240082     //
2240083     return (&(dp->dir));
2240084 }


Si veda la sezione u0.89.

2250001 #include <dirent.h>
2250002 #include <fcntl.h>
2250003 #include <const.h>
2250004 #include <sys/types.h>
2250005 #include <sys/stat.h>
2250006 #include <unistd.h>
2250007 #include <errno.h>
2250008 #include <stddef.h>
2250009 #include <stdio.h>
2250010 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2250011 void
2250012 rewinddir (DIR *dp)
2250013 {
2250014     FILE *fp;
2250015     //
2250016     // Check for a valid argument.
2250017     //
2250018     if (dp == NULL)
2250019       {
2250020         //
2250021         // Nothing to rewind, and no error to set.
2250022         //
2250023         return;
2250024       }
2250025     //
2250026     // Check if it is an open directory stream.
2250027     //
2250028     if (dp->fdn < 0)
2250029       {
2250030         //
2250031         // The stream is closed.
2250032         // Nothing to rewind, and no error to set.
2250033         //
2250034         return;
2250035       }
2250036     //
2250037     //
2250038     //
2250039     fp = &_stream[dp->fdn];
2250040     //
2250041     rewind (fp);
2250042 }

os16: «lib/errno.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.18.

2260001 #ifndef _ERRNO_H
2260002 #define _ERRNO_H       1
2260004 #include <limits.h>
2260005 #include <string.h>
2260006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2260007 // The variable `errno' is standard, but `errln' and `errfn' are added
2260008 // to keep track of the error source. Variable `errln' is used to save
2260009 // the source file line number; variable `errfn' is used to save the
2260010 // source file name. To set these variable in a consistent way it is
2260011 // also added a macro-instruction: `errset'.
2260012 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2260013 extern int   errno;
2260014 extern int   errln;
2260015 extern char  errfn[PATH_MAX];
2260016 #define errset(e)       (errln = __LINE__, \
2260017                          strncpy (errfn, __FILE__, PATH_MAX), \
2260018                          errno = e)
2260019 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2260020 // Standard POSIX `errno' macro variables.
2260021 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2260022 #define E2BIG            1 // Argument list too long.
2260023 #define EACCES           2 // Permission denied.
2260024 #define EADDRINUSE       3 // Address in use.
2260025 #define EADDRNOTAVAIL    4 // Address not available.
2260026 #define EAFNOSUPPORT     5 // Address family not supported.
2260027 #define EAGAIN           6 // Resource unavailable, try again.
2260028 #define EALREADY         7 // Connection already in progress.
2260029 #define EBADF            8 // Bad file descriptor.
2260030 #define EBADMSG          9 // Bad message.
2260031 #define EBUSY           10 // Device or resource busy.
2260032 #define ECANCELED       11 // Operation canceled.
2260033 #define ECHILD          12 // No child processes.
2260034 #define ECONNABORTED    13 // Connection aborted.
2260035 #define ECONNREFUSED    14 // Connection refused.
2260036 #define ECONNRESET      15 // Connection reset.
2260037 #define EDEADLK         16 // Resource deadlock would occur.
2260038 #define EDESTADDRREQ    17 // Destination address required.
2260039 #define EDOM            18 // Mathematics argument out of domain of
2260040                            // function.
2260041 #define EDQUOT          19 // Reserved.
2260042 #define EEXIST          20 // File exists.
2260043 #define EFAULT          21 // Bad address.
2260044 #define EFBIG           22 // File too large.
2260045 #define EHOSTUNREACH    23 // Host is unreachable.
2260046 #define EIDRM           24 // Identifier removed.
2260047 #define EILSEQ          25 // Illegal byte sequence.
2260048 #define EINPROGRESS     26 // Operation in progress.
2260049 #define EINTR           27 // Interrupted function.
2260050 #define EINVAL          28 // Invalid argument.
2260051 #define EIO             29 // I/O error.
2260052 #define EISCONN         30 // Socket is connected.
2260053 #define EISDIR          31 // Is a directory.
2260054 #define ELOOP           32 // Too many levels of symbolic links.
2260055 #define EMFILE          33 // Too many open files.
2260056 #define EMLINK          34 // Too many links.
2260057 #define EMSGSIZE        35 // Message too large.
2260058 #define EMULTIHOP       36 // Reserved.
2260059 #define ENAMETOOLONG    37 // Filename too long.
2260060 #define ENETDOWN        38 // Network is down.
2260061 #define ENETRESET       39 // Connection aborted by network.
2260062 #define ENETUNREACH     40 // Network unreachable.
2260063 #define ENFILE          41 // Too many files open in system.
2260064 #define ENOBUFS         42 // No buffer space available.
2260065 #define ENODATA         43 // No message is available on the stream head
2260066                            // read queue.
2260067 #define ENODEV          44 // No such device.
2260068 #define ENOENT          45 // No such file or directory.
2260069 #define ENOEXEC         46 // Executable file format error.
2260070 #define ENOLCK          47 // No locks available.
2260071 #define ENOLINK         48 // Reserved.
2260072 #define ENOMEM          49 // Not enough space.
2260073 #define ENOMSG          50 // No message of the desired type.
2260074 #define ENOPROTOOPT     51 // Protocol not available.
2260075 #define ENOSPC          52 // No space left on device.
2260076 #define ENOSR           53 // No stream resources.
2260077 #define ENOSTR          54 // Not a stream.
2260078 #define ENOSYS          55 // Function not supported.
2260079 #define ENOTCONN        56 // The socket is not connected.
2260080 #define ENOTDIR         57 // Not a directory.
2260081 #define ENOTEMPTY       58 // Directory not empty.
2260082 #define ENOTSOCK        59 // Not a socket.
2260083 #define ENOTSUP         60 // Not supported.
2260084 #define ENOTTY          61 // Inappropriate I/O control operation.
2260085 #define ENXIO           62 // No such device or address.
2260086 #define EOPNOTSUPP      63 // Operation not supported on socket.
2260087 #define EOVERFLOW       64 // Value too large to be stored in data type.
2260088 #define EPERM           65 // Operation not permitted.
2260089 #define EPIPE           66 // Broken pipe.
2260090 #define EPROTO          67 // Protocol error.
2260091 #define EPROTONOSUPPORT 68 // Protocol not supported.
2260092 #define EPROTOTYPE      69 // Protocol wrong type for socket.
2260093 #define ERANGE          70 // Result too large.
2260094 #define EROFS           71 // Read-only file system.
2260095 #define ESPIPE          72 // Invalid seek.
2260096 #define ESRCH           73 // No such process.
2260097 #define ESTALE          74 // Reserved.
2260098 #define ETIME           75 // Stream ioctl() timeout.
2260099 #define ETIMEDOUT       76 // Connection timed out.
2260100 #define ETXTBSY         77 // Text file busy.
2260101 #define EWOULDBLOCK     78 // Operation would block
2260102                            // (may be the same as EAGAIN).
2260103 #define EXDEV           79 // Cross-device link.
2260104 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2260105 // Added os16 errors.
2260106 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2260107 #define EUNKNOWN                   (-1) // Unknown error.
2260108 #define E_FILE_TYPE                 80  // File type not compatible.
2260109 #define E_ROOT_INODE_NOT_CACHED     81  // The root directory inode is
2260110                                         // not cached.
2260111 #define E_CANNOT_READ_SUPERBLOCK    83  // Cannot read super block.
2260112 #define E_MAP_INODE_TOO_BIG         84  // Map inode too big.
2260113 #define E_MAP_ZONE_TOO_BIG          85  // Map zone too big.
2260114 #define E_DATA_ZONE_TOO_BIG         86  // Data zone too big.
2260115 #define E_CANNOT_FIND_ROOT_DEVICE   87  // Cannot find root device.
2260116 #define E_CANNOT_FIND_ROOT_INODE    88  // Cannot find root inode.
2260117 #define E_FILE_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED     89  // File type unsupported.
2260118 #define E_ENV_TOO_BIG               90  // Environment too big.
2260119 #define E_LIMIT                     91  // Exceeded implementation
2260120                                         // limits.
2260121 #define E_NOT_MOUNTED               92  // Not mounted.
2260122 #define E_NOT_IMPLEMENTED           93  // Not implemented.
2260123 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2260124 // Default descriptions for errors.
2260125 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2260126 #define TEXT_E2BIG                      "Argument list too long."
2260127 #define TEXT_EACCES                     "Permission denied."
2260128 #define TEXT_EADDRINUSE                 "Address in use."
2260129 #define TEXT_EADDRNOTAVAIL              "Address not available."
2260130 #define TEXT_EAFNOSUPPORT               "Address family not supported."
2260131 #define TEXT_EAGAIN                     "Resource unavailable, " \
2260132                                         "try again."
2260133 #define TEXT_EALREADY                   "Connection already in " \
2260134                                         "progress."
2260135 #define TEXT_EBADF                      "Bad file descriptor."
2260136 #define TEXT_EBADMSG                    "Bad message."
2260137 #define TEXT_EBUSY                      "Device or resource busy."
2260138 #define TEXT_ECANCELED                  "Operation canceled."
2260139 #define TEXT_ECHILD                     "No child processes."
2260140 #define TEXT_ECONNABORTED               "Connection aborted."
2260141 #define TEXT_ECONNREFUSED               "Connection refused."
2260142 #define TEXT_ECONNRESET                 "Connection reset."
2260143 #define TEXT_EDEADLK                    "Resource deadlock would occur."
2260144 #define TEXT_EDESTADDRREQ               "Destination address required."
2260145 #define TEXT_EDOM                       "Mathematics argument out of " \
2260146                                         "domain of function."
2260147 #define TEXT_EDQUOT                     "Reserved error: EDQUOT"
2260148 #define TEXT_EEXIST                     "File exists."
2260149 #define TEXT_EFAULT                     "Bad address."
2260150 #define TEXT_EFBIG                      "File too large."
2260151 #define TEXT_EHOSTUNREACH               "Host is unreachable."
2260152 #define TEXT_EIDRM                      "Identifier removed."
2260153 #define TEXT_EILSEQ                     "Illegal byte sequence."
2260154 #define TEXT_EINPROGRESS                "Operation in progress."
2260155 #define TEXT_EINTR                      "Interrupted function."
2260156 #define TEXT_EINVAL                     "Invalid argument."
2260157 #define TEXT_EIO                        "I/O error."
2260158 #define TEXT_EISCONN                    "Socket is connected."
2260159 #define TEXT_EISDIR                     "Is a directory."
2260160 #define TEXT_ELOOP                      "Too many levels of " \
2260161                                         "symbolic links."
2260162 #define TEXT_EMFILE                     "Too many open files."
2260163 #define TEXT_EMLINK                     "Too many links."
2260164 #define TEXT_EMSGSIZE                   "Message too large."
2260165 #define TEXT_EMULTIHOP                  "Reserved error: EMULTIHOP"
2260166 #define TEXT_ENAMETOOLONG               "Filename too long."
2260167 #define TEXT_ENETDOWN                   "Network is down."
2260168 #define TEXT_ENETRESET                  "Connection aborted by network."
2260169 #define TEXT_ENETUNREACH                "Network unreachable."
2260170 #define TEXT_ENFILE                     "Too many files open in system."
2260171 #define TEXT_ENOBUFS                    "No buffer space available."
2260172 #define TEXT_ENODATA                    "No message is available on " \
2260173                                         "the stream head read queue."
2260174 #define TEXT_ENODEV                     "No such device."
2260175 #define TEXT_ENOENT                     "No such file or directory."
2260176 #define TEXT_ENOEXEC                    "Executable file format error."
2260177 #define TEXT_ENOLCK                     "No locks available."
2260178 #define TEXT_ENOLINK                    "Reserved error: ENOLINK"
2260179 #define TEXT_ENOMEM                     "Not enough space."
2260180 #define TEXT_ENOMSG                     "No message of the desired " \
2260181                                         "type."
2260182 #define TEXT_ENOPROTOOPT                "Protocol not available."
2260183 #define TEXT_ENOSPC                     "No space left on device."
2260184 #define TEXT_ENOSR                      "No stream resources."
2260185 #define TEXT_ENOSTR                     "Not a stream."
2260186 #define TEXT_ENOSYS                     "Function not supported."
2260187 #define TEXT_ENOTCONN                   "The socket is not connected."
2260188 #define TEXT_ENOTDIR                    "Not a directory."
2260189 #define TEXT_ENOTEMPTY                  "Directory not empty."
2260190 #define TEXT_ENOTSOCK                   "Not a socket."
2260191 #define TEXT_ENOTSUP                    "Not supported."
2260192 #define TEXT_ENOTTY                     "Inappropriate I/O control " \
2260193                                         "operation."
2260194 #define TEXT_ENXIO                      "No such device or address."
2260195 #define TEXT_EOPNOTSUPP                 "Operation not supported on " \
2260196                                         "socket."
2260197 #define TEXT_EOVERFLOW                  "Value too large to be " \
2260198                                         "stored in data type."
2260199 #define TEXT_EPERM                      "Operation not permitted."
2260200 #define TEXT_EPIPE                      "Broken pipe."
2260201 #define TEXT_EPROTO                     "Protocol error."
2260202 #define TEXT_EPROTONOSUPPORT            "Protocol not supported."
2260203 #define TEXT_EPROTOTYPE                 "Protocol wrong type for " \
2260204                                         "socket."
2260205 #define TEXT_ERANGE                     "Result too large."
2260206 #define TEXT_EROFS                      "Read-only file system."
2260207 #define TEXT_ESPIPE                     "Invalid seek."
2260208 #define TEXT_ESRCH                      "No such process."
2260209 #define TEXT_ESTALE                     "Reserved error: ESTALE"
2260210 #define TEXT_ETIME                      "Stream ioctl() timeout."
2260211 #define TEXT_ETIMEDOUT                  "Connection timed out."
2260212 #define TEXT_ETXTBSY                    "Text file busy."
2260213 #define TEXT_EWOULDBLOCK                "Operation would block."
2260214 #define TEXT_EXDEV                      "Cross-device link."
2260215 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2260216 #define TEXT_EUNKNOWN                   "Unknown error."
2260217 #define TEXT_E_FILE_TYPE                "File type not compatible."
2260218 #define TEXT_E_ROOT_INODE_NOT_CACHED    "The root directory inode " \
2260219                                         "is not cached."
2260220 #define TEXT_E_CANNOT_READ_SUPERBLOCK   "Cannot read super block."
2260221 #define TEXT_E_MAP_INODE_TOO_BIG        "Map inode too big."
2260222 #define TEXT_E_MAP_ZONE_TOO_BIG         "Map zone too big."
2260223 #define TEXT_E_DATA_ZONE_TOO_BIG        "Data zone too big."
2260224 #define TEXT_E_CANNOT_FIND_ROOT_DEVICE  "Cannot find root device."
2260225 #define TEXT_E_CANNOT_FIND_ROOT_INODE   "Cannot find root inode."
2260226 #define TEXT_E_FILE_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED    "File type unsupported."
2260227 #define TEXT_E_ENV_TOO_BIG              "Environment too big."
2260228 #define TEXT_E_LIMIT                    "Exceeded implementation " \
2260229                                         "limits."
2260230 #define TEXT_E_NOT_MOUNTED               "Not mounted."
2260231 #define TEXT_E_NOT_IMPLEMENTED          "Not implemented."
2260233 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2260234 // The function `error()' is not standard and is used to return a
2260235 // pointer to a string containing the default description of the
2260236 // error contained inside `errno'.
2260237 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2260238 char *error      (void);        // Not standard!
2260240 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.18.

2270001 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2270002 // This file does not include the `errno.h' header, because here `errno'
2270003 // should not be declared as an extern variable!
2270004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2270006 #include <limits.h>
2270007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2270008 // The variable `errno' is standard, but `errln' and `errfn' are added
2270009 // to keep track of the error source. Variable `errln' is used to save
2270010 // the source file line number; variable `errfn' is used to save the
2270011 // source file name. To set these variable in a consistent way it is
2270012 // also added a macro-instruction: `errset'.
2270013 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2270014 int  errno;
2270015 int  errln;
2270016 char errfn[PATH_MAX];
2270017 //----------------------------------------------------------------------

os16: «lib/fcntl.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2280001 #ifndef _FCNTL_H
2280002 #define _FCNTL_H        1
2280004 #include <const.h>
2280005 #include <sys/types.h>  // mode_t
2280006                         // off_t
2280007                         // pid_t
2280008 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2280009 // Values for the second parameter of function `fcntl()'.
2280010 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2280011 #define F_DUPFD         0       // Duplicate file descriptor.
2280012 #define F_GETFD         1       // Get file descriptor flags.
2280013 #define F_SETFD         2       // Set file descriptor flags.
2280014 #define F_GETFL         3       // Get file status flags.
2280015 #define F_SETFL         4       // Set file status flags.
2280016 #define F_GETLK         5       // Get record locking information.
2280017 #define F_SETLK         6       // Set record locking information.
2280018 #define F_SETLKW        7       // Set record locking information;
2280019                                 // wait if blocked.
2280020 #define F_GETOWN        8       // Set owner of socket.
2280021 #define F_SETOWN        9       // Get owner of socket.
2280022 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2280023 // Flags to be set with:
2280024 //   fcntl (fd, F_SETFD, ...);
2280025 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2280026 #define FD_CLOEXEC      1       // Close the file descriptor upon
2280027                                 // execution of an exec() family
2280028                                 // function.
2280029 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2280030 // Values for type `l_type', used for record locking with `fcntl()'.
2280031 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2280032 #define F_RDLCK         0       // Read lock.
2280033 #define F_WRLCK         1       // Write lock.
2280034 #define F_UNLCK         2       // Remove lock.
2280035 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2280036 // Flags for file creation, in place of `oflag' parameter for function
2280037 // `open()'.
2280038 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2280039 #define O_CREAT         000010  // Create file if it does not exist.
2280040 #define O_EXCL          000020  // Exclusive use flag.
2280041 #define O_NOCTTY        000040  // Do not assign a controlling terminal.
2280042 #define O_TRUNC         000100  // Truncation flag.
2280043 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2280044 // Flags for the file status, used with `open()' and `fcntl()'.
2280045 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2280046 #define O_APPEND        000200  // Write append.
2280047 #define O_DSYNC         000400  // Synchronized write operations.
2280048 #define O_NONBLOCK      001000  // Non-blocking mode.
2280049 #define O_RSYNC         002000  // Synchronized read operations.
2280050 #define O_SYNC          004000  // Synchronized read and write.
2280051 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2280052 // File access mask selection.
2280053 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2280054 #define O_ACCMODE       000003  // Mask to select the last three bits,
2280055                                 // used to specify the main access
2280056                                 // modes: read, write and both.
2280057 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2280058 // Main access modes.
2280059 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2280060 #define O_RDONLY        000001                  // Read.
2280061 #define O_WRONLY        000002                  // Write.
2280062 #define O_RDWR          (O_RDONLY | O_WRONLY)   // Both read and write.
2280063 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2280064 // Structure `flock', used to file lock for POSIX standard. It is not
2280065 // used inside os16.
2280066 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2280067 struct flock {
2280068     short int l_type;   // Type of lock: F_RDLCK, F_WRLCK, or F_UNLCK.
2280069     short int l_whence; // Start reference point.
2280070     off_t     l_start;  // Offset, from `l_whence', for the area start.
2280071     off_t     l_len;    // Locked area size. Zero means up to the end of
2280072                         // the file.
2280073     pid_t     l_pid;    // The process id blocking the area.
2280074 };
2280075 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2280076 // Function prototypes.
2280077 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2280078 int creat (const char *path, mode_t mode);
2280079 int fcntl (int fdn, int cmd, ...);
2280080 int open  (const char *path, int oflags, ...);
2280081 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2280083 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.11.

2290001 #include <fcntl.h>
2290002 #include <sys/types.h>
2290003 #include <const.h>
2290004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2290005 int
2290006 creat (const char *path, mode_t mode)
2290007 {
2290008     return (open (path, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, mode));
2290009 }


Si veda la sezione u0.13.

2300001 #include <fcntl.h>
2300002 #include <stdarg.h>
2300003 #include <stddef.h>
2300004 #include <string.h>
2300005 #include <errno.h>
2300006 #include <sys/os16.h>
2300007 #include <const.h>
2300008 #include <limits.h>
2300009 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2300010 int
2300011 fcntl (int fdn, int cmd, ...)
2300012 {
2300013     va_list ap;
2300014     sysmsg_fcntl_t msg;
2300015     va_start (ap, cmd);
2300016     //
2300017     // Well known arguments.
2300018     //
2300019     msg.fdn = fdn;
2300020     msg.cmd = cmd;
2300021     //
2300022     // Select other arguments.
2300023     //
2300024     switch (cmd)
2300025       {
2300026         case F_DUPFD:
2300027         case F_SETFD:
2300028         case F_SETFL:
2300029             msg.arg = va_arg (ap, int);
2300030             break;
2300031         case F_GETFD:
2300032         case F_GETFL:
2300033             break;
2300034         case F_GETOWN:
2300035         case F_SETOWN:
2300036         case F_GETLK:
2300037         case F_SETLK:
2300038         case F_SETLKW:
2300039             errset (E_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);         // Not implemented.
2300040             return (-1);
2300041         default:
2300042             errset (EINVAL);                    // Not implemented.
2300043             return (NULL);
2300044       }
2300045     //
2300046     // Do the system call.
2300047     //
2300048     sys (SYS_FCNTL, &msg, (sizeof msg));
2300049     errno = msg.errno;
2300050     errln = msg.errln;
2300051     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
2300052     return (msg.ret);
2300053 }


Si veda la sezione u0.28.

2310001 #include <fcntl.h>
2310002 #include <stdarg.h>
2310003 #include <stddef.h>
2310004 #include <string.h>
2310005 #include <errno.h>
2310006 #include <sys/os16.h>
2310007 #include <const.h>
2310008 #include <limits.h>
2310009 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2310010 int
2310011 open (const char *path, int oflags, ...)
2310012 {
2310013     va_list ap;
2310014     sysmsg_open_t msg;
2310015     va_start (ap, oflags);
2310016     if (path == NULL || strlen (path) == 0)
2310017       {
2310018         errset (EINVAL);        // Invalid argument.
2310019         return (-1);
2310020       }
2310021     strncpy (msg.path, path, PATH_MAX);
2310022     msg.flags = oflags;
2310023     msg.mode  = va_arg (ap, mode_t);
2310024     sys (SYS_OPEN, &msg, (sizeof msg));
2310025     errno = msg.errno;
2310026     errln = msg.errln;
2310027     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
2310028     return (msg.ret);
2310029 }

os16: «lib/grp.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2320001 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2320002 // os16 does not have a group management!
2320003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2320005 #ifndef _GRP_H
2320006 #define _GRP_H        1
2320008 #include <const.h>
2320009 #include <restrict.h>
2320010 #include <sys/types.h>          // gid_t
2320012 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2320013 struct group {
2320014     char   *gr_name;
2320015     gid_t   gr_gid;
2320016     char  **gr_mem;
2320017 };
2320018 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2320019 struct group *getgrgid (gid_t gid);
2320020 struct group *getgrnam (const char *name);
2320021 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2320023 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2330001 #include <grp.h>
2330002 #include <NULL.h>
2330003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2330004 struct group *
2330005 getgrgid (gid_t gid)
2330006 {
2330007     static char *name = "none";
2330008     static struct group grp;
2330009     //
2330010     // os16 does not have a group management, so the answare is always
2330011     // the same.
2330012     //
2330013     grp.gr_name = name;
2330014     grp.gr_gid  = (gid_t) -1;
2330015     grp.gr_mem  = NULL;
2330016     //
2330017     return (&grp);
2330018 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2340001 #include <grp.h>
2340002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2340003 struct group *
2340004 getgrnam (const char *name)
2340005 {
2340006     return (getgrgid ((gid_t) 0));
2340007 }

os16: «lib/libgen.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2350001 #ifndef _LIBGEN_H
2350002 #define _LIBGEN_H       1
2350004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2350005 char *basename (char *path);
2350006 char *dirname  (char *path);
2350007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2350009 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.7.

2360001 #include <libgen.h>
2360002 #include <limits.h>
2360003 #include <stddef.h>
2360004 #include <string.h>
2360005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2360006 char *
2360007 basename (char *path)
2360008 {
2360009     static char  *point = ".";          // When `path' is NULL.
2360010            char  *p;                    // Pointer inside `path'.
2360011            int    i;                    // Scan index inside `path'.
2360012     //
2360013     // Empty path.
2360014     //
2360015     if (path == NULL || strlen (path) == 0)
2360016       {
2360017         return (point);
2360018       }
2360019     //
2360020     // Remove all final `/' if it exists, excluded the first character:
2360021     // `i' is kept greater than zero.
2360022     //
2360023     for (i = (strlen (path) - 1); i > 0 && path[i] == '/'; i--)
2360024       {
2360025         path[i] = 0;
2360026       }
2360027     //
2360028     // After removal of extra final `/', if there is only one `/', this
2360029     // is to be returned.
2360030     //
2360031     if (strncmp (path, "/",  PATH_MAX) == 0)
2360032       {
2360033         return (path);
2360034       }
2360035     //
2360036     // If there are no `/'.
2360037     //
2360038     if (strchr (path, '/') == NULL)
2360039       {
2360040         return (path);
2360041       }
2360042     //
2360043     // Find the last `/' and calculate a pointer to the base name.
2360044     //
2360045     p = strrchr (path, (unsigned int) '/');
2360046     p++;
2360047     //
2360048     // Return the pointer to the base name.
2360049     //
2360050     return (p);
2360051 }


Si veda la sezione u0.7.

2370001 #include <libgen.h>
2370002 #include <limits.h>
2370003 #include <stddef.h>
2370004 #include <string.h>
2370005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2370006 char *
2370007 dirname (char *path)
2370008 {
2370009     static char  *point = ".";          // When `path' is NULL.
2370010            char  *p;                    // Pointer inside `path'.
2370011            int    i;                    // Scan index inside `path'.
2370012     //
2370013     // Empty path.
2370014     //
2370015     if      (path == NULL || strlen (path) == 0)
2370016       {
2370017         return (point);
2370018       }
2370019     //
2370020     // Simple cases.
2370021     //
2370022     if (strncmp (path, "/",  PATH_MAX) == 0  ||
2370023         strncmp (path, ".",  PATH_MAX) == 0  ||
2370024         strncmp (path, "..", PATH_MAX) == 0)
2370025       {
2370026         return (path);
2370027       }
2370028     //
2370029     // Remove all final `/' if it exists, excluded the first character:
2370030     // `i' is kept greater than zero.
2370031     //
2370032     for (i = (strlen (path) - 1); i > 0 && path[i] == '/'; i--)
2370033       {
2370034         path[i] = 0;
2370035       }
2370036     //
2370037     // After removal of extra final `/', if there is only one `/', this
2370038     // is to be returned.
2370039     //
2370040     if (strncmp (path, "/",  PATH_MAX) == 0)
2370041       {
2370042         return (path);
2370043       }
2370044     //
2370045     // If there are no `/'
2370046     //
2370047     if (strchr (path, '/') == NULL)
2370048       {
2370049         return (point);
2370050       }
2370051     //
2370052     // If there is only a `/' a the beginning.
2370053     //
2370054     if (path[0] == '/'                                 &&
2370055         strchr (&path[1], (unsigned int) '/') == NULL)
2370056       {
2370057         path[1] = 0;
2370058         return (path);
2370059       }
2370060     //
2370061     // Replace the last `/' with zero.
2370062     //
2370063      p = strrchr (path, (unsigned int) '/');
2370064     *p = 0;
2370065     //
2370066     // Now remove extra duplicated final `/', except the very first
2370067     // character: `i' is kept greater than zero.
2370068     //
2370069     for (i = (strlen (path) - 1); i > 0 && path[i] == '/'; i--)
2370070       {
2370071         path[i] = 0;
2370072       }
2370073     //
2370074     // Now `path' appears as a reduced string: the original path string
2370075     // is modified.
2370076     //
2370077     return (path);
2370078 }

os16: «lib/pwd.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2380001 #ifndef _PWD_H
2380002 #define _PWD_H        1
2380004 #include <const.h>
2380005 #include <restrict.h>
2380006 #include <sys/types.h>          // gid_t, uid_t
2380007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2380008 struct passwd {
2380009     char  *pw_name;
2380010     char  *pw_passwd;
2380011     uid_t  pw_uid;
2380012     gid_t  pw_gid;
2380013     char  *pw_gecos;
2380014     char  *pw_dir;
2380015     char  *pw_shell;
2380016 };
2380017 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2380018 struct passwd *getpwent (void);
2380019 void           setpwent (void);
2380020 void           endpwent (void);
2380021 struct passwd *getpwnam (const char *name);
2380022 struct passwd *getpwuid (uid_t uid);
2380023 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2380025 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.53.

2390001 #include <pwd.h>
2390002 #include <stdio.h>
2390003 #include <string.h>
2390004 #include <stdlib.h>
2390006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2390007 static char          buffer[BUFSIZ];
2390008 static struct passwd pw;
2390009 static FILE         *fp = NULL;
2390010 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2390011 struct passwd *
2390012 getpwent (void)
2390013 {
2390014     void *pstatus;
2390015     char *char_uid;
2390016     char *char_gid;
2390017     //
2390018     if (fp == NULL)
2390019       {
2390020         fp = fopen ("/etc/passwd", "r");
2390021         if (fp == NULL)
2390022           {
2390023             return NULL;
2390024           }
2390025       }
2390026     //
2390027     pstatus = fgets (buffer, BUFSIZ, fp);
2390028     if (pstatus == NULL)
2390029       {
2390030         return (NULL);
2390031       }
2390032     //
2390033     pw.pw_name   = strtok (buffer, ":");
2390034     pw.pw_passwd = strtok (NULL, ":");
2390035     char_uid     = strtok (NULL, ":");
2390036     char_gid     = strtok (NULL, ":");
2390037     pw.pw_gecos  = strtok (NULL, ":");
2390038     pw.pw_dir    = strtok (NULL, ":");
2390039     pw.pw_shell  = strtok (NULL, ":");
2390040     pw.pw_uid    = (uid_t) atoi (char_uid);
2390041     pw.pw_gid    = (gid_t) atoi (char_gid);
2390042     //
2390043     return (&pw);
2390044 }
2390045 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2390046 void
2390047 endpwent (void)
2390048 {
2390049     int status;
2390050     //
2390051     if (fp != NULL)
2390052       {
2390053         fclose (fp);
2390054         if (status != NULL)
2390055           {
2390056             fp = NULL;
2390057           }
2390058       }
2390059 }
2390060 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2390061 void
2390062 setpwent (void)
2390063 {
2390064     if (fp != NULL)
2390065       {
2390066         rewind (fp);
2390067       }
2390068 }
2390069 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2390070 struct passwd *
2390071 getpwnam (const char *name)
2390072 {
2390073     struct passwd *pw;
2390074     //
2390075     setpwent ();
2390076     //
2390077     for (;;)
2390078       {
2390079         pw = getpwent ();
2390080         if (pw == NULL)
2390081           {
2390082             return (NULL);
2390083           }
2390084         if (strcmp (pw->pw_name, name) == 0)
2390085           {
2390086             return (pw);
2390087           }
2390088       }
2390089 }
2390090 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2390091 struct passwd *
2390092 getpwuid (uid_t uid)
2390093 {
2390094     struct passwd *pw;
2390095     //
2390096     setpwent ();
2390097     //
2390098     for (;;)
2390099       {
2390100         pw = getpwent ();
2390101         if (pw == NULL)
2390102           {
2390103             return (NULL);
2390104           }
2390105         if (pw->pw_uid == uid)
2390106           {
2390107             return (pw);
2390108           }
2390109       }
2390110 }

os16: «lib/signal.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2400001 #ifndef _SIGNAL_H
2400002 #define _SIGNAL_H       1
2400004 #include <sys/types.h>
2400005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2400006 #define SIGHUP           1
2400007 #define SIGINT           2
2400008 #define SIGQUIT          3
2400009 #define SIGILL           4
2400010 #define SIGABRT          6
2400011 #define SIGFPE           8
2400012 #define SIGKILL          9
2400013 #define SIGSEGV         11
2400014 #define SIGPIPE         13
2400015 #define SIGALRM         14
2400016 #define SIGTERM         15
2400017 #define SIGSTOP         17
2400018 #define SIGTSTP         18
2400019 #define SIGCONT         19
2400020 #define SIGCHLD         20
2400021 #define SIGTTIN         21
2400022 #define SIGTTOU         22
2400023 #define SIGUSR1         30
2400024 #define SIGUSR2         31
2400025 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2400026 typedef int sig_atomic_t;
2400027 typedef void (*sighandler_t) (int); // The type `sighandler_t' is a
2400028                                     // pointer to a function for the
2400029                                     // signal handling, with a parameter
2400030                                     // of type `int', returning `void'.
2400031 //
2400032 // Special undeclarable functions.
2400033 //
2400034 #define SIG_ERR ((sighandler_t) -1) // It transform an integer number
2400035 #define SIG_DFL ((sighandler_t) 0)  // into a `sighandler_t' type,
2400036 #define SIG_IGN ((sighandler_t) 1)  // that is, a pointer to a function
2400037                                     // that does not exists really.
2400038 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2400039 sighandler_t signal (int sig, sighandler_t handler);
2400040 int          kill   (pid_t pid, int sig);
2400041 int          raise  (int sig);
2400042 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2400044 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.22.

2410001 #include <sys/os16.h>
2410002 #include <sys/types.h>
2410003 #include <signal.h>
2410004 #include <errno.h>
2410005 #include <string.h>
2410006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2410007 int
2410008 kill (pid_t pid, int sig)
2410009 {
2410010     sysmsg_kill_t msg;
2410011     if (pid < -1)       // Currently unsupported.
2410012       {
2410013         errset (ESRCH);
2410014         return (-1);
2410015       }
2410016    = pid;
2410017     msg.signal = sig;    
2410018     msg.ret    = 0;
2410019     msg.errno  = 0;
2410020     sys (SYS_KILL, &msg, (sizeof msg));
2410021     errno = msg.errno;
2410022     errln = msg.errln;
2410023     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
2410024     return (msg.ret);
2410025 }


Si veda la sezione u0.34.

2420001 #include <sys/os16.h>
2420002 #include <sys/types.h>
2420003 #include <signal.h>
2420004 #include <errno.h>
2420005 #include <string.h>
2420006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2420007 sighandler_t
2420008 signal (int sig, sighandler_t handler)
2420009 {
2420010     sysmsg_signal_t msg;
2420012     msg.signal  = sig;    
2420013     msg.handler = handler;
2420014     msg.ret     = SIG_DFL;
2420015     msg.errno   = 0;
2420016     sys (SYS_SIGNAL, &msg, (sizeof msg));
2420017     errno = msg.errno;
2420018     errln = msg.errln;
2420019     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
2420020     return (msg.ret);
2420021 }

os16: «lib/stdio.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.103.

