Script e sorgenti del kernel

address.c i188.8.1 bochs i188.1.1 build.h i188.7.1 con_char_read.c i188.5.18 con_char_ready.c i188.5.19 con_char_wait.c i188.5.20 con_init.c i188.5.21 con_putc.c i188.5.22 con_scroll.c i188.5.23 con_select.c i188.5.24 crt0.s i188.7.2 devices.h u0.2 dev_dsk.c i188.2.1 dev_io.c i188.2.2 dev_kmem.c i188.2.3 dev_mem.c i188.2.4 dev_tty.c i188.2.5 diag.h u0.3 dsk_read_bytes.c i188.5.25 dsk_read_sectors.c i188.5.26 dsk_reset.c i188.5.27 dsk_sector_to_chs.c i188.5.28 dsk_setup.c i188.5.29 dsk_table.c i188.5.30 dsk_write_bytes.c i188.5.31 dsk_write_sectors.c i188.5.32 fd_chmod.c i188.4.1 fd_chown.c i188.4.2 fd_close.c i188.4.3 fd_dup.c i188.4.4 fd_dup2.c i188.4.5 fd_fcntl.c i188.4.6 fd_lseek.c i188.4.7 fd_open.c i188.4.8 fd_read.c i188.4.9 fd_reference.c i188.4.10 fd_stat.c i188.4.11 fd_write.c i188.4.12 file_reference.c i188.4.13 file_stdio_dev_make.c i188.4.14 file_table.c i188.4.15 fs.h u0.4 ibm_i86.h u0.5 inode_alloc.c i188.4.16 inode_check.c i188.4.17 inode_dir_empty.c i188.4.18 inode_file_read.c i188.4.19 inode_file_write.c i188.4.20 inode_free.c i188.4.21 inode_fzones_read.c i188.4.22 inode_fzones_write.c i188.4.23 inode_get.c i188.4.24 inode_put.c i188.4.25 inode_reference.c i188.4.26 inode_save.c i188.4.27 inode_stdio_dev_make.c i188.4.28 inode_table.c i188.4.29 inode_truncate.c i188.4.30 inode_zone.c i188.4.31 irq_off.c i188.5.33 irq_on.c i188.5.34 k_clock.c i188.6.1 k_close.c i188.6.2 k_exit.s i188.6.3 k_kill.c i188.6.4 k_libc.h u0.6 k_open.c i188.6.5 k_perror.c i188.6.6 k_printf.c i188.6.7 k_puts.c i188.6.8 k_read.c i188.6.9 k_stime.c i188.6.10 k_time.c i188.6.11 k_vprintf.c i188.6.12 k_vsprintf.c i188.6.13 main.c i188.7.3 main.h u0.7 makeit i188.1.3 mb_alloc.c i188.8.2 mb_alloc_size.c i188.8.3 mb_free.c i188.8.4 mb_reference.c i188.8.5 mb_table.c i188.8.6 memory.h u0.8 mem_copy.c i188.8.7 mem_read.c i188.8.8 mem_write.c i188.8.9 menu.c i188.7.4 path_chdir.c i188.4.32 path_chmod.c i188.4.33 path_chown.c i188.4.34 path_device.c i188.4.35 path_fix.c i188.4.36 path_full.c i188.4.37 path_inode.c i188.4.38 path_inode_link.c i188.4.39 path_link.c i188.4.40 path_mkdir.c i188.4.41 path_mknod.c i188.4.42 path_mount.c i188.4.43 path_stat.c i188.4.44 path_umount.c i188.4.45 path_unlink.c i188.4.46 print_fd.c i188.3.1 print_fd_head.c i188.3.2 print_fd_list.c i188.3.3 print_file_head.c i188.3.4 print_file_list.c i188.3.5 print_file_num.c i188.3.6 print_hex_16.c i188.3.7 print_hex_16_reverse.c i188.3.8 print_hex_32.c i188.3.9 print_hex_32_reverse.c i188.3.10 print_hex_8.c i188.3.11 print_hex_8_reverse.c i188.3.12 print_inode.c i188.3.13 print_inode_head.c i188.3.14 print_inode_list.c i188.3.15 print_inode_map.c i188.3.16 print_inode_zones.c i188.3.18 print_inode_zones_head.c i188.3.19 print_inode_zone_list.c i188.3.17 print_kmem.c i188.3.20 print_mb_map.c i188.3.21 print_memory_map.c i188.3.22 print_proc_head.c i188.3.23 print_proc_list.c i188.3.24 print_proc_pid.c i188.3.25 print_segments.c i188.3.26 print_superblock.c i188.3.27 print_time.c i188.3.28 print_zone_map.c i188.3.29 proc.h u0.9 proc_available.c i188.9.3 proc_dump_memory.c i188.9.4 proc_find.c i188.9.5 proc_init.c i188.9.6 proc_reference.c i188.9.7 proc_scheduler.c i188.9.11 proc_sch_signals.c i188.9.8 proc_sch_terminals.c i188.9.9 proc_sch_timers.c i188.9.10 proc_sig_chld.c i188.9.12 proc_sig_cont.c i188.9.13 proc_sig_core.c i188.9.14 proc_sig_ignore.c i188.9.15 proc_sig_off.c i188.9.16 proc_sig_on.c i188.9.17 proc_sig_status.c i188.9.18 proc_sig_stop.c i188.9.19 proc_sig_term.c i188.9.20 proc_sys_exec.c i188.9.21 proc_sys_exit.c i188.9.22 proc_sys_fork.c i188.9.23 proc_sys_kill.c i188.9.24 proc_sys_seteuid.c i188.9.25 proc_sys_setuid.c i188.9.26 proc_sys_signal.c i188.9.27 proc_sys_wait.c i188.9.28 proc_table.c i188.9.29 qemu i188.1.2 reverse_16_bit.c i188.3.30 reverse_32_bit.c i188.3.31 reverse_8_bit.c i188.3.32 run.c i188.7.5 sb_inode_status.c i188.4.47 sb_mount.c i188.4.48 sb_reference.c i188.4.49 sb_save.c i188.4.50 sb_table.c i188.4.51 sb_zone_status.c i188.4.52 sysroutine.c i188.9.30 tty.h u0.10 tty_console.c i188.10.1 tty_init.c i188.10.2 tty_read.c i188.10.3 tty_reference.c i188.10.4 tty_table.c i188.10.5 tty_write.c i188.10.6 zone_alloc.c i188.4.53 zone_free.c i188.4.54 zone_read.c i188.4.55 zone_write.c i188.4.56 _cli.s i188.5.1 _int10_00.s i188.5.4 _int10_02.s i188.5.5 _int10_05.s i188.5.6 _int12.s i188.5.7 _int13_00.s i188.5.8 _int13_02.s i188.5.9 _int13_03.s i188.5.10 _int16_00.s i188.5.11 _int16_01.s i188.5.12 _int16_02.s i188.5.13 _in_16.s i188.5.2 _in_8.s i188.5.3 _isr.s i188.9.1 _ivt_load.s i188.9.2 _out_16.s i188.5.14 _out_8.s i188.5.15 _ram_copy.s i188.5.16 _sti.s i188.5.17

os16: directory principale


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

  10001 #!/bin/sh
  10003 bochs -q "boot:floppy" \
  10004          "floppya: 1_44=floppy.a, status=inserted" \
  10005          "floppyb: 1_44=floppy.b, status=inserted" \
  10006          "keyboard_mapping: enabled=1, \
  10007           map=/usr/share/bochs/keymaps/" \
  10008          "keyboard_type: xt" \
  10009          "vga: none" \
  10010          "romimage: file=\"/usr/share/bochs/BIOS-bochs-legacy\"" \
  10011          "megs:1"


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

  20001 #!/bin/sh
  20003 qemu -fda floppy.a \
  20004      -fdb floppy.b \
  20005      -boot order=a


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

  30001 #!/bin/sh
  30002 #
  30003 # makeit...
  30004 #
  30005 OPTION="$1"
  30006 OS16PATH=""
  30007 #
  30008 edition () {
  30009     local EDITION="kernel/main/build.h"
  30010     echo -n                              > $EDITION
  30011     echo -n "#define BUILD_DATE \""     >> $EDITION
  30012     echo -n `date "+%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S"` >> $EDITION
  30013     echo  "\""                          >> $EDITION
  30014 }
  30015 #
  30016 #
  30017 #
  30018 makefile () {
  30019     #
  30020     local MAKEFILE="Makefile"
  30021     local TAB=" "
  30022     #
  30023     local SOURCE_C=""
  30024     local C=""
  30025     local SOURCE_S=""
  30026     local S=""
  30027     #
  30028     local c
  30029     local s
  30030     #
  30031     # Trova i file in C.
  30032     #
  30033     for c in *.c
  30034     do
  30035         if [ -f $c ]
  30036         then
  30037         C=`basename $c .c`
  30038             SOURCE_C="$SOURCE_C $C"
  30039         fi
  30040     done
  30041     #
  30042     # Trova i file in ASM.
  30043     #
  30044     for s in *.s
  30045     do
  30046         if [ -f $s ]
  30047         then
  30048         S=`basename $s .s`
  30049             SOURCE_S="$SOURCE_S $S"
  30050         fi
  30051     done
  30052     #
  30053     # Prepara il file make.
  30054     # GCC viene usato per potenziare il controllo degli errori.
  30055     #
  30056     echo -n                                                  > $MAKEFILE
  30057     echo "# This file was made automatically"               >> $MAKEFILE
  30058     echo "# by the script \`makeit\', based on the"         >> $MAKEFILE
  30059     echo "# directory content."                             >> $MAKEFILE
  30060     echo "# Please use \`makeit\' to compile and"           >> $MAKEFILE
  30061     echo "# \`makeit clean\' to clean directories."         >> $MAKEFILE
  30062     echo "#"                                                >> $MAKEFILE
  30063     echo "c = $SOURCE_C"                                    >> $MAKEFILE
  30064     echo "#"                                                >> $MAKEFILE
  30065     echo "s = $SOURCE_S"                                    >> $MAKEFILE
  30066     echo "#"                                                >> $MAKEFILE
  30067     echo "all: \$(s) \$(c)"                                 >> $MAKEFILE
  30068     echo "#"                                                >> $MAKEFILE
  30069     echo "clean:"                                           >> $MAKEFILE
  30070     echo "${TAB}@rm \$(c) \$(s) *.o *.assembler 2> /dev/null ; true" \
  30071                                                             >> $MAKEFILE
  30072     echo "${TAB}@rm *.symbols 2> /dev/null     ; true"      >> $MAKEFILE
  30073     echo "${TAB}@pwd"                                       >> $MAKEFILE
  30074     echo "#"                                                >> $MAKEFILE
  30075     echo "\$(c):"                                           >> $MAKEFILE
  30076     echo "${TAB}@echo \$@.c"                                >> $MAKEFILE
  30077     echo "${TAB}@gcc -Wall -c -o \$@.o " \
  30078                        "-I " \
  30079                        "-I. " \
  30080                        "-I$OS16PATH/lib " \
  30081                        "-I$OS16PATH/ " \
  30082                        "\$@.c"                              >> $MAKEFILE
  30083     echo "${TAB}@rm \$@.o"                                  >> $MAKEFILE
  30084     echo "${TAB}@bcc -ansi -0 -Mc -S -o \$@.assembler " \
  30085                        "-I " \
  30086                        "-I. " \
  30087                        "-I$OS16PATH/lib " \
  30088                        "-I$OS16PATH/ " \
  30089                        "\$@.c"                              >> $MAKEFILE
  30090     echo "${TAB}@bcc -ansi -0 -Mc -c -o \$@.o " \
  30091                        "-I " \
  30092                        "-I. " \
  30093                        "-I$OS16PATH/lib " \
  30094                        "-I$OS16PATH/ " \
  30095                        "\$@.c"                              >> $MAKEFILE
  30096     echo "#"                                                >> $MAKEFILE
  30097     echo "\$(s):"                                           >> $MAKEFILE
  30098     echo "${TAB}@echo \$@.s"                                >> $MAKEFILE
  30099     echo "${TAB}@as86 -u -0 -o \$@.o -s \$@.symbols \$@.s"  >> $MAKEFILE
  30100     #
  30101 }
  30102 #
  30103 #
  30104 #
  30105 main () {
  30106     #
  30107     local CURDIR=`pwd`
  30108     local OBJECTS
  30109     local OBJLIB
  30110     local EXEC
  30111     local BASENAME
  30112     local PROGNAME
  30113     local d
  30114     local c
  30115     local s
  30116     local o
  30117     #
  30118     edition
  30119     #
  30120     # Copia dello scheletro
  30121     #
  30122     if [ "$OPTION" = "clean" ]
  30123     then
  30124         #
  30125         # La copia non va fatta.
  30126         #
  30127         true
  30128     else
  30129         cp -dpRv skel/etc   /mnt/os16.a/
  30130         cp -dpRv skel/dev   /mnt/os16.a/
  30131         mkdir               /mnt/os16.a/mnt/
  30132         mkdir               /mnt/os16.a/tmp/
  30133         chmod 0777          /mnt/os16.a/tmp/
  30134         mkdir               /mnt/os16.a/usr/
  30135         cp -dpRv skel/root  /mnt/os16.a/
  30136         cp -dpRv skel/home  /mnt/os16.a/
  30137         cp -dpRv skel/usr/* /mnt/os16.b/
  30138     fi
  30139     #
  30140     #
  30141     #
  30142     for d in `find kernel`  \
  30143              `find lib`     \
  30144              `find applic`  \
  30145              `find ported`
  30146     do
  30147         if [ -d "$d" ]
  30148         then
  30149             #
  30150             # Sono presenti dei file C o ASM?
  30151             #
  30152             c=`echo $d/*.c | sed "s/ .*//"`
  30153             s=`echo $d/*.s | sed "s/ .*//"`
  30154             #
  30155             if [ -f "$c" ] || [ -f "$s" ]
  30156             then
  30157                 #
  30158                 # Sì
  30159                 #
  30160                 CURDIR=`pwd`
  30161                 cd $d
  30162                 #
  30163                 # Ricrea il file make
  30164                 #
  30165                 makefile
  30166                 #
  30167                 # Pulisce quindi la directory
  30168                 #
  30169                 make clean
  30170                 #
  30171                 #
  30172                 #
  30173                 if [ "$OPTION" = "clean" ]
  30174                 then
  30175                     #
  30176                     # È stata richiesta la pulitura, ma questa
  30177                     # è appena stata fatta!
  30178                     #
  30179                     true
  30180                 else
  30181                     #
  30182                     # Qualunque altro argomento viene considerato
  30183                     # un `make'.
  30184                     #
  30185                     if ! make
  30186                     then
  30187                         #
  30188                         # La compilazione è fallita.
  30189                         #
  30190                         cd "$CURDIR"
  30191                         exit
  30192                     fi
  30193                 fi
  30194                 cd "$CURDIR"
  30195             fi
  30196         fi
  30197     done
  30198     #
  30199     cd "$CURDIR"
  30200     #
  30201     # Link
  30202     #
  30203     if [ "$OPTION" = "clean" ]
  30204     then
  30205         #
  30206         # Il collegamento non va fatto.
  30207         #
  30208         true
  30209     else
  30210         #
  30211         # Collegamento dei file del kernel.
  30212         #
  30213         OBJECTS=""
  30214         #
  30215         for o in `find kernel   -name \*.o -print` \
  30216                  `find lib      -name \*.o -print`
  30217         do
  30218             if    [ "$o" = "./kernel/main/crt0.o" ] \
  30219                || [ "$o" = "./kernel/main/main.o" ] \
  30220                || [ ! -e "$o" ]
  30221             then
  30222                 true
  30223             else
  30224                 OBJECTS="$OBJECTS $o"
  30225             fi
  30226         done
  30227         #
  30228         echo "Link"
  30229         #
  30230         ld86 -i -d -s -m -o kimage    \
  30231                 kernel/main/crt0.o    \
  30232                 kernel/main/main.o    \
  30233                 $OBJECTS
  30234         #
  30235         # Copia il kernel nel dischetto.
  30236         #
  30237         if mount | grep /mnt/os16.a > /dev/null
  30238         then
  30239             cp -f kimage /mnt/os16.a/boot
  30240         else
  30241             echo "[$0] Cannot copy the kernel image "
  30242             echo "[$0]   inside the floppy disk image!"
  30243         fi
  30244         sync
  30245         #
  30246         # Collegamento delle applicazioni di os16.
  30247         #
  30248         OBJLIB=""
  30249         #
  30250         for o in `find lib      -name \*.o -print`
  30251         do
  30252             OBJLIB="$OBJLIB $o"
  30253         done
  30254         #
  30255         # Scansione delle applicazioni interne.
  30256         #
  30257         for o in `find applic     -name \*.o -print`
  30258         do
  30259             if    [ "$o" = "applic/crt0.o" ] \
  30260                || [ ! -e "$o" ] \
  30261                || echo "$o" | grep ".crt0.o$" > /dev/null
  30262             then
  30263                 #
  30264                 # Il file non esiste oppure si tratta di `...crt0.s'.
  30265                 #
  30266                 true
  30267             else
  30268                 #
  30269                 # File oggetto differente da `...crt0.s'.
  30270                 #
  30271                 EXEC=`echo "$o" | sed "s/\.o$//"`
  30272                 BASENAME=`basename $o .o`
  30273                 if [ -e "applic/$BASENAME.crt0.o" ]
  30274                 then
  30275                     #
  30276                     # Qui c'è un file `...crt0.o' specifico.
  30277                     #
  30278                     ld86 -i -d -s -o $EXEC \
  30279                          applic/$BASENAME.crt0.o $o $OBJLIB
  30280                 else
  30281                     #
  30282                     # Qui si usa il file `crt0.o' generale.
  30283                     #
  30284                     ld86 -i -d -s -o $EXEC applic/crt0.o $o $OBJLIB
  30285                 fi
  30286                 #
  30287                 if [ -x "applic/$BASENAME" ]
  30288                 then
  30289                     if mount | grep /mnt/os16.a > /dev/null
  30290                     then
  30291                         mkdir /mnt/os16.a/bin/ 2> /dev/null
  30292                         cp -f "$EXEC" /mnt/os16.a/bin
  30293                     else
  30294                         echo "[$0] Cannot copy the application "
  30295                         echo "[$0]   $BASENAME inside the floppy "
  30296                         echo "[$0]   disk image!"
  30297                         break
  30298                     fi
  30299                 fi
  30300             fi
  30301         done
  30302         sync
  30303         #
  30304         # Collegamento delle applicazioni più semplici,
  30305         # provenienti da altri sistemi operativi.
  30306         #
  30307         for o in `find ported/mix -name \*.o -print`
  30308         do
  30309             if    [ "$o" = "ported/mix/crt0.o" ] \
  30310                || [ ! -e "$o" ] \
  30311                || echo "$o" | grep ".crt0.o$" > /dev/null
  30312             then
  30313                 #
  30314                 # Il file non esiste oppure si tratta di `...crt0.s'.
  30315                 #
  30316                 true
  30317             else
  30318                 #
  30319                 # File oggetto differente da `...crt0.s'.
  30320                 #
  30321                 EXEC=`echo "$o" | sed "s/\.o$//"`
  30322                 BASENAME=`basename $o .o`
  30323                 if [ -e "ported/mix/$BASENAME.crt0.o" ]
  30324                 then
  30325                     #
  30326                     # Qui c'è un file `...crt0.o' specifico.
  30327                     #
  30328                     ld86 -i -d -s -o $EXEC \
  30329                          applic/$BASENAME.crt0.o $o $OBJLIB
  30330                 else
  30331                     #
  30332                     # Qui si usa il file `crt0.o' generale.
  30333                     #
  30334                     ld86 -i -d -s -o $EXEC applic/crt0.o $o $OBJLIB
  30335                 fi
  30336                 #
  30337                 if [ -x "$EXEC" ]
  30338                 then
  30339                     if mount | grep /mnt/os16.a > /dev/null
  30340                     then
  30341                         mkdir /mnt/os16.b/bin/ 2> /dev/null
  30342                         cp -f "$EXEC" /mnt/os16.b/bin
  30343                     else
  30344                         echo "[$0] Cannot copy the application "
  30345                         echo "[$0]   $EXEC inside the floppy "
  30346                         echo "[$0]   disk image!"
  30347                         break
  30348                     fi
  30349                 fi
  30350             fi
  30351         done
  30352         sync
  30353         #
  30354         # Altre applicazioni più importanti.
  30355         #
  30356         for d in ported/*
  30357         do
  30358             if [ -d "$d" ]
  30359             then
  30360                 #
  30361                 #
  30362                 #
  30363                 OBJECTS=""
  30364                 BASENAME=`basename $d`
  30365                 EXEC="$d/$BASENAME"
  30366                 #
  30367                 #
  30368                 #
  30369                 if [ "$BASENAME" = "mix" ]
  30370                 then
  30371                     #
  30372                     # già fatto.
  30373                     #
  30374                     continue
  30375                 fi
  30376                 #
  30377                 #
  30378                 #
  30379                 for o in $d/*.o
  30380                 do
  30381                     if    [ "$o" = "$d/crt0.o" ] \
  30382                        || [ ! -e "$o" ]
  30383                     then
  30384                         true
  30385                     else
  30386                         OBJECTS="$OBJECTS $o"
  30387                     fi
  30388                 done
  30389                 #
  30390                 ld86 -i -d -s -o $EXEC $d/crt0.o $OBJECTS $OBJLIB
  30391                 #
  30392                 if [ -x "$d/$BASENAME" ]
  30393                 then
  30394                     if mount | grep /mnt/os16.b > /dev/null
  30395                     then
  30396                         mkdir /mnt/os16.b/bin/ 2> /dev/null
  30397                         cp -f "$EXEC" /mnt/os16.b/bin
  30398                     else
  30399                         echo "[$0] Cannot copy the application "
  30400                         echo "[$0]   $BASENAME inside the floppy "
  30401                         echo "[$0]   disk image!"
  30402                         break
  30403                     fi
  30404                 fi
  30405             fi
  30406         done
  30407         sync
  30409     fi
  30410 }
  30411 #
  30412 # Start.
  30413 #
  30414 if [ -d kernel ]   && \
  30415    [ -d applic ]   && \
  30416    [ -d lib  ]
  30417 then
  30418     OS16PATH=`pwd`
  30419     main
  30420 else
  30421     echo "[$0] Running from a wrong directory!"
  30422 fi

os16: «kernel/devices.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.1.

  40001 #ifndef _KERNEL_DEVICES_H
  40002 #define _KERNEL_DEVICES_H 1
  40004 #include <sys/os16.h>
  40005 #include <sys/types.h>
  40006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
  40007 #define DEV_READ                0
  40008 #define DEV_WRITE               1
  40009 ssize_t dev_io    (pid_t pid, dev_t device, int rw, off_t offset,
  40010                    void *buffer, size_t size, int *eof);
  40011 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
  40012 // The following functions are used only by `dev_io()'.
  40013 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
  40014 ssize_t dev_mem   (pid_t pid, dev_t device, int rw, off_t offset,
  40015                    void *buffer, size_t size, int *eof);
  40016 ssize_t dev_tty   (pid_t pid, dev_t device, int rw, off_t offset,
  40017                    void *buffer, size_t size, int *eof);
  40018 ssize_t dev_dsk   (pid_t pid, dev_t device, int rw, off_t offset,
  40019                    void *buffer, size_t size, int *eof);
  40020 ssize_t dev_kmem  (pid_t pid, dev_t device, int rw, off_t offset,
  40021                    void *buffer, size_t size, int *eof);
  40022 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
  40024 #endif


Si veda la sezione i187.1.2.

  50001 #include <sys/os16.h>
  50002 #include <kernel/devices.h>
  50003 #include <sys/types.h>
  50004 #include <errno.h>
  50005 #include <kernel/memory.h>
  50006 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
  50007 #include <kernel/proc.h>
  50008 #include <string.h>
  50009 #include <signal.h>
  50010 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
  50011 #include <ctype.h>
  50012 #include <kernel/tty.h>
  50013 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
  50014 ssize_t
  50015 dev_dsk (pid_t pid, dev_t device, int rw, off_t offset, void *buffer,
  50016          size_t size, int *eof)
  50017 {
  50018     ssize_t n;
  50019     int     dev_minor = minor (device);
  50021     if (rw == DEV_READ)
  50022       {
  50023         n = dsk_read_bytes (dev_minor, offset, buffer, size);
  50024       }
  50025     else
  50026       {
  50027         n = dsk_write_bytes (dev_minor, offset, buffer, size);
  50028       }
  50029     return (n);
  50030 }


Si veda la sezione i187.1.1.

  60001 #include <sys/os16.h>
  60002 #include <kernel/devices.h>
  60003 #include <sys/types.h>
  60004 #include <errno.h>
  60005 #include <kernel/memory.h>
  60006 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
  60007 #include <kernel/proc.h>
  60008 #include <string.h>
  60009 #include <signal.h>
  60010 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
  60011 #include <ctype.h>
  60012 #include <kernel/tty.h>
  60013 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
  60014 ssize_t
  60015 dev_io (pid_t pid, dev_t device, int rw, off_t offset,
  60016         void *buffer, size_t size, int *eof)
  60017 {
  60018     int dev_major = major (device);
  60019     if (rw != DEV_READ && rw != DEV_WRITE)
  60020       {
  60021         errset (EIO);
  60022         return (-1);
  60023       }
  60024     switch (dev_major)
  60025       {
  60026         case DEV_MEM_MAJOR:
  60027             return (dev_mem (pid, device, rw, offset, buffer, size,
  60028                              eof));
  60029         case DEV_TTY_MAJOR:
  60030             return (dev_tty (pid, device, rw, offset, buffer, size,
  60031                              eof));
  60032         case DEV_CONSOLE_MAJOR:
  60033             return (dev_tty (pid, device, rw, offset, buffer, size,
  60034                              eof));
  60035         case DEV_DSK_MAJOR:
  60036             return (dev_dsk (pid, device, rw, offset, buffer, size,
  60037                              eof));
  60038         case DEV_KMEM_MAJOR:
  60039             return (dev_kmem (pid, device, rw, offset, buffer, size,
  60040                               eof));
  60041         default:
  60042             errset (ENODEV);
  60043             return (-1);
  60044       }
  60045 }


Si veda la sezione i187.1.3.

  70001 #include <sys/os16.h>
  70002 #include <kernel/devices.h>
  70003 #include <sys/types.h>
  70004 #include <errno.h>
  70005 #include <kernel/memory.h>
  70006 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
  70007 #include <kernel/proc.h>
  70008 #include <string.h>
  70009 #include <signal.h>
  70010 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
  70011 #include <ctype.h>
  70012 #include <kernel/tty.h>
  70013 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
  70014 ssize_t
  70015 dev_kmem (pid_t pid, dev_t device, int rw, off_t offset, void *buffer,
  70016           size_t size, int *eof)
  70017 {
  70018   size_t    size_real;
  70019   inode_t  *inode;
  70020   sb_t     *sb;
  70021   file_t   *file;
  70022   void     *start;
  70023   //
  70024   // Only read is allowed.
  70025   //
  70026   if (rw != DEV_READ)
  70027     {
  70028       errset (EIO);                           // I/O error.
  70029       return ((ssize_t) -1);
  70030     }
  70031   //
  70032   // Only positive offset is allowed.
  70033   //
  70034   if (offset < 0)
  70035     {
  70036       errset (EIO);                           // I/O error.
  70037       return ((ssize_t) -1);
  70038     }
  70039   //
  70040   // Read is selected (and is the only access allowed).
  70041   //
  70042   switch (device)
  70043     {
  70044       case DEV_KMEM_PS:
  70045           //
  70046           // Verify if the selected slot can be read.
  70047           //
  70048           if (offset >= PROCESS_MAX)
  70049             {
  70050               errset (EIO);                   // I/O error.
  70051               return ((ssize_t) -1);
  70052             }
  70053           //
  70054           // Correct the size to be read.
  70055           //
  70056           if (sizeof (proc_t) < size)
  70057             {
  70058               size = sizeof (proc_t);
  70059             }
  70060           //  //
  70061           //  // Correct the size to be read.
  70062           //  //
  70063           //  size_real = ((sizeof (proc_t)) * (PROCESS_MAX - offset));
  70064           //  if (size_real < size)
  70065           //    {
  70066           //      size = size_real;
  70067           //    }
  70068           //
  70069           // Get the pointer to the selected slot.
  70070           //
  70071           start = proc_reference ((pid_t) offset);
  70072           break;
  70073       case DEV_KMEM_MMP:
  70074           //
  70075           // Correct the size to be read.
  70076           //
  70077           size_real = (MEM_MAX_BLOCKS/8);
  70078           if (size_real < size)
  70079             {
  70080               size = size_real;
  70081             }
  70082           //
  70083           // Get the pointer to the map.
  70084           //
  70085           start = mb_reference ();
  70086           break;
  70087       case DEV_KMEM_SB:
  70088           //
  70089           // Get a reference to the super block table.
  70090           //
  70091           sb = sb_reference (0);
  70092           //
  70093           // Correct the size to be read.
  70094           //
  70095           if (sizeof (sb_t) < size)
  70096             {
  70097               size = sizeof (sb_t);
  70098             }
  70099           //
  70100           // Get the pointer to the selected super block slot.
  70101           //
  70102           start = &sb[offset];
  70103           break;
  70104       case DEV_KMEM_INODE:
  70105           //
  70106           // Get a reference to the inode table.
  70107           //
  70108           inode = inode_reference (0, 0);
  70109           //
  70110           // Correct the size to be read.
  70111           //
  70112           if (sizeof (inode_t) < size)
  70113             {
  70114               size = sizeof (inode_t);
  70115             }
  70116           //
  70117           // Get the pointer to the selected inode slot.
  70118           //
  70119           start = &inode[offset];
  70120           break;
  70121       case DEV_KMEM_FILE:
  70122           //
  70123           // Get a reference to the file table.
  70124           //
  70125           file = file_reference (0);
  70126           //
  70127           // Correct the size to be read.
  70128           //
  70129           if (sizeof (file_t) < size)
  70130             {
  70131               size = sizeof (file_t);
  70132             }
  70133           //
  70134           // Get the pointer to the selected inode slot.
  70135           //
  70136           start = &file[offset];
  70137           break;
  70138       default:
  70139           errset (ENODEV);            // No such device.
  70140           return ((ssize_t) -1);
  70141     }
  70142   //
  70143   // At this point, data is ready to be copied to the buffer.
  70144   //
  70145   memcpy (buffer, start, size);
  70146   //
  70147   // Return size read.
  70148   //
  70149   return (size);
  70150 }


Si veda la sezione i187.1.4.

  80001 #include <sys/os16.h>
  80002 #include <kernel/devices.h>
  80003 #include <sys/types.h>
  80004 #include <errno.h>
  80005 #include <kernel/memory.h>
  80006 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
  80007 #include <kernel/proc.h>
  80008 #include <string.h>
  80009 #include <signal.h>
  80010 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
  80011 #include <ctype.h>
  80012 #include <kernel/tty.h>
  80013 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
  80014 ssize_t
  80015 dev_mem (pid_t pid, dev_t device, int rw, off_t offset, void *buffer,
  80016          size_t size, int *eof)
  80017 {
  80018     uint8_t  *buffer08 = (uint8_t *) buffer;
  80019     uint16_t *buffer16 = (uint16_t *) buffer;
  80020     ssize_t n;
  80022     if      (device == DEV_MEM)                         // DEV_MEM
  80023       {
  80024         if (rw == DEV_READ)
  80025           {
  80026             n = mem_read ((addr_t) offset, buffer, size);
  80027           }
  80028         else
  80029           {
  80030             n = mem_write ((addr_t) offset, buffer, size);
  80031           }
  80032       }
  80033     else if (device == DEV_NULL)                        // DEV_NULL
  80034       {
  80035         n = 0;
  80036       }
  80037     else if (device == DEV_ZERO)                        // DEV_ZERO
  80038       {
  80039         if (rw == DEV_READ)
  80040           {
  80041             for (n = 0; n < size; n++)
  80042               {
  80043                 buffer08[n] = 0;
  80044               }
  80045           }
  80046         else
  80047           {
  80048             n = 0;
  80049           }
  80050       }
  80051     else if (device == DEV_PORT)                        // DEV_PORT
  80052       {
  80053         if (rw == DEV_READ)
  80054           {
  80055             if (size == 1)
  80056               {
  80057                 buffer08[0] = in_8 (offset);
  80058                 n = 1;
  80059               }
  80060             else if (size == 2)
  80061               {
  80062                 buffer16[0] = in_16 (offset);
  80063                 n = 2;
  80064               }
  80065             else
  80066               {
  80067                 n = 0;
  80068               }
  80069           }
  80070         else
  80071           {
  80072             if (size == 1)
  80073               {
  80074                 out_8 (offset, buffer08[0]);
  80075               }
  80076             else if (size == 2)
  80077               {
  80078                 out_16 (offset, buffer16[0]);
  80079                 n = 2;
  80080               }
  80081             else
  80082               {
  80083                 n = 0;
  80084               }
  80085           }
  80086       }
  80087     else
  80088       {
  80089         errset (ENODEV);
  80090         return (-1);
  80091       }
  80092     return (n);
  80093 }


Si veda la sezione i187.1.5.

  90001 #include <sys/os16.h>
  90002 #include <kernel/devices.h>
  90003 #include <sys/types.h>
  90004 #include <errno.h>
  90005 #include <kernel/memory.h>
  90006 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
  90007 #include <kernel/proc.h>
  90008 #include <string.h>
  90009 #include <signal.h>
  90010 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
  90011 #include <ctype.h>
  90012 #include <kernel/tty.h>
  90013 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
  90014 ssize_t
  90015 dev_tty (pid_t pid, dev_t device, int rw, off_t offset, void *buffer,
  90016          size_t size, int *eof)
  90017 {
  90018     uint8_t *buffer08 = (uint8_t *) buffer;
  90019     ssize_t  n;
  90020     proc_t  *ps;
  90021     //
  90022     // Get process. Variable `ps' will be `NULL' if the process ID is
  90023     // not valid.
  90024     //
  90025     ps = proc_reference (pid);
  90026     //
  90027     // Convert `DEV_TTY' with the controlling terminal for the process.
  90028     //
  90029     if (device == DEV_TTY)
  90030       {
  90031         device = ps->device_tty;
  90032         //
  90033         // As a last resort, use the generic `DEV_CONSOLE'.
  90034         //
  90035         if (device == 0 || device == DEV_TTY)
  90036           {
  90037             device = DEV_CONSOLE;
  90038           }
  90039       }
  90040     //
  90041     // Convert `DEV_CONSOLE' to the currently active console.
  90042     //
  90043     if (device == DEV_CONSOLE)
  90044       {
  90045         device = tty_console ((dev_t) 0);
  90046         //
  90047         // As a last resort, use the first console: `DEV_CONSOLE0'.
  90048         //
  90049         if (device == 0 || device == DEV_TTY)
  90050           {
  90051             device = DEV_CONSOLE0;
  90052           }
  90053       }
  90054     //
  90055     // Read or write.
  90056     //
  90057     if (rw == DEV_READ)
  90058       {
  90059         for (n = 0; n < size; n++)
  90060           {
  90061             buffer08[n] = tty_read (device);
  90062             if (buffer08[n] == 0)
  90063               {
  90064                 //
  90065                 // If the pid is not the kernel, should put the process
  90066                 // to sleep, waiting for the key.
  90067                 //
  90068                 if (pid == 0 || ps == NULL)
  90069                   {
  90070                     //
  90071                     // For the kernel there is no sleep and for an
  90072                     // unidentified process, either.
  90073                     //
  90074                     break;
  90075                   }
  90076                 //
  90077                 // Put the process to sleep.
  90078                 //
  90079                 ps->status         = PROC_SLEEPING;
  90080                 ps->ret            = 0;
  90081                 ps->wakeup_events  = WAKEUP_EVENT_TTY;
  90082                 ps->wakeup_signal  = 0;
  90083                 ps->wakeup_timer   = 0;
  90084                 //
  90085                 break;
  90086               }
  90087             //
  90088             // Check for control characters.
  90089             //
  90090             if (buffer08[n] == 0x04)    // EOT
  90091               {
  90092                 //
  90093                 // Return EOF.
  90094                 //
  90095                 *eof = 1;
  90096                 break;
  90097               }
  90098             //
  90099             // At this point, show the character on screen, even if it
  90100             // is not nice. It is necessary to show something, because
  90101             // the tty handling is very poor and the library for line
  90102             // input, calculate cursor position based on the characters
  90103             // received.
  90104             //
  90105             tty_write (device, (int) buffer08[n]);
  90106           }
  90107       }
  90108     else
  90109       {
  90110         for (n = 0; n < size; n++)
  90111           {
  90112             tty_write (device, (int) buffer08[n]);
  90113           }
  90114       }
  90115     return (n);
  90116 }

os16: «kernel/diag.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 100001 #ifndef _KERNEL_DIAG_H
 100002 #define _KERNEL_DIAG_H 1
 100004 #include <stdint.h>
 100005 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 100006 #include <sys/types.h>
 100007 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 100009 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 100010 uint8_t  reverse_8_bit  (uint8_t  source);
 100011 uint16_t reverse_16_bit (uint16_t source);
 100012 uint32_t reverse_32_bit (uint32_t source);
 100014 #define reverse_char(s)      ((char)     reverse_8_bit  ((uint8_t)  s))
 100015 #define reverse_short(s)     ((short)    reverse_16_bit ((uint16_t) s))
 100016 #define reverse_int(s)       ((int)      reverse_16_bit ((uint16_t) s))
 100017 #define reverse_long(s)      ((long)     reverse_32_bit ((uint32_t) s))
 100018 #define reverse_long_int(s)  ((long int) reverse_32_bit ((uint32_t) s))
 100019 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 100020 void print_hex_8  (void *data, size_t elements);
 100021 void print_hex_16 (void *data, size_t elements);
 100022 void print_hex_32 (void *data, size_t elements);
 100024 #define print_hex_char(d, e)      (print_hex_8  (d, e))
 100025 #define print_hex_short(d, e)     (print_hex_16 (d, e))
 100026 #define print_hex_int(d, e)       (print_hex_16 (d, e))
 100027 #define print_hex_long(d, e)      (print_hex_32 (d, e))
 100028 #define print_hex_long_int(d, e)  (print_hex_32 (d, e))
 100029 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 100030 void print_hex_8_reverse  (void *data, size_t elements);
 100031 void print_hex_16_reverse (void *data, size_t elements);
 100032 void print_hex_32_reverse (void *data, size_t elements);
 100034 #define print_hex_char_reverse(d, e)      (print_hex_8_reverse  (d, e))
 100035 #define print_hex_short_reverse(d, e)     (print_hex_16_reverse (d, e))
 100036 #define print_hex_int_reverse(d, e)       (print_hex_16_reverse (d, e))
 100037 #define print_hex_long_reverse(d, e)      (print_hex_32_reverse (d, e))
 100038 #define print_hex_long_int_reverse(d, e)  (print_hex_32_reverse (d, e))
 100039 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 100040 void print_segments (void);
 100041 void print_kmem     (void);
 100042 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 100043 void print_mb_map     (void);
 100044 void print_memory_map (void);
 100045 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 100046 void print_superblock       (sb_t *sb);
 100047 void print_inode            (inode_t *inode);
 100048 void print_inode_map        (sb_t *sb, uint16_t *bitmap);
 100049 void print_zone_map         (sb_t *sb, uint16_t *bitmap);
 100050 void print_inode_head       (void);
 100051 void print_inode_list       (void);
 100052 void print_inode_zones_head (void);
 100053 void print_inode_zones      (inode_t *inode);
 100054 void print_inode_zones_list (void);
 100055 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 100056 void print_proc_head (void);
 100057 void print_proc_pid  (proc_t *ps, pid_t pid);
 100058 void print_proc_list (void);
 100059 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 100060 void print_file_head (void);
 100061 void print_file_num  (int num);
 100062 void print_file_list (void);
 100063 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 100064 void print_fd_head (void);
 100065 void print_fd      (fd_t *fd);
 100066 void print_fd_list (pid_t pid);
 100067 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 100068 void print_time      (void);
 100069 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 100071 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 110001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 110002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 110003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 110004 #include <fcntl.h>
 110005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 110006 void
 110007 print_fd (fd_t *fd)
 110008 {
 110009     k_printf ("%04x %6li %3i %c/%c %05o %5i %3i %5li %4i %04x %3i",
 110010         (unsigned int)      fd->fl_flags,
 110011         (unsigned long int) fd->file->offset,
 110012         (unsigned int)      fd->file->references,
 110013         (fd->file->oflags & O_RDONLY ? 'r' : ' '),
 110014         (fd->file->oflags & O_WRONLY ? 'w' : ' '),
 110015         (unsigned int)      fd->file->inode->mode,
 110016         (unsigned int)      fd->file->inode->uid,
 110017         (unsigned int)      fd->file->inode->gid,
 110018         (unsigned long int) fd->file->inode->size,
 110019         (unsigned int)      fd->file->inode->links,
 110020         (unsigned int)      fd->file->inode->sb->device,
 110021         (unsigned int)      fd->file->inode->ino);
 110022     k_printf ("\n");
 110023 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 120001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 120002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 120003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 120004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 120005 void
 120006 print_fd_head (void)
 120007 {
 120009     k_printf ("n. stat offset ref flg  mode   uid gid  size lnks  ");
 120010     k_printf ("dev ino\n");
 120011 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 130001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 130002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 130003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 130004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 130005 void
 130006 print_fd_list (pid_t pid)
 130007 {
 130008     int      fdn = 0;
 130009     fd_t *fd;
 130010     fd = fd_reference (pid, &fdn);
 130011     print_fd_head ();
 130012     for (fdn = 0; fdn < OPEN_MAX; fdn++)
 130013       {
 130014         if (fd[fdn].file != NULL)
 130015           {
 130016             k_printf ("%2i ", fdn);
 130017             print_fd (fd);
 130018           }
 130019       }
 130020 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 140001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 140002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 140003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 140004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 140005 void
 140006 print_file_head (void)
 140007 {
 140009     k_printf ("n. ref flg  mode uid  size lnks  dev ino\n");
 140010 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 150001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 150002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 150003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 150004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 150005 void
 150006 print_file_list (void)
 150007 {
 150008     int     fno;
 150009     file_t *file = file_reference (0);
 150010     //
 150011     print_file_head ();
 150012     //
 150013     for (fno = 0; fno < FILE_MAX_SLOTS; fno++)
 150014       {
 150015         if (file[fno].references > 0)
 150016           {
 150017             print_file_num (fno);
 150018           }
 150019       }
 150020 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 160001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 160002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 160003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 160004 #include <fcntl.h>
 160005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 160006 void
 160007 print_file_num (int fno)
 160008 {
 160009     file_t *file = file_reference (fno);
 160011     k_printf ("%2i %3i %c/%c %05o %3i %5li %4i %04x %3i",
 160012               (unsigned int)      fno,
 160013               (unsigned int)      file->references,
 160014               (file->oflags & O_RDONLY ? 'r' : ' '),
 160015               (file->oflags & O_WRONLY ? 'w' : ' '),
 160016               (unsigned int)      file->inode->mode,
 160017               (unsigned int)      file->inode->uid,
 160018               (unsigned long int) file->inode->size,
 160019               (unsigned int)      file->inode->links,
 160020               (unsigned int)      file->inode->sb->device,
 160021               (unsigned int)      file->inode->ino);
 160022     k_printf ("\n");
 160023 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 170001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 170002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 170003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 170004 #include <inttypes.h>
 170005 #include <stdio.h>
 170006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 170007 void
 170008 print_hex_16 (void *data, size_t elements)
 170009 {
 170010     uint16_t *element = (uint16_t *) data;
 170011     int i;
 170012     for (i = 0; i < elements; i++)
 170013       {
 170014         k_printf ("%04" PRIx16, (uint16_t) element[i]);
 170015       }
 170016 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 180001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 180002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 180003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 180004 #include <inttypes.h>
 180005 #include <stdio.h>
 180006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 180007 void
 180008 print_hex_16_reverse (void *data, size_t elements)
 180009 {
 180010     uint16_t *element = (uint16_t *) data;
 180011     int i;
 180012     for (i = 0; i < elements; i++)
 180013       {
 180014         k_printf ("%04" PRIx16, reverse_16_bit (element[i]));
 180015       }
 180016 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 190001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 190002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 190003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 190004 #include <inttypes.h>
 190005 #include <stdio.h>
 190006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 190007 void
 190008 print_hex_32 (void *data, size_t elements)
 190009 {
 190010     uint32_t *element = (uint32_t *) data;
 190011     int i;
 190012     for (i = 0; i < elements; i++)
 190013       {
 190014         k_printf ("%08" PRIx32, (uint32_t) element[i]);
 190015       }
 190016 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 200001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 200002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 200003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 200004 #include <inttypes.h>
 200005 #include <stdio.h>
 200006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 200007 void
 200008 print_hex_32_reverse (void *data, size_t elements)
 200009 {
 200010     uint32_t *element = (uint32_t *) data;
 200011     int i;
 200012     for (i = 0; i < elements; i++)
 200013       {
 200014         k_printf ("%08" PRIx32, reverse_32_bit (element[i]));
 200015       }
 200016 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 210001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 210002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 210003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 210004 #include <inttypes.h>
 210005 #include <stdio.h>
 210006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 210007 void
 210008 print_hex_8 (void *data, size_t elements)
 210009 {
 210010     uint8_t *element = (uint8_t *) data;
 210011     int i;
 210012     for (i = 0; i < elements; i++)
 210013       {
 210014         k_printf ("%02" PRIx8, (uint16_t) element[i]);
 210015       }
 210016 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 220001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 220002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 220003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 220004 #include <inttypes.h>
 220005 #include <stdio.h>
 220006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 220007 void
 220008 print_hex_8_reverse (void *data, size_t elements)
 220009 {
 220010     uint8_t *element = (uint8_t *) data;
 220011     int i;
 220012     for (i = 0; i < elements; i++)
 220013       {
 220014         k_printf ("%02" PRIx8, reverse_8_bit (element[i]));
 220015       }
 220016 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 230001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 230002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 230003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 230004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 230005 void
 230006 print_inode (inode_t *inode)
 230007 {
 230008     unsigned long int seconds;
 230009     unsigned long int seconds_d;
 230010     unsigned long int seconds_h;
 230011     unsigned int      d;
 230012     unsigned int      h;
 230013     unsigned int      m;
 230014     unsigned int      s;
 230015     dev_t             device_attached = 0;
 230016     //
 230017     if (inode == NULL)
 230018       {
 230019         return;
 230020       }
 230021     //
 230022     seconds    = inode->time;
 230023     d          = seconds / 86400L;              // 24 * 60 * 60
 230024     seconds_d  = d;
 230025     seconds_d *= 86400;
 230026     seconds   -= seconds_d;
 230027     h          = seconds / 3840;                // 60 * 60
 230028     seconds_h  = h;
 230029     seconds_h *= 3840;
 230030     seconds   -= seconds_h;    
 230031     m          = seconds / 60;
 230032     s          = seconds % 60;
 230033     //
 230034     if (inode->sb_attached != NULL)
 230035       {
 230036         device_attached = inode->sb_attached->device;
 230037       }
 230038     //
 230039     k_printf ("%04x %4i %3i %c %4x %06o %4i %3i %7li ",
 230040               (unsigned int) inode->sb->device,
 230041               (unsigned int) inode->ino,
 230042               (unsigned int) inode->references,
 230043               (inode->changed ? '!' : ' '),
 230044               (unsigned int) device_attached,
 230045               (unsigned int) inode->mode,
 230046               (unsigned int) inode->uid,
 230047               (unsigned int) inode->gid,
 230048               (unsigned long int) inode->size);
 230050     k_printf ("%5i %2i:%02i:%02i %3i\n",
 230051               d, h, m, s,
 230052               (unsigned int) inode->links);
 230054 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 240001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 240002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 240003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 240004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 240005 void
 240006 print_inode_head (void)
 240007 {
 240008     k_printf (" dev  ino ref c mntd   mode  uid gid    ");
 240009     k_printf ("size  date     time lnk \n");
 240010 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 250001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 250002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 250003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 250004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 250005 void
 250006 print_inode_list (void)
 250007 {
 250008     ino_t ino;
 250009     inode_t *inode = inode_reference (0, 0);
 250010     print_inode_head ();
 250011     for (ino = 0; ino < INODE_MAX_SLOTS; ino++)
 250012       {
 250013         if (inode[ino].references > 0)
 250014           {
 250015             print_inode (&inode[ino]);
 250016           }
 250017       }
 250018 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 260001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 260002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 260003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 260004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 260005 void
 260006 print_inode_map (sb_t *sb, uint16_t *bitmap)
 260007 {
 260008     size_t size;
 260009     if (sb->inodes % 16)
 260010       {
 260011         size = sb->inodes/16 + 1;
 260012       }
 260013     else
 260014       {
 260015         size = sb->inodes/16;
 260016       }
 260017     print_hex_16_reverse (bitmap, size);
 260018 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 270001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 270002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 270003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 270004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 270005 void
 270006 print_inode_zones_list (void)
 270007 {
 270008     ino_t ino;
 270009     inode_t *inode = inode_reference (0, 0);
 270010     print_inode_zones_head ();
 270011     for (ino = 0; ino < INODE_MAX_SLOTS; ino++)
 270012       {
 270013         if (inode[ino].references > 0)
 270014           {
 270015             print_inode_zones (&inode[ino]);
 270016           }
 270017       }
 270018 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 280001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 280002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 280003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 280004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 280005 void
 280006 print_inode_zones (inode_t *inode)
 280007 {
 280008     int i;
 280009     //
 280010     if (inode == NULL)
 280011       {
 280012         return;
 280013       }
 280014     //
 280015     k_printf ("%04x %4i ",
 280016               (unsigned int) inode->sb->device,
 280017               (unsigned int) inode->ino);
 280019     for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
 280020       {
 280021         if (inode->direct[i] != 0)
 280022           {
 280023             k_printf ("%04x ", (unsigned int) inode->direct[i]);
 280024           }
 280025         else
 280026           {
 280027             k_printf ("     ");
 280028           }
 280029       }
 280030     if (inode->indirect1 != 0)
 280031       {
 280032         k_printf ("%04x ",     (unsigned int) inode->indirect1);
 280033       }
 280034     else
 280035       {
 280036         k_printf ("     ");
 280037       }
 280038     if (inode->indirect2 != 0)
 280039       {
 280040         k_printf ("%04x",      (unsigned int) inode->indirect2);
 280041       }
 280042     else
 280043       {
 280044         k_printf ("    ");
 280045       }
 280046     k_printf ("\n");
 280047 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 290001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 290002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 290003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 290004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 290005 void
 290006 print_inode_zones_head (void)
 290007 {
 290008     k_printf (" dev  ino zn_0 zn_1 zn_2 zn_3 zn_4 zn_5 zn_6 ");
 290009     k_printf ("ind1 ind2\n");
 290010 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 300001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 300002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 300003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 300004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 300005 extern uint16_t _ksp;
 300006 extern uint16_t _etext;
 300007 extern uint16_t _edata;
 300008 extern uint16_t _end;
 300009 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 300010 void
 300011 print_kmem (void)
 300012 {
 300013     k_printf ("etext=%04x edata=%04x ebss=%04x ksp=%04x",
 300014               (unsigned int) &_etext,
 300015               (unsigned int) &_edata, (unsigned int) &_end, _ksp);
 300016 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 310001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 310002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 310003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 310004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 310005 void
 310006 print_mb_map (void)
 310007 {
 310008     uint16_t    *mb = mb_reference ();
 310009     unsigned int i;
 310010     for (i = 0; i < (MEM_MAX_BLOCKS / 16); i++)
 310011       {
 310012         k_printf ("%04x", mb[i]);
 310013       }
 310014 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 320001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 320002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 320003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 320004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 320005 void
 320006 print_memory_map (void)
 320007 {
 320008     uint16_t    *mem_block[MEM_BLOCK_SIZE/2];
 320009     uint16_t     block_rank;
 320010     unsigned int b;
 320011     unsigned int m;
 320012     unsigned int i;
 320013     addr_t       start;
 320015     start = 0;
 320016     dev_io ((pid_t) -1, DEV_MEM, DEV_READ, start, mem_block,
 320017             MEM_BLOCK_SIZE, NULL);
 320019     for (m = 0; m < MEM_MAX_BLOCKS; m++)
 320020       {
 320021         i = m % 16;
 320022         if (i == 0)
 320023           {
 320024             block_rank = 0;
 320025           }
 320026         //
 320027         for (b = 0; b < (MEM_BLOCK_SIZE / 2); b++)
 320028           {
 320029             if (mem_block[b])
 320030               {
 320031                 block_rank |= (0x8000 >> i);
 320032                 break;
 320033               }
 320034           }
 320035         //
 320036         if (i == 15)
 320037           {
 320038             k_printf ("%04x", block_rank);
 320039           }
 320040         //
 320041         start += MEM_BLOCK_SIZE;
 320042         dev_io ((pid_t) -1, DEV_MEM, DEV_READ, start, mem_block,
 320043                 MEM_BLOCK_SIZE, NULL);
 320044       }
 320045 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 330001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 330002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 330003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 330004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 330005 void
 330006 print_proc_head (void)
 330007 {
 330008     k_printf (
 330009 "pp  p pg                                                            \n"
 330010 "id id rp  tty  uid euid suid usage s iaddr isiz daddr dsiz sp   name\n"
 330011            );
 330012 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 340001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 340002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 340003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 340004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 340005 void
 340006 print_proc_list (void)
 340007 {
 340008     pid_t   pid;
 340009     proc_t *ps;
 340010     //
 340011     print_proc_head ();
 340012     //
 340013     for (pid = 0; pid < PROCESS_MAX; pid++)
 340014       {
 340015         ps = proc_reference (pid);
 340016         if (ps != NULL && ps->status > 0)
 340017           {
 340018             print_proc_pid (ps, pid);
 340019           }
 340020       }
 340021 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 350001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 350002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 350003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 350004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 350005 void
 350006 print_proc_pid (proc_t *ps, pid_t pid)
 350007 {
 350008     char  stat;
 350009     switch (ps->status)
 350010       {
 350011         case PROC_EMPTY   : stat = '-'; break;
 350012         case PROC_CREATED : stat = 'c'; break;
 350013         case PROC_READY   : stat = 'r'; break;
 350014         case PROC_RUNNING : stat = 'R'; break;
 350015         case PROC_SLEEPING: stat = 's'; break;
 350016         case PROC_ZOMBIE  : stat = 'z'; break;
 350017         default           : stat = '?'; break;
 350018       }
 350020     k_printf ("%2i %2i %2i %04x %4i %4i %4i %02i.%02i %c %05lx %04x ",
 350021               (unsigned int) ps->ppid,
 350022               (unsigned int) pid,
 350023               (unsigned int) ps->pgrp,
 350024               (unsigned int) ps->device_tty,
 350025               (unsigned int) ps->uid,
 350026               (unsigned int) ps->euid,
 350027               (unsigned int) ps->suid,
 350028               (unsigned int) ((ps->usage / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) / 60),
 350029               (unsigned int) ((ps->usage / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) % 60),
 350030               stat,
 350031               (unsigned long int) ps->address_i,
 350032               (unsigned int) ps->size_i);
 350034     k_printf ("%05lx %04x %04x %s",
 350035               (unsigned long int) ps->address_d,
 350036               (unsigned int) ps->size_d,
 350037               (unsigned int) ps->sp,
 350038                              ps->name);
 350040     k_printf ("\n");
 350041 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 360001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 360002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 360003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 360004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 360005 void
 360006 print_segments (void)
 360007 {
 360008     k_printf ("CS=%04x DS=%04x SS=%04x ES=%04x BP=%04x SP=%04x ",
 360009               cs (), ds (), ss (), es (), bp (), sp ());
 360010     k_printf ("heap_min=%04x", heap_min ());
 360011 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 370001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 370002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 370003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 370004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 370005 void
 370006 print_superblock (sb_t *sb)
 370007 {
 370008     k_printf ("Inodes:           %i\n", sb->inodes);
 370009     k_printf ("Blocks:           %i\n", sb->zones);
 370010     k_printf ("First data zone:  %i\n", sb->first_data_zone);
 370011     k_printf ("Zone size:        %i\n", (1024 << sb->log2_size_zone));
 370012     k_printf ("Max file size:    %li\n", sb->max_file_size);
 370013     k_printf ("Inode map blocks: %i\n", sb->map_inode_blocks);
 370014     k_printf ("Zone map blocks:  %i\n", sb->map_zone_blocks);
 370015 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 380001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 380002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 380003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 380004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 380005 void
 380006 print_time (void)
 380007 {
 380008     unsigned long int ticks   = k_clock ();
 380009     unsigned long int seconds = k_time (NULL);
 380010     unsigned int      h       = seconds / 60 / 60;
 380011     unsigned int      m       = seconds / 60 - h * 60;
 380012     unsigned int      s       = seconds - m * 60 - h * 60 * 60;
 380013     k_printf ("clock=%08lx, time elapsed=%02u:%02u:%02u",
 380014               ticks, h, m, s);
 380015 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 390001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 390002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 390003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 390004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 390005 void
 390006 print_zone_map (sb_t *sb, uint16_t *bitmap)
 390007 {
 390008     size_t       size;
 390009     unsigned int data_zones = sb->zones - sb->first_data_zone;
 390010     if (data_zones % 16)
 390011       {
 390012         size = data_zones/16 + 1;
 390013       }
 390014     else
 390015       {
 390016         size = data_zones/16;
 390017       }
 390018     print_hex_16_reverse (bitmap, size);
 390019 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 400001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 400002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 400003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 400004 #include <inttypes.h>
 400005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 400006 uint16_t
 400007 reverse_16_bit (uint16_t source)
 400008 {
 400009     uint16_t destination = 0;
 400010     uint16_t mask_src;
 400011     uint16_t mask_dst;
 400012     int      i;
 400013     for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
 400014       {
 400015         mask_src = 0x0001 << i;
 400016         mask_dst = 0x8000 >> i;
 400017         if (source & mask_src)
 400018           {
 400019             destination |= mask_dst;
 400020           }
 400021       }
 400022     return (destination);
 400023 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 410001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 410002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 410003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 410004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 410005 uint32_t
 410006 reverse_32_bit (uint32_t source)
 410007 {
 410008     uint32_t destination = 0;
 410009     uint32_t mask_src;
 410010     uint32_t mask_dst;
 410011     int      i;
 410012     for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
 410013       {
 410014         mask_src = 0x00000001 << i;
 410015         mask_dst = 0x80000000 >> i;
 410016         if (source & mask_src)
 410017           {
 410018             destination |= mask_dst;
 410019           }
 410020       }
 410021     return (destination);
 410022 }


