Sorgenti delle applicazioni

aaa.c i190.1.2 bbb.c i190.1.3 cat.c i190.1.4 ccc.c i190.1.5 chmod.c i190.1.6 chown.c i190.1.7 cp.c i190.1.8 crt0.s i190.1.9 date.c i190.1.10 ed.c i190.1.11 getty.c i190.1.12 init.c i190.1.13 kill.c i190.1.14 ln.c i190.1.15 login.c i190.1.16 ls.c i190.1.17 MAKEDEV.c i190.1.1 man.c i190.1.18 mkdir.c i190.1.19 more.c i190.1.20 mount.c i190.1.21 ps.c i190.1.22 rm.c i190.1.23 shell.c i190.1.24 touch.c i190.1.25 tty.c i190.1.26 umount.c i190.1.27

os16: directory «applic/»


Si veda la sezione u0.3.

4150001 #include <unistd.h>
4150002 #include <stdlib.h>
4150003 #include <sys/stat.h>
4150004 #include <fcntl.h>
4150005 #include <kernel/devices.h>
4150006 #include <stdio.h>
4150007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4150008 int
4150009 main (void)
4150010 {
4150011     int status;
4150012     status = mknod ("mem",        (mode_t) (S_IFCHR | 0444),
4150013                     (dev_t) DEV_MEM);
4150014     if (status) perror (NULL);
4150015     status = mknod ("null",       (mode_t) (S_IFCHR | 0666),
4150016                     (dev_t) DEV_NULL);
4150017     if (status) perror (NULL);
4150018     status = mknod ("port",       (mode_t) (S_IFCHR | 0644),
4150019                     (dev_t) DEV_PORT);
4150020     if (status) perror (NULL);
4150021     status = mknod ("zero",       (mode_t) (S_IFCHR | 0666),
4150022                     (dev_t) DEV_ZERO);
4150023     if (status) perror (NULL);
4150024     status = mknod ("tty",        (mode_t) (S_IFCHR | 0666),
4150025                     (dev_t) DEV_TTY);
4150026     if (status) perror (NULL);
4150027     status = mknod ("dsk0",       (mode_t) (S_IFBLK | 0644),
4150028                     (dev_t) DEV_DSK0);
4150029     if (status) perror (NULL);
4150030     status = mknod ("dsk1",       (mode_t) (S_IFBLK | 0644),
4150031                     (dev_t) DEV_DSK1);
4150032     if (status) perror (NULL);
4150033     status = mknod ("dsk2",       (mode_t) (S_IFBLK | 0644),
4150034                     (dev_t) DEV_DSK2);
4150035     if (status) perror (NULL);
4150036     status = mknod ("dsk3",       (mode_t) (S_IFBLK | 0644),
4150037                     (dev_t) DEV_DSK3);
4150038     if (status) perror (NULL);
4150039     status = mknod ("kmem_ps",    (mode_t) (S_IFCHR | 0444),
4150040                     (dev_t) DEV_KMEM_PS);
4150041     if (status) perror (NULL);
4150042     status = mknod ("kmem_mmp",   (mode_t) (S_IFCHR | 0444),
4150043                     (dev_t) DEV_KMEM_MMP);
4150044     if (status) perror (NULL);
4150045     status = mknod ("kmem_sb",    (mode_t) (S_IFCHR | 0444),
4150046                     (dev_t) DEV_KMEM_SB);
4150047     if (status) perror (NULL);
4150048     status = mknod ("kmem_inode", (mode_t) (S_IFCHR | 0444),
4150049                     (dev_t) DEV_KMEM_INODE);
4150050     if (status) perror (NULL);
4150051     status = mknod ("kmem_file",  (mode_t) (S_IFCHR | 0444),
4150052                     (dev_t) DEV_KMEM_FILE);
4150053     if (status) perror (NULL);
4150054     status = mknod ("console",    (mode_t) (S_IFCHR | 0644),
4150055                     (dev_t) DEV_CONSOLE);
4150056     if (status) perror (NULL);
4150057     status = mknod ("console0",   (mode_t) (S_IFCHR | 0644),
4150058                     (dev_t) DEV_CONSOLE0);
4150059     if (status) perror (NULL);
4150060     status = mknod ("console1",   (mode_t) (S_IFCHR | 0644),
4150061                     (dev_t) DEV_CONSOLE1);
4150062     if (status) perror (NULL);
4150063     status = mknod ("console2",   (mode_t) (S_IFCHR | 0644),
4150064                     (dev_t) DEV_CONSOLE2);
4150065     if (status) perror (NULL);
4150066     status = mknod ("console3",   (mode_t) (S_IFCHR | 0644),
4150067                     (dev_t) DEV_CONSOLE3);
4150068     if (status) perror (NULL);
4150070     return (0);
4150071 }


Si veda la sezione u0.1.

4160001 #include <unistd.h>
4160002 #include <stdio.h>
4160003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4160004 int
4160005 main (void)
4160006 {
4160007     unsigned int count;
4160008     for (count = 0; count < 60; count++)
4160009       {
4160010         printf ("a");
4160011         sleep (1);
4160012       }
4160013     return (8);
4160014 }


Si veda la sezione u0.1.

4170001 #include <unistd.h>
4170002 #include <stdio.h>
4170003 #include <stdlib.h>
4170004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4170005 int
4170006 main (void)
4170007 {
4170008     unsigned int count;
4170009     for (count = 0; count < 30; count++)
4170010       {
4170011         printf ("b");
4170012         sleep (2);
4170013       }
4170014     exit (0);
4170015     return (0);
4170016 }


Si veda la sezione u0.3.

4180001 #include <fcntl.h>
4180002 #include <sys/stat.h>
4180003 #include <stddef.h>
4180004 #include <unistd.h>
4180005 #include <stdio.h>
4180006 #include <stdlib.h>
4180007 #include <errno.h>
4180008 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4180009 static void cat_file_descriptor (int fd);
4180010 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4180011 int
4180012 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
4180013 {
4180014     int         i;
4180015     int         fd;
4180016     struct stat file_status;
4180017     //
4180018     // Check if the input comes from standard input.
4180019     //
4180020     if (argc < 2)
4180021       {
4180022         cat_file_descriptor (STDIN_FILENO);
4180023         exit (0);
4180024       }
4180025     //
4180026     // There is at least an argument: scan them.
4180027     //
4180028     for(i = 1; i < argc; i++)
4180029       {
4180030         //
4180031         // Verify if the file exists.
4180032         //
4180033         if (stat(argv[i], &file_status) != 0)
4180034           {
4180035             fprintf (stderr, "File \"%s\" does not exist!\n",
4180036                      argv[i]);
4180037             continue;
4180038           }
4180039         //
4180040         // File exists: check the file type.
4180041         //
4180042         if (S_ISDIR (file_status.st_mode))
4180043           {
4180044             fprintf (stderr, "Cannot \"cat\" "
4180045                              "\"%s\": it is a directory!\n",
4180046                      argv[i]);
4180047             continue;
4180048           }
4180049         //
4180050         // File exists and can be "cat"ed.
4180051         //
4180052         fd = open (argv[i], O_RDONLY);
4180053         if (fd >= 0)
4180054           {
4180055             cat_file_descriptor (fd);
4180056             close (fd);
4180057           }
4180058         else
4180059           {
4180060             perror (NULL);
4180061             exit (1);
4180062           }
4180063       }
4180064     return (0);
4180065 }
4180066 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4180067 static void
4180068 cat_file_descriptor (int fd)
4180069 {
4180070     ssize_t count;
4180071     char buffer[BUFSIZ];
4180073     for (;;)
4180074       {
4180075         count = read (fd, buffer, (size_t) BUFSIZ);
4180076         if (count > 0)
4180077           {
4180078             write (STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, (size_t) count);
4180079           }
4180080         else
4180081           {
4180082             break;
4180083           }
4180084       }
4180085 }


Si veda la sezione u0.1.

4190001 #include <unistd.h>
4190002 #include <stdlib.h>
4190003 #include <signal.h>
4190004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4190005 int
4190006 main (void)
4190007 {
4190008     pid_t        pid;
4190009     //------------------------------------------------------------------
4190010     pid = fork ();
4190011     if (pid == 0)
4190012       {
4190013         setuid ((uid_t) 10);
4190014         execve ("/bin/aaa", NULL, NULL);
4190015         exit (0);
4190016       }
4190017     //------------------------------------------------------------------
4190018     pid = fork ();
4190019     if (pid == 0)
4190020       {
4190021         setuid ((uid_t) 11);
4190022         execve ("/bin/bbb", NULL, NULL);
4190023         exit (0);
4190024       }
4190025     //------------------------------------------------------------------
4190026     while (1)
4190027       {
4190028         ; // Just loop, to consume CPU time: it must be killed manually.
4190029       }
4190030     return (0);
4190031 }


Si veda la sezione u0.5.

4200001 #include <unistd.h>
4200002 #include <stdlib.h>
4200003 #include <sys/stat.h>
4200004 #include <sys/types.h>
4200005 #include <fcntl.h>
4200006 #include <errno.h>
4200007 #include <signal.h>
4200008 #include <stdio.h>
4200009 #include <sys/wait.h>
4200010 #include <stdio.h>
4200011 #include <string.h>
4200012 #include <limits.h>
4200013 #include <sys/os16.h>
4200014 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4200015 static void usage (void);
4200016 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4200017 int
4200018 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
4200019 {
4200020     int     status;
4200021     mode_t  mode;
4200022     char   *m;          // Pointer inside the octal mode string.
4200023     int     digit;
4200024     int     a;          // Argument index.
4200025     //
4200026     //
4200027     //
4200028     if (argc < 3)
4200029       {
4200030         usage ();
4200031         return (1);
4200032       }
4200033     //
4200034     // Get mode: must be the first argument.
4200035     //
4200036     for (m = argv[1]; *m != 0; m++)
4200037       {
4200038         digit = (*m - '0');
4200039         if (digit < 0 || digit > 7)
4200040           {
4200041             usage ();
4200042             return (2);
4200043           }
4200044         mode = mode * 8 + digit;
4200045       }
4200046     //
4200047     // System call for all the remaining arguments.
4200048     //
4200049     for (a = 2; a < argc; a++)
4200050       {
4200051         status = chmod (argv[a], mode);
4200052         if (status != 0)
4200053           {
4200054             perror (argv[a]);
4200055             return (3);
4200056           }
4200057       }
4200058     //
4200059     // All done.
4200060     //
4200061     return (0);
4200062 }
4200063 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4200064 static void
4200065 usage (void)
4200066 {
4200067     fprintf (stderr, "Usage:   chmod OCTAL_MODE FILE...\n");
4200068     fprintf (stderr, "Example: chmod 0640 my_file\n");
4200069 }


Si veda la sezione u0.6.

4210001 #include <unistd.h>
4210002 #include <stdlib.h>
4210003 #include <sys/stat.h>
4210004 #include <sys/types.h>
4210005 #include <fcntl.h>
4210006 #include <errno.h>
4210007 #include <stdio.h>
4210008 #include <ctype.h>
4210009 #include <pwd.h>
4210010 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4210011 static void usage (void);
4210012 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4210013 int
4210014 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
4210015 {
4210016     char            *user;
4210017     int              uid;
4210018     struct passwd   *pws;
4210019     struct stat      file_status;
4210020     int              a;          // Argument index.
4210021     int              status;
4210022     //
4210023     //
4210024     //
4210025     if (argc < 3)
4210026       {
4210027         usage ();
4210028         return (1);
4210029       }
4210030     //
4210031     // Get user id number.
4210032     //
4210033     user = argv[1];
4210034     if (isdigit (*user))
4210035       {
4210036         uid = atoi (user);
4210037       }
4210038     else
4210039       {
4210040         pws = getpwnam (user);
4210041         if (pws == NULL)
4210042           {
4210043             fprintf(stderr, "Unknown user \"%s\"!\n", user);
4210044             return(2);
4210045           }
4210046         uid = pws->pw_uid;
4210047       }
4210048     //
4210049     // Now we have the user id. Start scanning file names.
4210050     //
4210051     for (a = 2; a < argc; a++)
4210052       {
4210053         //
4210054         // Verify if the file exists, through the return value of
4210055         // `stat()'. No other checks are made.
4210056         //
4210057         if (stat(argv[a], &file_status) == 0)
4210058          {
4210059             //
4210060             // Try to change ownership.
4210061             //
4210062             status = chown (argv[a], uid, file_status.st_gid);
4210063             if (status != 0)
4210064               {
4210065                 perror (NULL);
4210066                 return (3);
4210067               }
4210068           }
4210069         else
4210070           {
4210071             fprintf (stderr, "File \"%s\" does not exist!\n",
4210072                      argv[a]);
4210073             continue;
4210074           }
4210075       }
4210076     //
4210077     // All done.
4210078     //
4210079     return (0);
4210080 }
4210081 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4210082 static void
4210083 usage (void)
4210084 {
4210085     fprintf (stderr, "Usage:   chown USER|UID FILE...\n");
4210086     fprintf (stderr, "Example: chown user my_file\n");
4210087 }


Si veda la sezione u0.7.

4220001 #include <sys/os16.h>
4220002 #include <sys/stat.h>
4220003 #include <sys/types.h>
4220004 #include <unistd.h>
4220005 #include <stdlib.h>
4220006 #include <fcntl.h>
4220007 #include <errno.h>
4220008 #include <signal.h>
4220009 #include <stdio.h>
4220010 #include <string.h>
4220011 #include <limits.h>
4220012 #include <libgen.h>
4220013 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4220014 static void usage (void);
4220015 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4220016 int
4220017 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
4220018 {
4220019     char       *source;
4220020     char       *destination;
4220021     char       *destination_full;
4220022     struct stat file_status;
4220023     int         dest_is_a_dir = 0;
4220024     int         a;                      // Argument index.
4220025     char        path[PATH_MAX];
4220026     int         fd_source      = -1;
4220027     int         fd_destination = -1;
4220028     char        buffer_in[BUFSIZ];
4220029     char       *buffer_out;
4220030     ssize_t     count_in;             // Read counter.
4220031     ssize_t     count_out;            // Write counter.
4220032     //
4220033     // There must be at least two arguments, plus the program name.
4220034     //
4220035     if (argc < 3)
4220036       {
4220037         usage ();
4220038         return (1);
4220039       }
4220040     //
4220041     // Select the last argument as the destination.
4220042     //
4220043     destination = argv[argc-1];
4220044     //
4220045     // Check if it is a directory and save it in a flag.
4220046     //
4220047     if (stat (destination, &file_status) == 0)
4220048       {
4220049         if (S_ISDIR (file_status.st_mode))
4220050           {
4220051             dest_is_a_dir = 1;
4220052           }
4220053       }
4220054     //
4220055     // If there are more than two arguments, verify that the last
4220056     // one is a directory.
4220057     //
4220058     if (argc > 3)
4220059       {
4220060         if (!dest_is_a_dir)
4220061           {
4220062             usage ();
4220063             fprintf (stderr, "The destination \"%s\" ",
4220064                      destination);
4220065             fprintf (stderr, "is not a directory!\n");
4220066             return (1);
4220067           }
4220068       }
4220069     //
4220070     // Scan the arguments, excluded the last, that is the destination.
4220071     //
4220072     for (a = 1; a < (argc - 1); a++)
4220073       {
4220074         //
4220075         // Source.
4220076         //
4220077         source = argv[a];
4220078         //
4220079         // Verify access permissions.
4220080         //
4220081         if (access (source, R_OK) < 0)
4220082           {
4220083             perror (source);
4220084             continue;
4220085           }
4220086         //
4220087         // Destination.
4220088         //
4220089         // If it is a directory, the destination path
4220090         // must be corrected.
4220091         //
4220092         if (dest_is_a_dir)
4220093           {
4220094             path[0] = 0;
4220095             strcat (path, destination);
4220096             strcat (path, "/");
4220097             strcat (path, basename (source));
4220098             //
4220099             // Update the destination path.
4220100             //
4220101             destination_full = path;
4220102           }
4220103         else
4220104           {
4220105             destination_full = destination;
4220106           }
4220107         //
4220108         // Check if destination file exists.
4220109         //
4220110         if (stat (destination_full, &file_status) == 0)
4220111           {
4220112             fprintf (stderr, "The destination file, \"%s\", ",
4220113                      destination_full);
4220114             fprintf (stderr, "already exists!\n");
4220115             continue;
4220116           }
4220117         //
4220118         // Everything is ready for the copy.
4220119         //
4220120         fd_source = open (source, O_RDONLY);
4220121         if (fd_source < 0)
4220122           {
4220123             perror (source);
4220124             //
4220125             // Continue with the next file.
4220126             //
4220127             continue;
4220128           }
4220129         //
4220130         fd_destination = creat (destination_full, 0777);
4220131         if (fd_destination < 0)
4220132           {
4220133             perror (destination);
4220134             close (fd_source);
4220135             //
4220136             // Continue with the next file.
4220137             //
4220138             continue;
4220139           }
4220140         //
4220141         // Copy the data.
4220142         //
4220143         while (1)
4220144           {
4220145             count_in = read (fd_source, buffer_in, (size_t) BUFSIZ);
4220146             if (count_in > 0)
4220147               {
4220148                 for (buffer_out = buffer_in; count_in > 0;)
4220149                   {
4220150                     count_out = write (fd_destination, buffer_out,
4220151                                          (size_t) count_in);
4220152                     if (count_out < 0)
4220153                       {
4220154                         perror (destination);
4220155                         close (fd_source);
4220156                         close (fd_destination);
4220157                         return (3);
4220158                       }
4220159                     //
4220160                     // If not all data is written, continue writing,
4220161                     // but change the buffer start position and the
4220162                     // amount to be written.
4220163                     //
4220164                     buffer_out += count_out;
4220165                     count_in -= count_out;
4220166                   }
4220167               }
4220168             else if (count_in < 0)
4220169               {
4220170                 perror (source);
4220171                 close (fd_source);
4220172                 close (fd_destination);
4220173               }
4220174             else
4220175               {
4220176                 break;
4220177               }
4220178           }
4220179         //
4220180         if (close (fd_source))
4220181           {
4220182             perror (source);
4220183           }
4220184         if (close (fd_destination))
4220185           {
4220186             perror (destination);
4220187             return (4);
4220188           }
4220189       }
4220190     //
4220191     // All done.
4220192     //
4220193     return (0);
4220194 }
4220195 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4220196 static void
4220197 usage (void)
4220198 {
4220199     fprintf (stderr, "Usage: cp OLD_NAME NEW_NAME\n");
4220200     fprintf (stderr, "       cp FILE... DIRECTORY\n");
4220201 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