2430001 #ifndef _STDIO_H
2430002 #define _STDIO_H        1
2430004 #include <const.h>
2430005 #include <restrict.h>
2430006 #include <stdarg.h>
2430007 #include <stdint.h>
2430008 #include <limits.h>
2430009 #include <NULL.h>
2430010 #include <size_t.h>
2430011 #include <sys/types.h>
2430012 #include <SEEK.h>       // SEEK_CUR, SEEK_SET, SEEK_END
2430013 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2430014 #define BUFSIZ              2048  // Like the file system max zone
2430015                                   // size.
2430016 #define _IOFBF                 0  // Input-output fully buffered.
2430017 #define _IOLBF                 1  // Input-output line buffered.
2430018 #define _IONBF                 2  // Input-output with no buffering.
2430020 #define L_tmpnam    FILENAME_MAX  // <limits.h>
2430022 #define FOPEN_MAX       OPEN_MAX  // <limits.h>
2430023 #define FILENAME_MAX    NAME_MAX  // <limits.h>
2430024 #define TMP_MAX           0x7FFF
2430026 #define EOF                 (-1)  // Must be a negative value.
2430027 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2430028 typedef off_t     fpos_t;   // `off_t' defined in <sys/types.h>.
2430030 typedef struct {
2430031     int           fdn;      // File descriptor number.
2430032     char          error;    // Error indicator.
2430033     char          eof;      // End of file indicator.
2430034 } FILE;
2430036 extern FILE _stream[];      // Defined inside `lib/stdio/FILE.c'.
2430038 #define stdin   (&_stream[0])
2430039 #define stdout  (&_stream[1])
2430040 #define stderr  (&_stream[2])
2430041 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2430042 void     clearerr   (FILE *fp);
2430043 int      fclose     (FILE *fp);
2430044 int      feof       (FILE *fp);
2430045 int      ferror     (FILE *fp);
2430046 int      fflush     (FILE *fp);
2430047 int      fgetc      (FILE *fp);
2430048 int      fgetpos    (FILE *restrict fp, fpos_t *restrict pos);
2430049 char    *fgets      (char *restrict string, int n, FILE *restrict fp);
2430050 int      fileno     (FILE *fp);
2430051 FILE    *fopen      (const char *path, const char *mode);
2430052 int      fprintf    (FILE *fp, char *restrict format, ...);
2430053 int      fputc      (int c, FILE *fp);
2430054 int      fputs      (const char *restrict string, FILE *restrict fp);
2430055 size_t   fread      (void *restrict buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb,
2430056                      FILE *restrict fp);
2430057 FILE    *freopen    (const char *restrict path,
2430058                      const char *restrict mode,
2430059                      FILE *restrict fp);
2430060 int      fscanf     (FILE *restrict fp, const char *restrict format,
2430061                      ...);
2430062 int      fseek      (FILE *fp, long int offset, int whence);
2430063 int      fsetpos    (FILE *fp, const fpos_t *pos);
2430064 long int ftell      (FILE *fp);
2430065 off_t    ftello     (FILE *fp);
2430066 size_t   fwrite     (const void *restrict buffer, size_t size,
2430067                      size_t nmemb, FILE *restrict fp);
2430068 #define  getc(p)    (fgetc (p))
2430069 int      getchar    (void);
2430070 char    *gets       (char *string);
2430071 void     perror     (const char *string);
2430072 int      printf     (const char *restrict format, ...);
2430073 #define  putc(c, p) (fputc ((c), (p)))
2430074 #define  putchar(c) (fputc ((c), (stdout)))
2430075 int      puts       (const char *string);
2430076 void     rewind     (FILE *fp);
2430077 int      scanf      (const char *restrict format, ...);
2430078 void     setbuf     (FILE *restrict fp, char *restrict buffer);
2430079 int      setvbuf    (FILE *restrict fp, char *restrict buffer,
2430080                      int buf_mode, size_t size);
2430081 int      snprintf   (char *restrict string, size_t size,
2430082                      const char *restrict format, ...);
2430083 int      sprintf    (char *restrict string, const char *restrict format,
2430084                      ...);
2430085 int      sscanf     (char *restrict string, const char *restrict format,
2430086                      ...);
2430087 int      vfprintf   (FILE *fp, char *restrict format, va_list arg);
2430088 int      vfscanf    (FILE *restrict fp, const char *restrict format,
2430089                      va_list arg);
2430090 int      vprintf    (const char *restrict format, va_list arg);
2430091 int      vscanf     (const char *restrict format, va_list ap);
2430092 int      vsnprintf  (char *restrict string, size_t size,
2430093                      const char *restrict format, va_list arg);
2430094 int      vsprintf   (char *restrict string, const char *restrict format,
2430095                      va_list arg);
2430096 int      vsscanf    (const char *string, const char *format,
2430097                      va_list ap);
2430099 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2440001 #include <stdio.h>
2440002 //
2440003 // There must be room for at least `FOPEN_MAX' elements.
2440004 //
2440005 FILE _stream[FOPEN_MAX];
2440006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2440007 void
2440008 _stdio_stream_setup (void)
2440009 {
2440010     _stream[0].fdn   = 0;
2440011     _stream[0].error = 0;
2440012     _stream[0].eof   = 0;
2440014     _stream[1].fdn   = 1;
2440015     _stream[1].error = 0;
2440016     _stream[1].eof   = 0;
2440018     _stream[2].fdn   = 2;
2440019     _stream[2].error = 0;
2440020     _stream[2].eof   = 0;
2440021 }


Si veda la sezione u0.9.

2450001 #include <stdio.h>
2450002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2450003 void
2450004 clearerr (FILE *fp)
2450005 {
2450006     if (fp != NULL)
2450007       {
2450008         fp->error = 0;
2450009         fp->eof   = 0;
2450010       }
2450011 }


Si veda la sezione u0.27.

2460001 #include <stdio.h>
2460002 #include <unistd.h>
2460003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2460004 int
2460005 fclose (FILE *fp)
2460006 {
2460007     return (close (fp->fdn));
2460008 }


Si veda la sezione u0.28.

2470001 #include <stdio.h>
2470002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2470003 int
2470004 feof (FILE *fp)
2470005 {
2470006     if (fp != NULL)
2470007       {
2470008         return (fp->eof);
2470009       }
2470010     return (0);
2470011 }


Si veda la sezione u0.29.

2480001 #include <stdio.h>
2480002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2480003 int
2480004 ferror (FILE *fp)
2480005 {
2480006     if (fp != NULL)
2480007       {
2480008         return (fp->error);
2480009       }
2480010     return (0);
2480011 }


Si veda la sezione u0.30.

2490001 #include <stdio.h>
2490002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2490003 int
2490004 fflush (FILE *fp)
2490005 {
2490006     //
2490007     // The os16 library does not have any buffered data.
2490008     //
2490009     return (0);
2490010 }


Si veda la sezione u0.31.

2500001 #include <stdio.h>
2500002 #include <sys/types.h>
2500003 #include <unistd.h>
2500004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2500005 int
2500006 fgetc (FILE *fp)
2500007 {
2500008     ssize_t size_read;
2500009     int     c;          // Character read.
2500010     //
2500011     for (c = 0;;)
2500012       {
2500013         size_read = read (fp->fdn, &c, (size_t) 1);
2500014         //
2500015         if (size_read <= 0)
2500016           {
2500017             //
2500018             // It is the end of file (zero) otherwise there is a
2500019             // problem (a negative value): return `EOF'.
2500020             //
2500021             return (EOF);
2500022           }
2500023         //
2500024         // Valid read: end of scan.
2500025         //
2500026         return (c);
2500027       }
2500028 }


Si veda la sezione u0.32.

2510001 #include <stdio.h>
2510002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2510003 int
2510004 fgetpos (FILE *restrict fp, fpos_t *restrict pos)
2510005 {
2510006     long int position;
2510007     //
2510008     if (fp != NULL)
2510009       {
2510010         position = ftell (fp);
2510011         if (position >= 0)
2510012           {
2510013             *pos = position;
2510014             return (0);
2510015           }
2510016       }
2510017     return (-1);
2510018 }


Si veda la sezione u0.33.

2520001 #include <stdio.h>
2520002 #include <sys/types.h>
2520003 #include <unistd.h>
2520004 #include <stddef.h>
2520005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2520006 char *
2520007 fgets (char *restrict string, int n, FILE *restrict fp)
2520008 {
2520009     ssize_t size_read;
2520010     int     b;          // Index inside the string buffer.
2520011     //
2520012     for (b = 0; b < (n-1); b++, string[b] = 0)
2520013       {
2520014         size_read = read (fp->fdn, &string[b], (size_t) 1);
2520015         //
2520016         if (size_read <= 0)
2520017           {
2520018             //
2520019             // It is the end of file (zero) otherwise there is a
2520020             // problem (a negative value).
2520021             //
2520022             string[b] = 0;
2520023             break;
2520024           }
2520025         //
2520026         if (string[b] == '\n')
2520027           {
2520028             b++;
2520029             string[b] = 0;
2520030             break;
2520031           }
2520032       }
2520033     //
2520034     // If `b` is zero, nothing was read and `NULL' is returned.
2520035     //
2520036     if (b == 0)
2520037       {
2520038         return (NULL);
2520039       }
2520040     else
2520041       {
2520042         return (string);
2520043       }
2520044 }


Si veda la sezione u0.34.

2530001 #include <stdio.h>
2530002 #include <errno.h>
2530003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2530004 int
2530005 fileno (FILE *fp)
2530006 {
2530007     if (fp != NULL)
2530008       {
2530009         return (fp->fdn);
2530010       }
2530011     errset (EBADF);                     // Bad file descriptor.
2530012     return (-1);
2530013 }


Si veda la sezione u0.35.

2540001 #include <fcntl.h>
2540002 #include <stdarg.h>
2540003 #include <stddef.h>
2540004 #include <string.h>
2540005 #include <errno.h>
2540006 #include <sys/os16.h>
2540007 #include <const.h>
2540008 #include <limits.h>
2540009 #include <stdio.h>
2540011 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2540012 FILE *
2540013 fopen (const char *path, const char *mode)
2540014 {
2540015     int fdn;
2540016     //
2540017     if      (strcmp (mode, "r")   ||
2540018              strcmp (mode, "rb"))
2540019       {
2540020         fdn = open (path, O_RDONLY);
2540021       }
2540022     else if (strcmp (mode, "r+")  ||
2540023              strcmp (mode, "r+b") ||
2540024              strcmp (mode, "rb+"))
2540025       {
2540026         fdn = open (path, O_RDWR);
2540027       }
2540028     else if (strcmp (mode, "w")  ||
2540029              strcmp (mode, "wb"))
2540030       {
2540031         fdn = open (path, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666);
2540032       }
2540033     else if (strcmp (mode, "w+")  ||
2540034              strcmp (mode, "w+b") ||
2540035              strcmp (mode, "wb+"))
2540036       {
2540037         fdn = open (path, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666);
2540038       }
2540039     else if (strcmp (mode, "a")  ||
2540040              strcmp (mode, "ab"))
2540041       {
2540042         fdn = open (path, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666);
2540043       }
2540044     else if (strcmp (mode, "a+")  ||
2540045              strcmp (mode, "a+b") ||
2540046              strcmp (mode, "ab+"))
2540047       {
2540048         fdn = open (path, O_RDWR|O_APPEND|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666);
2540049       }
2540050     else
2540051       {
2540052         errset (EINVAL);                // Invalid argument.
2540053         return (NULL);
2540054       }
2540055     //
2540056     // Check the file descriptor returned.
2540057     //
2540058     if (fdn < 0)
2540059       {
2540060         //
2540061         // The variable `errno' is already set.
2540062         //
2540063         errset (errno);
2540064         return (NULL);
2540065       }
2540066     //
2540067     // A valid file descriptor is available: convert it into a file
2540068     // stream. Please note that the file descriptor number must be
2540069     // saved inside the corresponding `_stream[]' array, because the
2540070     // file pointer do not have knowledge of the relative position
2540071     // inside the array.
2540072     //
2540073     _stream[fdn].fdn = fdn;     // Saved the file descriptor number.
2540074     //
2540075     return (&_stream[fdn]);     // Returned the file stream pointer.
2540076 }


Si veda la sezione u0.78.

2550001 #include <stdio.h>
2550003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2550004 int
2550005 fprintf (FILE *fp, char *restrict format, ...)
2550006 {
2550007     va_list ap;
2550008     va_start (ap, format);
2550009     return (vfprintf (fp, format, ap));
2550010 }


Si veda la sezione u0.37.

2560001 #include <stdio.h>
2560002 #include <sys/types.h>
2560003 #include <sys/os16.h>
2560004 #include <string.h>
2560005 #include <unistd.h>
2560006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2560007 int
2560008 fputc (int c, FILE *fp)
2560009 {
2560010     ssize_t size_written;
2560011     char    character = (char) c;
2560012     size_written = write (fp->fdn, &character, (size_t) 1);
2560013     if (size_written < 0)
2560014       {
2560015         fp->eof = 1;
2560016         return (EOF);
2560017       }
2560018     return (c);
2560019 }


Si veda la sezione u0.38.

2570001 #include <stdio.h>
2570002 #include <string.h>
2570003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2570004 int
2570005 fputs (const char *restrict string, FILE *restrict fp)
2570006 {
2570007     int      i; // Index inside the string to be printed.
2570008     int status;
2570010     for (i = 0; i < strlen (string); i++)
2570011       {
2570012         status = fputc (string[i], fp);
2570013         if (status == EOF)
2570014           {
2570015             fp->eof = 1;
2570016             return (EOF);
2570017           }
2570018       }
2570019     return (0);
2570020 }


Si veda la sezione u0.39.

2580001 #include <unistd.h>
2580002 #include <stdio.h>
2580003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2580004 size_t
2580005 fread (void *restrict buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb,
2580006        FILE *restrict fp)
2580007 {
2580008     ssize_t size_read;
2580009     size_read = read (fp->fdn, buffer, (size_t) (size * nmemb));
2580010     if (size_read == 0)
2580011       {
2580012         fp->eof = 1;
2580013         return ((size_t) 0);
2580014       }
2580015     else if (size_read < 0)
2580016       {
2580017         fp->error = 1;
2580018         return ((size_t) 0);
2580019       }
2580020     else
2580021       {
2580022         return ((size_t) (size_read / size));
2580023       }
2580024 }


Si veda la sezione u0.35.

2590001 #include <fcntl.h>
2590002 #include <stdarg.h>
2590003 #include <stddef.h>
2590004 #include <string.h>
2590005 #include <errno.h>
2590006 #include <sys/os16.h>
2590007 #include <const.h>
2590008 #include <limits.h>
2590009 #include <stdio.h>
2590011 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2590012 FILE *
2590013 freopen (const char *restrict path, const char *restrict mode,
2590014          FILE *restrict fp)
2590015 {
2590016     int   status;
2590017     FILE *fp_new;
2590018     //
2590019     if (fp == NULL)
2590020       {
2590021         return (NULL);
2590022       }
2590023     //
2590024     status = fclose (fp);
2590025     if (status != 0)
2590026       {
2590027         fp->error = 1;
2590028         return (NULL);
2590029       }
2590030     //
2590031     fp_new = fopen (path, mode);
2590032     //
2590033     if (fp_new == NULL)
2590034       {
2590035         return (NULL);
2590036       }
2590037     //    
2590038     if (fp_new != fp)
2590039       {
2590040         fclose (fp_new);
2590041         return (NULL);
2590042       }
2590043     //
2590044     return (fp_new);
2590045 }


Si veda la sezione u0.90.

2600001 #include <stdio.h>
2600002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2600003 int
2600004 fscanf (FILE *restrict fp, const char *restrict format, ...)
2600005 {
2600006     va_list ap;
2600007     va_start (ap, format);
2600008     return vfscanf (fp, format, ap);
2600009 }


Si veda la sezione u0.43.

2610001 #include <stdio.h>
2610002 #include <unistd.h>
2610003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2610004 int
2610005 fseek (FILE *fp, long int offset, int whence)
2610006 {
2610007     off_t off_new;
2610008     off_new = lseek (fp->fdn, (off_t) offset, whence);
2610009     if (off_new < 0)
2610010       {
2610011         fp->error = 1;
2610012         return (-1);
2610013       }
2610014     else
2610015       {
2610016         fp->eof = 0;
2610017         return (0);
2610018       }
2610019 }


Si veda la sezione u0.43.

2620001 #include <stdio.h>
2620002 #include <unistd.h>
2620003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2620004 int
2620005 fseeko (FILE *fp, off_t offset, int whence)
2620006 {
2620007     off_t off_new;
2620008     off_new = lseek (fp->fdn, offset, whence);
2620009     if (off_new < 0)
2620010       {
2620011         fp->error = 1;
2620012         return (-1);
2620013       }
2620014     else
2620015       {
2620016         return (0);
2620017       }
2620018 }


Si veda la sezione u0.32.

2630001 #include <stdio.h>
2630002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2630003 int
2630004 fsetpos (FILE *restrict fp, fpos_t *restrict pos)
2630005 {
2630006     long int position;
2630007     //
2630008     if (fp != NULL)
2630009       {
2630010         position = fseek (fp, (long int) *pos, SEEK_SET);
2630011         if (position >= 0)
2630012           {
2630013             *pos = position;
2630014             return (0);
2630015           }
2630016       }
2630017     return (-1);
2630018 }


Si veda la sezione u0.46.

2640001 #include <stdio.h>
2640002 #include <unistd.h>
2640003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2640004 long int
2640005 ftell (FILE *fp)
2640006 {
2640007     return ((long int) lseek (fp->fdn, (off_t) 0, SEEK_CUR));
2640008 }


Si veda la sezione u0.46.

2650001 #include <stdio.h>
2650002 #include <unistd.h>
2650003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2650004 off_t
2650005 ftello (FILE *fp)
2650006 {
2650007     return (lseek (fp->fdn, (off_t) 0, SEEK_CUR));
2650008 }


Si veda la sezione u0.48.

2660001 #include <unistd.h>
2660002 #include <stdio.h>
2660003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2660004 size_t
2660005 fwrite (const void *restrict buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb,
2660006         FILE *restrict fp)
2660007 {
2660008     ssize_t size_written;
2660009     size_written = write (fp->fdn, buffer, (size_t) (size * nmemb));
2660010     if (size_written < 0)
2660011       {
2660012         fp->error = 1;
2660013         return ((size_t) 0);
2660014       }
2660015     else
2660016       {
2660017         return ((size_t) (size_written / size));
2660018       }
2660019 }


Si veda la sezione u0.31.

2670001 #include <stdio.h>
2670002 #include <sys/types.h>
2670003 #include <unistd.h>
2670004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2670005 int
2670006 getchar (void)
2670007 {
2670008     ssize_t size_read;
2670009     int     c;          // Character read.
2670010     //
2670011     for (c = 0;;)
2670012       {
2670013         size_read = read (STDIN_FILENO, &c, (size_t) 1);
2670014         //
2670015         if (size_read <= 0)
2670016           {
2670017             //
2670018             // It is the end of file (zero) otherwise there is a
2670019             // problem (a negative value): return `EOF'.
2670020             //
2670021             _stream[STDIN_FILENO].eof = 1;
2670022             return (EOF);
2670023           }
2670024         //
2670025         // Valid read.
2670026         //
2670027         if (size_read == 0)
2670028           {
2670029             //
2670030             // If no character is ready inside the keyboard buffer, just
2670031             // retry.
2670032             //
2670033             continue;
2670034           }
2670035         //
2670036         // End of scan.
2670037         //
2670038         return (c);
2670039       }
2670040 }


Si veda la sezione u0.33.

2680001 #include <stdio.h>
2680002 #include <sys/types.h>
2680003 #include <unistd.h>
2680004 #include <stddef.h>
2680005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2680006 char *
2680007 gets (char *string)
2680008 {
2680009     ssize_t size_read;
2680010     int     b;          // Index inside the string buffer.
2680011     //
2680012     for (b = 0;; b++, string[b] = 0)
2680013       {
2680014         size_read = read (STDIN_FILENO, &string[b], (size_t) 1);
2680015         //
2680016         if (size_read <= 0)
2680017           {
2680018             //
2680019             // It is the end of file (zero) otherwise there is a
2680020             // problem (a negative value).
2680021             //
2680022             _stream[STDIN_FILENO].eof = 1;
2680023             string[b] = 0;
2680024             break;
2680025           }
2680026         //
2680027         if (string[b] == '\n')
2680028           {
2680029             b++;
2680030             string[b] = 0;
2680031             break;
2680032           }
2680033       }
2680034     //
2680035     // If `b` is zero, nothing was read and `NULL' is returned.
2680036     //
2680037     if (b == 0)
2680038       {
2680039         return (NULL);
2680040       }
2680041     else
2680042       {
2680043         return (string);
2680044       }
2680045 }


Si veda la sezione u0.77.

2690001 #include <stdio.h>
2690002 #include <errno.h>
2690003 #include <stddef.h>
2690004 #include <string.h>
2690005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2690006 void
2690007 perror (const char *string)
2690008 {
2690009     //
2690010     // If errno is zero, there is nothing to show.
2690011     //
2690012     if (errno == 0)
2690013       {
2690014         return;
2690015       }
2690016     //
2690017     // Show the string if there is one.
2690018     //
2690019     if (string != NULL && strlen (string) > 0)
2690020       {
2690021         printf ("%s: ", string);
2690022       }
2690023     //
2690024     // Show the translated error.
2690025     //
2690026     if (errfn[0] != 0 && errln != 0)
2690027       {
2690028         printf ("[%s:%u:%i] %s\n",
2690029                 errfn, errln, errno, strerror (errno));
2690030       }
2690031     else
2690032       {
2690033         printf ("[%i] %s\n", errno, strerror (errno));
2690034       }
2690035 }


Si veda la sezione u0.78.

2700001 #include <stdio.h>
2700002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2700003 int
2700004 printf (char *restrict format, ...)
2700005 {
2700006     va_list ap;
2700007     va_start (ap, format);
2700008     return (vprintf (format, ap));
2700009 }


Si veda la sezione u0.38.

2710001 #include <stdio.h>
2710002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2710003 int
2710004 puts (const char *string)
2710005 {
2710006     int status;
2710007     status = printf ("%s\n", string);
2710008     if (status < 0)
2710009       {
2710010         return (EOF);
2710011       }
2710012     else
2710013       {
2710014         return (status);
2710015       }
2710016 }


Si veda la sezione u0.88.

2720001 #include <stdio.h>
2720002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2720003 void
2720004 rewind (FILE *fp)
2720005 {
2720006     (void) fseek (fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
2720007     fp->error = 0;
2720008 }


Si veda la sezione u0.90.

2730001 #include <stdio.h>
2730002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2730003 int
2730004 scanf (const char *restrict format, ...)
2730005 {
2730006     va_list ap;
2730007     va_start (ap, format);
2730008     return vfscanf (stdin, format, ap);
2730009 }


Si veda la sezione u0.93.

2740001 #include <stdio.h>
2740002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2740003 void
2740004 setbuf (FILE *restrict fp, char *restrict buffer)
2740005 {
2740006     //
2740007     // The os16 library does not have any buffered data.
2740008     //
2740009     return;
2740010 }


Si veda la sezione u0.93.

2750001 #include <stdio.h>
2750002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2750003 int
2750004 setvbuf (FILE *restrict fp, char *restrict buffer, int buf_mode,
2750005          size_t size)
2750006 {
2750007     //
2750008     // The os16 library does not have any buffered data.
2750009     //
2750010     return (0);
2750011 }


Si veda la sezione u0.78.

2760001 #include <stdio.h>
2760002 #include <stdarg.h>
2760003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2760004 int
2760005 snprintf (char *restrict string, size_t size,
2760006           const char *restrict format, ...)
2760007 {
2760008     va_list ap;
2760009     va_start (ap, format);
2760010     return vsnprintf (string, size, format, ap);
2760011 }


Si veda la sezione u0.78.

2770001 #include <stdio.h>
2770002 #include <stdarg.h>
2770003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2770004 int
2770005 sprintf (char *restrict string, const char *restrict format,
2770006           ...)
2770007 {
2770008     va_list ap;
2770009     va_start (ap, format);
2770010     return vsnprintf (string, (size_t) BUFSIZ, format, ap);
2770011 }


Si veda la sezione u0.90.

2780001 #include <stdio.h>
2780002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2780003 int
2780004 sscanf (char *restrict string, const char *restrict format, ...)
2780005 {
2780006     va_list ap;
2780007     va_start (ap, format);
2780008     return vsscanf (string, format, ap);
2780009 }


Si veda la sezione u0.128.

2790001 #include <stdio.h>
2790002 #include <sys/types.h>
2790003 #include <sys/os16.h>
2790004 #include <string.h>
2790005 #include <unistd.h>
2790006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2790007 int
2790008 vfprintf (FILE *fp, char *restrict format, va_list arg)
2790009 {
2790010     ssize_t     size_written;
2790011     size_t      size;
2790012     size_t      size_total;
2790013     int         status;
2790014     char        string[BUFSIZ];
2790015     char       *buffer = string;
2790016     //
2790017     buffer[0] = 0;
2790018     status    = vsprintf (buffer, format, arg);
2790019     //
2790020     size = strlen (buffer);
2790021     if (size >= BUFSIZ)
2790022       {
2790023         size = BUFSIZ;
2790024       }
2790025     //
2790026     for (size_total = 0, size_written = 0;
2790027          size_total < size;
2790028          size_total += size_written, buffer += size_written)
2790029       {
2790030         size_written = write (fp->fdn, buffer, size - size_total);
2790031         if (size_written < 0)
2790032           {
2790033             return (size_total);
2790034           }
2790035       }
2790036     return (size);
2790037 }


Si veda la sezione u0.129.

2800001 #include <stdio.h>
2800003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2800004 int vfsscanf (FILE *restrict fp, const char *string,
2800005               const char *restrict format, va_list ap);
2800006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2800007 int
2800008 vfscanf (FILE *restrict fp, const char *restrict format, va_list ap)
2800009 {
2800010     return (vfsscanf (fp, NULL, format, ap));
2800011 }
2800012 //----------------------------------------------------------------------


Si veda la sezione u0.129.