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

 420001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 420002 #include <kernel/diag.h>
 420003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 420004 #include <inttypes.h>
 420005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 420006 uint8_t
 420007 reverse_8_bit (uint8_t source)
 420008 {
 420009     uint8_t destination = 0;
 420010     uint8_t mask_src;
 420011     uint8_t mask_dst;
 420012     int      i;
 420013     for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
 420014       {
 420015         mask_src = 0x01 << i;
 420016         mask_dst = 0x80 >> i;
 420017         if (source & mask_src)
 420018           {
 420019             destination |= mask_dst;
 420020           }
 420021       }
 420022     return (destination);
 420023 }

os16: «kernel/fs.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.3.

 430001 #ifndef _KERNEL_FS_H
 430002 #define _KERNEL_FS_H 1
 430004 #include <stdint.h>
 430005 #include <sys/types.h>
 430006 #include <kernel/memory.h>
 430007 #include <sys/os16.h>
 430008 #include <sys/stat.h>
 430009 #include <stdint.h>
 430010 #include <const.h>
 430011 #include <stdio.h>
 430012 #include <limits.h>
 430014 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 430015 #define SB_MAX_INODE_BLOCKS          1  // 8192 inodes max.
 430016 #define SB_MAX_ZONE_BLOCKS           1  // 8192 data-zones max.
 430017 #define SB_BLOCK_SIZE             1024  // Fixed for Minix file system.
 430018 #define SB_MAX_ZONE_SIZE          2048  // log2 max is 1.
 430019 #define SB_MAP_INODE_SIZE         (SB_MAX_INODE_BLOCKS*512) // [1]
 430020 #define SB_MAP_ZONE_SIZE          (SB_MAX_ZONE_BLOCKS*512)  // [1]
 430021 //
 430022 // [1] blocks * (1024 * 8 / 16) = number of bits, divided 16.
 430023 //
 430024 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 430025 #define INODE_MAX_INDIRECT_ZONES  (SB_MAX_ZONE_SIZE/2)      // [2]
 430027 #define INODE_MAX_REFERENCES      0xFF
 430028 //
 430029 // [2] number of zone pointers contained inside a zone, used
 430030 //     as an indirect inode list (a pointer = 16 bits = 2 bytes).
 430031 //
 430032 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 430033 typedef uint16_t        zno_t;          // Zone number.
 430034 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 430035 // The structured type `inode_t' must be pre-declared here, because
 430036 // the type sb_t, described before the inode structure, has a member
 430037 // pointing to a type `inode_t'. So, must be declared previously
 430038 // the type `inode_t' as made of a type `struct inode', then the
 430039 // structure `inode' can be described. But for a matter of coherence,
 430040 // all other structured data declared inside this file follow the
 430041 // same procedure.
 430042 //
 430043 typedef struct sb        sb_t;
 430044 typedef struct inode     inode_t;
 430045 typedef struct file      file_t;
 430046 typedef struct fd        fd_t;
 430047 typedef struct directory directory_t;
 430048 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 430049 #define SB_MAX_SLOTS  2                 // Handle max 2 file systems.
 430051 struct sb {                             // File system super block:
 430052     uint16_t      inodes;               // inodes available;
 430053     uint16_t      zones;                // zones available (disk size);
 430054     uint16_t      map_inode_blocks;     // inode bit map blocks;
 430055     uint16_t      map_zone_blocks;      // data-zone bit map blocks;
 430056     uint16_t      first_data_zone;      // first data-zone;
 430057     uint16_t      log2_size_zone;       // log_2 (size_zone/block_size);
 430058     uint32_t      max_file_size;        // max file size in bytes;
 430059     uint16_t      magic_number;         // file system magic number.
 430060     //------------------------------------------------------------------
 430061     // Extra management data, not saved inside the file system
 430062     // super block.
 430063     //------------------------------------------------------------------
 430064     dev_t         device;                       // FS device [3]
 430065     inode_t      *inode_mounted_on;             // [4]
 430066     blksize_t     blksize;                      // Calculated zone size.
 430067     int           options;                      // [5]
 430068     uint16_t      map_inode[SB_MAP_INODE_SIZE];
 430069     uint16_t      map_zone[SB_MAP_ZONE_SIZE];
 430070     char          changed;
 430071 };
 430073 extern sb_t    sb_table[SB_MAX_SLOTS];
 430074 //
 430075 // [3] the member `device' must be kept at the same position, because
 430076 //     it is used to calculate the super block header size, saved on
 430077 //     disk.
 430078 //
 430079 // [4] If this pointer is not NULL, the super block is related to a
 430080 //     device mounted on a directory. The inode of such directory is
 430081 //     recorded here. Please note that it is type `void *', instead of
 430082 //     type `inode_t', because type `inode_t' is declared after type
 430083 //     `sb_t'.
 430084 //     Please note that the type `sb_t' is declared before the
 430085 //     type `inode_t', but this member points to a type `inode_t'.
 430086 //     This is the reason because it was necessary to declare first
 430087 //     the type `inode_t' as made of `struct inode', to be described
 430088 //     later. For coherence, all derived type made of structured data,
 430089 //     are first declared as structure, and then, later, described.
 430090 //
 430091 // [5] Mount options can be only `MOUNT_DEFAULT' or `MOUNT_RO',
 430092 //     as defined inside file `lib/sys/os16.h'.
 430093 //
 430094 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 430095 #define INODE_MAX_SLOTS           (8 * OPEN_MAX)
 430097 struct inode {                          // Inode (32 byte total):
 430098     mode_t        mode;                 // file type and permissions;
 430099     uid_t         uid;                  // user ID (16 bit);
 430100     ssize_t       size;                 // file size in bytes;
 430101     time_t        time;                 // file data modification time;
 430102     uint8_t       gid;                  // group ID (8 bit);
 430103     uint8_t       links;                // links to the inode;
 430104     zno_t         direct[7];            // direct zones;
 430105     zno_t         indirect1;            // indirect zones;
 430106     zno_t         indirect2;            // double indirect zones.
 430107     //------------------------------------------------------------------
 430108     // Extra management data, not saved inside the disk file system.
 430109     //------------------------------------------------------------------
 430110     sb_t         *sb;                   // Inode's super block. [7]
 430111     ino_t         ino;                  // Inode number.
 430112     sb_t         *sb_attached;          // [8]
 430113     blkcnt_t      blkcnt;               // Rounded size/blksize.
 430114     unsigned char references;           // Run time active references.
 430115     char          changed;              // 1 == to be saved.
 430116 };
 430118 extern inode_t inode_table[INODE_MAX_SLOTS];
 430119 //
 430120 // [7] the member `sb' must be kept at the same position, because
 430121 //     it is used to calculate the inode header size, saved on disk.
 430122 //
 430123 // [8] If the inode is a mount point for another device, the other
 430124 //     super block pointer is saved inside `sb_attached'.
 430125 //
 430126 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 430127 #define FILE_MAX_SLOTS             (16 * OPEN_MAX)
 430129 struct file {
 430130     int           references;
 430131     off_t         offset;               // File position.
 430132     int           oflags;               // Open mode: r/w/r+w [9]
 430133     inode_t      *inode;
 430134 };
 430136 extern file_t file_table[FILE_MAX_SLOTS];
 430137 //
 430138 // [9] the member `oflags' can get only O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, O_RDWR,
 430139 //     (from header `fcntl.h') combined with OR binary operator.
 430140 //
 430141 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 430142 struct fd {
 430143     int           fl_flags;             // File status flags and file
 430144                                         // access modes. [10]
 430145     int           fd_flags;             // File descriptor flags:
 430146                                         // currently only FD_CLOEXEC.
 430147     file_t       *file;                 // Pointer to the file table.
 430148 };
 430149 //
 430150 // [10] the member `fl_flags' can get only O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, O_RDWR,
 430151 //      O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_NOCTTY, O_TRUNC and O_APPEND
 430152 //      (from header `fcntl.h') combined with OR binary
 430153 //      operator. Options like O_DSYNC, O_NONBLOCK, O_RSYNC and O_SYNC
 430154 //      are not taken into consideration by os16.
 430155 //
 430156 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 430157 struct directory {                      // Directory entry:
 430158     ino_t         ino;                  // inode number;
 430159     char          name[NAME_MAX];       // file name.
 430160 };
 430161 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 430162 sb_t    *sb_reference    (dev_t device);
 430163 sb_t    *sb_mount        (dev_t device, inode_t **inode_mnt,
 430164                           int options);
 430165 sb_t    *sb_get          (dev_t device, sb_t *sb);
 430166 int      sb_save         (sb_t *sb);
 430167 int      sb_zone_status  (sb_t *sb, zno_t zone);
 430168 int      sb_inode_status (sb_t *sb, ino_t ino);
 430169 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 430170 zno_t    zone_alloc           (sb_t *sb);
 430171 int      zone_free            (sb_t *sb, zno_t zone);
 430172 int      zone_read            (sb_t *sb, zno_t zone, void *buffer);
 430173 int      zone_write           (sb_t *sb, zno_t zone, void *buffer);
 430174 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 430175 inode_t *inode_reference      (dev_t device, ino_t ino);
 430176 inode_t *inode_alloc          (dev_t device, mode_t mode, uid_t uid);
 430177 int      inode_free           (inode_t *inode);
 430178 inode_t *inode_get            (dev_t device, ino_t ino);
 430179 int      inode_save           (inode_t *inode);
 430180 int      inode_put            (inode_t *inode);
 430181 int      inode_truncate       (inode_t *inode);
 430182 zno_t    inode_zone           (inode_t *inode, zno_t fzone, int write);
 430183 inode_t *inode_stdio_dev_make (dev_t device, mode_t mode);
 430184 blkcnt_t inode_fzones_read    (inode_t *inode, zno_t zone_start,
 430185                                void *buffer, blkcnt_t blkcnt);
 430186 blkcnt_t inode_fzones_write   (inode_t *inode, zno_t zone_start,
 430187                                void *buffer, blkcnt_t blkcnt);
 430188 ssize_t  inode_file_read      (inode_t *inode, off_t offset,
 430189                                void *buffer, size_t count, int *eof);
 430190 ssize_t  inode_file_write     (inode_t *inode, off_t offset,
 430191                                void *buffer, size_t count);
 430192 int      inode_check          (inode_t *inode, mode_t type,
 430193                                int perm, uid_t uid);
 430194 int      inode_dir_empty      (inode_t *inode);
 430195 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 430196 file_t  *file_reference       (int fno);
 430197 file_t  *file_stdio_dev_make  (dev_t device, mode_t mode, int oflags);
 430198 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 430199 inode_t *path_inode      (pid_t pid, const char *path);
 430200 int      path_chdir      (pid_t pid, const char *path);
 430201 dev_t    path_device     (pid_t pid, const char *path);
 430202 int      path_full       (const char *path,
 430203                           const char *path_cwd,
 430204                           char *full_path);
 430205 int      path_fix        (char *path);
 430206 inode_t *path_inode_link (pid_t pid, const char *path, inode_t *inode,
 430207                           mode_t mode);
 430208 int      path_link       (pid_t pid, const char *path_old,
 430209                           const char *path_new);
 430210 int      path_mkdir      (pid_t pid, const char *path, mode_t mode);
 430211 int      path_mknod      (pid_t pid, const char *path, mode_t mode,
 430212                           dev_t device);
 430213 int      path_mount      (pid_t pid, const char *path_dev,
 430214                           const char *path_mnt,
 430215                           int options);
 430216 int      path_umount     (pid_t pid, const char *path_mnt);
 430217 int      path_stat       (pid_t pid, const char *path,
 430218                           struct stat *buffer);
 430219 int      path_chmod      (pid_t pid, const char *path, mode_t mode);
 430220 int      path_chown      (pid_t pid, const char *path, uid_t uid,
 430221                           gid_t gid);
 430222 int      path_unlink     (pid_t pid, const char *path);
 430223 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 430224 fd_t    *fd_reference (pid_t pid, int *fdn);
 430225 int      fd_chmod     (pid_t pid, int fdn, mode_t mode);
 430226 int      fd_chown     (pid_t pid, int fdn, uid_t uid, gid_t gid);
 430227 int      fd_close     (pid_t pid, int fdn);
 430228 int      fd_fcntl     (pid_t pid, int fdn, int cmd, int arg);
 430229 int      fd_dup       (pid_t pid, int fdn_old, int fdn_min);
 430230 int      fd_dup2      (pid_t pid, int fdn_old, int fdn_new);
 430231 off_t    fd_lseek     (pid_t pid, int fdn, off_t offset, int whence);
 430232 int      fd_open      (pid_t pid, const char *path, int oflags,
 430233                        mode_t mode);
 430234 ssize_t  fd_read      (pid_t pid, int fdn, void *buffer, size_t count,
 430235                        int *eof);
 430236 int      fd_stat      (pid_t pid, int fdn, struct stat *buffer);
 430237 ssize_t  fd_write     (pid_t pid, int fdn, const void *buffer,
 430238                        size_t count);
 430239 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 430241 #endif


Si veda la sezione i187.3.1.

 440001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 440002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 440003 #include <sys/stat.h>
 440004 #include <errno.h>
 440005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 440006 int
 440007 fd_chmod (pid_t pid, int fdn, mode_t mode)
 440008 {
 440009     proc_t   *ps;
 440010     inode_t  *inode;
 440011     //
 440012     // Get process.
 440013     //
 440014     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 440015     //
 440016     // Verify if the file descriptor is valid.
 440017     //
 440018     if (ps->fd[fdn].file == NULL)
 440019       {
 440020         errset (EBADF);         // Bad file descriptor.
 440021         return (-1);
 440022       }
 440023     //
 440024     // Reach the inode.
 440025     //
 440026     inode = ps->fd[fdn].file->inode;
 440027     //
 440028     // Verify to be the owner, or at least to be UID == 0.
 440029     //
 440030     if (ps->euid != inode->uid && ps->euid != 0)
 440031       {
 440032         errset (EACCES);        // Permission denied.
 440033         return (-1);
 440034       }
 440035     //
 440036     // Update the mode: the file type is kept and the
 440037     // rest is taken form the parameter `mode'.
 440038     //
 440039     inode->mode = (S_IFMT & inode->mode) | (~S_IFMT & mode);
 440040     //
 440041     // Save the inode.
 440042     //
 440043     inode->changed = 1;
 440044     inode_save (inode);
 440045     //
 440046     // Return.
 440047     //
 440048     return (0);
 440049 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.2.

 450001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 450002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 450003 #include <errno.h>
 450004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 450005 int
 450006 fd_chown (pid_t pid, int fdn, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
 450007 {
 450008     proc_t   *ps;
 450009     inode_t  *inode;
 450010     //
 450011     // Get process.
 450012     //
 450013     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 450014     //
 450015     // Verify if the file descriptor is valid.
 450016     //
 450017     if (ps->fd[fdn].file == NULL)
 450018       {
 450019         errset (EBADF);         // Bad file descriptor.
 450020         return (-1);
 450021       }
 450022     //
 450023     // Reach the inode.
 450024     //
 450025     inode = ps->fd[fdn].file->inode;
 450026     //
 450027     // Verify to be root, as the ability to change group
 450028     // is not taken into consideration.
 450029     //
 450030     if (ps->euid != 0)
 450031       {
 450032         errset (EACCES);        // Permission denied.
 450033         return (-1);
 450034       }
 450035     //
 450036     // Update the ownership.
 450037     //
 450038     if (uid != -1)
 450039       {
 450040         inode->uid     = uid;
 450041         inode->changed = 1;
 450042       }
 450043     if (gid != -1)
 450044       {
 450045         inode->gid     = gid;
 450046         inode->changed = 1;
 450047       }
 450048     //
 450049     // Save the inode.
 450050     //
 450051     inode->changed = 1;
 450052     inode_save (inode);
 450053     //
 450054     // Return.
 450055     //
 450056     return (0);
 450057 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.3.

 460001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 460002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 460003 #include <errno.h>
 460004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 460005 int
 460006 fd_close (pid_t pid, int fdn)
 460007 {
 460008     inode_t           *inode;
 460009     file_t            *file;
 460010     fd_t *fd;
 460011     //
 460012     // Get file descriptor.
 460013     //
 460014     fd = fd_reference (pid, &fdn);
 460015     if (fd == NULL                ||
 460016         fd->file == NULL          ||
 460017         fd->file->inode == NULL )
 460018       {
 460019         errset (EBADF);         // Bad file descriptor.
 460020         return (-1);
 460021       }
 460022     //
 460023     // Get file.
 460024     //
 460025     file = fd->file;
 460026     //
 460027     // Get inode.
 460028     //
 460029     inode = file->inode;
 460030     //
 460031     // Reduce references inside the file table item
 460032     // and remove item if it reaches zero.
 460033     //
 460034     file->references--;
 460035     if (file->references == 0)
 460036       {
 460037         file->oflags = 0;
 460038         file->inode  = NULL;
 460039         //
 460040         // Put inode, because there are no more file references.
 460041         //
 460042         inode_put (inode);
 460043       }
 460044     //
 460045     // Remove file descriptor.
 460046     //
 460047     fd->fl_flags = 0;
 460048     fd->fd_flags = 0;
 460049     fd->file  = NULL;
 460050     //
 460051     //
 460052     //
 460053     return (0);
 460054 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.4.

 470001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 470002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 470003 #include <errno.h>
 470004 #include <fcntl.h>
 470005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 470006 int
 470007 fd_dup (pid_t pid, int fdn_old, int fdn_min)
 470008 {
 470009     proc_t *ps;
 470010     int     fdn_new;
 470011     //
 470012     // Verify argument.
 470013     //
 470014     if (fdn_min < 0 || fdn_min >= OPEN_MAX)
 470015       {
 470016         errset (EINVAL);                 // Invalid argument.
 470017         return (-1);
 470018       }
 470019     //
 470020     // Get process.
 470021     //
 470022     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 470023     //
 470024     // Verify if `fdn_old' is a valid value.
 470025     //
 470026     if (fdn_old < 0                     ||
 470027         fdn_old >= OPEN_MAX             ||
 470028         ps->fd[fdn_old].file == NULL)
 470029       {
 470030         errset (EBADF);                 // Bad file descriptor.
 470031         return (-1);
 470032       }
 470033     //
 470034     // Find the first free slot and duplicate the file descriptor.
 470035     //
 470036     for (fdn_new = fdn_min; fdn_new < OPEN_MAX; fdn_new++)
 470037       {
 470038         if (ps->fd[fdn_new].file == NULL)
 470039           {
 470040             ps->fd[fdn_new].fl_flags = ps->fd[fdn_old].fl_flags;
 470041             ps->fd[fdn_new].fd_flags
 470042                 = ps->fd[fdn_old].fd_flags & ~FD_CLOEXEC;
 470043             ps->fd[fdn_new].file = ps->fd[fdn_old].file;
 470044             ps->fd[fdn_new].file->references++;
 470045             return (fdn_new);
 470046           }
 470047       }
 470048     //
 470049     // No fd slot available.
 470050     //
 470051     errset (EMFILE);            // Too many open files.
 470052     return (-1);
 470053 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.4.

 480001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 480002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 480003 #include <errno.h>
 480004 #include <fcntl.h>
 480005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 480006 int
 480007 fd_dup2 (pid_t pid, int fdn_old, int fdn_new)
 480008 {
 480009     proc_t *ps;
 480010     int     status;
 480011     //
 480012     // Get process.
 480013     //
 480014     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 480015     //
 480016     // Verify if `fdn_old' is a valid value.
 480017     //
 480018     if (fdn_old < 0                     ||
 480019         fdn_old >= OPEN_MAX             ||
 480020         ps->fd[fdn_old].file == NULL)
 480021       {
 480022         errset (EBADF);                 // Bad file descriptor.
 480023         return (-1);
 480024       }
 480025     //
 480026     // Check if `fd_old' and `fd_new' are the same.
 480027     //
 480028     if (fdn_old == fdn_new)
 480029       {
 480030         return (fdn_new);
 480031       }
 480032     //
 480033     // Close `fdn_new' if it is open and copy `fdn_old' into it.
 480034     //
 480035     if (ps->fd[fdn_new].file != NULL)
 480036       {
 480037         status = fd_close (pid, fdn_new);
 480038         if (status != 0)
 480039           {
 480040             return (-1);
 480041           }
 480042       }
 480043     ps->fd[fdn_new].fl_flags = ps->fd[fdn_old].fl_flags;
 480044     ps->fd[fdn_new].fd_flags = ps->fd[fdn_old].fd_flags & ~FD_CLOEXEC;
 480045     ps->fd[fdn_new].file = ps->fd[fdn_old].file;
 480046     ps->fd[fdn_new].file->references++;
 480047     return (fdn_new);
 480048 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.6.

 490001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 490002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 490003 #include <errno.h>
 490004 #include <fcntl.h>
 490005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 490006 int
 490007 fd_fcntl (pid_t pid, int fdn, int cmd, int arg)
 490008 {
 490009     proc_t   *ps;
 490010     inode_t  *inode;
 490011     int       mask;
 490012     //
 490013     // Get process.
 490014     //
 490015     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 490016     //
 490017     // Verify if the file descriptor is valid.
 490018     //
 490019     if (ps->fd[fdn].file == NULL)
 490020       {
 490021         errset (EBADF);                 // Bad file descriptor.
 490022         return (-1);
 490023       }
 490024     //
 490025     // Reach the inode.
 490026     //
 490027     inode = ps->fd[fdn].file->inode;
 490028     //
 490029     //
 490030     //
 490031     switch (cmd)
 490032       {
 490033         case F_DUPFD:
 490034             return (fd_dup (pid, fdn, arg));
 490035             break;
 490036         case F_GETFD:
 490037             return (ps->fd[fdn].fd_flags);
 490038             break;
 490039         case F_SETFD:
 490040             ps->fd[fdn].fd_flags = arg;
 490041             return (0);
 490042         case F_GETFL:
 490043             return (ps->fd[fdn].fl_flags);
 490044         case F_SETFL:
 490045             //
 490046             // Calculate a mask with bits that are not to be set.
 490047             //
 490048             mask = (O_ACCMODE
 490049                   | O_CREAT
 490050                   | O_EXCL
 490051                   | O_NOCTTY
 490052                   | O_TRUNC);
 490053             //
 490054             // Set to zero the bits that are not to be set from
 490055             // the argument.
 490056             //
 490057             arg = (arg & ~mask);
 490058             //
 490059             // Set to zero the bit that *are* to be set.
 490060             //
 490061             ps->fd[fdn].fl_flags &= mask;
 490062             //
 490063             // Set the bits, already filtered inside the argument.
 490064             //
 490065             ps->fd[fdn].fl_flags |= arg;
 490066             //
 490067             return (0);
 490068         default:
 490069             errset (EINVAL);                    // Not implemented.
 490070             return (-1);
 490071       }
 490072 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.7.

 500001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 500002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 500003 #include <errno.h>
 500004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 500005 off_t
 500006 fd_lseek (pid_t pid, int fdn, off_t offset, int whence)
 500007 {
 500008     inode_t           *inode;
 500009     file_t            *file;
 500010     fd_t *fd;
 500011     off_t              test_offset;
 500012     //
 500013     // Get file descriptor.
 500014     //
 500015     fd = fd_reference (pid, &fdn);
 500016     if (fd == NULL                ||
 500017         fd->file == NULL          ||
 500018         fd->file->inode == NULL )
 500019       {
 500020         errset (EBADF);                 // Bad file descriptor.
 500021         return (-1);
 500022       }
 500023     //
 500024     // Get file table item.
 500025     //
 500026     file = fd->file;
 500027     //
 500028     // Get inode.
 500029     //
 500030     inode = file->inode;
 500031     //
 500032     // Change position depending on the `whence' parameter.
 500033     //
 500034     if (whence == SEEK_SET)
 500035       {
 500036         if (offset < 0)
 500037           {
 500038             errset (EINVAL);                    // Invalid argument.
 500039             return ((off_t) -1);
 500040           }
 500041         else
 500042           {
 500043             fd->file->offset = offset;
 500044           }
 500045       }
 500046     else if (whence == SEEK_CUR)
 500047       {
 500048         test_offset  = fd->file->offset;
 500049         test_offset += offset;
 500050         if (test_offset < 0)
 500051           {
 500052             errset (EINVAL);                    // Invalid argument.
 500053             return ((off_t) -1);
 500054           }
 500055         else
 500056           {
 500057             fd->file->offset = test_offset;
 500058           }
 500059       }
 500060     else if (whence == SEEK_END)
 500061       {
 500062         test_offset  = inode->size;
 500063         test_offset += offset;
 500064         if (test_offset < 0)
 500065           {
 500066             errset (EINVAL);                    // Invalid argument.
 500067             return ((off_t) -1);
 500068           }
 500069         else
 500070           {
 500071             fd->file->offset = test_offset;
 500072           }
 500073       }
 500074     else
 500075       {
 500076         errset (EINVAL);                        // Invalid argument.
 500077         return ((off_t) -1);
 500078       }
 500079     //
 500080     // Return the new file position.
 500081     //
 500082     return (fd->file->offset);
 500083 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.8.

 510001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 510002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 510003 #include <errno.h>
 510004 #include <fcntl.h>
 510005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 510006 int
 510007 fd_open (pid_t pid, const char *path, int oflags, mode_t mode)
 510008 {
 510009     proc_t   *ps;
 510010     inode_t  *inode;
 510011     int       status;
 510012     file_t   *file;
 510013     fd_t     *fd;
 510014     int       fdn;
 510015     char      full_path[PATH_MAX];
 510016     int       perm;
 510017     tty_t    *tty;
 510018     mode_t    umask;
 510019     int       errno_save;
 510020     //
 510021     // Get process.
 510022     //
 510023     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 510024     //
 510025     // Correct the mode with the umask. As it is not a directory, to the
 510026     // mode are removed execution and sticky permissions.
 510027     //
 510028     umask = ps->umask | 01111;
 510029     mode &= ~umask;
 510030     //
 510031     // Check open options.
 510032     //
 510033     if (oflags & O_WRONLY)
 510034       {
 510035         //
 510036         // The file is to be opened for write, or for read/write.
 510037         // Try to get inode.
 510038         //
 510039         inode = path_inode (pid, path);
 510040         if (inode == NULL)
 510041           {
 510042             //
 510043             // Cannot get the inode. See if there is the creation
 510044             // option.
 510045             //
 510046             if (oflags & O_CREAT)
 510047               {
 510048                 //
 510049                 // Try to create the missing inode: the file must be a
 510050                 // regular one, so add the mode.
 510051                 //
 510052                 path_full (path, ps->path_cwd, full_path);
 510053                 inode = path_inode_link (pid, full_path, NULL,
 510054                                          (mode | S_IFREG));
 510055                 if (inode == NULL)
 510056                   {
 510057                     //
 510058                     // Sorry: cannot create the inode! Variable `errno'
 510059                     // is already set by `path_inode_link()'.
 510060                     //
 510061                     errset (errno);
 510062                     return (-1);
 510063                   }
 510064               }
 510065             else
 510066               {
 510067                 //
 510068                 // Cannot open the inode. Variable `errno'
 510069                 // should be already set by `path_inode()'.
 510070                 //
 510071                 errset (errno);
 510072                 return (-1);
 510073               }
 510074           }
 510075         //
 510076         // The inode was read or created: check if it must be
 510077         // truncated. It can be truncated only if it is a regular
 510078         // file.
 510079         //
 510080         if (oflags & O_TRUNC && inode->mode & S_IFREG)
 510081           {
 510082             //
 510083             // Truncate inode.
 510084             //
 510085             status = inode_truncate (inode);
 510086             if (status != 0)
 510087               {
 510088                 //
 510089                 // Cannot truncate the inode: release it and return.
 510090                 // But this error should never happen, because the
 510091                 // function `inode_truncate()' will not return any
 510092                 // other value than zero.
 510093                 //
 510094                 errno_save = errno;
 510095                 inode_put (inode);
 510096                 errset (errno_save);
 510097                 return (-1);
 510098               }
 510099           }
 510100       }
 510101     else
 510102       {
 510103         //
 510104         // The file is to be opened for read, but not for write.
 510105         // Try to get inode.
 510106         //
 510107         inode = path_inode (pid, path);
 510108         if (inode == NULL)
 510109           {
 510110             //
 510111             // Cannot open the file.
 510112             //
 510113             errset (errno);
 510114             return (-1);
 510115           }
 510116       }
 510117     //
 510118     // An inode was opened: check type and access permissions.
 510119     // All file types are good, even directories, as the type
 510120     // DIR is implemented through file descriptors.
 510121     //
 510122     perm = 0;
 510123     if (oflags & O_RDONLY) perm |= 4;
 510124     if (oflags & O_WRONLY) perm |= 2;
 510125     status = inode_check (inode, S_IFMT, perm, ps->uid);
 510126     if (status != 0)
 510127       {
 510128         //
 510129         // The file type is not correct or the user does not have
 510130         // permissions.
 510131         //
 510132         return (-1);
 510133       }
 510134     //
 510135     // Allocate the file, inside the file table.
 510136     //
 510137     file = file_reference (-1);
 510138     if (file == NULL)
 510139       {
 510140         //
 510141         // Cannot allocate the file inside the file table: release the
 510142         // inode, update `errno' and return.
 510143         //
 510144         inode_put (inode);
 510145         errset (ENFILE);        // Too many files open in system.
 510146         return (-1);
 510147       }
 510148     //
 510149     // Put some data inside the file item. Only options
 510150     // O_RDONLY and O_WRONLY are kept here, because the O_APPEND
 510151     // is saved inside the file descriptor table.
 510152     //
 510153     file->references = 1;
 510154     file->oflags     = (oflags & (O_RDONLY | O_WRONLY));
 510155     file->inode      = inode;
 510156     //
 510157     // Allocate the file descriptor: variable `fdn' will be modified
 510158     // by the call to `fd_reference()'.
 510159     //
 510160     fdn = -1;
 510161     fd = fd_reference (pid, &fdn);
 510162     if (fd == NULL)
 510163       {
 510164         //
 510165         // Cannot allocate the file descriptor: remove the item from
 510166         // file table.
 510167         //
 510168         file->references = 0;
 510169         file->oflags     = 0;
 510170         file->inode      = NULL;
 510171         //
 510172         // Release the inode.
 510173         //
 510174         inode_put (inode);
 510175         //
 510176         // Return an error.
 510177         //
 510178         errset (EMFILE);        // Too many open files.
 510179         return (-1);
 510180       }
 510181     //
 510182     // File descriptor allocated: put some data inside the
 510183     // file descriptor item.
 510184     //
 510185     fd->fl_flags = (oflags & (O_RDONLY | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND));
 510186     fd->fd_flags = 0;
 510187     fd->file = file;
 510188     fd->file->offset = 0;
 510189     //
 510190     // Check if it is a terminal (currently only consoles), if it is
 510191     // opened for read and write, and if it have to be set as the
 510192     // controlling terminal. This thing is done here because there is
 510193     // not a real device driver.
 510194     //
 510195     if ((S_ISCHR (inode->mode)) &&
 510196         (oflags & O_RDONLY)     &&
 510197         (oflags & O_WRONLY))
 510198       {
 510199         //
 510200         // The inode is a character special file (related to a character
 510201         // device), opened for read and write!
 510202         //
 510203         if ((inode->direct[0] & 0xFF00) == (DEV_CONSOLE_MAJOR << 8))
 510204           {
 510205             //
 510206             // It is a terminal (currently only consoles are possible).
 510207             // Get the tty reference.
 510208             //
 510209             tty = tty_reference ((dev_t) inode->direct[0]);
 510210             //
 510211             // Verify that the terminal is not already the controlling
 510212             // terminal of some process group.
 510213             //
 510214             if (tty->pgrp == 0)
 510215               {
 510216                 //
 510217                 // The terminal is free: verify if the current process
 510218                 // needs a controlling terminal.
 510219                 //
 510220                 if (ps->device_tty == 0 && ps->pgrp == pid)
 510221                   {
 510222                     //
 510223                     // It is a group leader with no controlling
 510224                     // terminal: set the controlling terminal.
 510225                     //
 510226                     ps->device_tty = inode->direct[0];
 510227                     tty->pgrp      = ps->pgrp;
 510228                   }
 510229               }
 510230           }
 510231       }
 510232     //
 510233     // Return the file descriptor.
 510234     //
 510235     return (fdn);
 510236 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.9.

 520001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 520002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 520003 #include <errno.h>
 520004 #include <fcntl.h>
 520005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 520006 ssize_t
 520007 fd_read (pid_t pid, int fdn, void *buffer, size_t count, int *eof)
 520008 {
 520009     fd_t  *fd;
 520010     ssize_t  size_read;
 520011     //
 520012     // Get file descriptor.
 520013     //
 520014     fd = fd_reference (pid, &fdn);
 520015     if (fd              == NULL   ||
 520016         fd->file        == NULL   ||
 520017         fd->file->inode == NULL )
 520018       {
 520019         errset (EBADF);                 // Bad file descriptor.
 520020         return ((ssize_t) -1);
 520021       }
 520022     //
 520023     // Check if it is opened for read.
 520024     //
 520025     if (!(fd->file->oflags & O_RDONLY))
 520026       {
 520027         //
 520028         // The file is not opened for read.
 520029         //
 520030         errset (EINVAL);                // Invalid argument.
 520031         return ((ssize_t) -1);
 520032       }
 520033     //
 520034     // It is not a mistake to read a directory, as `dirent.h' is
 520035     // implemented through file descriptors.
 520036     //
 520037     //  //
 520038     //  // Check if it is a directory.
 520039     //  //
 520040     //  if (fd->file->inode->mode & S_IFDIR)
 520041     //    {
 520042     //      errset (EISDIR);                // Is a directory.
 520043     //      return ((ssize_t) -1);
 520044     //    }
 520045     //
 520046     // Check the kind of file to be read and read it.
 520047     //
 520048     if  (S_ISBLK (fd->file->inode->mode)
 520049       || S_ISCHR (fd->file->inode->mode))
 520050       {
 520051         //
 520052         // A device is to be read.
 520053         //
 520054         size_read = dev_io (pid, (dev_t) fd->file->inode->direct[0],
 520055                             DEV_READ, fd->file->offset, buffer, count,
 520056                             eof);
 520057       }
 520058     else if (S_ISREG (fd->file->inode->mode))
 520059       {
 520060         //
 520061         // A regular file is to be read.
 520062         //
 520063         size_read = inode_file_read (fd->file->inode, fd->file->offset,
 520064                                      buffer, count, eof);
 520065       }
 520066     else if (S_ISDIR (fd->file->inode->mode))
 520067       {
 520068         //
 520069         // A directory, is to be read.
 520070         //
 520071         size_read = inode_file_read (fd->file->inode, fd->file->offset,
 520072                                      buffer, count, eof);
 520073       }
 520074     else
 520075       {
 520076         //
 520077         // Unsupported file type.
 520078         //
 520079         errset (E_FILE_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED);       //File type unsupported.
 520080         return ((ssize_t) -1);
 520081       }
 520082     //
 520083     // Update the file descriptor internal offset.
 520084     //
 520085     if (size_read > 0)
 520086       {
 520087         fd->file->offset += size_read;
 520088       }
 520089     //
 520090     // Just return the size read, even if it is an error. Please note
 520091     // that a size of zero might tell that it is the end of file, or
 520092     // just that the read should be retried.
 520093     //
 520094     return (size_read);
 520095 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.10.

 530001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 530002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 530003 #include <errno.h>
 530004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 530005 fd_t *
 530006 fd_reference (pid_t pid, int *fdn)
 530007 {
 530008     proc_t *ps;
 530009     //
 530010     // Get process.
 530011     //
 530012     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 530013     //
 530014     // See what to do.
 530015     //
 530016     if (*fdn < 0)
 530017       {
 530018         //
 530019         // Find the first free slot.
 530020         //
 530021         for (*fdn = 0; *fdn < OPEN_MAX; (*fdn)++)
 530022           {
 530023             if (ps->fd[*fdn].file == NULL)
 530024               {
 530025                 return (&(ps->fd[*fdn]));
 530026               }
 530027           }
 530028         *fdn = -1;
 530029         return (NULL);
 530030       }
 530031     else
 530032       {
 530033         if (*fdn < OPEN_MAX)
 530034           {
 530035             //
 530036             // Might return even a free file descriptor.
 530037             //
 530038             return (&(ps->fd[*fdn]));
 530039           }
 530040         else
 530041           {
 530042             return (NULL);
 530043           }
 530044       }
 530045 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.50.