4230001 .extern _main
4230002 .extern __stdio_stream_setup
4230003 .extern __dirent_directory_stream_setup
4230004 .extern __atexit_setup
4230005 .extern __environment_setup
4230006 .global ___mkargv
4230007 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4230008 ; Please note that, all segments are already set from the scheduler,
4230009 ; and there is also data inside the stack, so that the call to `main()'
4230010 ; function will result as expected.
4230011 ;
4230012 ; This is a modified version of `crt0.s' with a smaller stack size.
4230013 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4230014 ; The following statement says that the code will start at "startup"
4230015 ; label.
4230016 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4230017 entry startup
4230018 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4230019 .text
4230020 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4230021 startup:  
4230022     ;
4230023     ; Jump after initial data.
4230024     ;
4230025     jmp startup_code
4230026     ;
4230027 filler:
4230028     ;
4230029     ; After four bytes, from the start, there is the
4230030     ; magic number and other data.
4230031     ;
4230032     .space (0x0004 - (filler - startup))
4230033     ;
4230034 magic:
4230035     .data4 0x6F733136   ; os16
4230036     .data4 0x6170706C   ; appl
4230037     ;
4230038 segoff:                 ;
4230039     .data2 __segoff     ; Data segment offset.
4230040 etext:                  ;
4230041     .data2 __etext      ; End of code
4230042 edata:                  ; 
4230043     .data2 __edata      ; End of initialized data.
4230044 ebss:                   ;
4230045     .data2 __end        ; End of not initialized data.
4230046 stack_size:             ;
4230047     .data2 0x2000       ; Requested stack size. Every single application
4230048                         ; might change this value.
4230049     ;
4230050     ; At the next label, the work begins.
4230051     ;
4230052 .align 2
4230053 startup_code:
4230054     ;
4230055     ; Before the call to the main function, it is necessary to extract
4230056     ; the value to assign to the global variable `environ'. It is
4230057     ; described as `char **environ' and should contain the same address
4230058     ; pointed by `envp'. To get this value, the stack is popped and then
4230059     ; pushed again. Please recall that the stack was prepared from
4230060     ; the process management, at the `exec()' system call.
4230061     ;
4230062     pop ax              ; argc
4230063     pop bx              ; argv
4230064     pop cx              ; envp
4230065     mov _environ, cx    ; Variable `environ' comes from <unistd.h>.
4230066     push cx
4230067     push bx
4230068     push ax
4230069     ;
4230070     ; Could it be enough? Of course not! To be able to handle the
4230071     ; environment, it must be copied inside the table
4230072     ; `_environment_table[][]', that is defined inside <stdlib.h>.
4230073     ; To copy the environment it is used the function
4230074     ; `_environment_setup()', passing the `envp' pointer.
4230075     ;
4230076     push cx
4230077     call __environment_setup
4230078     add  sp, #2
4230079     ;
4230080     ; After the environment copy is done, the value for the traditional
4230081     ; variable `environ' is updated, to point to the new array of
4230082     ; pointer. The updated value comes from variable `_environment',
4230083     ; defined inside <stdlib.h>. Then, also the `argv' contained inside
4230084     ; the stack is replaced with the new value.
4230085     ;
4230086     mov  ax, #__environment
4230087     mov  _environ, ax
4230088     ;
4230089     pop ax              ; argc
4230090     pop bx              ; argv[][]
4230091     pop cx              ; envp[][]
4230092     mov cx, #__environment
4230093     push cx
4230094     push bx
4230095     push ax
4230096     ;
4230097     ; Setup standard I/O streams and at-exit table.
4230098     ;
4230099     call __stdio_stream_setup
4230100     call __dirent_directory_stream_setup
4230101     call __atexit_setup
4230102     ;
4230103     ; Call the main function. The arguments are already pushed inside
4230104     ; the stack.
4230105     ;
4230106     call _main
4230107     ;
4230108     ; Save the return value at the symbol `exit_value'.
4230109     ;
4230110     mov  exit_value, ax
4230111     ;
4230112 .align 2
4230113 halt:
4230114     ;
4230115     push #2             ; Size of message.
4230116     push #exit_value    ; Pointer to the message.
4230117     push #6             ; SYS_EXIT
4230118     call _sys
4230119     add  sp, #2
4230120     add  sp, #2
4230121     add  sp, #2
4230122     ;
4230123     jmp halt
4230124     ;
4230125 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4230126 .align 2
4230127 ___mkargv:      ; Symbol `___mkargv' is used by Bcc inside the function
4230128     ret         ; `main()' and must be present for a successful
4230129                 ; compilation.
4230130 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4230131 .align 2
4230132 .data
4230133 ;
4230134 exit_value:
4230135     .data2 0x0000
4230136 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4230137 .align 2
4230138 .bss


Si veda la sezione u0.8.

4240001 #include <unistd.h>
4240002 #include <stdlib.h>
4240003 #include <errno.h>
4240004 #include <time.h>
4240005 #include <ctype.h>
4240006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4240007 static void  usage          (void);
4240008 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4240009 int
4240010 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
4240011 {
4240012     struct tm *timeptr;
4240013     char       string[5];
4240014     time_t     timer;
4240015     int        length;
4240016     char      *input;
4240017     int        i;
4240018     //
4240019     // There can be at most an argument.
4240020     //
4240021     if (argc > 2)
4240022       {
4240023         usage ();
4240024         return (1);
4240025       }
4240026     //
4240027     // Check if there is no argument: must show the date.
4240028     //
4240029     if (argc == 1)
4240030       {
4240031         timer = time (NULL);
4240032         printf ("%s\n", ctime (&timer));
4240033         return (0);
4240034       }
4240035     //
4240036     // There is one argument and must be the date do set.
4240037     //
4240038     input = argv[1];
4240039     //
4240040     // First get current date, for default values.
4240041     //
4240042     timer   = time (NULL);
4240043     timeptr = gmtime (&timer);
4240044     //
4240045     // Verify to have a correct input.
4240046     //
4240047     length = (int) strlen (input);
4240048     if (length == 8 || length == 10 || length == 12)
4240049       {
4240050         for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
4240051           {
4240052             if (!isdigit (input[i]))
4240053               {
4240054                 usage ();
4240055                 return (2);
4240056               }
4240057           }
4240058       }
4240059     else
4240060       {
4240061         printf ("input: \"%s\"; length: %i\n", input, length);
4240062         usage ();
4240063         return (3);
4240064       }
4240065     //
4240066     // Select the month.
4240067     //
4240068     string[0] = input[0];
4240069     string[1] = input[1];
4240070     string[2] = '\0';
4240071     timeptr->tm_mon = atoi (string);
4240072     //
4240073     // Select the day.
4240074     //
4240075     string[0] = input[2];
4240076     string[1] = input[3];
4240077     string[2] = '\0';
4240078     timeptr->tm_mday = atoi (string);
4240079     //
4240080     // Select the hour.
4240081     //
4240082     string[0] = input[4];
4240083     string[1] = input[5];
4240084     string[2] = '\0';
4240085     timeptr->tm_hour = atoi (string);
4240086     //
4240087     // Select the minute.
4240088     //
4240089     string[0] = input[6];
4240090     string[1] = input[7];
4240091     string[2] = '\0';
4240092     timeptr->tm_min = atoi (string);
4240093     //
4240094     // Select the year: must verify if there is a century.
4240095     //
4240096     if (length == 12)
4240097       {
4240098         string[0] = input[8];
4240099         string[1] = input[9];
4240100         string[2] = input[10];
4240101         string[3] = input[11];
4240102         string[4] = '\0';
4240103         timeptr->tm_year = atoi (string);
4240104       }
4240105     else if (length == 10)
4240106       {
4240107         sprintf (string, "%04i", timeptr->tm_year);
4240108         string[2] = input[8];
4240109         string[3] = input[9];
4240110         string[4] = '\0';
4240111         timeptr->tm_year = atoi (string);
4240112       }
4240113     //
4240114     // Now convert to `time_t'.
4240115     //
4240116     timer = mktime (timeptr);
4240117     //
4240118     // Save to the system.
4240119     //
4240120     stime (&timer);
4240121     //
4240122     return (0);
4240123 }
4240124 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4240125 static void
4240126 usage (void)
4240127 {
4240128     fprintf (stderr, "Usage: date [MMDDHHMM[[CC]YY]]\n");
4240129 }


Si veda la sezione u0.9.