2810001 #include <stdint.h>
2810002 #include <stdbool.h>
2810003 #include <stdlib.h>
2810004 #include <string.h>
2810005 #include <stdio.h>
2810006 #include <stdarg.h>
2810007 #include <ctype.h>
2810008 #include <errno.h>
2810009 #include <stddef.h>
2810010 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2810011 //
2810012 // This function is not standard and is able to do the work of both
2810013 // `vfscanf()' and `vsscanf()'. 
2810014 //
2810015 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2810016 #define WIDTH_MAX       64
2810017 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2810018 static intmax_t strtointmax (const char *restrict string,
2810019                              char **restrict endptr, int base,
2810020                              size_t max_width);
2810021 static int      ass_or_eof  (int consumed, int assigned);
2810022 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2810023 int
2810024 vfsscanf (FILE *restrict fp, const char *string,
2810025           const char *restrict format, va_list ap)
2810026 {
2810027     int                 f               = 0;            // Format index.
2810028     char                buffer[BUFSIZ];
2810029     const char         *input           = string;       // Default.
2810030     const char         *start           = input;        // Default.
2810031     char               *next            = NULL;
2810032     int                 scanned         = 0;
2810033     //
2810034     bool                stream          = 0;
2810035     bool                flag_star       = 0;
2810036     bool                specifier       = 0;
2810037     bool                specifier_flags = 0;
2810038     bool                specifier_width = 0;
2810039     bool                specifier_type  = 0;
2810040     bool                inverted        = 0;
2810041     //
2810042     char               *ptr_char;
2810043     signed char        *ptr_schar;
2810044     unsigned char      *ptr_uchar;
2810045     short int          *ptr_sshort;
2810046     unsigned short int *ptr_ushort;
2810047     int                *ptr_sint;
2810048     unsigned int       *ptr_uint;
2810049     long int           *ptr_slong;
2810050     unsigned long int  *ptr_ulong;
2810051     intmax_t           *ptr_simax;
2810052     uintmax_t          *ptr_uimax;
2810053     size_t             *ptr_size;
2810054     ptrdiff_t          *ptr_ptrdiff;
2810055     void              **ptr_void;
2810056     //
2810057     size_t              width;
2810058     char                width_string[WIDTH_MAX+1];
2810059     int                 w;              // Index inside width string.
2810060     int                 assigned        = 0;    // Assignment counter.
2810061     int                 consumed        = 0;    // Consumed counter.
2810062     //
2810063     intmax_t            value_i;
2810064     uintmax_t           value_u;
2810065     //
2810066     const char         *end_format;
2810067     const char         *end_input;
2810068     int                 count;          // Generic counter.
2810069     int                 index;          // Generic index.
2810070     bool                ascii[128];
2810071     //
2810072     void               *pstatus;
2810073     //
2810074     // Initialize some data.
2810075     //
2810076     width_string[0] = '\0';
2810077     end_format      = format + (strlen (format));
2810078     //
2810079     // Check arguments and find where input comes.
2810080     //
2810081     if (fp == NULL && (string == NULL || string[0] == 0))
2810082       {
2810083         errset (EINVAL);                // Invalid argument.
2810084         return (EOF);
2810085       }
2810086     //
2810087     if (fp != NULL && string != NULL && string[0] != 0)
2810088       {
2810089         errset (EINVAL);                // Invalid argument.
2810090         return (EOF);
2810091       }
2810092     //
2810093     if (fp != NULL)
2810094       {
2810095         stream = 1;
2810096       }
2810097     //
2810098     //
2810099     //
2810100     for (;;)
2810101       {
2810102         if (stream)
2810103           {
2810104             pstatus = fgets (buffer, BUFSIZ, fp);
2810105             //
2810106             if (pstatus == NULL)
2810107               {
2810108                 return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810109               }
2810110             //
2810111             input = buffer;
2810112             start = input;
2810113             next  = NULL;
2810114           }
2810115         //
2810116         // Calculate end input.
2810117         //
2810118         end_input = input + (strlen (input));
2810119         //
2810120         // Scan format and input strings. Index `f' is not reset.
2810121         //
2810122         while (&format[f] < end_format && input < end_input)
2810123           {
2810124             if (!specifier)
2810125               {
2810126                 //--------------- The context is not inside a specifier.
2810127                 if (isspace (format[f]))
2810128                   {
2810129                     //------------------------------------------- Space.
2810130                     while (isspace (*input))
2810131                       {
2810132                         input++;
2810133                       }     
2810134                     //
2810135                     // Verify that the input string is not finished.
2810136                     //
2810137                     if (input[0] == 0)
2810138                       {
2810139                         //
2810140                         // As the input string is finished, the format
2810141                         // string index is not advanced, because there
2810142                         // might be more spaces on the next line (if
2810143                         // there is a next line, of course).
2810144                         //
2810145                         continue;
2810146                       }
2810147                     else
2810148                       {
2810149                         f++;
2810150                         continue;
2810151                       }
2810152                   }
2810153                 if (format[f] != '%')
2810154                   {
2810155                     //------------------------------ Ordinary character.
2810156                     if (format[f] == *input)
2810157                       {
2810158                         input++;
2810159                         f++;
2810160                         continue;
2810161                       }
2810162                     else
2810163                       {
2810164                         return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810165                       }
2810166                   }
2810167                 if (format[f] == '%' && format[f+1] == '%')
2810168                   {
2810169                     //-------------------------- Matching a literal '%'.
2810170                     f++;
2810171                     if (format[f] == *input)
2810172                       {
2810173                         input++;
2810174                         f++;
2810175                         continue;
2810176                       }
2810177                     else
2810178                       {
2810179                         return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810180                       }
2810181                   }
2810182                 if (format[f] == '%')
2810183                   {
2810184                     //-------------------------- Percent of a specifier.
2810185                     f++;
2810186                     specifier       = 1;
2810187                     specifier_flags = 1;
2810188                     continue;
2810189                   }
2810190               }
2810191             //
2810192             if (specifier && specifier_flags)
2810193               {
2810194                 //--------------- The context is inside specifier flags.
2810195                 if (format[f] == '*')
2810196                   {
2810197                     //--------------------- Assignment suppression star.
2810198                     flag_star = 1;
2810199                     f++;
2810200                   }
2810201                 else
2810202                   {
2810203                     //----- End of flags and begin of specifier length.
2810204                     specifier_flags = 0;
2810205                     specifier_width = 1;
2810206                   }
2810207               }
2810208             //
2810209             if (specifier && specifier_width)
2810210               {
2810211                 //------------- The context is inside a specifier width.
2810212                 for (w = 0;
2810213                          format[f] >= '0'
2810214                       && format[f] <= '9'
2810215                       && w < WIDTH_MAX;
2810216                      w++)
2810217                   {
2810218                     width_string[w] = format[f];
2810219                     f++;
2810220                   }
2810221                 width_string[w] = '\0';
2810222                 width = atoi (width_string);
2810223                 if (width > WIDTH_MAX)
2810224                   {
2810225                     width = WIDTH_MAX;
2810226                   }
2810227                 //
2810228                 // A zero width means an unspecified limit for the field
2810229                 // length.
2810230                 //
2810231                 //--------- End of spec. width and begin of spec. type.
2810232                 specifier_width = 0;
2810233                 specifier_type  = 1;
2810234               }           
2810235             //
2810236             if (specifier && specifier_type)
2810237               {
2810238                 //
2810239                 // Specifiers with length modifier.
2810240                 //
2810241                 if (format[f] == 'h' && format[f+1] == 'h')
2810242                   {
2810243                     //-------------------------------------------- char.
2810244                     if      (format[f+2] == 'd')
2810245                       {
2810246                         //------------------------ signed char, base 10.
2810247                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 10, width);
2810248                         if (input == next)
2810249                           {
2810250                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810251                           }
2810252                         consumed++;
2810253                         if (!flag_star)
2810254                           {
2810255                             ptr_schar = va_arg (ap, signed char *);
2810256                            *ptr_schar = value_i;
2810257                             assigned++;
2810258                           }
2810259                         f += 3;
2810260                         input = next;
2810261                       }
2810262                     else if (format[f+2] == 'i')
2810263                       {
2810264                         //------------------- signed char, base unknown.
2810265                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 0, width);
2810266                         if (input == next)
2810267                           {
2810268                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810269                           }
2810270                         consumed++;
2810271                         if (!flag_star)
2810272                           {
2810273                             ptr_schar = va_arg (ap, signed char *);
2810274                            *ptr_schar = value_i;
2810275                             assigned++;
2810276                           }
2810277                         f += 3;
2810278                         input = next;
2810279                       }
2810280                     else if (format[f+2] == 'o')
2810281                       {
2810282                         //------------------------- signed char, base 8.
2810283                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 8, width);
2810284                         if (input == next)
2810285                           {
2810286                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810287                           }
2810288                         consumed++;
2810289                         if (!flag_star)
2810290                           {
2810291                             ptr_schar = va_arg (ap, signed char *);
2810292                            *ptr_schar = value_i;
2810293                             assigned++;
2810294                           }
2810295                         f += 3;
2810296                         input = next;
2810297                       }
2810298                     else if (format[f+2] == 'u')
2810299                       {
2810300                         //---------------------- unsigned char, base 10.
2810301                         value_u = strtointmax (input, &next, 10, width);
2810302                         if (input == next)
2810303                           {
2810304                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810305                           }
2810306                         consumed++;
2810307                         if (!flag_star)
2810308                           {
2810309                             ptr_uchar = va_arg (ap, unsigned char *);
2810310                            *ptr_uchar = value_u;
2810311                             assigned++;
2810312                           }
2810313                         f += 3;
2810314                         input = next;
2810315                       }
2810316                     else if (format[f+2] == 'x' || format[f+2] == 'X')
2810317                       {
2810318                         //------------------------ signed char, base 16.
2810319                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 16, width);
2810320                         if (input == next)
2810321                           {
2810322                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810323                           }
2810324                         consumed++;
2810325                         if (!flag_star)
2810326                           {
2810327                             ptr_schar = va_arg (ap, signed char *);
2810328                            *ptr_schar = value_i;
2810329                             assigned++;
2810330                           }
2810331                         f += 3;
2810332                         input = next;
2810333                       }
2810334                     else if (format[f+2] == 'n')
2810335                       {
2810336                         //----------- signed char, string index counter.
2810337                         ptr_schar = va_arg (ap, signed char *);
2810338                        *ptr_schar = (signed char)
2810339                                         (input - start + scanned);
2810340                         f += 3;
2810341                       }
2810342                     else
2810343                       {
2810344                         //------------ unsupported or unknown specifier.
2810345                         f += 2;
2810346                       }
2810347                   }
2810348                 else if (format[f] == 'h')
2810349                   {
2810350                     //------------------------------------------- short.
2810351                     if      (format[f+1] == 'd')
2810352                       {
2810353                         //----------------------- signed short, base 10.
2810354                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 10, width);
2810355                         if (input == next)
2810356                           {
2810357                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810358                           }
2810359                         consumed++;
2810360                         if (!flag_star)
2810361                           {
2810362                             ptr_sshort = va_arg (ap, signed short *);
2810363                            *ptr_sshort = value_i;
2810364                             assigned++;
2810365                           }
2810366                         f += 2;
2810367                         input = next;
2810368                       }
2810369                     else if (format[f+1] == 'i')
2810370                       {
2810371                         //------------------ signed short, base unknown.
2810372                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 0, width);
2810373                         if (input == next)
2810374                           {
2810375                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810376                           }
2810377                         consumed++;
2810378                         if (!flag_star)
2810379                           {
2810380                             ptr_sshort = va_arg (ap, signed short *);
2810381                            *ptr_sshort = value_i;
2810382                             assigned++;
2810383                           }
2810384                         f += 2;
2810385                         input = next;
2810386                       }
2810387                     else if (format[f+1] == 'o')
2810388                       {
2810389                         //------------------------ signed short, base 8.
2810390                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 8, width);
2810391                         if (input == next)
2810392                           {
2810393                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810394                           }
2810395                         consumed++;
2810396                         if (!flag_star)
2810397                           {
2810398                             ptr_sshort = va_arg (ap, signed short *);
2810399                            *ptr_sshort = value_i;
2810400                             assigned++;
2810401                           }
2810402                         f += 2;
2810403                         input = next;
2810404                       }
2810405                     else if (format[f+1] == 'u')
2810406                       {
2810407                         //--------------------- unsigned short, base 10.
2810408                         value_u = strtointmax (input, &next, 10, width);
2810409                         if (input == next)
2810410                           {
2810411                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810412                           }
2810413                         consumed++;
2810414                         if (!flag_star)
2810415                           {
2810416                             ptr_ushort = va_arg (ap, unsigned short *);
2810417                            *ptr_ushort = value_u;
2810418                             assigned++;
2810419                           }
2810420                         f += 2;
2810421                         input = next;
2810422                       }
2810423                     else if (format[f+1] == 'x' || format[f+2] == 'X')
2810424                       {
2810425                         //----------------------- signed short, base 16.
2810426                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 16, width);
2810427                         if (input == next)
2810428                           {
2810429                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810430                           }
2810431                         consumed++;
2810432                         if (!flag_star)
2810433                           {
2810434                             ptr_sshort = va_arg (ap, signed short *);
2810435                            *ptr_sshort = value_i;
2810436                             assigned++;
2810437                           }
2810438                         f += 2;
2810439                         input = next;
2810440                       }
2810441                     else if (format[f+1] == 'n')
2810442                       {
2810443                         //----------- signed char, string index counter.
2810444                         ptr_sshort = va_arg (ap, signed short *);
2810445                        *ptr_sshort = (signed short)
2810446                                      (input - start + scanned);
2810447                         f += 2;
2810448                       }
2810449                     else
2810450                       {
2810451                         //------------ unsupported or unknown specifier.
2810452                         f += 1;
2810453                       }
2810454                   }
2810455                 //------------------------- There is no `long long int'.
2810456                 else if (format[f] == 'l')
2810457                   {
2810458                     //---------------------------------------- long int.
2810459                     if      (format[f+1] == 'd')
2810460                       {
2810461                         //----------------------- signed long, base 10.
2810462                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 10, width);
2810463                         if (input == next)
2810464                           {
2810465                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810466                           }
2810467                         consumed++;
2810468                         if (!flag_star)
2810469                           {
2810470                             ptr_slong = va_arg (ap, signed long *);
2810471                            *ptr_slong = value_i;
2810472                             assigned++;
2810473                           }
2810474                         f += 2;
2810475                         input = next;
2810476                       }
2810477                     else if (format[f+1] == 'i')
2810478                       {
2810479                         //------------------ signed long, base unknown.
2810480                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 0, width);
2810481                         if (input == next)
2810482                           {
2810483                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810484                           }
2810485                         consumed++;
2810486                         if (!flag_star)
2810487                           {
2810488                             ptr_slong = va_arg (ap, signed long *);
2810489                            *ptr_slong = value_i;
2810490                             assigned++;
2810491                           }
2810492                         f += 2;
2810493                         input = next;
2810494                       }
2810495                     else if (format[f+1] == 'o')
2810496                       {
2810497                         //------------------------ signed long, base 8.
2810498                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 8, width);
2810499                         if (input == next)
2810500                           {
2810501                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810502                           }
2810503                         consumed++;
2810504                         if (!flag_star)
2810505                           {
2810506                             ptr_slong = va_arg (ap, signed long *);
2810507                            *ptr_slong = value_i;
2810508                             assigned++;
2810509                           }
2810510                         f += 2;
2810511                         input = next;
2810512                       }
2810513                     else if (format[f+1] == 'u')
2810514                       {
2810515                         //---------------------- unsigned long, base 10.
2810516                         value_u = strtointmax (input, &next, 10, width);
2810517                         if (input == next)
2810518                           {
2810519                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810520                           }
2810521                         consumed++;
2810522                         if (!flag_star)
2810523                           {
2810524                             ptr_ulong = va_arg (ap, unsigned long *);
2810525                            *ptr_ulong = value_u;
2810526                             assigned++;
2810527                           }
2810528                         f += 2;
2810529                         input = next;
2810530                       }
2810531                     else if (format[f+1] == 'x' || format[f+2] == 'X')
2810532                       {
2810533                         //------------------------ signed long, base 16.
2810534                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 16, width);
2810535                         if (input == next)
2810536                           {
2810537                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810538                           }
2810539                         consumed++;
2810540                         if (!flag_star)
2810541                           {
2810542                             ptr_slong = va_arg (ap, signed long *);
2810543                            *ptr_slong = value_i;
2810544                             assigned++;
2810545                           }
2810546                         f += 2;
2810547                         input = next;
2810548                       }
2810549                     else if (format[f+1] == 'n')
2810550                       {
2810551                         //----------- signed char, string index counter.
2810552                         ptr_slong = va_arg (ap, signed long *);
2810553                        *ptr_slong = (signed long)
2810554                                     (input - start + scanned);
2810555                         f += 2;
2810556                       }
2810557                     else
2810558                       {
2810559                         //------------ unsupported or unknown specifier.
2810560                         f += 1;
2810561                       }
2810562                   }
2810563                 else if (format[f] == 'j')
2810564                   {
2810565                     //---------------------------------------- intmax_t.
2810566                     if      (format[f+1] == 'd')
2810567                       {
2810568                         //--------------------------- intmax_t, base 10.
2810569                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 10, width);
2810570                         if (input == next)
2810571                           {
2810572                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810573                           }
2810574                         consumed++;
2810575                         if (!flag_star)
2810576                           {
2810577                             ptr_simax = va_arg (ap, intmax_t *);
2810578                            *ptr_simax = value_i;
2810579                             assigned++;
2810580                           }
2810581                         f += 2;
2810582                         input = next;
2810583                       }
2810584                     else if (format[f+1] == 'i')
2810585                       {
2810586                         //---------------------- intmax_t, base unknown.
2810587                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 0, width);
2810588                         if (input == next)
2810589                           {
2810590                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810591                           }
2810592                         consumed++;
2810593                         if (!flag_star)
2810594                           {
2810595                             ptr_simax = va_arg (ap, intmax_t *);
2810596                            *ptr_simax = value_i;
2810597                             assigned++;
2810598                           }
2810599                         f += 2;
2810600                         input = next;
2810601                       }
2810602                     else if (format[f+1] == 'o')
2810603                       {
2810604                         //---------------------------- intmax_t, base 8.
2810605                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 8, width);
2810606                         if (input == next)
2810607                           {
2810608                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810609                           }
2810610                         consumed++;
2810611                         if (!flag_star)
2810612                           {
2810613                             ptr_simax = va_arg (ap, intmax_t *);
2810614                            *ptr_simax = value_i;
2810615                             assigned++;
2810616                           }
2810617                         f += 2;
2810618                         input = next;
2810619                       }
2810620                     else if (format[f+1] == 'u')
2810621                       {
2810622                         //-------------------------- uintmax_t, base 10.
2810623                         value_u = strtointmax (input, &next, 10, width);
2810624                         if (input == next)
2810625                           {
2810626                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810627                           }
2810628                         consumed++;
2810629                         if (!flag_star)
2810630                           {
2810631                             ptr_uimax = va_arg (ap, uintmax_t *);
2810632                            *ptr_uimax = value_u;
2810633                             assigned++;
2810634                           }
2810635                         f += 2;
2810636                         input = next;
2810637                       }
2810638                     else if (format[f+1] == 'x' || format[f+2] == 'X')
2810639                       {
2810640                         //--------------------------- intmax_t, base 16.
2810641                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 16, width);
2810642                         if (input == next)
2810643                           {
2810644                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810645                           }
2810646                         consumed++;
2810647                         if (!flag_star)
2810648                           {
2810649                             ptr_simax = va_arg (ap, intmax_t *);
2810650                            *ptr_simax = value_i;
2810651                             assigned++;
2810652                           }
2810653                         f += 2;
2810654                         input = next;
2810655                       }
2810656                     else if (format[f+1] == 'n')
2810657                       {
2810658                         //----------- signed char, string index counter.
2810659                         ptr_simax = va_arg (ap, intmax_t *);
2810660                        *ptr_simax = (intmax_t)
2810661                                     (input - start + scanned);
2810662                         f += 2;
2810663                       }
2810664                     else
2810665                       {
2810666                         //------------ unsupported or unknown specifier.
2810667                         f += 1;
2810668                       }
2810669                   }
2810670                 else if (format[f] == 'z')
2810671                   {
2810672                     //------------------------------------------ size_t.
2810673                     if      (format[f+1] == 'd')
2810674                       {
2810675                         //----------------------------- size_t, base 10.
2810676                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 10, width);
2810677                         if (input == next)
2810678                           {
2810679                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810680                           }
2810681                         consumed++;
2810682                         if (!flag_star)
2810683                           {
2810684                             ptr_size = va_arg (ap, size_t *);
2810685                            *ptr_size = value_i;
2810686                             assigned++;
2810687                           }
2810688                         f += 2;
2810689                         input = next;
2810690                       }
2810691                     else if (format[f+1] == 'i')
2810692                       {
2810693                         //------------------------ size_t, base unknown.
2810694                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 0, width);
2810695                         if (input == next)
2810696                           {
2810697                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810698                           }
2810699                         consumed++;
2810700                         if (!flag_star)
2810701                           {
2810702                             ptr_size = va_arg (ap, size_t *);
2810703                            *ptr_size = value_i;
2810704                             assigned++;
2810705                           }
2810706                         f += 2;
2810707                         input = next;
2810708                       }
2810709                     else if (format[f+1] == 'o')
2810710                       {
2810711                         //------------------------------ size_t, base 8.
2810712                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 8, width);
2810713                         if (input == next)
2810714                           {
2810715                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810716                           }
2810717                         consumed++;
2810718                         if (!flag_star)
2810719                           {
2810720                             ptr_size = va_arg (ap, size_t *);
2810721                            *ptr_size = value_i;
2810722                             assigned++;
2810723                           }
2810724                         f += 2;
2810725                         input = next;
2810726                       }
2810727                     else if (format[f+1] == 'u')
2810728                       {
2810729                         //----------------------------- size_t, base 10.
2810730                         value_u = strtointmax (input, &next, 10, width);
2810731                         if (input == next)
2810732                           {
2810733                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810734                           }
2810735                         consumed++;
2810736                         if (!flag_star)
2810737                           {
2810738                             ptr_size = va_arg (ap, size_t *);
2810739                            *ptr_size = value_u;
2810740                             assigned++;
2810741                           }
2810742                         f += 2;
2810743                         input = next;
2810744                       }
2810745                     else if (format[f+1] == 'x' || format[f+2] == 'X')
2810746                       {
2810747                         //----------------------------- size_t, base 16.
2810748                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 16, width);
2810749                         if (input == next)
2810750                           {
2810751                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810752                           }
2810753                         consumed++;
2810754                         if (!flag_star)
2810755                           {
2810756                             ptr_size = va_arg (ap, size_t *);
2810757                            *ptr_size = value_i;
2810758                             assigned++;
2810759                           }
2810760                         f += 2;
2810761                         input = next;
2810762                       }
2810763                     else if (format[f+1] == 'n')
2810764                       {
2810765                         //----------- signed char, string index counter.
2810766                         ptr_size = va_arg (ap, size_t *);
2810767                        *ptr_size = (size_t) (input - start + scanned);
2810768                         f += 2;
2810769                       }
2810770                     else
2810771                       {
2810772                         //------------ unsupported or unknown specifier.
2810773                         f += 1;
2810774                       }
2810775                   }
2810776                 else if (format[f] == 't')
2810777                   {
2810778                     //--------------------------------------- ptrdiff_t.
2810779                     if      (format[f+1] == 'd')
2810780                       {
2810781                         //-------------------------- ptrdiff_t, base 10.
2810782                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 10, width);
2810783                         if (input == next)
2810784                           {
2810785                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810786                           }
2810787                         consumed++;
2810788                         if (!flag_star)
2810789                           {
2810790                             ptr_ptrdiff = va_arg (ap, ptrdiff_t *);
2810791                            *ptr_ptrdiff = value_i;
2810792                             assigned++;
2810793                           }
2810794                         f += 2;
2810795                         input = next;
2810796                       }
2810797                     else if (format[f+1] == 'i')
2810798                       {
2810799                         //--------------------- ptrdiff_t, base unknown.
2810800                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 0, width);
2810801                         if (input == next)
2810802                           {
2810803                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810804                           }
2810805                         consumed++;
2810806                         if (!flag_star)
2810807                           {
2810808                             ptr_ptrdiff = va_arg (ap, ptrdiff_t *);
2810809                            *ptr_ptrdiff = value_i;
2810810                             assigned++;
2810811                           }
2810812                         f += 2;
2810813                         input = next;
2810814                       }
2810815                     else if (format[f+1] == 'o')
2810816                       {
2810817                         //--------------------------- ptrdiff_t, base 8.
2810818                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 8, width);
2810819                         if (input == next)
2810820                           {
2810821                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810822                           }
2810823                         consumed++;
2810824                         if (!flag_star)
2810825                           {
2810826                             ptr_ptrdiff = va_arg (ap, ptrdiff_t *);
2810827                            *ptr_ptrdiff = value_i;
2810828                             assigned++;
2810829                           }
2810830                         f += 2;
2810831                         input = next;
2810832                       }
2810833                     else if (format[f+1] == 'u')
2810834                       {
2810835                         //-------------------------- ptrdiff_t, base 10.
2810836                         value_u = strtointmax (input, &next, 10, width);
2810837                         if (input == next)
2810838                           {
2810839                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810840                           }
2810841                         consumed++;
2810842                         if (!flag_star)
2810843                           {
2810844                             ptr_ptrdiff = va_arg (ap, ptrdiff_t *);
2810845                            *ptr_ptrdiff = value_u;
2810846                             assigned++;
2810847                           }
2810848                         f += 2;
2810849                         input = next;
2810850                       }
2810851                     else if (format[f+1] == 'x' || format[f+2] == 'X')
2810852                       {
2810853                         //-------------------------- ptrdiff_t, base 16.
2810854                         value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 16, width);
2810855                         if (input == next)
2810856                           {
2810857                             return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810858                           }
2810859                         consumed++;
2810860                         if (!flag_star)
2810861                           {
2810862                             ptr_ptrdiff = va_arg (ap, ptrdiff_t *);
2810863                            *ptr_ptrdiff = value_i;
2810864                             assigned++;
2810865                           }
2810866                         f += 2;
2810867                         input = next;
2810868                       }
2810869                     else if (format[f+1] == 'n')
2810870                       {
2810871                         //----------- signed char, string index counter.
2810872                         ptr_ptrdiff = va_arg (ap, ptrdiff_t *);
2810873                        *ptr_ptrdiff = (ptrdiff_t)
2810874                                       (input - start + scanned);
2810875                         f += 2;
2810876                       }
2810877                     else
2810878                       {
2810879                         //------------ unsupported or unknown specifier.
2810880                         f += 1;
2810881                       }
2810882                   }
2810883                 //
2810884                 // Specifiers with no length modifier.
2810885                 //
2810886                 if      (format[f] == 'd')
2810887                   {
2810888                     //----------------------- signed short, base 10.
2810889                     value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 10, width);
2810890                     if (input == next)
2810891                       {
2810892                         return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810893                       }
2810894                     consumed++;
2810895                     if (!flag_star)
2810896                       {
2810897                         ptr_sshort = va_arg (ap, signed short *);
2810898                        *ptr_sshort = value_i;
2810899                         assigned++;
2810900                       }
2810901                     f += 1;
2810902                     input = next;
2810903                   }
2810904                 else if (format[f] == 'i')
2810905                   {
2810906                     //------------------------ signed int, base unknown.
2810907                     value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 0, width);
2810908                     if (input == next)
2810909                       {
2810910                         return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810911                       }
2810912                     consumed++;
2810913                     if (!flag_star)
2810914                       {
2810915                         ptr_sint = va_arg (ap, signed int *);
2810916                        *ptr_sint = value_i;
2810917                         assigned++;
2810918                       }
2810919                     f += 1;
2810920                     input = next;
2810921                   }
2810922                 else if (format[f] == 'o')
2810923                   {
2810924                     //------------------------------ signed int, base 8.
2810925                     value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 8, width);
2810926                     if (input == next)
2810927                       {
2810928                         return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810929                       }
2810930                     consumed++;
2810931                     if (!flag_star)
2810932                       {
2810933                         ptr_sint = va_arg (ap, signed int *);
2810934                        *ptr_sint = value_i;
2810935                         assigned++;
2810936                       }
2810937                     f += 1;
2810938                     input = next;
2810939                   }
2810940                 else if (format[f] == 'u')
2810941                   {
2810942                     //------------------------- unsigned short, base 10.
2810943                     value_u = strtointmax (input, &next, 10, width);
2810944                     if (input == next)
2810945                       {
2810946                         return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810947                       }
2810948                     consumed++;
2810949                     if (!flag_star)
2810950                       {
2810951                         ptr_uint = va_arg (ap, unsigned int *);
2810952                        *ptr_uint = value_u;
2810953                         assigned++;
2810954                       }
2810955                     f += 1;
2810956                     input = next;
2810957                   }
2810958                 else if (format[f] == 'x' || format[f] == 'X')
2810959                   {
2810960                     //--------------------------- signed short, base 16.
2810961                     value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 16, width);
2810962                     if (input == next)
2810963                       {
2810964                         return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2810965                       }
2810966                     consumed++;
2810967                     if (!flag_star)
2810968                       {
2810969                         ptr_sint = va_arg (ap, signed int *);
2810970                        *ptr_sint = value_i;
2810971                         assigned++;
2810972                       }
2810973                     f += 1;
2810974                     input = next;
2810975                   }
2810976                 else if (format[f] == 'c')
2810977                   {
2810978                     //------------------------------------------ char[].
2810979                     if (width == 0) width = 1;
2810980                     //
2810981                     if (!flag_star) ptr_char = va_arg (ap, char *);
2810982                     //
2810983                     for (count = 0;
2810984                          width > 0 && *input != 0;
2810985                          width--, ptr_char++, input++)
2810986                       {
2810987                         if (!flag_star) *ptr_char = *input;
2810988                         //
2810989                         count++;
2810990                       }
2810991                     //
2810992                     if (count)               consumed++;
2810993                     if (count && !flag_star) assigned++;
2810994                     //
2810995                     f += 1;
2810996                   }
2810997                 else if (format[f] == 's')
2810998                   {
2810999                     //------------------------------------------ string.
2811000                     if (!flag_star) ptr_char = va_arg (ap, char *);
2811001                     //
2811002                     for (count = 0;
2811003                          !isspace (*input) && *input != 0;
2811004                          ptr_char++, input++)
2811005                       {
2811006                         if (!flag_star) *ptr_char = *input;
2811007                         //
2811008                         count++;
2811009                       }
2811010                     if (!flag_star) *ptr_char = 0;
2811011                     //
2811012                     if (count)               consumed++;
2811013                     if (count && !flag_star) assigned++;
2811014                     //
2811015                     f += 1;
2811016                   }
2811017                 else if (format[f] == '[')
2811018                   {
2811019                     //
2811020                     f++;
2811021                     //
2811022                     if (format[f] == '^')
2811023                       {
2811024                         inverted = 1;
2811025                         f++;
2811026                       }
2811027                     else
2811028                       {
2811029                         inverted = 0;
2811030                       }
2811031                     //
2811032                     // Reset ascii array.
2811033                     //
2811034                     for (index = 0; index < 128; index++)
2811035                       {
2811036                         ascii[index] = inverted;
2811037                       }
2811038                     //
2811039                     //
2811040                     //
2811041                     for (count = 0;&format[f] < end_format; count++)
2811042                       {
2811043                         if (format[f] == ']' && count > 0)
2811044                           {
2811045                             break;
2811046                           }
2811047                         //
2811048                         // Check for an interval.
2811049                         //
2811050                         if (format[f+1] == '-'
2811051                          && format[f+2] != ']'
2811052                          && format[f+2] != 0)
2811053                           {
2811054                             //
2811055                             // Interval.
2811056                             //
2811057                             for (index = format[f];
2811058                                  index <= format[f+2];
2811059                                  index++)
2811060                               {
2811061                                 ascii[index] = !inverted;
2811062                               }
2811063                             f += 3;
2811064                             continue;
2811065                           }
2811066                         //
2811067                         // Single character.
2811068                         //
2811069                         index = format[f];
2811070                         ascii[index] = !inverted;
2811071                         f++;
2811072                       }
2811073                     //
2811074                     // Is the scan correctly finished?.
2811075                     //    
2811076                     if (format[f] != ']')
2811077                       {
2811078                         return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2811079                       }
2811080                     //
2811081                     // The ascii table is populated.
2811082                     //    
2811083                     if (width == 0) width = SIZE_MAX;
2811084                     //
2811085                     // Scan the input string.
2811086                     //
2811087                     if (!flag_star) ptr_char = va_arg (ap, char *);
2811088                     //
2811089                     for (count = 0;
2811090                          width > 0 && *input != 0;
2811091                          width--, ptr_char++, input++)
2811092                       {
2811093                         index = *input;
2811094                         if (ascii[index])
2811095                           {
2811096                             if (!flag_star) *ptr_char = *input;
2811097                             count++;
2811098                           }
2811099                         else
2811100                           {
2811101                             break;
2811102                           }
2811103                       }
2811104                     //
2811105                     if (count)               consumed++;
2811106                     if (count && !flag_star) assigned++;
2811107                     //
2811108                     f += 1;
2811109                   }
2811110                 else if (format[f] == 'p')
2811111                   {
2811112                     //------------------------------------------ void *.
2811113                     value_i = strtointmax (input, &next, 16, width);
2811114                     if (input == next)
2811115                       {
2811116                         return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2811117                       }
2811118                     consumed++;
2811119                     if (!flag_star)
2811120                       {
2811121                         ptr_void = va_arg (ap, void **);
2811122                        *ptr_void = (void *) ((int) value_i);
2811123                         assigned++;
2811124                       }
2811125                     f += 1;
2811126                     input = next;
2811127                   }
2811128                 else if (format[f] == 'n')
2811129                   {
2811130                     //--------------- signed char, string index counter.
2811131                     ptr_sint = va_arg (ap, signed int *);
2811132                    *ptr_sint = (signed char) (input - start + scanned);
2811133                     f += 1;
2811134                   }
2811135                 else
2811136                   {
2811137                     //---------------- unsupported or unknown specifier.
2811138                     ;
2811139                   }
2811141                 //------------------------------------------------------
2811142                 // End of specifier.
2811143                 //------------------------------------------------------
2811145                 width_string[0]     = '\0';
2811146                 specifier           = 0;
2811147                 specifier_flags     = 0;
2811148                 specifier_width     = 0;
2811149                 specifier_type      = 0;
2811150                 flag_star           = 0;
2811152               }
2811153           }
2811154         //
2811155         // The format or the input string is terminated.
2811156         //      
2811157         if  (&format[f] < end_format && stream)
2811158           {
2811159             //
2811160             // Only the input string is finished, and the input comes
2811161             // from a stream, so another read will be done.
2811162             //
2811163             scanned += (int) (input - start);
2811164             continue;
2811165           }
2811166         //
2811167         // The format string is terminated.
2811168         //
2811169         return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
2811170       }
2811171 }
2811172 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2811173 static intmax_t
2811174 strtointmax (const char *restrict string, char **endptr,
2811175              int base, size_t max_width)
2811176 {
2811177     int      i;
2811178     int      d;                 // Digits counter.
2811179     int      sign = +1;
2811180     intmax_t number;
2811181     intmax_t previous;
2811182     int      digit;
2811183     //
2811184     bool     flag_prefix_oct = 0;
2811185     bool     flag_prefix_exa = 0;
2811186     bool     flag_prefix_dec = 0;
2811187     //
2811188     // If the `max_width' value is zero, fix it to the maximum
2811189     // that it can represent.
2811190     //
2811191     if (max_width == 0)
2811192       {
2811193         max_width = SIZE_MAX;
2811194       }
2811195     //
2811196     // Eat initial spaces, but if there are spaces, there is an
2811197     // error inside the calling function!
2811198     //    
2811199     for (i = 0; isspace (string[i]); i++)
2811200       {
2811201         fprintf (stderr, "libc error: file \"%s\", line %i\n",
2811202                  __FILE__, __LINE__);
2811203         ;
2811204       }
2811205     //
2811206     // Check sign. The `max_width' counts also the sign, if there is
2811207     // one.
2811208     //
2811209     if (string[i] == '+')
2811210       {
2811211         sign = +1;
2811212         i++;
2811213         max_width--;
2811214       }
2811215     else if (string[i] == '-')
2811216       {
2811217         sign = -1;
2811218         i++;
2811219         max_width--;
2811220       }
2811221     //
2811222     // Check for prefix.
2811223     //
2811224     if (string[i] == '0')
2811225       {
2811226         if (string[i+1] == 'x' || string[i+1] == 'X')
2811227           {
2811228             flag_prefix_exa = 1;
2811229           }
2811230         if (isdigit (string[i+1]))
2811231           {
2811232             flag_prefix_oct = 1;
2811233           }
2811234       }
2811235     //
2811236     if (string[i] > '0' && string[i] <= '9')
2811237       {
2811238         flag_prefix_dec = 1;
2811239       }
2811240     //
2811241     // Check compatibility with requested base.
2811242     //
2811243     if (flag_prefix_exa)
2811244       {
2811245         if (base == 0)
2811246           {
2811247             base = 16;
2811248           }
2811249         else if (base == 16)
2811250           {
2811251             ;   // Ok.
2811252           }
2811253         else
2811254           {
2811255             //
2811256             // Incompatible sequence: only the initial zero is reported.
2811257             //
2811258             *endptr = &string[i+1];
2811259             return ((intmax_t) 0);
2811260           }
2811261         //
2811262         // Move on, after the `0x' prefix.
2811263         //
2811264         i += 2;
2811265       }
2811266     //
2811267     if (flag_prefix_oct)
2811268       {
2811269         if (base == 0)
2811270           {
2811271             base = 8;
2811272           }
2811273         //
2811274         // Move on, after the `0' prefix.
2811275         //
2811276         i += 1;
2811277       }
2811278     //
2811279     if (flag_prefix_dec)
2811280       {
2811281         if (base == 0)
2811282           {
2811283             base = 10;
2811284           }
2811285       }
2811286     //
2811287     // Scan the string.
2811288     //
2811289     for (d = 0, number = 0; d < max_width && string[i] != 0; i++, d++)
2811290       {
2811291         if      (string[i] >= '0' && string[i] <= '9')
2811292           {
2811293             digit = string[i] - '0';
2811294           }
2811295         else if (string[i] >= 'A' && string[i] <= 'F')
2811296           {
2811297             digit = string[i] - 'A' + 10;
2811298           }
2811299         else if (string[i] >= 'a' && string[i] <= 'f')
2811300           {
2811301             digit = string[i] - 'a' + 10;
2811302           }
2811303         else
2811304           {
2811305             digit = 999;
2811306           }       
2811307         //
2811308         // Give a sign to the digit.
2811309         //
2811310         digit *= sign;
2811311         //
2811312         // Compare with the base.
2811313         //
2811314         if (base > (digit * sign))
2811315           {
2811316             //
2811317             // Check if the current digit can be safely computed.
2811318             //
2811319             previous = number;
2811320             number  *= base;
2811321             number  += digit;
2811322             if (number / base != previous)
2811323               {
2811324                 //
2811325                 // Out of range.
2811326                 //
2811327                 *endptr = &string[i+1];
2811328                 errset (ERANGE);        // Result too large.
2811329                 if (sign > 0)
2811330                   {
2811331                     return (INTMAX_MAX);
2811332                   }
2811333                 else
2811334                   {
2811335                     return (INTMAX_MIN);
2811336                   }
2811337               }
2811338           }
2811339         else
2811340           {
2811341             *endptr = &string[i];
2811342             return (number);
2811343           }
2811344       }
2811345     //
2811346     // The string is finished or the max digits length is reached.
2811347     //
2811348     *endptr = &string[i];
2811349     //
2811350     return (number);
2811351 }
2811352 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2811353 static int
2811354 ass_or_eof (int consumed, int assigned)
2811355 {
2811356     if (consumed == 0)
2811357       {
2811358         return (EOF);
2811359       }
2811360     else
2811361       {
2811362         return (assigned);
2811363       }
2811364 }
2811365 //----------------------------------------------------------------------


Si veda la sezione u0.128.

2820001 #include <stdio.h>
2820002 #include <sys/types.h>
2820003 #include <sys/os16.h>
2820004 #include <string.h>
2820005 #include <unistd.h>
2820006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2820007 int
2820008 vprintf (char *restrict format, va_list arg)
2820009 {
2820010     ssize_t     size_written;
2820011     size_t      size;
2820012     size_t      size_total;
2820013     int         status;
2820014     char        string[BUFSIZ];
2820015     char       *buffer = string;
2820017     buffer[0] = 0;
2820018     status = vsprintf (buffer, format, arg);
2820020     size = strlen (buffer);
2820021     if (size >= BUFSIZ)
2820022       {
2820023         size = BUFSIZ;
2820024       }
2820026     for (size_total = 0, size_written = 0;
2820027          size_total < size;
2820028          size_total += size_written, buffer += size_written)
2820029       {
2820030         //
2820031         // Write to the standard output: file descriptor n. 1.
2820032         //
2820033         size_written = write (STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, size - size_total);
2820034         if (size_written < 0)
2820035           {
2820036             return (size_total);
2820037           }
2820038       }
2820039     return (size);
2820040 }


Si veda la sezione u0.129.

2830001 #include <stdio.h>
2830002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2830003 int
2830004 vscanf (const char *restrict format, va_list ap)
2830005 {
2830006     return (vfscanf (stdin, format, ap));
2830007 }
2830008 //----------------------------------------------------------------------


Si veda la sezione u0.128.