 540001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 540002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 540003 #include <errno.h>
 540004 #include <fcntl.h>
 540005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 540006 int
 540007 fd_stat (pid_t pid, int fdn, struct stat *buffer)
 540008 {
 540009     proc_t   *ps;
 540010     inode_t  *inode;
 540011     //
 540012     // Get process.
 540013     //
 540014     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 540015     //
 540016     // Verify if the file descriptor is valid.
 540017     //
 540018     if (ps->fd[fdn].file == NULL)
 540019       {
 540020         errset (EBADF);                 // Bad file descriptor.
 540021         return (-1);
 540022       }
 540023     //
 540024     // Reach the inode.
 540025     //
 540026     inode = ps->fd[fdn].file->inode;
 540027     //
 540028     // Inode loaded: update the buffer.
 540029     //
 540030     buffer->st_dev      = inode->sb->device;
 540031     buffer->st_ino      = inode->ino;
 540032     buffer->st_mode     = inode->mode;
 540033     buffer->st_nlink    = inode->links;
 540034     buffer->st_uid      = inode->uid;
 540035     buffer->st_gid      = inode->gid;
 540036     if (S_ISBLK (buffer->st_mode) || S_ISCHR (buffer->st_mode))
 540037       {
 540038         buffer->st_rdev = inode->direct[0];
 540039       }
 540040     else
 540041       {
 540042         buffer->st_rdev = 0;
 540043       }
 540044     buffer->st_size     = inode->size;
 540045     buffer->st_atime    = inode->time;  // All times are the same for
 540046     buffer->st_mtime    = inode->time;  // Minix 1 file system.
 540047     buffer->st_ctime    = inode->time;  //
 540048     buffer->st_blksize  = inode->sb->blksize;
 540049     buffer->st_blocks   = inode->blkcnt;
 540050     //
 540051     // If the inode is a device special file, the `st_rdev' value is
 540052     // taken from the first direct zone (as of Minix 1 organization).
 540053     //
 540054     if (S_ISBLK(inode->mode) || S_ISCHR(inode->mode))
 540055       {
 540056         buffer->st_rdev = inode->direct[0];
 540057       }
 540058     else
 540059       {
 540060         buffer->st_rdev = 0;
 540061       }
 540062     //
 540063     // Return.
 540064     //
 540065     return (0);
 540066 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.12.

 550001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 550002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 550003 #include <errno.h>
 550004 #include <fcntl.h>
 550005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 550006 ssize_t
 550007 fd_write (pid_t pid, int fdn, const void *buffer, size_t count)
 550008 {
 550009     proc_t  *ps;
 550010     fd_t    *fd;
 550011     ssize_t  size_written;
 550012     //
 550013     // Get process.
 550014     //
 550015     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 550016     //
 550017     // Get file descriptor.
 550018     //
 550019     fd = fd_reference (pid, &fdn);
 550020     if (fd              == NULL   ||
 550021         fd->file        == NULL   ||
 550022         fd->file->inode == NULL )
 550023       {
 550024         //
 550025         // The file descriptor pointer is not valid.
 550026         //
 550027         errset (EBADF);                 // Bad file descriptor.
 550028         return ((ssize_t) -1);
 550029       }
 550030     //
 550031     // Check if it is opened for write.
 550032     //
 550033     if (!(fd->file->oflags & O_WRONLY))
 550034       {
 550035         //
 550036         // The file is not opened for write.
 550037         //
 550038         errset (EINVAL);                // Invalid argument.
 550039         return ((ssize_t) -1);
 550040       }
 550041     //
 550042     // Check if it is a directory.
 550043     //
 550044     if (fd->file->inode->mode & S_IFDIR)
 550045       {
 550046         errset (EISDIR);                // Is a directory.
 550047         return ((ssize_t) -1);
 550048       }
 550049     //
 550050     // It should be a valid type of file to be written. Check if it is
 550051     // opened in append mode: if so, must move the write offset to the
 550052     // end.
 550053     //
 550054     if (fd->fl_flags & O_APPEND)
 550055       {
 550056         fd->file->offset = fd->file->inode->size;
 550057       }
 550058     //
 550059     // Check the kind of file to be written and write it.
 550060     //
 550061     if (fd->file->inode->mode & S_IFBLK ||
 550062         fd->file->inode->mode & S_IFCHR)
 550063       {
 550064         //
 550065         // A device is to be written.
 550066         //
 550067         size_written = dev_io (pid, (dev_t) fd->file->inode->direct[0],
 550068                                DEV_WRITE, fd->file->offset, buffer,
 550069                                count, NULL);
 550070       }
 550071     else if (fd->file->inode->mode & S_IFREG)
 550072       {
 550073         //
 550074         // A regular file is to be written.
 550075         //
 550076         size_written = inode_file_write (fd->file->inode,
 550077                                          fd->file->offset,
 550078                                          buffer, count);
 550079       }
 550080     else
 550081       {
 550082         //
 550083         // Unsupported file type.
 550084         //
 550085         errset (E_FILE_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED);       //File type unsupported.
 550086         return ((ssize_t) -1);
 550087       }
 550088     //
 550089     // Update the file descriptor internal offset.
 550090     //
 550091     if (size_written > 0)
 550092       {
 550093         fd->file->offset += size_written;
 550094       }
 550095     //
 550096     // Just return the size written, even if it is an error.
 550097     //
 550098     return (size_written);
 550099 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.13.

 560001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 560002 #include <errno.h>
 560003 #include <fcntl.h>
 560004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 560005 file_t *
 560006 file_reference (int fno)
 560007 {
 560008     //
 560009     // Check type of request.
 560010     //
 560011     if (fno < 0)
 560012       {
 560013         //
 560014         // Find a free slot.
 560015         //
 560016         for (fno = 0; fno < FILE_MAX_SLOTS; fno++)
 560017           {
 560018             if (file_table[fno].references <= 0)
 560019               {
 560020                 return (&file_table[fno]);
 560021               }
 560022           }
 560023         return (NULL);
 560024       }
 560025     else if (fno > FILE_MAX_SLOTS)
 560026       {
 560027         return (NULL);
 560028       }
 560029     else
 560030       {
 560031         return (&file_table[fno]);
 560032       }
 560033 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.14.

 570001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 570002 #include <errno.h>
 570003 #include <fcntl.h>
 570004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 570005 file_t *
 570006 file_stdio_dev_make (dev_t device, mode_t mode, int oflags)
 570007 {
 570008     inode_t *inode;
 570009     file_t  *file;
 570010     //
 570011     // Try to allocate a device inode.
 570012     //
 570013     inode = inode_stdio_dev_make (device, mode);
 570014     if (inode == NULL)
 570015       {
 570016         //
 570017         // Variable `errno' is already set by `inode_stdio_dev_make()'.
 570018         //
 570019         errset (errno);
 570020         return (NULL);
 570021       }
 570022     //
 570023     // Inode allocated: need to allocate the system file item.
 570024     //
 570025     file = file_reference (-1);
 570026     if (file == NULL)
 570027       {
 570028         //
 570029         // Remove the inode and return an error.
 570030         //
 570031         inode_put (inode);
 570032         errset (ENFILE);        // Too many files open in system.
 570033         return (NULL);
 570034       }
 570035     //
 570036     // Fill with data the system file item.
 570037     //
 570038     file->references = 1;
 570039     file->oflags     = (oflags & (O_RDONLY | O_WRONLY));
 570040     file->inode      = inode;
 570041     //
 570042     // Return system file pointer.
 570043     //
 570044     return (file);
 570045 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.13.

 580001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 580002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 580003 file_t file_table[FILE_MAX_SLOTS];
 580004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------


Si veda la sezione i187.3.15.

 590001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 590002 #include <errno.h>
 590003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 590004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 590005 inode_t *
 590006 inode_alloc (dev_t device, mode_t mode, uid_t uid)
 590007 {
 590008     sb_t        *sb;
 590009     inode_t     *inode;
 590010     int          m;                     // Index inside the inode map.
 590011     int          map_element;
 590012     int          map_bit;
 590013     int          map_mask;
 590014     ino_t        ino;
 590015     //
 590016     // Check for arguments.
 590017     //
 590018     if (mode == 0)
 590019       {
 590020         errset (EINVAL);        // Invalid argument.
 590021         return (NULL);
 590022       }
 590023     //
 590024     // Get the super block from the known device.
 590025     //
 590026     sb = sb_reference (device);
 590027     if (sb == NULL)
 590028       {
 590029         errset (ENODEV);        // No such device.
 590030         return (NULL);
 590031       }
 590032     //
 590033     // Find a free inode.
 590034     //
 590035     while (1)
 590036       {
 590037         //
 590038         // Scan the inode bit map, to find a free inode
 590039         // for new allocation.
 590040         //
 590041         for (m = 0; m < (SB_MAP_INODE_SIZE * 16); m++)
 590042           {
 590043             map_element = m / 16;
 590044             map_bit     = m % 16;
 590045             map_mask    = 1 << map_bit;
 590046             if (!(sb->map_inode[map_element] & map_mask))
 590047               {
 590048                 //
 590049                 // Found a free element: change the map to
 590050                 // allocate the inode.
 590051                 //
 590052                 sb->map_inode[map_element] |= map_mask;
 590053                 sb->changed = 1;
 590054                 ino = m;  // Found a free inode:
 590055                 break;          // exit the scan loop.
 590056               }
 590057           }
 590058         //
 590059         // Check if the scan was successful.
 590060         //
 590061         if (ino == 0)
 590062           {
 590063             errset (ENOSPC);    // No space left on device.
 590064             return (NULL);
 590065           }
 590066         //
 590067         // The inode was allocated inside the map in memory.
 590068         //
 590069         inode = inode_get (device, ino);
 590070         if (inode == NULL)
 590071           {
 590072             errset (ENFILE);    // Too many files open in system.
 590073             return (NULL);
 590074           }
 590075         //
 590076         // Verify if the inode is really free: if it isn't, must save
 590077         // it to disk.
 590078         //
 590079         if (inode->size > 0 || inode->links > 0)
 590080           {
 590081             //
 590082             // Strange: should not have a size! Check if there are even
 590083             // links. Please note that 255 links (that is -1) is to be
 590084             // considered a free inode, marked in a special way for some
 590085             // unknown reason. Currently, `LINK_MAX' is equal to 254,
 590086             // for that reason.
 590087             //
 590088             if (inode->links > 0 && inode->links < LINK_MAX)
 590089               {
 590090                 //
 590091                 // Tell something.
 590092                 //
 590093                 k_printf ("kernel alert: device %04x: "
 590094                           "found \"free\" inode %i "
 590095                           "that still has size %i "
 590096                           "and %i links!\n",
 590097                           device, ino, inode->size, inode->links);
 590098                 //
 590099                 // The inode must be set again to free, inside
 590100                 // the bit map.
 590101                 //
 590102                 map_element = ino / 16;
 590103                 map_bit     = ino % 16;
 590104                 map_mask    = 1 << map_bit;
 590105                 sb->map_inode[map_element] &= ~map_mask;
 590106                 sb->changed = 1;
 590107                 //
 590108                 // Try to fix: reset all to zero.
 590109                 //
 590110                 inode->mode      = 0;
 590111                 inode->uid       = 0;
 590112                 inode->gid       = 0;
 590113                 inode->time      = 0;
 590114                 inode->links     = 0;
 590115                 inode->size      = 0;
 590116                 inode->direct[0] = 0;
 590117                 inode->direct[1] = 0;
 590118                 inode->direct[2] = 0;
 590119                 inode->direct[3] = 0;
 590120                 inode->direct[4] = 0;
 590121                 inode->direct[5] = 0;
 590122                 inode->direct[6] = 0;
 590123                 inode->indirect1 = 0;
 590124                 inode->indirect2 = 0;
 590125                 inode->changed   = 1;
 590126                 //
 590127                 // Save fixed inode to disk.
 590128                 //
 590129                 inode_put (inode);
 590130                 continue;
 590131               }
 590132             else
 590133               {
 590134                 //
 590135                 // Truncate the inode, save and break.
 590136                 //
 590137                 inode_truncate (inode);
 590138                 inode_save (inode);
 590139                 break;
 590140               }
 590141           }
 590142         else
 590143           {
 590144             //
 590145             // Considering free the inode found.
 590146             //
 590147             break;
 590148           }
 590149       }
 590150     //
 590151     // Put data inside the inode.
 590152     //
 590153     inode->mode    = mode;
 590154     inode->uid     = uid;
 590155     inode->gid     = 0;
 590156     inode->size    = 0;
 590157     inode->time    = k_time (NULL);
 590158     inode->links   = 0;
 590159     inode->changed = 1;
 590160     //
 590161     // Save the inode.
 590162     //
 590163     inode_save (inode);
 590164     //
 590165     // Return the inode pointer.
 590166     //
 590167     return (inode);
 590168 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.16.

 600001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 600002 #include <errno.h>
 600003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 600004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 600005 int
 600006 inode_check (inode_t *inode, mode_t type, int perm, uid_t uid)
 600007 {
 600008     //
 600009     // Ensure that the variable `type' has only the requested file type.
 600010     //
 600011     type = (type & S_IFMT);
 600012     //
 600013     // Check inode argument.
 600014     //
 600015     if (inode == NULL)
 600016       {
 600017         errset (EINVAL);        // Invalid argument.
 600018         return (-1);
 600019       }
 600020     //
 600021     // The inode is not NULL: verify that the inode is of a type
 600022     // allowed (the parameter `type' can hold more than one
 600023     // possibility).
 600024     //
 600025     if (!(inode->mode & type))
 600026       {
 600027         errset (E_FILE_TYPE);   // The file type is not
 600028         return (-1);            // the expected one.
 600029       }
 600030     //
 600031     // The file type is correct.
 600032     //
 600033     if (inode->uid != 0 && uid == 0)
 600034       {
 600035         return (0);             // The root user has all permissions.
 600036       }
 600037     //
 600038     // The user is not root or the inode is owned by root.
 600039     //
 600040     if (inode->uid == uid)
 600041       {
 600042         //
 600043         // The user own the inode and must check user permissions.
 600044         //
 600045         perm = (perm << 6);
 600046         if ((inode->mode & perm) ^ perm)
 600047           {
 600048             errset (EACCES);            // Permission denied.
 600049             return (-1);
 600050           }
 600051         else
 600052           {
 600053             return (0);
 600054           }
 600055       }
 600056     //
 600057     // The user does not own the inode: the other permissions are
 600058     // checked.
 600059     //
 600060     if ((inode->mode & perm) ^ perm)
 600061       {
 600062         errset (EACCES);                // Permission denied.
 600063         return (-1);
 600064       }
 600065     else
 600066       {
 600067         return (0);
 600068       }
 600069 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.17.

 610001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 610002 #include <errno.h>
 610003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 610004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 610005 int
 610006 inode_dir_empty (inode_t *inode)
 610007 {
 610008     off_t        start;
 610009     char         buffer[SB_MAX_ZONE_SIZE];
 610010     directory_t *dir;
 610011     ssize_t      size_read;
 610012     int          d;                     // Directory buffer index.
 610013     //
 610014     // Check argument: must be a directory.
 610015     //
 610016     if (inode == NULL || !S_ISDIR (inode->mode))
 610017       {
 610018         errset (EINVAL);                // Invalid argument.
 610019         return (0);                     // false
 610020       }
 610021     //
 610022     // Read the directory content: if an item is present (except `.' and
 610023     // `..'), the directory is not empty.
 610024     //
 610025     for (start  = 0;
 610026          start <  inode->size;
 610027          start += inode->sb->blksize)
 610028       {
 610029         size_read = inode_file_read (inode, start, buffer,
 610030                                      inode->sb->blksize,
 610031                                      NULL);
 610032         if (size_read < sizeof (directory_t))
 610033           {
 610034             break;
 610035           }
 610036         //
 610037         // Scan the directory portion just read.
 610038         //
 610039         dir = (directory_t *) buffer;
 610040         //
 610041         for (d = 0; d < size_read; d += (sizeof (directory_t)), dir++)
 610042           {
 610043             if (dir->ino != 0                              &&
 610044                 strncmp (dir->name, ".", NAME_MAX) != 0    &&
 610045                 strncmp (dir->name, "..", NAME_MAX) != 0)
 610046               {
 610047                 //
 610048                 // There is an item and the directory is not empty.
 610049                 //
 610050                 return (0);     // false
 610051               }
 610052           }
 610053       }
 610054     //
 610055     // Nothing was found; good!
 610056     //
 610057     return (1);         // true
 610058 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.18.

 620001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 620002 #include <errno.h>
 620003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 620004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 620005 ssize_t
 620006 inode_file_read (inode_t *inode, off_t offset,
 620007                  void *buffer, size_t count, int *eof)
 620008 {
 620009     unsigned char *destination = (unsigned char *) buffer;
 620010     unsigned char  zone_buffer[SB_MAX_ZONE_SIZE];
 620011     blkcnt_t       blkcnt_read;
 620012     off_t          off_fzone;   // File zone offset.
 620013     off_t          off_buffer;  // Destination buffer offset.
 620014     ssize_t        size_read;   // Byte transfer counter.
 620015     zno_t          fzone;
 620016     off_t          off_end;
 620017     //
 620018     // The inode pointer must be valid, and
 620019     // the start byte must be positive.
 620020     //
 620021     if (inode == NULL || offset < 0)
 620022       {
 620023         errset (EINVAL);        // Invalid argument.
 620024         return ((ssize_t) -1);
 620025       }
 620026     //
 620027     // Check if the start address is inside the file size. This is not
 620028     // an error, but zero bytes are read and `*eof' is set. Otherwise,
 620029     // `*eof' is reset.
 620030     //
 620031     if (offset >= inode->size)
 620032       {
 620033         (eof != NULL)? *eof = 1: 0;
 620034         return (0);
 620035       }
 620036     else
 620037       {
 620038         (eof != NULL)? *eof = 0: 0;
 620039       }
 620040     //
 620041     // Adjust, if necessary, the size of read, because it cannot be
 620042     // larger than the actual file size. The variable `off_end' is
 620043     // used to calculate the position *after* the requested read.
 620044     // Remember that the first file position is byte zero; so,
 620045     // the byte index inside the file goes from zero to inode->size -1.
 620046     //
 620047     off_end  = offset;
 620048     off_end += count;
 620049     if (off_end > inode->size)
 620050       {
 620051         count = (inode->size - offset);
 620052       }
 620053     //
 620054     // Read the first file-zone inside the zone buffer.
 620055     //
 620056     fzone       = offset / inode->sb->blksize;
 620057     off_fzone   = offset % inode->sb->blksize;
 620058     blkcnt_read = inode_fzones_read (inode, fzone, zone_buffer,
 620059                                      (blkcnt_t) 1);
 620060     if (blkcnt_read <= 0)
 620061       {
 620062         //
 620063         // Sorry!
 620064         //
 620065         return (0);                 // Zero bytes read!
 620066       }
 620067     //
 620068     // The first file-zone was read: copy it inside the destination
 620069     // buffer and continue reading the other zones needed. Variables
 620070     // `off_buffer' (destination buffer index) and `size_read' (copy
 620071     // byte counter) must be reset here. Variable `off_fzone' is already
 620072     // set with the initial offset inside `zone_buffer'.
 620073     //
 620074     off_buffer = 0;
 620075     size_read  = 0;
 620076     //
 620077     while (count)
 620078       {
 620079         //
 620080         // Copy the zone buffer into the destination. Variables
 620081         // `off_fzone', `off_buffer' and `size_read' must not be
 620082         // initialized inside the loop.
 620083         //
 620084         for (; off_fzone < inode->sb->blksize && count > 0;
 620085              off_fzone++, off_buffer++, size_read++,
 620086              count--, offset++)
 620087           {
 620088             destination[off_buffer] = zone_buffer[off_fzone];
 620089           }
 620090         //
 620091         // If not all the bytes are copied, read the next file-zone.
 620092         //
 620093         if (count)
 620094           {
 620095             //
 620096             // Read another file-zone inside the zone buffer.
 620097             // Again, the function `inode_fzones_read()' might
 620098             // return a null pointer, but the variable `errno' tells if
 620099             // it is really an error. For this reason, the variable
 620100             // `errno' must be reset before the read, and checked after
 620101             // it.
 620102             //
 620103             fzone       = offset / inode->sb->blksize;
 620104             off_fzone   = offset % inode->sb->blksize;
 620105             blkcnt_read = inode_fzones_read (inode, fzone, zone_buffer,
 620106                                              (blkcnt_t) 1);
 620107             if (blkcnt_read <= 0)
 620108               {
 620109                 //
 620110                 // Sorry: only `size_read' bytes read!
 620111                 //
 620112                 return (size_read);
 620113               }
 620114           }
 620115       }
 620116     //
 620117     // The requested size was read completely.
 620118     //
 620119     return (size_read);
 620120 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.19.

 630001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 630002 #include <errno.h>
 630003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 630004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 630005 ssize_t
 630006 inode_file_write (inode_t *inode, off_t offset, void *buffer,
 630007                   size_t count)
 630008 {
 630009     unsigned char *buffer_source = (unsigned char *) buffer;
 630010     unsigned char  buffer_zone[SB_MAX_ZONE_SIZE];
 630011     off_t          off_fzone;    // File zone offset.
 630012     off_t          off_source;   // Source buffer offset.
 630013     ssize_t        size_copied;  // Byte transfer counter.
 630014     ssize_t        size_written; // Byte written counter.
 630015     zno_t          fzone;
 630016     zno_t          zone;
 630017     blkcnt_t       blkcnt_read;
 630018     int            status;
 630019     //
 630020     // The inode pointer must be valid, and
 630021     // the start byte must be positive.
 630022     //
 630023     if (inode == NULL || offset < 0)
 630024       {
 630025         errset (EINVAL);        // Invalid argument.
 630026         return ((ssize_t) -1);
 630027       }
 630028     //
 630029     // Read a zone, modify it with the source buffer, then write it back
 630030     // and continue reading and writing other zones if needed.
 630031     //
 630032     for (size_written = 0, off_source = 0, size_copied = 0;
 630033          count > 0; size_written += size_copied)
 630034       {
 630035         //
 630036         // Read the next file-zone inside the zone buffer: the function
 630037         // `inode_zone()' is used to create automatically the zone, if
 630038         // it does not exist.
 630039         //
 630040         fzone     = offset / inode->sb->blksize;
 630041         off_fzone = offset % inode->sb->blksize;
 630042         zone      = inode_zone (inode, fzone, 1);
 630043         if (zone == 0)
 630044           {
 630045             //
 630046             // Return previously written bytes. The variable `errno' is
 630047             // already set by `inode_zone()'.
 630048             //
 630049             return (size_written);
 630050           }
 630051         blkcnt_read = inode_fzones_read (inode, fzone, buffer_zone,
 630052                                          (blkcnt_t) 1);
 630053         if (blkcnt_read <= 0)
 630054           {
 630055             //
 630056             // Even if the value is zero, there is a problem reading the
 630057             // zone to be overwritten (because `inode_zone()' should
 630058             // have already created such zone). The variable `errno' is
 630059             // already set by `inode_fzones_read()'.
 630060             //
 630061             return ((ssize_t) -1);
 630062           }
 630063         //
 630064         // The zone was successfully loaded inside the buffer: overwrite
 630065         // the zone buffer with the source buffer.
 630066         //
 630067         for (size_copied = 0;
 630068              off_fzone < inode->sb->blksize && count > 0;
 630069              off_fzone++, off_source++, size_copied++, count--,
 630070              offset++)
 630071           {
 630072             buffer_zone[off_fzone] = buffer_source[off_source];
 630073           }
 630074         //
 630075         // Save the zone.
 630076         //
 630077         status = zone_write (inode->sb, zone, buffer_zone);
 630078         if (status != 0)
 630079           {
 630080             //
 630081             // Cannot save the zone: return the size already written.
 630082             // The variable `errno' is already set by `zone_write()'.
 630083             //
 630084             return (size_written);
 630085           }
 630086         //
 630087         // Zone saved: update the file size if necessary (and the inode
 630088         // too).
 630089         //
 630090         if (inode->size <= offset)
 630091           {
 630092             inode->size    = offset;
 630093             inode->changed = 1;
 630094             inode_save (inode);
 630095           }
 630096       }
 630097     //
 630098     // All done successfully: return the value.
 630099     //
 630100     return (size_written);
 630101 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.20.

 640001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 640002 #include <errno.h>
 640003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 640004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 640005 int
 640006 inode_free (inode_t *inode)
 640007 {
 640008     int      map_element;
 640009     int      map_bit;
 640010     int      map_mask;
 640011     //
 640012     if (inode == NULL)
 640013       {
 640014         errset (EINVAL);        // Invalid argument.
 640015         return (-1);
 640016       }
 640017     //
 640018     map_element = inode->ino / 16;
 640019     map_bit     = inode->ino % 16;
 640020     map_mask    = 1 << map_bit;
 640021     //
 640022     if (inode->sb->map_inode[map_element] & map_mask)
 640023       {
 640024         inode->sb->map_inode[map_element] -= map_mask;
 640025         inode->sb->changed = 1;
 640026       }
 640027     //
 640028     inode->mode       = 0;
 640029     inode->uid        = 0;
 640030     inode->gid        = 0;
 640031     inode->size       = 0;
 640032     inode->time       = 0;
 640033     inode->links      = 0;
 640034     inode->changed    = 1;
 640035     inode->references = 0;
 640036     //
 640037     return (inode_save (inode));
 640038 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.21.

 650001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 650002 #include <errno.h>
 650003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 650004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 650005 blkcnt_t
 650006 inode_fzones_read (inode_t *inode, zno_t zone_start,
 650007                    void *buffer, blkcnt_t blkcnt)
 650008 {
 650009     unsigned char *destination = (unsigned char *) buffer;
 650010     int            status;        // `zone_read()' return value.
 650011     blkcnt_t       blkcnt_read;   // Zone counter/index.
 650012     zno_t          zone;
 650013     zno_t          fzone;
 650014     //
 650015     // Read the zones into the destination buffer.
 650016     //
 650017     for (blkcnt_read = 0, fzone = zone_start;
 650018          blkcnt_read < blkcnt;
 650019          blkcnt_read++, fzone++)
 650020       {
 650021         //
 650022         // Calculate the zone number, from the file-zone, reading the
 650023         // inode. If a zone is not really allocated, the result is zero
 650024         // and is valid.
 650025         //
 650026         zone = inode_zone (inode, fzone, 0);
 650027         if (zone == ((zno_t) -1))
 650028           {
 650029             //
 650030             // This is an error. Return the read zones quantity.
 650031             //
 650032             return (blkcnt_read);
 650033           }
 650034         //
 650035         // Update the destination buffer pointer.
 650036         //
 650037         destination += (blkcnt_read * inode->sb->blksize);
 650038         //
 650039         // Read the zone inside the destination buffer, but if the zone
 650040         // is zero, a zeroed zone must be filled.
 650041         //
 650042         if (zone == 0)
 650043           {
 650044             memset (destination, 0, (size_t) inode->sb->blksize);
 650045           }
 650046         else
 650047           {
 650048             status = zone_read (inode->sb, zone, destination);
 650049             if (status != 0)
 650050               {
 650051                 //
 650052                 // Could not read the requested zone: return the zones
 650053                 // read correctly.
 650054                 //
 650055                 errset (EIO);               // I/O error.
 650056                 return (blkcnt_read);
 650057               }
 650058           }
 650059       }
 650060     //
 650061     // All zones read correctly inside the buffer.
 650062     //
 650063     return (blkcnt_read);
 650064 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.21.

 660001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 660002 #include <errno.h>
 660003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 660004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 660005 blkcnt_t
 660006 inode_fzones_write (inode_t *inode, zno_t zone_start, void *buffer,
 660007                     blkcnt_t blkcnt)
 660008 {
 660009     unsigned char *source = (unsigned char *) buffer;
 660010     int            status;              // `zone_read()' return value.
 660011     blkcnt_t       blkcnt_written;      // Written zones counter.
 660012     zno_t          zone;
 660013     zno_t          fzone;
 660014     //
 660015     // Write the zones into the destination buffer.
 660016     //
 660017     for (blkcnt_written = 0, fzone = zone_start;
 660018          blkcnt_written < blkcnt;
 660019          blkcnt_written++, fzone++)
 660020       {
 660021         //
 660022         // Find real zone from file-zone.
 660023         //
 660024         zone = inode_zone (inode, fzone, 1);
 660025         if (zone == 0 || zone == ((zno_t) -1))
 660026           {
 660027             //
 660028             // Function `inode_zone()' should allocate automatically
 660029             // a missing zone and should return a valid zone or
 660030             // (zno_t) -1. Anyway, even if a zero zone is returned,
 660031             // it is an error. Return the `blkcnt_written' value.
 660032             //
 660033             return (blkcnt_written);
 660034           }
 660035         //
 660036         // Update the source buffer pointer for the next zone write.
 660037         //
 660038         source += (blkcnt_written * inode->sb->blksize);
 660039         //
 660040         // Write the zone from the buffer content.
 660041         //
 660042         status  = zone_write (inode->sb, zone, source);
 660043         if (status != 0)
 660044           {
 660045             //
 660046             // Cannot write the zone. Return `size_written_zone' value.
 660047             //
 660048             return (blkcnt_written);
 660049           }
 660050       }
 660051     //
 660052     // All zones read correctly inside the buffer.
 660053     //
 660054     return (blkcnt_written);
 660055 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.23.

 670001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 670002 #include <errno.h>
 670003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 670004 #include <kernel/devices.h>
 670005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 670006 inode_t *
 670007 inode_get (dev_t device, ino_t ino)
 670008 {
 670009     sb_t             *sb;
 670010     inode_t          *inode;
 670011     unsigned long int start;
 670012     size_t            size;
 670013     ssize_t           n;
 670014     int               status;
 670015     //
 670016     // Verify if the root file system inode was requested.
 670017     //
 670018     if (device == 0 && ino == 1)
 670019       {
 670020         //
 670021         // Get root file system inode.
 670022         //
 670023         inode = inode_reference (device, ino);
 670024         if (inode == NULL)
 670025           {
 670026             //
 670027             // The file system root directory inode is not yet loaded:
 670028             // get the first super block.
 670029             //
 670030             sb = sb_reference ((dev_t) 0);
 670031             if (sb == NULL || sb->device == 0)
 670032               {
 670033                 //
 670034                 // This error should never happen.
 670035                 //
 670036                 errset (EUNKNOWN);      // Unknown error.
 670037                 return (NULL);
 670038               }
 670039             //
 670040             // Load the file system root directory inode (recursive
 670041             // call).
 670042             //
 670043             inode = inode_get (sb->device, (ino_t) 1);
 670044             if (inode == NULL)
 670045               {
 670046                 //
 670047                 // This error should never happen.
 670048                 //
 670049                 return (NULL);
 670050               }
 670051             //
 670052             // Return the directory inode.
 670053             //
 670054             return (inode);
 670055           }
 670056         else
 670057           {
 670058             //
 670059             // The file system root directory inode is already
 670060             // available.
 670061             //
 670062             if (inode->references >= INODE_MAX_REFERENCES)
 670063               {
 670064                 errset (ENFILE); // Too many files open in system.
 670065                 return (NULL);
 670066               }
 670067             else
 670068               {
 670069                 inode->references++;
 670070                 return (inode);
 670071               }
 670072           }
 670073       }
 670074     //
 670075     // A common device-inode pair was requested: try to find an already
 670076     // cached inode.
 670077     //
 670078     inode = inode_reference (device, ino);
 670079     if (inode != NULL)
 670080       {
 670081         if (inode->references >= INODE_MAX_REFERENCES)
 670082           {
 670083             errset (ENFILE);    // Too many files open in system.
 670084             return (NULL);
 670085           }
 670086         else
 670087           {
 670088             inode->references++;
 670089             return (inode);
 670090           }
 670091       }
 670092     //
 670093     // The inode is not yet available: get super block.
 670094     //
 670095     sb = sb_reference (device);
 670096     if (sb == NULL)
 670097       {
 670098         errset (ENODEV);        // No such device.
 670099         return (NULL);
 670100       }
 670101     //
 670102     // The super block is available, but the inode is not yet cached.
 670103     // Verify if the inode map reports it as allocated.
 670104     //
 670105     status = sb_inode_status (sb, ino);
 670106     if (!status)
 670107       {
 670108         //
 670109         // The inode is not allocated and cannot be loaded.
 670110         //
 670111         errset (ENOENT);        // No such file or directory.
 670112         return (NULL);
 670113       }
 670114     //
 670115     // The inode was not already cached, but is considered as allocated
 670116     // inside the inode map. Find a free slot to load the inode inside
 670117     // the inode table (in memory).
 670118     //
 670119     inode = inode_reference ((dev_t) -1, (ino_t) -1);
 670120     if (inode == NULL)
 670121       {
 670122         errset (ENFILE);        // Too many files open in system.
 670123         return (NULL);
 670124       }
 670125     //
 670126     // A free inode slot was found. The inode must be loaded.
 670127     // Calculate the memory inode size, to be saved inside the file
 670128     // system: the administrative inode data, as it is saved inside
 670129     // the file system. The `inode_t' type is bigger than the real
 670130     // inode administrative size, because it contains more data, that is
 670131     // not saved on disk.
 670132     //
 670133     size   = offsetof (inode_t, sb);
 670134     //
 670135     // Calculating start position for read.
 670136     //
 670137     // [1] Boot block.
 670138     // [2] Super block.
 670139     // [3] Inode bit map.
 670140     // [4] Zone bit map.
 670141     // [5] Previous inodes: consider that the inode zero is
 670142     //     present in the inode map, but not in the inode
 670143     //     table.
 670144     //
 670145     start  = 1024;                           // [1]
 670146     start += 1024;                           // [2]
 670147     start += (sb->map_inode_blocks * 1024);  // [3]
 670148     start += (sb->map_zone_blocks * 1024);   // [4]
 670149     start += ((ino -1) * size);              // [5]
 670150     //
 670151     // Read inode from disk.
 670152     //
 670153     n = dev_io ((pid_t) -1, device, DEV_READ, start, inode, size, NULL);
 670154     if (n != size)
 670155       {
 670156         errset (EIO);                   // I/O error.
 670157         return (NULL);
 670158       }
 670159     //
 670160     // The inode was read: add some data to the working copy in memory.
 670161     //
 670162     inode->sb            = sb;
 670163     inode->sb_attached   = NULL;
 670164     inode->ino           = ino;
 670165     inode->references    = 1;
 670166     inode->changed       = 0;
 670167     //
 670168     inode->blkcnt        = inode->size;
 670169     inode->blkcnt       /= sb->blksize;
 670170     if (inode->size % sb->blksize)
 670171       {
 670172         inode->blkcnt++;
 670173       }
 670174     //
 670175     // Return the inode pointer.
 670176     //
 670177     return (inode);
 670178 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.24.

 680001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 680002 #include <errno.h>
 680003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 680004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 680005 int
 680006 inode_put (inode_t *inode)
 680007 {
 680008     int        status;
 680009     //
 680010     // Check for valid argument.
 680011     //
 680012     if (inode == NULL)
 680013       {
 680014         errset (EINVAL);                // Invalid argument.
 680015         return (-1);
 680016       }
 680017     //
 680018     // Check for valid references.
 680019     //
 680020     if (inode->references <= 0)
 680021       {
 680022         errset (EUNKNOWN);              // Cannot put an inode with
 680023         return (-1);                    // zero or negative references.
 680024       }
 680025     //
 680026     // Debug.
 680027     //
 680028     if (inode->sb->device == 0 && inode->ino != 0)
 680029       {
 680030         k_printf ("kernel alert: trying to close inode with device "
 680031                   "zero, but a number different than zero!\n");
 680032         errset (EUNKNOWN);              // Cannot put an inode with
 680033         return (-1);                    // zero or negative references.
 680034       }
 680035     //
 680036     // There is at least one reference: now the references value is
 680037     // reduced.
 680038     //
 680039     inode->references--;
 680040     inode->changed = 1;
 680041     //
 680042     // If `inode->ino' is zero, it means that the inode was created in
 680043     // memory, but there is no file system for it. For example, it might
 680044     // be a standard I/O inode create automatically for a process.
 680045     // Inodes with number zero cannot be removed from a file system.
 680046     //
 680047     if (inode->ino == 0)
 680048       {
 680049         //
 680050         // Nothing to do: just return.
 680051         //
 680052         return (0);
 680053       }
 680054     //
 680055     //  References counter might be zero.
 680056     //
 680057     if (inode->references == 0)
 680058       {
 680059         //
 680060         // Check if the inode is to be deleted (until there are
 680061         // run time references, the inode cannot be removed).
 680062         //
 680063         if (inode->links == 0
 680064          || (S_ISDIR (inode->mode) && inode->links == 1))
 680065           {
 680066             //
 680067             // The inode has no more run time references and file system
 680068             // links are also zero (or one for a directory): remove it!
 680069             //
 680070             status = inode_truncate (inode);
 680071             if (status != 0)
 680072               {
 680073                 k_perror (NULL);
 680074               }
 680075             //
 680076             inode_free (inode);
 680077             return (0);
 680078           }
 680079       }
 680080     //
 680081     // Save inode to disk and return.
 680082     //
 680083     return (inode_save (inode));
 680084 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.25.

 690001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 690002 #include <errno.h>
 690003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 690004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 690005 inode_t *
 690006 inode_reference (dev_t device, ino_t ino)
 690007 {
 690008     int   s;                            // Slot index.
 690009     sb_t *sb_table = sb_reference (0);
 690010     //
 690011     // If device is zero, and inode is zero, a reference to the whole
 690012     // table is returned.
 690013     //
 690014     if (device == 0 && ino == 0)
 690015       {
 690016         return (inode_table);
 690017       }
 690018     //
 690019     // If device is ((dev_t) -1) and the inode is ((ino_t) -1), a
 690020     // reference to a free inode slot is returned.
 690021     //
 690022     if (device == (dev_t) -1 && ino == ((ino_t) -1))
 690023       {
 690024         for (s = 0; s < INODE_MAX_SLOTS; s++)
 690025           {
 690026             if (inode_table[s].references == 0)
 690027               {
 690028                 return (&inode_table[s]);
 690029               }
 690030           }
 690031         return (NULL);
 690032       }
 690033     //
 690034     // If device is zero and the inode is 1, a reference to the root
 690035     // directory inode is returned.
 690036     //
 690037     if (device == 0 && ino == 1)
 690038       {
 690039         //
 690040         // The super block table is to be scanned.
 690041         //
 690042         for (device = 0, s = 0; s < SB_MAX_SLOTS; s++)
 690043           {
 690044             if (sb_table[s].device != 0                 &&
 690045                 sb_table[s].inode_mounted_on == NULL)
 690046               {
 690047                 device = sb_table[s].device;
 690048                 break;
 690049               }
 690050           }
 690051         if (device == 0)
 690052           {
 690053             errset (E_CANNOT_FIND_ROOT_DEVICE);
 690054             return (NULL);
 690055           }
 690056         //
 690057         // Scan the inode table to find inode 1 and the same device.
 690058         //
 690059         for (s = 0; s < INODE_MAX_SLOTS; s++)
 690060           {
 690061             if (inode_table[s].sb->device == device     &&
 690062                 inode_table[s].ino == 1)
 690063               {
 690064                 return (&inode_table[s]);
 690065               }
 690066           }
 690067         //
 690068         // Cannot find a root file system inode.
 690069         //
 690070         errset (E_CANNOT_FIND_ROOT_INODE);
 690071         return (NULL);
 690072       }
 690073     //
 690074     // A device and an inode number were selected: find the inode
 690075     // associated to it.
 690076     //
 690077     for (s = 0; s < INODE_MAX_SLOTS; s++)
 690078       {
 690079         if (inode_table[s].sb->device == device &&
 690080             inode_table[s].ino == ino)
 690081           {
 690082             return (&inode_table[s]);
 690083           }
 690084       }
 690085     //
 690086     // The inode was not found.
 690087     //
 690088     return (NULL);
 690089 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.26.

 700001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 700002 #include <errno.h>
 700003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 700004 #include <kernel/devices.h>
 700005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 700006 int
 700007 inode_save (inode_t *inode)
 700008 {
 700009     size_t            size;
 700010     unsigned long int start;
 700011     ssize_t           n;
 700012     //
 700013     // Check for valid argument.
 700014     //
 700015     if (inode == NULL)
 700016       {
 700017         errset (EINVAL);                // Invalid argument.
 700018         return (-1);
 700019       }
 700020     //
 700021     // If the inode number is zero, no file system is involved!
 700022     //
 700023     if (inode->ino == 0)
 700024       {
 700025         return (0);
 700026       }
 700027     //
 700028     // Save the super block to disk.
 700029     //
 700030     sb_save (inode->sb);
 700031     //
 700032     // Save the inode to disk.
 700033     //
 700034     if (inode->changed)
 700035       {
 700036         size   = offsetof (inode_t, sb);
 700037         //
 700038         // Calculating start position for write.
 700039         //
 700040         // [1] Boot block.
 700041         // [2] Super block.
 700042         // [3] Inode bit map.
 700043         // [4] Zone bit map.
 700044         // [5] Previous inodes: consider that the inode zero is
 700045         //     present in the inode map, but not in the inode
 700046         //     table.
 700047         //
 700048         start  = 1024;                                  // [1]
 700049         start += 1024;                                  // [2]
 700050         start += (inode->sb->map_inode_blocks * 1024);  // [3]
 700051         start += (inode->sb->map_zone_blocks * 1024);   // [4]
 700052         start += ((inode->ino -1) * size);              // [5]
 700053         //
 700054         // Write the inode.
 700055         //
 700056         n = dev_io ((pid_t) -1, inode->sb->device, DEV_WRITE, start,
 700057                     inode, size, NULL);
 700058         //
 700059         inode->changed = 0;
 700060       }
 700061     return (0);
 700062 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.27.

 710001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 710002 #include <errno.h>
 710003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 710004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 710005 inode_t *
 710006 inode_stdio_dev_make (dev_t device, mode_t mode)
 710007 {
 710008     inode_t     *inode;
 710009     //
 710010     // Check for arguments.
 710011     //
 710012     if (mode == 0 || device == 0)
 710013       {
 710014         errset (EINVAL);        // Invalid argument.
 710015         return (NULL);
 710016       }
 710017     //
 710018     // Find a free inode.
 710019     //
 710020     inode = inode_reference ((dev_t) -1, (ino_t) -1);
 710021     if (inode == NULL)
 710022       {
 710023         //
 710024         // No free slot available.
 710025         //
 710026         errset (ENFILE);        // Too many files open in system.
 710027         return (NULL);
 710028       }
 710029     //
 710030     // Put data inside the inode. Please note that `inode->ino' must be
 710031     // zero, because it is necessary to recognize it as an internal
 710032     // inode with no file system. Otherwise, with a value different than
 710033     // zero, `inode_put()' will try to remove it. [*]
 710034     //
 710035     inode->mode          = mode;
 710036     inode->uid           = 0;
 710037     inode->gid           = 0;
 710038     inode->size          = 0;
 710039     inode->time          = k_time (NULL);
 710040     inode->links         = 0;
 710041     inode->direct[0]     = device;
 710042     inode->direct[1]     = 0;
 710043     inode->direct[2]     = 0;
 710044     inode->direct[3]     = 0;
 710045     inode->direct[4]     = 0;
 710046     inode->direct[5]     = 0;
 710047     inode->direct[6]     = 0;
 710048     inode->indirect1     = 0;
 710049     inode->indirect2     = 0;
 710050     inode->sb_attached   = NULL;
 710051     inode->sb            = 0;
 710052     inode->ino           = 0;   // Must be zero. [*]
 710053     inode->blkcnt        = 0;
 710054     inode->references    = 1;
 710055     inode->changed       = 0;
 710056     //
 710057     // Add all access permissions.
 710058     //
 710059     inode->mode       |= (S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO);
 710060     //
 710061     // Return the inode pointer.
 710062     //
 710063     return (inode);
 710064 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.25.

 720001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 720002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 720003 inode_t inode_table[INODE_MAX_SLOTS];


Si veda la sezione i187.3.28.

 730001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 730002 #include <errno.h>
 730003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 730004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 730005 int
 730006 inode_truncate (inode_t *inode)
 730007 {
 730008   unsigned int indirect_zones;
 730009   zno_t        zone_table1[INODE_MAX_INDIRECT_ZONES];
 730010   zno_t        zone_table2[INODE_MAX_INDIRECT_ZONES];
 730011   unsigned int i;             // Direct index.
 730012   unsigned int i0;            // Single indirect index.
 730013   unsigned int i1;            // Double indirect first index.
 730014   unsigned int i2;            // Double indirect second index.
 730015   int          status;        // `zone_read()' return value.
 730016   //
 730017   // Calculate how many indirect zone numbers are stored inside
 730018   // a zone: it depends on the zone size.
 730019   //
 730020   indirect_zones  = inode->sb->blksize / 2;
 730021   //
 730022   // Scan and release direct zones. Errors are ignored.
 730023   //
 730024   for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
 730025     {
 730026       zone_free (inode->sb, inode->direct[i]);
 730027       inode->direct[i] = 0;
 730028     }
 730029   //
 730030   // Scan single indirect zones, if present.
 730031   //
 730032   if (inode->blkcnt > 7 && inode->indirect1 != 0)
 730033     {
 730034       //
 730035       // There is a single indirect table to load. Errors are
 730036       // almost ignored.
 730037       //
 730038       status = zone_read (inode->sb, inode->indirect1, zone_table1);
 730039       if (status == 0)
 730040         {
 730041           //
 730042           // Scan the table and remove zones.
 730043           //
 730044           for (i0 = 0; i0 < indirect_zones; i0++)
 730045             {
 730046               zone_free (inode->sb, zone_table1[i0]);
 730047             }
 730048         }
 730049       //
 730050       // Remove indirect table too.
 730051       //
 730052       zone_free (inode->sb, inode->indirect1);
 730053       //
 730054       // Clear single indirect reference inside the inode.
 730055       //
 730056       inode->indirect1 = 0;
 730057     }
 730058   //
 730059   // Scan double indirect zones, if present.
 730060   //
 730061   if (   inode->blkcnt > (7+indirect_zones)
 730062       && inode->indirect2 != 0)
 730063     {
 730064       //
 730065       // There is a double indirect table to load. Errors are
 730066       // almost ignored.
 730067       //
 730068       status = zone_read (inode->sb, inode->indirect2, zone_table1);
 730069       if (status == 0)
 730070         {
 730071           //
 730072           // Scan the table and get second level indirection.
 730073           //
 730074           for (i1 = 0; i1 < indirect_zones; i1++)
 730075             {
 730076               if ((inode->blkcnt > (7+indirect_zones+indirect_zones*i1))
 730077                   && zone_table1[i1] != 0)
 730078                 {
 730079                   //
 730080                   // There is a second level table to load.
 730081                   //
 730082                   status = zone_read (inode->sb, zone_table1[i1],
 730083                                       zone_table2);
 730084                   if (status == 0)
 730085                     {
 730086                       //
 730087                       // Release zones.
 730088                       //
 730089                       for (i2 = 0;
 730090                            i2 < indirect_zones &&
 730091   (inode->blkcnt > (7+indirect_zones+indirect_zones*i1+i2));
 730092                            i2++)
 730093                         {
 730094                           zone_free (inode->sb, zone_table2[i2]);
 730095                         }
 730096                       //
 730097                       // Remove second level indirect table.
 730098                       //
 730099                       zone_free (inode->sb, zone_table1[i1]);
 730100                     }
 730101                 }
 730102             }
 730103           //
 730104           // Remove first level indirect table.
 730105           //
 730106           zone_free (inode->sb, inode->indirect2);
 730107         }
 730108       //
 730109       // Clear single indirect reference inside the inode.
 730110       //
 730111       inode->indirect2 = 0;
 730112     }
 730113   //
 730114   // Update super block and inode data.
 730115   //
 730116   sb_save (inode->sb);
 730117   inode->size = 0;
 730118   inode->changed = 1;
 730119   inode_save (inode);
 730120   //
 730121   // Successful return.
 730122   //
 730123   return (0);
 730124 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.29.