4250001 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250002 // 2009.08.18
4250003 // Modified by Daniele Giacomini for `os16', to harmonize with it,
4250004 // even, when possible, on coding style.
4250005 //
4250006 // The original was taken form ELKS sources: `elkscmd/misc_utils/ed.c'.
4250007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250008 //
4250009 // Copyright (c) 1993 by David I. Bell
4250010 // Permission is granted to use, distribute, or modify this source,
4250011 // provided that this copyright notice remains intact.
4250012 //
4250013 // The "ed" built-in command (much simplified)
4250014 //
4250015 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250017 #include <stdio.h>
4250018 #include <ctype.h>
4250019 #include <unistd.h>
4250020 #include <stdbool.h>
4250021 #include <string.h>
4250022 #include <stdlib.h>
4250023 #include <fcntl.h>
4250024 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250025 #define isoctal(ch)  (((ch) >= '0') && ((ch) <= '7'))
4250026 #define USERSIZE     1024       /* max line length typed in by user */
4250027 #define INITBUFSIZE  1024       /* initial buffer size */
4250028 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250029 typedef int num_t;
4250030 typedef int len_t;
4250031 //
4250032 // The following is the type definition of structure `line_t', but the
4250033 // structure contains pointers to the same kind of type. With the
4250034 // compiler Bcc, it is the only way to declare it.
4250035 //
4250036 typedef struct line line_t;
4250037 //
4250038 struct line {
4250039     line_t *next;
4250040     line_t *prev;
4250041     len_t   len;
4250042     char    data[1];
4250043 };
4250044 //
4250045 static  line_t  lines;
4250046 static  line_t *curline;
4250047 static  num_t   curnum;
4250048 static  num_t   lastnum;
4250049 static  num_t   marks[26];
4250050 static  bool    dirty;
4250051 static  char    *filename;
4250052 static  char    searchstring[USERSIZE];
4250053 //
4250054 static  char   *bufbase;
4250055 static  char   *bufptr;
4250056 static  len_t   bufused;
4250057 static  len_t   bufsize;
4250058 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250059 static  void    docommands  (void);
4250060 static  void    subcommand  (char *cp, num_t num1, num_t num2);
4250061 static  bool    getnum      (char **retcp, bool *rethavenum,
4250062                              num_t *retnum);
4250063 static  bool    setcurnum   (num_t num);
4250064 static  bool    initedit    (void);
4250065 static  void    termedit    (void);
4250066 static  void    addlines    (num_t num);
4250067 static  bool    insertline  (num_t num, char *data, len_t len);
4250068 static  bool    deletelines (num_t num1, num_t num2);
4250069 static  bool    printlines  (num_t num1, num_t num2, bool expandflag);
4250070 static  bool    writelines  (char *file, num_t num1, num_t num2);
4250071 static  bool    readlines   (char *file, num_t num);
4250072 static  num_t   searchlines (char *str, num_t num1, num_t num2);
4250073 static  len_t   findstring  (line_t *lp, char *str, len_t len,
4250074                              len_t offset);
4250075 static  line_t *findline    (num_t num);
4250076 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250077 // Main.
4250078 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250079 int
4250080 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
4250081 {
4250082     if (!initedit ()) return (2);
4250083     //
4250084     if (argc > 1)
4250085       {
4250086         filename = strdup (argv[1]);
4250087         if (filename == NULL)
4250088           {
4250089             fprintf (stderr, "No memory\n");
4250090             termedit ();
4250091             return (1);
4250092           }
4250093         //
4250094         if (!readlines (filename, 1))
4250095           {
4250096             termedit ();
4250097             return (0);
4250098           }
4250099         //
4250100         if (lastnum) setcurnum(1);
4250101         //
4250102         dirty = false;
4250103       }
4250104     //
4250105     docommands ();
4250106     //
4250107     termedit ();
4250108     return (0);
4250109 }
4250110 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250111 // Read commands until we are told to stop.
4250112 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250113 void
4250114 docommands (void)
4250115 {
4250116     char   *cp;
4250117     int     len;
4250118     num_t   num1;
4250119     num_t   num2;
4250120     bool    have1;
4250121     bool    have2;
4250122     char    buf[USERSIZE];
4250123     //
4250124     while (true)
4250125       {
4250126         printf(": ");
4250127         fflush (stdout);
4250128         //
4250129         if (fgets (buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) == NULL)
4250130           {
4250131             return;
4250132           }
4250133         //
4250134         len = strlen (buf);
4250135         if (len == 0)
4250136           {
4250137             return;
4250138           }
4250139         //
4250140         cp = &buf[len - 1];
4250141         if (*cp != '\n')
4250142           {
4250143             fprintf(stderr, "Command line too long\n");
4250144             do
4250145               {
4250146                 len = fgetc(stdin);
4250147               }
4250148             while ((len != EOF) && (len != '\n'));
4250149             //
4250150             continue;
4250151           }
4250152         //
4250153         while ((cp > buf) && isblank (cp[-1]))
4250154           {
4250155             cp--;
4250156           }
4250157         //
4250158         *cp = '\0';
4250159         //
4250160         cp = buf;
4250161         //
4250162         while (isblank (*cp))
4250163           {
4250164             //*cp++;
4250165             cp++;
4250166           }
4250167         //
4250168         have1 = false;
4250169         have2 = false;
4250170         //
4250171         if ((curnum == 0) && (lastnum > 0))
4250172           {
4250173             curnum = 1;
4250174             curline =;
4250175           }
4250176         //
4250177         if (!getnum (&cp, &have1, &num1))
4250178           {
4250179             continue;
4250180           }
4250181         //
4250182         while (isblank (*cp))
4250183           {
4250184             cp++;
4250185           }
4250186         //
4250187         if (*cp == ',')
4250188           {
4250189             cp++;
4250190             if (!getnum (&cp, &have2, &num2))
4250191               {
4250192                 continue;
4250193               }
4250194             //
4250195             if (!have1)
4250196               {
4250197                 num1 = 1;
4250198               }
4250199             if (!have2)
4250200               {
4250201                 num2 = lastnum;
4250202               }
4250203             have1 = true;
4250204             have2 = true;
4250205           }
4250206         //
4250207         if (!have1)
4250208           {
4250209             num1 = curnum;
4250210           }
4250211         if (!have2)
4250212           {
4250213             num2 = num1;
4250214           }
4250215         //
4250216         // Command interpretation switch.
4250217         //
4250218         switch (*cp++)
4250219           {
4250220             case 'a':
4250221                 addlines (num1 + 1);
4250222                 break;
4250223                 //
4250224             case 'c':
4250225                 deletelines (num1, num2);
4250226                 addlines (num1);
4250227                 break;
4250228                 //
4250229             case 'd':
4250230                 deletelines (num1, num2);
4250231                 break;
4250232                 //
4250233             case 'f':
4250234                 if (*cp && !isblank (*cp))
4250235                   {
4250236                     fprintf (stderr, "Bad file command\n");
4250237                     break;
4250238                   }
4250239                 //
4250240                 while (isblank (*cp))
4250241                   {
4250242                     cp++;
4250243                   }
4250244                 if (*cp == '\0')
4250245                   {
4250246                     if (filename)
4250247                       {
4250248                         printf ("\"%s\"\n", filename);
4250249                       }
4250250                     else
4250251                       {
4250252                         printf ("No filename\n");
4250253                       }
4250254                     break;
4250255                   }
4250256                 //
4250257                 cp = strdup (cp);
4250258                 //
4250259                 if (cp == NULL)
4250260                   {
4250261                     fprintf (stderr, "No memory for filename\n");
4250262                     break;
4250263                   }
4250264                 //
4250265                 if (filename)
4250266                   {
4250267                     free(filename);
4250268                   }
4250269                 //
4250270                 filename = cp;
4250271                 break;
4250272                 //
4250273             case 'i':
4250274                 addlines (num1);
4250275                 break;
4250276                 //
4250277             case 'k':
4250278                 while (isblank(*cp))
4250279                   {
4250280                     cp++;
4250281                   }
4250282                 //
4250283                 if ((*cp < 'a') || (*cp > 'a') || cp[1])
4250284                   {
4250285                     fprintf (stderr, "Bad mark name\n");
4250286                     break;
4250287                   }
4250288                 //
4250289                 marks[*cp - 'a'] = num2;
4250290                 break;
4250291                 //
4250292             case 'l':
4250293                 printlines (num1, num2, true);
4250294                 break;
4250295                 //
4250296             case 'p':
4250297                 printlines (num1, num2, false);
4250298                 break;
4250299                 //
4250300             case 'q':
4250301                 while (isblank(*cp))
4250302                   {
4250303                     cp++;
4250304                   }
4250305                 //
4250306                 if (have1 || *cp)
4250307                   {
4250308                     fprintf (stderr, "Bad quit command\n");
4250309                     break;
4250310                   }
4250311                 //
4250312                 if (!dirty)
4250313                   {
4250314                     return;
4250315                   }
4250316                 //
4250317                 printf ("Really quit? ");
4250318                 fflush (stdout);
4250319                 //
4250320                 buf[0] = '\0';
4250321                 fgets (buf, sizeof(buf), stdin);
4250322                 cp = buf;
4250323                 //
4250324                 while (isblank (*cp))
4250325                   {
4250326                     cp++;
4250327                   }
4250328                 //
4250329                 if ((*cp == 'y') || (*cp == 'Y'))
4250330                   {
4250331                     return;
4250332                   }
4250333                 //
4250334                 break;
4250335                 //
4250336             case 'r':
4250337                 if (*cp && !isblank(*cp))
4250338                   {
4250339                     fprintf (stderr, "Bad read command\n");
4250340                     break;
4250341                   }
4250342                 //
4250343                 while (isblank(*cp))
4250344                   {
4250345                     cp++;
4250346                   }
4250347                 //
4250348                 if (*cp == '\0')
4250349                   {
4250350                     fprintf (stderr, "No filename\n");
4250351                     break;
4250352                   }
4250353                 //
4250354                 if (!have1)
4250355                   {
4250356                     num1 = lastnum;
4250357                   }
4250358                 //
4250359                 // Open the file and add to the buffer
4250360                 // at the next line.
4250361                 //
4250362                 if (readlines (cp, num1 + 1))
4250363                   {
4250364                     //
4250365                     // If the file open fails, just
4250366                     // break the command.
4250367                     //
4250368                     break;
4250369                   }
4250370                 //
4250371                 // Set the default file name, if no
4250372                 // previous name is available.
4250373                 //
4250374                 if (filename == NULL)
4250375                   {
4250376                     filename = strdup (cp);
4250377                   }
4250378                 //
4250379                 break;
4250381             case 's':
4250382                 subcommand (cp, num1, num2);
4250383                 break;
4250384                 //
4250385             case 'w':
4250386                 if (*cp && !isblank(*cp))
4250387                   {
4250388                     fprintf(stderr, "Bad write command\n");
4250389                     break;
4250390                   }
4250391                 //
4250392                 while (isblank(*cp))
4250393                   {
4250394                     cp++;
4250395                   }
4250396                 //
4250397                 if (!have1)
4250398                   {
4250399                     num1 = 1;
4250400                     num2 = lastnum;
4250401                   }
4250402                 //
4250403                 // If the file name is not specified, use the
4250404                 // default one.
4250405                 //
4250406                 if (*cp == '\0')
4250407                   {
4250408                     cp = filename;
4250409                   }
4250410                 //
4250411                 // If even the default file name is not specified,
4250412                 // tell it.
4250413                 //
4250414                 if (cp == NULL)
4250415                   {
4250416                     fprintf (stderr, "No file name specified\n");
4250417                     break;
4250418                   }
4250419                 //
4250420                 // Write the file.
4250421                 //
4250422                 writelines (cp, num1, num2);
4250423                 //
4250424                 break;
4250425                 //
4250426             case 'z':
4250427                 switch (*cp)
4250428                   {
4250429                     case '-':
4250430                         printlines (curnum-21, curnum, false);
4250431                         break;
4250432                     case '.':
4250433                         printlines (curnum-11, curnum+10, false);
4250434                         break;
4250435                     default:
4250436                         printlines (curnum, curnum+21, false);
4250437                         break;
4250438                   }
4250439                 break;
4250440                 //
4250441             case '.':
4250442                 if (have1)
4250443                   {
4250444                     fprintf (stderr, "No arguments allowed\n");
4250445                     break;
4250446                   }
4250447                 printlines (curnum, curnum, false);
4250448                 break;
4250449                 //
4250450             case '-':
4250451                 if (setcurnum (curnum - 1))
4250452                   {
4250453                     printlines (curnum, curnum, false);
4250454                   }
4250455                 break;
4250456                 //
4250457             case '=':
4250458                 printf ("%d\n", num1);
4250459                 break;
4250460                 //
4250461             case '\0':
4250462                 if (have1)
4250463                   {
4250464                     printlines (num2, num2, false);
4250465                     break;
4250466                   }
4250467                 //
4250468                 if (setcurnum (curnum + 1))
4250469                   {
4250470                     printlines (curnum, curnum, false);
4250471                   }
4250472                 break;
4250473                 //
4250474             default:
4250475                 fprintf (stderr, "Unimplemented command\n");
4250476                 break;
4250477           }
4250478       }
4250479 }
4250480 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250481 // Do the substitute command.
4250482 // The current line is set to the last substitution done.
4250483 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250484 void
4250485 subcommand (char *cp, num_t num1, num_t num2)
4250486 {
4250487     int     delim;
4250488     char   *oldstr;
4250489     char   *newstr;
4250490     len_t   oldlen;
4250491     len_t   newlen;
4250492     len_t   deltalen;
4250493     len_t   offset;
4250494     line_t *lp;
4250495     line_t *nlp;
4250496     bool    globalflag;
4250497     bool    printflag;
4250498     bool    didsub;
4250499     bool    needprint;
4250501     if ((num1 < 1) || (num2 > lastnum) || (num1 > num2))
4250502       {
4250503         fprintf (stderr, "Bad line range for substitute\n");
4250504         return;
4250505       }
4250506     //
4250507     globalflag = false;
4250508     printflag = false;
4250509     didsub = false;
4250510     needprint = false;
4250511     //
4250512     if (isblank (*cp) || (*cp == '\0'))
4250513       {
4250514         fprintf (stderr, "Bad delimiter for substitute\n");
4250515         return;
4250516       }
4250517     //
4250518     delim = *cp++;
4250519     oldstr = cp;
4250520     //
4250521     cp = strchr (cp, delim);
4250522     //
4250523     if (cp == NULL)
4250524       {
4250525         fprintf (stderr, "Missing 2nd delimiter for substitute\n");
4250526         return;
4250527       }
4250528     //
4250529     *cp++ = '\0';
4250530     //
4250531     newstr = cp;
4250532     cp = strchr (cp, delim);
4250533     //
4250534     if (cp)
4250535       {
4250536         *cp++ = '\0';
4250537       }
4250538     else
4250539       {
4250540         cp = "";
4250541       }
4250542     while (*cp)
4250543       {
4250544         switch (*cp++)
4250545           {
4250546             case 'g':
4250547                 globalflag = true;
4250548                 break;
4250549                 //
4250550             case 'p':
4250551                 printflag = true;
4250552                 break;
4250553                 //
4250554             default:
4250555                 fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option for substitute\n");
4250556                 return;
4250557           }
4250558       }
4250559     //
4250560     if (*oldstr == '\0')
4250561       {
4250562         if (searchstring[0] == '\0')
4250563           {
4250564             fprintf (stderr, "No previous search string\n");
4250565             return;
4250566           }
4250567         oldstr = searchstring;
4250568       }
4250569     //
4250570     if (oldstr != searchstring)
4250571       {
4250572         strcpy (searchstring, oldstr);
4250573       }
4250574     //
4250575     lp = findline (num1);
4250576     if (lp == NULL)
4250577       {
4250578         return;
4250579       }
4250580     //
4250581     oldlen = strlen(oldstr);
4250582     newlen = strlen(newstr);
4250583     deltalen = newlen - oldlen;
4250584     offset = 0;
4250585     //
4250586     while (num1 <= num2)
4250587       {
4250588         offset = findstring (lp, oldstr, oldlen, offset);
4250589         if (offset < 0)
4250590           {
4250591             if (needprint)
4250592               {
4250593                 printlines (num1, num1, false);
4250594                 needprint = false;
4250595               }
4250596             //
4250597             offset = 0;
4250598             lp = lp->next;
4250599             num1++;
4250600             continue;
4250601           }
4250602         //
4250603         needprint = printflag;
4250604         didsub = true;
4250605         dirty = true;
4250607         //--------------------------------------------------------------
4250608         // If the replacement string is the same size or shorter
4250609         // than the old string, then the substitution is easy.
4250610         //--------------------------------------------------------------
4250612         if (deltalen <= 0)
4250613           {
4250614             memcpy (&lp->data[offset], newstr, newlen);
4250615             //
4250616             if (deltalen)
4250617               {
4250618                 memcpy (&lp->data[offset + newlen],
4250619                         &lp->data[offset + oldlen],
4250620                         lp->len - offset - oldlen);
4250621                 //
4250622                 lp->len += deltalen;
4250623               }
4250624             //
4250625             offset += newlen;
4250626             //
4250627             if (globalflag)
4250628               {
4250629                 continue;
4250630               }
4250631             //
4250632             if (needprint)
4250633               {
4250634                 printlines(num1, num1, false);
4250635                 needprint = false;
4250636               }
4250637             //
4250638             lp = nlp->next;
4250639             num1++;
4250640             continue;
4250641           }
4250643         //--------------------------------------------------------------
4250644         // The new string is larger, so allocate a new line
4250645         // structure and use that.  Link it in in place of
4250646         // the old line structure.
4250647         //--------------------------------------------------------------
4250649         nlp = (line_t *) malloc (sizeof (line_t) + lp->len + deltalen);
4250650         //
4250651         if (nlp == NULL)
4250652           {
4250653             fprintf (stderr, "Cannot get memory for line\n");
4250654             return;
4250655           }
4250656         //
4250657         nlp->len = lp->len + deltalen;
4250658         //
4250659         memcpy (nlp->data, lp->data, offset);
4250660         //
4250661         memcpy (&nlp->data[offset], newstr, newlen);
4250662         //
4250663         memcpy (&nlp->data[offset + newlen],
4250664                 &lp->data[offset + oldlen],
4250665                 lp->len - offset - oldlen);
4250666         //
4250667         nlp->next = lp->next;
4250668         nlp->prev = lp->prev;
4250669         nlp->prev->next = nlp;
4250670         nlp->next->prev = nlp;
4250671         //
4250672         if (curline == lp)
4250673           {
4250674             curline = nlp;
4250675           }
4250676         //
4250677         free(lp);
4250678         lp = nlp;
4250679         //
4250680         offset += newlen;
4250681         //
4250682         if (globalflag)
4250683           {
4250684             continue;
4250685           }
4250686         //
4250687         if (needprint)
4250688           {
4250689             printlines (num1, num1, false);
4250690             needprint = false;
4250691           }
4250692         //
4250693         lp = lp->next;
4250694         num1++;
4250695       }
4250696     //
4250697     if (!didsub)
4250698       {
4250699         fprintf (stderr, "No substitutions found for \"%s\"\n", oldstr);
4250700       }
4250701 }
4250702 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250703 // Search a line for the specified string starting at the specified
4250704 // offset in the line.  Returns the offset of the found string, or -1.
4250705 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250706 len_t
4250707 findstring (line_t *lp, char *str, len_t len, len_t offset)
4250708 {
4250709     len_t    left;
4250710     char    *cp;
4250711     char    *ncp;
4250712     //
4250713     cp = &lp->data[offset];
4250714     left = lp->len - offset;
4250715     //
4250716     while (left >= len)
4250717       {
4250718         ncp = memchr(cp, *str, left);
4250719         if (ncp == NULL)
4250720           {
4250721             return (len_t) -1;
4250722           }
4250723         //
4250724         left -= (ncp - cp);
4250725         if (left < len)
4250726           {
4250727             return (len_t) -1;
4250728           }
4250729         //
4250730         cp = ncp;
4250731         if (memcmp(cp, str, len) == 0)
4250732           {
4250733             return (len_t) (cp - lp->data);
4250734           }
4250735         //
4250736         cp++;
4250737         left--;
4250738       }
4250739     //
4250740     return (len_t) -1;
4250741 }
4250742 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250743 // Add lines which are typed in by the user.
4250744 // The lines are inserted just before the specified line number.
4250745 // The lines are terminated by a line containing a single dot (ugly!),
4250746 // or by an end of file.
4250747 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250748 void
4250749 addlines (num_t num)
4250750 {
4250751     int     len;
4250752     char    buf[USERSIZE + 1];
4250753     //
4250754     while (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), stdin))
4250755       {
4250756         if ((buf[0] == '.') && (buf[1] == '\n') && (buf[2] == '\0'))
4250757           {
4250758             return;
4250759           }
4250760         //
4250761         len = strlen (buf);
4250762         //
4250763         if (len == 0)
4250764           {
4250765             return;
4250766           }
4250767         //
4250768         if (buf[len - 1] != '\n')
4250769          {
4250770             fprintf (stderr, "Line too long\n");
4250771             //
4250772             do
4250773               {
4250774                 len = fgetc(stdin);
4250775               }
4250776             while ((len != EOF) && (len != '\n'));
4250777             //
4250778             return;
4250779           }
4250780         //
4250781         if (!insertline (num++, buf, len))
4250782           {
4250783             return;
4250784           }
4250785       }
4250786 }
4250787 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250788 // Parse a line number argument if it is present.  This is a sum
4250789 // or difference of numbers, '.', '$', 'x, or a search string.
4250790 // Returns true if successful (whether or not there was a number). 
4250791 // Returns false if there was a parsing error, with a message output.
4250792 // Whether there was a number is returned indirectly, as is the number.
4250793 // The character pointer which stopped the scan is also returned.
4250794 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250795 static bool
4250796 getnum (char **retcp, bool *rethavenum, num_t *retnum)
4250797 {
4250798     char   *cp;
4250799     char   *str;
4250800     bool    havenum;
4250801     num_t   value;
4250802     num_t   num;
4250803     num_t   sign;
4250804     //
4250805     cp = *retcp;
4250806     havenum = false;
4250807     value = 0;
4250808     sign = 1;
4250809     //
4250810     while (true)
4250811       {
4250812         while (isblank(*cp))
4250813           {
4250814             cp++;
4250815           }
4250816         //
4250817         switch (*cp)
4250818           {
4250819             case '.':
4250820                 havenum = true;
4250821                 num = curnum;
4250822                 cp++;
4250823                 break;
4250824                 //
4250825             case '$':
4250826                 havenum = true;
4250827                 num = lastnum;
4250828                 cp++;
4250829                 break;
4250830                 //
4250831             case '\'':
4250832                 cp++;
4250833                 if ((*cp < 'a') || (*cp > 'z'))
4250834                   {
4250835                     fprintf (stderr, "Bad mark name\n");
4250836                     return false;
4250837                   }
4250838                 //
4250839                 havenum = true;
4250840                 num = marks[*cp++ - 'a'];
4250841                 break;
4250842                 //
4250843             case '/':
4250844                 str = ++cp;
4250845                 cp = strchr (str, '/');
4250846                 if (cp)
4250847                   {
4250848                     *cp++ = '\0';
4250849                   }
4250850                 else
4250851                   {
4250852                     cp = "";
4250853                   }
4250854                 num = searchlines (str, curnum, lastnum);
4250855                 if (num == 0)
4250856                   {
4250857                     return false;
4250858                   }
4250859                 //
4250860                 havenum = true;
4250861                 break;
4250862                 //
4250863             default:
4250864                 if (!isdigit (*cp))
4250865                  {
4250866                     *retcp = cp;
4250867                     *rethavenum = havenum;
4250868                     *retnum = value;
4250869                     return true;
4250870                   }
4250871                 //
4250872                 num = 0;
4250873                 while (isdigit(*cp))
4250874                   {
4250875                     num = num * 10 + *cp++ - '0';
4250876                   }
4250877                 havenum = true;
4250878                 break;
4250879           }
4250880         //
4250881         value += num * sign;
4250882         //
4250883         while (isblank (*cp))
4250884           {
4250885             cp++;
4250886           }
4250887         //
4250888         switch (*cp)
4250889           {
4250890             case '-':
4250891                 sign = -1;
4250892                 cp++;
4250893                 break;
4250894                 //
4250895             case '+':
4250896                 sign = 1;
4250897                 cp++;
4250898                 break;
4250899                 //
4250900             default:
4250901                 *retcp = cp;
4250902                 *rethavenum = havenum;
4250903                 *retnum = value;
4250904                 return true;
4250905           }
4250906     }
4250907 }
4250908 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250909 // Initialize everything for editing.
4250910 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250911 bool
4250912 initedit (void)
4250913 {
4250914     int i;
4250915     //
4250916     bufsize = INITBUFSIZE;
4250917     bufbase = malloc (bufsize);
4250918     //
4250919     if (bufbase == NULL)
4250920       {
4250921         fprintf (stderr, "No memory for buffer\n");
4250922         return false;
4250923       }
4250924     //
4250925     bufptr = bufbase;
4250926     bufused = 0;
4250927     //
4250928 = &lines;
4250929     lines.prev = &lines;
4250930     //
4250931     curline = NULL;
4250932     curnum = 0;
4250933     lastnum = 0;
4250934     dirty = false;
4250935     filename = NULL;
4250936     searchstring[0] = '\0';
4250937     //
4250938     for (i = 0; i < 26; i++)
4250939       {
4250940         marks[i] = 0;
4250941       }
4250942     //
4250943     return true;
4250944 }
4250945 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250946 // Finish editing.
4250947 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250948 void
4250949 termedit (void)
4250950 {
4250951     if (bufbase) free(bufbase);
4250952     bufbase = NULL;
4250953     //
4250954     bufptr = NULL;
4250955     bufsize = 0;
4250956     bufused = 0;
4250957     //
4250958     if (filename) free(filename);
4250959     filename = NULL;
4250960     //
4250961     searchstring[0] = '\0';
4250962     //
4250963     if (lastnum) deletelines (1, lastnum);
4250964     //
4250965     lastnum = 0;
4250966     curnum = 0;
4250967     curline = NULL;
4250968 }
4250969 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250970 // Read lines from a file at the specified line number.
4250971 // Returns true if the file was successfully read.
4250972 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4250973 bool
4250974 readlines (char *file, num_t num)
4250975 {
4250976     int     fd;
4250977     int     cc;
4250978     len_t   len;
4250979     len_t   linecount;
4250980     len_t   charcount;
4250981     char   *cp;
4250982     //
4250983     if ((num < 1) || (num > lastnum + 1))
4250984       {
4250985         fprintf (stderr, "Bad line for read\n");
4250986         return false;
4250987       }
4250988     //
4250989     fd = open (file, O_RDONLY);
4250990     if (fd < 0)
4250991       {
4250992         perror (file);
4250993         return false;
4250994       }
4250995     //
4250996     bufptr = bufbase;
4250997     bufused = 0;
4250998     linecount = 0;
4250999     charcount = 0;
4251000     //
4251001     printf ("\"%s\", ", file);
4251002     fflush(stdout);
4251003     //
4251004     do
4251005       {
4251006         cp = memchr(bufptr, '\n', bufused);
4251007         if (cp)
4251008           {
4251009             len = (cp - bufptr) + 1;
4251010             //
4251011             if (!insertline (num, bufptr, len))
4251012               {
4251013                 close (fd);
4251014                 return false;
4251015               }
4251016             //
4251017             bufptr += len;
4251018             bufused -= len;
4251019             charcount += len;
4251020             linecount++;
4251021             num++;
4251022             continue;
4251023           }
4251024         //
4251025         if (bufptr != bufbase)
4251026           {
4251027             memcpy (bufbase, bufptr, bufused);
4251028             bufptr = bufbase + bufused;
4251029           }
4251030         //
4251031         if (bufused >= bufsize)
4251032           {
4251033             len = (bufsize * 3) / 2;
4251034             cp = realloc (bufbase, len);
4251035             if (cp == NULL)
4251036               {
4251037                 fprintf (stderr, "No memory for buffer\n");
4251038                 close (fd);
4251039                 return false;
4251040               }
4251041             //
4251042             bufbase = cp;
4251043             bufptr = bufbase + bufused;
4251044             bufsize = len;
4251045           }
4251046         //
4251047         cc = read (fd, bufptr, bufsize - bufused);
4251048         bufused += cc;
4251049         bufptr = bufbase;
4251050       }
4251051     while (cc > 0);
4251052     //
4251053     if (cc < 0)
4251054       {
4251055         perror (file);
4251056         close (fd);
4251057         return false;
4251058       }
4251059     //
4251060     if (bufused)
4251061       {
4251062         if (!insertline (num, bufptr, bufused))
4251063           {
4251064             close (fd);
4251065             return -1;
4251066           }
4251067         linecount++;
4251068         charcount += bufused;
4251069       }
4251070     //
4251071     close (fd);
4251072     //
4251073     printf ("%d lines%s, %d chars\n",
4251074             linecount,
4251075             (bufused ? " (incomplete)" : ""),
4251076             charcount);
4251077     //
4251078     return true;
4251079 }
4251080 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4251081 // Write the specified lines out to the specified file.
4251082 // Returns true if successful, or false on an error with a message
4251083 // output.
4251084 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4251085 bool
4251086 writelines (char *file, num_t num1, num_t num2)
4251087 {
4251088     int     fd;
4251089     line_t *lp;
4251090     len_t   linecount;
4251091     len_t   charcount;
4251092     //
4251093     if ((num1 < 1) || (num2 > lastnum) || (num1 > num2))
4251094       {
4251095         fprintf (stderr, "Bad line range for write\n");
4251096         return false;
4251097       }
4251098     //
4251099     linecount = 0;
4251100     charcount = 0;
4251101     //
4251102     fd = creat (file, 0666);
4251103     if (fd < 0)
4251104       {
4251105         perror (file);
4251106         return false;
4251107       }
4251108     //
4251109     printf("\"%s\", ", file);
4251110     fflush (stdout);
4251111     //
4251112     lp = findline (num1);
4251113     if (lp == NULL)
4251114       {
4251115         close (fd);
4251116         return false;
4251117       }
4251118     //
4251119     while (num1++ <= num2)
4251120       {
4251121         if (write(fd, lp->data, lp->len) != lp->len)
4251122           {
4251123             perror(file);
4251124             close(fd);
4251125             return false;
4251126           }
4251127         //
4251128         charcount += lp->len;
4251129         linecount++;
4251130         lp = lp->next;
4251131       }
4251132     //
4251133     if (close(fd) < 0)
4251134       {
4251135         perror(file);
4251136         return false;
4251137       }
4251138     //
4251139     printf ("%d lines, %d chars\n", linecount, charcount);
4251140     //
4251141     return true;
4251142 }
4251143 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4251144 // Print lines in a specified range.
4251145 // The last line printed becomes the current line.
4251146 // If expandflag is true, then the line is printed specially to
4251147 // show magic characters.
4251148 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4251149 bool
4251150 printlines (num_t num1, num_t num2, bool expandflag)
4251151 {
4251152     line_t        *lp;
4251153     unsigned char *cp;
4251154     int            ch;
4251155     len_t          count;
4251156     //
4251157     if ((num1 < 1) || (num2 > lastnum) || (num1 > num2))
4251158       {
4251159         fprintf (stderr, "Bad line range for print\n");
4251160         return false;
4251161       }
4251162     //
4251163     lp = findline (num1);
4251164     if (lp == NULL)
4251165       {
4251166         return false;
4251167       }
4251168     //
4251169     while (num1 <= num2)
4251170       {
4251171         if (!expandflag)
4251172           {
4251173             write (STDOUT_FILENO, lp->data, lp->len);
4251174             setcurnum (num1++);
4251175             lp = lp->next;
4251176             continue;
4251177           }
4251179         //--------------------------------------------------------------
4251180         // Show control characters and characters with the
4251181         // high bit set specially.
4251182         //--------------------------------------------------------------
4251184         cp = (unsigned char *) lp->data;
4251185         count = lp->len;
4251186         //
4251187         if ((count > 0) && (cp[count - 1] == '\n'))
4251188           {
4251189             count--;
4251190           }
4251191         //
4251192         while (count-- > 0)
4251193           {
4251194             ch = *cp++;
4251195             if (ch & 0x80)
4251196               {
4251197                 fputs ("M-", stdout);
4251198                 ch &= 0x7f;
4251199               }
4251200             if (ch < ' ')
4251201               {
4251202                 fputc ('^', stdout);
4251203                 ch += '@';
4251204               }
4251205             if (ch == 0x7f)
4251206               {
4251207                 fputc ('^', stdout);
4251208                 ch = '?';
4251209               }
4251210             fputc (ch, stdout);
4251211           }
4251212         //
4251213         fputs ("$\n", stdout);
4251214         //
4251215         setcurnum (num1++);
4251216         lp = lp->next;
4251217       }
4251218     //
4251219     return true;
4251220 }
4251221 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4251222 // Insert a new line with the specified text.
4251223 // The line is inserted so as to become the specified line,
4251224 // thus pushing any existing and further lines down one.
4251225 // The inserted line is also set to become the current line.
4251226 // Returns true if successful.
4251227 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4251228 bool
4251229 insertline (num_t num, char *data, len_t len)
4251230 {
4251231     line_t    *newlp;
4251232     line_t    *lp;
4251233     //
4251234     if ((num < 1) || (num > lastnum + 1))
4251235       {
4251236         fprintf (stderr, "Inserting at bad line number\n");
4251237         return false;
4251238       }
4251239     //
4251240     newlp = (line_t *) malloc (sizeof (line_t) + len - 1);
4251241     if (newlp == NULL)
4251242       {
4251243         fprintf (stderr, "Failed to allocate memory for line\n");
4251244         return false;
4251245       }
4251246     //
4251247     memcpy (newlp->data, data, len);
4251248     newlp->len = len;
4251249     //
4251250     if (num > lastnum)
4251251       {
4251252         lp = &lines;
4251253       }
4251254     else
4251255       {
4251256         lp = findline (num);
4251257         if (lp == NULL)
4251258           {
4251259             free ((char *) newlp);
4251260             return false;
4251261           }
4251262       }
4251263     //
4251264     newlp->next = lp;
4251265     newlp->prev = lp->prev;
4251266     lp->prev->next = newlp;
4251267     lp->prev = newlp;
4251268     //
4251269     lastnum++;
4251270     dirty = true;
4251271     //
4251272     return setcurnum (num);
4251273 }
4251274 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4251275 // Delete lines from the given range.
4251276 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4251277 bool
4251278 deletelines (num_t num1, num_t num2)
4251279 {
4251280     line_t   *lp;
4251281     line_t   *nlp;
4251282     line_t   *plp;
4251283     num_t     count;
4251284     //
4251285     if ((num1 < 1) || (num2 > lastnum) || (num1 > num2))
4251286       {
4251287         fprintf (stderr, "Bad line numbers for delete\n");
4251288         return false;
4251289       }
4251290     //
4251291     lp = findline (num1);
4251292     if (lp == NULL)
4251293       {
4251294         return false;
4251295       }
4251296     //
4251297     if ((curnum >= num1) && (curnum <= num2))
4251298       {
4251299         if (num2 < lastnum)
4251300           {
4251301             setcurnum (num2 + 1);
4251302           }
4251303         else if (num1 > 1)
4251304           {
4251305             setcurnum (num1 - 1);
4251306           }
4251307         else
4251308           {
4251309             curnum = 0;
4251310           }
4251311       }
4251312     //
4251313     count = num2 - num1 + 1;
4251314     //
4251315     if (curnum > num2)
4251316       {
4251317         curnum -= count;
4251318       }
4251319     //
4251320     lastnum -= count;
4251321     //
4251322     while (count-- > 0)
4251323       {
4251324         nlp = lp->next;
4251325         plp = lp->prev;
4251326         plp->next = nlp;
4251327         nlp->prev = plp;
4251328         lp->next = NULL;
4251329         lp->prev = NULL;
4251330         lp->len = 0;
4251331         free(lp);
4251332         lp = nlp;
4251333       }
4251334     //
4251335     dirty = true;
4251336     //
4251337     return true;
4251338 }
4251339 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4251340 // Search for a line which contains the specified string.
4251341 // If the string is NULL, then the previously searched for string
4251342 // is used.  The currently searched for string is saved for future use.
4251343 // Returns the line number which matches, or 0 if there was no match
4251344 // with an error printed.
4251345 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4251346 num_t
4251347 searchlines (char *str, num_t num1, num_t num2)
4251348 {
4251349     line_t *lp;
4251350     int     len;
4251351     //
4251352     if ((num1 < 1) || (num2 > lastnum) || (num1 > num2))
4251353       {
4251354         fprintf (stderr, "Bad line numbers for search\n");
4251355         return 0;
4251356       }
4251357     //
4251358     if (*str == '\0')
4251359       {
4251360         if (searchstring[0] == '\0')
4251361           {
4251362             fprintf(stderr, "No previous search string\n");
4251363             return 0;
4251364           }
4251365         str = searchstring;
4251366       }
4251367     //
4251368     if (str != searchstring)
4251369       {
4251370         strcpy(searchstring, str);
4251371       }
4251372     //
4251373     len = strlen(str);
4251374     //
4251375     lp = findline (num1);
4251376     if (lp == NULL)
4251377       {
4251378         return 0;
4251379       }
4251380     //
4251381     while (num1 <= num2)
4251382       {
4251383         if (findstring(lp, str, len, 0) >= 0)
4251384           {
4251385             return num1;
4251386           }
4251387         //
4251388         num1++;
4251389         lp = lp->next;
4251390       }
4251391     //
4251392     fprintf (stderr, "Cannot find string \"%s\"\n", str);
4251393     //
4251394     return 0;
4251395 }
4251396 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4251397 // Return a pointer to the specified line number.
4251398 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4251399 line_t *
4251400 findline (num_t num)
4251401 {
4251402     line_t   *lp;
4251403     num_t     lnum;
4251404     //
4251405     if ((num < 1) || (num > lastnum))
4251406       {
4251407         fprintf (stderr, "Line number %d does not exist\n", num);
4251408         return NULL;
4251409       }
4251410     //
4251411     if (curnum <= 0)
4251412       {
4251413         curnum = 1;
4251414         curline =;
4251415       }
4251416     //
4251417     if (num == curnum)
4251418       {
4251419         return curline;
4251420       }
4251421     //
4251422     lp = curline;
4251423     lnum = curnum;
4251424     //
4251425     if (num < (curnum / 2))
4251426       {
4251427         lp =;
4251428         lnum = 1;
4251429       }
4251430     else if (num > ((curnum + lastnum) / 2))
4251431       {
4251432         lp = lines.prev;
4251433         lnum = lastnum;
4251434       }
4251435     //
4251436     while (lnum < num)
4251437       {
4251438         lp = lp->next;
4251439         lnum++;
4251440       }
4251441     //
4251442     while (lnum > num)
4251443       {
4251444         lp = lp->prev;
4251445         lnum--;
4251446       }
4251447     //
4251448     return lp;
4251449 }
4251450 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4251451 // Set the current line number.
4251452 // Returns true if successful.
4251453 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4251454 bool
4251455 setcurnum (num_t num)
4251456 {
4251457     line_t    *lp;
4251458     //
4251459     lp = findline (num);
4251460     if (lp == NULL)
4251461       {
4251462         return false;
4251463       }
4251464     //
4251465     curnum = num;
4251466     curline = lp;
4251467     //
4251468     return true;
4251469 }
4251471 /* END CODE */