2840001 #include <stdint.h>
2840002 #include <stdbool.h>
2840003 #include <stdlib.h>
2840004 #include <string.h>
2840005 #include <stdio.h>
2840006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2840007 static size_t uimaxtoa      (uintmax_t integer, char *buffer, int base,
2840008                              int uppercase, size_t size);
2840009 static size_t imaxtoa       (intmax_t  integer, char *buffer, int base,
2840010                              int uppercase, size_t size);
2840011 static size_t simaxtoa      (intmax_t  integer, char *buffer, int base,
2840012                              int uppercase, size_t size);
2840013 static size_t uimaxtoa_fill (uintmax_t integer, char *buffer, int base,
2840014                              int uppercase, int width, int filler,
2840015                              int max);
2840016 static size_t imaxtoa_fill  (intmax_t  integer, char *buffer, int base,
2840017                              int uppercase, int width, int filler,
2840018                              int max);
2840019 static size_t simaxtoa_fill (intmax_t  integer, char *buffer, int base,
2840020                              int uppercase, int width, int filler,
2840021                              int max);
2840022 static size_t strtostr_fill (char *string, char *buffer, int width,
2840023                              int filler, int max);
2840024 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2840025 int
2840026 vsnprintf (char *restrict string, size_t size,
2840027            const char *restrict format, va_list ap)
2840028 {
2840029     //
2840030     // We produce at most `size-1' characters, + '\0'.
2840031     // `size' is used also as the max size for internal
2840032     // strings, but only if it is not too big.
2840033     //
2840034     int        f                   = 0;
2840035     int        s                   = 0;
2840036     int        remain              = size - 1;
2840037     //
2840038     bool       specifier           = 0;
2840039     bool       specifier_flags     = 0;
2840040     bool       specifier_width     = 0;
2840041     bool       specifier_precision = 0;
2840042     bool       specifier_type      = 0;
2840043     //
2840044     bool       flag_plus           = 0;
2840045     bool       flag_minus          = 0;
2840046     bool       flag_space          = 0;
2840047     bool       flag_alternate      = 0;
2840048     bool       flag_zero           = 0;
2840049     //
2840050     int        alignment;
2840051     int        filler;
2840052     //
2840053     intmax_t   value_i;
2840054     uintmax_t  value_ui;
2840055     char      *value_cp;
2840056     //
2840057     size_t     width;
2840058     size_t     precision;
2840059     #define    str_size  BUFSIZ/2
2840060     char       width_string[str_size];
2840061     char       precision_string[str_size];
2840062     int        w;
2840063     int        p;
2840064     //
2840065     width_string[0]     = '\0';
2840066     precision_string[0] = '\0';
2840067     //
2840068     while (format[f] != 0 && s < (size - 1))
2840069       {
2840070         if (!specifier)
2840071           {
2840072             //------------------- The context is not inside a specifier.
2840073             if (format[f] != '%')
2840074               {
2840075                 string[s] = format[f];
2840076                 s++;
2840077                 remain--;
2840078                 f++;
2840079                 continue;
2840080               }
2840081             if (format[f] == '%' && format[f+1] == '%')
2840082               {
2840083                 string[s] = '%';
2840084                 f++;
2840085                 f++;
2840086                 s++;
2840087                 remain--;
2840088                 continue;
2840089               }
2840090             if (format[f] == '%')
2840091               {
2840092                 f++;
2840093                 specifier = 1;
2840094                 specifier_flags = 1;
2840095                 continue;
2840096               }
2840097           }
2840098         //
2840099         if (specifier && specifier_flags)
2840100           {
2840101             //------------------- The context is inside specifier flags.
2840102             if (format[f] == '+')
2840103               {
2840104                 flag_plus = 1;
2840105                 f++;
2840106                 continue;
2840107               }
2840108             else if (format[f] == '-')
2840109               {
2840110                 flag_minus = 1;
2840111                 f++;
2840112                 continue;
2840113               }
2840114             else if (format[f] == ' ')
2840115               {
2840116                 flag_space = 1;
2840117                 f++;
2840118                 continue;
2840119               }
2840120             else if (format[f] == '#')
2840121               {
2840122                 flag_alternate = 1;
2840123                 f++;
2840124                 continue;
2840125               }
2840126             else if (format[f] == '0')
2840127               {
2840128                 flag_zero = 1;
2840129                 f++;
2840130                 continue;
2840131               }
2840132             else
2840133               {
2840134                 specifier_flags = 0;
2840135                 specifier_width = 1;
2840136               }
2840137           }
2840138         //
2840139         if (specifier && specifier_width)
2840140           {
2840141             //------------------- The context is inside specifier width.
2840142             for (w = 0; format[f] >= '0' && format[f] <= '9'
2840143                  && w < str_size; w++)
2840144               {
2840145                 width_string[w] = format[f];
2840146                 f++;
2840147               }
2840148             width_string[w] = '\0';
2840150             specifier_width = 0;
2840152             if (format[f] == '.')
2840153               { 
2840154                 specifier_precision = 1;
2840155                 f++;
2840156               }
2840157             else
2840158               { 
2840159                 specifier_precision = 0;
2840160                 specifier_type      = 1;
2840161               }
2840162           }
2840163         //
2840164         if (specifier && specifier_precision)
2840165           {
2840166             //--------------- The context is inside specifier precision.
2840167             for (p = 0; format[f] >= '0' && format[f] <= '9'
2840168                  && p < str_size; p++)
2840169               {
2840170                 precision_string[p] = format[f];
2840171                 p++;
2840172               }
2840173             precision_string[p] = '\0';
2840175             specifier_precision = 0;
2840176             specifier_type      = 1;
2840177           }
2840178         //
2840179         if (specifier && specifier_type)
2840180           {
2840181             //-------------------- The context is inside specifier type.
2840182             width     = atoi (width_string);
2840183             precision = atoi (precision_string);
2840184                             filler = ' ';
2840185             if (flag_zero)  filler = '0';
2840186             if (flag_space) filler = ' ';
2840187                             alignment = width;
2840188             if (flag_minus)
2840189               {
2840190                 alignment = -alignment;
2840191                 filler = ' ';   // The filler character cannot
2840192                                 // be zero, so it is black.
2840193               }
2840194             //
2840195             if (format[f] == 'h' && format[f+1] == 'h')
2840196               {
2840197                 if (format[f+2] == 'd' || format[f+2] == 'i')
2840198                   {
2840199                     //---------------------------- signed char, base 10.
2840200                     value_i = va_arg (ap, int);
2840201                     if (flag_plus)
2840202                       {
2840203                         s += simaxtoa_fill (value_i, &string[s], 10, 0,
2840204                                             alignment, filler, remain);
2840205                       }
2840206                     else
2840207                       {
2840208                         s += imaxtoa_fill (value_i, &string[s], 10, 0,
2840209                                            alignment, filler, remain);
2840210                       }
2840211                     f += 3;
2840212                   }
2840213                 else if (format[f+2] == 'u')
2840214                   {
2840215                     //-------------------------- unsigned char, base 10.
2840216                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
2840217                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 10, 0,
2840218                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840219                     f += 3;
2840220                   }
2840221                 else if (format[f+2] == 'o')
2840222                   {
2840223                     //--------------------------- unsigned char, base 8.
2840224                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
2840225                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 8, 0,
2840226                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840227                     f += 3;
2840228                   }
2840229                 else if (format[f+2] == 'x')
2840230                   {
2840231                     //-------------------------- unsigned char, base 16.
2840232                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
2840233                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 16, 0,
2840234                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840235                     f += 3;
2840236                   }
2840237                 else if (format[f+2] == 'X')
2840238                   {
2840239                     //-------------------------- unsigned char, base 16.
2840240                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
2840241                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 16, 1,
2840242                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840243                     f += 3;
2840244                   }
2840245                 else
2840246                   {
2840247                     //---------------- unsupported or unknown specifier.
2840248                     f += 2;
2840249                   }
2840250               }
2840251             else if (format[f] == 'h')
2840252               {
2840253                 if (format[f+1] == 'd' || format[f+1] == 'i')
2840254                   {
2840255                     //------------------------------ short int, base 10.
2840256                     value_i = va_arg (ap, int);
2840257                     if (flag_plus)
2840258                       {
2840259                         s += simaxtoa_fill (value_i, &string[s], 10, 0,
2840260                                             alignment, filler, remain);
2840261                       }
2840262                     else
2840263                       {
2840264                         s += imaxtoa_fill (value_i, &string[s], 10, 0,
2840265                                            alignment, filler, remain);
2840266                       }
2840267                     f += 2;
2840268                   }
2840269                 else if (format[f+1] == 'u')
2840270                   {
2840271                     //--------------------- unsigned short int, base 10.
2840272                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
2840273                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 10, 0,
2840274                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840275                     f += 2;
2840276                   }
2840277                 else if (format[f+1] == 'o')
2840278                   {
2840279                     //---------------------- unsigned short int, base 8.
2840280                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
2840281                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 8, 0,
2840282                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840283                     f += 2;
2840284                   }
2840285                 else if (format[f+1] == 'x')
2840286                   {
2840287                     //--------------------- unsigned short int, base 16.
2840288                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
2840289                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 16, 0,
2840290                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840291                     f += 2;
2840292                   }
2840293                 else if (format[f+1] == 'X')
2840294                   {
2840295                     //--------------------- unsigned short int, base 16.
2840296                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
2840297                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 16, 1,
2840298                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840299                     f += 2;
2840300                   }
2840301                 else
2840302                   {
2840303                     //---------------- unsupported or unknown specifier.
2840304                     f += 1;
2840305                   }
2840306               }
2840308                 //------------------------------------------------------
2840309                 // There is no `long long int'.
2840310                 //------------------------------------------------------
2840312             else if (format[f] == 'l')
2840313               {
2840314                 if (format[f+1] == 'd' || format[f+1] == 'i')
2840315                   {
2840316                     //-------------------------------- long int base 10.
2840317                     value_i = va_arg (ap, long int);
2840318                     if (flag_plus)
2840319                       {
2840320                         s += simaxtoa_fill (value_i, &string[s], 10, 0,
2840321                                             alignment, filler, remain);
2840322                       }
2840323                     else
2840324                       {
2840325                         s += imaxtoa_fill (value_i, &string[s], 10, 0,
2840326                                            alignment, filler, remain);
2840327                       }
2840328                     f += 2;
2840329                   }
2840330                 else if (format[f+1] == 'u')
2840331                   {
2840332                     //----------------------- Unsigned long int base 10.
2840333                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
2840334                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 10, 0,
2840335                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840336                     f += 2;
2840337                   }
2840338                 else if (format[f+1] == 'o')
2840339                   {
2840340                     //------------------------ Unsigned long int base 8.
2840341                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
2840342                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 8, 0,
2840343                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840344                     f += 2;
2840345                   }
2840346                 else if (format[f+1] == 'x')
2840347                   {
2840348                     //----------------------- Unsigned long int base 16.
2840349                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
2840350                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 16, 0,
2840351                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840352                     f += 2;
2840353                   }
2840354                 else if (format[f+1] == 'X')
2840355                   {
2840356                     //----------------------- Unsigned long int base 16.
2840357                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
2840358                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 16, 1,
2840359                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840360                     f += 2;
2840361                   }
2840362                 else
2840363                   {
2840364                     //---------------- unsupported or unknown specifier.
2840365                     f += 1;
2840366                   }
2840367               }
2840368             else if (format[f] == 'j')
2840369               {
2840370                 if (format[f+1] == 'd' || format[f+1] == 'i')
2840371                   {
2840372                     //-------------------------------- intmax_t base 10.
2840373                     value_i = va_arg (ap, intmax_t);
2840374                     if (flag_plus)
2840375                       {
2840376                         s += simaxtoa_fill (value_i, &string[s], 10, 0,
2840377                                             alignment, filler, remain);
2840378                       }
2840379                     else
2840380                       {
2840381                         s += imaxtoa_fill (value_i, &string[s], 10, 0,
2840382                                            alignment, filler, remain);
2840383                       }
2840384                     f += 2;
2840385                   }
2840386                 else if (format[f+1] == 'u')
2840387                   {
2840388                     //------------------------------- uintmax_t base 10.
2840389                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, uintmax_t);
2840390                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 10, 0,
2840391                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840392                     f += 2;
2840393                   }
2840394                 else if (format[f+1] == 'o')
2840395                   {
2840396                     //-------------------------------- uintmax_t base 8.
2840397                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, uintmax_t);
2840398                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 8, 0,
2840399                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840400                     f += 2;
2840401                   }
2840402                 else if (format[f+1] == 'x')
2840403                   {
2840404                     //------------------------------- uintmax_t base 16.
2840405                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, uintmax_t);
2840406                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 16, 0,
2840407                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840408                     f += 2;
2840409                   }
2840410                 else if (format[f+1] == 'X')
2840411                   {
2840412                     //------------------------------- uintmax_t base 16.
2840413                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, uintmax_t);
2840414                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 16, 1,
2840415                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840416                     f += 2;
2840417                   }
2840418                 else
2840419                   {
2840420                     //---------------- unsupported or unknown specifier.
2840421                     f += 1;
2840422                   }
2840423               }
2840424             else if (format[f] == 'z')
2840425               {
2840426                 if (format[f+1] == 'd' 
2840427                     || format[f+1] == 'i' 
2840428                     || format[f+1] == 'i')
2840429                   {
2840430                     //---------------------------------- size_t base 10.
2840431                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
2840432                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 10, 0,
2840433                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840434                     f += 2;
2840435                   }
2840436                 else if (format[f+1] == 'o')
2840437                   {
2840438                     //----------------------------------- size_t base 8.
2840439                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
2840440                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 8, 0,
2840441                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840442                     f += 2;
2840443                   }
2840444                 else if (format[f+1] == 'x')
2840445                   {
2840446                     //---------------------------------- size_t base 16.
2840447                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
2840448                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 16, 0,
2840449                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840450                     f += 2;
2840451                   }
2840452                 else if (format[f+1] == 'X')
2840453                   {
2840454                     //---------------------------------- size_t base 16.
2840455                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
2840456                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 16, 1,
2840457                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840458                     f += 2;
2840459                   }
2840460                 else
2840461                   {
2840462                     //---------------- unsupported or unknown specifier.
2840463                     f += 1;
2840464                   }
2840465               }
2840466             else if (format[f] == 't')
2840467               {
2840468                 if (format[f+1] == 'd' || format[f+1] == 'i')
2840469                   {
2840470                     //------------------------------- ptrdiff_t base 10.
2840471                     value_i = va_arg (ap, long int);
2840472                     if (flag_plus)
2840473                       {
2840474                         s += simaxtoa_fill (value_i, &string[s], 10, 0,
2840475                                             alignment, filler, remain);
2840476                       }
2840477                     else
2840478                       {
2840479                         s += imaxtoa_fill (value_i, &string[s], 10, 0,
2840480                                            alignment, filler, remain);
2840481                       }
2840482                     f += 2;
2840483                   }
2840484                 else if (format[f+1] == 'u')
2840485                   {
2840486                     //----------------- ptrdiff_t base 10, without sign.
2840487                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
2840488                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 10, 0,
2840489                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840490                     f += 2;
2840491                   }
2840492                 else if (format[f+1] == 'o')
2840493                   {
2840494                     //------------------ ptrdiff_t base 8, without sign.
2840495                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
2840496                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 8, 0,
2840497                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840498                     f += 2;
2840499                   }
2840500                 else if (format[f+1] == 'x')
2840501                   {
2840502                     //----------------- ptrdiff_t base 16, without sign.
2840503                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
2840504                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 16, 0,
2840505                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840506                     f += 2;
2840507                   }
2840508                 else if (format[f+1] == 'X')
2840509                   {
2840510                     //----------------- ptrdiff_t base 16, without sign.
2840511                     value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
2840512                     s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 16, 1,
2840513                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840514                     f += 2;
2840515                   }
2840516                 else
2840517                   {
2840518                     //---------------- unsupported or unknown specifier.
2840519                     f += 1;
2840520                   }
2840521               }
2840522             if (format[f] == 'd' || format[f] == 'i')
2840523               {
2840524                 //----------------------------------------- int base 10.
2840525                 value_i = va_arg (ap, int);
2840526                 if (flag_plus)
2840527                   {
2840528                     s += simaxtoa_fill (value_i, &string[s], 10, 0,
2840529                                         alignment, filler, remain);
2840530                   }
2840531                 else
2840532                   {
2840533                     s += imaxtoa_fill (value_i, &string[s], 10, 0,
2840534                                        alignment, filler, remain);
2840535                   }
2840536                 f += 1;
2840537               }
2840538             else if (format[f] == 'u')
2840539               {
2840540                 //-------------------------------- unsigned int base 10.
2840541                 value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
2840542                 s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 10, 0,
2840543                                     alignment, filler, remain);
2840544                 f += 1;
2840545               }
2840546             else if (format[f] == 'o')
2840547               {
2840548                 //--------------------------------- unsigned int base 8.
2840549                 value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
2840550                 s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 8, 0,
2840551                                     alignment, filler, remain);
2840552                 f += 1;
2840553               }
2840554             else if (format[f] == 'x')
2840555               {
2840556                 //-------------------------------- unsigned int base 16.
2840557                 value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
2840558                 s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 16, 0,
2840559                                     alignment, filler, remain);
2840560                 f += 1;
2840561               }
2840562             else if (format[f] == 'X')
2840563               {
2840564                 //-------------------------------- unsigned int base 16.
2840565                 value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
2840566                 s += uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 16, 1,
2840567                                     alignment, filler, remain);
2840568                 f += 1;
2840569               }
2840570             else if (format[f] == 'c')
2840571               {
2840572                 //--------------------------------------- unsigned char.
2840573                 value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
2840574                 string[s] = (char) value_ui;
2840575                 s += 1;
2840576                 f += 1;
2840577               }
2840578             else if (format[f] == 's')
2840579               {
2840580                 //---------------------------------------------- string.
2840581                 value_cp = va_arg (ap, char *);
2840582                 filler = ' ';
2840584                 s += strtostr_fill (value_cp, &string[s], alignment,
2840585                                     filler, remain);
2840586                 f += 1;
2840587               }
2840588             else
2840589               {
2840590                 //-------------------- unsupported or unknown specifier.
2840591                 ;
2840592               }
2840593             //----------------------------------------------------------
2840594             // End of specifier.
2840595             //----------------------------------------------------------
2840596             width_string[0]     = '\0';
2840597             precision_string[0] = '\0';
2840599             specifier           = 0;
2840600             specifier_flags     = 0;
2840601             specifier_width     = 0;
2840602             specifier_precision = 0;
2840603             specifier_type      = 0;
2840605             flag_plus           = 0;
2840606             flag_minus          = 0;
2840607             flag_space          = 0;
2840608             flag_alternate      = 0;
2840609             flag_zero           = 0;
2840610           }
2840611       }
2840612     string[s] = '\0';
2840613     return s;
2840614 }
2840615 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2840616 // Static functions.
2840617 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2840618 static size_t
2840619 uimaxtoa (uintmax_t integer, char *buffer, int base, int uppercase,
2840620           size_t size)
2840621 {
2840622     //------------------------------------------------------------------
2840623     // Convert a maximum rank integer into a string.
2840624     //------------------------------------------------------------------
2840626         uintmax_t  integer_copy = integer;
2840627            size_t  digits;
2840628               int  b;
2840629     unsigned char  remainder;
2840631     for (digits = 0; integer_copy > 0; digits++)
2840632       {
2840633         integer_copy = integer_copy / base;
2840634       }
2840636     if (buffer == NULL && integer == 0) return 1;
2840637     if (buffer == NULL && integer > 0)  return digits;
2840639     if (integer == 0)
2840640       {
2840641         buffer[0] = '0';
2840642         buffer[1] = '\0';
2840643         return 1;
2840644       }
2840645     //
2840646     // Fix the maximum number of digits.
2840647     //    
2840648     if (size > 0 && digits > size) digits = size;
2840649     //
2840650     *(buffer + digits) = '\0';            // End of string.
2840652     for (b = digits - 1; integer != 0 && b >= 0; b--)
2840653       {
2840654         remainder = integer % base;
2840655         integer   = integer / base;
2840657         if (remainder <= 9)
2840658           {
2840659             *(buffer + b) = remainder + '0';
2840660           }
2840661         else
2840662           {
2840663             if (uppercase)
2840664               {
2840665                 *(buffer + b) = remainder - 10 + 'A';
2840666               }
2840667             else
2840668               {
2840669                 *(buffer + b) = remainder - 10 + 'a';
2840670               }
2840671           }
2840672       }
2840673     return digits;
2840674 }
2840675 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2840676 static size_t
2840677 imaxtoa (intmax_t integer, char *buffer, int base, int uppercase,
2840678          size_t size)
2840679 {
2840680     //------------------------------------------------------------------
2840681     // Convert a maximum rank integer with sign into a string.
2840682     //------------------------------------------------------------------
2840684     if (integer >= 0)
2840685       {
2840686         return uimaxtoa (integer, buffer, base, uppercase, size);
2840687       }
2840688     //
2840689     // At this point, there is a negative number, less than zero.
2840690     //
2840691     if (buffer == NULL)
2840692       {
2840693         return uimaxtoa (-integer, NULL, base, uppercase, size) + 1;
2840694       }
2840696     *buffer = '-';        // The minus sign is needed at the beginning.
2840697     if (size == 1)
2840698       {
2840699         *(buffer + 1) = '\0';
2840700         return 1;
2840701       }
2840702     else
2840703       {
2840704         return uimaxtoa (-integer, buffer+1, base, uppercase, size-1)
2840705                + 1;
2840706       }
2840707 }
2840708 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2840709 static size_t
2840710 simaxtoa (intmax_t integer, char *buffer, int base, int uppercase,
2840711           size_t size)
2840712 {
2840713     //------------------------------------------------------------------
2840714     // Convert a maximum rank integer with sign into a string, placing
2840715     // the sign also if it is positive.
2840716     //------------------------------------------------------------------
2840718     if (buffer == NULL && integer >= 0)
2840719       {
2840720         return uimaxtoa (integer, NULL, base, uppercase, size) + 1;
2840721       }
2840723     if (buffer == NULL && integer < 0)
2840724       {
2840725         return uimaxtoa (-integer, NULL, base, uppercase, size) + 1;
2840726       }
2840727     //
2840728     // At this point, `buffer' is different from NULL.
2840729     //
2840730     if (integer >= 0)
2840731       {
2840732         *buffer = '+';
2840733       }
2840734     else
2840735       {
2840736         *buffer = '-';
2840737       }
2840739     if (size == 1)
2840740       {
2840741         *(buffer + 1) = '\0';
2840742         return 1;
2840743       }
2840745     if (integer >= 0)
2840746       {
2840747         return uimaxtoa (integer, buffer+1, base, uppercase, size-1)
2840748                + 1;
2840749       }
2840750     else
2840751       {
2840752         return uimaxtoa (-integer, buffer+1, base, uppercase, size-1)
2840753                + 1;
2840754       }
2840755 }
2840756 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2840757 static size_t
2840758 uimaxtoa_fill (uintmax_t integer, char *buffer, int base,
2840759                int uppercase, int width, int filler, int max)
2840760 {
2840761     //------------------------------------------------------------------
2840762     // Convert a maximum rank integer without sign into a string,
2840763     // takeing care of the alignment.
2840764     //------------------------------------------------------------------
2840766     size_t size_i;
2840767     size_t size_f;
2840769     if (max < 0) return 0; // «max» deve essere un valore positivo.
2840771     size_i = uimaxtoa (integer, NULL, base, uppercase, 0);
2840773     if (width > 0 &&  max > 0 && width >  max) width =  max;
2840774     if (width < 0 && -max < 0 && width < -max) width = -max;
2840776     if (size_i > abs (width))
2840777       {
2840778         return uimaxtoa (integer, buffer, base, uppercase, abs (width));
2840779       }
2840781     if (width == 0 && max > 0)
2840782       {
2840783         return uimaxtoa (integer, buffer, base, uppercase, max);
2840784       }
2840786     if (width == 0)
2840787       {
2840788         return uimaxtoa (integer, buffer, base, uppercase, abs (width));
2840789       }
2840790     //
2840791     // size_i <= abs (width).
2840792     //
2840793     size_f = abs (width) - size_i;
2840795     if (width < 0)
2840796       {
2840797         // Left alignment.
2840798         uimaxtoa (integer, buffer, base, uppercase, 0);
2840799         memset (buffer + size_i, filler, size_f);
2840800       }
2840801     else
2840802       {
2840803         // Right alignment.
2840804         memset (buffer, filler, size_f);
2840805         uimaxtoa (integer, buffer + size_f, base, uppercase, 0);
2840806       }
2840807     *(buffer + abs (width)) = '\0';
2840809     return abs (width);
2840810 }
2840811 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2840812 static size_t
2840813 imaxtoa_fill (intmax_t integer, char *buffer, int base,
2840814               int uppercase, int width, int filler, int max)
2840815 {
2840816     //------------------------------------------------------------------
2840817     // Convert a maximum rank integer with sign into a string,
2840818     // takeing care of the alignment.
2840819     //------------------------------------------------------------------
2840821     size_t size_i;
2840822     size_t size_f;
2840824     if (max < 0) return 0; // `max' must be a positive value.
2840826     size_i = imaxtoa (integer, NULL, base, uppercase, 0);
2840828     if (width > 0 &&  max > 0 && width >  max) width =  max;
2840829     if (width < 0 && -max < 0 && width < -max) width = -max;
2840831     if (size_i > abs (width))
2840832       {
2840833         return imaxtoa (integer, buffer, base, uppercase, abs (width));
2840834       }
2840836     if (width == 0 && max > 0)
2840837       {
2840838         return imaxtoa (integer, buffer, base, uppercase, max);
2840839       }
2840841     if (width == 0)
2840842       {
2840843         return imaxtoa (integer, buffer, base, uppercase, abs (width));
2840844       }
2840846     // size_i <= abs (width).
2840848     size_f = abs (width) - size_i;
2840850     if (width < 0)
2840851       {
2840852         // Left alignment.
2840853         imaxtoa (integer, buffer, base, uppercase, 0);
2840854         memset (buffer + size_i, filler, size_f);
2840855       }
2840856     else
2840857       {
2840858         // Right alignment.
2840859         memset (buffer, filler, size_f);
2840860         imaxtoa (integer, buffer + size_f, base, uppercase, 0);
2840861       }
2840862     *(buffer + abs (width)) = '\0';
2840864     return abs (width);
2840865 }
2840866 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2840867 static size_t
2840868 simaxtoa_fill (intmax_t integer, char *buffer, int base,
2840869                int uppercase, int width, int filler, int max)
2840870 {
2840871     //------------------------------------------------------------------
2840872     // Convert a maximum rank integer with sign into a string,
2840873     // placing the sign also if it is positive and takeing care of the
2840874     // alignment.
2840875     //------------------------------------------------------------------
2840877     size_t size_i;
2840878     size_t size_f;
2840880     if (max < 0) return 0; // `max' must be a positive value.
2840882     size_i = simaxtoa (integer, NULL, base, uppercase, 0);
2840884     if (width > 0 &&  max > 0 && width >  max) width =  max;
2840885     if (width < 0 && -max < 0 && width < -max) width = -max;
2840887     if (size_i > abs (width))
2840888       {
2840889         return simaxtoa (integer, buffer, base, uppercase, abs (width));
2840890       }
2840892     if (width == 0 && max > 0)
2840893       {
2840894         return simaxtoa (integer, buffer, base, uppercase, max);
2840895       }
2840897     if (width == 0)
2840898       {
2840899         return simaxtoa (integer, buffer, base, uppercase, abs (width));
2840900       }
2840901     //
2840902     // size_i <= abs (width).
2840903     //
2840904     size_f = abs (width) - size_i;
2840906     if (width < 0)
2840907       {
2840908         // Left alignment.
2840909         simaxtoa (integer, buffer, base, uppercase, 0);
2840910         memset (buffer + size_i, filler, size_f);
2840911       }
2840912     else
2840913       {
2840914         // Right alignment.
2840915         memset (buffer, filler, size_f);
2840916         simaxtoa (integer, buffer + size_f, base, uppercase, 0);
2840917       }
2840918     *(buffer + abs (width)) = '\0';
2840920     return abs (width);
2840921 }
2840922 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2840923 static size_t
2840924 strtostr_fill (char *string, char *buffer, int width, int filler,
2840925                int max)
2840926 {
2840927     //------------------------------------------------------------------
2840928     // Transfer a string with care for the alignment.
2840929     //------------------------------------------------------------------
2840931     size_t size_s;
2840932     size_t size_f;
2840934     if (max < 0) return 0; // `max' must be a positive value.
2840936     size_s = strlen (string);
2840938     if (width > 0 &&  max > 0 && width >  max) width =  max;
2840939     if (width < 0 && -max < 0 && width < -max) width = -max;
2840941     if (width != 0 && size_s > abs (width))
2840942       {
2840943         memcpy (buffer, string, abs (width));
2840944         buffer[width] = '\0';
2840945         return width;
2840946       }
2840948     if (width == 0 && max > 0 && size_s > max)
2840949       {
2840950         memcpy (buffer, string, max);
2840951         buffer[max] = '\0';
2840952         return max;
2840953       }
2840955     if (width == 0 && max > 0 && size_s < max)
2840956       {
2840957         memcpy (buffer, string, size_s);
2840958         buffer[size_s] = '\0';
2840959         return size_s;
2840960       }
2840961     //
2840962     // width =! 0
2840963     // size_s <= abs (width)
2840964     //
2840965     size_f = abs (width) - size_s;
2840967     if (width < 0)
2840968       {
2840969         // Right alignment.
2840970         memset (buffer, filler, size_f);
2840971         strncpy (buffer+size_f, string, size_s);
2840972       }
2840973     else
2840974       {
2840975         // Left alignment.
2840976         strncpy (buffer, string, size_s);
2840977         memset (buffer+size_s, filler, size_f);
2840978       }
2840979     *(buffer + abs (width)) = '\0';
2840981     return abs (width);
2840982 }


Si veda la sezione u0.128.

2850001 #include <stdio.h>
2850002 #include <sys/os16.h>
2850003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2850004 int
2850005 vsprintf (char *string, char *restrict format, va_list arg)
2850006 {
2850007     return (vsnprintf (string, BUFSIZ, format, arg));
2850008 }


Si veda la sezione u0.129.

2860001 #include <stdio.h>
2860003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2860004 int vfsscanf (FILE *restrict fp, const char *string,
2860005               const char *restrict format, va_list ap);
2860006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2860007 int
2860008 vsscanf (const char *string, const char *restrict format, va_list ap)
2860009 {
2860010     return (vfsscanf (NULL, string, format, ap));
2860011 }
2860012 //----------------------------------------------------------------------

os16: «lib/stdlib.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2870001 #ifndef _STDLIB_H
2870002 #define _STDLIB_H       1
2870003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2870005 #include <size_t.h>
2870006 #include <wchar_t.h>
2870007 #include <NULL.h>
2870008 #include <limits.h>
2870009 #include <const.h>
2870010 #include <restrict.h>
2870011 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2870012 typedef struct {
2870013     int      quot;
2870014     int      rem;
2870015 } div_t;
2870016 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2870017 typedef struct {
2870018     long int quot;
2870019     long int rem;
2870020 } ldiv_t;
2870021 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2870022 typedef void (*atexit_t) (void);        // Non standard. [1]
2870023 //
2870024 // [1] The type `atexit_t' is a pointer to a function for the "at exit"
2870025 //     procedure, with no parameters and returning void. With the
2870026 //     declaration of type `atexit_t', the function prototype of
2870027 //     `atexit()' is easier to declare and to understand. Original
2870028 //     declaration is:
2870029 //
2870030 //              int atexit (void (*function) (void));
2870031 //
2870032 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2870033 #define EXIT_FAILURE    1
2870034 #define EXIT_SUCCESS    0
2870035 #define RAND_MAX        INT_MAX
2870036 #define MB_CUR_MAX      ((size_t) MB_LEN_MAX)
2870037 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2870038 void              _Exit    (int status);
2870039 void              abort    (void);
2870040 int               abs      (int j);
2870041 int               atexit   (atexit_t function);
2870042 int               atoi     (const char *string);
2870043 long int          atol     (const char *string);
2870044 //void           *bsearch  (const void *key, const void *base,
2870045 //                          size_t nmemb, size_t size,
2870046 //                          int (*compar) (const void *, const void *));
2870047 #define           calloc(b, s) (malloc ((b) * (s)))
2870048 div_t             div      (int numer, int denom);
2870049 void              exit     (int status);
2870050 void              free     (void *ptr);
2870051 char             *getenv   (const char *name);
2870052 long int          labs     (long int j);
2870053 ldiv_t            ldiv     (long int numer, long int denom);
2870054 void             *malloc   (size_t size);
2870055 int               putenv   (const char *string);
2870056 void              qsort    (void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
2870057                             int (*compare) (const void *,
2870058                                             const void *));
2870059 int               rand     (void);
2870060 void             *realloc  (void *ptr, size_t size);
2870061 int               setenv   (const char *name, const char *value,
2870062                             int overwrite);
2870063 void              srand    (unsigned int seed);
2870064 long int          strtol   (const char *restrict string,
2870065                             char **restrict endptr, int base);
2870066 unsigned long int strtoul  (const char * restrict string,
2870067                             char ** restrict endptr, int base);
2870068 //int             system   (const char *string);
2870069 int               unsetenv (const char *name);
2870071 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2880001 #include <stdlib.h>
2880002 #include <sys/os16.h>
2880003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2880004 void
2880005 _Exit (int status)
2880006 {
2880007     sysmsg_exit_t msg;
2880008     //
2880009     // Only the low eight bit are returned.
2880010     //
2880011     msg.status = (status & 0xFF);
2880012     //
2880013     //
2880014     //
2880015     sys (SYS_EXIT, &msg, (sizeof msg));
2880016     //
2880017     // Should not return from system call, but if it does, loop
2880018     // forever:
2880019     //
2880020     while (1);
2880021 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

2890001 #include <stdlib.h>
2890002 #include <sys/types.h>
2890003 #include <signal.h>
2890004 #include <unistd.h>
2890005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2890006 void
2890007 abort (void)
2890008 {
2890009     pid_t        pid;
2890010     sighandler_t sig_previous;
2890011     //
2890012     // Set `SIGABRT' to a default action.
2890013     //
2890014     sig_previous = signal (SIGABRT, SIG_DFL);
2890015     //
2890016     // If the previous action was something different than symbolic
2890017     // ones, configure again the previous action.
2890018     //
2890019     if (sig_previous != SIG_DFL &&
2890020         sig_previous != SIG_IGN &&
2890021         sig_previous != SIG_ERR)
2890022       {
2890023         signal (SIGABRT, sig_previous);
2890024       }
2890025     //
2890026     // Get current process ID and sent the signal.
2890027     //
2890028     pid = getpid ();
2890029     kill (pid, SIGABRT);
2890030     //
2890031     // Second chance
2890032     //
2890033     for (;;)
2890034       {
2890035         signal (SIGABRT, SIG_DFL);
2890036         pid = getpid ();
2890037         kill (pid, SIGABRT);
2890038       }
2890039 }    


Si veda la sezione u0.3.

2900001 #include <stdlib.h>
2900002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2900003 int
2900004 abs (int j)
2900005 {
2900006     if (j < 0)
2900007       {
2900008         return -j;
2900009       }
2900010     else
2900011       {
2900012         return j;
2900013       }
2900014 }    


Si veda la sezione u0.66.

2910001 #include <stdlib.h>
2910002 #include <string.h>
2910003 #include <errno.h>
2910004 #include <limits.h>
2910005 #include <stdio.h>
2910006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2910007 #define MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE       1024
2910008 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2910009 static char     _alloc_memory[LONG_BIT][MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE];   // [1]
2910010 static size_t   _alloc_size[LONG_BIT];                        // [2]
2910011 static long int _alloc_map;                                   // [3]
2910012 //
2910013 // [1] Memory to be allocated.
2910014 // [2] Sizes allocated.
2910015 // [3] Memory block map. The memory map is made of a single integer and
2910016 //     the rightmost bit is the first memory block.
2910017 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2910018 void *
2910019 malloc (size_t size)
2910020 {
2910021     size_t   size_free;   // Size free found that might be allocated.
2910022     int      m;           // Index inside `_alloc_memory[][]' table.
2910023     int      s;           // Start index for a free memory area.
2910024     long int mask;        // Mask to compare with `_alloc_map'.
2910025     long int alloc;       // New allocation map.
2910026     //
2910027     // Check for arguments.
2910028     //
2910029     if (size == 0)
2910030       {
2910031         return (NULL);
2910032       }
2910033     //
2910034     for (s = 0, m = 0; m < LONG_BIT; m++)
2910035       {
2910036         mask = 1;
2910037         mask <<= m;
2910038         //
2910039         if (_alloc_map & mask)
2910040           {
2910041             //
2910042             // The memory block is not free.
2910043             //
2910044             s         = m + 1;
2910045             size_free = 0;
2910046             alloc     = 0;
2910047           }
2910048         else
2910049           {
2910050             alloc     |= mask;
2910051             size_free += MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE;
2910052           }
2910053         if (size_free >= size)
2910054           {
2910055             //
2910056             // Space found: update `_alloc_size[]' table, the map inside
2910057             // `_alloc_map' and return the memory address.
2910058             //
2910059             _alloc_size[s] = size_free;
2910060             _alloc_map    |= alloc;
2910061             return ((void *) &_alloc_memory[s][0]);
2910062           }
2910063       }
2910064     //
2910065     // No space left.
2910066     //
2910067     errset (ENOMEM);                    // Not enough space.
2910068     //
2910069     return (NULL);
2910070 }
2910071 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2910072 void
2910073 free (void *address)
2910074 {
2910075     size_t   size_free;  // Size to make free.
2910076     int      m;          // Index inside `_alloc_memory[][]' table.
2910077     int      s;          // Start index.
2910078     long int mask;       // Mask to compare with `_alloc_map'.
2910079     long int alloc;      // New allocation map.
2910080     //
2910081     // Check argument.
2910082     //
2910083     if (address == NULL)
2910084       {
2910085         return;
2910086       }
2910087     //
2910088     // Find the original allocated address inside `_alloc_memory[][]'
2910089     // table.
2910090     //
2910091     for (m = 0; m < LONG_BIT; m++)
2910092       {
2910093         if (address == (void *) &_alloc_memory[m][0])
2910094           {
2910095             //
2910096             // This is the right memory block.
2910097             //
2910098             if (_alloc_size[m] == 0)
2910099               {
2910100                 //
2910101                 // The block found is not allocated.
2910102                 //
2910103                 return;
2910104               }
2910105             else
2910106               {
2910107                 //
2910108                 // Build the map of the memory to set free.
2910109                 //
2910110                 size_free = _alloc_size[m];
2910111                 for (alloc = 0, s = m;
2910112                      size_free > 0 && s < LONG_BIT;
2910113                      size_free -= MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE, s++)
2910114                   {
2910115                     mask   = 1;
2910116                     mask <<= s;
2910117                     alloc |= mask;
2910118                   }
2910119                 //
2910120                 // Compare the map of memory to be freed with the
2910121                 // reality allocated one, then free the memory.
2910122                 //
2910123                 if ((_alloc_map & alloc) == alloc)
2910124                   {
2910125                     _alloc_map    &= ~alloc;
2910126                     _alloc_size[m] = 0;
2910127                     return;
2910128                   }
2910129                 //
2910130                 // The real map does not report the same amount of
2910131                 // allocated memory, so nothing is freed.
2910132                 //
2910133                 return;
2910134               }
2910135           }
2910136       }
2910137     //
2910138     // Address not allocated.
2910139     //
2910140     return;
2910141 }
2910142 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2910143 void *
2910144 realloc (void *address, size_t size)
2910145 {
2910146     char  *address_new;
2910147     char  *address_old = (char *) address;
2910148     size_t size_old    = 0;
2910149     size_t size_new    = size;
2910150     int    m;                   // Index inside the memory table;
2910151     //
2910152     // Check arguments.
2910153     //
2910154     if (size == 0)              return (NULL);
2910155     if (address == NULL)        return (malloc (size));
2910156     //
2910157     // Locate original allocation.
2910158     //
2910159     for (m = 0; m < LONG_BIT; m++)
2910160       {
2910161         if (address_old == (char *) &_alloc_memory[m][0])
2910162           {
2910163             size_old = _alloc_size[m];
2910164             break;
2910165           }
2910166       }
2910167     //
2910168     // Check if a valid size was found.
2910169     //
2910170     if (size_old == 0)
2910171       {
2910172         //
2910173         // Address not found or size not valid.
2910174         //
2910175         return (NULL);
2910176       }
2910177     //
2910178     // Allocate the new memory.
2910179     //
2910180     address_new = malloc (size);
2910181     //
2910182     // Check allocation. If there is an error, the variable `errno'
2910183     // is already updated by `malloc()'.
2910184     //
2910185     if (address_new == NULL)
2910186       {
2910187         return (NULL);
2910188       }
2910189     //
2910190     // Copy old memory.
2910191     //
2910192     for (; size_old > 0 && size_new > 0;
2910193          size_old--, size_new--, address_new++, address_old++)
2910194       {
2910195        *address_new = *address_old;
2910196       }
2910197     //
2910198     // Free old memory.
2910199     //
2910200     free (address);
2910201     //
2910202     // Return the new address.
2910203     //
2910204     return (address_new);
2910205 }
2910206 //----------------------------------------------------------------------


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

2920001 #include <stdlib.h>
2920002 #include <stdio.h>
2920003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2920004 atexit_t _atexit_table[ATEXIT_MAX];
2920005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2920006 void
2920007 _atexit_setup (void)
2920008 {
2920009     int a;
2920010     //
2920011     for (a = 0; a < ATEXIT_MAX; a++)
2920012       {
2920013         _atexit_table[a] = NULL;
2920014       }
2920015 }
2920016 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2920017 int
2920018 atexit (atexit_t function)
2920019 {
2920020     int a;
2920021     //
2920022     if (function == NULL)
2920023       {
2920024         return (-1);
2920025       }
2920026     //
2920027     for (a = 0; a < ATEXIT_MAX; a++)
2920028       {
2920029         if (_atexit_table[a] == NULL)
2920030           {
2920031             _atexit_table[a] = function;
2920032             return (0);
2920033           }
2920034       }
2920035     //
2920036     return (-1);
2920037 }


Si veda la sezione u0.5.

2930001 #include <stdlib.h>
2930002 #include <ctype.h>
2930003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2930004 int
2930005 atoi (const char *string)
2930006 {
2930007     int i;
2930008     int sign = +1;
2930009     int number;
2930010     //
2930011     for (i = 0; isspace (string[i]); i++)
2930012       {
2930013         ;
2930014       }
2930015     //
2930016     if (string[i] == '+')
2930017       {
2930018         sign = +1;
2930019         i++;
2930020       }
2930021     else if (string[i] == '-')
2930022       {
2930023         sign = -1;
2930024         i++;
2930025       }
2930026     //
2930027     for (number = 0; isdigit (string[i]); i++)
2930028       {
2930029         number *= 10;
2930030         number += (string[i] - '0');
2930031       }
2930032     //
2930033     number *= sign;
2930034     //
2930035     return number;
2930036 }


Si veda la sezione u0.5.

2940001 #include <stdlib.h>
2940002 #include <ctype.h>
2940003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2940004 long int
2940005 atol (const char *string)
2940006 {
2940007     int      i;
2940008     int      sign = +1;
2940009     long int number;
2940010     //
2940011     for (i = 0; isspace (string[i]); i++)
2940012       {
2940013         ;
2940014       }
2940015     //
2940016     if (string[i] == '+')
2940017       {
2940018         sign = +1;
2940019         i++;
2940020       }
2940021     else if (string[i] == '-')
2940022       {
2940023         sign = -1;
2940024         i++;
2940025       }
2940026     //
2940027     for (number = 0; isdigit (string[i]); i++)
2940028       {
2940029         number *= 10;
2940030         number += (string[i] - '0');
2940031       }
2940032     //
2940033     number *= sign;
2940034     //
2940035     return number;
2940036 }


Si veda la sezione u0.15.

2950001 #include <stdlib.h>
2950002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2950003 div_t
2950004 div (int numer, int denom)
2950005 {
2950006     div_t d;
2950007     d.quot = numer / denom;
2950008     d.rem = numer % denom;
2950009     return d;
2950010 }


Si veda la sezione u0.1.