 740001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 740002 #include <errno.h>
 740003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 740004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 740005 zno_t
 740006 inode_zone (inode_t *inode, zno_t fzone, int write)
 740007 {
 740008   unsigned int indirect_zones;
 740009   unsigned int allocated_zone;
 740010   zno_t        zone_table[INODE_MAX_INDIRECT_ZONES];
 740011   char         buffer[SB_MAX_ZONE_SIZE];
 740012   unsigned int i0;            // Single indirect index.     
 740013   unsigned int i1;            // Double indirect first index.
 740014   unsigned int i2;            // Double indirect second index.
 740015   int          status;
 740016   zno_t        zone_second;   // Second level table zone.
 740017   //
 740018   // Calculate how many indirect zone numbers are stored inside
 740019   // a zone: it depends on the zone size.
 740020   //
 740021   indirect_zones  = inode->sb->blksize / 2;
 740022   //
 740023   // Convert file-zone number into a zone number.
 740024   //
 740025   if (fzone < 7)
 740026     {
 740027       //
 740028       // 0 <= fzone <= 6
 740029       // The zone number is inside the direct zone references.
 740030       // Verify to have such zone.
 740031       //
 740032       if (inode->direct[fzone] == 0)
 740033         {
 740034           //
 740035           // There is not such zone, but we do not consider
 740036           // it an error, because a file can be not contiguous.
 740037           //
 740038           if (!write)
 740039             {
 740040               return ((zno_t) 0);
 740041             }
 740042           //
 740043           // Must be allocated.
 740044           //
 740045           allocated_zone = zone_alloc (inode->sb);
 740046           if (allocated_zone == 0)
 740047             {
 740048               //
 740049               // Cannot allocate the zone. The variable `errno' is
 740050               // set by `zone_alloc()'.
 740051               //
 740052               return ((zno_t) -1);
 740053             }
 740054           //
 740055           // The zone is allocated: clear the zone and save.
 740056           //
 740057           memset (buffer, 0, SB_MAX_ZONE_SIZE);
 740058           status = zone_write (inode->sb, allocated_zone, buffer);
 740059           if (status < 0)
 740060             {
 740061               //
 740062               // Cannot overwrite the zone. The variable `errno' is
 740063               // set by `zone_write()'.
 740064               //
 740065               return ((zno_t) -1);
 740066             }
 740067           //
 740068           // The zone is allocated and cleared: save the inode.
 740069           //
 740070           inode->direct[fzone] = allocated_zone;
 740071           inode->changed = 1;
 740072           status = inode_save (inode);
 740073           if (status != 0)
 740074             {
 740075               //
 740076               // Cannot save the inode. The variable `errno' is
 740077               // set `inode_save()'.
 740078               //
 740079               return ((zno_t) -1);
 740080             }
 740081         }
 740082       //
 740083       // The zone is there: return it.
 740084       //
 740085       return (inode->direct[fzone]);
 740086     }
 740087   if (fzone < 7 + indirect_zones)
 740088     {
 740089       //
 740090       // 7 <= fzone <= (6 + indirect_zones)
 740091       // The zone number is inside the single indirect zone
 740092       // references: verify to have the indirect zone table.
 740093       //
 740094       if (inode->indirect1 == 0)
 740095         {
 740096           //
 740097           // There is not such zone, but it is not an error.
 740098           //
 740099           if (!write)
 740100             {
 740101               return ((zno_t) 0);
 740102             }
 740103           //
 740104           // The first level of indirection must be initialized.
 740105           //
 740106           allocated_zone = zone_alloc (inode->sb);
 740107           if (allocated_zone == 0)
 740108             {
 740109               //
 740110               // Cannot allocate the zone for the indirection table:
 740111               // this is an error and the `errno' value is produced
 740112               // by `zone_alloc()'.
 740113               //
 740114               return ((zno_t) -1);
 740115             }
 740116           //
 740117           // The zone for the indirection table is allocated:
 740118           // clear the zone and save.
 740119           //
 740120           memset (buffer, 0, SB_MAX_ZONE_SIZE);
 740121           status = zone_write (inode->sb, allocated_zone, buffer);
 740122           if (status < 0)
 740123             {
 740124               //
 740125               // Cannot overwrite the zone. The variable `errno' is
 740126               // set by `zone_write()'.
 740127               //
 740128               return ((zno_t) -1);
 740129             }
 740130           //
 740131           // The indirection table zone is allocated and cleared:
 740132           // save the inode.
 740133           //
 740134           inode->indirect1 = allocated_zone;
 740135           inode->changed = 1;
 740136           status = inode_save (inode);
 740137           if (status != 0)
 740138             {
 740139               //
 740140               // Cannot save the inode. This is an error and the value
 740141               // for `errno' is produced by `inode_save()'.
 740142               //
 740143               return ((zno_t) -1);
 740144             }
 740145         }
 740146       //
 740147       // An indirect table is present inside the file system:
 740148       // load it.
 740149       //
 740150       status = zone_read (inode->sb, inode->indirect1, zone_table);
 740151       if (status != 0)
 740152         {
 740153           //
 740154           // Cannot load the indirect table. This is an error and the
 740155           // value for `errno' is assigned by function `zone_read()'.
 740156           //
 740157           return ((zno_t) -1);
 740158         }
 740159       //
 740160       // The indirect table was read. Calculate the index inside
 740161       // the table, for the requested zone.
 740162       //      
 740163       i0 = (fzone - 7);
 740164       //
 740165       // Check if the zone is to be allocated.
 740166       //
 740167       if (zone_table[i0] == 0)
 740168         {
 740169           //
 740170           // There is not such zone, but it is not an error.
 740171           //
 740172           if (!write)
 740173             {
 740174               return ((zno_t) 0);
 740175             }
 740176           //
 740177           // The zone must be allocated.
 740178           //
 740179           allocated_zone = zone_alloc (inode->sb);
 740180           if (allocated_zone == 0)
 740181             {
 740182               //
 740183               // There is no space for the zone allocation. The
 740184               // variable `errno' is already updated by
 740185               // `zone_alloc()'.
 740186               //
 740187               return ((zno_t) -1);
 740188             }
 740189           //
 740190           // The zone is allocated: clear the zone and save.
 740191           //
 740192           memset (buffer, 0, SB_MAX_ZONE_SIZE);
 740193           status = zone_write (inode->sb, allocated_zone, buffer);
 740194           if (status < 0)
 740195             {
 740196               //
 740197               // Cannot overwrite the zone. The variable `errno' is
 740198               // set by `zone_write()'.
 740199               //
 740200               return ((zno_t) -1);
 740201             }
 740202           //
 740203           // The zone is allocated and cleared: update the indirect
 740204           // zone table an save it. The inode is not modified,
 740205           // because the indirect table is outside.
 740206           //
 740207           zone_table[i0] = allocated_zone;
 740208           status = zone_write (inode->sb, inode->indirect1, zone_table);
 740209           if (status != 0)
 740210             {
 740211               //
 740212               // Cannot save the zone. The variable `errno' is already
 740213               // set by `zone_write()'.
 740214               //
 740215               return ((zno_t) -1);
 740216             }
 740217         }
 740218       //
 740219       // The zone is allocated.
 740220       //
 740221       return (zone_table[i0]);
 740222     }
 740223   else
 740224     {
 740225       //
 740226       // (7 + indirect_zones) <= fzone
 740227       // The zone number is inside the double indirect zone
 740228       // references.
 740229       // Verify to have the first level of second indirection.
 740230       //
 740231       if (inode->indirect2 == 0)
 740232         {
 740233           //
 740234           // There is not such zone, but it is not an error.
 740235           //
 740236           if (!write)
 740237             {
 740238               return ((zno_t) 0);
 740239             }
 740240           //
 740241           // The first level of second indirection must be
 740242           // initialized.
 740243           //
 740244           allocated_zone = zone_alloc (inode->sb);
 740245           if (allocated_zone == 0)
 740246             {
 740247               //
 740248               // Cannot allocate the zone. The variable `errno' is
 740249               // set by `zone_alloc()'.
 740250               //
 740251               return ((zno_t) -1);
 740252             }
 740253           //
 740254           // The zone for the indirection table is allocated:
 740255           // clear the zone and save.
 740256           //
 740257           memset (buffer, 0, SB_MAX_ZONE_SIZE);
 740258           status = zone_write (inode->sb, allocated_zone, buffer);
 740259           if (status < 0)
 740260             {
 740261               //
 740262               // Cannot overwrite the zone. The variable `errno' is
 740263               // set by `zone_write()'.
 740264               //
 740265               return ((zno_t) -1);
 740266             }
 740267           //
 740268           // The zone for the indirection table is allocated and
 740269           // cleared: save the inode.
 740270           //
 740271           inode->indirect2 = allocated_zone;
 740272           inode->changed = 1;
 740273           status = inode_save (inode);
 740274           if (status != 0)
 740275             {
 740276               //
 740277               // Cannot save the inode. The variable `errno' is
 740278               // set by `inode_save()'.
 740279               //
 740280               return ((zno_t) -1);
 740281             }
 740282         }
 740283       //
 740284       // The first level of second indirection is present:
 740285       // Read the second indirect table.
 740286       //
 740287       status = zone_read (inode->sb, inode->indirect2, zone_table);
 740288       if (status != 0)
 740289         {
 740290           //
 740291           // Cannot read the second indirect table. The variable
 740292           // `errno' is set by `zone_read()'.
 740293           //
 740294           return ((zno_t) -1);
 740295         }
 740296       //
 740297       // The first double indirect table was read: calculate
 740298       // indexes inside first and second level of table.
 740299       //
 740300       fzone -= 7;
 740301       fzone -= indirect_zones;
 740302       i1     = fzone / indirect_zones;
 740303       i2     = fzone % indirect_zones;
 740304       //
 740305       // Verify to have a second level.
 740306       //
 740307       if (zone_table[i1] == 0)
 740308         {
 740309           //
 740310           // There is not such zone, but it is not an error.
 740311           //
 740312           if (!write)
 740313             {
 740314               return ((zno_t) 0);
 740315             }
 740316           //
 740317           // The second level must be initialized.
 740318           //
 740319           allocated_zone = zone_alloc (inode->sb);
 740320           if (allocated_zone == 0)
 740321             {
 740322               //
 740323               // Cannot allocate the zone. The variable `errno' is set
 740324               // by `zone_alloc()'.
 740325               //
 740326               return ((zno_t) -1);
 740327             }
 740328           //
 740329           // The zone for the indirection table is allocated:
 740330           // clear the zone and save.
 740331           //
 740332           memset (buffer, 0, SB_MAX_ZONE_SIZE);
 740333           status = zone_write (inode->sb, allocated_zone, buffer);
 740334           if (status < 0)
 740335             {
 740336               //
 740337               // Cannot overwrite the zone. The variable `errno' is
 740338               // set by `zone_write()'.
 740339               //
 740340               return ((zno_t) -1);
 740341             }
 740342           //
 740343           // Update the first level index and save it.
 740344           //
 740345           zone_table[i1] = allocated_zone;
 740346           status = zone_write (inode->sb, inode->indirect2, zone_table);
 740347           if (status != 0)
 740348             {
 740349               //
 740350               // Cannot write the zone. The variable `errno' is set
 740351               // by `zone_write()'.
 740352               //
 740353               return ((zno_t) -1);
 740354             }
 740355         }
 740356       //
 740357       // The second level can be read, overwriting the array
 740358       // `zone_table[]'. The zone number for the second level
 740359       // indirection table is saved inside `zone_second', before
 740360       // overwriting the array.
 740361       //
 740362       zone_second = zone_table[i1];
 740363       status = zone_read (inode->sb, zone_second, zone_table);
 740364       if (status != 0)
 740365         {
 740366           //
 740367           // Cannot read the second level indirect table. The variable
 740368           // `errno' is set by `zone_read()'.
 740369           //
 740370           return ((zno_t) -1);
 740371         }
 740372       //
 740373       // The second level was read and `zone_table[]' is now
 740374       // such second one: check if the zone is to be allocated.
 740375       //
 740376       if (zone_table[i2] == 0)
 740377         {
 740378           //
 740379           // There is not such zone, but it is not an error.
 740380           //
 740381           if (!write)
 740382             {
 740383               return ((zno_t) 0);
 740384             }
 740385           //
 740386           // Must be allocated.
 740387           //
 740388           allocated_zone = zone_alloc (inode->sb);
 740389           if (allocated_zone == 0)
 740390             {
 740391               //
 740392               // Cannot allocate the zone. The variable `errno' is set
 740393               // by `zone_alloc()'.
 740394               //
 740395               return ((zno_t) -1);
 740396             }
 740397           //
 740398           // The zone is allocated: clear the zone and save.
 740399           //
 740400           memset (buffer, 0, SB_MAX_ZONE_SIZE);
 740401           status = zone_write (inode->sb, allocated_zone, buffer);
 740402           if (status < 0)
 740403             {
 740404               //
 740405               // Cannot overwrite the zone. The variable `errno' is
 740406               // set by `zone_write()'.
 740407               //
 740408               return ((zno_t) -1);
 740409             }
 740410           //
 740411           // The zone was allocated and cleared: update the indirect
 740412           // zone table an save it. The inode is not modified, because
 740413           // the indirect table is outside.
 740414           //
 740415           zone_table[i2] = allocated_zone;
 740416           status = zone_write (inode->sb, zone_second, zone_table);
 740417           if (status != 0)
 740418             {
 740419               //
 740420               // Cannot write the zone. The variable `errno' is set
 740421               // by `zone_write()'.
 740422               //
 740423               return ((zno_t) -1);
 740424             }
 740425         }
 740426       //
 740427       // The zone is there: return the zone number.
 740428       //
 740429       return (zone_table[i2]);
 740430     }
 740431 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.30.

 750001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 750002 #include <errno.h>
 750003 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 750004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 750005 int
 750006 path_chdir (pid_t pid, const char *path)
 750007 {
 750008     proc_t   *ps;
 750009     inode_t  *inode_directory;
 750010     int       status;
 750011     char      path_directory[PATH_MAX];
 750012     //
 750013     // Get process.
 750014     //
 750015     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 750016     //
 750017     // The full directory path is needed.
 750018     //
 750019     status = path_full (path, ps->path_cwd, path_directory);
 750020     if (status < 0)
 750021       {
 750022         return (-1);
 750023       }
 750024     //
 750025     // Try to load the new directory inode.
 750026     //
 750027     inode_directory = path_inode (pid, path_directory);
 750028     if (inode_directory == NULL)
 750029       {
 750030         //
 750031         // Cannot access the directory: it does not exists or
 750032         // permissions are not sufficient. Variable `errno' is set by
 750033         // function `inode_directory()'.
 750034         //
 750035         errset (errno);
 750036         return (-1);
 750037       } 
 750038     //
 750039     // Inode loaded: release the old directory and set the new one.
 750040     //
 750041     inode_put (ps->inode_cwd);
 750042     //
 750043     ps->inode_cwd = inode_directory;
 750044     strncpy (ps->path_cwd, path_directory, PATH_MAX);
 750045     //
 750046     // Return.
 750047     //
 750048     return (0);
 750049 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.31.

 760001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 760002 #include <errno.h>
 760003 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 760004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 760005 int
 760006 path_chmod (pid_t pid, const char *path, mode_t mode)
 760007 {
 760008     proc_t   *ps;
 760009     inode_t  *inode;
 760010     //
 760011     // Get process.
 760012     //
 760013     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 760014     //
 760015     // Try to load the file inode.
 760016     //
 760017     inode = path_inode (pid, path);
 760018     if (inode == NULL)
 760019       {
 760020         //
 760021         // Cannot access the file: it does not exists or permissions are
 760022         // not sufficient. Variable `errno' is set by function
 760023         // `inode_directory()'.
 760024         //
 760025         return (-1);
 760026       }
 760027     //
 760028     // Verify to be root or to be the owner.
 760029     //
 760030     if (ps->euid != 0 && ps->euid != inode->uid)
 760031       {
 760032         errset (EACCES);        // Permission denied.
 760033         return (-1);
 760034       }
 760035     //
 760036     // Update the mode: the file type is kept and the
 760037     // rest is taken form the parameter `mode'.
 760038     //
 760039     inode->mode = (S_IFMT & inode->mode) | (~S_IFMT & mode);
 760040     //
 760041     // Save and release the inode.
 760042     //
 760043     inode->changed = 1;
 760044     inode_save (inode);
 760045     inode_put (inode);
 760046     //
 760047     // Return.
 760048     //
 760049     return (0);
 760050 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.32.

 770001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 770002 #include <errno.h>
 770003 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 770004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 770005 int
 770006 path_chown (pid_t pid, const char *path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
 770007 {
 770008     proc_t   *ps;
 770009     inode_t  *inode;
 770010     //
 770011     // Get process.
 770012     //
 770013     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 770014     //
 770015     // Must be root, as the ability to change group is not considered.
 770016     //
 770017     if (ps->euid != 0)
 770018       {
 770019         errset (EPERM);                 // Operation not permitted.
 770020         return (-1);
 770021       }
 770022     //
 770023     // Try to load the file inode.
 770024     //
 770025     inode = path_inode (pid, path);
 770026     if (inode == NULL)
 770027       {
 770028         //
 770029         // Cannot access the file: it does not exists or permissions are
 770030         // not sufficient. Variable `errno' is set by function
 770031         // `inode_directory()'.
 770032         //
 770033         return (-1);
 770034       }
 770035     //
 770036     // Update the owner and group.
 770037     //
 770038     if (uid != -1)
 770039       {
 770040         inode->uid     = uid;
 770041         inode->changed = 1;
 770042       }
 770043     if (gid != -1)
 770044       {
 770045         inode->gid     = gid;
 770046         inode->changed = 1;
 770047       }
 770048     //
 770049     // Save and release the inode.
 770050     //
 770051     inode_save (inode);
 770052     inode_put (inode);
 770053     //
 770054     // Return.
 770055     //
 770056     return (0);
 770057 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.33.

 780001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 780002 #include <errno.h>
 780003 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 780004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 780005 dev_t
 780006 path_device (pid_t pid, const char *path)
 780007 {
 780008     proc_t   *ps;
 780009     inode_t  *inode;
 780010     dev_t     device;
 780011     //
 780012     // Get process.
 780013     //
 780014     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 780015     //
 780016     inode = path_inode (pid, path);
 780017     if (inode == NULL)
 780018       {
 780019         errset (errno);
 780020         return ((dev_t) -1);
 780021       }
 780022     //
 780023     if (!(S_ISBLK (inode->mode) || S_ISCHR (inode->mode)))
 780024       {
 780025         errset (ENODEV);                // No such device.
 780026         inode_put (inode);
 780027         return ((dev_t) -1);
 780028       }
 780029     //
 780030     device = inode->direct[0];
 780031     inode_put (inode);
 780032     return (device);
 780033 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.34.

 790001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 790002 #include <errno.h>
 790003 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 790004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 790005 int
 790006 path_fix (char *path)
 790007 {
 790008     char    new_path[PATH_MAX];
 790009     char   *token[PATH_MAX/4];
 790010     int     t;                          // Token index.
 790011     int     token_size;                 // Token array effective size.
 790012     int     comp;                       // String compare return value.
 790013     size_t  path_size;                  // Path string size.
 790014     //
 790015     // Initialize token search.
 790016     //
 790017     token[0] = strtok (path, "/");
 790018     //
 790019     // Scan tokens.
 790020     //
 790021     for (t = 0;
 790022          t < PATH_MAX/4 && token[t] != NULL;
 790023          t++, token[t] = strtok (NULL, "/"))
 790024       {
 790025         //
 790026         // If current token is `.', just ignore it.
 790027         //
 790028         comp = strcmp (token[t], ".");
 790029         if (comp == 0)
 790030           {
 790031             t--;
 790032           }
 790033         //
 790034         // If current token is `..', remove previous token,
 790035         // if there is one.
 790036         //
 790037         comp = strcmp (token[t], "..");
 790038         if (comp == 0)
 790039           {
 790040             if (t > 0)
 790041               {
 790042                 t -= 2;
 790043               }
 790044             else
 790045               {
 790046                 t = -1;
 790047               }
 790048           }
 790049         //
 790050         // `t' will be incremented and another token will be
 790051         // found.
 790052         //
 790053       }
 790054     //
 790055     // Save the token array effective size.
 790056     //
 790057     token_size = t;
 790058     //
 790059     // Initialize the new path string.
 790060     //
 790061     new_path[0] = '\0';
 790062     //
 790063     // Build the new path string.
 790064     //
 790065     if (token_size > 0)
 790066       {
 790067         for (t = 0; t < token_size; t++)
 790068           {
 790069             path_size = strlen (new_path);
 790070             strncat (new_path, "/", 2);
 790071             strncat (new_path, token[t], PATH_MAX - path_size - 1);
 790072           }
 790073       }
 790074     else
 790075       {
 790076         strncat (new_path, "/", 2);
 790077       }
 790078     //
 790079     // Copy the new path into the original string.
 790080     //
 790081     strncpy (path, new_path, PATH_MAX);
 790082     //
 790083     // Return.
 790084     //
 790085     return (0);
 790086 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.35.

 800001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 800002 #include <errno.h>
 800003 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 800004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 800005 int
 800006 path_full (const char *path, const char *path_cwd, char *full_path)
 800007 {
 800008     unsigned int path_size;
 800009     //
 800010     // Check some arguments.
 800011     //
 800012     if (path == NULL || strlen (path) == 0 || full_path == NULL)
 800013       {
 800014         errset (EINVAL);                // Invalid argument.
 800015         return (-1);
 800016       }
 800017     //
 800018     // The main path and the receiving one are right.
 800019     // Now arrange to get a full path name.
 800020     //
 800021     if (path[0] == '/')
 800022       {
 800023         strncpy (full_path, path, PATH_MAX);
 800024         full_path[PATH_MAX-1] = 0;
 800025       }
 800026     else
 800027       {
 800028         if (path_cwd == NULL || strlen (path_cwd) == 0)
 800029           {
 800030             errset (EINVAL);            // Invalid argument.
 800031             return (-1);
 800032           }
 800033         strncpy (full_path, path_cwd, PATH_MAX);
 800034         path_size = strlen (full_path);
 800035         strncat (full_path, "/", (PATH_MAX - path_size));
 800036         path_size = strlen (full_path);
 800037         strncat (full_path, path, (PATH_MAX - path_size));
 800038       }
 800039     //
 800040     // Fix path name so that it has no `..', `.', and no
 800041     // multiple `/'.
 800042     //
 800043     path_fix (full_path);
 800044     //
 800045     // Return.
 800046     //
 800047     return (0);
 800048 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.36.

 810001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 810002 #include <errno.h>
 810003 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 810004 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 810005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 810007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 810008 inode_t *
 810009 path_inode (pid_t pid, const char *path)
 810010 {
 810011     proc_t     *ps;
 810012     inode_t    *inode;
 810013     dev_t       device;
 810014     char        full_path[PATH_MAX];
 810015     char       *name;
 810016     char       *next;
 810017     directory_t dir[DIRECTORY_BUFFER_SIZE];
 810018     char        dir_name[NAME_MAX+1];
 810019     off_t       offset_dir;
 810020     ssize_t     size_read;
 810021     size_t      dir_size_read;
 810022     ssize_t     size_to_read;
 810023     int         comp;
 810024     int         d;              // Directory index;
 810025     int         status;         // inode_check() return status.
 810026     //
 810027     // Get process.
 810028     //
 810029     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 810030     //
 810031     // Arrange to get a packed full path name.
 810032     //
 810033     path_full (path, ps->path_cwd, full_path);
 810034     //
 810035     // Get the root file system inode.
 810036     //
 810037     inode = inode_get ((dev_t) 0, 1);
 810038     if (inode == NULL)
 810039       {
 810040         errset (errno);
 810041         return (NULL);
 810042       }
 810043     //
 810044     // Save the device number.
 810045     //
 810046     device = inode->sb->device;
 810047     //
 810048     // Variable `inode' already points to the root file system inode:
 810049     // It must be a directory!
 810050     //
 810051     status = inode_check (inode, S_IFDIR, 1, ps->euid);
 810052     if (status != 0)
 810053       {
 810054         //
 810055         // Variable `errno' should be set by inode_check().
 810056         //
 810057         errset (errno);
 810058         inode_put (inode);
 810059         return (NULL);
 810060       }
 810061     //
 810062     // Initialize string scan: find the first path token, after the
 810063     // first `/'.
 810064     //
 810065     name = strtok (full_path, "/");
 810066     //
 810067     // If the original full path is just `/' the variable `name'
 810068     // appears as a null pointer, and the variable `inode' is already
 810069     // what we are looking for.
 810070     //
 810071     if (name == NULL)
 810072       {
 810073         return (inode);
 810074       }
 810075     //
 810076     // There is at least a name after `/' inside the original full
 810077     // path. A scan is going to start: the original value for variable
 810078     // `inode' is a pointer to the root directory inode.
 810079     //
 810080     for (;;)
 810081       {
 810082         //
 810083         // Find next token.
 810084         //
 810085         next = strtok (NULL, "/");
 810086         //
 810087         // Read the directory from the current inode.
 810088         //
 810089         for (offset_dir=0; ; offset_dir += size_read)
 810090           {
 810091             size_to_read = DIRECTORY_BUFFER_SIZE;
 810092             //
 810093             if ((offset_dir + size_to_read) > inode->size)
 810094               {
 810095                 size_to_read = inode->size - offset_dir;
 810096               }
 810097             //
 810098             size_read = inode_file_read (inode, offset_dir, dir,
 810099                                          size_to_read, NULL);
 810100             //
 810101             // The size read must be a multiple of 16.
 810102             //
 810103             size_read = ((size_read / 16) * 16);
 810104             //
 810105             // Check anyway if it is zero.
 810106             //
 810107             if (size_read == 0)
 810108               {
 810109                 //
 810110                 // The directory is ended: release the inode and return.
 810111                 //
 810112                 inode_put (inode);
 810113                 errset (ENOENT);           // No such file or directory.
 810114                 return (NULL);
 810115               }
 810116             //
 810117             // Calculate how many directory items we have read.
 810118             //
 810119             dir_size_read = size_read / 16;
 810120             //
 810121             // Scan the directory to find the current name.
 810122             //
 810123             for (d = 0; d < dir_size_read; d++)
 810124               {
 810125                 //
 810126                 // Ensure to have a null terminated string for
 810127                 // the name found.
 810128                 //
 810129                 memcpy (dir_name, dir[d].name, (size_t) NAME_MAX);
 810130                 dir_name[NAME_MAX] = 0;
 810131                 //
 810132                 comp = strcmp (name, dir_name);
 810133                 if (comp == 0 && dir[d].ino != 0)
 810134                   {
 810135                     //
 810136                     // Found the name and verified that it has a link to
 810137                     // a inode. Now release the directory inode.
 810138                     //
 810139                     inode_put (inode);
 810140                     //
 810141                     // Get next inode and break the loop.
 810142                     //
 810143                     inode = inode_get (device, dir[d].ino);
 810144                     break;
 810145                   }
 810146               }
 810147             //
 810148             // If index `d' is in a valid range, the name was found.
 810149             //
 810150             if (d < dir_size_read)
 810151               {
 810152                 //
 810153                 // The name was found.
 810154                 //
 810155                 break;
 810156               }
 810157           }
 810158         //
 810159         // If the function is still working, a file or a directory
 810160         // was found: see if there is another name after this one
 810161         // to look for. If there isn't, just break the loop.
 810162         //
 810163         if (next == NULL)
 810164           {
 810165             //
 810166             // As no other tokens are to be found, break the loop.
 810167             //
 810168             break;
 810169           }
 810170         //
 810171         // As there is another name after the current one,
 810172         // the current file must be a directory.
 810173         //
 810174         status = inode_check (inode, S_IFDIR, 1, ps->euid);
 810175         if (status != 0)
 810176           {
 810177             //
 810178             // Variable `errno' is set by `inode_check()'.
 810179             //
 810180             errset (errno);
 810181             inode_put (inode);
 810182             return (NULL);
 810183          }
 810184         //
 810185         // The inode is a directory and the user has the necessary
 810186         // permissions: check if it is a mount point and go to the
 810187         // new device root directory if necessary.
 810188         //
 810189         if (inode->sb_attached != NULL)
 810190           {
 810191             //
 810192             // Must find the root directory for the new device, and
 810193             // then go to that inode.
 810194             //
 810195             device = inode->sb_attached->device;
 810196             inode_put (inode);
 810197             inode = inode_get (device, 1);
 810198             status = inode_check (inode, S_IFDIR, 1, ps->euid);
 810199             if (status != 0)
 810200               {
 810201                 inode_put (inode);
 810202                 return (NULL);
 810203               }
 810204           }
 810205         //
 810206         // As a directory was found, and another token follows it,
 810207         // must continue the token scan.
 810208         //
 810209         name = next;
 810210       }
 810211     //
 810212     // Current inode found is the file represented by the requested
 810213     // path.
 810214     //
 810215     return (inode);
 810216 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.37.

 820001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 820002 #include <errno.h>
 820003 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 820004 #include <libgen.h>
 820005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 820006 inode_t *
 820007 path_inode_link (pid_t pid, const char *path, inode_t *inode,
 820008                  mode_t mode)
 820009 {
 820010     proc_t      *ps;
 820011     char         buffer[SB_MAX_ZONE_SIZE];
 820012     off_t        start;
 820013     int          d;       // Directory index.
 820014     ssize_t      size_read;
 820015     ssize_t      size_written;
 820016     directory_t *dir = (directory_t *) buffer;
 820017     char         path_copy1[PATH_MAX];
 820018     char         path_copy2[PATH_MAX];
 820019     char        *path_directory;
 820020     char        *path_name;
 820021     inode_t     *inode_directory;
 820022     inode_t     *inode_new;
 820023     dev_t        device;
 820024     int          status;
 820025     //
 820026     // Check arguments.
 820027     //
 820028     if (path == NULL || strlen (path) == 0)
 820029       {
 820030         errset (EINVAL);        // Invalid argument:
 820031         return (NULL);          // the path is mandatory.
 820032       }
 820033     //
 820034     if (inode == NULL && mode == 0)
 820035       {
 820036         errset (EINVAL);        // Invalid argument: if the inode is to
 820037         return (NULL);          // be created, the mode is mandatory.
 820038       }
 820039     //
 820040     if (inode != NULL)
 820041       {
 820042         if (mode != 0)
 820043           {
 820044             errset (EINVAL);    // Invalid argument: if the inode is
 820045             return (NULL);      // already present, the creation mode
 820046           }                     // must not be given.
 820047         if (S_ISDIR (inode->mode))
 820048           {
 820049             errset (EPERM);     // Operation not permitted.
 820050             return (NULL);      // Refuse to link directory.
 820051           }
 820052         if (inode->links >= LINK_MAX)
 820053           {
 820054             errset (EMLINK);            // Too many links.
 820055             return (NULL);
 820056           }
 820057       }
 820058     //
 820059     // Get process.
 820060     //
 820061     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 820062     //
 820063     // If the destination path already exists, the link cannot be made.
 820064     // It does not matter if the inode is known or not.
 820065     //
 820066     inode_new = path_inode ((uid_t) 0, path);
 820067     if (inode_new != NULL)
 820068       {
 820069         //
 820070         // A file already exists with the same name.
 820071         //
 820072         inode_put (inode_new);
 820073         errset (EEXIST);                // File exists.
 820074         return (NULL);
 820075       }
 820076     //
 820077     // At this point, `inode_new' is `NULL'.
 820078     // Copy the source path inside the directory path and name arrays.
 820079     //
 820080     strncpy (path_copy1, path, PATH_MAX);
 820081     strncpy (path_copy2, path, PATH_MAX);
 820082     //
 820083     // Reduce to directory name and find the last name.
 820084     //
 820085     path_directory = dirname  (path_copy1);
 820086     path_name      = basename (path_copy2);
 820087     if (strlen (path_directory) == 0 || strlen (path_name) == 0)
 820088       {
 820089         errset (EACCES);        // Permission denied: maybe the
 820090                                 // original path is the root directory
 820091                                 // and cannot find a previous directory.
 820092         return (NULL);
 820093       }
 820094     //
 820095     // Get the directory inode.
 820096     //
 820097     inode_directory = path_inode (pid, path_directory);
 820098     if (inode_directory == NULL)
 820099       {
 820100         errset (errno);
 820101         return (NULL);
 820102       }
 820103     //
 820104     // Check if something is mounted on it.
 820105     //
 820106     if (inode_directory->sb_attached != NULL)
 820107       {
 820108         //
 820109         // Must select the right directory.
 820110         //
 820111         device = inode_directory->sb_attached->device;
 820112         inode_put (inode_directory);
 820113         inode_directory = inode_get (device, 1);
 820114         if (inode_directory == NULL)
 820115           {
 820116             return (NULL);
 820117           }
 820118       }
 820119     //
 820120     // If the inode to link is known, check if the selected directory
 820121     // has the same super block than the inode to link.
 820122     //
 820123     if (inode != NULL && inode_directory->sb != inode->sb)
 820124       {
 820125         inode_put (inode_directory);
 820126         errset (ENOENT);        // No such file or directory.
 820127         return (NULL);
 820128       }
 820129     //
 820130     // Check if write is allowed for the file system.
 820131     //
 820132     if (inode_directory->sb->options & MOUNT_RO)
 820133       {
 820134         inode_put (inode_directory);
 820135         errset (EROFS);         // Read-only file system.
 820136         return (NULL);
 820137       }
 820138     //
 820139     // Verify access permissions for the directory. The number "3" means
 820140     // that the user must have access permission and write permission:
 820141     // "-wx" == 2+1 == 3.
 820142     //
 820143     status = inode_check (inode_directory, S_IFDIR, 3, ps->euid);
 820144     if (status != 0)
 820145       {
 820146         inode_put (inode_directory);
 820147         return (NULL);
 820148       }
 820149     //
 820150     // If the inode to link was not specified, it must be created.
 820151     // From now on, the inode is referenced with the variable
 820152     // `inode_new'.
 820153     //
 820154     inode_new = inode;
 820155     //
 820156     if (inode_new == NULL)
 820157       {
 820158         inode_new = inode_alloc (inode_directory->sb->device, mode,
 820159                                  ps->euid);
 820160         if (inode_new == NULL)
 820161           {
 820162             //
 820163             // The inode allocation failed, so, also the directory
 820164             // must be released, before return.
 820165             //
 820166             inode_put (inode_directory);
 820167             return (NULL);
 820168           }
 820169       }
 820170     //
 820171     // Read the directory content and try to add the new item.
 820172     //
 820173     for (start  = 0;
 820174          start <  inode_directory->size;
 820175          start += inode_directory->sb->blksize)
 820176       {
 820177         size_read = inode_file_read (inode_directory, start, buffer,
 820178                                      inode_directory->sb->blksize,
 820179                                      NULL);
 820180         if (size_read < sizeof (directory_t))
 820181           {
 820182             break;
 820183           }
 820184         //
 820185         // Scan the directory portion just read, for an unused item.
 820186         //
 820187         dir = (directory_t *) buffer;
 820188         for (d = 0; d < size_read; d += (sizeof (directory_t)), dir++)
 820189           {
 820190             if (dir->ino == 0)
 820191               {
 820192                 //
 820193                 // Found an empty directory item: link the inode.
 820194                 //
 820195                 dir->ino = inode_new->ino;
 820196                 strncpy (dir->name, path_name, NAME_MAX);
 820197                 inode_new->links++;
 820198                 inode_new->changed = 1;
 820199                 //
 820200                 // Update the directory inside the file system.
 820201                 //
 820202                 size_written = inode_file_write (inode_directory, start,
 820203                                                  buffer, size_read);
 820204                 if (size_written != size_read)
 820205                   {
 820206                     //
 820207                     // Write problem: release the directory and return.
 820208                     //
 820209                     inode_put (inode_directory);
 820210                     errset (EUNKNOWN);
 820211                     return (NULL);
 820212                   }
 820213                 //
 820214                 // Save the new inode, release the directory and return
 820215                 // the linked inode.
 820216                 //
 820217                 inode_save (inode_new);
 820218                 inode_put (inode_directory);
 820219                 return (inode_new);
 820220               }
 820221           }
 820222       }
 820223     //
 820224     // The directory don't have a free item and one must be appended.
 820225     //
 820226     dir   = (directory_t *) buffer;
 820227     start = inode_directory->size;
 820228     //
 820229     // Prepare the buffer with the link.
 820230     //
 820231     dir->ino = inode_new->ino;
 820232     strncpy (dir->name, path_name, NAME_MAX);
 820233     inode_new->links++;
 820234     inode_new->changed = 1;
 820235     //
 820236     // Append the buffer to the directory.
 820237     //
 820238     size_written = inode_file_write (inode_directory, start, buffer,
 820239                                      (sizeof (directory_t)));
 820240     if (size_written != (sizeof (directory_t)))
 820241       {
 820242         //
 820243         // Problem updating the directory: release it and return.
 820244         //
 820245         inode_put (inode_directory);
 820246         errset (EUNKNOWN);
 820247         return (NULL);
 820248       }
 820249     //
 820250     // Close access to the directory inode and save the other inode,
 820251     // with updated link count.
 820252     //
 820253     inode_put (inode_directory);
 820254     inode_save (inode_new);
 820255     //
 820256     // Return successfully.
 820257     //
 820258     return (inode_new);
 820259 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.38.

 830001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 830002 #include <errno.h>
 830003 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 830004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 830005 int
 830006 path_link (pid_t pid, const char *path_old, const char *path_new)
 830007 {
 830008     proc_t            *ps;
 830009     inode_t           *inode_old;
 830010     inode_t           *inode_new;
 830011     char               path_new_full[PATH_MAX];
 830012     //
 830013     // Get process.
 830014     //
 830015     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 830016     //
 830017     // Try to get the old path inode.
 830018     //
 830019     inode_old = path_inode (pid, path_old);
 830020     if (inode_old == NULL)
 830021       {
 830022         //
 830023         // Cannot get the inode: `errno' is already set by
 830024         // `path_inode()'.
 830025         //
 830026         errset (errno);
 830027         return (-1);
 830028       }
 830029     //
 830030     // The inode is available and checks are done: arrange to get a
 830031     // packed full path name and then the destination directory path.
 830032     //
 830033     path_full (path_new, ps->path_cwd, path_new_full);
 830034     //
 830035     //
 830036     //
 830037     inode_new = path_inode_link (pid, path_new_full, inode_old,
 830038                                  (mode_t) 0);
 830039     if (inode_new == NULL)
 830040       {
 830041         inode_put (inode_old);
 830042         return (-1);
 830043       }
 830044     if (inode_new != inode_old)
 830045       {
 830046         inode_put (inode_new);
 830047         inode_put (inode_old);
 830048         errset (EUNKNOWN);              // Unknown error.
 830049         return (-1);
 830050       }
 830051     //
 830052     // Inode data is already updated by `path_inode_link()': just put
 830053     // it and return. Please note that only one is put, because it is
 830054     // just the same of the other.
 830055     //
 830056     inode_put  (inode_new);
 830057     return (0);
 830058 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.39.

 840001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 840002 #include <errno.h>
 840003 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 840004 #include <libgen.h>
 840005 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 840006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 840007 int
 840008 path_mkdir (pid_t pid, const char *path, mode_t mode)
 840009 {
 840010     proc_t   *ps;
 840011     inode_t  *inode_directory;
 840012     inode_t  *inode_parent;
 840013     int       status;
 840014     char      path_directory[PATH_MAX];
 840015     char      path_copy[PATH_MAX];
 840016     char     *path_parent;
 840017     ssize_t   size_written;
 840018     //
 840019     struct {
 840020         ino_t inode_1;
 840021         char  name_1[NAME_MAX];
 840022         ino_t inode_2;
 840023         char  name_2[NAME_MAX];
 840024     } directory;
 840025     //
 840026     // Get process.
 840027     //
 840028     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 840029     //
 840030     // Correct the mode with the umask.
 840031     //
 840032     mode &= ~ps->umask;
 840033     //
 840034     // Inside `mode', the file type is fixed. No check is made.
 840035     //
 840036     mode &= 00777;
 840037     mode |= S_IFDIR;
 840038     //
 840039     // The full path and the directory path is needed.
 840040     //
 840041     status = path_full (path, ps->path_cwd, path_directory);
 840042     if (status < 0)
 840043       {
 840044         return (-1);
 840045       }
 840046     strncpy (path_copy, path_directory, PATH_MAX);
 840047     path_copy[PATH_MAX-1] = 0;
 840048     path_parent = dirname (path_copy);
 840049     //
 840050     // Check if something already exists with the same name. The scan
 840051     // is done with kernel privileges.
 840052     //
 840053     inode_directory = path_inode ((uid_t) 0, path_directory);
 840054     if (inode_directory != NULL)
 840055       {
 840056         //
 840057         // The file already exists. Put inode and return an error.
 840058         //
 840059         inode_put (inode_directory);
 840060         errset (EEXIST);                // File exists.
 840061         return (-1);
 840062       } 
 840063     //
 840064     // Try to locate the directory that should contain this one.
 840065     //
 840066     inode_parent = path_inode (pid, path_parent);
 840067     if (inode_parent == NULL)
 840068       {
 840069         //
 840070         // Cannot locate the directory: return an error. The variable
 840071         // `errno' should already be set by `path_inode()'.
 840072         //
 840073         errset (errno);
 840074         return (-1);
 840075       }
 840076     //
 840077     // Try to create the node: should fail if the user does not have
 840078     // enough permissions.
 840079     //
 840080     inode_directory = path_inode_link (pid, path_directory, NULL,
 840081                                        mode);
 840082     if (inode_directory == NULL)
 840083       {
 840084         //
 840085         // Sorry: cannot create the inode! The variable `errno' should
 840086         // already be set by `path_inode_link()'.
 840087         //
 840088         errset (errno);
 840089         return (-1);
 840090       }
 840091     //
 840092     // Fill records for `.' and `..'.
 840093     //
 840094     directory.inode_1 = inode_directory->ino;
 840095     strncpy (directory.name_1, ".",  (size_t) 3);
 840096     directory.inode_2 = inode_parent->ino;
 840097     strncpy (directory.name_2, "..", (size_t) 3);
 840098     //
 840099     // Write data.
 840100     //
 840101     size_written = inode_file_write (inode_directory, (off_t) 0,
 840102                                      &directory, (sizeof directory));
 840103     if (size_written != (sizeof directory))
 840104       {
 840105         return (-1);
 840106       }
 840107     //
 840108     // Fix directory inode links.
 840109     //
 840110     inode_directory->links   = 2;
 840111     inode_directory->time    = k_time (NULL);
 840112     inode_directory->changed = 1;
 840113     //
 840114     // Fix parent directory inode links.
 840115     //
 840116     inode_parent->links++;
 840117     inode_parent->time       = k_time (NULL);
 840118     inode_parent->changed    = 1;
 840119     //
 840120     // Save and put the inodes.
 840121     //
 840122     inode_save (inode_parent);
 840123     inode_save (inode_directory);
 840124     inode_put  (inode_parent);
 840125     inode_put  (inode_directory);
 840126     //
 840127     // Return.
 840128     //
 840129     return (0);
 840130 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.40.

 850001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 850002 #include <errno.h>
 850003 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 850004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 850005 int
 850006 path_mknod (pid_t pid, const char *path, mode_t mode, dev_t device)
 850007 {
 850008     proc_t   *ps;
 850009     inode_t  *inode;
 850010     char      full_path[PATH_MAX];
 850011     //
 850012     // Get process.
 850013     //
 850014     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 850015     //
 850016     // Correct the mode with the umask.
 850017     //
 850018     mode &= ~ps->umask;
 850019     //
 850020     // Currently must be root for any kind of node to be created.
 850021     //
 850022     if (ps->uid != 0)
 850023       {
 850024         errset (EPERM);                 // Operation not permitted.
 850025         return (-1);
 850026       }
 850027     //
 850028     // Check the type of node requested.
 850029     //
 850030     if (!(S_ISBLK (mode) ||
 850031           S_ISCHR (mode) ||
 850032           S_ISREG (mode) ||
 850033           S_ISDIR (mode)))
 850034       {
 850035         errset (EINVAL);                // Invalid argument.
 850036         return (-1);
 850037       }
 850038     //
 850039     // Check if something already exists with the same name.
 850040     //
 850041     inode = path_inode (pid, path);
 850042     if (inode != NULL)
 850043       {
 850044         //
 850045         // The file already exists. Put inode and return an error.
 850046         //
 850047         inode_put (inode);
 850048         errset (EEXIST);                // File exists.
 850049         return (-1);
 850050       } 
 850051     //
 850052     // Try to creat the node.
 850053     //
 850054     path_full (path, ps->path_cwd, full_path);
 850055     inode = path_inode_link (pid, full_path, NULL, mode);
 850056     if (inode == NULL)
 850057       {
 850058         //
 850059         // Sorry: cannot create the inode!
 850060         //
 850061         return (-1);
 850062       }
 850063     //
 850064     // Set the device number if necessary.
 850065     //
 850066     if (S_ISBLK (mode) || S_ISCHR (mode))
 850067       {
 850068         inode->direct[0] = device;
 850069         inode->changed = 1;
 850070       }
 850071     //
 850072     // Put the inode.
 850073     //
 850074     inode_put (inode);
 850075     //
 850076     // Return.
 850077     //
 850078     return (0);
 850079 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.41.

 860001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 860002 #include <errno.h>
 860003 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 860004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 860005 int
 860006 path_mount (pid_t pid, const char *path_dev, const char *path_mnt,
 860007             int options)
 860008 {
 860009     proc_t   *ps;
 860010     dev_t     device;        // Device to mount.
 860011     inode_t  *inode_mnt;     // Directory mount point.
 860012     void     *pstatus;
 860013     //
 860014     // Get process.
 860015     //
 860016     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 860017     //
 860018     // Verify to be the super user.
 860019     //
 860020     if (ps->euid != 0)
 860021       {
 860022         errset (EPERM);         // Operation not permitted.
 860023         return (-1);
 860024       }
 860025     //
 860026     device = path_device (pid, path_dev);
 860027     if (device < 0)
 860028       {
 860029         return (-1);
 860030       }
 860031     //
 860032     inode_mnt = path_inode (pid, path_mnt);
 860033     if (inode_mnt == NULL)
 860034       {
 860035         return (-1);
 860036       }
 860037     if (!S_ISDIR (inode_mnt->mode))
 860038       {
 860039         inode_put (inode_mnt);
 860040         errset (ENOTDIR);       // Not a directory.
 860041         return (-1);
 860042       }
 860043     if (inode_mnt->sb_attached != NULL)
 860044       {
 860045         inode_put (inode_mnt);
 860046         errset (EBUSY);         // Device or resource busy.
 860047         return (-1);
 860048       }
 860049     //
 860050     // All data is available.
 860051     //
 860052     pstatus = sb_mount (device, &inode_mnt, options);
 860053     if (pstatus == NULL)
 860054       {
 860055         inode_put (inode_mnt);
 860056         return (-1);
 860057       }
 860058     //
 860059     return (0);
 860060 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.50.

 870001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 870002 #include <errno.h>
 870003 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 870004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 870005 int
 870006 path_stat (pid_t pid, const char *path, struct stat *buffer)
 870007 {
 870008     proc_t   *ps;
 870009     inode_t  *inode;
 870010     //
 870011     // Get process.
 870012     //
 870013     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 870014     //
 870015     // Try to load the file inode.
 870016     //
 870017     inode = path_inode (pid, path);
 870018     if (inode == NULL)
 870019       {
 870020         //
 870021         // Cannot access the file: it does not exists or permissions are
 870022         // not sufficient. Variable `errno' is set by function
 870023         // `path_inode()'.
 870024         //
 870025         errset (errno);
 870026         return (-1);
 870027       } 
 870028     //
 870029     // Inode loaded: update the buffer.
 870030     //
 870031     buffer->st_dev      = inode->sb->device;
 870032     buffer->st_ino      = inode->ino;
 870033     buffer->st_mode     = inode->mode;
 870034     buffer->st_nlink    = inode->links;
 870035     buffer->st_uid      = inode->uid;
 870036     buffer->st_gid      = inode->gid;
 870037     if (S_ISBLK (buffer->st_mode) || S_ISCHR (buffer->st_mode))
 870038       {
 870039         buffer->st_rdev = inode->direct[0];
 870040       }
 870041     else
 870042       {
 870043         buffer->st_rdev = 0;
 870044       }
 870045     buffer->st_size     = inode->size;
 870046     buffer->st_atime    = inode->time;  // All times are the same for
 870047     buffer->st_mtime    = inode->time;  // Minix 1 file system.
 870048     buffer->st_ctime    = inode->time;  //
 870049     buffer->st_blksize  = inode->sb->blksize;
 870050     buffer->st_blocks   = inode->blkcnt;
 870051     //
 870052     // If the inode is a device special file, the `st_rdev' value is
 870053     // taken from the first direct zone (as of Minix 1 organization).
 870054     //
 870055     if (S_ISBLK(inode->mode) || S_ISCHR(inode->mode))
 870056       {
 870057         buffer->st_rdev = inode->direct[0];
 870058       }
 870059     else
 870060       {
 870061         buffer->st_rdev = 0;
 870062       }
 870063     //
 870064     // Release the inode and return.
 870065     //
 870066     inode_put (inode);
 870067     //
 870068     // Return.
 870069     //
 870070     return (0);
 870071 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.41.