Si veda la sezione u0.1.

4260001 #include <unistd.h>
4260002 #include <stdio.h>
4260003 #include <stdlib.h>
4260004 #include <signal.h>
4260005 #include <sys/wait.h>
4260006 #include <limits.h>
4260007 #include <sys/os16.h>
4260008 #include <fcntl.h>
4260009 #include <stdio.h>
4260010 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4260011 int
4260012 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
4260013 {
4260014     char   *device_name;
4260015     int     fdn;
4260016     char   *exec_argv[2];
4260017     char  **exec_envp;
4260018     char    buffer[BUFSIZ];
4260019     ssize_t size_read;
4260020     int     status;
4260021     //
4260022     // The first argument is mandatory and must be a console terminal.
4260023     //
4260024     device_name = argv[1];
4260025     //
4260026     // A console terminal is correctly selected (but it is not checked
4260027     // if it is a really available one).
4260028     // Set as a process group leader.
4260029     //
4260030     setpgrp ();
4260031     //
4260032     // Open the terminal, that should become the controlling terminal:
4260033     // close the standard input and open the new terminal (r/w).
4260034     //
4260035     close (0);
4260036     fdn = open (device_name, O_RDWR);
4260037     if (fdn < 0)
4260038       {
4260039         //
4260040         // Cannot open terminal. A message should appear, at least
4260041         // to the current console.
4260042         //
4260043         perror (NULL);
4260044         return (-1);
4260045       }
4260046     //
4260047     // Reset terminal device permissions and ownership.
4260048     //
4260049     status = fchown (fdn, (uid_t) 0, (gid_t) 0);
4260050     if (status != 0)
4260051       {
4260052         perror (NULL);
4260053       }
4260054     status = fchmod (fdn, 0644);
4260055     if (status != 0)
4260056       {
4260057         perror (NULL);
4260058       }
4260059     //
4260060     // The terminal is open and it should be already the controlling
4260061     // one: show `/etc/issue'. The same variable `fdn' is used, because
4260062     // the controlling terminal will never be closed (the exit syscall
4260063     // will do it).
4260064     //
4260065     fdn = open ("/etc/issue", O_RDONLY);
4260066     if (fdn > 0)
4260067       {
4260068         //
4260069         // The file is present and is shown.
4260070         //
4260071         for (size_read = 1; size_read > 0;)
4260072           {
4260073             size_read = read (fdn, buffer, (size_t) (BUFSIZ - 1));
4260074             if (size_read < 0)
4260075               {
4260076                 break;
4260077               }
4260078             buffer[size_read] = '\0';
4260079             printf ("%s", buffer);
4260080           }
4260081         close (fdn);
4260082       }
4260083     //
4260084     // Show the terminal.
4260085     //
4260086     printf ("This is terminal %s\n", device_name);
4260087     //
4260088     // It is time to exec login: the environment is inherited directly
4260089     // from `init'.
4260090     //
4260091     exec_argv[0] = "login";
4260092     exec_argv[1] = NULL;
4260093     exec_envp    = envp;
4260094     execve ("/bin/login", exec_argv, exec_envp);
4260095     //
4260096     // If `execve()' returns, it is an error.
4260097     //
4260098     exit (-1);
4260099 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