2960001 #include <stdlib.h>
2960002 #include <string.h>
2960003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2960004 // This file contains a non standard definition, related to the
2960005 // environment handling.
2960006 //
2960007 // The file `crt0.s', before calling the main function, calls the
2960008 // function `_environment_setup(), that is responsible for initializing
2960009 // the array `_environment_table[][]' and for copying the content
2960010 // of the environment, as it comes from the `exec()' system call.
2960011 //
2960012 // The pointers to the environment strings organised inside the
2960013 // array `_environment_table[][]', are also copied inside the
2960014 // array of pointers `_environment[]'.
2960015 //
2960016 // After all that is done, inside `crt0.s', the pointer to
2960017 // `_environment[]' is copied to the traditional variable `environ'
2960018 // and also to the previous value of the pointer variable `envp'.
2960019 //
2960020 // This way, applications will get the environment, but organised
2960021 // inside the table `_environment_table[][]'. So, functions like
2960022 // `getenv()' and `setenv()' do know where to look for.
2960023 //
2960024 // It is useful to notice that there is no prototype and no extern
2960025 // declaration inside the file <stdlib.h>, about this function
2960026 // and these arrays, because applications do not have to know about
2960027 // it.
2960028 //
2960029 // Please notice that `environ' could be just the same as
2960030 // `_environment' here, but the common use puts `environ' inside
2960031 // <unistd.h>, although for this implementation it should be better
2960032 // placed inside <stdlib.h>.
2960033 //
2960034 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2960035 char  _environment_table[ARG_MAX/32][ARG_MAX/16];
2960036 char *_environment[ARG_MAX/32+1];
2960037 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2960038 void
2960039 _environment_setup (char *envp[])
2960040 {
2960041     int e;
2960042     int s;
2960043     //
2960044     // Reset the `_environment_table[][]' array.
2960045     //
2960046     for (e = 0; e < ARG_MAX/32; e++)
2960047       {
2960048         for (s = 0; s < ARG_MAX/16; s++)
2960049           {
2960050             _environment_table[e][s] = 0;
2960051           }
2960052       }
2960053     //
2960054     // Set the `_environment[]' pointers. The final extra element must
2960055     // be a NULL pointer.
2960056     //
2960057     for (e = 0; e < ARG_MAX/32 ; e++)
2960058       {
2960059         _environment[e] = _environment_table[e];
2960060       }
2960061     _environment[ARG_MAX/32] = NULL;
2960062     //
2960063     // Copy the environment inside the array, but only if `envp' is
2960064     // not NULL.
2960065     //
2960066     if (envp != NULL)
2960067       {
2960068         for (e = 0; envp[e] != NULL && e < ARG_MAX/32; e++)
2960069           {
2960070             strncpy (_environment_table[e], envp[e], (ARG_MAX/16)-1);
2960071           }
2960072       }
2960073 }


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

2970001 #include <stdlib.h>
2970002 #include <stdio.h>
2970003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2970004 extern atexit_t _atexit_table[];
2970005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2970006 void
2970007 exit (int status)
2970008 {
2970009     int a;
2970010     //
2970011     // The "at exit" functions must be called in reverse order.
2970012     //
2970013     for (a = (ATEXIT_MAX - 1); a >= 0; a--)
2970014       {
2970015         if (_atexit_table[a] != NULL)
2970016           {
2970017             (*_atexit_table[a]) ();
2970018           }
2970019       }
2970020     //
2970021     // Now: really exit.
2970022     //
2970023     _Exit (status);
2970024     //
2970025     // Should not return from system call, but if it does, loop
2970026     // forever:
2970027     //
2970028     while (1);
2970029 }


Si veda la sezione u0.51.

2980001 #include <stdlib.h>
2980002 #include <string.h>
2980003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2980004 extern char *_environment[];
2980005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2980006 char *
2980007 getenv (const char *name)
2980008 {
2980009     int   e;        // First index: environment table items.
2980010     int   f;        // Second index: environment string scan.
2980011     char *value;    // Pointer to the environment value found.
2980012     //
2980013     // Check if the input is valid. No error is reported.
2980014     //
2980015     if (name == NULL || strlen (name) == 0)
2980016       {
2980017         return (NULL);
2980018       }
2980019     //
2980020     // Scan the environment table items, with index `e'. The pointer
2980021     // `value' is initialized to NULL. If the pointer `value' gets a
2980022     // valid  pointer, the environment variable was found and a
2980023     // pointer to the beginning of its value is available.
2980024     //
2980025     for (value = NULL, e = 0; e < ARG_MAX/32; e++)
2980026       {
2980027         //
2980028         // Scan the string of the environment item, with index `f'.
2980029         // The scan continue until `name[f]' and `_environment[e][f]'
2980030         // are equal.
2980031         //
2980032         for (f = 0;
2980033              f < ARG_MAX/16-1 && name[f] == _environment[e][f];
2980034              f++)
2980035           {
2980036             ; // Just scan.
2980037           }
2980038         //
2980039         // At this point, `name[f]' and `_environment[e][f]' are
2980040         // different: if `name[f]' is zero the name string is
2980041         // terminated; if `_environment[e][f]' is also equal to `=',
2980042         // the environment item is corresponding to the requested name.
2980043         //
2980044         if (name[f] == 0 && _environment[e][f] == '=')
2980045           {
2980046             //
2980047             // The pointer to the beginning of the environment value is
2980048             // calculated, and the external loop exit.
2980049             //
2980050             value = &_environment[e][f+1];
2980051             break;
2980052           }
2980053       }
2980054     //
2980055     // The `value' is returned: if it is still NULL, then, no
2980056     // environment variable with the requested name was found.
2980057     //
2980058     return (value);
2980059 }


Si veda la sezione u0.3.

2990001 #include <stdlib.h>
2990002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2990003 long int
2990004 labs (long int j)
2990005 {
2990006     if (j < 0)
2990007       {
2990008         return -j;
2990009       }
2990010     else
2990011       {
2990012         return j;
2990013       }
2990014 }    


Si veda la sezione u0.15.

3000001 #include <stdlib.h>
3000002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3000003 ldiv_t
3000004 ldiv (long int numer, long int denom)
3000005 {
3000006     ldiv_t d;
3000007     d.quot = numer / denom;
3000008     d.rem = numer % denom;
3000009     return d;
3000010 }


Si veda la sezione u0.82.

3010001 #include <stdlib.h>
3010002 #include <string.h>
3010003 #include <errno.h>
3010004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3010005 extern char *_environment[];
3010006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3010007 int
3010008 putenv (const char *string)
3010009 {
3010010     int   e;        // First index: environment table items.
3010011     int   f;        // Second index: environment string scan.
3010012     //
3010013     // Check if the input is empty. No error is reported.
3010014     //
3010015     if (string == NULL || strlen (string) == 0)
3010016       {
3010017         return (0);
3010018       }
3010019     //
3010020     // Check if the input is valid: there must be a `=' sign.
3010021     // Error here is reported.
3010022     //
3010023     if (strchr (string, '=') == NULL)
3010024       {
3010025         errset(EINVAL);                 // Invalid argument.
3010026         return (-1);
3010027       }
3010028     //
3010029     // Scan the environment table items, with index `e'. The intent is
3010030     // to find a previous environment variable with the same name.
3010031     //
3010032     for (e = 0; e < ARG_MAX/32; e++)
3010033       {
3010034         //
3010035         // Scan the string of the environment item, with index `f'.
3010036         // The scan continue until `string[f]' and `_environment[e][f]'
3010037         // are equal.
3010038         //
3010039         for (f = 0;
3010040              f < ARG_MAX/16-1 && string[f] == _environment[e][f];
3010041              f++)
3010042           {
3010043             ; // Just scan.
3010044           }
3010045         //
3010046         // At this point, `string[f-1]' and `_environment[e][f-1]'
3010047         // should contain `='. If it is so, the environment is replaced.
3010048         //
3010049         if (string[f-1] == '=' && _environment[e][f-1] == '=')
3010050           {
3010051             //
3010052             // The environment item was found: now replace the pointer.
3010053             //
3010054             _environment[e] = string;
3010055             //
3010056             // Return.
3010057             //
3010058             return (0);
3010059           }
3010060       }
3010061     //
3010062     // The item was not found. Scan again for a free slot.
3010063     //
3010064     for (e = 0; e < ARG_MAX/32; e++)
3010065       {
3010066         if (_environment[e] == NULL || _environment[e][0] == 0)
3010067           {
3010068             //
3010069             // An empty item was found and the pointer will be
3010070             // replaced.
3010071             //
3010072             _environment[e] = string;
3010073             //
3010074             // Return.
3010075             //
3010076             return (0);
3010077           }
3010078       }
3010079     //
3010080     // Sorry: the empty slot was not found!
3010081     //
3010082     errset (ENOMEM);            // Not enough space.
3010083     return (-1);
3010084 }


Si veda la sezione u0.84.

3020001 #include <stdlib.h>
3020002 #include <string.h>
3020003 #include <errno.h>
3020004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3020005 static int  part (char *array, size_t size, int a, int z,
3020006                   int (*compare)(const void *, const void *));
3020007 static void sort (char *array, size_t size, int a, int z,
3020008                   int (*compare)(const void *, const void *));
3020009 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3020010 void
3020011 qsort (void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
3020012        int (*compare)(const void *, const void *))
3020013 {
3020014     if (size <= 1)
3020015       {
3020016         //
3020017         // There is nothing to sort!
3020018         //
3020019         return;
3020020       }
3020021     else
3020022       {
3020023         sort ((char *) base, size, 0, (int) (nmemb - 1), compare);
3020024       }
3020025 }
3020026 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3020027 static void
3020028 sort (char *array, size_t size, int a, int z,
3020029       int (*compare)(const void *, const void *))
3020030 {
3020031     int loc;
3020032     //
3020033     if (z > a)
3020034       {
3020035         loc = part (array, size, a, z, compare);
3020036         if (loc >= 0)
3020037           {
3020038             sort (array, size, a, loc-1, compare);
3020039             sort (array, size, loc+1, z, compare);
3020040           }
3020041       }
3020042 }
3020044 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3020045 static int
3020046 part (char *array, size_t size, int a, int z,
3020047       int (*compare)(const void *, const void *))
3020048 {
3020049     int   i;
3020050     int   loc;
3020051     char *swap;
3020052     //
3020053     if (z <= a)
3020054       {
3020055         errset (EUNKNOWN);       // Should never happen.
3020056         return (-1);
3020057       }
3020058     //
3020059     // Index `i' after the first element; index `loc' at the last
3020060     // position.
3020061     //
3020062     i   = a + 1;
3020063     loc = z;
3020064     //
3020065     // Prepare space in memory for element swap.
3020066     //
3020067     swap = malloc (size);
3020068     if (swap == NULL)
3020069       {
3020070         errset (ENOMEM);
3020071         return (-1);
3020072       }
3020073     //
3020074     // Loop as long as index `loc' is higher than index `i'.
3020075     // When index `loc' is less or equal to index `i',
3020076     // then, index `loc' is the right position for the
3020077     // first element of the current piece of array.
3020078     //
3020079     for (;;)
3020080       {
3020081         //
3020082         // Index `i' goes up...
3020083         //
3020084         for (;i < loc; i++)
3020085           {
3020086             if  (compare (&array[i*size], &array[a*size]) > 0)
3020087               {
3020088                 break;
3020089               }
3020090           }
3020091         //
3020092         // Index `loc' gose down...
3020093         //
3020094         for (;; loc--)
3020095           {
3020096             if  (compare (&array[loc*size], &array[a*size]) <= 0)
3020097               {
3020098                 break;
3020099               }
3020100           }
3020101         //
3020102         // Swap elements related to index `i' and `loc'.
3020103         //
3020104         if (loc <= i)
3020105           {
3020106             //
3020107             // The array is completely scanned.
3020108             //
3020109             break;
3020110           }
3020111         else
3020112           {
3020113             memcpy (swap, &array[loc*size], size);
3020114             memcpy (&array[loc*size], &array[i*size], size);
3020115             memcpy (&array[i*size], swap, size);
3020116           }
3020117       }
3020118     //
3020119     // Swap the first element with the one related to the
3020120     // index `loc'.
3020121     //
3020122     memcpy (swap, &array[loc*size], size);
3020123     memcpy (&array[loc*size], &array[a*size], size);
3020124     memcpy (&array[a*size], swap, size);
3020125     //
3020126     // Free the swap memory.
3020127     //
3020128     free (swap);
3020129     //
3020130     // Return the index `loc'.
3020131     //
3020132     return (loc);
3020133 }


Si veda la sezione u0.85.

3030001 #include <stdlib.h>
3030002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3030003 static unsigned int _srand = 1; // The `_srand' rank must be at least
3030004                                 // `unsigned int' and must be able to
3030005                                 // represent the value `RAND_MAX'.
3030006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3030007 int
3030008 rand (void)
3030009 {
3030010     _srand = _srand * 12345 + 123;
3030011     return _srand % ((unsigned int) RAND_MAX + 1);
3030012 }
3030013 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3030014 void
3030015 srand (unsigned int seed)
3030016 {
3030017     _srand = seed;
3030018 }


Si veda la sezione u0.94.

3040001 #include <stdlib.h>
3040002 #include <string.h>
3040003 #include <errno.h>
3040004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3040005 extern char *_environment[];
3040006 extern char *_environment_table[];
3040007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3040008 int
3040009 setenv (const char *name, const char *value, int overwrite)
3040010 {
3040011     int   e;        // First index: environment table items.
3040012     int   f;        // Second index: environment string scan.
3040013     //
3040014     // Check if the input is empty. No error is reported.
3040015     //
3040016     if (name == NULL || strlen (name) == 0)
3040017       {
3040018         return (0);
3040019       }
3040020     //
3040021     // Check if the input is valid: error here is reported.
3040022     //
3040023     if (strchr (name, '=') != NULL)
3040024       {
3040025         errset(EINVAL);                 // Invalid argument.
3040026         return (-1);
3040027       }
3040028     //
3040029     // Check if the input is too big.
3040030     //
3040031     if ((strlen (name) + strlen (value) + 2) > ARG_MAX/16)
3040032       {
3040033         //
3040034         // The environment to be saved is bigger than the
3040035         // available string size, inside `_environment_table[]'.
3040036         //
3040037         errset (ENOMEM);                // Not enough space.
3040038         return (-1);
3040039       }
3040040     //
3040041     // Scan the environment table items, with index `e'. The intent is
3040042     // to find a previous environment variable with the same name.
3040043     //
3040044     for (e = 0; e < ARG_MAX/32; e++)
3040045       {
3040046         //
3040047         // Scan the string of the environment item, with index `f'.
3040048         // The scan continue until `name[f]' and `_environment[e][f]'
3040049         // are equal.
3040050         //
3040051         for (f = 0;
3040052              f < ARG_MAX/16-1 && name[f] == _environment[e][f];
3040053              f++)
3040054           {
3040055             ; // Just scan.
3040056           }
3040057         //
3040058         // At this point, `name[f]' and `_environment[e][f]' are
3040059         // different: if `name[f]' is zero the name string is
3040060         // terminated; if `_environment[e][f]' is also equal to `=',
3040061         // the environment item is corresponding to the requested name.
3040062         //
3040063         if (name[f] == 0 && _environment[e][f] == '=')
3040064           {
3040065             //
3040066             // The environment item was found; if it can be overwritten,
3040067             // the write is done.
3040068             //
3040069             if (overwrite)
3040070               {
3040071                 //
3040072                 // To be able to handle both `setenv()' and `putenv()',
3040073                 // before removing the item, it is fixed the pointer to
3040074                 // the global environment table.
3040075                 //
3040076                 _environment[e] = _environment_table[e];
3040077                 //
3040078                 // Now copy the new environment. The string size was
3040079                 // already checked.
3040080                 //
3040081                 strcpy (_environment[e], name);
3040082                 strcat (_environment[e], "=");
3040083                 strcat (_environment[e], value);
3040084                 //
3040085                 // Return.
3040086                 //
3040087                 return (0);
3040088               }
3040089             //
3040090             // Cannot overwrite!
3040091             //                  
3040092             errset (EUNKNOWN);
3040093             return (-1);
3040094           }
3040095       }
3040096     //
3040097     // The item was not found. Scan again for a free slot.
3040098     //
3040099     for (e = 0; e < ARG_MAX/32; e++)
3040100       {
3040101         if (_environment[e] == NULL || _environment[e][0] == 0)
3040102           {
3040103             //
3040104             // An empty item was found. To be able to handle both
3040105             // `setenv()' and `putenv()', it is fixed the pointer to
3040106             // the global environment table.
3040107             //
3040108             _environment[e] = _environment_table[e];
3040109             //
3040110             // Now copy the new environment. The string size was
3040111             // already checked.
3040112             //
3040113             strcpy (_environment[e], name);
3040114             strcat (_environment[e], "=");
3040115             strcat (_environment[e], value);
3040116             //
3040117             // Return.
3040118             //
3040119             return (0);
3040120           }
3040121       }
3040122     //
3040123     // Sorry: the empty slot was not found!
3040124     //
3040125     errset (ENOMEM);            // Not enough space.
3040126     return (-1);
3040127 }


Si veda la sezione u0.121.

3050001 #include <stdlib.h>
3050002 #include <ctype.h>
3050003 #include <errno.h>
3050004 #include <limits.h>
3050005 #include <stdbool.h>
3050006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3050007 #define isoctal(C)  ((int) (C >= '0' && C <= '7'))
3050008 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3050009 long int
3050010 strtol (const char *restrict string, char **restrict endptr, int base)
3050011 {
3050012     int      i;
3050013     int      sign = +1;
3050014     long int number;
3050015     long int previous;
3050016     int      digit;
3050017     //
3050018     bool     flag_prefix_oct = 0;
3050019     bool     flag_prefix_exa = 0;
3050020     bool     flag_prefix_dec = 0;
3050021     //
3050022     // Check base and string.
3050023     //
3050024     if (base < 0
3050025      || base > 36
3050026      || base == 1               // With base 1 cannot do anything.
3050027      || string == NULL
3050028      || string[0] == 0)
3050029       {
3050030         if (endptr != NULL) *endptr = string;
3050031         errset (EINVAL);                // Invalid argument.
3050032         return ((long int) 0);
3050033       }
3050034     //
3050035     // Eat initial spaces.
3050036     //
3050037     for (i = 0; isspace (string[i]); i++)
3050038       {
3050039         ;
3050040       }
3050041     //
3050042     // Check sign.
3050043     //
3050044     if (string[i] == '+')
3050045       {
3050046         sign = +1;
3050047         i++;
3050048       }
3050049     else if (string[i] == '-')
3050050       {
3050051         sign = -1;
3050052         i++;
3050053       }
3050054     //
3050055     // Check for prefix.
3050056     //
3050057     if (string[i] == '0')
3050058       {
3050059         if (string[i+1] == 'x' || string[i+1] == 'X')
3050060           {
3050061             flag_prefix_exa = 1;
3050062           }
3050063         else if (isoctal (string[i+1]))
3050064           {
3050065             flag_prefix_oct = 1;
3050066           }
3050067         else
3050068           {
3050069             flag_prefix_dec = 1;
3050070           }
3050071       }
3050072     else if (isdigit (string[i]))
3050073       {
3050074         flag_prefix_dec = 1;
3050075       }
3050076     //
3050077     // Check compatibility with requested base.
3050078     //
3050079     if (flag_prefix_exa)
3050080       {
3050081         //
3050082         // At the moment, there is a zero and a `x'. Might be
3050083         // exadecimal, or might be a number base 33 or more.
3050084         //
3050085         if (base == 0)
3050086           {
3050087             base = 16;
3050088           }
3050089         else if (base == 16)
3050090           {
3050091             ;   // Ok.
3050092           }
3050093         else if (base >= 33)
3050094           {
3050095             ;   // Ok.
3050096           }
3050097         else
3050098           {
3050099             //
3050100             // Incompatible sequence: only the initial zero is reported.
3050101             //
3050102             if (endptr != NULL) *endptr = &string[i+1];
3050103             return ((long int) 0);
3050104           }
3050105         //
3050106         // Move on, after the `0x' prefix.
3050107         //
3050108         i += 2;
3050109       }
3050110     //
3050111     if (flag_prefix_oct)
3050112       {
3050113         //
3050114         // There is a zero and a digit.
3050115         //
3050116         if (base == 0)
3050117           {
3050118             base = 8;
3050119           }
3050120         //
3050121         // Move on, after the `0' prefix.
3050122         //
3050123         i += 1;
3050124       }
3050125     //
3050126     if (flag_prefix_dec)
3050127       {
3050128         if (base == 0)
3050129           {
3050130             base = 10;
3050131           }
3050132       }
3050133     //
3050134     // Scan the string.
3050135     //
3050136     for (number = 0; string[i] != 0; i++)
3050137       {
3050138         if      (string[i] >= '0' && string[i] <= '9')
3050139           {
3050140             digit = string[i] - '0';
3050141           }
3050142         else if (string[i] >= 'A' && string[i] <= 'Z')
3050143           {
3050144             digit = string[i] - 'A' + 10;
3050145           }
3050146         else if (string[i] >= 'a' && string[i] <= 'z')
3050147           {
3050148             digit = string[i] - 'a' + 10;
3050149           }
3050150         else
3050151           {
3050152             //
3050153             // This is an out of range digit.
3050154             //
3050155             digit = 999;
3050156           }
3050157         //
3050158         // Give a sign to the digit.
3050159         //
3050160         digit *= sign;
3050161         //
3050162         // Compare with the base.
3050163         //
3050164         if (base > (digit * sign))
3050165           {
3050166             //
3050167             // Check if the current digit can be safely computed.
3050168             //
3050169             previous = number;
3050170             number  *= base;
3050171             number  += digit;
3050172             if (number / base != previous)
3050173               {
3050174                 //
3050175                 // Out of range.
3050176                 //
3050177                 if (endptr != NULL) *endptr = &string[i+1];
3050178                 errset (ERANGE);        // Result too large.
3050179                 if (sign > 0)
3050180                   {
3050181                     return (LONG_MAX);
3050182                   }
3050183                 else
3050184                   {
3050185                     return (LONG_MIN);
3050186                   }
3050187               }
3050188           }
3050189         else
3050190           {
3050191             if (endptr != NULL) *endptr = &string[i];
3050192             return (number);
3050193           }
3050194       }
3050195     //
3050196     // The string is finished.
3050197     //
3050198     if (endptr != NULL) *endptr = &string[i];
3050199     //
3050200     return (number);
3050201 }


Si veda la sezione u0.121.

3060001 #include <stdlib.h>
3060002 #include <ctype.h>
3060003 #include <errno.h>
3060004 #include <limits.h>
3060005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3060006 // A really poor implementation. ,-(
3060007 //
3060008 unsigned long int
3060009 strtoul (const char *restrict string, char **restrict endptr, int base)
3060010 {
3060011     return ((unsigned long int) strtol (string, endptr, base));
3060012 }


Si veda la sezione u0.94.

3070001 #include <stdlib.h>
3070002 #include <string.h>
3070003 #include <errno.h>
3070004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3070005 extern char *_environment[];
3070006 extern char *_environment_table[];
3070007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3070008 int
3070009 unsetenv (const char *name)
3070010 {
3070011     int   e;        // First index: environment table items.
3070012     int   f;        // Second index: environment string scan.
3070013     //
3070014     // Check if the input is empty. No error is reported.
3070015     //
3070016     if (name == NULL || strlen (name) == 0)
3070017       {
3070018         return (0);
3070019       }
3070020     //
3070021     // Check if the input is valid: error here is reported.
3070022     //
3070023     if (strchr (name, '=') != NULL)
3070024       {
3070025         errset(EINVAL);                 // Invalid argument.
3070026         return (-1);
3070027       }
3070028     //
3070029     // Scan the environment table items, with index `e'.
3070030     //
3070031     for (e = 0; e < ARG_MAX/32; e++)
3070032       {
3070033         //
3070034         // Scan the string of the environment item, with index `f'.
3070035         // The scan continue until `name[f]' and `_environment[e][f]'
3070036         // are equal.
3070037         //
3070038         for (f = 0;
3070039              f < ARG_MAX/16-1 && name[f] == _environment[e][f];
3070040              f++)
3070041           {
3070042             ; // Just scan.
3070043           }
3070044         //
3070045         // At this point, `name[f]' and `_environment[e][f]' are
3070046         // different: if `name[f]' is zero the name string is
3070047         // terminated; if `_environment[e][f]' is also equal to `=',
3070048         // the environment item is corresponding to the requested name.
3070049         //
3070050         if (name[f] == 0 && _environment[e][f] == '=')
3070051           {
3070052             //
3070053             // The environment item was found and it have to be removed.
3070054             // To be able to handle both `setenv()' and `putenv()',
3070055             // before removing the item, it is fixed the pointer to
3070056             // the global environment table.
3070057             //
3070058             _environment[e] = _environment_table[e];
3070059             //
3070060             // Now remove the environment item.
3070061             //
3070062             _environment[e][0] = 0;
3070063             break;
3070064           }
3070065       }
3070066     //
3070067     // Work done fine.
3070068     //
3070069     return (0);
3070070 }

os16: «lib/string.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.2.

3080001 #ifndef _STRING_H
3080002 #define _STRING_H       1
3080004 #include <const.h>
3080005 #include <restrict.h>
3080006 #include <const.h>
3080007 #include <size_t.h>
3080008 #include <NULL.h>
3080009 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3080010 void  *memccpy (void *restrict dst, const void *restrict org, int c,
3080011                 size_t n);
3080012 void  *memchr  (const void *memory, int c, size_t n);
3080013 int    memcmp  (const void *memory1, const void *memory2, size_t n);
3080014 void  *memcpy  (void *restrict dst, const void *restrict org, size_t n);
3080015 void  *memmove (void *dst, const void *org, size_t n);
3080016 void  *memset  (void *memory, int c, size_t n);
3080017 char  *strcat  (char *restrict dst, const char *restrict org);
3080018 char  *strchr  (const char *string, int c);
3080019 int    strcmp  (const char *string1, const char *string2);
3080020 int    strcoll (const char *string1, const char *string2);
3080021 char  *strcpy  (char *restrict dst, const char *restrict org);
3080022 size_t strcspn (const char *string, const char *reject);
3080023 char  *strdup  (const char *string);
3080024 char  *strerror (int errnum);
3080025 size_t strlen  (const char *string);
3080026 char  *strncat (char *restrict dst, const char *restrict org, size_t n);
3080027 int    strncmp (const char *string1, const char *string2, size_t n);
3080028 char  *strncpy (char *restrict dst, const char *restrict org, size_t n);
3080029 char  *strpbrk (const char *string, const char *accept);
3080030 char  *strrchr (const char *string, int c);
3080031 size_t strspn  (const char *string, const char *accept);
3080032 char  *strstr  (const char *string, const char *substring);
3080033 char  *strtok  (char *restrict string, const char *restrict delim);
3080034 size_t strxfrm (char *restrict dst, const char *restrict org, size_t n);
3080035 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3080039 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.67.

3090001 #include <string.h>
3090002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3090003 void *
3090004 memccpy (void *restrict dst, const void *restrict org, int c, size_t n)
3090005 {
3090006     char *d = (char *) dst;
3090007     char *o = (char *) org;
3090008     size_t i;
3090009     for (i = 0; n > 0 && i < n; i++)
3090010       {
3090011         d[i] = o[i];
3090012         if (d[i] == (char) c)
3090013           {
3090014             return ((void *) &d[i+1]);
3090015           }
3090016       }
3090017     return (NULL);
3090018 }


Si veda la sezione u0.68.

3100001 #include <string.h>
3100002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3100003 void *
3100004 memchr (const void *memory, int c, size_t n)
3100005 {
3100006     char *m = (char *) memory;
3100007     size_t i;
3100008     for (i = 0; n > 0 && i < n; i++)
3100009       {
3100010         if (m[i] == (char) c)
3100011           {
3100012             return (void *) (m + i);
3100013           }
3100014       }
3100015     return NULL;
3100016 }


Si veda la sezione u0.69.

3110001 #include <string.h>
3110002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3110003 int
3110004 memcmp (const void *memory1, const void *memory2, size_t n)
3110005 {
3110006     char *a = (char *) memory1;
3110007     char *b = (char *) memory2;
3110008     size_t i;
3110009     for (i = 0; n > 0 && i < n; i++)
3110010       {
3110011         if (a[i] > b[i])
3110012           {
3110013             return 1;
3110014           }
3110015         else if (a[i] < b[i])
3110016           {
3110017             return -1;
3110018           }
3110019       }
3110020     return 0;
3110021 }


Si veda la sezione u0.70.

3120001 #include <string.h>
3120002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3120003 void *
3120004 memcpy (void *restrict dst, const void *restrict org, size_t n)
3120005 {
3120006     char *d = (char *) dst;
3120007     char *o = (char *) org;
3120008     size_t i;
3120009     for (i = 0; n > 0 && i < n; i++)
3120010       {
3120011         d[i] = o[i];
3120012       }
3120013     return dst;
3120014 }


Si veda la sezione u0.71.

3130001 #include <string.h>
3130002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3130003 void *
3130004 memmove (void *dst, const void *org, size_t n)
3130005 {
3130006     char *d = (char *) dst;
3130007     char *o = (char *) org;
3130008     size_t i;
3130009     //
3130010     // Depending on the memory start locations, copy may be direct or
3130011     // reverse, to avoid overwriting before the relocation is done.
3130012     //
3130013     if (d < o)
3130014       {
3130015         for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
3130016           {
3130017             d[i] = o[i];
3130018           }
3130019       }
3130020     else if (d == o)
3130021       {
3130022         //
3130023         // Memory locations are already the same.
3130024         //
3130025         ;
3130026       }
3130027     else
3130028       {
3130029         for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
3130030           {
3130031             d[i] = o[i];
3130032           }
3130033       }
3130034     return dst;
3130035 }


Si veda la sezione u0.72.

3140001 #include <string.h>
3140002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3140003 void *
3140004 memset (void *memory, int c, size_t n)
3140005 {
3140006     char  *m = (char *) memory;
3140007     size_t i;
3140008     for (i = 0; n > 0 && i < n; i++)
3140009       {
3140010         m[i] = (char) c;
3140011       }
3140012     return memory;
3140013 }


Si veda la sezione u0.104.

3150001 #include <string.h>
3150002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3150003 char *
3150004 strcat (char *restrict dst, const char *restrict org)
3150005 {
3150006     size_t i;
3150007     size_t j;
3150008     for (i = 0; dst[i] != 0; i++)
3150009       {
3150010         ; // Just look for the null character.
3150011       }
3150012     for (j = 0; org[j] != 0; i++, j++)
3150013       {
3150014         dst[i] = org[j];
3150015       }
3150016     dst[i] = 0;
3150017     return dst;
3150018 }


Si veda la sezione u0.105.

3160001 #include <string.h>
3160002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3160003 char *
3160004 strchr (const char *string, int c)
3160005 {
3160006     size_t i;
3160007     for (i = 0; ; i++)
3160008       {
3160009         if (string[i] == (char) c)
3160010           {
3160011             return (char *) (string + i);
3160012           }
3160013         else if (string[i] == 0)
3160014           {
3160015             return NULL;
3160016           }
3160017       }
3160018 }


Si veda la sezione u0.106.

3170001 #include <string.h>
3170002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3170003 int
3170004 strcmp (const char *string1, const char *string2)
3170005 {
3170006     char *a = (char *) string1;
3170007     char *b = (char *) string2;
3170008     size_t i;
3170009     for (i = 0; ; i++)
3170010       {
3170011         if (a[i] > b[i])
3170012           {
3170013             return 1;
3170014           }
3170015         else if (a[i] < b[i])
3170016           {
3170017             return -1;
3170018           }
3170019         else if (a[i] == 0 && b[i] == 0)
3170020           {
3170021             return 0;
3170022           }
3170023       }
3170024 }


Si veda la sezione u0.106.

3180001 #include <string.h>
3180002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3180003 int
3180004 strcoll (const char *string1, const char *string2)
3180005 {
3180006     return (strcmp (string1, string2));
3180007 }


Si veda la sezione u0.108.

3190001 #include <string.h>
3190002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3190003 char *
3190004 strcpy (char *restrict dst, const char *restrict org)
3190005 {
3190006     size_t i;
3190007     for (i = 0; org[i] != 0; i++)
3190008       {
3190009         dst[i] = org[i];
3190010       }
3190011     dst[i] = 0;
3190012     return dst;
3190013 }


Si veda la sezione u0.118.

3200001 #include <string.h>
3200002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3200003 size_t
3200004 strcspn (const char *string, const char *reject)
3200005 {
3200006     size_t i;
3200007     size_t j;
3200008     int found;
3200009     for (i = 0; string[i] != 0; i++)
3200010       {
3200011         for (j = 0, found = 0; reject[j] != 0 || found; j++)
3200012           {
3200013             if (string[i] == reject[j])
3200014               {
3200015                 found = 1;
3200016                 break;
3200017               }
3200018           }
3200019         if (found)
3200020           {
3200021             break;
3200022           }
3200023       }
3200024     return i;
3200025 }


Si veda la sezione u0.110.

3210001 #include <string.h>
3210002 #include <stdlib.h>
3210003 #include <errno.h>
3210004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3210005 char *
3210006 strdup  (const char *string)
3210007 {
3210008     size_t size;
3210009     char  *copy;
3210010     //
3210011     // Get string size: must be added 1, to count the termination null
3210012     // character.
3210013     //
3210014     size = strlen (string) + 1;
3210015     //
3210016     copy = malloc (size);
3210017     //
3210018     if (copy == NULL)
3210019       {
3210020         errset (ENOMEM);        // Not enough memory.
3210021         return (NULL);
3210022       }
3210023     //
3210024     strcpy (copy, string);
3210025     //
3210026     return (copy);
3210027 }


Si veda la sezione u0.111.

3220001 #include <string.h>
3220002 #include <errno.h>
3220003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3220004 #define ERROR_MAX 100
3220005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3220006 char *
3220007 strerror (int errnum)
3220008 {
3220009     static char *err[ERROR_MAX];
3220010     //
3220011     err[0]                              = "No error";
3220012     err[E2BIG]                          = TEXT_E2BIG;
3220013     err[EACCES]                         = TEXT_EACCES;
3220014     err[EADDRINUSE]                     = TEXT_EADDRINUSE;
3220015     err[EADDRNOTAVAIL]                  = TEXT_EADDRNOTAVAIL;
3220016     err[EAFNOSUPPORT]                   = TEXT_EAFNOSUPPORT;
3220017     err[EAGAIN]                         = TEXT_EAGAIN;
3220018     err[EALREADY]                       = TEXT_EALREADY;
3220019     err[EBADF]                          = TEXT_EBADF;
3220020     err[EBADMSG]                        = TEXT_EBADMSG;
3220021     err[EBUSY]                          = TEXT_EBUSY;
3220022     err[ECANCELED]                      = TEXT_ECANCELED;
3220023     err[ECHILD]                         = TEXT_ECHILD;
3220024     err[ECONNABORTED]                   = TEXT_ECONNABORTED;
3220025     err[ECONNREFUSED]                   = TEXT_ECONNREFUSED;
3220026     err[ECONNRESET]                     = TEXT_ECONNRESET;
3220027     err[EDEADLK]                        = TEXT_EDEADLK;
3220028     err[EDESTADDRREQ]                   = TEXT_EDESTADDRREQ;
3220029     err[EDOM]                           = TEXT_EDOM;
3220030     err[EDQUOT]                         = TEXT_EDQUOT;
3220031     err[EEXIST]                         = TEXT_EEXIST;
3220032     err[EFAULT]                         = TEXT_EFAULT;
3220033     err[EFBIG]                          = TEXT_EFBIG;
3220034     err[EHOSTUNREACH]                   = TEXT_EHOSTUNREACH;
3220035     err[EIDRM]                          = TEXT_EIDRM;
3220036     err[EILSEQ]                         = TEXT_EILSEQ;
3220037     err[EINPROGRESS]                    = TEXT_EINPROGRESS;
3220038     err[EINTR]                          = TEXT_EINTR;
3220039     err[EINVAL]                         = TEXT_EINVAL;
3220040     err[EIO]                            = TEXT_EIO;
3220041     err[EISCONN]                        = TEXT_EISCONN;
3220042     err[EISDIR]                         = TEXT_EISDIR;
3220043     err[ELOOP]                          = TEXT_ELOOP;
3220044     err[EMFILE]                         = TEXT_EMFILE;
3220045     err[EMLINK]                         = TEXT_EMLINK;
3220046     err[EMSGSIZE]                       = TEXT_EMSGSIZE;
3220047     err[EMULTIHOP]                      = TEXT_EMULTIHOP;
3220048     err[ENAMETOOLONG]                   = TEXT_ENAMETOOLONG;
3220049     err[ENETDOWN]                       = TEXT_ENETDOWN;
3220050     err[ENETRESET]                      = TEXT_ENETRESET;
3220051     err[ENETUNREACH]                    = TEXT_ENETUNREACH;
3220052     err[ENFILE]                         = TEXT_ENFILE;
3220053     err[ENOBUFS]                        = TEXT_ENOBUFS;
3220054     err[ENODATA]                        = TEXT_ENODATA;
3220055     err[ENODEV]                         = TEXT_ENODEV;
3220056     err[ENOENT]                         = TEXT_ENOENT;
3220057     err[ENOEXEC]                        = TEXT_ENOEXEC;
3220058     err[ENOLCK]                         = TEXT_ENOLCK;
3220059     err[ENOLINK]                        = TEXT_ENOLINK;
3220060     err[ENOMEM]                         = TEXT_ENOMEM;
3220061     err[ENOMSG]                         = TEXT_ENOMSG;
3220062     err[ENOPROTOOPT]                    = TEXT_ENOPROTOOPT;
3220063     err[ENOSPC]                         = TEXT_ENOSPC;
3220064     err[ENOSR]                          = TEXT_ENOSR;
3220065     err[ENOSTR]                         = TEXT_ENOSTR;
3220066     err[ENOSYS]                         = TEXT_ENOSYS;
3220067     err[ENOTCONN]                       = TEXT_ENOTCONN;
3220068     err[ENOTDIR]                        = TEXT_ENOTDIR;
3220069     err[ENOTEMPTY]                      = TEXT_ENOTEMPTY;
3220070     err[ENOTSOCK]                       = TEXT_ENOTSOCK;
3220071     err[ENOTSUP]                        = TEXT_ENOTSUP;
3220072     err[ENOTTY]                         = TEXT_ENOTTY;
3220073     err[ENXIO]                          = TEXT_ENXIO;
3220074     err[EOPNOTSUPP]                     = TEXT_EOPNOTSUPP;
3220075     err[EOVERFLOW]                      = TEXT_EOVERFLOW;
3220076     err[EPERM]                          = TEXT_EPERM;
3220077     err[EPIPE]                          = TEXT_EPIPE;
3220078     err[EPROTO]                         = TEXT_EPROTO;
3220079     err[EPROTONOSUPPORT]                = TEXT_EPROTONOSUPPORT;
3220080     err[EPROTOTYPE]                     = TEXT_EPROTOTYPE;
3220081     err[ERANGE]                         = TEXT_ERANGE;
3220082     err[EROFS]                          = TEXT_EROFS;
3220083     err[ESPIPE]                         = TEXT_ESPIPE;
3220084     err[ESRCH]                          = TEXT_ESRCH;
3220085     err[ESTALE]                         = TEXT_ESTALE;
3220086     err[ETIME]                          = TEXT_ETIME;
3220087     err[ETIMEDOUT]                      = TEXT_ETIMEDOUT;
3220088     err[ETXTBSY]                        = TEXT_ETXTBSY;
3220089     err[EWOULDBLOCK]                    = TEXT_EWOULDBLOCK;
3220090     err[EXDEV]                          = TEXT_EXDEV;
3220091     err[E_FILE_TYPE]                    = TEXT_E_FILE_TYPE;
3220094     err[E_MAP_INODE_TOO_BIG]            = TEXT_E_MAP_INODE_TOO_BIG;
3220095     err[E_MAP_ZONE_TOO_BIG]             = TEXT_E_MAP_ZONE_TOO_BIG;
3220096     err[E_DATA_ZONE_TOO_BIG]            = TEXT_E_DATA_ZONE_TOO_BIG;
3220100     err[E_ENV_TOO_BIG]                  = TEXT_E_ENV_TOO_BIG;
3220101     err[E_LIMIT]                        = TEXT_E_LIMIT;
3220102     err[E_NOT_MOUNTED]                  = TEXT_E_NOT_MOUNTED;
3220103     err[E_NOT_IMPLEMENTED]              = TEXT_E_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
3220104     //
3220105     if (errnum >= ERROR_MAX || errnum < 0)
3220106       {
3220107         return ("Unknown error");
3220108       }
3220109     //
3220110     return (err[errnum]);
3220111 }


Si veda la sezione u0.112.