 880001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 880002 #include <errno.h>
 880003 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 880004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 880005 int
 880006 path_umount (pid_t pid, const char *path_mnt)
 880007 {
 880008     proc_t   *ps;
 880009     dev_t     device;                // Device to mount.
 880010     inode_t  *inode_mount_point;     // Original mount point.
 880011     inode_t  *inode;                 // Inode table.
 880012     int       i;                     // Inode table index.
 880013     //
 880014     // Get process.
 880015     //
 880016     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 880017     //
 880018     // Verify to be the super user.
 880019     //
 880020     if (ps->euid != 0)
 880021       {
 880022         errset (EPERM);         // Operation not permitted.
 880023         return (-1);
 880024       }
 880025     //
 880026     // Get the directory mount point.
 880027     //
 880028     inode_mount_point = path_inode (pid, path_mnt);
 880029     if (inode_mount_point == NULL)
 880030       {
 880031         errset (ENOENT);                // No such file or directory.
 880032         return (-1);
 880033       }
 880034     //
 880035     // Verify that the path is a directory.
 880036     //
 880037     if (!S_ISDIR (inode_mount_point->mode))
 880038       {
 880039         inode_put (inode_mount_point);
 880040         errset (ENOTDIR);               // Not a directory.
 880041         return (-1);
 880042       }
 880043     //
 880044     // Verify that there is something attached.
 880045     //
 880046     device = inode_mount_point->sb_attached->device;
 880047     if (device == 0)
 880048       {
 880049         //
 880050         // There is nothing to unmount.
 880051         //
 880052         inode_put (inode_mount_point);
 880053         errset (E_NOT_MOUNTED);         // Not mounted.
 880054         return (-1);
 880055       }
 880056     //
 880057     // Are there exactly two internal references? Let's explain:
 880058     // the directory that act as mount point, should have one reference
 880059     // because it is mounting something and another because it was just
 880060     // opened again, a few lines above. If there are more references
 880061     // it is wrong; if there are less, it is also wrong at this point.
 880062     //
 880063     if (inode_mount_point->references != 2)
 880064       {
 880065         inode_put (inode_mount_point);
 880066         errset (EUNKNOWN);              // Unknown error.
 880067         return (-1);
 880068       }
 880069     //
 880070     // All data is available: find if there are open file inside
 880071     // the file system to unmount. But first load the inode table
 880072     // pointer.
 880073     //
 880074     inode = inode_reference ((dev_t) 0, (ino_t) 0);
 880075     if (inode == NULL)
 880076       {
 880077         //
 880078         // This error should not happen.
 880079         //
 880080         inode_put (inode_mount_point);
 880081         errset (EUNKNOWN);              // Unknown error.
 880082         return (-1);
 880083       }
 880084     //
 880085     // Scan the inode table.
 880086     //
 880087     for (i = 0; i < INODE_MAX_SLOTS; i++)
 880088       {
 880089         if (inode[i].sb == inode_mount_point->sb_attached  &&
 880090             inode[i].references > 0)
 880091           {
 880092             //
 880093             // At least one file is open inside the super block to
 880094             // release: cannot unmount.
 880095             //
 880096             inode_put (inode_mount_point);
 880097             errset (EBUSY);             // Device or resource busy.
 880098             return (-1);
 880099           }
 880100       }
 880101     //
 880102     // Can unmount: save and remove the super block memory;
 880103     // clear the mount point reference and put inode.
 880104     //
 880105     inode_mount_point->sb_attached->changed          = 1;
 880106     sb_save (inode_mount_point->sb_attached);
 880107     //
 880108     inode_mount_point->sb_attached->device           = 0;
 880109     inode_mount_point->sb_attached->inode_mounted_on = NULL;
 880110     inode_mount_point->sb_attached->blksize          = 0;
 880111     inode_mount_point->sb_attached->options          = 0;
 880112     //
 880113     inode_mount_point->sb_attached                   = NULL;
 880114     inode_mount_point->references                    = 0;
 880115     inode_put (inode_mount_point);
 880116     //
 880117     inode_put (inode_mount_point);
 880118     //
 880119     return (0);
 880120 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.44.

 890001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 890002 #include <errno.h>
 890003 #include <kernel/proc.h>
 890004 #include <libgen.h>
 890005 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
 890006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 890007 int
 890008 path_unlink (pid_t pid, const char *path)
 890009 {
 890010     proc_t      *ps;
 890011     inode_t     *inode_unlink;
 890012     inode_t     *inode_directory;
 890013     char         path_unlink[PATH_MAX];
 890014     char         path_copy[PATH_MAX];
 890015     char        *path_directory;
 890016     char        *name_unlink;
 890017     dev_t        device;
 890018     off_t        start;
 890019     char         buffer[SB_MAX_ZONE_SIZE];
 890020     directory_t *dir = (directory_t *) buffer;
 890021     int          status;
 890022     ssize_t      size_read;
 890023     ssize_t      size_written;
 890024     int          d;                     // Directory buffer index.
 890025     //
 890026     // Get process.
 890027     //
 890028     ps = proc_reference (pid);
 890029     //
 890030     // Get full paths.
 890031     //
 890032     path_full (path, ps->path_cwd, path_unlink);
 890033     strncpy (path_copy, path_unlink, PATH_MAX);
 890034     path_directory = dirname (path_copy);
 890035     //
 890036     // Get the inode to be unlinked.
 890037     //
 890038     inode_unlink = path_inode (pid, path_unlink);
 890039     if (inode_unlink == NULL)
 890040       {
 890041         return (-1);
 890042       }
 890043     //
 890044     // If it is a directory, verify that it is empty.
 890045     //
 890046     if (S_ISDIR (inode_unlink->mode))
 890047       {
 890048         if (!inode_dir_empty (inode_unlink))
 890049           {
 890050             inode_put (inode_unlink);
 890051             errset (ENOTEMPTY);         // Directory not empty.
 890052             return (-1);
 890053           }
 890054       }
 890055     //
 890056     // Get the inode of the directory containing it.
 890057     //
 890058     inode_directory = path_inode (pid, path_directory);
 890059     if (inode_directory == NULL)
 890060       {
 890061         inode_put (inode_unlink);
 890062         return (-1);
 890063       }
 890064     //
 890065     // Check if something is mounted on the directory.
 890066     //
 890067     if (inode_directory->sb_attached != NULL)
 890068       {
 890069         //
 890070         // Must select the right directory.
 890071         //
 890072         device = inode_directory->sb_attached->device;
 890073         inode_put (inode_directory);
 890074         inode_directory = inode_get (device, 1);
 890075         if (inode_directory == NULL)
 890076           {
 890077             inode_put (inode_unlink);
 890078             return (-1);
 890079           }
 890080       }
 890081     //
 890082     // Check if write is allowed for the file system.
 890083     //
 890084     if (inode_directory->sb->options & MOUNT_RO)
 890085       {
 890086         errset (EROFS);         // Read-only file system.
 890087         return (-1);
 890088       }
 890089     //
 890090     // Verify access permissions for the directory. The number "3" means
 890091     // that the user must have access permission and write permission:
 890092     // "-wx" == 2+1 == 3.
 890093     //
 890094     status = inode_check (inode_directory, S_IFDIR, 3, ps->uid);
 890095     if (status != 0)
 890096       {
 890097         errset (EPERM);                 // Operation not permitted.
 890098         inode_put (inode_unlink);
 890099         inode_put (inode_directory);
 890100         return (-1);
 890101       }
 890102     //
 890103     // Get the base name to be unlinked: this will alter the
 890104     // original path.
 890105     //
 890106     name_unlink = basename (path_unlink);
 890107     //
 890108     // Read the directory content and try to locate the item to unlink.
 890109     //
 890110     for (start  = 0;
 890111          start <  inode_directory->size;
 890112          start += inode_directory->sb->blksize)
 890113       {
 890114         size_read = inode_file_read (inode_directory, start, buffer,
 890115                                      inode_directory->sb->blksize,
 890116                                      NULL);
 890117         if (size_read < sizeof (directory_t))
 890118           {
 890119             break;
 890120           }
 890121         //
 890122         // Scan the directory portion just read, for the item to unlink.
 890123         //
 890124         dir = (directory_t *) buffer;
 890125         //
 890126         for (d = 0; d < size_read; d += (sizeof (directory_t)), dir++)
 890127           {
 890128             if (dir->ino != 0                                    &&
 890129                 strncmp (dir->name, name_unlink, NAME_MAX) == 0)
 890130               {
 890131                 //
 890132                 // Found the corresponding item: unlink the inode.
 890133                 //
 890134                 dir->ino     = 0;
 890135                 //
 890136                 // Update the directory inside the file system.
 890137                 //
 890138                 size_written = inode_file_write (inode_directory, start,
 890139                                                  buffer, size_read);
 890140                 if (size_written != size_read)
 890141                   {
 890142                     //
 890143                     // Write problem: just tell.
 890144                     //
 890145                     k_printf ("kernel alert: directory write error!\n");
 890146                   }
 890147                 //
 890148                 // Update directory inode and put inode. If the unlinked
 890149                 // inode was a directory, the parent directory inode
 890150                 // must reduce the file system link count.
 890151                 //
 890152                 if (S_ISDIR (inode_unlink->mode))
 890153                   {
 890154                     inode_directory->links--;
 890155                   }
 890156                 inode_directory->time = k_time (NULL);
 890157                 inode_directory->changed = 1;
 890158                 inode_put (inode_directory);
 890159                 //
 890160                 // Reduce link inside unlinked inode and put inode.
 890161                 //
 890162                 inode_unlink->links--;
 890163                 inode_unlink->changed = 1;
 890164                 inode_unlink->time = k_time (NULL);
 890165                 inode_put (inode_unlink);
 890166                 //
 890167                 // Just return, as the work is done.
 890168                 //
 890169                 return (0);
 890170               }
 890171           }
 890172       }
 890173     //
 890174     // At this point, it was not possible to unlink the file.
 890175     //
 890176     inode_put (inode_unlink);
 890177     inode_put (inode_directory);
 890178     errset (EUNKNOWN);          // Unknown error.
 890179     return (-1);
 890180 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.45.

 900001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 900002 #include <errno.h>
 900003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 900004 int
 900005 sb_inode_status (sb_t *sb, ino_t ino)
 900006 {
 900007     int map_element;
 900008     int map_bit;
 900009     int map_mask;
 900010     //
 900011     // Check arguments.
 900012     //
 900013     if (ino == 0 || sb == NULL)
 900014       {
 900015         errset (EINVAL);        // Invalid argument.
 900016         return (-1);
 900017       }
 900018     //
 900019     //  Calculate the map element, the map bit and the map mask.
 900020     //
 900021     map_element = ino / 16;
 900022     map_bit     = ino % 16;
 900023     map_mask    = 1 << map_bit;
 900024     //
 900025     // Check the inode and return.
 900026     //
 900027     if (sb->map_inode[map_element] & map_mask)
 900028       {
 900029         return (1);     // True.
 900030       }
 900031     else
 900032       {
 900033         return (0);     // False.
 900034       }
 900035 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.46.

 910001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 910002 #include <errno.h>
 910003 #include <kernel/devices.h>
 910004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 910005 sb_t *
 910006 sb_mount (dev_t device, inode_t **inode_mnt, int options)
 910007 {
 910008     sb_t   *sb;
 910009     ssize_t size_read;
 910010     addr_t  start;
 910011     int     m;
 910012     size_t  size_sb;
 910013     size_t  size_map;
 910014     //
 910015     // Find if it is already mounted.
 910016     //
 910017     sb = sb_reference (device);
 910018     if (sb != NULL)
 910019       {
 910020         errset (EBUSY);         // Device or resource busy: device
 910021         return (NULL);          // already mounted.
 910022       }
 910023     //
 910024     // Find if `*inode_mnt' is already mounting something.
 910025     //
 910026     if (*inode_mnt != NULL && (*inode_mnt)->sb_attached != NULL)
 910027       {
 910028         errset (EBUSY);         // Device or resource busy: mount point
 910029         return (NULL);          // already used.
 910030       }
 910031     //
 910032     // The inode is not yet mounting anything, or it is new: find a free
 910033     // slot inside the super block table.
 910034     //
 910035     sb = sb_reference ((dev_t) -1);
 910036     if (sb == NULL)
 910037       {
 910038         errset (EBUSY);         // Device or resource busy:
 910039         return (NULL);          // no free slots.
 910040       }
 910041     //
 910042     // A free slot was found: the super block header must be loaded, but
 910043     // before it is necessary to calculate the header size to be read.
 910044     //
 910045     size_sb = offsetof (sb_t, device);
 910046     //
 910047     // Then fix the starting point.
 910048     //
 910049     start  = 1024;                      // After boot block.
 910050     //
 910051     // Read the file system super block header.
 910052     //
 910053     size_read = dev_io ((pid_t) -1, device, DEV_READ, start, sb,
 910054                         size_sb, NULL);
 910055     if (size_read != size_sb)
 910056       {
 910057         errset (EIO);                   // I/O error.
 910058         return (NULL);
 910059       }
 910060     //
 910061     // Save some more data.
 910062     //
 910063     sb->device           =  device;
 910064     sb->options          =  options;
 910065     sb->inode_mounted_on = *inode_mnt;
 910066     sb->blksize          =  (1024 << sb->log2_size_zone);
 910067     //
 910068     // Check if the super block data is valid.
 910069     //
 910070     if (sb->magic_number != 0x137F)
 910071       {
 910072         errset (ENODEV);        // No such device: unsupported
 910073         sb->device = 0;         // file system type.
 910074         return (NULL);
 910075       }
 910076     if (sb->map_inode_blocks > SB_MAX_INODE_BLOCKS)
 910077       {
 910078         errset (E_MAP_INODE_TOO_BIG);
 910079         return (NULL);
 910080       }
 910081     if (sb->map_zone_blocks > SB_MAX_ZONE_BLOCKS)
 910082       {
 910083         errset (E_MAP_ZONE_TOO_BIG);
 910084         return (NULL);
 910085       }
 910086     if (sb->blksize > SB_MAX_ZONE_SIZE)
 910087       {
 910088         errset (E_DATA_ZONE_TOO_BIG);
 910089         return (NULL);
 910090       }
 910091     //
 910092     // A right super block header was loaded from disk, now load the
 910093     // super block inode bit map.
 910094     //
 910095     start  = 1024;                              // After boot block.
 910096     start += 1024;                              // After super block.
 910097     for (m = 0; m < SB_MAP_INODE_SIZE; m++)     //
 910098       {                                         // Reset map in memory,
 910099         sb->map_inode[m] = 0xFFFF;              // before loading.
 910100       }                                         //
 910101     size_map = sb->map_inode_blocks * 1024;
 910102     size_read = dev_io ((pid_t) -1, sb->device, DEV_READ, start,
 910103                         sb->map_inode, size_map, NULL);
 910104     if (size_read != size_map)
 910105       {
 910106         errset (EIO);                   // I/O error.
 910107         return (NULL);
 910108       }
 910109     //
 910110     // Load the super block zone bit map.
 910111     //
 910112     start  = 1024;                              // After boot block.
 910113     start += 1024;                              // After super block.
 910114     start += (sb->map_inode_blocks * 1024);     // After inode bit map.
 910115     for (m = 0; m < SB_MAP_ZONE_SIZE; m++)      //
 910116       {                                         // Reset map in memory,
 910117         sb->map_zone[m] = 0xFFFF;               // before loading.
 910118       }                                         //
 910119     size_map = sb->map_zone_blocks * 1024;
 910120     size_read = dev_io ((pid_t) -1, sb->device, DEV_READ, start,
 910121                         sb->map_zone, size_map, NULL);
 910122     if (size_read != size_map)
 910123       {
 910124         errset (EIO);                   // I/O error.
 910125         return (NULL);
 910126       }
 910127     //
 910128     // Check the inode that should mount the super block. If
 910129     // `*inode_mnt' is `NULL', then it is meant to be the first mount of
 910130     // the root file system. In such case, the inode must be loaded too,
 910131     // and the value for `*inode_mnt' must be modified.
 910132     //
 910133     if (*inode_mnt == NULL)
 910134       {
 910135         *inode_mnt = inode_get (device, 1);
 910136       }
 910137     //
 910138     // Check for a valid value.
 910139     //
 910140     if (*inode_mnt == NULL)
 910141       {
 910142         //
 910143         // This is bad!
 910144         //
 910145         errset (EUNKNOWN);              // Unknown error.
 910146         return (NULL);
 910147       }
 910148     //
 910149     // A valid inode is available for the mount.
 910150     //
 910151     (*inode_mnt)->sb_attached  = sb;
 910152     //
 910153     // Return the super block pointer.
 910154     //
 910155     return (sb);
 910156 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.47.

 920001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 920002 #include <errno.h>
 920003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 920004 sb_t *
 920005 sb_reference (dev_t device)
 920006 {
 920007     int s;                              // Slot index.
 920008     //
 920009     // If device is zero, a reference to the whole table is returned.
 920010     //
 920011     if (device == 0)
 920012       {
 920013         return (sb_table);
 920014       }
 920015     //
 920016     // If device is ((dev_t) -1), a reference to a free slot is
 920017     // returned.
 920018     //
 920019     if (device == ((dev_t) -1))
 920020       {
 920021         for (s = 0; s < SB_MAX_SLOTS; s++)
 920022           {
 920023             if (sb_table[s].device == 0)
 920024               {
 920025                 return (&sb_table[s]);
 920026               }
 920027           }
 920028         return (NULL);
 920029       }
 920030     //
 920031     // A device was selected: find the super block associated to it.
 920032     //
 920033     for (s = 0; s < SB_MAX_SLOTS; s++)
 920034       {
 920035         if (sb_table[s].device == device)
 920036           {
 920037             return (&sb_table[s]);
 920038           }
 920039       }
 920040     //
 920041     // The super block was not found.
 920042     //
 920043     return (NULL);
 920044 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.48.

 930001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 930002 #include <errno.h>
 930003 #include <kernel/devices.h>
 930004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 930005 int
 930006 sb_save (sb_t *sb)
 930007 {
 930008     ssize_t size_written;
 930009     addr_t  start;
 930010     size_t  size_map;
 930011     //
 930012     // Check for valid argument.
 930013     //
 930014     if (sb == NULL)
 930015       {
 930016         errset (EINVAL);                        // Invalid argument.
 930017         return (-1);
 930018       }
 930019     //
 930020     // Check if the super block changed for some reason (only the
 930021     // inode and the zone maps can change really).
 930022     //
 930023     if (!sb->changed)
 930024       {
 930025         //
 930026         // Nothing to save.
 930027         //
 930028         return (0);
 930029       }
 930030     //
 930031     // Something inside the super block changed: start the procedure to
 930032     // save the inode map (recall that the super block header is not
 930033     // saved, because it never changes).
 930034     //
 930035     start  = 1024;                              // After boot block.
 930036     start += 1024;                              // After super block.
 930037     size_map = sb->map_inode_blocks * 1024;
 930038     size_written = dev_io ((pid_t) -1, sb->device, DEV_WRITE, start,
 930039                 sb->map_inode, size_map, NULL);
 930040     if (size_written != size_map)
 930041       {
 930042         //
 930043         // Error writing the map.
 930044         //
 930045         errset (EIO);                   // I/O error.
 930046         return (-1);
 930047       }
 930048     //
 930049     // Start the procedure to save the zone map.
 930050     //
 930051     start  = 1024;                              // After boot block.
 930052     start += 1024;                              // After super block.
 930053     start += (sb->map_inode_blocks * 1024);     // After inode bit map.
 930054     size_map = sb->map_zone_blocks * 1024;
 930055     size_written = dev_io ((pid_t) -1, sb->device, DEV_WRITE, start,
 930056                 sb->map_zone, size_map, NULL);
 930057     if (size_written != size_map)
 930058       {
 930059         //
 930060         // Error writing the map.
 930061         //
 930062         errset (EIO);                   // I/O error.
 930063         return (-1);
 930064       }
 930065     //
 930066     // Super block saved.
 930067     //
 930068     sb->changed = 0;
 930069     //
 930070     return (0);
 930071 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.47.

 940001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 940002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 940003 sb_t    sb_table[SB_MAX_SLOTS];


Si veda la sezione i187.3.45.

 950001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 950002 #include <errno.h>
 950003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 950004 int
 950005 sb_zone_status (sb_t *sb, zno_t zone)
 950006 {
 950007     int map_element;
 950008     int map_bit;
 950009     int map_mask;
 950010     //
 950011     // Check arguments.
 950012     //
 950013     if (zone == 0 || sb == NULL)
 950014       {
 950015         errset (EINVAL);        // Invalid argument.
 950016         return (-1);
 950017       }
 950018     //
 950019     //  Calculate the map element, the map bit and the map mask.
 950020     //
 950021     map_element = zone / 16;
 950022     map_bit     = zone % 16;
 950023     map_mask    = 1 << map_bit;
 950024     //
 950025     // Check the zone and return.
 950026     //
 950027     if (sb->map_zone[map_element] & map_mask)
 950028       {
 950029         return (1);     // True.
 950030       }
 950031     else
 950032       {
 950033         return (0);     // False.
 950034       }
 950035 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.51.

 960001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 960002 #include <kernel/devices.h>
 960003 #include <errno.h>
 960004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 960005 zno_t
 960006 zone_alloc (sb_t *sb)
 960007 {
 960008     int   m;                     // Index inside the inode map.
 960009     int   map_element;
 960010     int   map_bit;
 960011     int   map_mask;
 960012     zno_t zone;
 960013     char  buffer[SB_MAX_ZONE_SIZE];
 960014     int   status;
 960015     //
 960016     // Verify if write is allowed.
 960017     //
 960018     if (sb->options & MOUNT_RO)
 960019       {
 960020         errset (EROFS);         // Read-only file system.
 960021         return ((zno_t) 0);
 960022       }
 960023     //
 960024     // Write allowed: scan the zone map, to find a free zone.
 960025     // If a free zone can be found, allocate it inside the map.
 960026     // Index `m' starts from one, because the first bit of the
 960027     // map is reserved for a `zero' data-zone that does not
 960028     // exist: the second bit is for the real first data-zone.
 960029     //
 960030     for (zone = 0, m = 1; m < (SB_MAP_ZONE_SIZE * 16); m++)
 960031       {
 960032         map_element = m / 16;
 960033         map_bit     = m % 16;
 960034         map_mask    = 1 << map_bit;
 960035         if (!(sb->map_zone[map_element] & map_mask))
 960036           {
 960037             //
 960038             // Found a free place: set the map.
 960039             //
 960040             sb->map_zone[map_element] |= map_mask;
 960041             sb->changed = 1;
 960042             //
 960043             // The *second* bit inside the map is for the first data
 960044             // zone (the zone after the inode table inside the file
 960045             // system), because the first is for a special `zero' data
 960046             // zone, not really used.
 960047             //
 960048             zone = sb->first_data_zone + m - 1; // Found a free zone.
 960049             //
 960050             // If the zone is outside the disk size, let set the map
 960051             // bit, but reset variable `zone'.
 960052             //
 960053             if (zone >= sb->zones)
 960054               {
 960055                 zone = 0;
 960056               }
 960057             else
 960058               {
 960059                 break;
 960060               }
 960061           }
 960062       }
 960063     if (zone == 0)
 960064       {
 960065         errset (ENOSPC);        // No space left on device.
 960066         return ((zno_t) 0);
 960067       }
 960068     //
 960069     // A free zone was found and the map was modified inside
 960070     // the super block in memory. The zone must be cleared.
 960071     //
 960072     status = zone_write (sb, zone, buffer);
 960073     if (status != 0)
 960074       {
 960075         zone_free (sb, zone);
 960076         return ((zno_t) 0);
 960077       }
 960078     //
 960079     // A zone was allocated: return the number.
 960080     //
 960081     return (zone);
 960082 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.51.

 970001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 970002 #include <kernel/devices.h>
 970003 #include <errno.h>
 970004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 970005 int
 970006 zone_free (sb_t *sb, zno_t zone)
 970007 {
 970008     int map_element;
 970009     int map_bit;
 970010     int map_mask;
 970011     //
 970012     // Check arguments.
 970013     //
 970014     if (sb == NULL || zone < sb->first_data_zone)
 970015       {
 970016         errset (EINVAL);        // Invalid argument.
 970017         return (-1);
 970018       }
 970019     //
 970020     // Calculate the map element, the map bit and the map mask.
 970021     //
 970022     // The *second* bit inside the map is for the first data-zone
 970023     // (the zone after the inode table inside the file system),
 970024     // because the first is for a special `zero' data-zone, not
 970025     // really used.
 970026     //
 970027     map_element = (zone - sb->first_data_zone + 1) / 16;
 970028     map_bit     = (zone - sb->first_data_zone + 1) % 16;
 970029     map_mask    = 1 << map_bit;
 970030     //
 970031     // Verify if the requested zone is inside the file system area.
 970032     //
 970033     if (zone >= sb->zones)
 970034       {
 970035         errset (EINVAL);        // Invalid argument.
 970036         return (-1);
 970037       }
 970038     //
 970039     // Free the zone and return.
 970040     //
 970041     if (sb->map_zone[map_element] & map_mask)
 970042       {
 970043         sb->map_zone[map_element] &= ~map_mask;
 970044         sb->changed = 1;
 970045         return (0);
 970046       }
 970047     else
 970048       {
 970049         errset (EUNKNOWN);              // The zone was already free.
 970050         return (-1);
 970051       }
 970052 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.53.

 980001 #include <sys/os16.h>
 980002 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 980003 #include <kernel/devices.h>
 980004 #include <errno.h>
 980005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 980006 int
 980007 zone_read (sb_t *sb, zno_t zone, void *buffer)
 980008 {
 980009     size_t   size_zone;
 980010     off_t    off_start;
 980011     ssize_t  size_read;
 980012     //
 980013     // Verify if the requested zone is inside the file system area.
 980014     //
 980015     if (zone >= sb->zones)
 980016       {
 980017         errset (EINVAL);        // Invalid argument.
 980018         return (-1);
 980019       }
 980020     //
 980021     // Calculate start position.
 980022     //
 980023     size_zone  = 1024 << sb->log2_size_zone;
 980024     off_start  = zone;
 980025     off_start *= size_zone;
 980026     //
 980027     // Read from device to the buffer.
 980028     //
 980029     size_read = dev_io ((pid_t) -1, sb->device, DEV_READ, off_start,
 980030                         buffer, size_zone, NULL);
 980031     if (size_read != size_zone)
 980032       {
 980033         errset (EIO);           // I/O error.
 980034         return (-1);
 980035       }
 980036     else
 980037       {
 980038         return (0);
 980039       }
 980040 }


Si veda la sezione i187.3.53.

 990001 #include <kernel/fs.h>
 990002 #include <kernel/devices.h>
 990003 #include <errno.h>
 990004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
 990005 int
 990006 zone_write (sb_t *sb, zno_t zone, void *buffer)
 990007 {
 990008     size_t   size_zone;
 990009     off_t    off_start;
 990010     ssize_t  size_written;
 990011     //
 990012     // Verify if write is allowed.
 990013     //
 990014     if (sb->options & MOUNT_RO)
 990015       {
 990016         errset (EROFS);         // Read-only file system.
 990017         return (-1);
 990018       }
 990019     //
 990020     // Verify if the requested zone is inside the file system area.
 990021     //
 990022     if (zone >= sb->zones)
 990023       {
 990024         errset (EINVAL);        // Invalid argument.
 990025         return (-1);
 990026       }
 990027     //
 990028     // Write is allowed: calculate start position.
 990029     //
 990030     size_zone  = 1024 << sb->log2_size_zone;
 990031     off_start  = zone;
 990032     off_start *= size_zone;
 990033     //
 990034     // Write the buffer to the device.
 990035     //
 990036     size_written = dev_io ((pid_t) -1, sb->device, DEV_WRITE, off_start,
 990037                            buffer, size_zone, NULL);
 990038     if (size_written != size_zone)
 990039       {
 990040         errset (EIO);           // I/O error.
 990041         return (-1);
 990042       }
 990043     else
 990044       {
 990045         return (0);
 990046       }
 990047 }

os16: «kernel/ibm_i86.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1000001 #ifndef _KERNEL_IBM_I86_H
1000002 #define _KERNEL_IBM_I86_H 1
1000004 #include <stdint.h>
1000005 #include <size_t.h>
1000006 #include <kernel/memory.h>
1000007 #include <sys/types.h>
1000008 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1000009 #define IBM_I86_VIDEO_MODE   0x02
1000010 #define IBM_I86_VIDEO_PAGES  4
1000012 #define IBM_I86_VIDEO_COLUMNS   80
1000013 #define IBM_I86_VIDEO_ROWS      25
1000014 #define IBM_I86_VIDEO_ADDRESS   0xB8000L, 0xB9000L, 0xBA000L, 0xBB000L
1000015 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1000016 void     _int10_00 (uint16_t video_mode);
1000017 void     _int10_02 (uint16_t page, uint16_t position);
1000018 void     _int10_05 (uint16_t page);
1000019 uint16_t _int12    (void);
1000020 uint16_t _int13_00 (uint16_t drive);
1000021 uint16_t _int13_02 (uint16_t drive, uint16_t sectors,
1000022                     uint16_t cylinder, uint16_t head,
1000023                     uint16_t sector, void *buffer);
1000024 uint16_t _int13_03 (uint16_t drive, uint16_t sectors,
1000025                     uint16_t cylinder, uint16_t head,
1000026                     uint16_t sector, void *buffer);
1000027 uint16_t _int16_00 (void);
1000028 uint16_t _int16_01 (void);
1000029 uint16_t _int16_02 (void);
1000031 #define int10_00(video_mode)     (_int10_00 ((uint16_t) video_mode))
1000032 #define int10_02(page, position) (_int10_02 ((uint16_t) page, \
1000033                                              (uint16_t) position))
1000034 #define int10_05(page)           (_int10_05 ((uint16_t) page))
1000035 #define int12()                  ((unsigned int) _int12 ())
1000037 #define int13_00(drive)          ((unsigned int) \
1000038                                   _int13_00 ((uint16_t) drive))
1000039 #define int13_02(drive, sectors, cylinder, head, sector, buffer) \
1000040                                  ((unsigned int) \
1000041                                   _int13_02 ((uint16_t) drive, \
1000042                                              (uint16_t) sectors, \
1000043                                              (uint16_t) cylinder, \
1000044                                              (uint16_t) head, \
1000045                                              (uint16_t) sector, \
1000046                                              buffer))
1000047 #define int13_03(drive, sectors, cylinder, head, sector, buffer) \
1000048                                  ((unsigned int) \
1000049                                   _int13_03 ((uint16_t) drive, \
1000050                                              (uint16_t) sectors, \
1000051                                              (uint16_t) cylinder, \
1000052                                              (uint16_t) head, \
1000053                                              (uint16_t) sector, \
1000054                                              buffer))
1000055 #define int16_00()               ((unsigned int) _int16_00 ())
1000056 #define int16_01()               ((unsigned int) _int16_01 ())
1000057 #define int16_02()               ((unsigned int) _int16_02 ())
1000058 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1000059 uint16_t _in_8   (uint16_t port);
1000060 uint16_t _in_16  (uint16_t port);
1000061 void     _out_8  (uint16_t port, uint16_t value);
1000062 void     _out_16 (uint16_t port, uint16_t value);
1000064 #define in_8(port)           ((unsigned int) _in_8 ((uint16_t) port))
1000065 #define in_16(port)          ((unsigned int) _in_16 ((uint16_t) port))
1000066 #define out_8(port, value)   (_out_8 ((uint16_t) port, \
1000067                                       (uint16_t) value))
1000068 #define out_16(port, value)  (_out_16 ((uint16_t) port, \
1000069                                        (uint16_t) value))
1000070 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1000071 void _cli     (void);
1000072 void _sti     (void);
1000074 #define cli() (_cli ())
1000075 #define sti() (_sti ())
1000076 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1000077 void irq_on  (unsigned int irq);
1000078 void irq_off (unsigned int irq);
1000079 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1000080 void     _ram_copy      (segment_t org_seg, offset_t org_off,
1000081                          segment_t dst_seg, offset_t dst_off,
1000082                          uint16_t size);
1000084 #define ram_copy(org_seg, org_off, dst_seg, dst_off, size) \
1000085                         (_ram_copy ((uint16_t) org_seg, \
1000086                                     (uint16_t) org_off, \
1000087                                     (uint16_t) dst_seg, \
1000088                                     (uint16_t) dst_off, \
1000089                                     (uint16_t) size))
1000090 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1000091 void con_select     (int console);
1000092 void con_putc       (int console, int c);
1000093 void con_scroll     (int console);
1000094 int  con_char_wait  (void);
1000095 int  con_char_read  (void);
1000096 int  con_char_ready (void);
1000097 void con_init       (void);
1000098 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1000099 #define DSK_MAX                   4
1000100 #define DSK_SECTOR_SIZE         512     // Fixed!
1000102 typedef struct {
1000103     unsigned int  bios_drive;
1000104     unsigned int  cylinders;
1000105     unsigned int  heads;
1000106     unsigned int  sectors;
1000107     unsigned int  retry;
1000108 } dsk_t;
1000110 typedef struct {
1000111     unsigned int  cylinder;
1000112     unsigned int  head;
1000113     unsigned int  sector;
1000114 } dsk_chs_t;
1000115 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1000116 extern dsk_t dsk_table[DSK_MAX];
1000117 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1000118 void   dsk_setup         (void);
1000119 int    dsk_reset         (int drive);
1000120 void   dsk_sector_to_chs (int drive, unsigned int sector,
1000121                           dsk_chs_t *chs);
1000122 int    dsk_read_sectors  (int drive, unsigned int start_sector,
1000123                           void *buffer, unsigned int n_sectors);
1000124 int    dsk_write_sectors (int drive, unsigned int start_sector,
1000125                           void *buffer, unsigned int n_sectors);
1000126 size_t dsk_read_bytes    (int drive, off_t offset,
1000127                           void *buffer, size_t count);
1000128 size_t dsk_write_bytes   (int drive, off_t offset,
1000129                           void *buffer, size_t count);
1000130 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1000132 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1010001 .global __cli
1010002 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1010003 .text
1010004 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1010005 ; Clear interrupt flag.
1010006 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1010007 .align 2
1010008 __cli:
1010009     cli
1010010     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1020001 .global __in_16
1020002 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1020003 .text
1020004 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1020005 ; Port input word.
1020006 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1020007 __in_16:
1020008     enter #2, #0        ; 1 local variable.
1020009     pushf
1020010     cli
1020011     pusha
1020012     mov   dx, 4[bp]     ; 1st arg (port number).
1020013     in    ax, dx
1020014     mov   -2[bp], ax    ; Save AX.
1020015     popa
1020016     popf
1020017     mov   ax, -2[bp]    ; AX is the function return value.
1020018     leave
1020019     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1030001 .global __in_8
1030002 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1030003 .text
1030004 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1030005 ; Port input byte.
1030006 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1030007 __in_8:
1030008     enter #2, #0        ; 1 local variable.
1030009     pushf
1030010     cli
1030011     pusha
1030012     mov   dx, 4[bp]     ; 1st arg (port number).
1030013     in    al, dx
1030014     mov   ah, #0
1030015     mov   -2[bp], ax    ; Save AX.
1030016     popa
1030017     popf
1030018     mov   ax, -2[bp]    ; AX is the function return value.
1030019     leave
1030020     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1040001 .global __int10_00
1040002 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1040003 .text
1040004 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1040005 ; INT 0x10 - video - set video mode
1040006 ;       AH = 0x00
1040007 ;       AL = desired video mode:
1040008 ;            0x00 = text 40x25  pages 8
1040009 ;            0x01 = text 40x25  pages 8
1040010 ;            0x02 = text 80x25  pages 4
1040011 ;            0x03 = text 80x25  pages 4
1040012 ;            0x07 = text 80x25  pages 4?
1040013 ;
1040014 ; Specify the display mode for the currently active display adapter.
1040015 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1040016 .align 2
1040017 __int10_00:
1040018     enter #0, #0        ; No local variables.
1040019     pushf
1040020     cli
1040021     pusha
1040022     mov   ah, #0x00
1040023     mov   al, 4[bp]     ; 1st arg (video mode).
1040024     int   #0x10
1040025     popa
1040026     popf
1040027     leave
1040028     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1050001 .global __int10_02
1050002 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1050003 .text
1050004 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1050005 ; INT 0x10 - video - set cursor position
1050006 ;       AH = 0x02
1050007 ;       BH = page number:
1050008 ;            0-7 in modes 0 and 1
1050009 ;            0-3 in modes 2 and 3
1050010 ;       DH = row (0x00 is top)
1050011 ;       DL = column (0x00 is left)
1050012 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1050013 .align 2
1050014 __int10_02:
1050015     enter #0, #0        ; No local variables.
1050016     pushf
1050017     cli
1050018     pusha
1050019     mov   ah, #0x02
1050020     mov   bh, #0x00
1050021     mov   bh, 4[bp]     ; 1st arg (page).
1050022     mov   dx, 6[bp]     ; 2nd arg (pos).
1050023     int   #0x10
1050024     popa
1050025     popf
1050026     leave
1050027     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1060001 .global __int10_05
1060002 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1060003 .text
1060004 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1060005 ; INT 0x10 - video - select active display page
1060006 ;       AH = 0x05
1060007 ;       AL = new page number (0x00 is the first)
1060008 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1060009 .align 2
1060010 __int10_05:
1060011     enter #0, #0        ; No local variables.
1060012     pushf
1060013     cli
1060014     pusha
1060015     mov   ah, #0x05
1060016     mov   bh, 4[bp]     ; 1st arg (page).
1060017     int   #0x10
1060018     popa
1060019     popf
1060020     leave
1060021     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1070001 .global __int12
1070002 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1070003 .text
1070004 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1070005 ; INT 12 - bios - get memory size
1070006 ; Return:
1070007 ;       AX = kilobytes of contiguous memory starting at absolute address
1070008 ;            0x00000
1070009 ;
1070010 ; This call returns the contents of the word at absolute address
1070011 ; 0x00413.
1070012 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1070013 .align 2
1070014 __int12:
1070015     enter #2, #0        ; 1 local variable.
1070016     pushf
1070017     cli
1070018     pusha
1070019     int   #0x12
1070020     mov   -2[bp], ax    ; save AX.
1070021     popa
1070022     popf
1070023     mov   ax, -2[bp]    ; AX is the function return value.
1070024     leave
1070025     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1080001 .global __int13_00
1080002 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1080003 .text
1080004 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1080005 ; INT 0x13 - disk - reset disk system
1080006 ;       AH = 0x00
1080007 ;       DL = drive (if bit 7 is set both hard disks and floppy disks
1080008 ;            reset)
1080009 ; Return:
1080010 ;       AH = status
1080011 ;       CF clear if successful (returned AH=0x00)
1080012 ;       CF set on error
1080013 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1080014 .align 2
1080015 __int13_00:
1080016     enter #2, #0        ; 1 local variable.
1080017     pushf
1080018     cli
1080019     pusha
1080020     mov   ah, #0x00
1080021     mov   dl, 4[bp]     ; 1st arg.
1080022     int   #0x13
1080023     mov   al, #0x00
1080024     mov   -2[bp], ax    ; save AX.
1080025     popa
1080026     popf
1080027     mov   ax, -2[bp]    ; AX is the function return value.
1080028     leave
1080029     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1090001 .global __int13_02
1090002 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1090003 .text
1090004 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1090005 ; INT 0x13 - disk - read sectors into memory
1090006 ;       AH = 0x02
1090007 ;       AL = number of sectors to read (must be nonzero)
1090008 ;       CH = cylinder number (0-255)
1090009 ;       CL bit 6-7 =
1090010 ;            cylinder number (256-1023)
1090011 ;       CL bit 0-5 =
1090012 ;            sector number   (1-63)
1090013 ;       DH = head number     (0-255)
1090014 ;       DL = drive number (bit 7 set for hard disk)
1090015 ;       ES:BX -> data buffer
1090016 ; Return:
1090017 ;       CF set on error
1090018 ;       CF clear if successful
1090019 ;       AH = status (0x00 if successful)
1090020 ;       AL = number of sectors transferred (only valid if CF set for
1090021 ;            some BIOSes)
1090022 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1090023 .align 2
1090024 __int13_02:
1090025     enter #2, #0        ; 1 local variable.
1090026     pushf
1090027     cli
1090028     pusha
1090029     mov   ax, ds        ; Set ES the same as DS.
1090030     mov   es, ax        ;
1090031     mov   ax,  8[bp]    ; 3rd arg (cylinder). It must be splitted and
1090032     mov   ch, al        ; assigned to the right registers.
1090033     mov   cl, ah        ; 
1090034     shl   cl, 1         ;
1090035     shl   cl, 1         ;
1090036     shl   cl, 1         ;
1090037     shl   cl, 1         ;
1090038     shl   cl, 1         ;
1090039     shl   cl, 1         ;
1090040     add   cl, 12[bp]    ; 5th arg (sector).
1090041     mov   dl,  4[bp]    ; 1st arg (drive).
1090042     mov   al,  6[bp]    ; 2nd arg (sectors to be read).
1090043     mov   dh, 10[bp]    ; 4th arg (head).
1090044     mov   bx, 14[bp]    ; 6th arg (buffer pointer).
1090045     mov   ah, #0x02
1090046     int   #0x13
1090047     mov   -2[bp], ax    ; save AX.
1090048     popa
1090049     popf
1090050     mov   ax, -2[bp]    ; AX is the function return value.
1090051     leave
1090052     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1100001 .global __int13_03
1100002 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1100003 .text
1100004 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1100005 ; INT 0x13 - disk - write sectors to disk
1100006 ;       AH = 0x03
1100007 ;       AL = number of sectors to write (must be nonzero)
1100008 ;       CH = cylinder number (0-255)
1100009 ;       CL bit 6-7 =
1100010 ;            cylinder number (256-1023)
1100011 ;       CL bit 0-5 =
1100012 ;            sector number   (1-63)
1100013 ;       DH = head number     (0-255)
1100014 ;       DL = drive number (bit 7 set for hard disk)
1100015 ;       ES:BX -> data buffer
1100016 ; Return:
1100017 ;       CF set on error
1100018 ;       CF clear if successful
1100019 ;       AH = status (0x00 if successful)
1100020 ;       AL = number of sectors transferred (only valid if CF set for
1100021 ;            some BIOSes)
1100022 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1100023 .align 2
1100024 __int13_03:
1100025     enter #2, #0        ; 1 local variable.
1100026     pushf
1100027     cli
1100028     pusha
1100029     mov   ax, ds        ; Set ES the same as DS.
1100030     mov   es, ax        ;
1100031     mov   ax,  8[bp]    ; 3rd arg (cylinder). It must be splitted and
1100032     mov   ch, al        ; assigned to the right registers.
1100033     mov   cl, ah        ; 
1100034     shl   cl, 1         ;
1100035     shl   cl, 1         ;
1100036     shl   cl, 1         ;
1100037     shl   cl, 1         ;
1100038     shl   cl, 1         ;
1100039     shl   cl, 1         ;
1100040     add   cl, 12[bp]    ; 5th arg (sector).
1100041     mov   dl,  4[bp]    ; 1st arg (drive).
1100042     mov   al,  6[bp]    ; 2nd arg (sectors to be written).
1100043     mov   dh, 10[bp]    ; 4th arg (head).
1100044     mov   bx, 14[bp]    ; 6th arg (buffer pointer).
1100045     mov   ah, #0x03
1100046     int   #0x13
1100047     mov   -2[bp], ax    ; save AX.
1100048     popa
1100049     popf
1100050     mov   ax, -2[bp]    ; AX is the function return value.
1100051     leave
1100052     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1110001 .global __int16_00
1110002 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1110003 .text
1110004 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1110005 ; INT 0x16 - keyboard - get keystroke
1110006 ;       AH = 0x00
1110007 ; Return:
1110008 ;       AH = BIOS scan code
1110009 ;       AL = ASCII character
1110010 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1110011 .align 2
1110012 __int16_00:
1110013     enter #2, #0        ; 1 local variable.
1110014     pushf
1110015     cli
1110016     pusha
1110017     mov   ah, #0x00
1110018     int   #0x16
1110019     mov   -2[bp], ax    ; Save AX.
1110020     popa
1110021     popf
1110022     mov   ax, -2[bp]    ; AX is the function return value.
1110023     leave
1110024     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1120001 .global __int16_01
1120002 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1120003 .text
1120004 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1120005 ; INT 0x16 - keyboard - check for keystroke
1120006 ;       AH = 0x01
1120007 ; Return:
1120008 ;       ZF set if no keystroke available
1120009 ;       ZF clear if keystroke available
1120010 ;           AH = BIOS scan code
1120011 ;           AL = ASCII character
1120012 ;
1120013 ; If a keystroke is present, it is not removed from the keyboard buffer.
1120014 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1120015 .align 2
1120016 __int16_01:
1120017     enter #2, #0        ; 1 local variable.
1120018     pushf
1120019     cli
1120020     pusha
1120021     mov   ah, #0x01
1120022     int   #0x16
1120023     jnz   __int16_01_ok
1120024     mov   ax, #0        ; Put zero to AX, if no keystroke is available.
1120025 __int16_01_ok:
1120026     mov   -2[bp], ax    ; Save AX.
1120027     popa
1120028     popf
1120029     mov   ax, -2[bp]    ; AX is the function return value.
1120030     leave
1120031     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1130001 .global __int16_02
1130002 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1130003 .text
1130004 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1130005 ; INT 0x16 - keyboard - get shift flags
1130006 ;       AH = 0x02
1130007 ; Return:
1130008 ;       AL = shift flags
1130009 ;       AH might be destroyed
1130010 ;
1130011 ; bit 7    Insert active
1130012 ; bit 6    CapsLock active
1130013 ; bit 5    NumLock active
1130014 ; bit 4    ScrollLock active
1130015 ; bit 3    Alt key pressed
1130016 ; bit 2    Ctrl key pressed
1130017 ; bit 1    left shift key pressed
1130018 ; bit 0    right shift key pressed
1130019 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1130020 .align 2
1130021 __int16_02:
1130022     enter #2, #0        ; 1 local variable.
1130023     pushf
1130024     cli
1130025     pusha
1130026     mov   ah, #0x02
1130027     int   #0x16
1130028     mov   ah, #0        ; Reset AH.
1130029     mov   -2[bp], ax    ; Save AX.
1130030     popa
1130031     popf
1130032     mov   ax, -2[bp]    ; AX is the function return value.
1130033     leave
1130034     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1140001 .global __out_16
1140002 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1140003 .text
1140004 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1140005 ; Port output word.
1140006 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1140007 .align 2
1140008 __out_16:
1140009     enter #0, #0        ; No local variables.
1140010     pushf
1140011     cli
1140012     pusha
1140013     mov   dx, 4[bp]     ; 1st arg (port number).
1140014     mov   ax, 6[bp]     ; 2nd arg (value).
1140015     out   dx, ax
1140016     popa
1140017     popf
1140018     leave
1140019     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1150001 .global __out_8
1150002 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1150003 .text
1150004 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1150005 ; Port output byte.
1150006 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1150007 .align 2
1150008 __out_8:
1150009     enter #0, #0        ; No local variables.
1150010     pushf
1150011     cli
1150012     pusha
1150013     mov   dx, 4[bp]     ; 1st arg (port number).
1150014     mov   ax, 6[bp]     ; 2nd arg (value).
1150015     out   dx, al
1150016     popa
1150017     popf
1150018     leave
1150019     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1160001 .global __ram_copy
1160002 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1160003 .text
1160004 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1160005 ; Copy some bytes between segments.
1160006 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1160007 .align 2
1160008 __ram_copy:
1160009     enter #0, #0        ; No local variables.
1160010     pushf
1160011     cli
1160012     pusha
1160013     mov   ax,  4[bp]    ; 1st arg (source segment).
1160014     mov   si,  6[bp]    ; 2nd arg (source offset).
1160015     mov   bx,  8[bp]    ; 3rd arg (destination segment).
1160016     mov   di, 10[bp]    ; 4th arg (destination offset).
1160017     mov   cx, 12[bp]    ; 5th arg (size).
1160018     mov   dx, ds        ; save the data segment.
1160019     mov   ds, ax        ; set DS.
1160020     mov   es, bx        ; set ES.
1160021     rep
1160022     movsb               ; Copy the array of bytes.
1160023     mov   ds, dx        ; Restore the data segment.
1160024     mov   es, dx        ; Restore or fix the extra segment.
1160025     popa
1160026     popf
1160027     leave
1160028     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1170001 .global __sti
1170002 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1170003 .text
1170004 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1170005 ; Set interrupt flag.
1170006 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1170007 .align 2
1170008 __sti:
1170009     sti
1170010     ret