4270001 #include <unistd.h>
4270002 #include <stdio.h>
4270003 #include <stdlib.h>
4270004 #include <signal.h>
4270005 #include <sys/wait.h>
4270006 #include <limits.h>
4270007 #include <sys/os16.h>
4270008 #include <fcntl.h>
4270009 #include <string.h>
4270010 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4270011 #define RESPAWN_MAX        7
4270012 #define COMMAND_MAX      100
4270013 #define LINE_MAX        1024
4270014 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4270015 int
4270016 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
4270017 {
4270018     //
4270019     // `init.c' has its own `init.crt0.s' with a very small stack
4270020     // size. Remember to verify to have enough room for the stack.
4270021     //
4270022     pid_t  pid;
4270023     int    status;
4270024     char  *exec_argv[3];
4270025     char  *exec_envp[3];
4270026     char   buffer[LINE_MAX];
4270027     int    r;                   // Respawn table index.
4270028     int    b;                   // Buffer index.
4270029     size_t size_read;
4270030     char  *inittab_id;
4270031     char  *inittab_runlevels;
4270032     char  *inittab_action;
4270033     char  *inittab_process;
4270034     int    eof;
4270035     int    fd;
4270036     //
4270037     // It follows a table for commands to be respawn.
4270038     //
4270039     struct {
4270040         pid_t   pid;
4270041         char    command[COMMAND_MAX];
4270042     } respawn[RESPAWN_MAX];
4270044     //------------------------------------------------------------------
4270045     signal (SIGHUP,  SIG_IGN);
4270046     signal (SIGINT,  SIG_IGN);
4270047     signal (SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
4270048     signal (SIGILL,  SIG_IGN);
4270049     signal (SIGABRT, SIG_IGN);
4270050     signal (SIGFPE,  SIG_IGN);
4270051 //  signal (SIGKILL, SIG_IGN);  Cannot ignore SIGKILL.
4270052     signal (SIGSEGV, SIG_IGN);
4270053     signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
4270054     signal (SIGALRM, SIG_IGN);
4270055     signal (SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);
4270056 //  signal (SIGSTOP, SIG_IGN);  Cannot ignore SIGSTOP.
4270057     signal (SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN);
4270058     signal (SIGCONT, SIG_IGN);
4270059     signal (SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN);
4270060     signal (SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN);
4270061     signal (SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN);
4270062     signal (SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN);
4270063     //------------------------------------------------------------------
4270064     printf ("init\n");
4270065     //  heap_clear ();
4270066     //  process_info ();
4270067     //------------------------------------------------------------------
4270068     //
4270069     // Reset the `respawn' table.
4270070     //
4270071     for (r = 0; r < RESPAWN_MAX; r++)
4270072       {
4270073         respawn[r].pid = 0;
4270074         respawn[r].command[0]                  = 0;
4270075         respawn[r].command[COMMAND_MAX-1] = 0;
4270076       }
4270077     //
4270078     // Read the `/etc/inittab' file.
4270079     //
4270080     fd = open ("/etc/inittab", O_RDONLY);
4270081     //
4270082     if (fd < 0)
4270083       {
4270084         perror ("Cannot open file `/etc/inittab'");
4270085         exit (-1);
4270086       }
4270087     //
4270088     //
4270089     //
4270090     for (eof = 0, r = 0; !eof && r < RESPAWN_MAX; r++)
4270091       {
4270092         for (b = 0; b < LINE_MAX; b++)
4270093           {
4270094             size_read = read (fd, &buffer[b], (size_t) 1);
4270095             if (size_read <= 0)
4270096               {
4270097                 buffer[b] = 0;
4270098                 eof       = 1;           // Close the read loop.
4270099                 break;
4270100               }
4270101             if (buffer[b] == '\n')
4270102               {
4270103                 buffer[b]  = 0;
4270104                 break;
4270105               }
4270106           }
4270107         //
4270108         // Remove comments: just replace `#' with `\0'.
4270109         //
4270110         for (b = 0; b < LINE_MAX; b++)
4270111           {
4270112             if (buffer[b] == '#')
4270113               {
4270114                 buffer[b] = 0;
4270115                 break;
4270116               }
4270117           }
4270118         //
4270119         // If the buffer is an empty string, just loop to next
4270120         // record.
4270121         //
4270122         if (strlen (buffer) == 0)
4270123           {
4270124             r--;
4270125             continue;
4270126           }
4270127         //
4270128         //
4270129         //
4270130         inittab_id        = strtok (buffer, ":");
4270131         inittab_runlevels = strtok (NULL, ":");
4270132         inittab_action    = strtok (NULL, ":");
4270133         inittab_process   = strtok (NULL, ":");
4270134         //
4270135         // Only action `respawn' is used.
4270136         //
4270137         if (strcmp (inittab_action, "respawn") == 0)
4270138           {
4270139             strncpy (respawn[r].command, inittab_process, COMMAND_MAX);
4270140           }
4270141         else
4270142           {
4270143             r--;
4270144           }
4270145       }
4270146     //
4270147     //
4270148     //
4270149     close (fd);
4270150     //
4270151     // Define common environment.
4270152     //
4270153     exec_envp[0] = "PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin";
4270154     exec_envp[1] = "CONSOLE=/dev/console";
4270155     exec_envp[2] = NULL;
4270156     //
4270157     // Start processes.
4270158     //
4270159     for (r = 0; r < RESPAWN_MAX; r++)
4270160       {
4270161         if (strlen (respawn[r].command) > 0)
4270162           {
4270163             respawn[r].pid = fork ();
4270164             if (respawn[r].pid == 0)
4270165               {
4270166                 exec_argv[0] = strtok (respawn[r].command, " \t");
4270167                 exec_argv[1] = strtok (NULL, " \t");
4270168                 exec_argv[2] = NULL;
4270169                 execve (exec_argv[0], exec_argv, exec_envp);
4270170                 perror (NULL);
4270171                 exit (0);
4270172               }
4270173           }
4270174       }
4270175     //
4270176     // Wait for the death of child.
4270177     //
4270178     while (1)
4270179       {
4270180         pid = wait (&status);
4270181         for (r = 0; r < RESPAWN_MAX; r++)
4270182           {
4270183             if (pid == respawn[r].pid)
4270184               {
4270185                 //
4270186                 // Run it again.
4270187                 //
4270188                 respawn[r].pid = fork ();
4270189                 if (respawn[r].pid == 0)
4270190                   {
4270191                     exec_argv[0] = strtok (respawn[r].command, " \t");
4270192                     exec_argv[1] = strtok (NULL, " \t");
4270193                     exec_argv[2] = NULL;
4270194                     execve (exec_argv[0], exec_argv, exec_envp);
4270195                     exit (0);
4270196                   }
4270197                 break;
4270198               }
4270199           }
4270200       }
4270201 }


Si veda la sezione u0.10.

4280001 #include <sys/os16.h>
4280002 #include <sys/stat.h>
4280003 #include <sys/types.h>
4280004 #include <unistd.h>
4280005 #include <stdlib.h>
4280006 #include <fcntl.h>
4280007 #include <errno.h>
4280008 #include <signal.h>
4280009 #include <stdio.h>
4280010 #include <string.h>
4280011 #include <limits.h>
4280012 #include <libgen.h>
4280013 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4280014 static void usage         (void);
4280015 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4280016 int
4280017 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
4280018 {
4280019     int          signal;
4280020     int          pid;
4280021     int          a;             // Index inside arguments.
4280022     int          option_s = 0;
4280023     int          option_l = 0;
4280024     int          opt;
4280025     extern char *optarg;
4280026     extern int   optopt;
4280027     //
4280028     // There must be at least an option, plus the program name.
4280029     //
4280030     if (argc < 2)
4280031       {
4280032         usage ();
4280033         return (1);
4280034       }
4280035     //
4280036     // Check for options.
4280037     //
4280038     while ((opt = getopt (argc, argv, ":ls:")) != -1)
4280039       {
4280040         switch (opt)
4280041           {
4280042             case 'l':
4280043                 option_l = 1;
4280044                 break;
4280045             case 's':
4280046                 option_s = 1;
4280047                 //
4280048                 // In that case, there must be at least three arguments:
4280049                 // the option, the signal and the process id.
4280050                 //
4280051                 if (argc < 4)
4280052                   {
4280053                     usage ();
4280054                     return (1);
4280055                   }
4280056                 //
4280057                 // Argument numbers are ok. Check the signal.
4280058                 //
4280059                 if (strcmp (optarg, "HUP") == 0)
4280060                   {
4280061                     signal = SIGHUP;
4280062                   }
4280063                 else if (strcmp (optarg, "INT") == 0)
4280064                   {
4280065                     signal = SIGINT;
4280066                   }
4280067                 else if (strcmp (optarg, "QUIT") == 0)
4280068                   {
4280069                     signal = SIGQUIT;
4280070                   }
4280071                 else if (strcmp (optarg, "ILL") == 0)
4280072                   {
4280073                     signal = SIGILL;
4280074                   }
4280075                 else if (strcmp (optarg, "ABRT") == 0)
4280076                   {
4280077                     signal = SIGABRT;
4280078                   }
4280079                 else if (strcmp (optarg, "FPE") == 0)
4280080                   {
4280081                     signal = SIGFPE;
4280082                   }
4280083                 else if (strcmp (optarg, "KILL") == 0)
4280084                   {
4280085                     signal = SIGKILL;
4280086                   }
4280087                 else if (strcmp (optarg, "SEGV") == 0)
4280088                   {
4280089                     signal = SIGSEGV;
4280090                   }
4280091                 else if (strcmp (optarg, "PIPE") == 0)
4280092                   {
4280093                     signal = SIGPIPE;
4280094                   }
4280095                 else if (strcmp (optarg, "ALRM") == 0)
4280096                   {
4280097                     signal = SIGALRM;
4280098                   }
4280099                 else if (strcmp (optarg, "TERM") == 0)
4280100                   {
4280101                     signal = SIGTERM;
4280102                   }
4280103                 else if (strcmp (optarg, "STOP") == 0)
4280104                   {
4280105                     signal = SIGSTOP;
4280106                   }
4280107                 else if (strcmp (optarg, "TSTP") == 0)
4280108                   {
4280109                     signal = SIGTSTP;
4280110                   }
4280111                 else if (strcmp (optarg, "CONT") == 0)
4280112                   {
4280113                     signal = SIGCONT;
4280114                   }
4280115                 else if (strcmp (optarg, "CHLD") == 0)
4280116                   {
4280117                     signal = SIGCHLD;
4280118                   }
4280119                 else if (strcmp (optarg, "TTIN") == 0)
4280120                   {
4280121                     signal = SIGTTIN;
4280122                   }
4280123                 else if (strcmp (optarg, "TTOU") == 0)
4280124                   {
4280125                     signal = SIGTTOU;
4280126                   }
4280127                 else if (strcmp (optarg, "USR1") == 0)
4280128                   {
4280129                     signal = SIGUSR1;
4280130                   }
4280131                 else if (strcmp (optarg, "USR2") == 0)
4280132                   {
4280133                     signal = SIGUSR2;
4280134                   }
4280135                 else
4280136                   {
4280137                     fprintf (stderr, "Unknown signal %s.\n", optarg);
4280138                     return (1);
4280139                   }
4280140                 break;
4280141             case '?':
4280142                 fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option -%c.\n", optopt);
4280143                 usage ();
4280144                 return (1);
4280145                 break;
4280146             case ':':
4280147                 fprintf (stderr, "Missing argument for option -%c\n",
4280148                          optopt);
4280149                 usage ();
4280150                 return (1);
4280151                 break;
4280152             default:
4280153                 fprintf (stderr, "Getopt problem: unknown option %c\n",
4280154                          opt);
4280155                 return (1);
4280156           }
4280157       }
4280158     //
4280159     //
4280160     //
4280161     if (option_l && option_s)
4280162       {
4280163         fprintf (stderr, "Options \"-l\" and \"-s\" together ");
4280164         fprintf (stderr, "are incompatible.\n");
4280165         usage ();
4280166         return (1);
4280167       }
4280168     //
4280169     // Option "-l".
4280170     //
4280171     if (option_l)
4280172       {
4280173         printf ("HUP ");
4280174         printf ("INT ");
4280175         printf ("QUIT ");
4280176         printf ("ILL ");
4280177         printf ("ABRT ");
4280178         printf ("FPE ");
4280179         printf ("KILL ");
4280180         printf ("SEGV ");
4280181         printf ("PIPE ");
4280182         printf ("ALRM ");
4280183         printf ("TERM ");
4280184         printf ("STOP ");
4280185         printf ("TSTP ");
4280186         printf ("CONT ");
4280187         printf ("CHLD ");
4280188         printf ("TTIN ");
4280189         printf ("TTOU ");
4280190         printf ("USR1 ");
4280191         printf ("USR2 ");
4280192         printf ("\n");
4280193       }
4280194     //
4280195     // Option "-s".
4280196     //
4280197     if (option_s)
4280198       {
4280199         //
4280200         // Scan arguments.
4280201         //
4280202         for (a = 3; a < argc; a++)
4280203           {
4280204             //
4280205             // Get PID.
4280206             //
4280207             pid = atoi (argv[a]);
4280208             if (pid > 0)
4280209               {
4280210                 //
4280211                 // Kill.
4280212                 //
4280213                 if (kill (pid, signal) < 0)
4280214                   {
4280215                     perror (argv[a]);
4280216                   }
4280217               }
4280218             else
4280219               {
4280220                 fprintf (stderr, "Invalid PID %s.", argv[a]);
4280221               }
4280222           }
4280223       }
4280224     //
4280225     // All done.
4280226     //
4280227     return (0);
4280228 }
4280229 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4280230 static void
4280231 usage (void)
4280232 {
4280233     fprintf (stderr, "Usage: kill -s SIGNAL_NAME PID...\n");
4280234     fprintf (stderr, "       kill -l\n");
4280235 }


Si veda la sezione u0.11.

4290001 #include <sys/os16.h>
4290002 #include <sys/stat.h>
4290003 #include <sys/types.h>
4290004 #include <unistd.h>
4290005 #include <stdlib.h>
4290006 #include <fcntl.h>
4290007 #include <errno.h>
4290008 #include <signal.h>
4290009 #include <stdio.h>
4290010 #include <string.h>
4290011 #include <limits.h>
4290012 #include <libgen.h>
4290013 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4290014 static void usage (void);
4290015 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4290016 int
4290017 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
4290018 {
4290019     char       *source;
4290020     char       *destination;
4290021     char       *new_destination;
4290022     struct stat file_status;
4290023     int         dest_is_a_dir = 0;
4290024     int         a;                      // Argument index.
4290025     char        path[PATH_MAX];
4290026     //
4290027     // There must be at least two arguments, plus the program name.
4290028     //
4290029     if (argc < 3)
4290030       {
4290031         usage ();
4290032         return (1);
4290033       }
4290034     //
4290035     // Select the last argument as the destination.
4290036     //
4290037     destination = argv[argc-1];
4290038     //
4290039     // Check if it is a directory and save it in a flag.
4290040     //
4290041     if (stat (destination, &file_status) == 0)
4290042       {
4290043         if (S_ISDIR (file_status.st_mode))
4290044           {
4290045             dest_is_a_dir = 1;
4290046           }
4290047       }
4290048     //
4290049     // If there are more than two arguments, verify that the last
4290050     // one is a directory.
4290051     //
4290052     if (argc > 3)
4290053       {
4290054         if (!dest_is_a_dir)
4290055           {
4290056             usage ();
4290057             fprintf (stderr, "The destination \"%s\" ",
4290058                      destination);
4290059             fprintf (stderr, "is not a directory!\n");
4290060             return (1);
4290061           }
4290062       }
4290063     //
4290064     // Scan the arguments, excluded the last, that is the destination.
4290065     //
4290066     for (a = 1; a < (argc - 1); a++)
4290067       {
4290068         //
4290069         // Source.
4290070         //
4290071         source = argv[a];
4290072         //
4290073         // Verify access permissions.
4290074         //
4290075         if (access (source, R_OK) < 0)
4290076           {
4290077             perror (source);
4290078             continue;
4290079           }
4290080         //
4290081         // Destination.
4290082         //
4290083         // If it is a directory, the destination path
4290084         // must be corrected.
4290085         //
4290086         if (dest_is_a_dir)
4290087           {
4290088             path[0] = 0;
4290089             strcat (path, destination);
4290090             strcat (path, "/");
4290091             strcat (path, basename (source));
4290092             //
4290093             // Update the destination path.
4290094             //
4290095             new_destination = path;
4290096           }
4290097         else
4290098           {
4290099             new_destination = destination;
4290100           }
4290101         //
4290102         // Check if destination file exists.
4290103         //
4290104         if (stat (new_destination, &file_status) == 0)
4290105           {
4290106             fprintf (stderr, "The destination file, \"%s\", ",
4290107                      new_destination);
4290108             fprintf (stderr, "already exists!\n");
4290109             continue;
4290110           }
4290111         //
4290112         // Everything is ready for the link.
4290113         //
4290114         if (link (source, new_destination) < 0)
4290115           {
4290116             perror (new_destination);
4290117             continue;
4290118           }
4290119       }
4290120     //
4290121     // All done.
4290122     //
4290123     return (0);
4290124 }
4290125 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4290126 static void
4290127 usage (void)
4290128 {
4290129     fprintf (stderr, "Usage: ln OLD_NAME NEW_NAME\n");
4290130     fprintf (stderr, "       ln FILE... DIRECTORY\n");
4290131 }


Si veda la sezione u0.12.