3230001 #include <string.h>
3230002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3230003 size_t
3230004 strlen (const char *string)
3230005 {
3230006     size_t i;
3230007     for (i = 0; string[i] != 0 ; i++)
3230008       {
3230009         ; // Just count.
3230010       }
3230011     return i;
3230012 }


Si veda la sezione u0.104.

3240001 #include <string.h>
3240002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3240003 char *
3240004 strncat (char *restrict dst, const char *restrict org, size_t n)
3240005 {
3240006     size_t i;
3240007     size_t j;
3240008     for (i = 0; n > 0 && dst[i] != 0; i++)
3240009       {
3240010         ; // Just seek the null character.
3240011       }
3240012     for (j = 0; n > 0 && j < n && org[j] != 0; i++, j++)
3240013       {
3240014         dst[i] = org[j];
3240015       }
3240016     dst[i] = 0;
3240017     return dst;
3240018 }


Si veda la sezione u0.106.

3250001 #include <string.h>
3250002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3250003 int
3250004 strncmp (const char *string1, const char *string2, size_t n)
3250005 {
3250006     size_t i;
3250007     for (i = 0; i < n ; i++)
3250008       {
3250009         if (string1[i] > string2[i])
3250010           {
3250011             return 1;
3250012           }
3250013         else if (string1[i] < string2[i])
3250014           {
3250015             return -1;
3250016           }
3250017         else if (string1[i] == 0 && string2[i] == 0)
3250018           {
3250019             return 0;
3250020           }
3250021       }
3250022     return 0;
3250023 }


Si veda la sezione u0.108.

3260001 #include <string.h>
3260002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3260003 char *
3260004 strncpy (char *restrict dst, const char *restrict org, size_t n)
3260005 {
3260006     size_t i;
3260007     for (i = 0; n > 0 && i < n && org[i] != 0; i++)
3260008       {
3260009         dst[i] = org[i];
3260010       }
3260011     for ( ; n > 0 && i < n; i++)
3260012       {
3260013         dst[i] = 0;
3260014       }
3260015     return dst;
3260016 }


Si veda la sezione u0.116.

3270001 #include <string.h>
3270002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3270003 char *
3270004 strpbrk (const char *string, const char *accept)
3270005 {
3270006     size_t i;
3270007     size_t j;
3270008     for (i = 0; string[i] != 0; i++)
3270009       {
3270010         for (j = 0; accept[j] != 0; j++)
3270011           {
3270012             if (string[i] == accept[j])
3270013               {
3270014                 return (string + i);
3270015               }
3270016           }
3270017       }
3270018     return NULL;
3270019 }


Si veda la sezione u0.105.

3280001 #include <string.h>
3280002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3280003 char *
3280004 strrchr (const char *string, int c)
3280005 {
3280006     int i;
3280007     for (i = strlen (string); i >= 0; i--)
3280008       {
3280009         if (string[i] == (char) c)
3280010           {
3280011             break;
3280012           }
3280013       }
3280014     if (i < 0)
3280015       {
3280016         return NULL;
3280017       }
3280018     else
3280019       {
3280020         return (string + i);
3280021       }
3280022 }


Si veda la sezione u0.118.

3290001 #include <string.h>
3290002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3290003 size_t
3290004 strspn (const char *string, const char *accept)
3290005 {
3290006     size_t i;
3290007     size_t j;
3290008     int found;
3290009     for (i = 0; string[i] != 0; i++)
3290010       {
3290011         for (j = 0, found = 0; accept[j] != 0; j++)
3290012           {
3290013             if (string[i] == accept[j])
3290014               {
3290015                 found = 1;
3290016                 break;
3290017               }
3290018           }
3290019         if (!found)
3290020           {
3290021             break;
3290022           }
3290023       }
3290024     return i;
3290025 }


Si veda la sezione u0.119.

3300001 #include <string.h>
3300002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3300003 char *
3300004 strstr (const char *string, const char *substring)
3300005 {
3300006     size_t i;
3300007     size_t j;
3300008     size_t k;
3300009     int found;
3300010     if (substring[0] == 0)
3300011       {
3300012         return (char *) string;
3300013       }
3300014     for (i = 0, j = 0, found = 0; string[i] != 0; i++)
3300015       {
3300016         if (string[i] == substring[0])
3300017           {
3300018             for (k = i, j = 0;
3300019                  string[k] == substring[j] &&
3300020                  string[k] != 0            &&
3300021                  substring[j] != 0;
3300022                  j++, k++)
3300023               {
3300024                 ;
3300025               }
3300026             if (substring[j] == 0)
3300027               {
3300028                 found = 1;
3300029               } 
3300030           }
3300031         if (found)
3300032           {
3300033             return (char *) (string + i);
3300034           }
3300035       }
3300036     return NULL;
3300037 }


Si veda la sezione u0.120.

3310001 #include <string.h>
3310002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3310003 char *
3310004 strtok (char *restrict string, const char *restrict delim)
3310005 {
3310006     static char *next = NULL;
3310007     size_t i = 0;
3310008     size_t j;
3310009     int found_token;
3310010     int found_delim;
3310011     //
3310012     // If the string received a the first parameter is a null pointer,
3310013     // the static pointer is used. But if it is already NULL,
3310014     // the scan cannot start.
3310015     //
3310016     if (string == NULL)
3310017       {
3310018         if (next == NULL)
3310019           {
3310020             return NULL;
3310021           }
3310022         else
3310023           {
3310024             string = next;
3310025           }
3310026       }
3310027     //
3310028     // If the string received as the first parameter is empty, the scan
3310029     // cannot start.
3310030     //
3310031     if (string[0] == 0)
3310032       {
3310033         next = NULL;
3310034         return NULL;
3310035       }
3310036     else
3310037       {
3310038         if (delim[0] == 0)
3310039           {
3310040             return string;
3310041           }
3310042       }
3310043     //
3310044     // Find the next token.
3310045     //
3310046     for (i = 0, found_token = 0, j = 0;
3310047          string[i] != 0 && (!found_token); i++)
3310048       {
3310049         //
3310050         // Look inside delimiters.
3310051         //
3310052         for (j = 0, found_delim = 0; delim[j] != 0; j++)
3310053           {
3310054             if (string[i] == delim[j])
3310055               {
3310056                 found_delim = 1;
3310057               }
3310058           }
3310059         //
3310060         // If current character inside the string is not a delimiter,
3310061         // it is the start of a new token.
3310062         //
3310063         if (!found_delim)
3310064           {
3310065             found_token = 1;
3310066             break;
3310067           }
3310068       }
3310069     //
3310070     // If a token was found, the pointer is updated.
3310071     // If otherwise the token is not found, this means that
3310072     // there are no more.
3310073     //
3310074     if (found_token)
3310075       {
3310076         string += i;
3310077       }
3310078     else
3310079       {
3310080         next = NULL;
3310081         return NULL;
3310082       }
3310083     //
3310084     // Find the end of the token.
3310085     //
3310086     for (i = 0, found_delim = 0; string[i] != 0; i++)
3310087       {
3310088         for (j = 0; delim[j] != 0; j++)
3310089           {
3310090             if (string[i] == delim[j])
3310091               {
3310092                 found_delim = 1;
3310093                 break;
3310094               }
3310095           }
3310096         if (found_delim)
3310097           {
3310098             break;
3310099           }
3310100       }
3310101     //
3310102     // If a delimiter was found, the corresponding character must be
3310103     // reset to zero. If otherwise the string is terminated, the
3310104     // scan is terminated.
3310105     //
3310106     if (found_delim)
3310107       {
3310108         string[i] = 0;
3310109         next = &string[i+1];
3310110       }
3310111     else
3310112       {
3310113         next = NULL;
3310114       }
3310115     //
3310116     // At this point, the current string represent the token found.
3310117     //
3310118     return string;
3310119 }


Si veda la sezione u0.123.

3320001 #include <string.h>
3320002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3320003 size_t
3320004 strxfrm (char *restrict dst, const char *restrict org, size_t n)
3320005 {
3320006     size_t i;
3320007     if (n == 0 && dst == NULL)
3320008       {
3320009         return strlen (org);
3320010       }
3320011     else
3320012       {
3320013         for (i = 0; i < n ; i++)
3320014           {
3320015             dst[i] = org[i];
3320016             if (org[i] == 0)
3320017               {
3320018                 break;
3320019               }
3320020           }
3320021         return i;
3320022       }
3320023 }

os16: «lib/sys/os16.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.2.

3330001 #ifndef _SYS_OS16_H
3330002 #define _SYS_OS16_H      1
3330003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330004 // This file contains all the declarations that don't have a better
3330005 // place inside standard headers files. Even declarations related to
3330006 // device numbers and system calls is contained here.
3330007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330008 // Please remember that system calls should never be used (called)
3330009 // inside the kernel code, because system calls cannot be nested for
3330010 // the os16 simple architecture!
3330011 // If a particular function is necessary inside the kernel, that usually
3330012 // is made by a system call, an appropriate k_...() function must be
3330013 // made, to avoid the problem.
3330014 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330016 #include <sys/types.h>
3330017 #include <sys/stat.h>
3330018 #include <stdint.h>
3330019 #include <signal.h>
3330020 #include <limits.h>
3330021 #include <stdio.h>
3330022 #include <stdint.h>
3330023 #include <stddef.h>
3330024 #include <const.h>
3330025 #include <restrict.h>
3330026 #include <stdarg.h>
3330027 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330028 // Device numbers.
3330029 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330030 #define DEV_UNDEFINED_MAJOR     0x00
3330031 #define DEV_UNDEFINED           0x0000
3330032 #define DEV_MEM_MAJOR           0x01
3330033 #define DEV_MEM                 0x0101
3330034 #define DEV_NULL                0x0102
3330035 #define DEV_PORT                0x0103
3330036 #define DEV_ZERO                0x0104
3330037 #define DEV_TTY_MAJOR           0x02
3330038 #define DEV_TTY                 0x0200
3330039 #define DEV_DSK_MAJOR           0x03
3330040 #define DEV_DSK0                0x0300
3330041 #define DEV_DSK1                0x0301
3330042 #define DEV_DSK2                0x0302
3330043 #define DEV_DSK3                0x0303
3330044 #define DEV_KMEM_MAJOR          0x04
3330045 #define DEV_KMEM_PS             0x0401
3330046 #define DEV_KMEM_MMP            0x0402
3330047 #define DEV_KMEM_SB             0x0403
3330048 #define DEV_KMEM_INODE          0x0404
3330049 #define DEV_KMEM_FILE           0x0405
3330050 #define DEV_CONSOLE_MAJOR       0x05
3330051 #define DEV_CONSOLE             0x05FF
3330052 #define DEV_CONSOLE0            0x0500
3330053 #define DEV_CONSOLE1            0x0501
3330054 #define DEV_CONSOLE2            0x0502
3330055 #define DEV_CONSOLE3            0x0503
3330056 #define DEV_CONSOLE4            0x0504
3330057 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330058 // Current segments.
3330059 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330060 uint16_t _seg_i (void);
3330061 uint16_t _seg_d (void);
3330062 uint16_t _cs    (void);
3330063 uint16_t _ds    (void);
3330064 uint16_t _ss    (void);
3330065 uint16_t _es    (void);
3330066 uint16_t _sp    (void);
3330067 uint16_t _bp    (void);
3330068 #define seg_i() ((unsigned int) _seg_i ())
3330069 #define seg_d() ((unsigned int) _seg_d ())
3330070 #define cs()    ((unsigned int) _cs ())
3330071 #define ds()    ((unsigned int) _ds ())
3330072 #define ss()    ((unsigned int) _ss ())
3330073 #define es()    ((unsigned int) _es ())
3330074 #define sp()    ((unsigned int) _sp ())
3330075 #define bp()    ((unsigned int) _bp ())
3330076 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330077 #define min(a, b) (a < b ? a : b)
3330078 #define max(a, b) (a > b ? a : b)
3330079 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330080 #define INPUT_LINE_HIDDEN 0
3330081 #define INPUT_LINE_ECHO   1
3330082 #define INPUT_LINE_STARS  2
3330083 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330084 #define MOUNT_DEFAULT     0  // Default mount options.
3330085 #define MOUNT_RO          1  // Read only mount option.
3330086 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330087 #define SYS_0                    0  // Nothing to do.
3330088 #define SYS_CHDIR                1
3330089 #define SYS_CHMOD                2
3330090 #define SYS_CLOCK                3
3330091 #define SYS_CLOSE                4
3330092 #define SYS_EXEC                 5
3330093 #define SYS_EXIT                 6  // [1] see below.
3330094 #define SYS_FCHMOD               7
3330095 #define SYS_FORK                 8
3330096 #define SYS_FSTAT                9
3330097 #define SYS_KILL                10
3330098 #define SYS_LSEEK               11
3330099 #define SYS_MKDIR               12
3330100 #define SYS_MKNOD               13
3330101 #define SYS_MOUNT               14
3330102 #define SYS_OPEN                15
3330103 #define SYS_PGRP                16
3330104 #define SYS_READ                17
3330105 #define SYS_SETEUID             18
3330106 #define SYS_SETUID              19
3330107 #define SYS_SIGNAL              20
3330108 #define SYS_SLEEP               21
3330109 #define SYS_STAT                22
3330110 #define SYS_TIME                23
3330111 #define SYS_UAREA               24
3330112 #define SYS_UMASK               25
3330113 #define SYS_UMOUNT              26
3330114 #define SYS_WAIT                27
3330115 #define SYS_WRITE               28
3330116 #define SYS_ZPCHAR              29  // [2] see below.
3330117 #define SYS_ZPSTRING            30  // [2]
3330118 #define SYS_CHOWN               31
3330119 #define SYS_DUP                 33
3330120 #define SYS_DUP2                34
3330121 #define SYS_LINK                35
3330122 #define SYS_UNLINK              36
3330123 #define SYS_FCNTL               37
3330124 #define SYS_STIME               38
3330125 #define SYS_FCHOWN              39
3330126 //
3330127 // [1] The files `crt0...' need to know the value used for the
3330128 //     exit system call. If this value is modified, all the file
3330129 //     `crt0...' have also to be modified the same way.
3330130 //
3330131 // [2] These system calls were developed at the beginning, when no
3330132 //     standard I/O was available. They are to be considered as a
3330133 //     last resort for debugging purposes.
3330134 //
3330135 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330136 typedef struct {
3330137     char         path[PATH_MAX];
3330138     int          ret;
3330139     int          errno;
3330140     int          errln;
3330141     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330142 } sysmsg_chdir_t;
3330143 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330144 typedef struct {
3330145     char         path[PATH_MAX];
3330146     mode_t       mode;
3330147     int          ret;
3330148     int          errno;
3330149     int          errln;
3330150     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330151 } sysmsg_chmod_t;
3330152 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330153 typedef struct {
3330154     char         path[PATH_MAX];
3330155     uid_t        uid;
3330156     uid_t        gid;
3330157     int          ret;
3330158     int          errno;
3330159     int          errln;
3330160     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330161 } sysmsg_chown_t;
3330162 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330163 typedef struct {
3330164     clock_t      ret;
3330165 } sysmsg_clock_t;
3330166 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330167 typedef struct {
3330168     int          fdn;
3330169     int          ret;
3330170     int          errno;
3330171     int          errln;
3330172     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330173 } sysmsg_close_t;
3330174 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330175 typedef struct {
3330176     int          fdn_old;
3330177     int          ret;
3330178     int          errno;
3330179     int          errln;
3330180     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330181 } sysmsg_dup_t;
3330182 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330183 typedef struct {
3330184     int          fdn_old;
3330185     int          fdn_new;
3330186     int          ret;
3330187     int          errno;
3330188     int          errln;
3330189     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330190 } sysmsg_dup2_t;
3330191 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330192 typedef struct {
3330193     char         path[PATH_MAX];
3330194     int          argc;
3330195     int          envc;
3330196     char         arg_data[ARG_MAX/2];
3330197     char         env_data[ARG_MAX/2];
3330198     uid_t        uid;
3330199     uid_t        euid;
3330200     int          ret;
3330201     int          errno;
3330202     int          errln;
3330203     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330204 } sysmsg_exec_t;
3330205 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330206 typedef struct {
3330207     int          status;
3330208 } sysmsg_exit_t;
3330209 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330210 typedef struct {
3330211     int          fdn;
3330212     mode_t       mode;
3330213     int          ret;
3330214     int          errno;
3330215     int          errln;
3330216     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330217 } sysmsg_fchmod_t;
3330218 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330219 typedef struct {
3330220     int          fdn;
3330221     uid_t        uid;
3330222     uid_t        gid;
3330223     int          ret;
3330224     int          errno;
3330225     int          errln;
3330226     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330227 } sysmsg_fchown_t;
3330228 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330229 typedef struct {
3330230     int          fdn;
3330231     int          cmd;
3330232     int          arg;
3330233     int          ret;
3330234     int          errno;
3330235     int          errln;
3330236     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330237 } sysmsg_fcntl_t;
3330238 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330239 typedef struct {
3330240     pid_t        ret;
3330241     int          errno;
3330242     int          errln;
3330243     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330244 } sysmsg_fork_t;
3330245 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330246 typedef struct {
3330247     int          fdn;
3330248     struct stat  stat;
3330249     int          ret;
3330250     int          errno;
3330251     int          errln;
3330252     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330253 } sysmsg_fstat_t;
3330254 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330255 typedef struct {
3330256     pid_t        pid;
3330257     int          signal;
3330258     int          ret;
3330259     int          errno;
3330260     int          errln;
3330261     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330262 } sysmsg_kill_t;
3330263 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330264 typedef struct {
3330265     char         path_old[PATH_MAX];
3330266     char         path_new[PATH_MAX];
3330267     int          ret;
3330268     int          errno;
3330269     int          errln;
3330270     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330271 } sysmsg_link_t;
3330272 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330273 typedef struct {
3330274     int          fdn;
3330275     off_t        offset;
3330276     int          whence;
3330277     int          ret;
3330278     int          errno;
3330279     int          errln;
3330280     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330281 } sysmsg_lseek_t;
3330282 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330283 typedef struct {
3330284     char         path[PATH_MAX];
3330285     mode_t       mode;
3330286     int          ret;
3330287     int          errno;
3330288     int          errln;
3330289     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330290 } sysmsg_mkdir_t;
3330291 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330292 typedef struct {
3330293     char         path[PATH_MAX];
3330294     mode_t       mode;
3330295     dev_t        device;
3330296     int          ret;
3330297     int          errno;
3330298     int          errln;
3330299     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330300 } sysmsg_mknod_t;
3330301 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330302 typedef struct {
3330303     char         path_dev[PATH_MAX];
3330304     char         path_mnt[PATH_MAX];
3330305     int          options;
3330306     int          ret;
3330307     int          errno;
3330308     int          errln;
3330309     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330310 } sysmsg_mount_t;
3330311 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330312 typedef struct {
3330313     char         path[PATH_MAX];
3330314     int          flags;
3330315     mode_t       mode;
3330316     int          ret;
3330317     int          errno;
3330318     int          errln;
3330319     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330320 } sysmsg_open_t;
3330321 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330322 typedef struct {
3330323     int          fdn;
3330324     char         buffer[BUFSIZ];
3330325     size_t       count;
3330326     int          eof;
3330327     ssize_t      ret;
3330328     int          errno;
3330329     int          errln;
3330330     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330331 } sysmsg_read_t;
3330332 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330333 typedef struct {
3330334     uid_t        euid;
3330335     int          ret;
3330336     int          errno;
3330337     int          errln;
3330338     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330339 } sysmsg_seteuid_t;
3330340 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330341 typedef struct {
3330342     uid_t        uid;
3330343     uid_t        euid;
3330344     uid_t        suid;
3330345     int          ret;
3330346     int          errno;
3330347     int          errln;
3330348     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330349 } sysmsg_setuid_t;
3330350 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330351 typedef struct {
3330352     sighandler_t handler;
3330353     int          signal;
3330354     sighandler_t ret;
3330355     int          errno;
3330356     int          errln;
3330357     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330358 } sysmsg_signal_t;
3330359 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330360 #define WAKEUP_EVENT_SIGNAL  1    // 1, 2, 4, 8, 16,...
3330361 #define WAKEUP_EVENT_TIMER   2    // so that can be `OR' combined.
3330362 #define WAKEUP_EVENT_TTY     4    //
3330363 typedef struct {
3330364     int          events;
3330365     int          signal;
3330366     unsigned int seconds;
3330367     time_t       ret;
3330368 } sysmsg_sleep_t;
3330369 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330370 typedef struct {
3330371     char         path[PATH_MAX];
3330372     struct stat  stat;
3330373     int          ret;
3330374     int          errno;
3330375     int          errln;
3330376     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330377 } sysmsg_stat_t;
3330378 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330379 typedef struct {
3330380     time_t       ret;
3330381 } sysmsg_time_t;
3330382 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330383 typedef struct {
3330384     time_t       timer;
3330385     int          ret;
3330386 } sysmsg_stime_t;
3330387 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330388 typedef struct {
3330389     uid_t        uid;         // Read user ID.
3330390     uid_t        euid;        // Effective user ID.
3330391     uid_t        suid;        // Saved user ID.
3330392     pid_t        pid;         // Process ID.
3330393     pid_t        ppid;        // Parent PID.
3330394     pid_t        pgrp;        // Process group.
3330395     mode_t       umask;       // Access permission mask.
3330396     char         path_cwd[PATH_MAX];
3330397 } sysmsg_uarea_t;
3330398 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330399 typedef struct {
3330400     mode_t       umask;
3330401     mode_t       ret;
3330402 } sysmsg_umask_t;
3330403 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330404 typedef struct {
3330405     char         path_mnt[PATH_MAX];
3330406     int          ret;
3330407     int          errno;
3330408     int          errln;
3330409     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330410 } sysmsg_umount_t;
3330411 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330412 typedef struct {
3330413     char         path[PATH_MAX];
3330414     int          ret;
3330415     int          errno;
3330416     int          errln;
3330417     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330418 } sysmsg_unlink_t;
3330419 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330420 typedef struct {
3330421     int          status;
3330422     pid_t        ret;
3330423     int          errno;
3330424     int          errln;
3330425     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330426 } sysmsg_wait_t;
3330427 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330428 typedef struct {
3330429     int          fdn;
3330430     char         buffer[BUFSIZ];
3330431     size_t       count;
3330432     ssize_t      ret;
3330433     int          errno;
3330434     int          errln;
3330435     char         errfn[PATH_MAX];
3330436 } sysmsg_write_t;
3330437 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330438 typedef struct {
3330439     char         c;
3330440 } sysmsg_zpchar_t;
3330441 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330442 typedef struct {
3330443     char         string[BUFSIZ];
3330444 } sysmsg_zpstring_t;
3330445 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330446 void  heap_clear   (void);
3330447 int   heap_min     (void);
3330448 void  input_line   (char *line, char *prompt, size_t size, int type);
3330449 int   mount        (const char *path_dev, const char *path_mnt,
3330450                    int options);
3330451 int   namep        (const char *name, char *path, size_t size);
3330452 void  process_info (void);
3330453 void  sys          (int syscallnr, void *message, size_t size);
3330454 int   umount       (const char *path_mnt);
3330455 void  z_perror     (const char *string);
3330456 int   z_printf     (const char *restrict format, ...);
3330457 int   z_putchar    (int c);
3330458 int   z_puts       (const char *string);
3330459 int   z_vprintf    (const char *restrict format, va_list arg);
3330460 //int  z_vsprintf   (char *restrict string, const char *restrict format,
3330461 //                   va_list arg);
3330462 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3330464 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.12.

3340001 .global __bp
3340002 .text
3340003 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3340004 ; Read the base pointer, as it is before this call.
3340005 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3340006 .align 2
3340007 __bp:
3340008     enter #2, #0        ; 1 local variable.
3340009     pushf
3340010     cli
3340011     pusha
3340012     mov   ax, [bp]      ; The previous BP value is saved at *BP.
3340013     mov   -2[bp], ax    ; Save the calculated old SP value.
3340014     popa
3340015     popf
3340016     mov   ax, -2[bp]    ; AX is the function return value.
3340017     leave
3340018     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.12.

3350001 .global __cs
3350002 .text
3350003 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3350004 ; Read the code segment value.
3350005 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3350006 .align 2
3350007 __cs:
3350008     mov ax, cs
3350009     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.12.

3360001 .global __ds
3360002 .text
3360003 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3360004 ; Read the data segment value.
3360005 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3360006 .align 2
3360007 __ds:
3360008     mov ax, ds
3360009     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.12.

3370001 .global __es
3370002 .text
3370003 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3370004 ; Read the extra segment value.
3370005 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3370006 .align 2
3370007 __es:
3370008     mov ax, es
3370009     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.91.

3380001 .global __seg_d
3380002 .text
3380003 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3380004 ; Read the data segment value.
3380005 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3380006 .align 2
3380007 __seg_d:
3380008     mov ax, ds
3380009     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.91.

3390001 .global __seg_i
3390002 .text
3390003 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3390004 ; Read the instruction segment value.
3390005 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3390006 .align 2
3390007 __seg_i:
3390008     mov ax, cs
3390009     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.12.

3400001 .global __sp
3400002 .text
3400003 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3400004 ; Read the stack pointer, as it is before this call.
3400005 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3400006 .align 2
3400007 __sp:
3400008     enter #2, #0        ; 1 local variable.
3400009     pushf
3400010     cli
3400011     pusha
3400012     mov   ax, bp        ; The previous SP is equal to BP + 2 + 2.
3400013     add   ax, #4        ; 
3400014     mov   -2[bp], ax    ; Save the calculated old SP value.
3400015     popa
3400016     popf
3400017     mov   ax, -2[bp]    ; AX is the function return value.
3400018     leave
3400019     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.12.

3410001 .global __ss
3410002 .text
3410003 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3410004 ; Read the stack segment value.
3410005 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3410006 .align 2
3410007 __ss:
3410008     mov ax, ss
3410009     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.57.

3420001 #include <sys/os16.h>
3420002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3420003 extern uint16_t _end;
3420004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3420005 void heap_clear (void)
3420006 {
3420007     uint16_t *a = &_end;
3420008     uint16_t *z = (void *) (sp () - 2);
3420009     for (; a < z; a++)
3420010       {
3420011         *a = 0xFFFF;
3420012       }
3420013 }


Si veda la sezione u0.57.

3430001 #include <sys/os16.h>
3430002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3430003 extern uint16_t _end;
3430004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3430005 int heap_min (void)
3430006 {
3430007     uint16_t *a = &_end;
3430008     uint16_t *z = (void *) (sp () - 2);
3430009     int     count;
3430010     for (count = 0; a < z && *a == 0xFFFF; a++, count++);
3430011     return (count * 2);
3430012 }


Si veda la sezione u0.60.

3440001 #include <sys/os16.h>
3440002 #include <string.h>
3440003 #include <stdio.h>
3440004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3440005 void
3440006 input_line (char *line, char *prompt, size_t size, int type)
3440007 {
3440008     int   i;    // Index inside the `line[]' array.
3440009     int   c;    // Character received from keyboard.
3440011     if (prompt != NULL || strlen (prompt) > 0)
3440012       {
3440013         printf ("%s ", prompt);
3440014       }
3440015     //
3440016     // Loop for character input. Please note that the loop
3440017     // will exit only through `break', where the input line
3440018     // will also be correctly terminated with '\0'.
3440019     //
3440020     for (i = 0;; i++)
3440021       {
3440022         c = getchar ();
3440023         //
3440024         // Control codes.
3440025         //
3440026         if (c == EOF)
3440027           {
3440028             line[i] = 0;
3440029             break;
3440030           }
3440031         else if (c == 4)        // [Ctrl D]
3440032           {
3440033             line[i] = 0;
3440034             break;
3440035           }
3440036         else if (c == 10)       // [Enter]
3440037           {
3440038             line[i] = 0;
3440039             break;
3440040           }
3440041         else if (c == 8)        // [Backspace]
3440042           {
3440043             if (i == 0)
3440044               {
3440045                 //
3440046                 // It is already the lowest position, so the video
3440047                 // cursor is moved forward again, so that the prompt
3440048                 // is not overwritten.
3440049                 // The index is set to -1, so that on the next loop,
3440050                 // it will be again zero.
3440051                 //
3440052                 printf (" ");
3440053                 i = -1;
3440054               }
3440055             else
3440056               {
3440057                 i -= 2;
3440058               }
3440059             continue;
3440060           }
3440061         //
3440062         // If `i' is equal `size - 1', it is not allowed to continue
3440063         // typing.
3440064         //
3440065         if (i == (size - 1))
3440066           {
3440067             //
3440068             // Ignore typing, move back the cursor, delete the character
3440069             // typed and move back again.
3440070             //
3440071             printf ("\b \b");
3440072             i--;
3440073             continue;
3440074           }
3440075         //
3440076         // Typing is allowed.
3440077         //
3440078         line[i] = c;
3440079         //
3440080         // Verify if it should be hidden.
3440081         //
3440082         if (type == INPUT_LINE_HIDDEN)
3440083           {
3440084             printf ("\b ");     // Space: at least you see something.
3440085           }
3440086         else if (type == INPUT_LINE_STARS)
3440087           {
3440088             printf ("\b*");
3440089           }
3440090       }
3440091 }


Si veda la sezione u0.27.

3450001 #include <sys/types.h>
3450002 #include <errno.h>
3450003 #include <sys/os16.h>
3450004 #include <stddef.h>
3450005 #include <string.h>
3450006 #include <const.h>
3450007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3450008 int
3450009 mount (const char *path_dev, const char *path_mnt, int options)
3450010 {
3450011     sysmsg_mount_t msg;
3450012     //
3450013     strncpy (msg.path_dev, path_dev, PATH_MAX);
3450014     strncpy (msg.path_mnt, path_mnt, PATH_MAX);
3450015     msg.options = options;
3450016     msg.ret     = 0;
3450017     msg.errno   = 0;
3450018     //
3450019     sys (SYS_MOUNT, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3450020     //
3450021     errno = msg.errno;
3450022     errln = msg.errln;
3450023     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
3450024     return (msg.ret);
3450025 }


Si veda la sezione u0.74.

3460001 #include <sys/os16.h>
3460002 #include <stdlib.h>
3460003 #include <errno.h>
3460004 #include <unistd.h>
3460005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3460006 int
3460007 namep (const char *name, char *path, size_t size)
3460008 {
3460009     char  command[PATH_MAX];
3460010     char *env_path;
3460011     int   p;            // Index used inside the path environment.
3460012     int   c;            // Index used inside the command string.
3460013     int   status;
3460014     //
3460015     // Check for valid input.
3460016     //
3460017     if (name == NULL || name[0] == 0 || path == NULL || name == path)
3460018       {
3460019         errset (EINVAL);                // Invalid argument.
3460020         return (-1);
3460021       }
3460022     //
3460023     // Check if the original command contains at least a `/'. Otherwise
3460024     // a scan for the environment variable `PATH' must be done.
3460025     //
3460026     if (strchr (name, '/') == NULL)
3460027       {
3460028         //
3460029         // Ok: no `/' there. Get the environment variable `PATH'.
3460030         //
3460031         env_path = getenv ("PATH");
3460032         if (env_path == NULL)
3460033           {
3460034             //
3460035             // There is no `PATH' environment value.
3460036             //
3460037             errset (ENOENT);            // No such file or directory.
3460038             return (-1);
3460039           }
3460040         //
3460041         // Scan paths and try to find a file with that name.
3460042         //
3460043         for (p = 0; env_path[p] != 0;)
3460044           {
3460045             for (c = 0;
3460046                  c < (PATH_MAX - strlen(name) - 2) &&
3460047                  env_path[p] != 0                  &&
3460048                  env_path[p] != ':';
3460049                  c++, p++)
3460050               {
3460051                 command[c] = env_path[p];
3460052               }
3460053             //
3460054             // If the loop is ended because the command array does not
3460055             // have enough room for the full path, then must return an
3460056             // error.
3460057             //
3460058             if (env_path[p] != ':' && env_path[p] != 0)
3460059               {
3460060                 errset (ENAMETOOLONG);  // Filename too long.
3460061                 return (-1);
3460062               }
3460063             //
3460064             // The command array has enough space. At index `c' must
3460065             // place a zero, to terminate current string.
3460066             //
3460067             command[c] = 0;
3460068             //
3460069             // Add the rest of the path.
3460070             //
3460071             strcat (command, "/");
3460072             strcat (command, name);
3460073             //
3460074             // Verify to have something with that full path name.
3460075             //
3460076             status = access (command, F_OK);
3460077             if (status == 0)
3460078               {
3460079                 //
3460080                 // Verify to have enough room inside the destination
3460081                 // path.
3460082                 //
3460083                 if (strlen (command) >= size)
3460084                   {
3460085                     //
3460086                     // Sorry: too big. There must be room also for
3460087                     // the string termination null character.
3460088                     //
3460089                     errset (ENAMETOOLONG);      // Filename too long.
3460090                     return (-1);
3460091                   }
3460092                 //
3460093                 // Copy the path and return.
3460094                 //
3460095                 strncpy (path, command, size);
3460096                 return (0);
3460097               }
3460098             //
3460099             // That path was not good: try again. But before returning
3460100             // to the external loop, must verify if `p' is to be
3460101             // incremented, after a `:', because the external loop
3460102             // does not touch the index `p',
3460103             //
3460104             if (env_path[p] == ':')
3460105               {
3460106                 p++;
3460107               }
3460108           }
3460109         //
3460110         // At this point, there is no match with the paths.
3460111         //
3460112         errset (ENOENT);                // No such file or directory.
3460113         return (-1);
3460114       }
3460115     //
3460116     // At this point, a path was given and the environment variable
3460117     // `PATH' was not scanned. Just copy the same path. But must verify
3460118     // that the receiving path has enough room for it.
3460119     //
3460120     if (strlen (name) >= size)
3460121       {
3460122         //
3460123         // Sorry: too big.
3460124         //
3460125         errset (ENAMETOOLONG);  // Filename too long.
3460126         return (-1);
3460127       }
3460128     //
3460129     // Ok: copy and return.
3460130     //
3460131     strncpy (path, name, size);
3460132     return (0);
3460133 }


Si veda la sezione u0.79.

3470001 #include <sys/os16.h>
3470002 #include <stdio.h>
3470004 extern uint16_t _edata;
3470005 extern uint16_t _end;
3470006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3470007 void
3470008 process_info (void)
3470009 {
3470010     printf ("cs=%04x ds=%04x ss=%04x es=%04x bp=%04x sp=%04x ",
3470011             cs (), ds (), ss (), es (), bp (), sp ());
3470012     printf ("edata=%04x ebss=%04x heap=%04x\n",
3470013             (int) &_edata, (int) &_end, heap_min ());
3470014 }


Si veda la sezione u0.37.