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1180001 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1180002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1180003 #include <sys/os16.h>
1180004 #include <sys/types.h>
1180005 #include <stdint.h>
1180006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1180007 int
1180008 con_char_read (void)
1180009 {
1180010     int c;
1180011     c = int16_01 ();
1180012     //
1180013     // Remove special keys that are not used: they have zero in the low
1180014     // 8 bits, and something in the upper 8 bits.
1180015     //
1180016     if ((c & 0xFF00) && !(c & 0x00FF))
1180017       {
1180018         int16_00 ();    // Remove from buffer and return zero:
1180019         return (0);     // no key.
1180020       }
1180021     //
1180022     // A common key was pressed: filter only che low 8 bits.
1180023     //
1180024     c = c & 0x00FF;
1180025     if (c == 0)
1180026       {
1180027         return (c);     // There is no key.
1180028       }
1180029     if (c == '\r')      // Convert `CR' to `LF'.
1180030       {
1180031         c = '\n';
1180032       }
1180033     int16_00 ();        // Remove the key from buffer and return.
1180034     return (c);
1180035 }


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1190001 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1190002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1190003 #include <sys/os16.h>
1190004 #include <sys/types.h>
1190005 #include <stdint.h>
1190006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1190007 int
1190008 con_char_ready (void)
1190009 {
1190010     int c;
1190011     c = int16_01 ();
1190012     //
1190013     // Remove special keys that are not used: they have zero in the low
1190014     // 8 bits, and something in the upper 8 bits.
1190015     //
1190016     if ((c & 0xFF00) && !(c & 0x00FF))
1190017       {
1190018         int16_00 ();    // Remove from buffer and return zero:
1190019         return (0);     // no key.
1190020       }
1190021     //
1190022     // A common key was pressed: filter only che low 8 bits.
1190023     //
1190024     c = c & 0x00FF;
1190025     return (c);
1190026 }


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1200001 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1200002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1200003 #include <sys/os16.h>
1200004 #include <sys/types.h>
1200005 #include <stdint.h>
1200006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1200007 int
1200008 con_char_wait (void)
1200009 {
1200010     int c;
1200011     c = int16_00 ();
1200012     c = c & 0x00FF;
1200013     if (c == '\r')
1200014       {
1200015         c = '\n';
1200016       }
1200017     return (c);
1200018 }


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1210001 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1210002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1210003 #include <sys/os16.h>
1210004 #include <sys/types.h>
1210005 #include <stdint.h>
1210006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1210007 void
1210008 con_init (void)
1210009 {
1210010     int page;
1210011     //
1210012     int10_00 (IBM_I86_VIDEO_MODE);
1210013     int10_05 (0);
1210014     //
1210015     for (page = 0; page < IBM_I86_VIDEO_PAGES; page++)
1210016       {
1210017         con_putc (page, '\n');
1210018       }
1210019 }


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1220001 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1220002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1220003 #include <sys/os16.h>
1220004 #include <sys/types.h>
1220005 #include <stdint.h>
1220006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1220007 void
1220008 con_putc (int console, int c)
1220009 {
1220010     static int      cursor[IBM_I86_VIDEO_PAGES];
1220011     static addr_t   address[] = {IBM_I86_VIDEO_ADDRESS};
1220012            addr_t   address_destination;
1220013            size_t   size_screen;
1220014            size_t   size_row;
1220015            uint16_t cell;
1220016            uint16_t attribute = 0x0700;
1220017            int      cursor_row;
1220018            int      cursor_column;
1220019            int      cursor_combined;
1220021     if (console < 0 || console >= IBM_I86_VIDEO_PAGES)
1220022       {
1220023         //
1220024         // No such console.
1220025         //
1220026         return;
1220027       }
1220028     //
1220029     // Calculate sizes.
1220030     //
1220031     size_row    = IBM_I86_VIDEO_COLUMNS;
1220032     size_screen = size_row * IBM_I86_VIDEO_ROWS;
1220033     //
1220034     // See if it is a special character, or if the cursor position
1220035     // requires a scroll up.
1220036     //
1220037     if (c == '\n')
1220038       {
1220039         con_scroll (console);
1220040         cursor[console] = (size_screen - size_row);
1220041       }
1220042     else if (c == '\b')
1220043       {
1220044         cursor[console]--;
1220045         if (cursor[console] < 0)
1220046           {
1220047             cursor[console] = 0;
1220048           }
1220049       }
1220050     else if (cursor[console] == (size_screen -1))
1220051       {
1220052         //
1220053         // Scroll up.
1220054         //
1220055         con_scroll (console);
1220056         //
1220057         cursor[console] -= size_row;
1220058       }
1220059     //
1220060     // If it is not a control character, print it.
1220061     //
1220062     if (c != '\n' && c != '\b')
1220063       {
1220064         //
1220065         // Write the character.
1220066         //
1220067         address_destination  = address[console];
1220068         address_destination += (cursor[console] * 2);
1220069         cell = (attribute | (c & 0x00FF));
1220070         //
1220071         mem_write (address_destination, &cell, sizeof (uint16_t));
1220072         //
1220073         // and an extra space after it (to be able to show the cursor).
1220074         //
1220075         cell = (attribute | ' ');
1220076         address_destination  += 2;
1220077         mem_write (address_destination, &cell, sizeof (uint16_t));
1220078         //
1220079         //
1220080         //
1220081         cursor[console]++;
1220082       }
1220083     //
1220084     // Update the cursor position on screen.
1220085     //
1220086     cursor_row      = cursor[console] / size_row;
1220087     cursor_column   = cursor[console] % size_row;
1220088     cursor_combined = (cursor_row << 8) | cursor_column;
1220089     //
1220090     // Set cursor position.
1220091     //
1220092     int10_02 (console, cursor_combined);
1220093 }


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1230001 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1230002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1230003 #include <sys/os16.h>
1230004 #include <sys/types.h>
1230005 #include <stdint.h>
1230006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1230007 void
1230008 con_scroll (int console)
1230009 {
1230010     static addr_t   address[] = {IBM_I86_VIDEO_ADDRESS};
1230011            addr_t   address_source;
1230012            addr_t   address_destination;
1230013            size_t   size_screen;
1230014            size_t   size_row;
1230015     static uint16_t empty_line[IBM_I86_VIDEO_COLUMNS];
1230016     //
1230017     size_row    = IBM_I86_VIDEO_COLUMNS;
1230018     size_screen = size_row * IBM_I86_VIDEO_ROWS;
1230019     //
1230020     // Scroll up.
1230021     //
1230022     address_source      = address[console];
1230023     address_source     += size_row * 2;
1230024     address_destination = address[console];
1230025     //
1230026     mem_copy (address_source, address_destination,
1230027               (size_t) ((size_screen - size_row) * 2));
1230028     //
1230029     address_destination  = address[console];
1230030     address_destination += ((size_screen - size_row) * 2);
1230031     //
1230032     mem_write (address_destination, &empty_line,
1230033                (size_t) (size_row * 2));
1230034 }


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1240001 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1240002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1240003 #include <sys/os16.h>
1240004 #include <sys/types.h>
1240005 #include <stdint.h>
1240006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1240007 void
1240008 con_select (int console)
1240009 {
1240010     //
1240011     // Variable `console' gose from zero to `IBM_I86_VIDEO_PAGES - 1'.
1240012     //
1240013     if (console >= 0 && console < IBM_I86_VIDEO_PAGES)
1240014       {
1240015         int10_05 (console);
1240016       }
1240017 }


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1250001 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1250002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1250003 #include <sys/os16.h>
1250004 #include <sys/types.h>
1250005 #include <stdint.h>
1250006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1250007 size_t
1250008 dsk_read_bytes (int drive, off_t offset, void *buffer, size_t count)
1250009 {
1250010     unsigned char *data_buffer = (unsigned char *) buffer;
1250011     int            status;
1250012     unsigned int   sector;
1250013     unsigned char  sector_buffer[DSK_SECTOR_SIZE];
1250014     int            i;
1250015     int            j = 0;
1250016     size_t         k = 0;
1250018     sector = offset / DSK_SECTOR_SIZE;
1250019     i      = offset % DSK_SECTOR_SIZE;
1250021     status = dsk_read_sectors (drive, sector, sector_buffer, 1);
1250023     if (status != 0)
1250024       {
1250025         return ((size_t) 0);
1250026       }
1250028     while (count)
1250029       {
1250030         for (; i < DSK_SECTOR_SIZE && count > 0;
1250031                i++, j++, k++, count--, offset++)
1250032           {
1250033             data_buffer[j] = sector_buffer[i];
1250034           }
1250035         if (count)
1250036           {
1250037             sector = offset / DSK_SECTOR_SIZE;
1250038             i      = offset % DSK_SECTOR_SIZE;
1250039             status = dsk_read_sectors (drive, sector, sector_buffer, 1);
1250040             if (status != 0)
1250041               {
1250042                 return (k);
1250043               }
1250044           }
1250045       }
1250046     return (k);
1250047 }


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1260001 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1260002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1260003 #include <sys/os16.h>
1260004 #include <sys/types.h>
1260005 #include <stdint.h>
1260006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1260007 int
1260008 dsk_read_sectors (int drive, unsigned int start_sector, void *buffer,
1260009                   unsigned int n_sectors)
1260010 {
1260011     int          status;
1260012     unsigned int retry;
1260013     unsigned int remaining;
1260014     dsk_chs_t    chs;
1260015     dsk_sector_to_chs (drive, start_sector, &chs);
1260016     remaining = dsk_table[drive].sectors - chs.sector + 1;
1260017     if (remaining < n_sectors)
1260018       {
1260019         status = dsk_read_sectors (drive, start_sector, buffer,
1260020                                    remaining);
1260021         if (status == 0)
1260022           {
1260023             status = dsk_read_sectors (drive, start_sector + remaining,
1260024                                        buffer, n_sectors - remaining);
1260025           }
1260026         return (status);
1260027       }
1260028     else
1260029       {
1260030         for (retry = 0; retry < dsk_table[drive].retry; retry++)
1260031           {
1260032             status = int13_02 (dsk_table[drive].bios_drive, n_sectors,
1260033                                chs.cylinder, chs.head, chs.sector,
1260034                                buffer);
1260035             status = status & 0x00F0;
1260036             if (status == 0)
1260037               {
1260038                 break;
1260039               }
1260040             else
1260041               {
1260042                 dsk_reset (drive);
1260043               }
1260044           }
1260045       }
1260046     if (status == 0)
1260047       {
1260048         return (0);
1260049       }
1260050     else
1260051       {
1260052         return (-1);
1260053       }
1260054 }


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1270001 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1270002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1270003 #include <sys/os16.h>
1270004 #include <sys/types.h>
1270005 #include <stdint.h>
1270006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1270007 int
1270008 dsk_reset (int drive)
1270009 {
1270010     unsigned int status;
1270011     status = int13_00 (dsk_table[drive].bios_drive);
1270012     if (status == 0)
1270013       {
1270014         return (0);
1270015       }
1270016     else
1270017       {
1270018         return (-1);
1270019       }
1270020 }


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1280001 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1280002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1280003 #include <sys/os16.h>
1280004 #include <sys/types.h>
1280005 #include <stdint.h>
1280006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1280007 void
1280008 dsk_sector_to_chs (int drive, unsigned int sector, dsk_chs_t *chs)
1280009 {
1280010     unsigned int sectors_per_cylinder;
1280011     sectors_per_cylinder = (dsk_table[drive].sectors
1280012                             * dsk_table[drive].heads);
1280013     chs->cylinder        = sector / sectors_per_cylinder;
1280014     sector               = sector % sectors_per_cylinder;
1280015     chs->head            = sector / dsk_table[drive].sectors;
1280016     sector               = sector % dsk_table[drive].sectors;
1280017     chs->sector          = sector + 1;
1280018 }


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1290001 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1290002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1290003 void
1290004 dsk_setup (void)
1290005 {
1290006   dsk_reset (0);
1290007   dsk_table[0].bios_drive = 0x00;  // A: 1440 Kibyte floppy disk.
1290008   dsk_table[0].cylinders  = 80;
1290009   dsk_table[0].heads      = 2;
1290010   dsk_table[0].sectors    = 18;
1290011   dsk_table[0].retry      = 3;
1290012   dsk_reset (1);
1290013   dsk_table[1].bios_drive = 0x01;  // B: 1440 Kibyte floppy disk.
1290014   dsk_table[1].cylinders  = 80;
1290015   dsk_table[1].heads      = 2;
1290016   dsk_table[1].sectors    = 18;
1290017   dsk_table[1].retry      = 3;
1290018   dsk_reset (2);
1290019   dsk_table[2].bios_drive = 0x80;  // C: like a 2880 Kibyte floppy disk.
1290020   dsk_table[2].cylinders  = 80;
1290021   dsk_table[2].heads      = 2;
1290022   dsk_table[2].sectors    = 36;
1290023   dsk_table[2].retry      = 3;
1290024   dsk_reset (3);
1290025   dsk_table[3].bios_drive = 0x81;  // D: like a 2880 Kibyte floppy disk.
1290026   dsk_table[3].cylinders  = 80;
1290027   dsk_table[3].heads      = 2;
1290028   dsk_table[3].sectors    = 36;
1290029   dsk_table[3].retry      = 3;
1290030 }


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1300001 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1300002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1300003 dsk_t dsk_table[DSK_MAX];


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1310001 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1310002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1310003 #include <sys/os16.h>
1310004 #include <sys/types.h>
1310005 #include <stdint.h>
1310006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1310007 size_t
1310008 dsk_write_bytes (int drive, off_t offset, void *buffer, size_t count)
1310009 {
1310010     unsigned char *data_buffer = (unsigned char *) buffer;
1310011     int            status;
1310012     unsigned int   sector;
1310013     unsigned char  sector_buffer[DSK_SECTOR_SIZE];
1310014     int            i;
1310015     int            j = 0;
1310016     size_t         k = 0;
1310017     size_t         m = 0;
1310019     sector = offset / DSK_SECTOR_SIZE;
1310020     i      = offset % DSK_SECTOR_SIZE;
1310021     status = dsk_read_sectors (drive, sector, sector_buffer, 1);
1310023     if (status != 0)
1310024       {
1310025         return ((size_t) 0);
1310026       }
1310028     while (count)
1310029       {
1310030         m = k;
1310031         for (; i < DSK_SECTOR_SIZE && count > 0;
1310032                i++, j++, k++, count--, offset++)
1310033           {
1310034             sector_buffer[i] = data_buffer[j];
1310035           }
1310036         status = dsk_write_sectors (drive, sector, sector_buffer, 1);
1310037         if (status != 0)
1310038           {
1310039             return (m);
1310040           }
1310041         if (count)
1310042           {
1310043             sector = offset / DSK_SECTOR_SIZE;
1310044             i      = offset % DSK_SECTOR_SIZE;
1310045             status = dsk_read_sectors (drive, sector, sector_buffer, 1);
1310046             if (status != 0)
1310047               {
1310048                 return (m);
1310049               }
1310050           }
1310051       }
1310052     return (k);
1310053 }


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1320001 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1320002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1320003 #include <sys/os16.h>
1320004 #include <sys/types.h>
1320005 #include <stdint.h>
1320006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1320007 int
1320008 dsk_write_sectors (int drive, unsigned int start_sector, void *buffer,
1320009                    unsigned int n_sectors)
1320010 {
1320011     int          status;
1320012     unsigned int retry;
1320013     unsigned int remaining;
1320014     dsk_chs_t    chs;
1320015     dsk_sector_to_chs (drive, start_sector, &chs);
1320016     remaining = dsk_table[drive].sectors - chs.sector + 1;
1320017     if (remaining < n_sectors)
1320018       {
1320019         status = dsk_write_sectors (drive, start_sector,
1320020                                     buffer, remaining);
1320021         if (status == 0)
1320022           {
1320023             status = dsk_write_sectors (drive,
1320024                                         start_sector + remaining,
1320025                                         buffer, n_sectors - remaining);
1320026           }
1320027         return (status);
1320028       }
1320029     else
1320030       {
1320031         for (retry = 0; retry < dsk_table[drive].retry; retry++)
1320032           {
1320033             status = int13_03 (dsk_table[drive].bios_drive, n_sectors,
1320034                                chs.cylinder, chs.head, chs.sector,
1320035                                buffer);
1320036             status = status & 0x00F0;
1320037             if (status == 0)
1320038               {
1320039                 break;
1320040               }
1320041             else
1320042               {
1320043                 dsk_reset (drive);
1320044               }
1320045           }
1320046       }
1320047     if (status == 0)
1320048       {
1320049         return (0);
1320050       }
1320051     else
1320052       {
1320053         return (-1);
1320054       }
1320055 }


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1330001 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1330002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1330003 #include <sys/os16.h>
1330004 #include <sys/types.h>
1330005 #include <stdint.h>
1330006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1330007 void
1330008 irq_off (unsigned int irq)
1330009 {
1330010     unsigned int mask;
1330011     unsigned int status;
1330012     if (irq > 7)
1330013       {
1330014         return; // Only XT IRQs are handled.
1330015       }
1330016     else
1330017       {
1330018         mask   = (1 << irq);
1330019         status = in_8 (0x21);
1330020         status = status | mask;
1330021         out_8 (0x21, status);
1330022       }
1330023 }


Si veda la sezione u0.4.

1340001 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1340002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1340003 #include <sys/os16.h>
1340004 #include <sys/types.h>
1340005 #include <stdint.h>
1340006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1340007 void
1340008 irq_on (unsigned int irq)
1340009 {
1340010     unsigned int mask;
1340011     unsigned int status;
1340012     if (irq > 7)
1340013       {
1340014         return; // Only XT IRQs are handled.
1340015       }
1340016     else
1340017       {
1340018         mask   = ~(1 << irq);
1340019         status = in_8 (0x21);
1340020         status = status & mask;
1340021         out_8 (0x21, status);
1340022       }
1340023 }

os16: «kernel/k_libc.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.5.

1350001 #ifndef _KERNEL_K_LIBC_H
1350002 #define _KERNEL_K_LIBC_H       1
1350004 #include <const.h>
1350005 #include <restrict.h>
1350006 #include <size_t.h>
1350007 #include <clock_t.h>
1350008 #include <time_t.h>
1350009 #include <sys/types.h>
1350010 #include <stdarg.h>
1350012 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1350013 void    k_exit     (int status);
1350014 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1350015 clock_t k_clock    (void);
1350016 int     k_stime    (time_t *timer);
1350017 time_t  k_time     (time_t *timer);
1350018 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1350019 int     k_puts     (const char *string);
1350020 int     k_printf   (const char *restrict format, ...);
1350021 int     k_vprintf  (const char *restrict format, va_list arg);
1350022 int     k_vsprintf (char *restrict string, const char *restrict format,
1350023                     va_list arg);
1350024 void    k_perror   (const char *s);
1350026 int     k_kill     (pid_t pid, int sig);
1350027 int     k_open     (const char *file, int oflags, ...);
1350028 void    k_close    (int fd);
1350029 ssize_t k_read     (int fd, void *buffer, size_t count);
1350030 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1350032 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.5.

1360001 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1360002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1360003 extern clock_t _clock_ticks;    // uint32_t
1360004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1360005 clock_t
1360006 k_clock (void)
1360007 {
1360008     return (_clock_ticks);
1360009 }


Si veda la sezione u0.5.

1370001 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1370002 #include <kernel/fs.h>
1370003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1370004 void
1370005 k_close (int fdn)
1370006 {
1370007     fd_close ((pid_t) 0, fdn);
1370008     return;
1370009 }


Si veda la sezione u0.5.

1380001 .global _k_exit
1380002 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1380003 .text
1380004 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1380005 .align 2
1380006 _k_exit:
1380007 halt:
1380008     hlt
1380009     jmp halt


Si veda la sezione u0.5.

1390001 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1390002 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1390003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1390004 int
1390005 k_kill (pid_t pid, int sig)
1390006 {
1390007     return (proc_sys_kill ((pid_t) 0, pid, sig));
1390008 }


Si veda la sezione u0.5.

1400001 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1400002 #include <kernel/fs.h>
1400003 #include <stdarg.h>
1400004 #include <string.h>
1400005 #include <errno.h>
1400006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1400007 int
1400008 k_open (const char *file, int oflags, ...)
1400009 {
1400010     mode_t  mode;
1400011     va_list ap;
1400012     //
1400013     va_start (ap, oflags);
1400014     mode = va_arg (ap, mode_t);
1400015     //
1400016     if (file == NULL || strlen (file) == 0)
1400017       {
1400018         errset (EINVAL);        // Invalid argument.
1400019         return (-1);
1400020       }
1400021     return (fd_open ((pid_t) 0, file, oflags, mode));
1400022 }


Si veda la sezione u0.5.

1410001 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1410002 #include <errno.h>
1410003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1410004 void
1410005 k_perror (const char *s)
1410006 {
1410007     //
1410008     // If errno is zero, there is nothing to show.
1410009     //
1410010     if (errno == 0)
1410011       {
1410012         return;
1410013       }
1410014     //
1410015     // Show the string if there is one.
1410016     //
1410017     if (s != NULL && strlen (s) > 0)
1410018       {
1410019         k_printf ("%s: ", s);
1410020       }
1410021     //
1410022     // Show the translated error.
1410023     //
1410024     if (errfn[0] != 0 && errln != 0)
1410025       {
1410026         k_printf ("[%s:%u:%i] %s\n",
1410027                   errfn, errln, errno, strerror (errno));
1410028       }
1410029     else
1410030       {
1410031         k_printf ("[%i] %s\n", errno, strerror (errno));
1410032       }
1410033 }


Si veda la sezione u0.5.

1420001 #include <stdarg.h>
1420002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1420003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1420004 int
1420005 k_printf  (const char *restrict format, ...)
1420006 {
1420007     va_list ap;
1420008     va_start (ap, format);
1420009     return k_vprintf (format, ap);
1420010 }


Si veda la sezione u0.5.

1430001 #include <sys/os16.h>
1430002 #include <kernel/devices.h>
1430003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1430004 #include <string.h>
1430005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1430006 int
1430007 k_puts (const char *string)
1430008 {
1430009     dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_TTY, DEV_WRITE, (off_t) 0, string,
1430010             strlen (string), NULL);
1430011     dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_TTY, DEV_WRITE, (off_t) 0, "\n", 1, NULL);
1430012     return 1;
1430013 }


Si veda la sezione u0.5.

1440001 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1440002 #include <kernel/fs.h>
1440003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1440004 ssize_t
1440005 k_read (int fdn, void *buffer, size_t count)
1440006 {
1440007     int     eof;
1440008     ssize_t size;
1440009     //
1440010     eof = 0;
1440011     //
1440012     while (1)
1440013       {
1440014         size += fd_read ((pid_t) 0, fdn, buffer, count, &eof);
1440015         if (size != 0 || eof)
1440016           {
1440017             break;
1440018           }
1440019       }
1440020     return (size);
1440021 }


Si veda la sezione u0.5.

1450001 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1450002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1450003 extern time_t  _clock_seconds;  // uint32_t
1450004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1450005 int
1450006 k_stime (time_t *timer)
1450007 {
1450008     _clock_seconds = *timer;
1450009     return (0);
1450010 }


Si veda la sezione u0.5.

1460001 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1460002 #include <stddef.h>
1460003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1460004 extern time_t  _clock_seconds;  // uint32_t
1460005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1460006 time_t
1460007 k_time (time_t *timer)
1460008 {
1460009     if (timer != NULL)
1460010       {
1460011         *timer = _clock_seconds;
1460012       }
1460013     return (_clock_seconds);
1460014 }


Si veda la sezione u0.5.

1470001 #include <sys/os16.h>
1470002 #include <kernel/devices.h>
1470003 #include <stdarg.h>
1470004 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1470005 #include <string.h>
1470006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1470007 int
1470008 k_vprintf (const char *restrict format, va_list arg)
1470009 {
1470010     char  string[BUFSIZ];
1470011     int   ret;
1470012     string[0] = 0;
1470013     ret = k_vsprintf (string, format, arg);
1470014     dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_CONSOLE, DEV_WRITE, (off_t) 0, string,
1470015             strlen (string), NULL);
1470016     return ret;
1470017 }


Si veda la sezione u0.5.

1480001 #include <stdarg.h>
1480002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1480003 #include <stdio.h>
1480004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1480005 int
1480006 k_vsprintf (char *restrict string, const char *restrict format,
1480007           va_list arg)
1480008 {
1480009     int   ret;
1480010     ret = vsnprintf (string, BUFSIZ, format, arg);
1480011     return ret;
1480012 }

os16: «kernel/main.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.6.

1490001 #ifndef _KERNEL_MAIN_H
1490002 #define _KERNEL_MAIN_H  1
1490004 #include <sys/types.h>
1490006 void  menu (void);
1490007 pid_t run  (char *path, char *argv[], char *envp[]);
1490008 int   main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]);
1490010 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.6.

1500001 #define BUILD_DATE "2010.07.26 16:33:58"


Si veda la sezione u0.2.

1510001 .extern _main
1510002 .global ___mkargv
1510003 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1510004 ; Please note that, at the beginning, all the segment registers are
1510005 ; the same: CS==DS==ES==SS. But the data segments (DS, ES, SS) are meant
1510006 ; to be separated from the code, and they starts at: CS + __segoff.
1510007 ; The label "__segoff" is replaced by the linker with a constant value
1510008 ; (inside the code) with the segment offset to add to CS; this way
1510009 ; it is possibile to find where DS and ES should start.
1510010 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1510011 ; The following statement says that the code will start at "startup"
1510012 ; label.
1510013 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1510014 entry startup
1510015 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1510016 .text
1510017 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1510018 startup:  
1510019     ;
1510020     ; Jump after initial data.
1510021     ;
1510022     jmp startup_code
1510023     ;
1510024 filler:
1510025     ;
1510026     ; After four bytes, from the start, there is the
1510027     ; magic number and other data.
1510028     ;
1510029     .space (0x0004 - (filler - startup))
1510030 magic:
1510031     ;
1510032     ; Add to "/etc/magic" the following line:
1510033     ;
1510034     ; 4  quad  0x6B65726E6F733136  os16 kernel
1510035     ;
1510036     .data4 0x6F733136   ; os16
1510037     .data4 0x6B65726E   ; kern
1510038     ;
1510039 segoff:                 ;
1510040     .data2 __segoff     ; These values, for a kernel image,
1510041 etext:                  ; are not used.
1510042     .data2 __etext      ;
1510043 edata:                  ;
1510044     .data2 __edata      ;
1510045 ebss:                   ;
1510046     .data2 __end        ;
1510047 stack_size:             ;
1510048     .data2 0x0000       ;
1510049     ;
1510050     ; At the next label, the work begins.
1510051     ;
1510052 .align 2
1510053 startup_code:
1510054     ;
1510055     ; Check where we are. If we are at segment 0x1000,
1510056     ; then move to 0x3000.
1510057     ;
1510058     mov cx, cs
1510059     xor cx, #0x1000
1510060     jcxz move_code_from_0x1000_to_0x3000
1510061     ;
1510062     ; Check where we are. If we are at segment 0x3000,
1510063     ; then move to 0x0050, preserving the IVT and the BDA.
1510064     ;
1510065     mov cx, cs
1510066     xor cx, #0x3000
1510067     jcxz move_code_from_0x3000_to_0x0050
1510068     ;
1510069     ; Check where we are. If we are at segment 0x1050,
1510070     ; then jump to the main code.
1510071     ;
1510072     mov cx, cs
1510073     xor cx, #0x1050
1510074     jcxz main_code
1510075     ;
1510076     ; Otherwise, just halt.
1510077     ;
1510078     hlt
1510079     jmp startup_code
1510080     ;
1510081 move_code_from_0x1000_to_0x3000:
1510082     ;
1510083     cld                 ; Clear direction flag.
1510084     mov   ax, #0x3000   ; Set ES as the destination segment.
1510085     mov   es, ax        ;
1510086     mov   ax, #0x1000   ; Set DS as the source segment.
1510087     mov   ds, ax        ;
1510088     ;
1510089     mov   cx, #0x8000   ; Move 32768 words = 65536 byte (64 Kibyte).
1510090     mov   si, #0x0000   ; DS:SI == Source pointer
1510091     mov   di, #0x0000   ; ES:DI == Destination pointer
1510092     rep
1510093     movsw               ; Copy the array of words
1510094     ;
1510095     mov   ax, #0x4000   ; Set ES as the destination segment.
1510096     mov   es, ax        ;
1510097     mov   ax, #0x2000   ; Set DS as the source segment.
1510098     mov   ds, ax        ;
1510099     ;
1510100     mov   cx, #0x8000   ; Move 32768 words = 65536 byte (64 Kibyte).
1510101     mov   si, #0x0000   ; DS:SI == Source pointer
1510102     mov   di, #0x0000   ; ES:DI == Destination pointer
1510103     rep
1510104     movsw               ; Copy the array of words
1510105     ;
1510106     jmp far #0x3000:#0x0000     ; Go to the new kernel copy.
1510107     ;
1510108 move_code_from_0x3000_to_0x0050:
1510109     cld                 ; Clear direction flag.
1510110     ;
1510111     ; Text (instructions) is moved at segment 0x1050 (address 0x10500).
1510112     ;
1510113     mov   ax, #0x1050   ; Set ES as the destination segment.
1510114     mov   es, ax        ;
1510115     mov   ax, #0x3000   ; Set DS as the source segment.
1510116     mov   ds, ax        ;
1510117     ;
1510118     mov   cx, #0x8000   ; Move 32768 words = 65536 byte (64 Kibyte).
1510119     mov   si, #0x0000   ; DS:SI == Source pointer
1510120     mov   di, #0x0000   ; ES:DI == Destination pointer
1510121     rep
1510122     movsw               ; Copy the array of words
1510123     ;
1510124     ; Data is moved at segment 0x0050 (address 0x00500), before the
1510125     ; text segment.
1510126     ;
1510127     mov   ax, #0x0050   ; Set ES as the destination segment.
1510128     mov   es, ax        ;
1510129     mov   ax, #0x3000   ; Calculate where is the data segment:
1510130     add   ax, #__segoff ; it is at 0x3000 + __segoff.
1510131     mov   ds, ax        ; Set DS as the source segment.
1510132     ;
1510133     mov   cx, #0x8000   ; Move 32768 words = 65536 byte (64 Kibyte).
1510134     mov   si, #0x0000   ; DS:SI == Source pointer
1510135     mov   di, #0x0000   ; ES:DI == Destination pointer
1510136     rep
1510137     movsw               ; Copy the array of words
1510138     ;
1510139     jmp far #0x1050:#0x0000 ; Go to the new kernel copy.
1510140     ;
1510141 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1510142 main_code:
1510143     ;
1510144     ; Fix data segments!
1510145     ;
1510146     mov  ax, #0x0050
1510147     mov  ds, ax
1510148     mov  ss, ax
1510149     mov  es, ax
1510150     ;
1510151     ; Fix SP at the kernel stack bottom: the effective stack pointer
1510152     ; value should be 0x10000, but only 0x0000 can be written. At the
1510153     ; first push SP reaches 0xFFFE.
1510154     ;
1510155     mov sp, #0x0000
1510156     ;
1510157     ; Reset flags.
1510158     ;
1510159     push #0
1510160     popf
1510161     cli
1510162     ;
1510163     ; Call C main function, after kernel relocation and segments set up.
1510164     ;
1510165     push #0     ; This zero means NULL (envp[][] == NULL)
1510166     push #0     ; This zero means NULL (argv[][] == NULL)
1510167     push #0     ; This other zero means no arguments.
1510168     call _main
1510169     add  sp, #2
1510170     add  sp, #2
1510171     add  sp, #2
1510172     ;
1510173 .align 2
1510174 halt:
1510175     ;
1510176     ; It will never come back from the _kmain() call, but just for extra
1510177     ; security, loop forever.
1510178     ;
1510179     hlt
1510180     jmp halt
1510181     ;
1510182 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1510183 .align 2
1510184 ___mkargv:      ; Symbol `___mkargv' is used by Bcc inside the function
1510185     ret         ; `main()' and must be present for a successful
1510186                 ; compilation.
1510187 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1510188 .align 2
1510189 .data
1510190 ;
1510191 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1510192 .align 2
1510193 .bss


Si veda la sezione u0.6.

1520001 #include <kernel/main.h>
1520002 #include <errno.h>
1520003 #include <fcntl.h>
1520004 #include <kernel/main/build.h>
1520005 #include <kernel/diag.h>
1520006 #include <kernel/fs.h>
1520007 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1520008 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1520009 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1520010 #include <libgen.h>
1520011 #include <stdlib.h>
1520012 #include <sys/os16.h>
1520013 #include <sys/stat.h>
1520014 #include <sys/types.h>
1520015 #include <unistd.h>
1520016 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1520017 int
1520018 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
1520019 {
1520020     unsigned int key;
1520021     pid_t        pid;
1520022     char        *exec_argv[2];
1520023     int          status;
1520024     int          exit;
1520025     //
1520026     // Reset video and select the initial console.
1520027     //
1520028     tty_init ();
1520029     //
1520030     // Show compilation date and time.
1520031     //
1520032     k_printf ("os16 build %s ram %i Kibyte\n", BUILD_DATE, int12 ());
1520033     //
1520034     // Set up disk management.
1520035     //
1520036     dsk_setup ();
1520037     //
1520038     // Clear heap for diagnosis.
1520039     //
1520040     heap_clear ();
1520041     //
1520042     // Set up process management. Process set up need the file system
1520043     // root directory already available.
1520044     //
1520045     proc_init ();
1520046     //
1520047     // The kernel will run interactively.
1520048     //
1520049     menu ();
1520050     //
1520051     for (exit = 0; exit == 0;)
1520052       {
1520053         //
1520054         // While in kernel code, timer interrupt don't start the
1520055         // scheduler. The kernel must leave control to the scheduler
1520056         // via a null system call.
1520057         //
1520058         sys (SYS_0, NULL, 0);
1520059         //
1520060         // Back to work: read the keyboard from the TTY device.
1520061         //
1520062         dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_TTY, DEV_READ, 0L, &key, 1, NULL);
1520063         //
1520064         // Depending on the key, do something.
1520065         //
1520066         if (key == 0)
1520067           {
1520068             //
1520069             // No key is ready in the buffer keyboard.
1520070             //
1520071             continue;
1520072           }
1520073         else
1520074           {
1520075             //
1520076             // Move back the cursor, so that next print will overwrite
1520077             // it.
1520078             //
1520079             k_printf ("\b");
1520080           }
1520081         //
1520082         // A key was pressed: start to check what it was.
1520083         //
1520084         switch (key)
1520085           {
1520086             case 'h':
1520087                 menu ();
1520088                 break;
1520089             case '1':
1520090                 k_kill ((pid_t) 1, SIGKILL);                   // init
1520091                 break;
1520092             case '2':
1520093             case '3':
1520094             case '4':
1520095             case '5':
1520096             case '6':
1520097             case '7':
1520098             case '8':
1520099             case '9':
1520100                 k_kill ((pid_t) (key - '0'),  SIGTERM);        // others
1520101                 break;
1520102             case 'A':
1520103             case 'B':
1520104             case 'C':
1520105             case 'D':
1520106             case 'E':
1520107             case 'F':
1520108                 k_kill ((pid_t) (key - 'A' + 10),  SIGTERM);   // others
1520109                 break;
1520110             case 'a':
1520111                 run ("/bin/aaa", NULL, NULL);
1520112                 break;
1520113             case 'b':
1520114                 run ("/bin/bbb", NULL, NULL);
1520115                 break;
1520116             case 'c':
1520117                 run ("/bin/ccc", NULL, NULL);
1520118                 break;
1520119             case 'f':
1520120                 print_file_list ();
1520121                 break;
1520122             case 'm':
1520123                 status = path_mount ((uid_t) 0, "/dev/dsk1", "/usr",
1520124                                      MOUNT_DEFAULT);
1520125                 if (status < 0)
1520126                   {
1520127                     k_perror (NULL);
1520128                   }
1520129                 break;
1520130             case 'M':
1520131                 status = path_umount ((uid_t) 0, "/usr");
1520132                 if (status < 0)
1520133                   {
1520134                     k_perror (NULL);
1520135                   }
1520136                 break;
1520137             case 'n':
1520138                 print_inode_list ();
1520139                 break;
1520140             case 'N':
1520141                 print_inode_zones_list ();
1520142                 break;
1520143             case 'l':
1520144                 k_kill ((pid_t) 1, SIGCHLD);
1520145                 break;
1520146             case 'p':
1520147                 k_printf ("\n");
1520148                 print_proc_list ();
1520149                 print_segments ();
1520150                 k_printf (" ");
1520151                 print_kmem ();
1520152                 k_printf (" ");
1520153                 print_time ();
1520154                 k_printf ("\n");
1520155                 print_mb_map ();
1520156                 k_printf ("\n");
1520157                 break;
1520158             case 'x':
1520159                 exit = 1;
1520160                 break;
1520161             case 'q':
1520162                 k_printf ("System halted!\n");
1520163                 return (0);
1520164                 break;
1520165           }
1520166       }
1520167     //
1520168     // Load init.
1520169     //
1520170     exec_argv[0] = "/bin/init";
1520171     exec_argv[1] = NULL;
1520172     pid = run ("/bin/init", exec_argv, NULL);
1520173     //
1520174     // Just sleep.
1520175     //
1520176     while (1)
1520177       {
1520178         sys (SYS_0, NULL, 0);
1520179       }
1520180     //
1520181     k_printf ("System halted!\n");
1520182     return (0);
1520183 }


Si veda la sezione u0.6.

1530001 #include <kernel/main.h>
1530002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1530003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1530004 void
1530005 menu (void)
1530006 {
1530007     k_printf (
1530008 ".------------------------------------------------------------------.\n"
1530009 "| [h]      show this menu                                          |\n"
1530010 "| [p]      process status and memory map                           |\n"
1530011 "| [1]..[9] kill process  1 to 9                                    |\n"
1530012 "| [A]..[F] kill process 10 to 15                                   |\n"
1530013 "| [l]      send SIGCHLD to process 1                               |\n"
1530014 "| [a]..[c] run programs `/bin/aaa' to `/bin/ccc' in parallel       |\n"
1530015 "| [f]      system file status                                      |\n"
1530016 "| [n], [N] list of active inodes                                   |\n"
1530017 "| [m], [M] mount/umount `/dev/dsk1' at `/usr/'                     |\n"
1530018 "| [x]      exit interaction with kernel and start `/bin/init'      |\n"
1530019 "| [q]      quit kernel                                             |\n"
1530020 "`------------------------------------------------------------------'\n"
1530021 );
1530023 }


Si veda la sezione u0.6.

1540001 #include <kernel/main.h>
1540002 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1540003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1540004 #include <unistd.h>
1540005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1540006 pid_t
1540007 run (char *path, char *argv[], char *envp[])
1540008 {
1540009     pid_t pid;
1540010     //
1540011     pid = fork ();
1540012     if (pid == -1)
1540013       {
1540014         k_perror (NULL);
1540015       }
1540016     else if (pid == 0)
1540017       {
1540018         execve (path, argv, envp);
1540019         k_perror (NULL);
1540020         _exit (0);
1540021       }
1540022     return (pid);
1540023 }

os16: «kernel/memory.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.7.

1550001 #ifndef _KERNEL_MEMORY_H
1550002 #define _KERNEL_MEMORY_H       1
1550004 #include <stdint.h>
1550005 #include <stddef.h>
1550006 #include <sys/types.h>
1550007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1550008 #define MEM_BLOCK_SIZE     256  // 0x0100
1550009 #define MEM_MAX_BLOCKS    2560  // 655360/256 = 0xA0000/0x0100 = 0x0A00
1550011 extern uint16_t mb_table[MEM_MAX_BLOCKS/16]; // Memory blocks map.
1550012 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1550013 typedef unsigned long int addr_t;
1550014 typedef unsigned int      segment_t;
1550015 typedef unsigned int      offset_t;
1550016 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1550017 typedef struct {
1550018     addr_t    address;
1550019     segment_t segment;
1550020     size_t    size;
1550021 } memory_t;
1550022 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1550023 addr_t    address       (segment_t segment, offset_t offset);
1550024 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1550025 uint16_t *mb_reference  (void);
1550026 ssize_t   mb_alloc      (addr_t address, size_t size);
1550027 void      mb_free       (addr_t address, size_t size);
1550028 int       mb_alloc_size (size_t size, memory_t *allocated);
1550029 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1550030 void      mem_copy      (addr_t orig, addr_t dest, size_t size);
1550031 size_t    mem_read      (addr_t start, void *buffer, size_t size);
1550032 size_t    mem_write     (addr_t start, void *buffer, size_t size);
1550033 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1550035 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.7.

1560001 #include <kernel/memory.h>
1560002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1560003 addr_t
1560004 address (segment_t segment, offset_t offset)
1560005 {
1560006     addr_t a;
1560007     a  = segment;
1560008     a *= 16;
1560009     a += offset;
1560010     return (a);
1560011 }


Si veda la sezione u0.7.

1570001 #include <kernel/memory.h>
1570002 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1570003 #include <sys/os16.h>
1570004 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1570005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1570006 static int mb_block_set1   (int block);
1570007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1570008 ssize_t
1570009 mb_alloc (addr_t address, size_t size)
1570010 {
1570011     unsigned int bstart;
1570012     unsigned int bsize;
1570013     unsigned int bend;
1570014     unsigned int i;
1570015     ssize_t      allocated = 0;
1570016     addr_t       block_address;
1570018     if (size == 0)
1570019       {
1570020         //
1570021         // Zero means the maximum size.
1570022         //
1570023         bsize  = 0x10000L / MEM_BLOCK_SIZE;
1570024       }
1570025     else
1570026       {
1570027         bsize  = size / MEM_BLOCK_SIZE;
1570028       }
1570030     bstart = address / MEM_BLOCK_SIZE;
1570032     if (size % MEM_BLOCK_SIZE)
1570033       {
1570034         bend = bstart + bsize;
1570035       }
1570036     else
1570037       {
1570038         bend = bstart + bsize - 1;
1570039       }
1570041     for (i = bstart; i <= bend; i++)
1570042       {
1570043         if (mb_block_set1 (i))
1570044           {
1570045             allocated += MEM_BLOCK_SIZE;
1570046           }
1570047         else
1570048           {
1570049             block_address = i;
1570050             block_address *= MEM_BLOCK_SIZE;
1570051             k_printf ("Kernel alert: mem block %04x, at address ", i);
1570052             k_printf ("%05lx, already allocated!\n", block_address);
1570053             break;
1570054           }
1570055       }
1570056     return (allocated);
1570057 }
1570059 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1570060 static int
1570061 mb_block_set1 (int block)
1570062 {
1570063     int i         = block / 16;
1570064     int j         = block % 16;
1570065     uint16_t mask = 0x8000 >> j;
1570066     if (mb_table[i] & mask)
1570067       {
1570068         return (0);     // The block is already set to 1 inside the map!
1570069       }
1570070     else
1570071       {
1570072         mb_table[i] = mb_table[i] | mask;
1570073         return (1);
1570074       }
1570075 }


Si veda la sezione u0.7.

1580001 #include <kernel/memory.h>
1580002 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1580003 #include <sys/os16.h>
1580004 #include <errno.h>
1580005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1580006 static int mb_block_status (int block);
1580007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1580008 int
1580009 mb_alloc_size (size_t size, memory_t *allocated)
1580010 {
1580011     unsigned int bsize;
1580012     unsigned int i;
1580013     unsigned int j;
1580014     unsigned int found = 0;
1580015     addr_t       alloc_addr;
1580016     ssize_t      alloc_size;
1580018     if (size == 0)
1580019       {
1580020         //
1580021         // Zero means the maximum size.
1580022         //
1580023         bsize = 0x10000L / MEM_BLOCK_SIZE;
1580024       }
1580025     else if (size % MEM_BLOCK_SIZE)
1580026       {
1580027         bsize = size / MEM_BLOCK_SIZE + 1;
1580028       }
1580029     else
1580030       {
1580031         bsize = size / MEM_BLOCK_SIZE;
1580032       }
1580034     for (i = 0; i < (MEM_MAX_BLOCKS - bsize) && !found; i++)
1580035       {
1580036         for (j = 0; j < bsize; j++)
1580037           {
1580038             found = !mb_block_status (i+j);
1580039             if (!found)
1580040               {
1580041                 i += j;
1580042                 break;
1580043               }
1580044           }
1580045       }
1580047     if (found && (j == bsize))
1580048       {
1580049         alloc_addr  = i - 1;
1580050         alloc_addr *= MEM_BLOCK_SIZE;
1580051         alloc_size  = bsize * MEM_BLOCK_SIZE;
1580052         alloc_size  = mb_alloc (alloc_addr, (size_t) alloc_size);
1580053         if (alloc_size <= 0)
1580054           {
1580055             errset (ENOMEM);
1580056             return (-1);
1580057           }
1580058         else if (alloc_size < size)
1580059           {
1580060             mb_free (alloc_addr, (size_t) alloc_size);
1580061             errset (ENOMEM);
1580062             return (-1);
1580063           }
1580064         else
1580065           {
1580066             allocated->address = alloc_addr;
1580067             allocated->segment = alloc_addr / 16;
1580068             allocated->size    = (size_t) alloc_size;
1580069           }
1580070         return (0);
1580071       }
1580072     else
1580073      {
1580074         errset (ENOMEM);
1580075         return (-1);
1580076      }
1580077 }
1580078 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1580079 static int
1580080 mb_block_status (int block)
1580081 {
1580082     int i         = block / 16;
1580083     int j         = block % 16;
1580084     uint16_t mask = 0x8000 >> j;
1580085     return ((int) (mb_table[i] & mask));
1580086 }


Si veda la sezione u0.7.

1590001 #include <kernel/memory.h>
1590002 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1590003 #include <sys/os16.h>
1590004 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1590005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1590006 static int mb_block_set0   (int block);
1590007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1590008 void
1590009 mb_free (addr_t address, size_t size)
1590010 {
1590011     unsigned int bstart;
1590012     unsigned int bsize;
1590013     unsigned int bend;
1590014     unsigned int i;
1590015     addr_t       block_address;
1590016     if (size == 0)
1590017       {
1590018         //
1590019         // Zero means the maximum size.
1590020         //
1590021         bsize  = 0x10000L / MEM_BLOCK_SIZE;
1590022       }
1590023     else
1590024       {
1590025         bsize  = size / MEM_BLOCK_SIZE;
1590026       }
1590028     bstart = address / MEM_BLOCK_SIZE;
1590030     if (size % MEM_BLOCK_SIZE)
1590031       {
1590032         bend = bstart + bsize;
1590033       }
1590034     else
1590035       {
1590036         bend = bstart + bsize - 1;
1590037       }
1590039     for (i = bstart; i <= bend; i++)
1590040       {
1590041         if (mb_block_set0 (i))
1590042           {
1590043             ;
1590044           }
1590045         else
1590046           {
1590047             block_address = i;
1590048             block_address *= MEM_BLOCK_SIZE;
1590049             k_printf ("Kernel alert: mem block %04x, at address ", i);
1590050             k_printf ("%05lx, already released!\n", block_address);
1590051           }
1590052       }
1590053 }
1590054 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1590055 static int
1590056 mb_block_set0 (int block)
1590057 {
1590058     int i         = block / 16;
1590059     int j         = block % 16;
1590060     uint16_t mask = 0x8000 >> j;
1590061     if (mb_table[i] & mask)
1590062       {
1590063         mb_table[i] = mb_table[i] & ~mask;
1590064         return (1);
1590065       }
1590066     else
1590067       {
1590068         return (0);     // The block is already set to 0 inside the map!
1590069       }
1590070 }


Si veda la sezione u0.7.