4300001 #include <unistd.h>
4300002 #include <stdlib.h>
4300003 #include <sys/stat.h>
4300004 #include <sys/types.h>
4300005 #include <fcntl.h>
4300006 #include <errno.h>
4300007 #include <unistd.h>
4300008 #include <signal.h>
4300009 #include <stdio.h>
4300010 #include <sys/wait.h>
4300011 #include <stdio.h>
4300012 #include <string.h>
4300013 #include <limits.h>
4300014 #include <stdint.h>
4300015 #include <sys/os16.h>
4300016 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4300017 #define LOGIN_MAX       64
4300018 #define PASSWORD_MAX    64
4300019 #define HOME_MAX        64
4300020 #define LINE_MAX        1024
4300021 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4300022 int
4300023 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
4300024 {
4300025     char    login[LOGIN_MAX];
4300026     char    password[PASSWORD_MAX];
4300027     char    buffer[LINE_MAX];
4300028     char   *user_name;
4300029     char   *user_password;
4300030     char   *user_uid;
4300031     char   *user_gid;
4300032     char   *user_description;
4300033     char   *user_home;
4300034     char   *user_shell;
4300035     uid_t   uid;
4300036     uid_t   euid;
4300037     int     fd;
4300038     ssize_t size_read;
4300039     int     b;          // Index inside buffer.
4300040     int     loop;
4300041     char   *exec_argv[2];
4300042     int     status;
4300043     char   *tty_path;
4300044     //
4300045     // Check if login is running correctly.
4300046     //
4300047     euid = geteuid ();
4300048     uid  = geteuid ();
4300049     //  //
4300050     //  // Show process info.
4300051     //  //
4300052     //  heap_clear ();
4300053     //  process_info ();
4300054     //
4300055     // Check privileges.
4300056     //
4300057     if (!(uid == 0 && euid == 0))
4300058       {
4300059         printf ("%s: can only run with root privileges!\n", argv[0]);
4300060         exit (-1);
4300061       }
4300062     //
4300063     // Prepare arguments for the shell call.
4300064     //
4300065     exec_argv[0] = "-";
4300066     exec_argv[1] = NULL;
4300067     //
4300068     // Login.
4300069     //
4300070     while (1)
4300071       {
4300072         fd = open ("/etc/passwd", O_RDONLY);
4300073         //
4300074         if (fd < 0)
4300075           {
4300076             perror ("Cannot open file `/etc/passwd'");
4300077             exit (-1);
4300078           }
4300079         //
4300080         printf ("Log in as \"root\" or \"user\" "
4300081                 "with password \"ciao\" :-)\n");
4300082         input_line (login, "login:", LOGIN_MAX, INPUT_LINE_ECHO);
4300083         //
4300084         //
4300085         //
4300086         loop = 1;
4300087         while (loop)
4300088           {
4300089             for (b = 0; b < LINE_MAX; b++)
4300090               {
4300091                 size_read = read (fd, &buffer[b], (size_t) 1);
4300092                 if (size_read <= 0)
4300093                   {
4300094                     buffer[b] = 0;
4300095                     loop = 0;           // Close the middle loop.
4300096                     break;
4300097                   }
4300098                 if (buffer[b] == '\n')
4300099                   {
4300100                     buffer[b] = 0;
4300101                     break;
4300102                   }
4300103               }
4300104             //
4300105             user_name        = strtok (buffer, ":");
4300106             user_password    = strtok (NULL, ":");
4300107             user_uid         = strtok (NULL, ":");
4300108             user_gid         = strtok (NULL, ":");
4300109             user_description = strtok (NULL, ":");
4300110             user_home        = strtok (NULL, ":");
4300111             user_shell       = strtok (NULL, ":");
4300112             //
4300113             if (strcmp (user_name, login) == 0)
4300114               {
4300115                 input_line (password, "password:", PASSWORD_MAX,
4300116                             INPUT_LINE_STARS);
4300117                 //
4300118                 // Compare passwords: empty passwords are not allowed.
4300119                 //
4300120                 if (strcmp (user_password, password) == 0)
4300121                   {
4300122                     uid  = atoi (user_uid);
4300123                     euid = uid;
4300124                     //
4300125                     // Find the controlling terminal and change
4300126                     // property and access permissions.
4300127                     //
4300128                     tty_path = ttyname (STDIN_FILENO);
4300129                     if (tty_path != NULL)
4300130                       {
4300131                         status = chown (tty_path, uid, 0);
4300132                         if (status != 0)
4300133                           {
4300134                             perror (NULL);
4300135                           }
4300136                         status = chmod (tty_path, 0600);
4300137                         if (status != 0)
4300138                           {
4300139                             perror (NULL);
4300140                           }
4300141                       }
4300142                     //
4300143                     // Cd to the home directory, if present.
4300144                     //
4300145                     status = chdir (user_home);
4300146                     if (status != 0)
4300147                       {
4300148                         perror (NULL);
4300149                       }
4300150                     //
4300151                     // Now change personality.
4300152                     //
4300153                     setuid (uid);
4300154                     seteuid (euid);
4300155                     //
4300156                     // Run the shell, replacing the login process; the
4300157                     // environment is taken from `init'.
4300158                     //
4300159                     execve (user_shell, exec_argv, envp);
4300160                     exit (0);
4300161                   }
4300162                 //
4300163                 // Login failed: will try again.
4300164                 //
4300165                 loop = 0;               // Close the middle loop.
4300166                 break;
4300167               }
4300168           }
4300169         close (fd);
4300170       }
4300171 }


Si veda la sezione u0.13.

4310001 #include <sys/os16.h>
4310002 #include <sys/stat.h>
4310003 #include <sys/types.h>
4310004 #include <unistd.h>
4310005 #include <stdlib.h>
4310006 #include <fcntl.h>
4310007 #include <errno.h>
4310008 #include <signal.h>
4310009 #include <stdio.h>
4310010 #include <string.h>
4310011 #include <limits.h>
4310012 #include <libgen.h>
4310013 #include <dirent.h>
4310014 #include <pwd.h>
4310015 #include <time.h>
4310017 #define BUFFER_SIZE     16384
4310018 #define LIST_SIZE       256
4310020 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4310021 static void usage         (void);
4310022 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4310023 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4310024 int compare (void *p1, void *p2);
4310025 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4310026 int
4310027 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
4310028 {
4310029     int            option_a = 0;
4310030     int            option_l = 0;
4310031     int            opt;
4310032 //  extern char   *optarg;              // not used.
4310033     extern int     optind;
4310034     extern int     optopt;
4310035     struct stat    file_status;
4310036     DIR           *dp;
4310037     struct dirent *dir;
4310038     char           buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
4310039     int            b;                   // Buffer index.
4310040     char          *list[LIST_SIZE];
4310041     int            l;                   // List index.
4310042     int            len;                 // Name length.
4310043     char          *path = NULL;
4310044     char           pathname[PATH_MAX];
4310045     struct passwd *pws;
4310046     struct tm     *tms;
4310047     //
4310048     // Check for options.
4310049     //
4310050     while ((opt = getopt (argc, argv, ":al")) != -1)
4310051       {
4310052         switch (opt)
4310053           {
4310054             case 'l':
4310055                 option_l = 1;
4310056                 break;
4310057             case 'a':
4310058                 option_a = 1;
4310059                 break;
4310060             case '?':
4310061                 fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option -%c.\n", optopt);
4310062                 usage ();
4310063                 return (1);
4310064                 break;
4310065             case ':':
4310066                 fprintf (stderr, "Missing argument for option -%c\n",
4310067                          optopt);
4310068                 usage ();
4310069                 return (1);
4310070                 break;
4310071             default:
4310072                 fprintf (stderr, "Getopt problem: unknown option %c\n",
4310073                          opt);
4310074                 return (1);
4310075           }
4310076       }
4310077     //
4310078     // If no arguments are present, at least the current directory is
4310079     // read.
4310080     //
4310081     if (optind == argc)
4310082       {
4310083         //
4310084         // There are no more arguments. Replace the program name,
4310085         // corresponding to `argv[0]', with the current directory
4310086         // path string.
4310087         //
4310088         argv[0] = ".";
4310089         argc    = 1;
4310090         optind  = 0;
4310091       }
4310092     //
4310093     // This is a very simplified `ls': if there is only a name
4310094     // and it is a directory, the directory content is taken as
4310095     // the new `argv[]' array.
4310096     //
4310097     if (optind == (argc -1))
4310098       {
4310099         //
4310100         // There is a request for a single name. Test if it exists
4310101         // and if it is a directory.
4310102         //
4310103         if (stat(argv[optind], &file_status) != 0)
4310104           {
4310105             fprintf (stderr, "File \"%s\" does not exist!\n",
4310106                      argv[optind]);
4310107             return (2);
4310108           }
4310109         //
4310110         if (S_ISDIR (file_status.st_mode))
4310111           {
4310112             //
4310113             // Save the directory inside the `path' pointer.
4310114             //
4310115             path = argv[optind];
4310116             //
4310117             // Open the directory.
4310118             //
4310119             dp = opendir (argv[optind]);
4310120             if (dp == NULL)
4310121               {
4310122                 perror (argv[optind]);
4310123                 return (3);
4310124               }
4310125             //
4310126             // Read the directory and fill the buffer with names.
4310127             //
4310128             b = 0;
4310129             l = 0;
4310130             while ((dir = readdir (dp)) != NULL)
4310131               {
4310132                 len = strlen (dir->d_name);
4310133                 //
4310134                 // Check if the buffer can hold it.
4310135                 //
4310136                 if ((b + len + 1 ) > BUFFER_SIZE)
4310137                   {
4310138                     fprintf (stderr, "not enough memory\n");
4310139                     break;
4310140                   }
4310141                 //
4310142                 // Consider the directory item only if there is
4310143                 // a valid name. If it is empty, just ignore it.
4310144                 //
4310145                 if (len > 0)
4310146                   {
4310147                     strcpy (&buffer[b], dir->d_name);
4310148                     list[l] = &buffer[b];
4310149                     b += len + 1;
4310150                     l++;
4310151                   }
4310152               }
4310153             //
4310154             // Close the directory.
4310155             //
4310156             closedir (dp);
4310157             //
4310158             // Sort the list.
4310159             //
4310160             qsort (list, (size_t) l, sizeof (char *), compare);
4310162             //
4310163             // Convert the directory list into a new `argv[]' array,
4310164             // with a valid `argc'. The variable `optind' must be
4310165             // reset to the first element index, because there is
4310166             // no program name inside the new `argv[]' at index zero.
4310167             //
4310168             argv   = list;
4310169             argc   = l;
4310170             optind = 0;
4310171           }
4310172       }
4310173     //
4310174     // Scan arguments, or list converted into `argv[]'.
4310175     //
4310176     for (; optind < argc; optind++)
4310177       {
4310178         if (argv[optind][0] == '.')
4310179           {
4310180             //
4310181             // Current name starts with `.'.
4310182             //
4310183             if (!option_a)
4310184               {
4310185                 //
4310186                 // Do not show name starting with `.'.
4310187                 //
4310188                 continue;
4310189               }
4310190           }
4310191         //
4310192         // Build the pathname.
4310193         //
4310194         if (path == NULL)
4310195           {
4310196             strcpy (&pathname[0], argv[optind]);
4310197           }
4310198         else
4310199           {
4310200             strcpy (pathname, path);
4310201             strcat (pathname, "/");
4310202             strcat (pathname, argv[optind]);
4310203           }
4310204         //
4310205         // Check if file exists, reading status.
4310206         //
4310207         if (stat(pathname, &file_status) != 0)
4310208           {
4310209             fprintf (stderr, "File \"%s\" does not exist!\n",
4310210                      pathname);
4310211             return (2);
4310212           }
4310213         //
4310214         // Show file name.
4310215         //
4310216         if (option_l)
4310217           {
4310218             //
4310219             // Print the file type.
4310220             //
4310221             if      (S_ISBLK  (file_status.st_mode)) printf ("b");
4310222             else if (S_ISCHR  (file_status.st_mode)) printf ("c");
4310223             else if (S_ISFIFO (file_status.st_mode)) printf ("p");
4310224             else if (S_ISREG  (file_status.st_mode)) printf ("-");
4310225             else if (S_ISDIR  (file_status.st_mode)) printf ("d");
4310226             else if (S_ISLNK  (file_status.st_mode)) printf ("l");
4310227             else if (S_ISSOCK (file_status.st_mode)) printf ("s");
4310228             else                                     printf ("?");
4310229             //
4310230             // Print permissions.
4310231             //
4310232             if (S_IRUSR & file_status.st_mode) printf ("r");
4310233             else printf ("-");
4310234             if (S_IWUSR & file_status.st_mode) printf ("w");
4310235             else printf ("-");
4310236             if (S_IXUSR & file_status.st_mode) printf ("x");
4310237             else printf ("-");
4310238             if (S_IRGRP & file_status.st_mode) printf ("r");
4310239             else printf ("-");
4310240             if (S_IWGRP & file_status.st_mode) printf ("w");
4310241             else printf ("-");
4310242             if (S_IXGRP & file_status.st_mode) printf ("x");
4310243             else printf ("-");
4310244             if (S_IROTH & file_status.st_mode) printf ("r");
4310245             else printf ("-");
4310246             if (S_IWOTH & file_status.st_mode) printf ("w");
4310247             else printf ("-");
4310248             if (S_IXOTH & file_status.st_mode) printf ("x");
4310249             else printf ("-");
4310250             //
4310251             // Print links.
4310252             //
4310253             printf (" %3i", (int) file_status.st_nlink);
4310254             //
4310255             // Print owner.
4310256             //
4310257             pws = getpwuid (file_status.st_uid);
4310258             //
4310259             printf (" %s", pws->pw_name);
4310260             //
4310261             // Print group (no group available);
4310262             //
4310263             printf (" (no group)");
4310264             //
4310265             // Print file size or device major-minor.
4310266             //
4310267             if (S_ISBLK (file_status.st_mode)
4310268                 || S_ISCHR (file_status.st_mode))
4310269               {
4310270                 printf (" %3i,", (int) major (file_status.st_rdev));
4310271                 printf (" %3i",  (int) minor (file_status.st_rdev));
4310272               }
4310273             else
4310274               {
4310275                 printf (" %8i", (int) file_status.st_size);
4310276               }
4310277             //
4310278             // Print modification date and time.
4310279             //
4310280             tms = localtime (&(file_status.st_mtime));
4310281             printf (" %4u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u",
4310282                     tms->tm_year, tms->tm_mon, tms->tm_mday,
4310283                     tms->tm_hour, tms->tm_min);
4310284             //
4310285             // Print file name, but with no additional path.
4310286             //
4310287             printf (" %s\n", argv[optind]);
4310288           }
4310289         else
4310290           {
4310291             //
4310292             // Just show the file name and go to the next line.
4310293             //
4310294             printf ("%s\n", argv[optind]);
4310295           }
4310296       }
4310297     //
4310298     // All done.
4310299     //
4310300     return (0);
4310301 }
4310302 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4310303 static void
4310304 usage (void)
4310305 {
4310306     fprintf (stderr, "Usage: ls [OPTION] [FILE]...\n");
4310307 }
4310308 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4310309 int
4310310 compare (void *p1, void *p2)
4310311 {
4310312     char **pp1 = p1;
4310313     char **pp2 = p2;
4310314     //
4310315     return (strcmp (*pp1, *pp2));
4310316 }


Si veda la sezione u0.14.