3480001 .global _sys
3480002 .text
3480003 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3480004 ; Call a system call.
3480005 ;
3480006 ; Please remember that system calls should never be used (called) inside
3480007 ; the kernel code, because system calls cannot be nested for the os16
3480008 ; simple architecture!
3480009 ; If a particular function is necessary inside the kernel, that usually
3480010 ; is made by a system call, an appropriate k_...() function must be
3480011 ; made, to avoid the problem.
3480012 ;
3480013 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3480014 .align 2
3480015 _sys:
3480016     int   #0x80
3480017     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.27.

3490001 #include <sys/types.h>
3490002 #include <errno.h>
3490003 #include <sys/os16.h>
3490004 #include <stddef.h>
3490005 #include <string.h>
3490006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3490007 int
3490008 umount (const char *path_mnt)
3490009 {
3490010     sysmsg_umount_t msg;
3490011     //
3490012     strncpy (msg.path_mnt, path_mnt, PATH_MAX);
3490013     msg.ret     = 0;
3490014     msg.errno   = 0;
3490015     //
3490016     sys (SYS_UMOUNT, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3490017     //
3490018     errno = msg.errno;
3490019     errln = msg.errln;
3490020     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
3490021     return (msg.ret);
3490022 }


Si veda la sezione u0.45.

3500001 #include <sys/os16.h>
3500002 #include <errno.h>
3500003 #include <stddef.h>
3500004 #include <string.h>
3500005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3500006 void
3500007 z_perror (const char *string)
3500008 {
3500009     //
3500010     // If errno is zero, there is nothing to show.
3500011     //
3500012     if (errno == 0)
3500013       {
3500014         return;
3500015       }
3500016     //
3500017     // Show the string if there is one.
3500018     //
3500019     if (string != NULL && strlen (string) > 0)
3500020       {
3500021         z_printf ("%s: ", string);
3500022       }
3500023     //
3500024     // Show the translated error.
3500025     //
3500026     if (errfn[0] != 0 && errln != 0)
3500027       {
3500028         z_printf ("[%s:%u:%i] %s\n",
3500029                   errfn, errln, errno, strerror (errno));
3500030       }
3500031     else
3500032       {
3500033         z_printf ("[%i] %s\n", errno, strerror (errno));
3500034       }
3500035 }


Si veda la sezione u0.45.

3510001 #include <sys/os16.h>
3510002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3510003 int
3510004 z_printf (char *format, ...)
3510005 {
3510006     va_list ap;
3510007     va_start (ap, format);
3510008     return z_vprintf (format, ap);
3510009 }


Si veda la sezione u0.45.

3520001 #include <sys/os16.h>
3520002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3520003 int
3520004 z_putchar (int c)
3520005 {
3520006     sysmsg_zpchar_t msg;
3520007     msg.c = c;
3520008     sys (SYS_ZPCHAR, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3520009     return (c);
3520010 }


Si veda la sezione u0.45.

3530001 #include <sys/os16.h>
3530002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3530003 int
3530004 z_puts (char *string)
3530005 {
3530006     unsigned int i;
3530007     for (i = 0; string[i] != 0; string++)
3530008       {
3530009         z_putchar ((int) string[i]);
3530010       }
3530011     z_putchar ((int) '\n');
3530012     return (1);
3530013 }


Si veda la sezione u0.45.

3540001 #include <sys/os16.h>
3540002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3540003 int
3540004 z_vprintf (char *format, va_list arg)
3540005 {
3540006     int                        ret;
3540007     sysmsg_zpstring_t msg;
3540008     msg.string[0] = 0;
3540009     ret = vsprintf (msg.string, format, arg);
3540010     sys (SYS_ZPSTRING, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3540011     return ret;
3540012 }

os16: «lib/sys/stat.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.2.

3550001 #ifndef _SYS_STAT_H
3550002 #define _SYS_STAT_H     1
3550004 #include <restrict.h>
3550005 #include <const.h>
3550006 #include <sys/types.h>  // dev_t
3550007                         // off_t
3550008                         // blkcnt_t
3550009                         // blksize_t
3550010                         // ino_t
3550011                         // mode_t
3550012                         // nlink_t
3550013                         // uid_t
3550014                         // gid_t
3550015                         // time_t
3550016 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3550017 // File type.
3550018 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3550019 #define S_IFMT   0170000        // File type mask.
3550020 //
3550021 #define S_IFBLK  0060000        // Block device file.
3550022 #define S_IFCHR  0020000        // Character device file.
3550023 #define S_IFIFO  0010000        // Pipe (FIFO) file.
3550024 #define S_IFREG  0100000        // Regular file.
3550025 #define S_IFDIR  0040000        // Directory.
3550026 #define S_IFLNK  0120000        // Symbolic link.
3550027 #define S_IFSOCK 0140000        // Unix domain socket.
3550028 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3550029 // Owner user access permissions.
3550030 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3550031 #define S_IRWXU  0000700        // Owner user access permissions mask.
3550032 //
3550033 #define S_IRUSR  0000400        // Owner user read access permission.
3550034 #define S_IWUSR  0000200        // Owner user write access permission.
3550035 #define S_IXUSR  0000100        // Owner user execution or cross perm.
3550036 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3550037 // Group owner access permissions.
3550038 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3550039 #define S_IRWXG  0000070        // Owner group access permissions mask.
3550040 //
3550041 #define S_IRGRP  0000040        // Owner group read access permission.
3550042 #define S_IWGRP  0000020        // Owner group write access permission.
3550043 #define S_IXGRP  0000010        // Owner group execution or cross perm.
3550044 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3550045 // Other users access permissions.
3550046 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3550047 #define S_IRWXO  0000007        // Other users access permissions mask.
3550048 //
3550049 #define S_IROTH  0000004        // Other users read access permission.
3550050 #define S_IWOTH  0000002        // Other users write access permissions.
3550051 #define S_IXOTH  0000001        // Other users execution or cross perm.
3550052 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3550053 // S-bit: in this case there is no mask to select all of them.
3550054 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3550055 #define S_ISUID  0004000        // S-UID.
3550056 #define S_ISGID  0002000        // S-GID.
3550057 #define S_ISVTX  0001000        // Sticky.
3550058 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3550059 // Macro-instructions to verify the type of file.
3550060 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3550061 #define S_ISBLK(m)   (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFBLK)   // Block device.
3550062 #define S_ISCHR(m)   (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFCHR)   // Character device.
3550063 #define S_ISFIFO(m)  (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFIFO)   // FIFO.
3550064 #define S_ISREG(m)   (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)   // Regular file.
3550065 #define S_ISDIR(m)   (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)   // Directory.
3550066 #define S_ISLNK(m)   (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK)   // Symbolic link.
3550067 #define S_ISSOCK(m)  (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFSOCK)  // Socket.
3550068 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3550069 // Structure `stat'.
3550070 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3550071 struct stat {
3550072     dev_t     st_dev;       // Device containing the file.
3550073     ino_t     st_ino;       // File serial number (inode number).
3550074     mode_t    st_mode;      // File type and permissions.
3550075     nlink_t   st_nlink;     // Links to the file.
3550076     uid_t     st_uid;       // Owner user id.
3550077     gid_t     st_gid;       // Owner group id.
3550078     dev_t     st_rdev;      // Device number if it is a device file.
3550079     off_t     st_size;      // File size.
3550080     time_t    st_atime;     // Last access time.
3550081     time_t    st_mtime;     // Last modification time.
3550082     time_t    st_ctime;     // Last inode modification.
3550083     blksize_t st_blksize;   // Block size for I/O operations.
3550084     blkcnt_t  st_blocks;    // File size / block size.
3550085 };
3550086 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3550087 // Function prototypes.
3550088 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3550089 int    chmod  (const char *path, mode_t mode);
3550090 int    fchmod (int fdn, mode_t mode);
3550091 int    fstat  (int fdn, struct stat *buffer);
3550092 int    lstat  (const char *restrict path, struct stat *restrict buffer);
3550093 int    mkdir  (const char *path, mode_t mode);
3550094 int    mkfifo (const char *path, mode_t mode);
3550095 int    mknod  (const char *path, mode_t mode, dev_t dev);
3550096 int    stat   (const char *restrict path, struct stat *restrict buffer);
3550097 mode_t umask  (mode_t mask);
3550099 #endif // _SYS_STAT_H


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

3560001 #include <sys/stat.h>
3560002 #include <string.h>
3560003 #include <const.h>
3560004 #include <sys/os16.h>
3560005 #include <errno.h>
3560006 #include <limits.h>
3560007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3560008 int
3560009 chmod (const char *path, mode_t mode)
3560010 {
3560011     sysmsg_chmod_t msg;
3560012     //
3560013     strncpy (msg.path, path, PATH_MAX);
3560014     msg.mode = mode;
3560015     //
3560016     sys (SYS_CHMOD, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3560017     //
3560018     errno = msg.errno;
3560019     errln = msg.errln;
3560020     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
3560021     return (msg.ret);
3560022 }


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

3570001 #include <sys/stat.h>
3570002 #include <string.h>
3570003 #include <const.h>
3570004 #include <sys/os16.h>
3570005 #include <errno.h>
3570006 #include <limits.h>
3570007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3570008 int
3570009 fchmod (int fdn, mode_t mode)
3570010 {
3570011     sysmsg_fchmod_t msg;
3570012     //
3570013     msg.fdn  = fdn;
3570014     msg.mode = mode;
3570015     //
3570016     sys (SYS_FCHMOD, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3570017     //
3570018     errno = msg.errno;
3570019     errln = msg.errln;
3570020     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
3570021     return (msg.ret);
3570022 }


Si veda la sezione u0.36.

3580001 #include <unistd.h>
3580002 #include <errno.h>
3580003 #include <sys/os16.h>
3580004 #include <string.h>
3580005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3580006 int
3580007 fstat (int fdn, struct stat *buffer)
3580008 {
3580009     sysmsg_fstat_t msg;
3580010     //
3580011     msg.fdn             = fdn;
3580012     msg.stat.st_dev     = buffer->st_dev;
3580013     msg.stat.st_ino     = buffer->st_ino;
3580014     msg.stat.st_mode    = buffer->st_mode;
3580015     msg.stat.st_nlink   = buffer->st_nlink;
3580016     msg.stat.st_uid     = buffer->st_uid;
3580017     msg.stat.st_gid     = buffer->st_gid;
3580018     msg.stat.st_rdev    = buffer->st_rdev;
3580019     msg.stat.st_size    = buffer->st_size;
3580020     msg.stat.st_atime   = buffer->st_atime;
3580021     msg.stat.st_mtime   = buffer->st_mtime;
3580022     msg.stat.st_ctime   = buffer->st_ctime;
3580023     msg.stat.st_blksize = buffer->st_blksize;
3580024     msg.stat.st_blocks  = buffer->st_blocks;
3580025     //
3580026     sys (SYS_FSTAT, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3580027     //
3580028     buffer->st_dev      = msg.stat.st_dev;
3580029     buffer->st_ino      = msg.stat.st_ino;
3580030     buffer->st_mode     = msg.stat.st_mode;
3580031     buffer->st_nlink    = msg.stat.st_nlink;
3580032     buffer->st_uid      = msg.stat.st_uid;
3580033     buffer->st_gid      = msg.stat.st_gid;
3580034     buffer->st_rdev     = msg.stat.st_rdev;
3580035     buffer->st_size     = msg.stat.st_size;
3580036     buffer->st_atime    = msg.stat.st_atime;
3580037     buffer->st_mtime    = msg.stat.st_mtime;
3580038     buffer->st_ctime    = msg.stat.st_ctime;
3580039     buffer->st_blksize  = msg.stat.st_blksize;
3580040     buffer->st_blocks   = msg.stat.st_blocks;
3580041     //
3580042     errno = msg.errno;
3580043     errln = msg.errln;
3580044     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
3580045     return (msg.ret);
3580046 }


Si veda la sezione u0.25.

3590001 #include <sys/stat.h>
3590002 #include <string.h>
3590003 #include <const.h>
3590004 #include <sys/os16.h>
3590005 #include <errno.h>
3590006 #include <limits.h>
3590007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3590008 int
3590009 mkdir (const char *path, mode_t mode)
3590010 {
3590011     sysmsg_mkdir_t msg;
3590012     //
3590013     strncpy (msg.path, path, PATH_MAX);
3590014     msg.mode = mode;
3590015     //
3590016     sys (SYS_MKDIR, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3590017     //
3590018     errno = msg.errno;
3590019     errln = msg.errln;
3590020     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
3590021     return (msg.ret);
3590022 }


Si veda la sezione u0.26.

3600001 #include <unistd.h>
3600002 #include <errno.h>
3600003 #include <sys/os16.h>
3600004 #include <string.h>
3600005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3600006 int
3600007 mknod (const char *path, mode_t mode, dev_t device)
3600008 {
3600009     sysmsg_mknod_t msg;
3600010     //
3600011     strncpy (msg.path, path, PATH_MAX);
3600012     msg.mode   = mode;
3600013     msg.device = device;
3600014     //
3600015     sys (SYS_MKNOD, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3600016     //
3600017     errno = msg.errno;
3600018     errln = msg.errln;
3600019     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
3600020     return (msg.ret);
3600021 }


Si veda la sezione u0.36.

3610001 #include <unistd.h>
3610002 #include <errno.h>
3610003 #include <sys/os16.h>
3610004 #include <string.h>
3610005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3610006 int
3610007 stat (const char *path, struct stat *buffer)
3610008 {
3610009     sysmsg_stat_t msg;
3610010     //
3610011     strncpy (msg.path, path, PATH_MAX);
3610012     //
3610013     msg.stat.st_dev     = buffer->st_dev;
3610014     msg.stat.st_ino     = buffer->st_ino;
3610015     msg.stat.st_mode    = buffer->st_mode;
3610016     msg.stat.st_nlink   = buffer->st_nlink;
3610017     msg.stat.st_uid     = buffer->st_uid;
3610018     msg.stat.st_gid     = buffer->st_gid;
3610019     msg.stat.st_rdev    = buffer->st_rdev;
3610020     msg.stat.st_size    = buffer->st_size;
3610021     msg.stat.st_atime   = buffer->st_atime;
3610022     msg.stat.st_mtime   = buffer->st_mtime;
3610023     msg.stat.st_ctime   = buffer->st_ctime;
3610024     msg.stat.st_blksize = buffer->st_blksize;
3610025     msg.stat.st_blocks  = buffer->st_blocks;
3610026     //
3610027     sys (SYS_STAT, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3610028     //
3610029     buffer->st_dev      = msg.stat.st_dev;
3610030     buffer->st_ino      = msg.stat.st_ino;
3610031     buffer->st_mode     = msg.stat.st_mode;
3610032     buffer->st_nlink    = msg.stat.st_nlink;
3610033     buffer->st_uid      = msg.stat.st_uid;
3610034     buffer->st_gid      = msg.stat.st_gid;
3610035     buffer->st_rdev     = msg.stat.st_rdev;
3610036     buffer->st_size     = msg.stat.st_size;
3610037     buffer->st_atime    = msg.stat.st_atime;
3610038     buffer->st_mtime    = msg.stat.st_mtime;
3610039     buffer->st_ctime    = msg.stat.st_ctime;
3610040     buffer->st_blksize  = msg.stat.st_blksize;
3610041     buffer->st_blocks   = msg.stat.st_blocks;
3610042     //
3610043     errno = msg.errno;
3610044     errln = msg.errln;
3610045     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
3610046     return (msg.ret);
3610047 }


Si veda la sezione u0.40.

3620001 #include <sys/stat.h>
3620002 #include <string.h>
3620003 #include <const.h>
3620004 #include <sys/os16.h>
3620005 #include <errno.h>
3620006 #include <limits.h>
3620007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3620008 mode_t
3620009 umask (mode_t mask)
3620010 {
3620011     sysmsg_umask_t msg;
3620012     msg.umask = mask;
3620013     sys (SYS_UMASK, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3620014     return (msg.ret);
3620015 }

os16: «lib/sys/types.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.2.

3630001 #ifndef _SYS_TYPES_H
3630002 #define _SYS_TYPES_H    1
3630003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3630005 #include <clock_t.h>
3630006 #include <time_t.h>
3630007 #include <size_t.h>
3630008 #include <stdint.h>
3630009 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3630010 typedef     long int blkcnt_t;
3630011 typedef     long int blksize_t;
3630012 typedef     uint16_t dev_t;     // Traditional device size.
3630013 typedef unsigned int id_t;
3630014 typedef unsigned int gid_t;
3630015 typedef unsigned int uid_t;
3630016 typedef     uint16_t ino_t;     // Minix 1 file system inode size.
3630017 typedef     uint16_t mode_t;    // Minix 1 file system mode size.
3630018 typedef unsigned int nlink_t;
3630019 typedef     long int off_t;
3630020 typedef          int pid_t;
3630021 typedef unsigned int pthread_t;
3630022 typedef     long int ssize_t;
3630023 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3630024 // Common extentions.
3630025 //
3630026 dev_t makedev (int major, int minor);
3630027 int   major   (dev_t device);
3630028 int   minor   (dev_t device);
3630029 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3630031 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.65.

3640001 #include <sys/types.h>
3640002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3640003 int
3640004 major (dev_t device)
3640005 {
3640006     return ((int) (device / 256));
3640007 }


Si veda la sezione u0.65.

3650001 #include <sys/types.h>
3650002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3650003 dev_t
3650004 makedev (int major, int minor)
3650005 {
3650006     return ((dev_t) (major * 256 + minor));
3650007 }


Si veda la sezione u0.65.

3660001 #include <sys/types.h>
3660002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3660003 int
3660004 minor (dev_t device)
3660005 {
3660006     return ((dev_t) (device & 0x00FF));
3660007 }

os16: «lib/sys/wait.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.2.

3670001 #ifndef _SYS_WAIT_H
3670002 #define _SYS_WAIT_H      1
3670004 #include <sys/types.h>
3670006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3670007 pid_t wait    (int *status);
3670008 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3670010 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.43.

3680001 #include <sys/types.h>
3680002 #include <errno.h>
3680003 #include <sys/os16.h>
3680004 #include <stddef.h>
3680005 #include <string.h>
3680006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3680007 pid_t
3680008 wait (int *status)
3680009 {
3680010     sysmsg_wait_t msg;
3680011     msg.ret    = 0;
3680012     msg.errno  = 0;
3680013     msg.status = 0;
3680014     while (msg.ret == 0)
3680015       {
3680016         //
3680017         // Loop as long as there are children, an none is dead.
3680018         //
3680019         sys (SYS_WAIT, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3680020       }
3680021     errno = msg.errno;
3680022     errln = msg.errln;
3680023     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
3680024     //
3680025     if (status != NULL)
3680026       {
3680027         //
3680028         // Only the low eight bits are returned.
3680029         //
3680030         *status = (msg.status & 0x00FF);
3680031       }
3680032     return (msg.ret);
3680033 }

os16: «lib/time.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.2.

3690001 #ifndef _TIME_H
3690002 #define _TIME_H       1
3690003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3690005 #include <const.h>
3690006 #include <restrict.h>
3690007 #include <size_t.h>
3690008 #include <time_t.h>
3690009 #include <clock_t.h>
3690010 #include <NULL.h>
3690011 #include <stdint.h>
3690012 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3690013 #define CLOCKS_PER_SEC  18  // Should be 18.22 Hz, but it is a `int'.
3690014 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3690015 struct tm {int tm_sec;  int tm_min;  int tm_hour; 
3690016            int tm_mday; int tm_mon;  int tm_year; 
3690017            int tm_wday; int tm_yday; int tm_isdst;};
3690018 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3690019 clock_t    clock     (void);
3690020 time_t     time      (time_t *timer);
3690021 int        stime     (time_t *timer);
3690022 double     difftime  (time_t time1, time_t time0);
3690023 time_t     mktime    (struct tm *timeptr);
3690024 struct tm *gmtime    (const time_t *timer);
3690025 struct tm *localtime (const time_t *timer);
3690026 char      *asctime   (const struct tm *timeptr);
3690027 char      *ctime     (const time_t *timer);
3690028 size_t     strftime  (char * restrict s, size_t maxsize,
3690029                       const char * restrict format,
3690030                       const struct tm * restrict timeptr);
3690031 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3690032 #define difftime(t1,t0) ((double)((t1)-(t0)))
3690033 #define ctime(t)        (asctime (localtime (t)))
3690034 #define localtime(t)    (gmtime (t))
3690035 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3690037 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.13.

3700001 #include <time.h>
3700002 #include <string.h>
3700003 #include <stdio.h>
3700005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3700006 char *
3700007 asctime (const struct tm *timeptr)
3700008 {
3700009     static char time_string[25]; // `Sun Jan 30 24:00:00 2111'
3700010     //
3700011     // Check argument.
3700012     //
3700013     if (timeptr == NULL)
3700014       {
3700015         return (NULL);
3700016       }
3700017     //
3700018     // Set week day.
3700019     //
3700020     switch (timeptr->tm_wday)
3700021       {
3700022         case 0:
3700023             strcpy (&time_string[0], "Sun");
3700024             break;
3700025         case 1:
3700026             strcpy (&time_string[0], "Mon");
3700027             break;
3700028         case 2:
3700029             strcpy (&time_string[0], "Tue");
3700030             break;
3700031         case 3:
3700032             strcpy (&time_string[0], "Wed");
3700033             break;
3700034         case 4:
3700035             strcpy (&time_string[0], "Thu");
3700036             break;
3700037         case 5:
3700038             strcpy (&time_string[0], "Fri");
3700039             break;
3700040         case 6:
3700041             strcpy (&time_string[0], "Sat");
3700042             break;
3700043         default:
3700044             strcpy (&time_string[0], "Err");
3700045       }
3700046     //
3700047     // Set month.
3700048     //
3700049     switch (timeptr->tm_mon)
3700050       {
3700051         case 1:
3700052             strcpy (&time_string[3], " Jan");
3700053             break;
3700054         case 2:
3700055             strcpy (&time_string[3], " Feb");
3700056             break;
3700057         case 3:
3700058             strcpy (&time_string[3], " Mar");
3700059             break;
3700060         case 4:
3700061             strcpy (&time_string[3], " Apr");
3700062             break;
3700063         case 5:
3700064             strcpy (&time_string[3], " May");
3700065             break;
3700066         case 6:
3700067             strcpy (&time_string[3], " Jun");
3700068             break;
3700069         case 7:
3700070             strcpy (&time_string[3], " Jul");
3700071             break;
3700072         case 8:
3700073             strcpy (&time_string[3], " Aug");
3700074             break;
3700075         case 9:
3700076             strcpy (&time_string[3], " Sep");
3700077             break;
3700078         case 10:
3700079             strcpy (&time_string[3], " Oct");
3700080             break;
3700081         case 11:
3700082             strcpy (&time_string[3], " Nov");
3700083             break;
3700084         case 12:
3700085             strcpy (&time_string[3], " Dec");
3700086             break;
3700087         default:
3700088             strcpy (&time_string[3], " Err");
3700089       }
3700090     //
3700091     // Set day of month, hour, minute, second and year.
3700092     //
3700093     sprintf (&time_string[7], " %2i %2i:%2i:%2i %4i",
3700094              timeptr->tm_mday,  timeptr->tm_hour,  timeptr->tm_min,
3700095              timeptr->tm_sec,  timeptr->tm_year);
3700096     //
3700097     //
3700098     //
3700099     return (&time_string[0]);
3700100 }


Si veda la sezione u0.6.

3710001 #include <time.h>
3710002 #include <sys/os16.h>
3710003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3710004 clock_t
3710005 clock (void)
3710006 {
3710007     sysmsg_clock_t msg;
3710008     msg.ret = 0;
3710009     sys (SYS_CLOCK, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3710010     return (msg.ret);
3710011 }


Si veda la sezione u0.13.

3720001 #include <time.h>
3720002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3720003 static int leap_year (int year);
3720004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3720005 struct tm *
3720006 gmtime (const time_t *timer)
3720007 {
3720008     static struct tm  tms;
3720009     int               loop;
3720010     unsigned int      remainder;
3720011     unsigned int      days;
3720012     //
3720013     // Check argument.
3720014     //
3720015     if (timer == NULL)
3720016       {
3720017         return (NULL);
3720018       }
3720019     //
3720020     // Days since epoch. There are 86400 seconds per day.
3720021     // At the moment, the field `tm_yday' will contain
3720022     // all days since epoch.
3720023     //
3720024     days      = *timer / 86400L;
3720025     remainder = *timer % 86400L;
3720026     //
3720027     // Minutes, after full days.
3720028     //
3720029     tms.tm_min = remainder / 60U;
3720030     //
3720031     // Seconds, after full minutes.
3720032     //
3720033     tms.tm_sec = remainder % 60U;
3720034     //
3720035     // Hours, after full days.
3720036     //
3720037     tms.tm_hour = tms.tm_min / 60;
3720038     //
3720039     // Minutes, after full hours.
3720040     //
3720041     tms.tm_min = tms.tm_min % 60;
3720042     //
3720043     // Find the week day. Must remove some days to align the
3720044     // calculation. So: the week days of the first week of 1970
3720045     // are not valid! After 1970-01-04 calculations are right.
3720046     //
3720047     tms.tm_wday = (days - 3) % 7;
3720048     //
3720049     // Find the year: the field `tm_yday' will be reduced to the days
3720050     // of current year.
3720051     //
3720052     for (tms.tm_year = 1970; days > 0; tms.tm_year++)
3720053       {
3720054         if (leap_year (tms.tm_year))
3720055           {
3720056             if (days >= 366)
3720057               {
3720058                 days -= 366;
3720059                 continue;
3720060               }
3720061             else
3720062               {
3720063                 break;
3720064               }
3720065           }
3720066         else
3720067           {
3720068             if (days >= 365)
3720069               {
3720070                 days -= 365;
3720071                 continue;
3720072               }
3720073             else
3720074               {
3720075                 break;
3720076               }
3720077           }
3720078       }
3720079     //
3720080     // Day of the year.
3720081     //
3720082     tms.tm_yday = days + 1;
3720083     //
3720084     // Find the month.
3720085     //
3720086     tms.tm_mday = days + 1;
3720087     //
3720088     for (tms.tm_mon = 0, loop = 1; tms.tm_mon <= 12 && loop;)
3720089       {
3720090         tms.tm_mon++;
3720091         //
3720092         switch (tms.tm_mon)
3720093           {
3720094             case 1:
3720095             case 3:
3720096             case 5:
3720097             case 7:
3720098             case 8:
3720099             case 10:
3720100             case 12:
3720101                 if (tms.tm_mday >= 31)
3720102                   {
3720103                     tms.tm_mday -= 31;
3720104                   }
3720105                 else
3720106                   {
3720107                     loop = 0;
3720108                   }
3720109                 break;
3720110             case 4:
3720111             case 6:
3720112             case 9:
3720113             case 11:
3720114                 if (tms.tm_mday >= 30)
3720115                   {
3720116                     tms.tm_mday -= 30;
3720117                   }
3720118                 else
3720119                   {
3720120                     loop = 0;
3720121                   }
3720122                 break;
3720123             case 2:
3720124                 if (leap_year (tms.tm_year))
3720125                   {
3720126                     if (tms.tm_mday >= 29)
3720127                       {
3720128                         tms.tm_mday -= 29;
3720129                       }
3720130                     else
3720131                       {
3720132                         loop = 0;
3720133                       }
3720134                   }
3720135                 else
3720136                   {
3720137                     if (tms.tm_mday >= 28)
3720138                       {
3720139                         tms.tm_mday -= 28;
3720140                       }
3720141                     else
3720142                       {
3720143                         loop = 0;
3720144                       }
3720145                   }
3720146                 break;
3720147           }
3720148       }
3720149     //
3720150     // No check for day light saving time.
3720151     //
3720152     tms.tm_isdst = 0;
3720153     //
3720154     // Return.
3720155     //
3720156     return (&tms);
3720157 }
3720158 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3720159 static int
3720160 leap_year (int year)
3720161 {
3720162     if ((year % 4) == 0)
3720163       {
3720164         if ((year % 100) == 0)
3720165           {
3720166             if ((year % 400) == 0)
3720167               {
3720168                 return (1);
3720169               }
3720170             else
3720171               {
3720172                 return (0);
3720173               }
3720174           }
3720175         else
3720176           {
3720177             return (1);
3720178           }
3720179       }
3720180     else
3720181       {
3720182         return (0);
3720183       }
3720184 }


Si veda la sezione u0.13.

3730001 #include <time.h>
3730002 #include <string.h>
3730003 #include <stdio.h>
3730004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3730005 static int leap_year (int year);
3730006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3730007 time_t
3730008 mktime (const struct tm *timeptr)
3730009 {
3730010     time_t timer_total;
3730011     time_t timer_aux;
3730012     int    days;
3730013     int    month;
3730014     int    year;
3730015     //
3730016     // From seconds to days.
3730017     //
3730018     timer_total  = timeptr->tm_sec;
3730019     //
3730020     timer_aux    = timeptr->tm_min;
3730021     timer_aux   *= 60;
3730022     timer_total += timer_aux;
3730023     //
3730024     timer_aux    = timeptr->tm_hour;
3730025     timer_aux   *= (60 * 60);
3730026     timer_total += timer_aux;
3730027     //
3730028     timer_aux    = timeptr->tm_mday;
3730029     timer_aux   *= 24;
3730030     timer_aux   *= (60 * 60);
3730031     timer_total += timer_aux;
3730032     //
3730033     // Month: add the days of months.
3730034     // Will scan the months, from the first, but before the
3730035     // months of the value inside field `tm_mon'.
3730036     //
3730037     for (month = 1, days = 0; month < timeptr->tm_mon; month++)
3730038       {
3730039         switch (month)
3730040           {
3730041             case 1:
3730042             case 3:
3730043             case 5:
3730044             case 7:
3730045             case 8:
3730046             case 10:
3730047                 //
3730048                 // There is no December, because the scan can go up to
3730049                 // the month before the value inside field `tm_mon'.
3730050                 //
3730051                 days += 31;
3730052                 break;
3730053             case 4:
3730054             case 6:
3730055             case 9:
3730056             case 11:
3730057                 days += 30;
3730058                 break;
3730059             case 2:
3730060                 if (leap_year (timeptr->tm_year))
3730061                   {
3730062                     days += 29;
3730063                   }
3730064                 else
3730065                   {
3730066                     days += 28;
3730067                   }
3730068                 break;
3730069           }
3730070       }
3730071     //
3730072     timer_aux    = days;
3730073     timer_aux   *= 24;
3730074     timer_aux   *= (60 * 60);
3730075     timer_total += timer_aux;
3730076     //
3730077     // Year. The work is similar to the one of months: days of
3730078     // years are counted, up to the year before the one reported
3730079     // by the field `tm_year'.
3730080     //
3730081     for (year = 1970, days = 0; year < timeptr->tm_year; year++)
3730082       {
3730083         if (leap_year (year))
3730084           {
3730085             days += 366;
3730086           }
3730087         else
3730088           {
3730089             days += 365;
3730090           }
3730091       }
3730092     //
3730093     // After all, must subtract a day from the total.
3730094     //
3730095     days--;
3730096     //
3730097     timer_aux    = days;
3730098     timer_aux   *= 24;
3730099     timer_aux   *= (60 * 60);
3730100     timer_total += timer_aux;
3730101     //
3730102     // That's all.
3730103     //
3730104     return (timer_total);
3730105 }
3730106 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3730107 int
3730108 leap_year (int year)
3730109 {
3730110     if ((year % 4) == 0)
3730111       {
3730112         if ((year % 100) == 0)
3730113           {
3730114             if ((year % 400) == 0)
3730115               {
3730116                 return (1);
3730117               }
3730118             else
3730119               {
3730120                 return (0);
3730121               }
3730122           }
3730123         else
3730124           {
3730125             return (1);
3730126           }
3730127       }
3730128     else
3730129       {
3730130         return (0);
3730131       }
3730132 }


Si veda la sezione u0.39.

3740001 #include <time.h>
3740002 #include <sys/os16.h>
3740003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3740004 int
3740005 stime (time_t *timer)
3740006 {
3740007     sysmsg_stime_t msg;
3740008     msg.timer = *timer;
3740009     msg.ret = 0;
3740010     sys (SYS_STIME, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3740011     return (msg.ret);
3740012 }


Si veda la sezione u0.39.

3750001 #include <time.h>
3750002 #include <sys/os16.h>
3750003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3750004 time_t
3750005 time (time_t *timer)
3750006 {
3750007     sysmsg_time_t msg;
3750008     msg.ret = ((time_t) 0);
3750009     sys (SYS_TIME, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3750010     if (timer != NULL)
3750011       {
3750012         *timer = msg.ret;
3750013       }
3750014     return (msg.ret);
3750015 }

os16: «lib/unistd.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.2.

3760001 #ifndef _UNISTD_H
3760002 #define _UNISTD_H       1
3760004 #include <const.h>
3760005 #include <sys/stat.h>
3760006 #include <sys/os16.h>
3760007 #include <sys/types.h>  // size_t, ssize_t, uid_t, gid_t, off_t, pid_t
3760008 #include <inttypes.h>   // intptr_t
3760009 #include <SEEK.h>       // SEEK_CUR, SEEK_SET, SEEK_END
3760010 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3760011 extern char **environ;  // Variable `environ' is used by functions like
3760012                         // `execv()' in replacement for `envp[][]'.
3760013 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3760014 extern char *optarg;    // Used by `optarg()'.
3760015 extern int   optind;    //
3760016 extern int   opterr;    //
3760017 extern int   optopt;    //
3760018 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3760019 #define STDIN_FILENO    0       //
3760020 #define STDOUT_FILENO   1       // Standard file descriptors.
3760021 #define STDERR_FILENO   2       //
3760022 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3760023 #define R_OK            4       // Read permission.
3760024 #define W_OK            2       // Write permission.
3760025 #define X_OK            1       // Execute or traverse permission.
3760026 #define F_OK            0       // File exists.
3760027 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3760029 int          access      (const char *path, int mode);
3760030 int          chdir       (const char *path);
3760031 int          chown       (const char *path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid);
3760032 int          close       (int fdn);
3760033 int          dup         (int fdn_old);
3760034 int          dup2        (int fdn_old, int fdn_new);
3760035 int          execl       (const char *path, const char *arg, ...);
3760036 int          execle      (const char *path, const char *arg, ...);
3760037 int          execlp      (const char *path, const char *arg, ...);
3760038 int          execv       (const char *path, char *const argv[]);
3760039 int          execve      (const char *path, char *const argv[],
3760040                           char *const envp[]);
3760041 int          execvp      (const char *path, char *const argv[]);
3760042 void        _exit        (int status);
3760043 int          fchown      (int fdn, uid_t uid, gid_t gid);
3760044 pid_t        fork        (void);
3760045 char        *getcwd      (char *buffer, size_t size);
3760046 uid_t        geteuid     (void);
3760047 int          getopt      (int argc, char *const argv[],
3760048                           const char *optstring);
3760049 pid_t        getpgrp     (void);
3760050 pid_t        getppid     (void);
3760051 pid_t        getpid      (void);
3760052 uid_t        getuid      (void);
3760053 int          isatty      (int fdn);
3760054 int          link        (const char *path_old, const char *path_new);
3760055 off_t        lseek       (int fdn, off_t offset, int whence);
3760056 #define      nice(n)     (0)
3760057 ssize_t      read        (int fdn, void *buffer, size_t count);
3760058 #define      readlink(p,b,s) ((ssize_t) -1)
3760059 int          rmdir       (const char *path);
3760060 int          seteuid     (uid_t uid);
3760061 int          setpgrp     (void);
3760062 int          setuid      (uid_t uid);
3760063 unsigned int sleep       (unsigned int s);
3760064 #define      sync()      /**/
3760065 char        *ttyname     (int fdn);
3760066 int          unlink      (const char *path);
3760067 ssize_t      write       (int fdn, const void *buffer, size_t count);
3760069 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

3770001 #include <unistd.h>
3770002 #include <sys/os16.h>
3770003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3770004 void
3770005 _exit (int status)
3770006 {
3770007     sysmsg_exit_t msg;
3770008     //
3770009     // Only the low eight bit are returned.
3770010     //
3770011     msg.status = (status & 0xFF);
3770012     //
3770013     //
3770014     //
3770015     sys (SYS_EXIT, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3770016     //
3770017     // Should not return from system call, but if it does, loop
3770018     // forever:
3770019     //
3770020     while (1);
3770021 }


Si veda la sezione u0.1.