1600001 #include <stdint.h>
1600002 #include <kernel/memory.h>
1600003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1600004 uint16_t *
1600005 mb_reference (void)
1600006 {
1600007     return mb_table;
1600008 }


Si veda la sezione u0.7.

1610001 #include <kernel/memory.h>
1610002 #include <stdint.h>
1610003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1610004 uint16_t mb_table[MEM_MAX_BLOCKS/16]; // Memory blocks map.
1610005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------


Si veda la sezione u0.7.

1620001 #include <kernel/memory.h>
1620002 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1620003 #include <sys/os16.h>
1620004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1620005 void
1620006 mem_copy (addr_t orig, addr_t dest, size_t size)
1620007 {
1620008     segment_t seg_orig = orig / 16;
1620009     offset_t  off_orig = orig % 16;
1620010     segment_t seg_dest = dest / 16;
1620011     offset_t  off_dest = dest % 16;
1620012     ram_copy (seg_orig, off_orig, seg_dest, off_dest, size);
1620013 }


Si veda la sezione u0.7.

1630001 #include <kernel/memory.h>
1630002 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1630003 #include <sys/os16.h>
1630004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1630005 size_t
1630006 mem_read (addr_t start, void *buffer, size_t size)
1630007 {
1630008     unsigned int      segment = start / 16;
1630009     unsigned int      offset  = start % 16;
1630010     unsigned long int end;
1630011     end  = start;
1630012     end += size;
1630013     if (end > 0x000FFFFFL)
1630014       {
1630015         size = 0x000FFFFFL - start;
1630016       }
1630017     ram_copy (segment, offset, seg_d (), (unsigned int) buffer, size);
1630018     return (size);
1630019 }


Si veda la sezione u0.7.

1640001 #include <kernel/memory.h>
1640002 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1640003 #include <sys/os16.h>
1640004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1640005 size_t
1640006 mem_write (addr_t start, void *buffer, size_t size)
1640007 {
1640008     unsigned int      segment = start / 16;
1640009     unsigned int      offset  = start % 16;
1640010     unsigned long int end;
1640011     end  = start;
1640012     end += size;
1640013     if (end > 0x000FFFFFL)
1640014       {
1640015         size = 0x000FFFFFL - start;
1640016       }
1640017     ram_copy (seg_d (), (unsigned int) buffer, segment, offset, size);
1640018     return (size);
1640019 }

os16: «kernel/proc.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.8.

1650001 #ifndef _KERNEL_PROC_H
1650002 #define _KERNEL_PROC_H  1
1650004 #include <kernel/devices.h>
1650005 #include <kernel/memory.h>
1650006 #include <kernel/fs.h>
1650007 #include <kernel/tty.h>
1650008 #include <sys/types.h>
1650009 #include <sys/stat.h>
1650010 #include <sys/os16.h>
1650011 #include <stddef.h>
1650012 #include <stdint.h>
1650013 #include <time.h>
1650015 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1650016 #define CLOCK_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR     65535 // [1]
1650017 //
1650018 // [1]
1650019 // Internal clock frequency is (3579545/3) Hz.
1650020 // This value is divided by 65535 (0xFFFF) giving 18.2 Hz.
1650021 // The divisor value, 65535, if fixed!
1650022 //
1650023 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1650024 #define PROC_EMPTY                      0
1650025 #define PROC_CREATED                    1
1650026 #define PROC_READY                      2
1650027 #define PROC_RUNNING                    3
1650028 #define PROC_SLEEPING                   4
1650029 #define PROC_ZOMBIE                     5
1650030 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1650031 #define MAGIC_OS16             0x6F733136L  // os16
1650032 #define MAGIC_OS16_APPL        0x6170706CL  // appl
1650033 #define MAGIC_OS16_KERN        0x6B65726EL  // kern
1650034 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1650035 #define PROCESS_MAX  16                 // Process slots.
1650037 typedef struct {
1650038     pid_t             ppid;             // Parent PID.
1650039     pid_t             pgrp;             // Process group ID.
1650040     uid_t             uid;              // Real user ID
1650041     uid_t             euid;             // Effective user ID.
1650042     uid_t             suid;             // Saved user ID.
1650043     dev_t             device_tty;       // Controlling terminal.
1650044     char              path_cwd[PATH_MAX];
1650045                                         // Working directory path.
1650046     inode_t          *inode_cwd;        // Working directory inode.
1650047     int               umask;            // File creation mask.
1650048     unsigned long int sig_status;       // Active signals.
1650049     unsigned long int sig_ignore;       // Signals to be ignored.
1650050     clock_t           usage;            // Clock ticks CPU time usage.
1650051     unsigned int      status;
1650052     int               wakeup_events;    // Wake up for something.
1650053     int               wakeup_signal;    // Signal waited.
1650054     unsigned int      wakeup_timer;     // Seconds to wait for.
1650055     addr_t            address_i;
1650056     segment_t         segment_i;
1650057     size_t            size_i;
1650058     addr_t            address_d;
1650059     segment_t         segment_d;
1650060     size_t            size_d;
1650061     uint16_t          sp;
1650062     int               ret;
1650063     char              name[PATH_MAX];
1650064     fd_t              fd[FOPEN_MAX];
1650065 } proc_t;
1650067 extern proc_t   proc_table[PROCESS_MAX];
1650068 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1650069 typedef struct {
1650070     uint32_t filler0;
1650071     uint32_t magic0;
1650072     uint32_t magic1;
1650073     uint16_t segoff;
1650074     uint16_t etext;
1650075     uint16_t edata;
1650076     uint16_t ebss;
1650077     uint16_t ssize;
1650078 } header_t;
1650079 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1650080 void         _ivt_load          (void);
1650081 #define      ivt_load()         (_ivt_load ())
1650082 void         proc_init          (void);
1650083 void         proc_scheduler     (uint16_t *sp, segment_t *segment);
1650084 void         sysroutine         (uint16_t *sp, segment_t *segment,
1650085                                  uint16_t syscallnr, uint16_t msg_off,
1650086                                  uint16_t msg_size);
1650087 proc_t      *proc_reference     (pid_t pid);
1650088 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1650089 int          proc_sys_exec      (uint16_t *sp, segment_t *segment_d,
1650090                                  pid_t pid, const char *path,
1650091                                  unsigned int argc, char *arg_data,
1650092                                  unsigned int envc, char *env_data);
1650093 void         proc_sys_exit      (pid_t pid, int status);
1650094 pid_t        proc_sys_fork      (pid_t ppid, uint16_t sp);
1650095 int          proc_sys_kill      (pid_t pid_killer, pid_t pid_target,
1650096                                  int sig);
1650097 int          proc_sys_seteuid   (pid_t pid, uid_t euid);
1650098 int          proc_sys_setuid    (pid_t pid, uid_t uid);
1650099 sighandler_t proc_sys_signal    (pid_t pid, int sig,
1650100                                  sighandler_t handler);
1650101 pid_t        proc_sys_wait      (pid_t pid, int *status);
1650102 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1650103 void         proc_dump_memory   (pid_t pid, addr_t address,
1650104                                  size_t size, char *name);
1650105 void         proc_available     (pid_t pid);
1650106 pid_t        proc_find          (segment_t segment_d);
1650107 void         proc_sch_signals   (void);
1650108 void         proc_sch_terminals (void);
1650109 void         proc_sch_timers    (void);
1650110 void         proc_sig_chld      (pid_t parent, int sig);
1650111 void         proc_sig_cont      (pid_t pid, int sig);
1650112 void         proc_sig_core      (pid_t pid, int sig);
1650113 int          proc_sig_ignore    (pid_t pid, int sig);
1650114 void         proc_sig_off       (pid_t pid, int sig);
1650115 void         proc_sig_on        (pid_t pid, int sig);
1650116 int          proc_sig_status    (pid_t pid, int sig);
1650117 void         proc_sig_stop      (pid_t pid, int sig);
1650118 void         proc_sig_term      (pid_t pid, int sig);
1650120 #endif


Si veda la sezione i187.8.1.

1660001 .extern _proc_scheduler
1660002 .extern _sysroutine
1660003 .global __ksp
1660004 .global __clock_ticks
1660005 .global __clock_seconds
1660006 .global isr_1C
1660007 .global isr_80
1660008 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1660009 ; The kernel code segment starts at 0x10500 (segment 0x1050).
1660010 ; The kernel data segments start at 0x00500 (segment 0x0050).
1660011 ; To switch to the kernel data segments, DS, ES and SS are set to
1660012 ; 0x0050. To identify the kernel context, the DS register is checked:
1660013 ; if it is equal to 0x0050, it is the kernel.
1660014 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1660015 .data
1660016 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1660017 .align 2
1660018 proc_ss_0:       .word 0x0000
1660019 proc_sp_0:       .word 0x0000
1660020 proc_ss_1:       .word 0x0000
1660021 proc_sp_1:       .word 0x0000
1660022 proc_syscallnr:  .word 0x0000
1660023 proc_msg_offset: .word 0x0000
1660024 proc_msg_size:   .word 0x0000
1660025 __ksp:           .word 0x0000
1660026 __clock_ticks:
1660027 ticks_lo:        .word 0x0000
1660028 ticks_hi:        .word 0x0000
1660029 __clock_seconds:
1660030 seconds_lo:      .word 0x0000
1660031 seconds_hi:      .word 0x0000
1660032 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1660033 .text
1660034 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1660035 ; IRQ 0: "timer".
1660036 ; IRQ 0 is associated to INT 8, and after the BIOS work is done,
1660037 ; INT 1C is called. Standard INT 1C has nothing to do, but is
1660038 ; useful to call extra work for the timer. As the original BIOS
1660039 ; interrupts are used, the INT 1C is reprogrammed, keeping intact
1660040 ; the Standard INT 8.
1660041 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1660042 .align 2
1660043 isr_1C:
1660044     ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
1660045     ; Inside the process stack, the CPU already put:
1660046     ;
1660047     ;       [omissis]
1660048     ;       push flags
1660049     ;       push cs
1660050     ;       push ip
1660051     ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
1660052     ;
1660053     ; Save into process stack:
1660054     ;
1660055     push   es   ; extra segment
1660056     push   ds   ; data segment
1660057     push   di   ; destination index
1660058     push   si   ; source index
1660059     push   bp   ; base pointer
1660060     push   bx   ; BX
1660061     push   dx   ; DX
1660062     push   cx   ; CX
1660063     push   ax   ; AX
1660064     ;
1660065     ; Set the data segments to the kernel data area,
1660066     ; so that the following variables can be accessed.
1660067     ;
1660068     mov ax, #0x0050  ; DS and ES.
1660069     mov ds, ax       ;
1660070     mov es, ax       ;
1660071     ;
1660072     ; Increment time counters, to keep time.
1660073     ;
1660074     add ticks_lo, #1    ; Clock ticks counter.
1660075     adc ticks_hi, #0    ;
1660076     ;
1660077     mov dx, ticks_hi    ;
1660078     mov ax, ticks_lo    ; DX := ticks % 18
1660079     mov cx, #18         ;
1660080     div cx              ;
1660081     mov ax, #0          ; If the ticks value can be divided by 18,
1660082     cmp ax, dx          ; the seconds is incremented by 1.
1660083     jnz L1              ;
1660084     add seconds_lo, #1  ;
1660085     adc seconds_hi, #0  ; 
1660086     ;
1660087 L1: ; Save process stack registers into kernel data segment.
1660088     ;
1660089     mov proc_ss_0, ss   ; Save process stack segment.
1660090     mov proc_sp_0, sp   ; Save process stack pointer.
1660091     ;
1660092     ; Check if it is already in kernel mode.
1660093     ;
1660094     mov dx, proc_ss_0
1660095     mov ax, #0x0050     ; Kernel data area.
1660096     cmp dx, ax
1660097     je L2
1660098     ;
1660099     ; If we are here, a user process was interrupted.
1660100     ; Switch to the kernel stack.
1660101     ;
1660102     mov ax, #0x0050     ; Kernel data area.
1660103     mov ss, ax
1660104     mov sp, __ksp
1660105     ;
1660106     ; Call the scheduler.
1660107     ;
1660108     push #proc_ss_0     ; &proc_ss_0
1660109     push #proc_sp_0     ; &proc_sp_0
1660110     call _proc_scheduler
1660111     add  sp, #2
1660112     add  sp, #2
1660113     ;
1660114     ; Restore process stack registers from kernel data segment.
1660115     ;
1660116     mov ss, proc_ss_0   ; Restore process stack segment.
1660117     mov sp, proc_sp_0   ; Restore process stack pointer.
1660118     ;
1660119 L2: ; Restore from process stack:
1660120     ;
1660121     pop    ax
1660122     pop    cx
1660123     pop    dx
1660124     pop    bx
1660125     pop    bp
1660126     pop    si
1660127     pop    di
1660128     pop    ds
1660129     pop    es
1660130     ;
1660131     ; Return from interrupt: will restore CS:IP and FLAGS
1660132     ; from process stack.
1660133     ;
1660134     iret
1660135 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1660136 ; Syscall.
1660137 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1660138 .align 2
1660139 isr_80:
1660140     ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
1660141     ; Inside the process stack, we already have:
1660142     ;       push #message_size
1660143     ;       push &message_structure     ; the relative address of it
1660144     ;       push #syscall_number
1660145     ;       push #back_address  ; made by a call to _sys function
1660146     ;       push flags          ; made by int #0x80
1660147     ;       push cs             ; made by int #0x80
1660148     ;       push ip             ; made by int #0x80
1660149     ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
1660150     ;
1660151     ; Save into process stack:
1660152     ;
1660153     push   es   ; extra segment
1660154     push   ds   ; data segment
1660155     push   di   ; destination index
1660156     push   si   ; source index
1660157     push   bp   ; base pointer
1660158     push   bx   ; BX
1660159     push   dx   ; DX
1660160     push   cx   ; CX
1660161     push   ax   ; AX
1660162     ;
1660163     ; Set the data segments to the kernel data area,
1660164     ; so that the following variables can be accessed.
1660165     ;
1660166     mov ax, #0x0050     ; DS and ES.
1660167     mov ds, ax          ;
1660168     mov es, ax          ;
1660169     ;
1660170     ; Save process stack registers into kernel data segment.
1660171     ;
1660172     mov proc_ss_1, ss   ; Save process stack segment.
1660173     mov proc_sp_1, sp   ; Save process stack pointer.
1660174     ;
1660175     ; Save some more data, from the system call.
1660176     ;    
1660177     mov bp, sp
1660178     mov ax, +26[bp]
1660179     mov proc_syscallnr,  ax
1660180     mov ax, +28[bp]
1660181     mov proc_msg_offset, ax
1660182     mov ax, +30[bp]
1660183     mov proc_msg_size,   ax
1660184     ;
1660185     ; Check if it is already the kernel stack.
1660186     ;
1660187     mov dx, ss
1660188     mov ax, #0x0050     ; Kernel data area.
1660189     cmp dx, ax
1660190     jne L3
1660191     ;
1660192     ; It is already the kernel stack, so, the variable "_ksp" is
1660193     ; aligned to current stack pointer. This way, the first syscall
1660194     ; can work without having to set the "_ksp" variable to some
1660195     ; reasonable value.
1660196     ;
1660197     mov __ksp, sp
1660198     ;    
1660199 L3: ; Switch to the kernel stack.
1660200     ;
1660201     mov ax, #0x0050     ; Kernel data area.
1660202     mov ss, ax
1660203     mov sp, __ksp
1660204     ;
1660205     ; Call the external hardware interrupt handler.
1660206     ;
1660207     push proc_msg_size
1660208     push proc_msg_offset
1660209     push proc_syscallnr
1660210     push #proc_ss_1     ; &proc_ss_1
1660211     push #proc_sp_1     ; &proc_sp_1
1660212     call _sysroutine
1660213     add  sp, #2
1660214     add  sp, #2
1660215     add  sp, #2
1660216     add  sp, #2
1660217     add  sp, #2
1660218     ;
1660219     ; Restore process stack registers from kernel data segment.
1660220     ;
1660221     mov ss, proc_ss_1   ; Restore process stack segment.
1660222     mov sp, proc_sp_1   ; Restore process stack pointer.
1660223     ;
1660224     ; Restore from process stack:
1660225     ;
1660226     pop    ax
1660227     pop    cx
1660228     pop    dx
1660229     pop    bx
1660230     pop    bp
1660231     pop    si
1660232     pop    di
1660233     pop    ds
1660234     pop    es
1660235     ;
1660236     ; Return from interrupt: will restore CS:IP and FLAGS
1660237     ; from process stack.
1660238     ;
1660239     iret


Si veda la sezione i187.8.2.

1670001 .extern isr_1C
1670002 .extern isr_80
1670003 .global __ivt_load
1670004 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1670005 .text
1670006 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1670007 ; Load IVT.
1670008 ;
1670009 ; Currently, only the timer function and the syscall are loaded.
1670010 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1670011 .align 2
1670012 __ivt_load:
1670013     enter #0, #0                ; No local variables.
1670014     pushf
1670015     cli
1670016     pusha
1670017     ;
1670018     mov   ax,   #0              ; Change the DS segment to 0.
1670019     mov   ds,   ax              ;
1670020     ;
1670021     mov   bx,   #112            ; Timer         INT 0x08 (8) --> 0x1C
1670022     mov   [bx], #isr_1C         ; offset
1670023     mov   bx,   #114            ;
1670024     mov   [bx], cs              ; segment
1670025     ;
1670026     mov   bx,   #512            ; Syscall       INT 0x80 (128)
1670027     mov   [bx], #isr_80         ; offset
1670028     mov   bx,   #514            ;
1670029     mov   [bx], cs              ; segment
1670030     ;
1670031     mov   ax,   #0x0050         ; Put the DS segment back to the right
1670032     mov   ds,   ax              ; value.
1670033     ;
1670034     ;
1670035     ;
1670036     popa
1670037     popf
1670038     leave
1670039     ret


Si veda la sezione i187.8.3.

1680001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1680002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1680003 void
1680004 proc_available (pid_t pid)
1680005 {
1680006     proc_table[pid].ppid          = -1;
1680007     proc_table[pid].pgrp          = -1;
1680008     proc_table[pid].uid           = -1;
1680009     proc_table[pid].euid          = -1;
1680010     proc_table[pid].suid          = -1;
1680011     proc_table[pid].sig_status    = 0;
1680012     proc_table[pid].sig_ignore    = 0;
1680013     proc_table[pid].usage         = 0;
1680014     proc_table[pid].status        = PROC_EMPTY;
1680015     proc_table[pid].wakeup_events = 0;
1680016     proc_table[pid].wakeup_signal = 0;
1680017     proc_table[pid].wakeup_timer  = 0;
1680018     proc_table[pid].segment_i     = -1;
1680019     proc_table[pid].address_i     = -1L;
1680020     proc_table[pid].size_i        = -1;
1680021     proc_table[pid].segment_d     = -1;
1680022     proc_table[pid].address_d     = -1L;
1680023     proc_table[pid].size_d        = -1;
1680024     proc_table[pid].sp            = 0;
1680025     proc_table[pid].ret           = 0;
1680026     proc_table[pid].inode_cwd     = 0;
1680027     proc_table[pid].path_cwd[0]   = 0;
1680028     proc_table[pid].umask         = 0;
1680029     proc_table[pid].name[0]       = 0;
1680030 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.4.

1690001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1690002 #include <fcntl.h>
1690003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1690004 void
1690005 proc_dump_memory (pid_t pid, addr_t address, size_t size, char *name)
1690006 {
1690007     int     fdn;
1690008     char    buffer[SB_BLOCK_SIZE];
1690009     ssize_t size_written;
1690010     ssize_t size_written_total;
1690011     ssize_t size_read;
1690012     ssize_t size_read_total;
1690013     ssize_t size_total;
1690014     //
1690015     // Dump the code segment to disk.
1690016     //
1690017     fdn = fd_open (pid, name, (O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC),
1690018                    (mode_t) (S_IFREG|00644));
1690019     if (fdn < 0)
1690020       {
1690021         //
1690022         // There is a problem: just let it go.
1690023         //
1690024         return;
1690025       }
1690026     //
1690027     // Fix size: (size_t) 0 is equivalent to (ssize_t) 0x10000.
1690028     //
1690029     size_total = size;
1690030     if (size_total == 0)
1690031       {
1690032         size_total = 0x10000;
1690033       }
1690034     //
1690035     // Read the memory and write it to disk.
1690036     //
1690037     for (size_read = 0, size_read_total = 0;
1690038          size_read_total < size_total;
1690039          size_read_total += size_read, address += size_read)
1690040       {
1690041         size_read = mem_read (address, buffer, SB_BLOCK_SIZE);
1690042         //
1690043         for (size_written = 0, size_written_total = 0;
1690044              size_written_total < size_read;
1690045              size_written_total += size_written)
1690046           {
1690047             size_written = fd_write (pid, fdn,
1690048                             &buffer[size_written_total],
1690049                             (size_t) (size_read - size_written_total));
1690050             //
1690051             if (size_written < 0)
1690052               {
1690053                 fd_close (pid, fdn);
1690054                 return;
1690055               }
1690056           }
1690057       }
1690058     fd_close (pid, fdn);
1690059 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.5.

1700001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1700002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1700003 #include <kernel/diag.h>
1700004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1700005 pid_t
1700006 proc_find (segment_t segment_d)
1700007 {
1700008     int    pid;
1700009     addr_t address_d;
1700010     for (pid = 0; pid < PROCESS_MAX; pid++)
1700011       {
1700012         if (proc_table[pid].segment_d == segment_d)
1700013           {
1700014             break;
1700015           }
1700016       }
1700017     if (pid >= PROCESS_MAX)
1700018       {
1700019         address_d  = segment_d;
1700020         address_d *= 16;
1700021         k_printf ("\n"
1700022                   "Kernel panic: cannot find the interrupted process "
1700023                   "inside the process table. "
1700024                   "The wanted process has data segment 0x%04x \n"
1700025                   "(effective address %05lx)!\n",
1700026                   (unsigned int) segment_d, address_d);
1700027         print_proc_list ();
1700028         print_segments ();
1700029         k_printf (" ");
1700030         print_kmem ();
1700031         k_printf (" ");
1700032         print_time ();
1700033         k_printf ("\n");
1700034         print_mb_map ();
1700035         k_printf ("\n");
1700036         k_exit (0);
1700037       }
1700038     return (pid);
1700039 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.6.

1710001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1710002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1710003 #include <string.h>
1710004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1710005 extern uint16_t _etext;
1710006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1710007 void
1710008 proc_init (void)
1710009 {
1710010     uint8_t  divisor_lo;
1710011     uint8_t  divisor_hi;
1710012     pid_t    pid;
1710013     int      fdn;                // File descriptor index;
1710014     addr_t   start;              // Used for effective memory addresses.
1710015     size_t   size;               // Used for memory allocation.
1710016     inode_t *inode;
1710017     sb_t    *sb;
1710018     //
1710019     // Clear interrupts (should already be cleared).
1710020     //
1710021     cli ();
1710022     //
1710023     // Load Interrupt vector table (IVT).
1710024     //
1710025     ivt_load ();
1710026     //
1710027     // Configure the clock: must be the original values, because
1710028     // the BIOS depends on it!
1710029     //
1710030     // Base frequency is 1193181 Hz and it should divided.
1710031     // Resulting frequency must be from 18.22 Hz and 1193181 Hz.
1710032     // The calculated value (the divisor) must be sent to the
1710033     // PIT (programmable interval timer), divided in two pieces.
1710034     //
1710035     divisor_lo = (CLOCK_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR & 0xFF);         // Low  byte.
1710036     divisor_hi = (CLOCK_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR / 0x100) & 0xFF; // High byte.
1710037     out_8 (0x43, 0x36);
1710038     out_8 (0x40, divisor_lo);        // Lower byte.
1710039     out_8 (0x40, divisor_hi);        // Higher byte.
1710040     //
1710041     // Set all memory reference to some invalid data.
1710042     //
1710043     for (pid = 0; pid < PROCESS_MAX; pid++)
1710044       {
1710045         proc_available (pid);
1710046       }
1710047     //
1710048     // Mount root file system.
1710049     //
1710050     inode = NULL;
1710051     sb = sb_mount (DEV_DSK0, &inode, MOUNT_DEFAULT);
1710052     if (sb == NULL || inode == NULL)
1710053       {
1710054         k_perror ("Kernel panic: cannot mount root file system:");
1710055         k_exit (0);
1710056       }
1710057     //
1710058     // Set up the process table with the kernel.
1710059     //
1710060     proc_table[0].ppid          = 0;
1710061     proc_table[0].pgrp          = 0;
1710062     proc_table[0].uid           = 0;
1710063     proc_table[0].euid          = 0;
1710064     proc_table[0].suid          = 0;
1710065     proc_table[0].device_tty    = DEV_UNDEFINED;
1710066     proc_table[0].sig_status    = 0;
1710067     proc_table[0].sig_ignore    = 0;
1710068     proc_table[0].usage         = 0;
1710069     proc_table[0].status        = PROC_RUNNING;
1710070     proc_table[0].wakeup_events = 0;
1710071     proc_table[0].wakeup_signal = 0;
1710072     proc_table[0].wakeup_timer  = 0;
1710073     proc_table[0].segment_i     = seg_i ();
1710074     proc_table[0].address_i     = seg_i ();
1710075     proc_table[0].address_i    *= 16;
1710076     proc_table[0].size_i        = (size_t) &_etext;
1710077     proc_table[0].segment_d     = seg_d ();
1710078     proc_table[0].address_d     = seg_d ();
1710079     proc_table[0].address_d    *= 16;
1710080     proc_table[0].size_d        = 0;     // Maximum size: 0x10000.
1710081     proc_table[0].sp            = 0;     // To be set at next interrupt.
1710082     proc_table[0].ret           = 0;
1710083     proc_table[0].umask         = 0022;  // Default umask.
1710084     proc_table[0].inode_cwd     = inode; // Root fs inode.
1710085     strncpy (proc_table[0].path_cwd, "/", PATH_MAX);
1710086     strncpy (proc_table[0].name, "os16 kernel", PATH_MAX);
1710087     //
1710088     // Ensure to have a terminated string.
1710089     //
1710090     proc_table[0].name[PATH_MAX-1] = 0;
1710091     //
1710092     // Reset file descriptors.
1710093     //
1710094     for (fdn = 0; fdn < OPEN_MAX; fdn++)
1710095       {
1710096         proc_table[0].fd[fdn].fl_flags = 0;
1710097         proc_table[0].fd[fdn].fd_flags = 0;
1710098         proc_table[0].fd[fdn].file     = NULL;
1710099       }
1710100     //
1710101     // Allocate memory for the code segment.
1710102     //
1710103     mb_alloc (proc_table[0].address_i, proc_table[0].size_i);
1710104     //
1710105     // Allocate memory for the data segment if different.
1710106     //
1710107     if (seg_d () != seg_i ())
1710108       {
1710109         mb_alloc (proc_table[0].address_d, proc_table[0].size_d);
1710110       }
1710111     //
1710112     // Allocate memory for the BIOS data area (BDA).
1710113     //
1710114     mb_alloc (0x00000L, 0x500);
1710115     //
1710116     // Allocate memory for the extra BIOS at the
1710117     // bottom of the 640 Kibyte.
1710118     //
1710119     start  = int12 ();
1710120     start *= 1024;
1710121     size   = 0xA0000L - start;
1710122     mb_alloc (start, size);
1710123     //
1710124     // Enable and disable hardware interrupts (IRQ).
1710125     //
1710126     irq_on  (0); // timer.
1710127     irq_on  (1); // enable keyboard
1710128     irq_off (2); // 
1710129     irq_off (3); // 
1710130     irq_off (4); // 
1710131     irq_off (5); // 
1710132     irq_on  (6); // floppy (must be on to let int 13 work)!
1710133     irq_off (7); //
1710134     //
1710135     // Interrupts activation.
1710136     //
1710137     sti ();
1710138 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.7.

1720001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1720002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1720003 proc_t *
1720004 proc_reference (pid_t pid)
1720005 {
1720006     if (pid >= 0 && pid < PROCESS_MAX)
1720007       {
1720008         return (&proc_table[pid]);
1720009       }
1720010     else
1720011       {
1720012         return (NULL);
1720013       }
1720014 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.8.

1730001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1730002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1730003 void
1730004 proc_sch_signals (void)
1730005 {
1730006     pid_t  pid;
1730007     for (pid = 0; pid < PROCESS_MAX; pid++)
1730008       {
1730009         proc_sig_term (pid, SIGHUP);
1730010         proc_sig_term (pid, SIGINT);
1730011         proc_sig_core (pid, SIGQUIT);
1730012         proc_sig_core (pid, SIGILL);
1730013         proc_sig_core (pid, SIGABRT);
1730014         proc_sig_core (pid, SIGFPE);
1730015         proc_sig_term (pid, SIGKILL);
1730016         proc_sig_core (pid, SIGSEGV);
1730017         proc_sig_term (pid, SIGPIPE);
1730018         proc_sig_term (pid, SIGALRM);
1730019         proc_sig_term (pid, SIGTERM);
1730020         proc_sig_term (pid, SIGUSR1);
1730021         proc_sig_term (pid, SIGUSR2);
1730022         proc_sig_chld (pid, SIGCHLD);
1730023         proc_sig_cont (pid, SIGCONT);
1730024         proc_sig_stop (pid, SIGSTOP);
1730025         proc_sig_stop (pid, SIGTSTP);
1730026         proc_sig_stop (pid, SIGTTIN);
1730027         proc_sig_stop (pid, SIGTTOU);
1730028       }
1730029 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.9.

1740001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1740002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1740003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1740004 void
1740005 proc_sch_terminals (void)
1740006 {
1740007     pid_t  pid;
1740008     int    key;
1740009     tty_t *tty;
1740010     dev_t  device;
1740011     //
1740012     // Try to read a key from console keyboard buffer (only consoles
1740013     // are available).
1740014     //
1740015     key = con_char_ready ();
1740016     if (key == 0)
1740017       {
1740018         //
1740019         // No key is ready on the keyboard buffer: just return.
1740020         //
1740021         return;
1740022       }
1740023     //
1740024     // A key is available. Find the currently active console.
1740025     //
1740026     device = tty_console ((dev_t) 0);
1740027     tty    = tty_reference (device);
1740028     if (tty == NULL)
1740029       {
1740030         k_printf ("kernel alert: console device 0x%04x not found!\n",
1740031                   device);
1740032         //
1740033         // Will send the typed character to the first terminal!
1740034         //
1740035         tty = tty_reference ((dev_t) 0);
1740036       }
1740037     //
1740038     // Defined the active console. Put the character there.
1740039     //
1740040     if (tty->key == 0)
1740041       {
1740042         tty->status = TTY_OK;
1740043       }
1740044     else
1740045       {
1740046         tty->status = TTY_LOST_KEY;
1740047       }
1740048     tty->key = con_char_read ();
1740049     //
1740050     // Verify if it is a control key that must be handled. If so, a
1740051     // signal is sent to all processes with the same control terminal,
1740052     // excluded the kernel (0) and `init' (1). Such control keys are not
1740053     // passed to the applications.
1740054     //
1740055     // Please note that this a simplified solution, because the signal
1740056     // should reach only the foreground process of the group. For that
1740057     // reason, only che [Ctrl C] is taken into consideration, because
1740058     // processes can ignore the signal 'SIGINT'.
1740059     //
1740060     if (tty->pgrp != 0)
1740061       {
1740062         //
1740063         // There is a process group for that terminal.
1740064         //
1740065         if      (tty->key == 3)         // [Ctrl C] -> SIGINT
1740066           {
1740067             for (pid = 2; pid <  PROCESS_MAX; pid++)
1740068               {
1740069                 if (proc_table[pid].pgrp == tty->pgrp)
1740070                   {
1740071                     k_kill (pid, SIGINT);
1740072                   }
1740073               }
1740074             tty->key    = 0;    // Reset key and status.
1740075             tty->status = TTY_OK;
1740076           }
1740077       }
1740078     //
1740079     // Check for a console switch key combination.
1740080     //
1740081     if      (tty->key == 0x11)          // [Ctrl Q] -> DC1 -> console0.
1740082       {
1740083         tty->key    = 0;                // Reset key and status.
1740084         tty->status = TTY_OK;
1740085         tty_console (DEV_CONSOLE0);     // Switch.
1740086       }
1740087     else if (tty->key == 0x12)          // [Ctrl R] -> DC2 -> console1.
1740088       {
1740089         tty->key    = 0;                // Reset key and status.
1740090         tty->status = TTY_OK;
1740091         tty_console (DEV_CONSOLE1);     // Switch.
1740092       }
1740093     else if (tty->key == 0x13)          // [Ctrl S] -> DC3 -> console2.
1740094       {
1740095         tty->key    = 0;                // Reset key and status.
1740096         tty->status = TTY_OK;
1740097         tty_console (DEV_CONSOLE2);     // Switch.
1740098       }
1740099     else if (tty->key == 0x14)          // [Ctrl T] -> DC4 -> console3.
1740100       {
1740101         tty->key    = 0;                // Reset key and status.
1740102         tty->status = TTY_OK;
1740103         tty_console (DEV_CONSOLE3);     // Switch.
1740104       }
1740105     //
1740106     // A key was pressed: must wake up all processes waiting for reading
1740107     // a terminal: all processes must be reactivated, because a process
1740108     // can read from the device file, and not just from its own
1740109     // terminal.
1740110     //
1740111     for (pid = 0; pid < PROCESS_MAX; pid++)
1740112       {
1740113         if (   (proc_table[pid].status == PROC_SLEEPING)
1740114             && (proc_table[pid].wakeup_events & WAKEUP_EVENT_TTY))
1740115           {
1740116             //
1740117             // A process waiting for that terminal was found:
1740118             // remove the waiting event and set it ready.
1740119             //
1740120             proc_table[pid].wakeup_events &= ~WAKEUP_EVENT_TTY;
1740121             proc_table[pid].status = PROC_READY;
1740122           }
1740123       }
1740124 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.10.

1750001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1750002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1750003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1750004 void
1750005 proc_sch_timers (void)
1750006 {
1750007     static unsigned long int previous_time;
1750008            unsigned long int current_time;
1750009            unsigned int      pid;
1750010     current_time = k_time (NULL);
1750011     if (previous_time != current_time)
1750012       {
1750013         for (pid = 0; pid < PROCESS_MAX; pid++)
1750014           {
1750015             if (   (proc_table[pid].wakeup_events & WAKEUP_EVENT_TIMER)
1750016                 && (proc_table[pid].status == PROC_SLEEPING)
1750017                 && (proc_table[pid].wakeup_timer > 0))
1750018               {
1750019                 proc_table[pid].wakeup_timer--;
1750020                 if (proc_table[pid].wakeup_timer == 0)
1750021                   {
1750022                     proc_table[pid].status = PROC_READY;
1750023                   }
1750024               }
1750025           }
1750026       }
1750027     previous_time = current_time;
1750028 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.11.

1760001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1760002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1760003 #include <stdint.h>
1760004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1760005 extern uint16_t _ksp;
1760006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1760007 void
1760008 proc_scheduler (uint16_t *sp, segment_t *segment_d)
1760009 {
1760010     //
1760011     // The process is identified from the data and stack segment.
1760012     //
1760013     pid_t prev;
1760014     pid_t next;
1760015     //
1760016     static unsigned long int previous_clock;
1760017            unsigned long int current_clock;
1760018     //
1760019     // Check if current data segments are right.
1760020     //
1760021     if (es () != ds () || ss () != ds ())
1760022       {
1760023         k_printf ("\n");
1760024         k_printf ("Kernel panic: ES, DS, SS are different!\n");
1760025         k_exit (0);
1760026       }
1760027     //
1760028     // Search the data segment inside the process table.
1760029     // Must be done here, because the subsequent call to
1760030     // proc_sch_signals() will remove the segment numbers
1760031     // from a zombie process.
1760032     //
1760033     prev = proc_find (*segment_d);
1760034     //
1760035     // Take care of sleeping processes: wake up if sleeping time
1760036     // elapsed.
1760037     //
1760038     proc_sch_timers ();
1760039     //
1760040     // Take care of pending signals.
1760041     //
1760042     proc_sch_signals ();
1760043     //
1760044     // Take care input from terminals.
1760045     //
1760046     proc_sch_terminals ();
1760047     //
1760048     // Update the CPU time usage.
1760049     //
1760050     current_clock   = k_clock ();
1760051     proc_table[prev].usage += current_clock - previous_clock;
1760052     previous_clock  = current_clock;
1760053     //
1760054     // Scan for a next process.
1760055     //
1760056     for (next = prev+1; next != prev; next++)
1760057       {
1760058         if (next >= PROCESS_MAX)
1760059           {
1760060             next = -1; // At the next loop, `next' will be zero.
1760061             continue;
1760062           }
1760063         if      (proc_table[next].status == PROC_EMPTY)
1760064           {
1760065             continue;
1760066           }
1760067         else if (proc_table[next].status == PROC_CREATED) 
1760068           {
1760069             continue;
1760070           }
1760071         else if (proc_table[next].status == PROC_READY) 
1760072           {
1760073             if (proc_table[prev].status == PROC_RUNNING)
1760074               {
1760075                 proc_table[prev].status = PROC_READY;
1760076               }
1760077             proc_table[prev].sp     = *sp;
1760078             proc_table[next].status = PROC_RUNNING;
1760079             proc_table[next].ret    = 0;
1760080             *segment_d      = proc_table[next].segment_d;
1760081             *sp             = proc_table[next].sp;
1760082             break;
1760083           }
1760084         else if (proc_table[next].status == PROC_RUNNING)
1760085           {
1760086             if (proc_table[prev].status == PROC_RUNNING)
1760087               {
1760088                 k_printf ("Kernel alert: process %i ", prev);
1760089                 k_printf ("and %i \"running\"!\r", next);
1760090                 proc_table[prev].status = PROC_READY;
1760091               }
1760092             proc_table[prev].sp     = *sp;
1760093             proc_table[next].status = PROC_RUNNING;
1760094             proc_table[next].ret    = 0;
1760095             *segment_d      = proc_table[next].segment_d;
1760096             *sp             = proc_table[next].sp;
1760097             break;
1760098           }
1760099         else if (proc_table[next].status == PROC_SLEEPING)
1760100           {
1760101             continue;
1760102           }
1760103         else if (proc_table[next].status == PROC_ZOMBIE)
1760104           {
1760105             continue;
1760106           }
1760107       }
1760108     //
1760109     // Check again if the next process is set to running, otherwise set
1760110     // the kernel to such value!
1760111     //
1760112     next = proc_find (*segment_d);
1760113     if (proc_table[next].status != PROC_RUNNING)
1760114       {
1760115         proc_table[0].status = PROC_RUNNING;
1760116         *segment_d   = proc_table[0].segment_d;
1760117         *sp          = proc_table[0].sp;
1760118       }
1760119     //
1760120     // Save kernel stack pointer.
1760121     //
1760122     _ksp = proc_table[0].sp;
1760123     //
1760124     // At the end, must inform the PIC 1, with message «EOI».
1760125     //
1760126     out_8 (0x20, 0x20);
1760127 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.12.

1770001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1770002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1770003 void
1770004 proc_sig_chld (pid_t parent, int sig)
1770005 {
1770006     pid_t child;
1770007     //
1770008     // Please note that `sig' should be SIGCHLD and nothing else.
1770009     // So, the following test, means to verify if the parent process
1770010     // has received a SIGCHLD already.
1770011     //
1770012     if (proc_sig_status (parent, sig))
1770013       {
1770014         if (   (!proc_sig_ignore (parent, sig))
1770015             && (proc_table[parent].status == PROC_SLEEPING)
1770016             && (proc_table[parent].wakeup_events & WAKEUP_EVENT_SIGNAL)
1770017             && (proc_table[parent].wakeup_signal == sig))
1770018           {
1770019             //
1770020             // The signal is not ignored from the parent process;
1770021             // the parent process is sleeping;
1770022             // the parent process is waiting for a signal;
1770023             // the parent process is waiting for current signal.
1770024             // So, just wake it up.
1770025             //
1770026             proc_table[parent].status         = PROC_READY;
1770027             proc_table[parent].wakeup_events ^= WAKEUP_EVENT_SIGNAL;
1770028             proc_table[parent].wakeup_signal  = 0;
1770029           }
1770030         else
1770031           {
1770032             //
1770033             // All other cases, means to remove all dead children.
1770034             //
1770035             for (child = 1; child < PROCESS_MAX; child++)
1770036               {
1770037                 if (   proc_table[child].ppid == parent
1770038                     && proc_table[child].status == PROC_ZOMBIE)
1770039                   {
1770040                     proc_available (child);
1770041                   }
1770042               }
1770043           }
1770044         proc_sig_off (parent, sig);
1770045       }
1770046 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.13.

1780001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1780002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1780003 void
1780004 proc_sig_cont (pid_t pid, int sig)
1780005 {
1780006     //
1780007     // The value for argument `sig' should be SIGCONT.
1780008     //
1780009     if (proc_sig_status (pid, sig))
1780010       {
1780011         if (proc_sig_ignore (pid, sig))
1780012           {
1780013             proc_sig_off (pid, sig);
1780014           }
1780015         else
1780016           {
1780017             proc_table[pid].status = PROC_READY;
1780018             proc_sig_off (pid, sig);
1780019           }
1780020       }
1780021 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.14.

1790001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1790002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1790003 void
1790004 proc_sig_core (pid_t pid, int sig)
1790005 {
1790006     addr_t address_i;
1790007     addr_t address_d;
1790008     size_t size_i;
1790009     size_t size_d;
1790010     //
1790011     if (proc_sig_status (pid, sig))
1790012       {
1790013         if (proc_sig_ignore (pid, sig))
1790014           {
1790015             proc_sig_off (pid, sig);
1790016           }
1790017         else
1790018           {
1790019             //
1790020             // Save process addresses and sizes (might be useful if
1790021             // we want to try to exit the process before core dump.
1790022             //
1790023             address_i   = proc_table[pid].address_i;
1790024             address_d   = proc_table[pid].address_d;
1790025             size_i      = proc_table[pid].size_i;
1790026             size_d      = proc_table[pid].size_d;
1790027             //
1790028             // Core dump: the process who formally writes the file
1790029             // is the terminating one.
1790030             //
1790031             if (address_d == address_i)
1790032               {
1790033                 proc_dump_memory (pid, address_i, size_i, "core");
1790034               }
1790035             else
1790036               {
1790037                 proc_dump_memory (pid, address_i, size_i, "core.i");
1790038                 proc_dump_memory (pid, address_d, size_d, "core.d");
1790039               }
1790040             //
1790041             // The signal, translated to negative, is returned (but
1790042             // the effective value received by the application will
1790043             // be cutted, leaving only the low 8 bit).
1790044             //
1790045             proc_sys_exit (pid, -sig);
1790046           }
1790047       }
1790048 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.15.

1800001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1800002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1800003 int
1800004 proc_sig_ignore (pid_t pid, int sig)
1800005 {
1800006     unsigned long int flag = 1L << (sig - 1);
1800007     if (proc_table[pid].sig_ignore & flag)
1800008       {
1800009         return (1);
1800010       }
1800011     else
1800012       {
1800013         return (0);
1800014       }
1800015 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.16.

1810001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1810002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1810003 void
1810004 proc_sig_off (pid_t pid, int sig)
1810005 {
1810006     unsigned long int flag = 1L << (sig - 1);
1810007     proc_table[pid].sig_status ^= flag;
1810008 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.16.

1820001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1820002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1820003 void
1820004 proc_sig_on (pid_t pid, int sig)
1820005 {
1820006     unsigned long int flag = 1L << (sig - 1);
1820007     proc_table[pid].sig_status |= flag;
1820008 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.17.

1830001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1830002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1830003 int
1830004 proc_sig_status (pid_t pid, int sig)
1830005 {
1830006     unsigned long int flag = 1L << (sig - 1);
1830007     if (proc_table[pid].sig_status & flag)
1830008       {
1830009         return (1);
1830010       }
1830011     else
1830012       {
1830013         return (0);
1830014       }
1830015 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.18.

1840001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1840002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1840003 void
1840004 proc_sig_stop (pid_t pid, int sig)
1840005 {
1840006     if (proc_sig_status (pid, sig))
1840007       {
1840008         if (proc_sig_ignore (pid, sig) && !(sig == SIGSTOP))
1840009           {
1840010             proc_sig_off (pid, sig);
1840011           }
1840012         else
1840013           {
1840014             proc_table[pid].status = PROC_SLEEPING;
1840015             proc_table[pid].ret    = -sig;
1840016             proc_sig_off (pid, sig);
1840017           }
1840018       }
1840019 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.19.

1850001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1850002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1850003 void
1850004 proc_sig_term (pid_t pid, int sig)
1850005 {
1850006     if (proc_sig_status (pid, sig))
1850007       {
1850008         if (proc_sig_ignore (pid, sig) && !(sig == SIGKILL))
1850009           {
1850010             proc_sig_off (pid, sig);
1850011           }
1850012         else
1850013           {
1850014             //
1850015             // The signal, translated to negative, is returned (but
1850016             // the effective value received by the application will
1850017             // be cutted, leaving only the low 8 bit).
1850018             //
1850019             proc_sys_exit (pid, -sig);
1850020           }
1850021       }
1850022 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.20.