4320001 #include <unistd.h>
4320002 #include <stdlib.h>
4320003 #include <errno.h>
4320004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4320005 #define MAX_LINES   20
4320006 #define MAX_COLUMNS 80
4320007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4320008 static char *man_page_directory = "/usr/share/man";
4320009 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4320010 static void  usage          (void);
4320011 static FILE *open_man_page  (int section, char *name);
4320012 static void build_path_name (int section, char *name, char *path);
4320013 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4320014 int
4320015 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
4320016 {
4320017     FILE       *fp;
4320018     char       *name;
4320019     int         section;
4320020     int         c;
4320021     int         line   = 1; // Line internal counter.
4320022     int         column = 1; // Column internal counter.
4320023     int         loop;
4320024     //
4320025     // There must be minimum an argument, and maximum two.
4320026     //
4320027     if (argc < 2 || argc > 3)
4320028       {
4320029         usage ();
4320030         return (1);
4320031       }
4320032     //
4320033     // If there are two arguments, there must be the
4320034     // section number.
4320035     //
4320036     if (argc == 3)
4320037       {
4320038         section = atoi (argv[1]);
4320039         name = argv[2];
4320040       }
4320041     else
4320042       {
4320043         section = 0;
4320044         name = argv[1];
4320045       }
4320046     //
4320047     // Try to open the manual page.
4320048     //
4320049     fp = open_man_page (section, name);
4320050     //
4320051     if (fp == NULL)
4320052       {
4320053         //
4320054         // Error opening file.
4320055         //
4320056         return (1);
4320057       }
4320059     //
4320060     // The following loop continues while the file
4320061     // gives characters, or when a command to change
4320062     // file or to quit is given.
4320063     //
4320064     for (loop = 1; loop; )
4320065       {
4320066         //
4320067         // Read a single character.
4320068         //
4320069         c = getc (fp);
4320070         //
4320071         if (c == EOF)
4320072           {
4320073             loop = 0;
4320074             break;
4320075           }
4320076         //
4320077         // If the character read is a special one,
4320078         // the line/column calculation is modified,
4320079         // so that it is known when to stop scrolling.
4320080         //
4320081         switch (c)
4320082           {
4320083             case '\r':
4320084                 //
4320085                 // Displaying this character, the cursor should go
4320086                 // back to the first column. So the column counter
4320087                 // is reset.
4320088                 //
4320089                 column = 1;
4320090                 break;
4320091             case '\n':
4320092                 //
4320093                 // Displaying this character, the cursor should go
4320094                 // back to the next line, at the first column.
4320095                 // So the column counter is reset and the line
4320096                 // counter is incremented.
4320097                 //
4320098                 line++;
4320099                 column = 1;
4320100                 break;
4320101             case '\b':
4320102                 //
4320103                 // Displaying this character, the cursor should go
4320104                 // back one position, unless it is already at the
4320105                 // beginning.
4320106                 //
4320107                 if (column > 1)
4320108                   {
4320109                     column--;
4320110                   }
4320111                 break;
4320112             default:
4320113                 //
4320114                 // Any other character must increase the column
4320115                 // counter.
4320116                 //
4320117                 column++;
4320118           }
4320119         //
4320120         // Display the character, even if it is a special one:
4320121         // it is responsibility of the screen device management
4320122         // to do something good with special characters.
4320123         //
4320124         putchar (c);
4320125         //
4320126         // If the column counter is gone beyond the screen columns,
4320127         // then adjust the column counter and increment the line
4320128         // counter.
4320129         //
4320130         if (column > MAX_COLUMNS)
4320131           {
4320132             column -= MAX_COLUMNS;
4320133             line++;
4320134           }
4320135         //
4320136         // Check if there is space for scrolling.
4320137         //
4320138         if (line < MAX_LINES)
4320139           {
4320140             continue;
4320141           }
4320142         //
4320143         // Here, displayed lines are MAX_LINES.
4320144         //
4320145         if (column > 1)
4320146           {
4320147             //
4320148             // Something was printed at the current line: must
4320149             // do a new line.
4320150             //
4320151             putchar ('\n');
4320152           }
4320153         //
4320154         // Show the more prompt.
4320155         //
4320156         printf ("--More--");
4320157         fflush (stdout);
4320158         //
4320159         // Read a character from standard input.
4320160         //
4320161         c = getchar ();
4320162         //
4320163         // Consider command `q', but any other character
4320164         // can be introduced, to let show the next page.
4320165         //
4320166         switch (c)
4320167           {
4320168             case 'Q':
4320169             case 'q':
4320170                 //
4320171                 // Quit. But must erase the `--More--' prompt.
4320172                 //
4320173                 printf ("\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b");
4320174                 printf ("\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b");
4320175                 fclose (fp);
4320176                 return (0);
4320177           }
4320178         //
4320179         // Backspace to overwrite `--More--' and the character
4320180         // pressed.
4320181         //
4320182         printf ("\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b");
4320183         //
4320184         // Reset line/column counters.
4320185         //
4320186         column = 1;
4320187         line = 1;
4320188       }
4320189     //
4320190     // Close the file pointer if it is still open.
4320191     //
4320192     if (fp != NULL)
4320193       {
4320194         fclose (fp);
4320195       }
4320196     //
4320197     return (0);
4320198 }
4320199 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4320200 static void
4320201 usage (void)
4320202 {
4320203     fprintf (stderr, "Usage: man [SECTION] NAME\n");
4320204 }
4320205 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4320206 FILE *
4320207 open_man_page (int section, char *name)
4320208 {
4320209     FILE       *fp;
4320210     char        path[PATH_MAX];
4320211     struct stat file_status;
4320212     //
4320213     //
4320214     //
4320215     if (section > 0)
4320216       {
4320217         build_path_name (section, name, path);
4320218         //
4320219         // Check if file exists.
4320220         //
4320221         if (stat (path, &file_status) != 0)
4320222           {
4320223             fprintf (stderr, "Man page %s(%i) does not exist!\n",
4320224                      name, section);
4320225             return (NULL);
4320226           }
4320227       }
4320228     else
4320229       {
4320230         //
4320231         // Must try a section.
4320232         //
4320233         for (section = 1; section < 9; section++)
4320234           {
4320235             build_path_name (section, name, path);
4320236             //
4320237             // Check if file exists.
4320238             //
4320239             if (stat (path, &file_status) == 0)
4320240               {
4320241                 //
4320242                 // Found.
4320243                 //
4320244                 break;
4320245               }
4320246           }
4320247       }
4320248     //
4320249     // Check if a file was found.
4320250     //
4320251     if (section < 9)
4320252       {
4320253         fp = fopen (path, "r");
4320254         //
4320255         if (fp == NULL)
4320256           {
4320257             //
4320258             // Error opening file.
4320259             //
4320260             perror (path);
4320261             return (NULL);
4320262           }
4320263         else
4320264           {
4320265             //
4320266             // Opened right.
4320267             //
4320268             return (fp);
4320269           }
4320270       }
4320271     else
4320272       {
4320273         fprintf (stderr, "Man page %s does not exist!\n",
4320274                  name);
4320275         return (NULL);
4320276       }
4320277 }
4320278 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4320279 void
4320280 build_path_name (int section, char *name, char *path)
4320281 {
4320282     char  string_section[10];
4320283     //
4320284     // Convert the section number into a string.
4320285     //
4320286     sprintf (string_section, "%i", section);
4320287     //
4320288     // Prepare the path to the man file.
4320289     //
4320290     path[0] = 0;
4320291     strcat (path, man_page_directory);
4320292     strcat (path, "/");
4320293     strcat (path, name);
4320294     strcat (path, ".");
4320295     strcat (path, string_section);
4320296 }


Si veda la sezione u0.15.

4330001 #include <sys/os16.h>
4330002 #include <sys/stat.h>
4330003 #include <sys/types.h>
4330004 #include <unistd.h>
4330005 #include <stdlib.h>
4330006 #include <fcntl.h>
4330007 #include <errno.h>
4330008 #include <signal.h>
4330009 #include <stdio.h>
4330010 #include <string.h>
4330011 #include <limits.h>
4330012 #include <libgen.h>
4330013 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4330014 static int  mkdir_parents (const char *path, mode_t mode);
4330015 static void usage         (void);
4330016 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4330017 int
4330018 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
4330019 {
4330020     sysmsg_uarea_t msg;
4330021     int            status;
4330022     mode_t         mode     = 0;
4330023     int            m;           // Index inside mode argument.
4330024     int            digit;
4330025     char         **dir;
4330026     int            d;           // Directory index.
4330027     int            option_p = 0;
4330028     int            option_m = 0;
4330029     int            opt;
4330030     extern char   *optarg;
4330031     extern int     optind;
4330032     extern int     optopt;
4330033     //
4330034     // There must be at least an argument, plus the program name.
4330035     //
4330036     if (argc < 2)
4330037       {
4330038         usage ();
4330039         return (1);
4330040       }
4330041     //
4330042     // Check for options, starting from `p'. The `dir' pointer is used
4330043     // to calculate the argument pointer to the first directory [1].
4330044     // The macro-instruction `max()' is declared inside <sys/os16.h>
4330045     // and does the expected thing.
4330046     //
4330047     while ((opt = getopt (argc, argv, ":pm:")) != -1)
4330048       {
4330049         switch (opt)
4330050           {
4330051             case 'm':
4330052                 option_m = 1;
4330053                 for (m = 0; m < strlen (optarg); m++)
4330054                   {
4330055                     digit = (optarg[m] - '0');
4330056                     if (digit < 0 || digit > 7)
4330057                       {
4330058                         usage ();
4330059                         return (2);
4330060                       }
4330061                     mode = mode * 8 + digit;
4330062                   }
4330063                 break;
4330064             case 'p':
4330065                 option_p = 1;
4330066                 break;
4330067             case '?':
4330068                 printf ("Unknown option -%c.\n", optopt);
4330069                 usage ();
4330070                 return (1);
4330071                 break;
4330072             case ':':
4330073                 printf ("Missing argument for option -%c\n", optopt);
4330074                 usage ();
4330075                 return (2);
4330076                 break;
4330077             default:
4330078                 printf ("Getopt problem: unknown option %c\n", opt);
4330079                 return (3);
4330080           }
4330081       }
4330082     //
4330083     dir = argv + optind;
4330084     //
4330085     // Check if the mode is to be set to a default value.
4330086     //
4330087     if (!option_m)
4330088       {
4330089         //
4330090         // Default mode.
4330091         //
4330092         sys (SYS_UAREA, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4330093         mode = 0777 & ~msg.umask;
4330094       }
4330095     //
4330096     // Directory creation.
4330097     //
4330098     for (d = 0; dir[d] != NULL; d++)
4330099       {
4330100         if (option_p)
4330101           {
4330102             status = mkdir_parents (dir[d], mode);
4330103             if (status != 0)
4330104              {
4330105                 perror (dir[d]);
4330106                 return (3);
4330107               }
4330108           }
4330109         else
4330110           {
4330111             status = mkdir (dir[d], mode);
4330112             if (status != 0)
4330113               {
4330114                 perror (dir[d]);
4330115                 return (4);
4330116               }
4330117           }
4330118       }
4330119     //
4330120     // All done.
4330121     //
4330122     return (0);
4330123 }
4330124 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4330125 static int
4330126 mkdir_parents (const char *path, mode_t mode)
4330127 {
4330128     char        path_copy[PATH_MAX];
4330129     char       *path_parent;
4330130     struct stat fst;
4330131     int         status;
4330132     //
4330133     // Check if the path is empty.
4330134     //
4330135     if (path == NULL || strlen (path) == 0)
4330136       {
4330137         //
4330138         // Recursion ends here.
4330139         //
4330140         return (0);
4330141       }
4330142     //
4330143     // Check if it does already exists.
4330144     //
4330145     status = stat (path, &fst);
4330146     if (status == 0 && fst.st_mode & S_IFDIR)
4330147       {
4330148         //
4330149         // The path exists and is a directory.
4330150         //
4330151         return (0);
4330152       }
4330153     else if (status == 0 && !(fst.st_mode & S_IFDIR))
4330154       {
4330155         //
4330156         // The path exists but is not a directory.
4330157         //
4330158         errno = ENOTDIR;        // Not a directory.
4330159         return (-1);
4330160       }
4330161     //
4330162     // Get the directory path.
4330163     //
4330164     strncpy (path_copy, path, PATH_MAX);
4330165     path_parent = dirname (path_copy);
4330166     //
4330167     // If it is `.', or `/', the recursion is terminated.
4330168     //
4330169     if (strncmp (path_parent, ".", PATH_MAX) == 0  ||
4330170         strncmp (path_parent, "/", PATH_MAX) == 0)
4330171       {
4330172         return (0);
4330173       }
4330174     //
4330175     // Otherwise, continue the recursion.
4330176     //
4330177     status = mkdir_parents (path_parent, mode);
4330178     if (status != 0)
4330179       {
4330180         return (-1);
4330181       }
4330182     //
4330183     // Previous directories are there: create the current one.
4330184     //
4330185     status = mkdir (path, mode);
4330186     if (status)
4330187       {
4330188         perror (path);
4330189         return (-1);
4330190       }
4330192     return (0);
4330193 }
4330194 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4330195 static void
4330196 usage (void)
4330197 {
4330198     fprintf (stderr, "Usage: mkdir [-p] [-m OCTAL_MODE] DIR...\n");
4330199 }


Si veda la sezione u0.16.

4340001 #include <unistd.h>
4340002 #include <errno.h>
4340003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4340004 #define MAX_LINES   20
4340005 #define MAX_COLUMNS 80
4340006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4340007 static void usage (void);
4340008 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4340009 int
4340010 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
4340011 {
4340012     FILE   *fp;
4340013     char   *name;
4340014     int     c;
4340015     int     line   = 1; // Line internal counter.
4340016     int     column = 1; // Column internal counter.
4340017     int     a;          // Index inside arguments.
4340018     int     loop;
4340019     //
4340020     // There must be at least an argument, plus the program name.
4340021     //
4340022     if (argc < 2)
4340023       {
4340024         usage ();
4340025         return (1);
4340026       }
4340027     //
4340028     // No options are allowed.
4340029     //
4340030     for (a = 1; a < argc ; a++)
4340031       {
4340032         //
4340033         // Get next name from arguments.
4340034         //
4340035         name = argv[a];
4340036         //
4340037         // Try to open the file, read only.
4340038         //
4340039         fp = fopen (name, "r");
4340040         //
4340041         if (fp == NULL)
4340042           {
4340043             //
4340044             // Error opening file.
4340045             //
4340046             perror (name);
4340047             return (1);
4340048           }
4340049         //
4340050         // Print the file name to be displayed.
4340051         //
4340052         printf ("== %s ==\n", name);
4340053         line++;
4340054         //
4340055         // The following loop continues while the file
4340056         // gives characters, or when a command to change
4340057         // file or to quit is given.
4340058         //
4340059         for (loop = 1; loop; )
4340060           {
4340061             //
4340062             // Read a single character.
4340063             //
4340064             c = getc (fp);
4340065             //
4340066             if (c == EOF)
4340067               {
4340068                 loop = 0;
4340069                 break;
4340070               }
4340071             //
4340072             // If the character read is a special one,
4340073             // the line/column calculation is modified,
4340074             // so that it is known when to stop scrolling.
4340075             //
4340076             switch (c)
4340077               {
4340078                 case '\r':
4340079                     //
4340080                     // Displaying this character, the cursor should go
4340081                     // back to the first column. So the column counter
4340082                     // is reset.
4340083                     //
4340084                     column = 1;
4340085                     break;
4340086                 case '\n':
4340087                     //
4340088                     // Displaying this character, the cursor should go
4340089                     // back to the next line, at the first column.
4340090                     // So the column counter is reset and the line
4340091                     // counter is incremented.
4340092                     //
4340093                     line++;
4340094                     column = 1;
4340095                     break;
4340096                 case '\b':
4340097                     //
4340098                     // Displaying this character, the cursor should go
4340099                     // back one position, unless it is already at the
4340100                     // beginning.
4340101                     //
4340102                     if (column > 1)
4340103                       {
4340104                         column--;
4340105                       }
4340106                     break;
4340107                 default:
4340108                     //
4340109                     // Any other character must increase the column
4340110                     // counter.
4340111                     //
4340112                     column++;
4340113               }
4340114             //
4340115             // Display the character, even if it is a special one:
4340116             // it is responsibility of the screen device management
4340117             // to do something good with special characters.
4340118             //
4340119             putchar (c);
4340120             //
4340121             // If the column counter is gone beyond the screen columns,
4340122             // then adjust the column counter and increment the line
4340123             // counter.
4340124             //
4340125             if (column > MAX_COLUMNS)
4340126               {
4340127                 column -= MAX_COLUMNS;
4340128                 line++;
4340129               }
4340130             //
4340131             // Check if there is space for scrolling.
4340132             //
4340133             if (line < MAX_LINES)
4340134               {
4340135                 continue;
4340136               }
4340137             //
4340138             // Here, displayed lines are MAX_LINES.
4340139             //
4340140             if (column > 1)
4340141               {
4340142                 //
4340143                 // Something was printed at the current line: must
4340144                 // do a new line.
4340145                 //
4340146                 putchar ('\n');
4340147               }
4340148             //
4340149             // Show the more prompt.
4340150             //
4340151             printf ("--More--");
4340152             fflush (stdout);
4340153             //
4340154             // Read a character from standard input.
4340155             //
4340156             c = getchar ();
4340157             //
4340158             // Consider commands `n' and `q', but any other character
4340159             // can be introduced, to let show the next page.
4340160             //
4340161             switch (c)
4340162               {
4340163                 case 'N':
4340164                 case 'n':
4340165                     //
4340166                     // Go to the next file, if any.
4340167                     //
4340168                     fclose (fp);
4340169                     fp = NULL;
4340170                     loop = 0;
4340171                     break;
4340172                 case 'Q':
4340173                 case 'q':
4340174                     //
4340175                     // Quit. But must erase the `--More--' prompt.
4340176                     //
4340177                     printf ("\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b");
4340178                     printf ("\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b");
4340179                     fclose (fp);
4340180                     return (0);
4340181               }
4340182             //
4340183             // Backspace to overwrite `--More--' and the character
4340184             // pressed.
4340185             //
4340186             printf ("\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b");
4340187             //
4340188             // Reset line/column counters.
4340189             //
4340190             column = 1;
4340191             line = 1;
4340192           }
4340193         //
4340194         // Close the file pointer if it is still open.
4340195         //
4340196         if (fp != NULL)
4340197           {
4340198             fclose (fp);
4340199           }
4340200       }
4340201     //
4340202     return (0);
4340203 }
4340204 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4340205 static void
4340206 usage (void)
4340207 {
4340208     fprintf (stderr, "Usage: more FILE...\n");
4340209 }


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

4350001 #include <unistd.h>
4350002 #include <stdlib.h>
4350003 #include <sys/stat.h>
4350004 #include <sys/types.h>
4350005 #include <fcntl.h>
4350006 #include <errno.h>
4350007 #include <signal.h>
4350008 #include <stdio.h>
4350009 #include <sys/wait.h>
4350010 #include <stdio.h>
4350011 #include <string.h>
4350012 #include <limits.h>
4350013 #include <sys/os16.h>
4350014 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4350015 static void usage (void);
4350016 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4350017 int
4350018 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
4350019 {
4350020     int     options;
4350021     int     status;
4350022     //
4350023     //
4350024     //
4350025     if (argc < 3 || argc > 4)
4350026       {
4350027         usage ();
4350028         return (1);
4350029       }
4350030     //
4350031     // Set options.
4350032     //
4350033     if (argc == 4)
4350034       {
4350035         if      (strcmp (argv[3], "rw") == 0)
4350036           {
4350037             options = MOUNT_DEFAULT;
4350038           }
4350039         else if (strcmp (argv[3], "ro") == 0)
4350040           {
4350041             options = MOUNT_RO;
4350042           }
4350043         else
4350044           {
4350045             printf ("Invalid mount option: only \"ro\" or \"rw\" "
4350046                     "are allowed\n");
4350047             return (2);
4350048           }
4350049       }
4350050     else
4350051       {
4350052         options = MOUNT_DEFAULT;
4350053       }
4350054     //
4350055     // System call.
4350056     //
4350057     status = mount (argv[1], argv[2], options);
4350058     if (status != 0)
4350059       {
4350060         perror (NULL);
4350061         return (2);
4350062       }
4350063     //
4350064     return (0);
4350065 }
4350066 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4350067 static void
4350068 usage (void)
4350069 {
4350070     fprintf (stderr, "Usage: mount DEVICE MOUNT_POINT "
4350071                      "[MOUNT_OPTIONS]\n");
4350072 }


Si veda la sezione u0.17.