3780001 #include <unistd.h>
3780002 #include <sys/stat.h>
3780003 #include <errno.h>
3780004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3780005 int
3780006 access (const char *path, int mode)
3780007 {
3780008     struct stat st;
3780009     int         status;
3780010     uid_t       euid;
3780011     //
3780012     status = stat (path, &st);
3780013     if (status != 0)
3780014       {
3780015         return (-1);
3780016       }
3780017     //
3780018     // File exists?
3780019     //
3780020     if (mode == F_OK)
3780021       {
3780022         return (0);
3780023       }
3780024     //
3780025     // Some access permissions are requested: get effective user id.
3780026     //
3780027     euid = geteuid ();
3780028     //
3780029     // Check owner access permissions.
3780030     //
3780031     if (st.st_uid == euid && ((st.st_mode & S_IRWXU) == (mode << 6)))
3780032       {
3780033         return (0);
3780034       }
3780035     //
3780036     // Check others access permissions.
3780037     //
3780038     if ((st.st_mode & S_IRWXO) == (mode))
3780039       {
3780040         return (0);
3780041       }
3780042     //
3780043     // Otherwise there are no access permissions.
3780044     //
3780045     errset (EACCES);                    // Permission denied.
3780046     return (-1);
3780047 }


Si veda la sezione u0.3.

3790001 #include <unistd.h>
3790002 #include <string.h>
3790003 #include <const.h>
3790004 #include <sys/os16.h>
3790005 #include <errno.h>
3790006 #include <limits.h>
3790007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3790008 int
3790009 chdir (const char *path)
3790010 {
3790011     sysmsg_chdir_t msg;
3790012     //
3790013     msg.ret    = 0;
3790014     msg.errno  = 0;
3790015     //
3790016     strncpy (msg.path, path, PATH_MAX);
3790017     //
3790018     sys (SYS_CHDIR, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3790019     //
3790020     errno = msg.errno;
3790021     errln = msg.errln;
3790022     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
3790023     return (msg.ret);
3790024 }


Si veda la sezione u0.5.

3800001 #include <unistd.h>
3800002 #include <string.h>
3800003 #include <const.h>
3800004 #include <sys/os16.h>
3800005 #include <errno.h>
3800006 #include <limits.h>
3800007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3800008 int
3800009 chown (const char *path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
3800010 {
3800011     sysmsg_chown_t msg;
3800012     //
3800013     strncpy (msg.path, path, PATH_MAX);
3800014     msg.uid = uid;
3800015     msg.gid = gid;
3800016     //
3800017     sys (SYS_CHOWN, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3800018     //
3800019     errno = msg.errno;
3800020     errln = msg.errln;
3800021     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
3800022     return (msg.ret);
3800023 }


Si veda la sezione u0.7.

3810001 #include <unistd.h>
3810002 #include <errno.h>
3810003 #include <sys/os16.h>
3810004 #include <string.h>
3810005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3810006 int
3810007 close (int fdn)
3810008 {
3810009     sysmsg_close_t msg;
3810010     msg.fdn = fdn;
3810011     sys (SYS_CLOSE, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3810012     errno = msg.errno;
3810013     errln = msg.errln;
3810014     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
3810015     return (msg.ret);
3810016 }


Si veda la sezione u0.8.

3820001 #include <unistd.h>
3820002 #include <sys/os16.h>
3820003 #include <string.h>
3820004 #include <errno.h>
3820005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3820006 int
3820007 dup (int fdn_old)
3820008 {
3820009     sysmsg_dup_t msg;
3820010     //
3820011     msg.fdn_old = fdn_old;
3820012     //
3820013     sys (SYS_DUP, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3820014     //
3820015     errno = msg.errno;
3820016     errln = msg.errln;
3820017     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
3820018     return (msg.ret);
3820019 }


Si veda la sezione u0.8.

3830001 #include <unistd.h>
3830002 #include <sys/os16.h>
3830003 #include <string.h>
3830004 #include <errno.h>
3830005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3830006 int
3830007 dup2 (int fdn_old, int fdn_new)
3830008 {
3830009     sysmsg_dup2_t msg;
3830010     //
3830011     msg.fdn_old = fdn_old;
3830012     msg.fdn_new = fdn_new;
3830013     //
3830014     sys (SYS_DUP2, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3830015     //
3830016     errno = msg.errno;
3830017     errln = msg.errln;
3830018     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
3830019     return (msg.ret);
3830020 }


Si veda la sezione u0.1.

3840001 #include <unistd.h>
3840002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3840003 char **environ;


Si veda la sezione u0.20.

3850001 #include <unistd.h>
3850002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3850003 int
3850004 execl (const char *path, const char *arg, ...)
3850005 {
3850006     int   argc;
3850007     char *arg_next;
3850008     char *argv[ARG_MAX/2];
3850009     //
3850010     va_list ap;
3850011     va_start (ap, arg);
3850012     //
3850013     arg_next = arg;
3850014     //    
3850015     for (argc = 0; argc < ARG_MAX/2; argc++)
3850016       {
3850017         argv[argc] = arg_next;
3850018         if (argv[argc] == NULL)
3850019           {
3850020             break;      // End of arguments.
3850021           }
3850022         arg_next = va_arg (ap, char *);
3850023       }
3850024     //
3850025     return (execve (path, argv, environ));      // [1]
3850026 }
3850027 //
3850028 // The variable `environ' is declared as `char **environ' and is
3850029 // included from <unistd.h>.
3850030 //


Si veda la sezione u0.20.

3860001 #include <unistd.h>
3860002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3860003 int
3860004 execle (const char *path, const char *arg, ...)
3860005 {
3860006     int    argc;
3860007     char  *arg_next;
3860008     char  *argv[ARG_MAX/2];
3860009     char **envp;
3860010     //
3860011     va_list ap;
3860012     va_start (ap, arg);
3860013     //
3860014     arg_next = arg;
3860015     //    
3860016     for (argc = 0; argc < ARG_MAX/2; argc++)
3860017       {
3860018         argv[argc] = arg_next;
3860019         if (argv[argc] == NULL)
3860020           {
3860021             break;      // End of arguments.
3860022           }
3860023         arg_next = va_arg (ap, char *);
3860024       }
3860025     //
3860026     envp = va_arg (ap, char **);
3860027     //
3860028     return (execve (path, argv, envp));
3860029 }


Si veda la sezione u0.20.

3870001 #include <unistd.h>
3870002 #include <string.h>
3870003 #include <stdlib.h>
3870004 #include <errno.h>
3870005 #include <sys/os16.h>
3870006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3870007 int
3870008 execlp (const char *path, const char *arg, ...)
3870009 {
3870010     int   argc;
3870011     char *arg_next;
3870012     char *argv[ARG_MAX/2];
3870013     char  command[PATH_MAX];
3870014     int   status;
3870015     //
3870016     va_list ap;
3870017     va_start (ap, arg);
3870018     //
3870019     arg_next = arg;
3870020     //    
3870021     for (argc = 0; argc < ARG_MAX/2; argc++)
3870022       {
3870023         argv[argc] = arg_next;
3870024         if (argv[argc] == NULL)
3870025           {
3870026             break;      // End of arguments.
3870027           }
3870028         arg_next = va_arg (ap, char *);
3870029       }
3870030     //
3870031     // Get a full command path if necessary.
3870032     //
3870033     status = namep (path, command, (size_t) PATH_MAX);
3870034     if (status != 0)
3870035       {
3870036         //
3870037         // Variable `errno' is already set by `commandp()'.
3870038         //
3870039         return (-1);
3870040       }
3870041     //
3870042     // Return calling `execve()'
3870043     //
3870044     return (execve (command, argv, environ));   // [1]
3870045 }
3870046 //
3870047 // The variable `environ' is declared as `char **environ' and is
3870048 // included from <unistd.h>.
3870049 //


Si veda la sezione u0.20.

3880001 #include <unistd.h>
3880002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3880003 int
3880004 execv (const char *path, char *const argv[])
3880005 {
3880006     return (execve (path, argv, environ));      // [1]
3880007 }
3880008 //
3880009 // The variable `environ' is declared as `char **environ' and is
3880010 // included from <unistd.h>.
3880011 //


Si veda la sezione u0.10.

3890001 #include <unistd.h>
3890002 #include <sys/types.h>
3890003 #include <sys/os16.h>
3890004 #include <errno.h>
3890005 #include <string.h>
3890006 #include <string.h>
3890007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3890008 int
3890009 execve (const char *path, char *const argv[], char *const envp[])
3890010 {
3890011     sysmsg_exec_t msg;
3890012     size_t         size;
3890013     size_t         arg_size;
3890014     int            argc;
3890015     size_t         env_size;
3890016     int            envc;
3890017     char          *arg_data = msg.arg_data;
3890018     char          *env_data = msg.env_data;
3890019     //
3890020     msg.ret   = 0;
3890021     msg.errno = 0;
3890022     //
3890023     strncpy (msg.path, path, PATH_MAX);
3890024     //
3890025     // Copy `argv[]' inside a the message buffer `msg.arg_data',
3890026     // separating each string with a null character and counting the
3890027     // number of strings inside `argc'.
3890028     //
3890029     for (argc = 0, arg_size = 0, size = 0;
3890030          argv       != NULL         &&
3890031          argc        < (ARG_MAX/16) &&
3890032          arg_size    < ARG_MAX/2    &&
3890033          argv[argc] != NULL;
3890034          argc++, arg_size += size)
3890035       {
3890036         size = strlen (argv[argc]);
3890037         size++;         // Count also the final null character.
3890038         if (size > (ARG_MAX/2 - arg_size))
3890039           {
3890040             errset (E2BIG);     // Argument list too long.
3890041             return (-1);
3890042           }
3890043         strncpy (arg_data, argv[argc], size);
3890044         arg_data += size;
3890045       }
3890046     msg.argc = argc;
3890047     //
3890048     // Copy `envp[]' inside a the message buffer `msg.env_data',
3890049     // separating each string with a null character and counting the
3890050     // number of strings inside `envc'.
3890051     //
3890052     for (envc = 0, env_size = 0, size = 0;
3890053          envp       != NULL         &&
3890054          envc        < (ARG_MAX/16) &&
3890055          env_size    < ARG_MAX/2    &&
3890056          envp[envc] != NULL;
3890057          envc++, env_size += size)
3890058       {
3890059         size = strlen (envp[envc]);
3890060         size++;         // Count also the final null character.
3890061         if (size > (ARG_MAX/2 - env_size))
3890062           {
3890063             errset (E2BIG);     // Argument list too long.
3890064             return (-1);
3890065           }
3890066         strncpy (env_data, envp[envc], size);
3890067         env_data += size;
3890068       }
3890069     msg.envc = envc;
3890070     //
3890071     // System call.
3890072     //
3890073     sys (SYS_EXEC, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3890074     //
3890075     // Should not return, but if it does, then there is an error.
3890076     //
3890077     errno = msg.errno;
3890078     errln = msg.errln;
3890079     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
3890080     return (msg.ret);
3890081 }


Si veda la sezione u0.20.

3900001 #include <unistd.h>
3900002 #include <string.h>
3900003 #include <stdlib.h>
3900004 #include <errno.h>
3900005 #include <sys/os16.h>
3900006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3900007 int
3900008 execvp (const char *path, char *const argv[])
3900009 {
3900010     char  command[PATH_MAX];
3900011     int   status;
3900012     //
3900013     // Get a full command path if necessary.
3900014     //
3900015     status = namep (path, command, (size_t) PATH_MAX);
3900016     if (status != 0)
3900017       {
3900018         //
3900019         // Variable `errno' is already set by `namep()'.
3900020         //
3900021         return (-1);
3900022       }
3900023     //
3900024     // Return calling `execve()'
3900025     //
3900026     return (execve (command, argv, environ));   // [1]
3900027 }
3900028 //
3900029 // The variable `environ' is declared as `char **environ' and is
3900030 // included from <unistd.h>.
3900031 //


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

3910001 #include <unistd.h>
3910002 #include <errno.h>
3910003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3910004 int
3910005 fchdir (int fdn)
3910006 {
3910007     //
3910008     // os16 requires to keep track of the path for the current working
3910009     // directory. The standard function `fchdir()' is not applicable.
3910010     //
3910011     errset (E_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
3910012     return (-1);
3910013 }


Si veda la sezione u0.5.

3920001 #include <unistd.h>
3920002 #include <string.h>
3920003 #include <const.h>
3920004 #include <sys/os16.h>
3920005 #include <errno.h>
3920006 #include <limits.h>
3920007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3920008 int
3920009 fchown (int fdn, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
3920010 {
3920011     sysmsg_fchown_t msg;
3920012     //
3920013     msg.fdn = fdn;
3920014     msg.uid = uid;
3920015     msg.gid = gid;
3920016     //
3920017     sys (SYS_FCHOWN, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3920018     //
3920019     errno = msg.errno;
3920020     errln = msg.errln;
3920021     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
3920022     return (msg.ret);
3920023 }


Si veda la sezione u0.14.

3930001 #include <unistd.h>
3930002 #include <sys/types.h>
3930003 #include <sys/os16.h>
3930004 #include <errno.h>
3930005 #include <string.h>
3930006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3930007 pid_t
3930008 fork (void)
3930009 {
3930010     sysmsg_fork_t msg;
3930011     //
3930012     // Set the return value for the child process.
3930013     //
3930014     msg.ret = 0;
3930015     //
3930016     // Do the system call.
3930017     //
3930018     sys (SYS_FORK, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3930019     //
3930020     // If the system call has successfully generated a copy of
3930021     // the original process, the following code is executed from
3930022     // the parent and the child. But the child has the `msg'
3930023     // structure untouched, while the parent has, at least, the
3930024     // pid number inside `msg.ret'.
3930025     // If the system call fails, there is no child, and the
3930026     // parent finds the return value equal to -1, with an
3930027     // error number.
3930028     //
3930029     errno = msg.errno;
3930030     errln = msg.errln;
3930031     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
3930032     return (msg.ret);
3930033 }


Si veda la sezione u0.16.

3940001 #include <unistd.h>
3940002 #include <sys/types.h>
3940003 #include <sys/os16.h>
3940004 #include <errno.h>
3940005 #include <stddef.h>
3940006 #include <string.h>
3940007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3940008 char *
3940009 getcwd (char *buffer, size_t size)
3940010 {
3940011     sysmsg_uarea_t msg;
3940012     //
3940013     // Check arguments: the buffer must be given.
3940014     //
3940015     if (buffer == NULL)
3940016       {
3940017         errset (EINVAL);
3940018         return (NULL);
3940019       }
3940020     //
3940021     // Make shure that the last character, inside the working directory
3940022     // path is a null character.
3940023     //
3940024     msg.path_cwd[PATH_MAX-1] = 0;
3940025     //
3940026     // Just get the user area data.
3940027     //
3940028     sys (SYS_UAREA, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3940029     //
3940030     // Check that the path is still correctly terminated. If it isn't,
3940031     // the path is longer than the implementation limits, and it is
3940032     // really *bad*.
3940033     //
3940034     if (msg.path_cwd[PATH_MAX-1] != 0)
3940035       {
3940036         errset (E_LIMIT);       // Exceeded implementation limits.
3940037         return (NULL);
3940038       }
3940039     //
3940040     // If the path is larger than the buffer size, return an error.
3940041     // Please note that the parameter `size' must include the
3940042     // terminating null character, so, if the string is equal to
3940043     // the size, it is already beyond the size limit.
3940044     //
3940045     if (strlen (msg.path_cwd) >= size)
3940046       {
3940047         errset (ERANGE);        // Result too large.
3940048         return (NULL);
3940049       }
3940050     //
3940051     // Everything is fine, so, copy the path to the buffer and return.
3940052     //
3940053     strncpy (buffer, msg.path_cwd, size);
3940054     return (buffer);
3940055 }


Si veda la sezione u0.18.

3950001 #include <unistd.h>
3950002 #include <sys/types.h>
3950003 #include <sys/os16.h>
3950004 #include <errno.h>
3950005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3950006 uid_t
3950007 geteuid (void)
3950008 {
3950009     sysmsg_uarea_t msg;
3950010     sys (SYS_UAREA, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3950011     return (msg.euid);
3950012 }


Si veda la sezione u0.52.

3960001 #include <unistd.h>
3960002 #include <sys/types.h>
3960003 #include <sys/os16.h>
3960004 #include <errno.h>
3960005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3960006 char *optarg;
3960007 int   optind    = 1;
3960008 int   opterr    = 1;
3960009 int   optopt    = 0;
3960010 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3960011 static void getopt_no_argument (int opt);
3960012 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3960013 int
3960014 getopt (int argc, char *const argv[], const char *optstring)
3960015 {
3960016     static int o = 0;           // Index to scan grouped options.
3960017            int s;               // Index to scan `optstring'
3960018            int opt;             // Current option letter.
3960019            int flag_argument;   // If there should be an argument.
3960020     //
3960021     // Entering the function, `flag_argument' is zero. Just to make
3960022     // it clear:
3960023     //
3960024     flag_argument = 0;
3960025     //
3960026     // Scan `argv[]' elements, starting form the value that `optind'
3960027     // already have.
3960028     //
3960029     for (; optind < argc; optind++)
3960030       {
3960031         //
3960032         // If an option is expected, some check must be done at
3960033         // the beginning.
3960034         //
3960035         if (!flag_argument)
3960036           {
3960037             //
3960038             // Check if the scan is finished and `optind' should be kept
3960039             // untouched:
3960040             //   `argv[optind]'    is a null pointer;
3960041             //   `argv[optind][0]' is not the character `-';
3960042             //   `argv[optind]'    points to the string "-";
3960043             //   all `argv[]' elements are parsed.
3960044             //
3960045             if (argv[optind] == NULL
3960046              || argv[optind][0] != '-'
3960047              || argv[optind][1] == 0
3960048              || optind >= argc)
3960049               {
3960050                 return (-1);
3960051               }
3960052             //
3960053             // Check if the scan is finished and `optind' is to be
3960054             // incremented:
3960055             //   `argv[optind]'    points to the string "--".
3960056             //
3960057             if (argv[optind][0] == '-'
3960058              && argv[optind][1] == '-'
3960059              && argv[optind][2] == 0)
3960060               {
3960061                 optind++;
3960062                 return (-1);
3960063               }
3960064           }
3960065         //
3960066         // Scan `argv[optind]' using the static index `o'.
3960067         //
3960068         for (; o < strlen (argv[optind]); o++)
3960069           {
3960070             //
3960071             // If there should be an option, index `o' should
3960072             // start from 1, because `argv[optind][0]' must
3960073             // be equal to '-'.
3960074             //
3960075             if (!flag_argument && (o == 0))
3960076               {
3960077                 //
3960078                 // As there is no options, `o' cannot start
3960079                 // from zero, so a new loop is done.
3960080                 //
3960081                 continue;
3960082               }
3960083             //
3960084             if (flag_argument)
3960085               {
3960086                 //
3960087                 // There should be an argument, starting from
3960088                 // `argv[optind][o]'.
3960089                 //
3960090                 if ((o == 0) && (argv[optind][o] == '-'))
3960091                   {
3960092                     //
3960093                     // `argv[optind][0]' is equal to '-', but there
3960094                     // should be an argument instead: the argument
3960095                     // is missing.
3960096                     //
3960097                     optarg = NULL;
3960098                     //
3960099                     if (optstring[0] == ':')
3960100                       {
3960101                         //
3960102                         // As the option string starts with `:' the
3960103                         // function must return `:'.
3960104                         //
3960105                         optopt = opt;
3960106                         opt = ':';
3960107                       }
3960108                     else
3960109                       {
3960110                         //
3960111                         // As the option string does not start with `:'
3960112                         // the function must return `?'.
3960113                         //
3960114                         getopt_no_argument (opt);
3960115                         optopt = opt;
3960116                         opt = '?';
3960117                       }
3960118                     //
3960119                     // `optind' is left untouched.
3960120                     //
3960121                   }
3960122                 else
3960123                   {
3960124                     //
3960125                     // The argument is found: `optind' is to be
3960126                     // incremented and `o' is reset.
3960127                     //
3960128                     optarg = &argv[optind][o];
3960129                     optind++;
3960130                     o = 0;
3960131                   }
3960132                 //
3960133                 // Return the option, or ':', or '?'.
3960134                 //
3960135                 return (opt);
3960136               }
3960137             else
3960138               {
3960139                 //
3960140                 // It should be an option: `optstring[]' must be
3960141                 // scanned.
3960142                 //
3960143                 opt = argv[optind][o];
3960144                 //
3960145                 for (s = 0, optopt = 0; s < strlen (optstring); s++)
3960146                   {
3960147                     //
3960148                     // If `optsting[0]' is equal to ':', index `s' must
3960149                     // start at 1.
3960150                     //
3960151                     if ((s == 0) && (optstring[0] == ':'))
3960152                       {
3960153                         continue;
3960154                       }
3960155                     //
3960156                     if (opt == optstring[s])
3960157                       {
3960158                         //
3960159                         if (optstring[s+1] == ':')
3960160                           {
3960161                             //
3960162                             // There is an argument.
3960163                             //
3960164                             flag_argument = 1;
3960165                             break;
3960166                           }
3960167                         else
3960168                           {
3960169                             //
3960170                             // There is no argument.
3960171                             //
3960172                             o++;
3960173                             return (opt);
3960174                           }
3960175                       }
3960176                   }
3960177                 //
3960178                 if (s >= strlen (optstring))
3960179                   {
3960180                     //
3960181                     // The `optstring' scan is concluded with no
3960182                     // match.
3960183                     //
3960184                     o++;
3960185                     optopt = opt;
3960186                     return ('?');
3960187                   }
3960188                 //
3960189                 // Otherwise the loop was broken.
3960190                 //
3960191               }
3960192           }
3960193         //
3960194         // Check index `o'.
3960195         //
3960196         if (o >= strlen (argv[optind]))
3960197           {
3960198             //
3960199             // There are no more options or there is no argument
3960200             // inside current `argv[optind]' string. Index `o' is
3960201             // reset before the next loop.
3960202             //
3960203             o = 0;
3960204           }
3960205       }
3960206     //
3960207     // No more elements inside `argv' or loop broken: there might be a
3960208     // missing argument.
3960209     //
3960210     if (flag_argument)
3960211       {
3960212         //
3960213         // Missing option argument.
3960214         //
3960215         optarg = NULL;
3960216         //
3960217         if (optstring[0] == ':')
3960218           {
3960219             return (':');
3960220           }
3960221         else
3960222           {
3960223             getopt_no_argument (opt);
3960224             return ('?');
3960225           }
3960226       }
3960227     //
3960228     return (-1);
3960229 }
3960230 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3960231 static void
3960232 getopt_no_argument (int opt)
3960233 {
3960234     if (opterr)
3960235       {
3960236         fprintf (stderr, "Missing argument for option `-%c'\n", opt);
3960237       }
3960238 }


Si veda la sezione u0.20.

3970001 #include <unistd.h>
3970002 #include <sys/types.h>
3970003 #include <sys/os16.h>
3970004 #include <errno.h>
3970005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3970006 pid_t
3970007 getpgrp (void)
3970008 {
3970009     sysmsg_uarea_t msg;
3970010     sys (SYS_UAREA, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3970011     return (msg.pgrp);
3970012 }


Si veda la sezione u0.20.

3980001 #include <unistd.h>
3980002 #include <sys/types.h>
3980003 #include <sys/os16.h>
3980004 #include <errno.h>
3980005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3980006 pid_t
3980007 getpid (void)
3980008 {
3980009     sysmsg_uarea_t msg;
3980010     sys (SYS_UAREA, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3980011     return (;
3980012 }


Si veda la sezione u0.20.

3990001 #include <unistd.h>
3990002 #include <sys/types.h>
3990003 #include <sys/os16.h>
3990004 #include <errno.h>
3990005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
3990006 pid_t
3990007 getppid (void)
3990008 {
3990009     sysmsg_uarea_t msg;
3990010     sys (SYS_UAREA, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3990011     return (msg.ppid);
3990012 }


Si veda la sezione u0.18.

4000001 #include <unistd.h>
4000002 #include <sys/types.h>
4000003 #include <sys/os16.h>
4000004 #include <errno.h>
4000005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4000006 uid_t
4000007 getuid (void)
4000008 {
4000009     sysmsg_uarea_t msg;
4000010     sys (SYS_UAREA, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4000011     return (msg.uid);
4000012 }


Si veda la sezione u0.61.

4010001 #include <sys/stat.h>
4010002 #include <sys/os16.h>
4010003 #include <unistd.h>
4010004 #include <sys/types.h>
4010005 #include <errno.h>
4010006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4010007 int
4010008 isatty (int fdn)
4010009 {
4010010     struct stat file_status;
4010011     //
4010012     // Verify to have valid input data.
4010013     //
4010014     if (fdn < 0)
4010015       {
4010016         errset (EBADF);
4010017         return (0);
4010018       }
4010019     //
4010020     // Verify the standard input.
4010021     //
4010022     if (fstat(fdn, &file_status) == 0)
4010023       {
4010024         if (major (file_status.st_rdev) == DEV_CONSOLE_MAJOR)
4010025           {
4010026             return (1); // Meaning it is ok!
4010027           }
4010028         if (major (file_status.st_rdev) == DEV_TTY_MAJOR)
4010029           {
4010030             return (1); // Meaning it is ok!
4010031           }
4010032       }
4010033     else
4010034       {
4010035         errset (errno);
4010036         return (0);
4010037       }
4010038     //
4010039     // If here, it is not a terminal of any kind.
4010040     //
4010041     errset (EINVAL);
4010042     return (0);
4010043 }


Si veda la sezione u0.23.

4020001 #include <unistd.h>
4020002 #include <string.h>
4020003 #include <const.h>
4020004 #include <sys/os16.h>
4020005 #include <errno.h>
4020006 #include <limits.h>
4020007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4020008 int
4020009 link (const char *path_old, const char *path_new)
4020010 {
4020011     sysmsg_link_t msg;
4020012     //
4020013     strncpy (msg.path_old, path_old, PATH_MAX);
4020014     strncpy (msg.path_new, path_new, PATH_MAX);
4020015     //
4020016     sys (SYS_LINK, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4020017     //
4020018     errno = msg.errno;
4020019     errln = msg.errln;
4020020     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4020021     return (msg.ret);
4020022 }


Si veda la sezione u0.24.

4030001 #include <unistd.h>
4030002 #include <sys/types.h>
4030003 #include <sys/os16.h>
4030004 #include <errno.h>
4030005 #include <string.h>
4030006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4030007 off_t
4030008 lseek (int fdn, off_t offset, int whence)
4030009 {
4030010     sysmsg_lseek_t  msg;
4030011     msg.fdn    = fdn;
4030012     msg.offset = offset;
4030013     msg.whence = whence;
4030014     sys (SYS_LSEEK, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4030015     errno = msg.errno;
4030016     errln = msg.errln;
4030017     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4030018     return (msg.ret);
4030019 }


Si veda la sezione u0.29.

4040001 #include <unistd.h>
4040002 #include <sys/os16.h>
4040003 #include <errno.h>
4040004 #include <string.h>
4040005 #include <stdio.h>
4040006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4040007 ssize_t
4040008 read (int fdn, void *buffer, size_t count)
4040009 {
4040010     sysmsg_read_t msg;
4040011     //
4040012     // Reduce size of read if necessary.
4040013     //
4040014     if (count > BUFSIZ)
4040015       {
4040016         count = BUFSIZ;
4040017       }
4040018     //
4040019     // Fill the message.
4040020     //
4040021     msg.fdn   = fdn;
4040022     msg.count = count;
4040023     msg.eof   = 0;
4040024     msg.ret   = 0;
4040025     //
4040026     // Repeat syscall, until something is received or end of file is
4040027     // reached.
4040028     //
4040029     while (1)
4040030       {
4040031         sys (SYS_READ, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4040032         if (msg.ret != 0 || msg.eof)
4040033           {
4040034             break;
4040035           }
4040036       }
4040037     //
4040038     // Before return: be careful with the `msg.buffer' copy, because
4040039     // it cannot be longer than `count', otherwise, some unexpected
4040040     // memory will be overwritten!
4040041     //
4040042     if (msg.ret < 0)
4040043       {
4040044         //
4040045         // No valid read, no change inside the buffer.
4040046         //
4040047         errno = msg.errno;
4040048         return (msg.ret);
4040049       }
4040050     //
4040051     if (msg.ret > count)
4040052       {
4040053         //
4040054         // A strange value was returned. Considering it a read error.
4040055         //
4040056         errset (EIO);                   // I/O error.
4040057         return (-1);
4040058       }
4040059     //
4040060     // A valid read: fill the buffer with `msg.ret' bytes.
4040061     //
4040062     memcpy (buffer, msg.buffer, msg.ret);
4040063     //
4040064     // Return.
4040065     //
4040066     return (msg.ret);
4040067 }


Si veda la sezione u0.30.

4050001 #include <unistd.h>
4050002 #include <string.h>
4050003 #include <const.h>
4050004 #include <sys/os16.h>
4050005 #include <errno.h>
4050006 #include <limits.h>
4050007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4050008 int
4050009 rmdir (const char *path)
4050010 {
4050011     sysmsg_stat_t   msg_stat;
4050012     sysmsg_unlink_t msg_unlink;
4050013     //
4050014     if (path == NULL)
4050015       {
4050016         errset (EINVAL);
4050017         return (-1);
4050018       }
4050019     //
4050020     strncpy (msg_stat.path, path, PATH_MAX);
4050021     //
4050022     sys (SYS_STAT, &msg_stat, (sizeof msg_stat));
4050023     //
4050024     if (msg_stat.ret != 0)
4050025       {
4050026         errno = msg_stat.errno;
4050027         errln = msg_stat.errln;
4050028         strncpy (errfn, msg_stat.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4050029         return (msg_stat.ret);
4050030       }
4050031     //
4050032     if (!S_ISDIR (msg_stat.stat.st_mode))
4050033       {
4050034         errset (ENOTDIR);               // Not a directory.
4050035         return (-1);
4050036       }
4050037     //
4050038     strncpy (msg_unlink.path, path, PATH_MAX);
4050039     //
4050040     sys (SYS_UNLINK, &msg_unlink, (sizeof msg_unlink));
4050041     //
4050042     errno = msg_unlink.errno;
4050043     errln = msg_unlink.errln;
4050044     strncpy (errfn, msg_unlink.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4050045     return (msg_unlink.ret);
4050046 }


Si veda la sezione u0.33.

4060001 #include <unistd.h>
4060002 #include <sys/types.h>
4060003 #include <sys/os16.h>
4060004 #include <errno.h>
4060005 #include <string.h>
4060006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4060007 int
4060008 seteuid (uid_t uid)
4060009 {
4060010     sysmsg_seteuid_t msg;
4060011     msg.ret   = 0;
4060012     msg.errno = 0;
4060013     msg.euid  = uid; 
4060014     sys (SYS_SETEUID, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4060015     errno = msg.errno;
4060016     errln = msg.errln;
4060017     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4060018     return (msg.ret);
4060019 }


Si veda la sezione u0.32.

4070001 #include <unistd.h>
4070002 #include <sys/os16.h>
4070003 #include <stddef.h>
4070004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4070005 int
4070006 setpgrp (void)
4070007 {
4070008     sys (SYS_PGRP, NULL, (size_t) 0);
4070009     return (0);
4070010 }


Si veda la sezione u0.33.

4080001 #include <unistd.h>
4080002 #include <sys/types.h>
4080003 #include <sys/os16.h>
4080004 #include <errno.h>
4080005 #include <string.h>
4080006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4080007 int
4080008 setuid (uid_t uid)
4080009 {
4080010     sysmsg_setuid_t msg;
4080011     msg.ret   = 0;
4080012     msg.errno = 0;
4080013     msg.euid  = uid; 
4080014     sys (SYS_SETUID, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4080015     errno = msg.errno;
4080016     errln = msg.errln;
4080017     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4080018     return (msg.ret);
4080019 }


Si veda la sezione u0.35.

4090001 #include <unistd.h>
4090002 #include <sys/types.h>
4090003 #include <sys/os16.h>
4090004 #include <errno.h>
4090005 #include <time.h>
4090006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4090007 unsigned int
4090008 sleep (unsigned int seconds)
4090009 {
4090010     sysmsg_sleep_t  msg;
4090011     time_t          start;
4090012     time_t          end;
4090013     int             slept;
4090014     //
4090015     if (seconds == 0)
4090016       {
4090017         return (0);
4090018       }
4090019     //
4090021     msg.seconds = seconds;
4090022     sys (SYS_SLEEP, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4090023     start = msg.ret;
4090024     end   = time (NULL);
4090025     slept = end - msg.ret;
4090026     //
4090027     if (slept < 0)
4090028       {
4090029         return (seconds);
4090030       }
4090031     else if (slept < seconds)
4090032       {
4090033         return (seconds - slept);
4090034       }
4090035     else
4090036       {
4090037         return (0);
4090038       }
4090039 }


Si veda la sezione u0.124.

4100001 #include <sys/os16.h>
4100002 #include <sys/stat.h>
4100003 #include <unistd.h>
4100004 #include <sys/types.h>
4100005 #include <errno.h>
4100006 #include <limits.h>
4100007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4100008 char *
4100009 ttyname (int fdn)
4100010 {
4100011     int         dev_minor;
4100012     struct stat file_status;
4100013     static char name[PATH_MAX];
4100014     //
4100015     // Verify to have valid input data.
4100016     //
4100017     if (fdn < 0)
4100018       {
4100019         errset (EBADF);
4100020         return (NULL);
4100021       }
4100022     //
4100023     // Verify the file descriptor.
4100024     //
4100025     if (fstat (fdn, &file_status) == 0)
4100026       {
4100027         if (major (file_status.st_rdev) == DEV_CONSOLE_MAJOR)
4100028           {
4100029             dev_minor = minor (file_status.st_rdev);
4100030             //
4100031             // If minor is equal to 0xFF, it is `/dev/console'.
4100032             //
4100033             if (dev_minor < 0xFF)
4100034               {
4100035                 sprintf (name, "/dev/console%i", dev_minor);
4100036               }
4100037             else
4100038               {
4100039                 strcpy (name, "/dev/console");
4100040               }
4100041             return (name);
4100042           }
4100043         else if (file_status.st_rdev == DEV_TTY)
4100044           {
4100045             strcpy (name, "/dev/tty");
4100046             return (name);
4100047           }
4100048         else
4100049           {
4100050             errset (ENOTTY);
4100051             return (NULL);
4100052           }
4100053       }
4100054     else
4100055       {
4100056         errset (errno);
4100057         return (NULL);
4100058       }
4100059 }


Si veda la sezione u0.42.

4110001 #include <unistd.h>
4110002 #include <string.h>
4110003 #include <const.h>
4110004 #include <sys/os16.h>
4110005 #include <errno.h>
4110006 #include <limits.h>
4110007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4110008 int
4110009 unlink (const char *path)
4110010 {
4110011     sysmsg_unlink_t msg;
4110012     //
4110013     strncpy (msg.path, path, PATH_MAX);
4110014     //
4110015     sys (SYS_UNLINK, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4110016     //
4110017     errno = msg.errno;
4110018     errln = msg.errln;
4110019     strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4110020     return (msg.ret);
4110021 }


Si veda la sezione u0.44.

4120001 #include <unistd.h>
4120002 #include <sys/os16.h>
4120003 #include <errno.h>
4120004 #include <string.h>
4120005 #include <const.h>
4120006 #include <stdio.h>
4120007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4120008 ssize_t
4120009 write (int fdn, const void *buffer, size_t count)
4120010 {
4120011     sysmsg_write_t msg;
4120012     //
4120013     // Reduce size of write if necessary.
4120014     //
4120015     if (count > BUFSIZ)
4120016       {
4120017         count = BUFSIZ;
4120018       }
4120019     //
4120020     // Fill the message.
4120021     //
4120022     msg.fdn   = fdn;
4120023     msg.count = count;
4120024     memcpy (msg.buffer, buffer, count);
4120025     //
4120026     // Syscall.
4120027     //
4120028     sys (SYS_WRITE, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4120029     //
4120030     // Check result and return.
4120031     //
4120032     if (msg.ret < 0)
4120033       {
4120034         //
4120035         // No valid read, no change inside the buffer.
4120036         //
4120037         errno = msg.errno;
4120038         errln = msg.errln;
4120039         strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4120040         return (msg.ret);
4120041       }
4120042     //
4120043     if (msg.ret > count)
4120044       {
4120045         //
4120046         // A strange value was returned. Considering it a read error.
4120047         //
4120048         errset (EIO);                   // I/O error.
4120049         return (-1);
4120050       }
4120051     //
4120052     // A valid write return.
4120053     //
4120054     return (msg.ret);
4120055 }

os16: «lib/utime.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.2.

4130001 #ifndef _UTIME_H
4130002 #define _UTIME_H        1
4130004 #include <const.h>
4130005 #include <restrict.h>
4130006 #include <sys/types.h>          // time_t
4130008 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4130009 struct utimbuf {
4130010     time_t  actime;
4130011     time_t  modtime;
4130012 };
4130013 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4130014 int utime (const char *path, const struct utimbuf *times);
4130015 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4130017 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

4140001 #include <utime.h>
4140002 #include <errno.h>
4140003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4140004 int
4140005 utime (const char *path, const struct utimbuf *times)
4140006 {
4140007     //
4140008     // Currently not implemented.
4140009     //
4140010     return (0);
4140011 }

«a2» 2013.11.11 --- Copyright © Daniele Giacomini --