4360001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
4360002 #include <unistd.h>
4360003 #include <stdio.h>
4360004 #include <fcntl.h>
4360005 #include <unistd.h>
4360006 #include <stdlib.h>
4360007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4360008 void
4360009 print_proc_head (void)
4360010 {
4360011     printf (
4360012 "pp  p pg                                                            \n"
4360013 "id id rp  tty  uid euid suid usage s iaddr isiz daddr dsiz sp   name\n"
4360014            );
4360015 }
4360016 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4360017 void
4360018 print_proc_pid (proc_t *ps, pid_t pid)
4360019 {
4360020     char  stat;
4360021     switch (ps->status)
4360022       {
4360023         case PROC_EMPTY   : stat = '-'; break;
4360024         case PROC_CREATED : stat = 'c'; break;
4360025         case PROC_READY   : stat = 'r'; break;
4360026         case PROC_RUNNING : stat = 'R'; break;
4360027         case PROC_SLEEPING: stat = 's'; break;
4360028         case PROC_ZOMBIE  : stat = 'z'; break;
4360029         default           : stat = '?'; break;
4360030       }
4360032     printf ("%2i %2i %2i %04x %4i %4i %4i %02i.%02i %c %05lx %04x ",
4360033               (unsigned int) ps->ppid,
4360034               (unsigned int) pid,
4360035               (unsigned int) ps->pgrp,
4360036               (unsigned int) ps->device_tty,
4360037               (unsigned int) ps->uid,
4360038               (unsigned int) ps->euid,
4360039               (unsigned int) ps->suid,
4360040               (unsigned int) ((ps->usage / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) / 60),
4360041               (unsigned int) ((ps->usage / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) % 60),
4360042               stat,
4360043               (unsigned long int) ps->address_i,
4360044               (unsigned int) ps->size_i);
4360046     printf ("%05lx %04x %04x %s",
4360047               (unsigned long int) ps->address_d,
4360048               (unsigned int) ps->size_d,
4360049               (unsigned int) ps->sp,
4360050                              ps->name);
4360052     printf ("\n");
4360053 }
4360054 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4360055 int
4360056 main (void)
4360057 {
4360058     pid_t   pid;
4360059     proc_t *ps;
4360060     int     fd;
4360061     ssize_t size_read;
4360062     char    buffer[sizeof (proc_t)];
4360064     fd = open ("/dev/kmem_ps", O_RDONLY);
4360065     if (fd < 0)
4360066       {
4360067         perror ("ps: cannot open \"/dev/kmem_ps\"");
4360068         exit (0);
4360069       }
4360071     print_proc_head ();
4360072     for (pid = 0; pid < PROCESS_MAX; pid++)
4360073       {
4360074         lseek (fd, (off_t) pid, SEEK_SET);
4360075         size_read = read (fd, buffer, sizeof (proc_t));
4360076         if (size_read < sizeof (proc_t))
4360077           {
4360078             printf ("ps: cannot read \"/dev/kmem_ps\" pid %i", pid);
4360079             perror (NULL);
4360080             continue;
4360081           }
4360082         ps = (proc_t *) buffer;
4360083         if (ps->status > 0)
4360084           {
4360085             ps->name[PATH_MAX-1] = 0; // Terminated string.
4360086             print_proc_pid (ps, pid);
4360087           }
4360088       }
4360090     close (fd);
4360091     return (0);
4360092 }


Si veda la sezione u0.18.

4370001 #include <fcntl.h>
4370002 #include <sys/stat.h>
4370003 #include <stddef.h>
4370004 #include <unistd.h>
4370005 #include <errno.h>
4370006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4370007 static void usage (void);
4370008 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4370009 int
4370010 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
4370011 {
4370012     int         a;              // Argument index.
4370013     int         status;
4370014     struct stat file_status;
4370015     //
4370016     // No options are known, but at least an argument must be given.
4370017     //
4370018     if (argc < 2)
4370019       {
4370020         usage ();
4370021         return (1);
4370022       }
4370023     //
4370024     // Scan arguments.
4370025     //
4370026     for(a = 1; a < argc; a++)
4370027       {
4370028         //
4370029         // Verify if the file exists.
4370030         //
4370031         if (stat(argv[a], &file_status) != 0)
4370032           {
4370033             fprintf (stderr, "File \"%s\" does not exist!\n",
4370034                      argv[a]);
4370035             continue;
4370036           }
4370037         //
4370038         // File exists: check the file type.
4370039         //
4370040         if (S_ISDIR (file_status.st_mode))
4370041           {
4370042             fprintf (stderr, "Cannot remove directory \"%s\"!\n",
4370043                      argv[a]);
4370044             continue;
4370045           }
4370046         //
4370047         // Can remove it.
4370048         //
4370049         status = unlink (argv[a]);
4370050         if (status != 0)
4370051           {
4370052             perror (NULL);
4370053             return (2);
4370054           }
4370055       }
4370056     return (0);
4370057 }
4370058 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4370059 static void
4370060 usage (void)
4370061 {
4370062     fprintf (stderr, "Usage: rm FILE...\n");
4370063 }


Si veda la sezione u0.19.

4380001 #include <unistd.h>
4380002 #include <stdlib.h>
4380003 #include <sys/stat.h>
4380004 #include <sys/types.h>
4380005 #include <fcntl.h>
4380006 #include <errno.h>
4380007 #include <unistd.h>
4380008 #include <signal.h>
4380009 #include <stdio.h>
4380010 #include <sys/wait.h>
4380011 #include <stdio.h>
4380012 #include <string.h>
4380013 #include <limits.h>
4380014 #include <sys/os16.h>
4380015 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4380016 #define PROMPT_SIZE     16
4380017 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4380018 static void sh_cd       (int argc, char *argv[]);
4380019 static void sh_pwd      (int argc, char *argv[]);
4380020 static void sh_umask    (int argc, char *argv[]);
4380021 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4380022 int
4380023 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
4380024 {
4380025   char    buffer_cmd[ARG_MAX/2];
4380026   char   *argv_cmd[ARG_MAX/16];
4380027   char    prompt[PROMPT_SIZE];
4380028   uid_t   uid;
4380029   int     argc_cmd;
4380030   pid_t   pid_cmd;
4380031   pid_t   pid_dead;
4380032   int     status;
4380033   //
4380034   //
4380035   //
4380036   uid = geteuid ();
4380037   //
4380038   // Load processes, reading the keyboard.
4380039   //
4380040   while (1)
4380041     {
4380042       if (uid == 0)
4380043         {
4380044           strncpy (prompt, "# ", PROMPT_SIZE);
4380045         }
4380046       else
4380047         {
4380048           strncpy (prompt, "$ ", PROMPT_SIZE);
4380049         }
4380050       //
4380051       input_line (buffer_cmd, prompt, (ARG_MAX/2), INPUT_LINE_ECHO);
4380052       //
4380053       // Clear `argv_cmd[]';
4380054       //
4380055       for (argc_cmd = 0; argc_cmd < (ARG_MAX/16); argc_cmd++)
4380056         {
4380057           argv_cmd[argc_cmd] = NULL;
4380058         }
4380059       //
4380060       // Initialize the command scan.
4380061       //
4380062       argv_cmd[0] = strtok (buffer_cmd, " \t");
4380063       //
4380064       // Verify: if the input is not valid, loop again.
4380065       //
4380066       if (argv_cmd[0] == NULL)
4380067         {
4380068           continue;
4380069         }
4380070       //
4380071       // Find the arguments.
4380072       //
4380073       for (argc_cmd = 1;
4380074            argc_cmd < ((ARG_MAX/16)-1) && argv_cmd[argc_cmd-1] != NULL;
4380075            argc_cmd++)
4380076         {
4380077           argv_cmd[argc_cmd] = strtok (NULL, " \t");
4380078         }
4380079       //
4380080       // If there are too many arguments, show a message and continue.
4380081       //
4380082       if (argv_cmd[argc_cmd-1] != NULL)
4380083         {
4380084           errset (E2BIG);             // Argument list too long.
4380085           perror (NULL);
4380086           continue;
4380087         }
4380088       //
4380089       // Correct the value for `argc_cmd', because actually
4380090       // it counts also the NULL element.
4380091       //
4380092       argc_cmd--;
4380093       //
4380094       // Verify if it is an internal command.
4380095       //
4380096       if      (strcmp (argv_cmd[0], "exit") == 0)
4380097         {
4380098           return (0);
4380099         }
4380100       else if (strcmp (argv_cmd[0], "cd") == 0)
4380101         {
4380102           sh_cd (argc_cmd, argv_cmd);
4380103           continue;
4380104         }
4380105       else if (strcmp (argv_cmd[0], "pwd") == 0)
4380106         {
4380107           sh_pwd (argc_cmd, argv_cmd);
4380108           continue;
4380109         }
4380110       else if (strcmp (argv_cmd[0], "umask") == 0)
4380111         {
4380112           sh_umask (argc_cmd, argv_cmd);
4380113           continue;
4380114         }
4380115       //
4380116       // It should be a program to run.
4380117       //
4380118       pid_cmd = fork ();
4380119       if (pid_cmd == -1)
4380120         {
4380121           printf ("%s: cannot run command", argv[0]);
4380122           perror (NULL);
4380123         }
4380124       else if (pid_cmd == 0)
4380125         {
4380126           execvp (argv_cmd[0], argv_cmd);
4380127           perror (NULL);
4380128           exit (0);
4380129         }
4380130       while (1)
4380131         {
4380132           pid_dead = wait (&status);
4380133           if (pid_dead == pid_cmd)
4380134             {
4380135               break;
4380136             }
4380137         }
4380138       printf ("pid %i terminated with status %i.\n",
4380139               (int) pid_dead, status);
4380140     }
4380141 }
4380142 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4380143 static void
4380144 sh_cd (int argc, char *argv[])
4380145 {
4380146   int status;
4380147   //
4380148   if (argc != 2)
4380149     {
4380150       errset (EINVAL);                // Invalid argument.
4380151       perror (NULL);
4380152       return;
4380153     }
4380154   //
4380155   status = chdir (argv[1]);
4380156   if (status != 0)
4380157     {
4380158       perror (NULL);
4380159     }
4380160   return;
4380161 }
4380162 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4380163 static void
4380164 sh_pwd (int argc, char *argv[])
4380165 {
4380166   char  path[PATH_MAX];
4380167   void *pstatus;
4380168   //
4380169   if (argc != 1)
4380170     {
4380171       errset (EINVAL);                // Invalid argument.
4380172       perror (NULL);
4380173       return;
4380174     }
4380175   //
4380176   // Get the current directory.
4380177   //
4380178   pstatus = getcwd (path, (size_t) PATH_MAX);
4380179   if (pstatus == NULL)
4380180     {
4380181       perror (NULL);
4380182     }
4380183   else
4380184     {
4380185       printf ("%s\n", path);
4380186     }
4380187   return;
4380188 }
4380189 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4380190 static void
4380191 sh_umask (int argc, char *argv[])
4380192 {
4380193   sysmsg_uarea_t msg;
4380194   char          *m;           // Index inside the umask octal string.
4380195   int            mask;
4380196   int            digit;
4380197   //
4380198   if (argc > 2)
4380199     {
4380200       errset (EINVAL);                // Invalid argument.
4380201       perror (NULL);
4380202       return;
4380203     }
4380204   //
4380205   // If no argument is available, the umask is shown, with a direct
4380206   // system call.
4380207   //
4380208   if (argc == 1)
4380209     {
4380210       sys (SYS_UAREA, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4380211       printf ("%04o\n", msg.umask);
4380212       return;
4380213     }
4380214   //
4380215   // Get the mask: must be the first argument.
4380216   //
4380217   for (mask = 0, m = argv[1]; *m != 0; m++)
4380218     {
4380219       digit = (*m - '0');
4380220       if (digit < 0 || digit > 7)
4380221         {
4380222           errset (EINVAL);            // Invalid argument.
4380223           perror (NULL);
4380224           return;
4380225         }
4380226       mask = mask * 8 + digit;
4380227     }
4380228   //
4380229   // Set the umask and return.
4380230   //
4380231   umask (mask);
4380232   return;
4380233 }


Si veda la sezione u0.20.

4390001 #include <fcntl.h>
4390002 #include <sys/stat.h>
4390003 #include <utime.h>
4390004 #include <stddef.h>
4390005 #include <unistd.h>
4390006 #include <errno.h>
4390007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4390008 static void usage (void);
4390009 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4390010 int
4390011 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
4390012 {
4390013     int         a;              // Argument index.
4390014     int         status;
4390015     struct stat file_status;
4390016     //
4390017     // No options are known, but at least an argument must be given.
4390018     //
4390019     if (argc < 2)
4390020       {
4390021         usage ();
4390022         return (1);
4390023       }
4390024     //
4390025     // Scan arguments.
4390026     //
4390027     for(a = 1; a < argc; a++)
4390028       {
4390029         //
4390030         // Verify if the file exists, through the return value of
4390031         // `stat()'. No other checks are made.
4390032         //
4390033         if (stat(argv[a], &file_status) == 0)
4390034          {
4390035             //
4390036             // File exists: should be updated the times.
4390037             //
4390038             status = utime (argv[a], NULL);
4390039             if (status != 0)
4390040               {
4390041                 perror (NULL);
4390042                 return (2);
4390043               }
4390044           }
4390045         else
4390046           {
4390047             //
4390048             // File does not exist: should be created.
4390049             //
4390050             status = open (argv[a], O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666);
4390051             //
4390052             if (status >= 0)
4390053               {
4390054                 //
4390055                 // Here, the variable `status' is the file
4390056                 // descriptor to be closed.
4390057                 //
4390058                 status = close (status);
4390059                 if (status != 0)
4390060                   {
4390061                     perror (NULL);
4390062                     return (3);
4390063                   }
4390064               }
4390065             else
4390066               {
4390067                 perror (NULL);
4390068                 return (4);
4390069               }
4390070           }
4390071       }
4390072     return (0);
4390073 }
4390074 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4390075 static void
4390076 usage (void)
4390077 {
4390078     fprintf (stderr, "Usage: touch FILE...\n");
4390079 }


Si veda la sezione u0.21.

4400001 #include <fcntl.h>
4400002 #include <sys/stat.h>
4400003 #include <utime.h>
4400004 #include <stddef.h>
4400005 #include <unistd.h>
4400006 #include <errno.h>
4400007 #include <sys/os16.h>
4400008 #include <sys/types.h>
4400009 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4400010 static void     usage (void);
4400011 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4400012 int
4400013 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
4400014 {
4400015   int             dev_minor;
4400016   struct stat     file_status;
4400017   //
4400018   // No options and no arguments.
4400019   //
4400020   if (argc > 1)
4400021     {
4400022       usage ();
4400023       return (1);
4400024     }
4400025   //
4400026   // Verify the standard input.
4400027   //
4400028   if (fstat (STDIN_FILENO, &file_status) == 0)
4400029     {
4400030       if (major (file_status.st_rdev) == DEV_CONSOLE_MAJOR)
4400031         {
4400032           dev_minor = minor (file_status.st_rdev);
4400033           //
4400034           // If minor is equal to 0xFF, it is `/dev/console'
4400035           // that is not a controlling terminal, but just
4400036           // a reference for the current virtual console.
4400037           //
4400038           if (dev_minor < 0xFF)
4400039             {
4400040               printf ("/dev/console%i\n", dev_minor);
4400041             }
4400042         }
4400043     }
4400044   else
4400045     {
4400046       perror ("Cannot get standard input file status");
4400047       return (2);
4400048     }
4400049   //
4400050   return (0);
4400051 }
4400053 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4400054 static void
4400055 usage (void)
4400056 {
4400057   fprintf (stderr, "Usage: tty\n");
4400058 }


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

4410001 #include <unistd.h>
4410002 #include <stdlib.h>
4410003 #include <sys/stat.h>
4410004 #include <sys/types.h>
4410005 #include <fcntl.h>
4410006 #include <errno.h>
4410007 #include <signal.h>
4410008 #include <stdio.h>
4410009 #include <sys/wait.h>
4410010 #include <stdio.h>
4410011 #include <string.h>
4410012 #include <limits.h>
4410013 #include <sys/os16.h>
4410014 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4410015 static void usage (void);
4410016 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4410017 int
4410018 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
4410019 {
4410020     int     status;
4410021     //
4410022     // One argument is mandatory.
4410023     //
4410024     if (argc != 2)
4410025       {
4410026         usage ();
4410027         return (1);
4410028       }
4410029     //
4410030     // System call.
4410031     //
4410032     status = umount (argv[1]);
4410033     if (status != 0)
4410034       {
4410035         perror (argv[1]);
4410036         return (2);
4410037       }
4410038     //
4410039     return (0);
4410040 }
4410041 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4410042 static void
4410043 usage (void)
4410044 {
4410045     fprintf (stderr, "Usage: umount MOUNT_POINT\n");
4410046 }

«a2» 2013.11.11 --- Copyright © Daniele Giacomini --