1860001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1860002 #include <errno.h>
1860003 #include <fcntl.h>
1860004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1860005 int
1860006 proc_sys_exec (uint16_t *sp, segment_t *segment_d, pid_t pid,
1860007                const char *path,
1860008                unsigned int argc, char *arg_data,
1860009                unsigned int envc, char *env_data)
1860010 {
1860011   unsigned int      i;
1860012   unsigned int      j;
1860013   char             *arg;
1860014   char             *env;
1860015   char             *envp[ARG_MAX/16];
1860016   char             *argv[ARG_MAX/16];
1860017   size_t            size;
1860018   size_t            arg_data_size;
1860019   size_t            env_data_size;
1860020   unsigned int      p_off;
1860021   inode_t          *inode;
1860022   ssize_t           size_read;
1860023   header_t          header;
1860024   unsigned long int s;        // Help calculating process sizes.
1860025   uint16_t          new_sp;
1860026   uint16_t          envp_address;
1860027   uint16_t          argv_address;
1860028   size_t            process_size_i;
1860029   size_t            process_size_d;
1860030   char              buffer[MEM_BLOCK_SIZE];
1860031   uint16_t          stack_element;
1860032   off_t             inode_start;
1860033   addr_t            memory_start;
1860034   addr_t            previous_address_i;
1860035   segment_t         previous_segment_i;
1860036   size_t            previous_size_i;
1860037   addr_t            previous_address_d;
1860038   segment_t         previous_segment_d;
1860039   size_t            previous_size_d;
1860040   int               status;
1860041   memory_t          allocated_i;
1860042   memory_t          allocated_d;
1860043   pid_t             extra;
1860044   int               proc_count;
1860045   file_t           *file;
1860046   int               fdn;
1860047   dev_t             device;
1860048   int               eof;
1860049   //
1860050   // Check for limits.
1860051   //
1860052   if (argc > (ARG_MAX/16) || envc > (ARG_MAX/16))
1860053     {
1860054       errset (ENOMEM);
1860055       return (-1);
1860056     }
1860057   //
1860058   // Scan arguments to calculate the full size and the relative
1860059   // pointers. The final size is rounded to 2, for the stack.
1860060   //
1860061   arg = arg_data;
1860062   for (i = 0, j = 0; i < argc; i++)
1860063     {
1860064       argv[i] = (char *) j;   // Relative pointer inside
1860065                               // the `arg_data'.
1860066       size = strlen (arg);
1860067       arg += size + 1;
1860068       j += size + 1;
1860069     }
1860070   arg_data_size = j;
1860071   if (arg_data_size % 2)
1860072     {
1860073       arg_data_size++;
1860074     }
1860075   //
1860076   // Scan environment variables to calculate the full size and the
1860077   // relative pointers. The final size is rounded to 2, for the stack.
1860078   //
1860079   env = env_data;
1860080   for (i = 0, j = 0; i < envc; i++)
1860081     {
1860082       envp[i] = (char *) j;   // Relative pointer inside
1860083                               // the `env_data'.
1860084       size = strlen (env);
1860085       env += size + 1;
1860086       j += size + 1;
1860087     }
1860088   env_data_size = j;
1860089   if (env_data_size % 2)
1860090     {
1860091       env_data_size++;
1860092     }
1860093   //
1860094   // Read the inode related to the executable file name.
1860095   // Function path_inode() includes the inode get procedure.
1860096   //
1860097   inode = path_inode (pid, path);
1860098   if (inode == NULL)
1860099     {
1860100       errset (ENOENT);        // No such file or directory.
1860101       return (-1);
1860102     }
1860103   //
1860104   // Check for permissions.
1860105   //
1860106   status = inode_check (inode, S_IFREG, 5, proc_table[pid].euid);
1860107   if (status != 0)
1860108     {
1860109       //
1860110       // File is not of a valid type or permission are not
1860111       // sufficient: release the executable file inode
1860112       // and return with an error.
1860113       //
1860114       inode_put (inode);
1860115       errset (EACCES);        // Permission denied.
1860116       return (-1);
1860117     }
1860118   //
1860119   // Read the header from the executable file.
1860120   //
1860121   size_read = inode_file_read (inode, (off_t) 0, &header,
1860122                                (sizeof header), &eof);
1860123   if (size_read != (sizeof header))
1860124     {
1860125       //
1860126       // The file is shorter than the executable header, so, it isn't
1860127       // an executable: release the file inode and return with an
1860128       // error.
1860129       //
1860130       inode_put (inode);
1860131       errset (ENOEXEC);
1860132       return (-1);
1860133     }
1860134   if (header.magic0 != MAGIC_OS16 || header.magic1 != MAGIC_OS16_APPL)
1860135     {
1860136       //
1860137       // The header does not have the expected magic numbers, so,
1860138       // it isn't a valid executable: release the file inode and
1860139       // return with an error.
1860140       //
1860141       inode_put (inode);
1860142       errset (ENOEXEC);
1860143       return (-1);    // This is not a valid executable!
1860144     }
1860145   //
1860146   // Calculate data size.
1860147   //
1860148   s  = header.ebss;
1860149   if (header.ssize == 0)
1860150     {
1860151       s += 0x10000L;  // Zero means max size.
1860152     }
1860153   else
1860154     {
1860155       s += header.ssize;
1860156     }
1860157   if (s > 0xFFFF)
1860158     {
1860159       process_size_d = 0x0000;  // 0x0000 means the maximum size:
1860160                                 // 0x10000.
1860161       new_sp         = 0x0000;  // 0x0000 is like 0x10000 and the first
1860162                                 // push moves SP to 0xFFFE.
1860163     }
1860164   else
1860165     {
1860166       process_size_d = s;
1860167       new_sp         = process_size_d;
1860168       if (new_sp % 2)
1860169         {
1860170           new_sp--;       // The stack pointer should be even.
1860171         }
1860172     }
1860173   //
1860174   // Calculate code size.
1860175   //
1860176   if (header.segoff == 0)
1860177     {
1860178       process_size_i = process_size_d;
1860179     }
1860180   else
1860181     {
1860182       process_size_i = header.segoff * 16;
1860183     }
1860184   //
1860185   // Allocate memory: code and data segments.
1860186   //
1860187   status = mb_alloc_size (process_size_i, &allocated_i);
1860188   if (status < 0)
1860189     {
1860190       //
1860191       // The program instructions (code segment) cannot be loaded
1860192       // into memory: release the executable file inode and return
1860193       // with an error.
1860194       //
1860195       inode_put (inode);
1860196       errset (ENOMEM);        // Not enough space.
1860197       return ((pid_t) -1);
1860198     }
1860199   if (header.segoff == 0)
1860200     {
1860201       //
1860202       // Code and data segments are the same: no need
1860203       // to allocate more memory for the data segment.
1860204       //
1860205       allocated_d.address = allocated_i.address;
1860206       allocated_d.segment = allocated_i.segment;
1860207       allocated_d.size    = allocated_i.size;
1860208     }
1860209   else
1860210     {
1860211       //
1860212       // Code and data segments are different: the data
1860213       // segment memory is allocated.
1860214       //
1860215       status = mb_alloc_size (process_size_d, &allocated_d);
1860216       if (status < 0)
1860217         {
1860218           //
1860219           // The separated program data (data segment) cannot be loaded
1860220           // into memory: free the already allocated memory for the
1860221           // program instructions, release the executable file inode
1860222           // and return with an error.
1860223           //
1860224           mb_free (allocated_i.address, allocated_i.size);
1860225           inode_put (inode);
1860226           errset (ENOMEM);        // Not enough space.
1860227           return ((pid_t) -1);
1860228         }
1860229     }
1860230   //
1860231   // Load executable in memory.
1860232   //
1860233   if (header.segoff == 0)
1860234     {
1860235       //
1860236       // Code and data share the same segment.
1860237       //
1860238       for (eof = 0, memory_start = allocated_i.address,
1860239            inode_start = 0, size_read = 0;
1860240            inode_start < inode->size && !eof;
1860241            inode_start += size_read)
1860242         {
1860243           memory_start += size_read;
1860244           //
1860245           // Read a block of memory.
1860246           //
1860247           size_read = inode_file_read (inode, inode_start,
1860248                                        buffer, MEM_BLOCK_SIZE, &eof);
1860249           if (size_read < 0)
1860250             {
1860251               //
1860252               // Free memory and inode.
1860253               //
1860254               mb_free (allocated_i.address, allocated_i.size);
1860255               inode_put (inode);
1860256               errset (EIO);
1860257               return (-1);
1860258             }
1860259           //
1860260           // Copy inside the right position to be executed.
1860261           //
1860262           dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE, memory_start, buffer,
1860263                   (size_t) size_read, NULL);
1860264         }
1860265     }
1860266   else
1860267     {
1860268       //
1860269       // Code and data with different segments.
1860270       //
1860271       for (eof = 0, memory_start = allocated_i.address,
1860272            inode_start = 0, size_read = 0;
1860273            inode_start < process_size_i && !eof;
1860274            inode_start += size_read)
1860275         {
1860276           memory_start += size_read;
1860277           //
1860278           // Read a block of memory
1860279           //
1860280           size_read = inode_file_read (inode, inode_start,
1860281                                        buffer, MEM_BLOCK_SIZE, &eof);
1860282           if (size_read < 0)
1860283             {
1860284               //
1860285               // Free memory and inode.
1860286               //
1860287               mb_free (allocated_i.address, allocated_i.size);
1860288               mb_free (allocated_d.address, allocated_d.size);
1860289               inode_put (inode);
1860290               errset (EIO);
1860291               return (-1);
1860292             }
1860293           //
1860294           // Copy inside the right position to be executed.
1860295           //
1860296           dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE, memory_start, buffer,
1860297                   (size_t) size_read, NULL);
1860298         }
1860299       for (eof = 0, memory_start = allocated_d.address,
1860300            inode_start = (header.segoff * 16), size_read = 0;
1860301            inode_start < inode->size && !eof;
1860302            inode_start += size_read)
1860303         {
1860304           memory_start += size_read;
1860305           //
1860306           // Read a block of memory
1860307           //
1860308           size_read = inode_file_read (inode, inode_start,
1860309                                        buffer, MEM_BLOCK_SIZE, &eof);
1860310           if (size_read < 0)
1860311             {
1860312               //
1860313               // Free memory and inode.
1860314               //
1860315               mb_free (allocated_i.address, allocated_i.size);
1860316               mb_free (allocated_d.address, allocated_d.size);
1860317               inode_put (inode);
1860318               errset (EIO);
1860319               return (-1);
1860320             }
1860321           dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE, memory_start, buffer,
1860322                   (size_t) size_read, NULL);
1860323         }
1860324     }
1860325   //
1860326   // The executable file was successfully loaded in memory:
1860327   // release the executable file inode.
1860328   //
1860329   inode_put (inode);
1860330   //
1860331   // Put environment data inside the stack.
1860332   //
1860333   new_sp -= env_data_size; //------------------------------- environment
1860334   mem_copy (address (seg_d (), (unsigned int) env_data),
1860335             (allocated_d.address + new_sp), env_data_size);
1860336   //
1860337   // Put arguments data inside the stack.
1860338   //
1860339   new_sp -= arg_data_size; //--------------------------------- arguments
1860340   mem_copy (address (seg_d (), (unsigned int) arg_data),
1860341             (allocated_d.address + new_sp), arg_data_size);
1860342   //
1860343   // Put envp[] inside the stack, updating all the pointers.
1860344   //
1860345   new_sp -= 2; //-------------------------------------------------- NULL
1860346   stack_element = NULL;
1860347   dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE,
1860348           (allocated_d.address + new_sp),
1860349           &stack_element, (sizeof stack_element), NULL);
1860350   //
1860351   p_off  = new_sp;            //
1860352   p_off += 2;                 // Calculate memory pointers from
1860353   p_off += arg_data_size;     // original relative pointers,
1860354   for (i = 0; i < envc; i++)  // inside the environment array
1860355     {                         // of pointers.
1860356       envp[i] += p_off;       //
1860357     }                         //
1860358   //
1860359   new_sp -= (envc * (sizeof (char *))); //---------------------- *envp[]
1860360   mem_copy (address (seg_d (), (unsigned int) envp),
1860361             (allocated_d.address + new_sp),
1860362             (envc * (sizeof (char *))));
1860363   //
1860364   // Save the envp[] location, needed in the following.
1860365   //
1860366   envp_address = new_sp;
1860367   //
1860368   // Put argv[] inside the stack, updating all the pointers.
1860369   //
1860370   new_sp -= 2; //-------------------------------------------------- NULL
1860371   stack_element = NULL;
1860372   dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE,
1860373           (allocated_d.address + new_sp),
1860374           &stack_element, (sizeof stack_element), NULL);
1860375   //
1860376   p_off  = new_sp;                      //
1860377   p_off += 2 ;                          // Calculate memory pointers
1860378   p_off += (envc * (sizeof (char *)));  // from original relative
1860379   p_off += 2;                           // pointers, inside the
1860380   for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)            // arguments array of
1860381     {                                   // pointers.
1860382       argv[i] += p_off;                 //
1860383     }                                   //
1860384   //
1860385   new_sp -= (argc * (sizeof (char *))); //---------------------- *argv[]
1860386   mem_copy (address (seg_d (), (unsigned int) argv),
1860387             (allocated_d.address + new_sp),
1860388             (argc * (sizeof (char *))));
1860389   //
1860390   // Save the argv[] location, needed in the following.
1860391   //
1860392   argv_address = new_sp;
1860393   //
1860394   // Put the pointer to the array envp[].
1860395   //
1860396   new_sp -= 2; //-------------------------------------------------- argc
1860397   stack_element = envp_address;
1860398   dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE,
1860399           (allocated_d.address + new_sp),
1860400           &stack_element, (sizeof stack_element), NULL);
1860401   //
1860402   // Put the pointer to the array argv[].
1860403   //
1860404   new_sp -= 2; //-------------------------------------------------- argc
1860405   stack_element = argv_address;
1860406   dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE,
1860407           (allocated_d.address + new_sp),
1860408           &stack_element, (sizeof stack_element), NULL);
1860409   //
1860410   // Put argc inside the stack.
1860411   //
1860412   new_sp -= 2; //-------------------------------------------------- argc
1860413   dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE,
1860414           (allocated_d.address + new_sp),
1860415           &argc, (sizeof argc), NULL);
1860416   //
1860417   // Set the rest of the stack.
1860418   //
1860419   new_sp -= 2; //------------------------------------------------- FLAGS
1860420   stack_element = 0x0200;
1860421   dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE,
1860422           (allocated_d.address + new_sp),
1860423           &stack_element, (sizeof stack_element), NULL);
1860424   new_sp -= 2; //---------------------------------------------------- CS
1860425   dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE,
1860426           (allocated_d.address + new_sp),
1860427           &allocated_i.segment, (sizeof allocated_i.segment), NULL);
1860428   new_sp -= 2; //---------------------------------------------------- IP
1860429   stack_element = 0;
1860430   dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE,
1860431           (allocated_d.address + new_sp),
1860432           &stack_element, (sizeof stack_element), NULL);
1860433   new_sp -= 2; //---------------------------------------------------- ES
1860434   dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE,
1860435           (allocated_d.address + new_sp),
1860436           &allocated_d.segment, (sizeof allocated_d.segment), NULL);
1860437   new_sp -= 2; //---------------------------------------------------- DS
1860438   dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE,
1860439           (allocated_d.address + new_sp),
1860440           &allocated_d.segment, (sizeof allocated_d.segment), NULL);
1860441   new_sp -= 2; //---------------------------------------------------- DI
1860442   stack_element = 0;
1860443   dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE,
1860444           (allocated_d.address + new_sp),
1860445           &stack_element, (sizeof stack_element), NULL);
1860446   new_sp -= 2; //---------------------------------------------------- SI
1860447   stack_element = 0;
1860448   dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE,
1860449           (allocated_d.address + new_sp),
1860450           &stack_element, (sizeof stack_element), NULL);
1860451   new_sp -= 2; //---------------------------------------------------- BP
1860452   stack_element = 0;
1860453   dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE,
1860454           (allocated_d.address + new_sp),
1860455           &stack_element, (sizeof stack_element), NULL);
1860456   new_sp -= 2; //---------------------------------------------------- BX
1860457   stack_element = 0;
1860458   dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE,
1860459           (allocated_d.address + new_sp),
1860460           &stack_element, (sizeof stack_element), NULL);
1860461   new_sp -= 2; //---------------------------------------------------- DX
1860462   stack_element = 0;
1860463   dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE,
1860464           (allocated_d.address + new_sp),
1860465           &stack_element, (sizeof stack_element), NULL);
1860466   new_sp -= 2; //---------------------------------------------------- CX
1860467   stack_element = 0;
1860468   dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE,
1860469           (allocated_d.address + new_sp),
1860470           &stack_element, (sizeof stack_element), NULL);
1860471   new_sp -= 2; //---------------------------------------------------- AX
1860472   stack_element = 0;
1860473   dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE,
1860474           (allocated_d.address + new_sp),
1860475           &stack_element, (sizeof stack_element), NULL);
1860476   //
1860477   // Close process file descriptors, if the `FD_CLOEXEC' flag
1860478   // is present.
1860479   //
1860480   for (fdn = 0; fdn < OPEN_MAX; fdn++)
1860481     {
1860482       if (proc_table[pid].fd[0].file != NULL)
1860483         {
1860484           if (proc_table[pid].fd[0].fd_flags & FD_CLOEXEC)
1860485             {
1860486               fd_close (pid, fdn);
1860487             }
1860488         }
1860489     }
1860490   //
1860491   // Select device for standard I/O, if a standard I/O stream must be
1860492   // opened.
1860493   //
1860494   if (proc_table[pid].device_tty != 0)
1860495     {
1860496       device = proc_table[pid].device_tty;
1860497     }
1860498   else
1860499     {
1860500       device = DEV_TTY;
1860501     }
1860502   //
1860503   // Prepare missing standard file descriptors. The function
1860504   // `file_stdio_dev_make()' arranges the value for `errno' if
1860505   // necessary. If a standard file descriptor cannot be allocated,
1860506   // the program is left without it.
1860507   //
1860508   if (proc_table[pid].fd[0].file == NULL)
1860509     {
1860510       file = file_stdio_dev_make (device, S_IFCHR, O_RDONLY);
1860511       if (file != NULL)                                      // stdin
1860512         {
1860513           proc_table[pid].fd[0].fl_flags     = O_RDONLY;
1860514           proc_table[pid].fd[0].fd_flags     = 0;
1860515           proc_table[pid].fd[0].file         = file;
1860516           proc_table[pid].fd[0].file->offset = 0;
1860517         }
1860518     }
1860519   if (proc_table[pid].fd[1].file == NULL)
1860520     {
1860521       file = file_stdio_dev_make (device, S_IFCHR, O_WRONLY);
1860522       if (file != NULL)                                     // stdout
1860523         {
1860524           proc_table[pid].fd[1].fl_flags     = O_WRONLY;
1860525           proc_table[pid].fd[1].fd_flags     = 0;
1860526           proc_table[pid].fd[1].file         = file;
1860527           proc_table[pid].fd[1].file->offset = 0;
1860528         }
1860529     }
1860530   if (proc_table[pid].fd[2].file == NULL)
1860531     {
1860532       file = file_stdio_dev_make (device, S_IFCHR, O_WRONLY);
1860533       if (file != NULL)                                     // stderr
1860534         {
1860535           proc_table[pid].fd[2].fl_flags     = O_WRONLY;
1860536           proc_table[pid].fd[2].fd_flags     = 0;
1860537           proc_table[pid].fd[2].file         = file;
1860538           proc_table[pid].fd[2].file->offset = 0;
1860539         }
1860540     }
1860541   //
1860542   // Prepare to switch
1860543   //
1860544   previous_address_i = proc_table[pid].address_i;
1860545   previous_segment_i = proc_table[pid].segment_i;
1860546   previous_size_i    = proc_table[pid].size_i;
1860547   previous_address_d = proc_table[pid].address_d;
1860548   previous_segment_d = proc_table[pid].segment_d;
1860549   previous_size_d    = proc_table[pid].size_d;
1860550   //
1860551   proc_table[pid].address_i  = allocated_i.address;
1860552   proc_table[pid].segment_i  = allocated_i.segment;
1860553   proc_table[pid].size_i     = allocated_i.size;
1860554   proc_table[pid].address_d  = allocated_d.address;
1860555   proc_table[pid].segment_d  = allocated_d.segment;
1860556   proc_table[pid].size_d     = allocated_d.size;
1860557   proc_table[pid].sp         = new_sp;
1860558   strncpy (proc_table[pid].name, path, PATH_MAX);
1860559   //
1860560   // Ensure to have a terminated string.
1860561   //
1860562   proc_table[pid].name[PATH_MAX-1] = 0;
1860563   //
1860564   // Free data segment memory.
1860565   //
1860566   mb_free (previous_address_d, previous_size_d);
1860567   //
1860568   // Free code segment memory if it is
1860569   // different from the data segment.
1860570   //
1860571   if (previous_segment_i != previous_segment_d)
1860572     {
1860573       //
1860574       // Must verify if no other process is
1860575       // using the same memory.
1860576       //
1860577       for (proc_count = 0, extra = 0; extra < PROCESS_MAX; extra++)
1860578         {
1860579           if (proc_table[extra].status == PROC_EMPTY   ||
1860580               proc_table[extra].status == PROC_ZOMBIE)
1860581             {
1860582               continue;
1860583             }
1860584           if (previous_segment_i == proc_table[extra].segment_i)
1860585             {
1860586               proc_count++;
1860587             }
1860588         }
1860589       if (proc_count == 0)
1860590         {
1860591           //
1860592           // The code segment can be released, because no other
1860593           // process is using it.
1860594           //
1860595           mb_free (previous_address_i, previous_size_i);
1860596         }
1860597     }
1860598   //
1860599   // Change the segment and the stack pointer, from the interrupt.
1860600   //
1860601   *segment_d = proc_table[pid].segment_d;
1860602   *sp        = proc_table[pid].sp;
1860603   //
1860604   return (0);
1860605 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.21.

1870001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1870002 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1870003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1870004 void
1870005 proc_sys_exit (pid_t pid, int status)
1870006 {
1870007   pid_t  child;
1870008   pid_t  parent = proc_table[pid].ppid;
1870009   pid_t  extra;
1870010   int    proc_count;
1870011   int    sigchld = 0;
1870012   int    fdn;
1870013   tty_t *tty;
1870014   //
1870015   proc_table[pid].status     = PROC_ZOMBIE;
1870016   proc_table[pid].ret        = status;
1870017   proc_table[pid].sig_status =  0;
1870018   proc_table[pid].sig_ignore =  0;
1870019   //
1870020   // Close files.
1870021   //
1870022   for (fdn = 0; fdn < OPEN_MAX; fdn++)
1870023     {
1870024       fd_close (pid, fdn);
1870025     }
1870026   //
1870027   // Close current directory.
1870028   //
1870029   inode_put (proc_table[pid].inode_cwd);
1870030   //
1870031   // Close the controlling terminal, if it is a process leader with
1870032   // such a terminal.
1870033   //
1870034   if (proc_table[pid].pgrp == pid && proc_table[pid].device_tty != 0)
1870035     {
1870036       tty = tty_reference (proc_table[pid].device_tty);
1870037       //
1870038       // Verify.
1870039       //
1870040       if (tty == NULL)
1870041         {
1870042           //
1870043           // Show a kernel message.
1870044           //
1870045           k_printf ("kernel alert: cannot find the terminal item "
1870046                     "for device 0x%04x!\n",
1870047                     (int) proc_table[pid].device_tty);
1870048         }
1870049       else if (tty->pgrp != pid)
1870050         {
1870051           //
1870052           // Show a kernel message.
1870053           //
1870054           k_printf ("kernel alert: terminal device 0x%04x should "
1870055                     "be associated to the process group %i, but it "
1870056                     "is instead related to process group %i!\n",
1870057                     (int) proc_table[pid].device_tty, (int) pid,
1870058                     (int) tty->pgrp);
1870059         }
1870060       else
1870061         {
1870062           tty->pgrp = 0;
1870063         }
1870064     }
1870065   //
1870066   // Free data segment memory.
1870067   //
1870068   mb_free (proc_table[pid].address_d, proc_table[pid].size_d);
1870069   //
1870070   // Free code segment memory if it is
1870071   // different from the data segment.
1870072   //
1870073   if (proc_table[pid].segment_i != proc_table[pid].segment_d)
1870074     {
1870075       //
1870076       // Must verify if no other process is using the same memory.
1870077       // The proc_count variable is incremented for processes
1870078       // active, ready or sleeping: the current process is already
1870079       // set as zombie, and is not counted.
1870080       //
1870081       for (proc_count = 0, extra = 0; extra < PROCESS_MAX; extra++)
1870082         {
1870083           if (proc_table[extra].status == PROC_EMPTY   ||
1870084               proc_table[extra].status == PROC_ZOMBIE)
1870085             {
1870086               continue;
1870087             }
1870088           if (proc_table[pid].segment_i == proc_table[extra].segment_i)
1870089             {
1870090               proc_count++;
1870091             }
1870092         }
1870093       if (proc_count == 0)
1870094         {
1870095           //
1870096           // The code segment can be released, because no other
1870097           // process, except the current one (to be closed),
1870098           // is using it.
1870099           //
1870100           mb_free (proc_table[pid].address_i, proc_table[pid].size_i);
1870101         }
1870102     }
1870103   //
1870104   // Abandon children to `init' ((pid_t) 1).
1870105   //
1870106   for (child = 1; child < PROCESS_MAX; child++)
1870107     {
1870108       if (   proc_table[child].status != PROC_EMPTY
1870109           && proc_table[child].ppid == pid)
1870110         {
1870111           proc_table[child].ppid = 1; // Son of `init'.
1870112           if (proc_table[child].status == PROC_ZOMBIE)
1870113             {
1870114               sigchld = 1;    // Must send a SIGCHLD to `init'.
1870115             }
1870116         }
1870117     }
1870118   //
1870119   // SIGCHLD to `init'.
1870120   //
1870121   if (   sigchld
1870122       && pid != 1
1870123       && proc_table[1].status != PROC_EMPTY
1870124       && proc_table[1].status != PROC_ZOMBIE)
1870125     {
1870126       proc_sig_on ((pid_t) 1, SIGCHLD);
1870127     }
1870128   //
1870129   // Announce to the parent the death of its child.
1870130   //
1870131   if (   pid != parent
1870132       && proc_table[parent].status != PROC_EMPTY)
1870133     {
1870134       proc_sig_on (parent, SIGCHLD);
1870135     }
1870136 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.22.

1880001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1880002 #include <errno.h>
1880003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1880004 pid_t
1880005 proc_sys_fork (pid_t ppid, uint16_t sp)
1880006 {
1880007     pid_t     pid;
1880008     pid_t     zombie;
1880009     memory_t  allocated_i;
1880010     memory_t  allocated_d;
1880011     int       status;
1880012     int       fdn;
1880013     //
1880014     // Find a free PID.
1880015     //
1880016     for (pid = 1; pid < PROCESS_MAX; pid++)
1880017       {
1880018         if (proc_table[pid].status == PROC_EMPTY)
1880019           {
1880020             break;
1880021           }
1880022       }
1880023     if (pid >= PROCESS_MAX)
1880024       {
1880025         //
1880026         // There is no free pid.
1880027         //
1880028         errset (ENOMEM);        // Not enough space.
1880029         return (-1);
1880030       }
1880031     //
1880032     // Before allocating a new process, must check if there are some
1880033     // zombie slots, still with original segment data: should reset
1880034     // it now!
1880035     //
1880036     for (zombie = 1; zombie < PROCESS_MAX; zombie++)
1880037       {
1880038         if (   proc_table[zombie].status == PROC_ZOMBIE
1880039             && proc_table[zombie].segment_d != -1)
1880040           {
1880041             proc_table[zombie].segment_i = -1;    // Reset
1880042             proc_table[zombie].address_i = -1L;   // memory
1880043             proc_table[zombie].size_i    =  0;    // allocation
1880044             proc_table[zombie].segment_d = -1;    // data
1880045             proc_table[zombie].address_d = -1L;   // to
1880046             proc_table[zombie].size_d    =  0;    // impossible
1880047             proc_table[zombie].sp        =  0;    // values.
1880048           }
1880049       }
1880050     //
1880051     // Allocate memory: code and data segments.
1880052     //
1880053     if (proc_table[ppid].segment_i == proc_table[ppid].segment_d)
1880054       {
1880055         //
1880056         // Code segment and Data segment are the same
1880057         // (same I&D).
1880058         //
1880059         status = mb_alloc_size (proc_table[ppid].size_i, &allocated_i);
1880060         if (status < 0)
1880061           {
1880062             errset (ENOMEM);        // Not enough space.
1880063             return ((pid_t) -1);
1880064           }
1880065         allocated_d.address = allocated_i.address;
1880066         allocated_d.segment = allocated_i.segment;
1880067         allocated_d.size    = allocated_i.size;
1880068       }
1880069     else
1880070       {
1880071         //
1880072         // Code segment and Data segment are different
1880073         // (different I&D).
1880074         // Only the data segment is allocated.
1880075         //
1880076         status = mb_alloc_size (proc_table[ppid].size_d, &allocated_d);
1880077         if (status < 0)
1880078           {
1880079             errset (ENOMEM);        // Not enough space.
1880080             return ((pid_t) -1);
1880081           }
1880082         //
1880083         // Code segment is the same from the parent process.
1880084         //
1880085         allocated_i.address = proc_table[ppid].address_i;
1880086         allocated_i.segment = proc_table[ppid].segment_i;
1880087         allocated_i.size    = proc_table[ppid].size_i;
1880088       }
1880089     //
1880090     // Copy the process in memory.
1880091     //
1880092     if (proc_table[ppid].segment_i == proc_table[ppid].segment_d)
1880093       {
1880094         //
1880095         // Code segment and data segment are the same:
1880096         // must copy all.
1880097         //
1880098         // Copy the code segment: if the size is zero,
1880099         // it means 0x10000 bytes (65536 bytes).
1880100         //
1880101         if (proc_table[ppid].size_i == 0)
1880102           {
1880103             //
1880104             // Copy 0x10000 bytes with two steps.
1880105             //
1880106             mem_copy (proc_table[ppid].address_i,
1880107                       allocated_i.address, 0x8000);
1880108             mem_copy ((proc_table[ppid].address_i + 0x8000),
1880109                       (allocated_i.address + 0x8000), 0x8000);
1880110           }
1880111         else
1880112           {
1880113             //
1880114             // Normal copy.
1880115             //
1880116             mem_copy (proc_table[ppid].address_i, allocated_i.address,
1880117                       proc_table[ppid].size_i);
1880118           }
1880119       }
1880120     else
1880121       {
1880122         //
1880123         // Code segment and data segment are different:
1880124         // copy only the data segment.
1880125         //
1880126         // Copy the data segment in memory: if the size is zero,
1880127         // it means 0x10000 bytes (65536 bytes).
1880128         //
1880129         if (proc_table[ppid].size_d == 0)
1880130           {
1880131             //
1880132             // Copy 0x10000 bytes with two steps.
1880133             //
1880134             mem_copy (proc_table[ppid].address_d,
1880135                       allocated_d.address, 0x8000);
1880136             mem_copy ((proc_table[ppid].address_d + 0x8000),
1880137                       (allocated_d.address + 0x8000), 0x8000);
1880138           }
1880139         else
1880140           {
1880141             //
1880142             // Normal copy.
1880143             //
1880144             mem_copy (proc_table[ppid].address_d, allocated_d.address,
1880145                       proc_table[ppid].size_d);
1880146           }
1880147       }
1880148     //
1880149     // Allocate the new PID.
1880150     //
1880151     proc_table[pid].ppid          = ppid;
1880152     proc_table[pid].pgrp          = proc_table[ppid].pgrp;
1880153     proc_table[pid].uid           = proc_table[ppid].uid;
1880154     proc_table[pid].euid          = proc_table[ppid].euid;
1880155     proc_table[pid].suid          = proc_table[ppid].suid;
1880156     proc_table[pid].device_tty    = proc_table[ppid].device_tty;
1880157     proc_table[pid].sig_status    = 0;
1880158     proc_table[pid].sig_ignore    = 0;
1880159     proc_table[pid].usage         = 0;
1880160     proc_table[pid].status        = PROC_CREATED;
1880161     proc_table[pid].wakeup_events = 0;
1880162     proc_table[pid].wakeup_signal = 0;
1880163     proc_table[pid].wakeup_timer  = 0;
1880164     proc_table[pid].segment_i     = allocated_i.segment;
1880165     proc_table[pid].address_i     = allocated_i.address;
1880166     proc_table[pid].size_i        = proc_table[ppid].size_i;
1880167     proc_table[pid].segment_d     = allocated_d.segment;
1880168     proc_table[pid].address_d     = allocated_d.address;
1880169     proc_table[pid].size_d        = proc_table[ppid].size_d;
1880170     proc_table[pid].sp            = sp;
1880171     proc_table[pid].ret           = 0;
1880172     proc_table[pid].inode_cwd     = proc_table[ppid].inode_cwd;
1880173     proc_table[pid].umask         = proc_table[ppid].umask;
1880174     strncpy (proc_table[pid].name,
1880175              proc_table[ppid].name, PATH_MAX);
1880176     strncpy (proc_table[pid].path_cwd,
1880177              proc_table[ppid].path_cwd, PATH_MAX);
1880178     //
1880179     // Increase inode references for the working directory.
1880180     //
1880181     proc_table[pid].inode_cwd->references++;
1880182     //
1880183     // Duplicate valid file descriptors.
1880184     //
1880185     for (fdn = 0; fdn < OPEN_MAX; fdn++)
1880186       {
1880187         if (   proc_table[ppid].fd[fdn].file != NULL
1880188             && proc_table[ppid].fd[fdn].file->inode != NULL)
1880189           {
1880190             //
1880191             // Copy to the forked process.
1880192             //
1880193             proc_table[pid].fd[fdn].fl_flags
1880194                 = proc_table[ppid].fd[fdn].fl_flags;
1880195             proc_table[pid].fd[fdn].fd_flags
1880196                 = proc_table[ppid].fd[fdn].fd_flags;
1880197             proc_table[pid].fd[fdn].file
1880198                 = proc_table[ppid].fd[fdn].file;
1880199             //
1880200             // Increment file reference.
1880201             //
1880202             proc_table[ppid].fd[fdn].file->references++;
1880203           }
1880204       }
1880205     //
1880206     // Change segment values inside the stack: DS==ES; CS.
1880207     //
1880208     dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE,
1880209             (allocated_d.address + proc_table[pid].sp + 14),
1880210             &allocated_d.segment, (sizeof allocated_d.segment), NULL);
1880211     dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE,
1880212             (allocated_d.address + proc_table[pid].sp + 16),
1880213             &allocated_d.segment, (sizeof allocated_d.segment), NULL);
1880214     dev_io ((pid_t) 0, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE,
1880215             (allocated_d.address + proc_table[pid].sp + 20),
1880216             &allocated_i.segment, (sizeof allocated_i.segment), NULL);
1880217     //
1880218     // Set it ready.
1880219     //
1880220     proc_table[pid].status  = PROC_READY;
1880221     //
1880222     // Return the new PID.
1880223     //
1880224     return (pid);
1880225 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.23.

1890001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1890002 #include <errno.h>
1890003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1890004 int
1890005 proc_sys_kill (pid_t pid_killer, pid_t pid_target, int sig)
1890006 {
1890007     uid_t euid = proc_table[pid_killer].euid;
1890008     uid_t uid  = proc_table[pid_killer].uid;
1890009     pid_t pgrp = proc_table[pid_killer].pgrp;
1890010     int   p;                    // Index inside the process table.
1890011     //
1890012     if (pid_target < -1)
1890013       {
1890014         errset (ESRCH);
1890015         return (-1);
1890016       }
1890017     else if (pid_target == -1)
1890018       {
1890019         if (sig == 0)
1890020           {
1890021             return (0);
1890022           }
1890023         if (euid == 0)
1890024           {
1890025             //
1890026             // Because `pid_target' is qual to `-1' and the effective
1890027             // user identity is `0', then, all processes,
1890028             // except the kernel and init, will receive the signal.
1890029             //
1890030             // The following scan starts from 2, to preserve the
1890031             // kernel and init processes.
1890032             //
1890033             for (p = 2; p < PROCESS_MAX; p++)
1890034               {
1890035                 if (   proc_table[p].status != PROC_EMPTY
1890036                     && proc_table[p].status != PROC_ZOMBIE)
1890037                   {
1890038                     proc_sig_on (p, sig);
1890039                   }
1890040               }
1890041           }
1890042         else
1890043           {
1890044             //
1890045             // Because `pid_target' is qual to `-1', but the effective
1890046             // user identity is not `0', then, all processes owned
1890047             // by the same effective user identity, will receive the
1890048             // signal.
1890049             //
1890050             // The following scan starts from 1, to preserve the
1890051             // kernel process.
1890052             //
1890053             for (p = 1; p < PROCESS_MAX; p++)
1890054               {
1890055                 if (   proc_table[p].status != PROC_EMPTY
1890056                     && proc_table[p].status != PROC_ZOMBIE
1890057                     && proc_table[p].uid == euid)
1890058                   {
1890059                     proc_sig_on (p, sig);
1890060                   }
1890061               }
1890062           }
1890063         return (0);
1890064       }
1890065     else if (pid_target == 0)
1890066       {
1890067         if (sig == 0)
1890068           {
1890069             return (0);
1890070           }
1890071         //
1890072         // The following scan starts from 1, to preserve the
1890073         // kernel process.
1890074         //
1890075         for (p = 1; p < PROCESS_MAX; p++)
1890076           {
1890077             if (   proc_table[p].status != PROC_EMPTY
1890078                 && proc_table[p].status != PROC_ZOMBIE
1890079                 && proc_table[p].pgrp == pgrp)
1890080               {
1890081                 proc_sig_on (p, sig);
1890082               }
1890083           }
1890084         return (0);
1890085       }
1890086     else if (pid_target >= PROCESS_MAX)
1890087       {
1890088         errset (ESRCH);
1890089         return (-1);
1890090       }
1890091     else // (pid_target > 0)
1890092       {
1890093         if (proc_table[pid_target].status == PROC_EMPTY  ||
1890094             proc_table[pid_target].status == PROC_ZOMBIE)
1890095           {
1890096             errset (ESRCH);
1890097             return (-1);
1890098           }
1890099         else if (uid  == proc_table[pid_target].uid   ||
1890100                  uid  == proc_table[pid_target].suid  ||
1890101                  euid == proc_table[pid_target].uid   ||
1890102                  euid == proc_table[pid_target].suid  ||
1890103                  euid == 0)
1890104           {
1890105             if (sig == 0)
1890106               {
1890107                 return (0);
1890108               }
1890109             else
1890110               {
1890111                 proc_sig_on (pid_target, sig);
1890112                 return (0);
1890113               }
1890114           }
1890115         else
1890116           {
1890117             errset (EPERM);
1890118             return (-1);
1890119           }
1890120       }
1890121 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.24.

1900001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1900002 #include <errno.h>
1900003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1900004 int
1900005 proc_sys_seteuid (pid_t pid, uid_t euid)
1900006 {
1900007   if (proc_table[pid].euid == 0)
1900008     {
1900009       proc_table[pid].euid = euid;
1900010       return (0);
1900011     }
1900012   else if (euid == proc_table[pid].euid)
1900013     {
1900014       return (0);
1900015     }
1900016   else if (euid == proc_table[pid].uid || euid == proc_table[pid].suid)
1900017     {
1900018       proc_table[pid].euid = euid;
1900019       return (0);
1900020     }
1900021   else
1900022     {
1900023       errset (EPERM);
1900024       return (-1);
1900025     }
1900026 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.25.

1910001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1910002 #include <errno.h>
1910003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1910004 int
1910005 proc_sys_setuid (pid_t pid, uid_t uid)
1910006 {
1910007     if (proc_table[pid].euid == 0)
1910008       {
1910009         proc_table[pid].uid  = uid;
1910010         proc_table[pid].euid = uid;
1910011         proc_table[pid].suid = uid;
1910012         return (0);
1910013       }
1910014     else if (uid == proc_table[pid].euid)
1910015       {
1910016         return (0);
1910017       }
1910018     else if (uid == proc_table[pid].uid || uid == proc_table[pid].suid)
1910019       {
1910020         proc_table[pid].euid = uid;
1910021         return (0);
1910022       }
1910023     else
1910024       {
1910025         errset (EPERM);
1910026         return (-1);
1910027       }
1910028 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.26.

1920001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1920002 #include <errno.h>
1920003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1920004 sighandler_t
1920005 proc_sys_signal (pid_t pid, int sig, sighandler_t handler)
1920006 {
1920007     unsigned long int flag = 1L << (sig - 1);
1920008     sighandler_t      previous;
1920010     if (sig <= 0)
1920011       {
1920012         errset (EINVAL);
1920013         return (SIG_ERR);
1920014       }
1920016     if (proc_table[pid].sig_ignore & flag)
1920017       {
1920018         previous = SIG_IGN;
1920019       }
1920020     else
1920021       {
1920022         previous = SIG_DFL;
1920023       }
1920025     if (handler == SIG_DFL)
1920026       {
1920027         proc_table[pid].sig_ignore ^= flag;
1920028         return (previous);
1920029       }
1920030     else if (handler == SIG_IGN)
1920031       {
1920032         proc_table[pid].sig_ignore |= flag;
1920033         return (previous);
1920034       }
1920035     else
1920036       {
1920037         errset (EINVAL);
1920038         return (SIG_ERR);
1920039       }
1920040 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.27.

1930001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1930002 #include <errno.h>
1930003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1930004 pid_t
1930005 proc_sys_wait (pid_t pid, int *status)
1930006 {
1930007     pid_t  parent = pid;
1930008     pid_t  child;
1930009     int    child_available = 0;
1930010     //
1930011     // Find a dead child process.
1930012     //
1930013     for (child = 1; child < PROCESS_MAX; child++)
1930014       {
1930015         if (proc_table[child].ppid == parent)
1930016           {
1930017             child_available = 1;        // Child found!
1930018             if (proc_table[child].status == PROC_ZOMBIE)
1930019               {
1930020                 break;                  // It is dead!
1930021               }
1930022           }
1930023       }
1930024     //
1930025     // If the index `child' is a valid process number,
1930026     // a dead child was found.
1930027     //
1930028     if (child < PROCESS_MAX)
1930029       {
1930030         *status = proc_table[child].ret;
1930031         proc_available (child);
1930032         return (child);
1930033       }
1930034     else
1930035       {
1930036         if (child_available)
1930037           {
1930038             //
1930039             // There are child, but all alive.
1930040             //
1930041             // Go to sleep.
1930042             //
1930043             proc_table[parent].status         = PROC_SLEEPING;
1930044             proc_table[parent].wakeup_events |= WAKEUP_EVENT_SIGNAL;
1930045             proc_table[parent].wakeup_signal  = SIGCHLD;
1930046             return ((pid_t) 0);
1930047           }
1930048         else
1930049           {
1930050             //
1930051             // There are no child at all.
1930052             //
1930053             errset (ECHILD);
1930054             return ((pid_t) -1);
1930055           }
1930056       }
1930057 }


Si veda la sezione i187.8.7.

1940001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1940002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1940003 proc_t   proc_table[PROCESS_MAX];


Si veda la sezione i187.8.28.

1950001 #include <kernel/proc.h>
1950002 #include <errno.h>
1950003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1950004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1950005 static void sysroutine_error_back (int *number, int *line,
1950006                                    char *file_name);
1950007 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1950008 void
1950009 sysroutine (uint16_t *sp, segment_t *segment_d, uint16_t syscallnr,
1950010             uint16_t msg_off, uint16_t msg_size)
1950011 {
1950012   pid_t  pid      = proc_find (*segment_d);
1950013   addr_t msg_addr = address (*segment_d, msg_off);
1950014   //
1950015   // Inbox.
1950016   //
1950017   union {
1950018       sysmsg_chdir_t     chdir;
1950019       sysmsg_chmod_t     chmod;
1950020       sysmsg_chown_t     chown;
1950021       sysmsg_clock_t     clock;
1950022       sysmsg_close_t     close;
1950023       sysmsg_dup_t       dup;
1950024       sysmsg_dup2_t      dup2;
1950025       sysmsg_exec_t      exec;
1950026       sysmsg_exit_t      exit;
1950027       sysmsg_fchmod_t    fchmod;
1950028       sysmsg_fchown_t    fchown;
1950029       sysmsg_fcntl_t     fcntl;
1950030       sysmsg_fork_t      fork;
1950031       sysmsg_fstat_t     fstat;
1950032       sysmsg_kill_t      kill;
1950033       sysmsg_link_t      link;
1950034       sysmsg_lseek_t     lseek;
1950035       sysmsg_mkdir_t     mkdir;
1950036       sysmsg_mknod_t     mknod;
1950037       sysmsg_mount_t     mount;
1950038       sysmsg_open_t      open;
1950039       sysmsg_read_t      read;
1950040       sysmsg_seteuid_t   seteuid;
1950041       sysmsg_setuid_t    setuid;
1950042       sysmsg_signal_t    signal;
1950043       sysmsg_sleep_t     sleep;
1950044       sysmsg_stat_t      stat;
1950045       sysmsg_stime_t     stime;
1950046       sysmsg_time_t      time;
1950047       sysmsg_uarea_t     uarea;
1950048       sysmsg_umask_t     umask;
1950049       sysmsg_umount_t    umount;
1950050       sysmsg_unlink_t    unlink;
1950051       sysmsg_wait_t      wait;
1950052       sysmsg_write_t     write;
1950053       sysmsg_zpchar_t    zpchar;
1950054       sysmsg_zpstring_t  zpstring;
1950055   } msg;
1950056   //
1950057   // Verify if the system call was emitted from kernel code.
1950058   // The kernel can emit only some particular system call:
1950059   //   SYS_NULL, to let other processes run;
1950060   //   SYS_FORK, to let fork itself;
1950061   //   SYS_EXEC, to replace a forked copy of itself.
1950062   //
1950063   if (pid == 0)
1950064     {
1950065       //
1950066       // This is the kernel code!
1950067       //
1950068       if (   syscallnr != SYS_0
1950069           && syscallnr != SYS_FORK
1950070           && syscallnr != SYS_EXEC)
1950071         {
1950072           k_printf ("kernel panic: the system call %i ", syscallnr);
1950073           k_printf ("was received while running in kernel space!\n");
1950074         }
1950075     }
1950076   //
1950077   // Entering a system call, the kernel variable `errno' must be
1950078   // reset, otherwise, a previous kernel code error might be returned
1950079   // to the applications.
1950080   //
1950081   errno    = 0;
1950082   errln    = 0;
1950083   errfn[0] = 0;
1950084   //
1950085   // Get message.
1950086   //
1950087   dev_io (pid, DEV_MEM, DEV_READ, msg_addr, &msg, msg_size, NULL);
1950088   //
1950089   // Do the request from the received system call.
1950090   //
1950091   switch (syscallnr)
1950092     {
1950093       case SYS_0:
1950094           break;
1950095       case SYS_CHDIR:
1950096           msg.chdir.ret         = path_chdir (pid, msg.chdir.path);
1950097           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.chdir.errno, &msg.chdir.errln,
1950098                                  msg.chdir.errfn);
1950099           break;
1950100       case SYS_CHMOD:
1950101           msg.chmod.ret         = path_chmod (pid, msg.chmod.path,
1950102                                               msg.chmod.mode);
1950103           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.chmod.errno, &msg.chmod.errln,
1950104                                  msg.chmod.errfn);
1950105           break;
1950106       case SYS_CHOWN:
1950107           msg.chown.ret         = path_chown (pid, msg.chown.path,
1950108                                               msg.chown.uid,
1950109                                               msg.chown.gid);
1950110           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.chown.errno, &msg.chown.errln,
1950111                                  msg.chown.errfn);
1950112           break;
1950113       case SYS_CLOCK:
1950114           msg.clock.ret         = k_clock ();
1950115           break;
1950116       case SYS_CLOSE:
1950117           msg.close.ret         = fd_close (pid, msg.close.fdn);
1950118           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.close.errno, &msg.close.errln,
1950119                                  msg.close.errfn);
1950120           break;
1950121       case SYS_DUP:
1950122           msg.dup.ret           = fd_dup (pid, msg.dup.fdn_old, 0);
1950123           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.dup.errno, &msg.dup.errln,
1950124                                  msg.dup.errfn);
1950125           break;
1950126       case SYS_DUP2:
1950127           msg.dup2.ret          = fd_dup2 (pid, msg.dup2.fdn_old,
1950128                                            msg.dup2.fdn_new);
1950129           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.dup2.errno, &msg.dup2.errln,
1950130                                  msg.dup2.errfn);
1950131           break;
1950132       case SYS_EXEC:
1950133           msg.exec.ret          = proc_sys_exec (sp, segment_d, pid,
1950134                                                  msg.exec.path,
1950135                                                  msg.exec.argc,
1950136                                                  msg.exec.arg_data,
1950137                                                  msg.exec.envc,
1950138                                                  msg.exec.env_data);
1950139           msg.exec.uid          = proc_table[pid].uid;
1950140           msg.exec.euid         = proc_table[pid].euid;
1950141           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.exec.errno, &msg.exec.errln,
1950142                                  msg.exec.errfn);
1950143           break;
1950144       case SYS_EXIT:
1950145           if (pid == 0)
1950146             {
1950147               k_printf ("kernel alert: "
1950148                         "the kernel cannot exit!\n");
1950149             }
1950150           else
1950151             {
1950152               proc_sys_exit (pid, msg.exit.status);
1950153             }
1950154           break;
1950155       case SYS_FCHMOD:
1950156           msg.fchmod.ret        = fd_chmod (pid, msg.fchmod.fdn,
1950157                                             msg.fchmod.mode);
1950158           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.fchmod.errno, &msg.fchmod.errln,
1950159                                  msg.fchmod.errfn);
1950160           break;
1950161       case SYS_FCHOWN:
1950162           msg.fchown.ret        = fd_chown (pid, msg.fchown.fdn,
1950163                                             msg.fchown.uid,
1950164                                             msg.fchown.gid);
1950165           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.fchown.errno, &msg.fchown.errln,
1950166                                  msg.fchown.errfn);
1950167           break;
1950168       case SYS_FCNTL:
1950169           msg.fcntl.ret         = fd_fcntl (pid, msg.fcntl.fdn,
1950170                                             msg.fcntl.cmd,
1950171                                             msg.fcntl.arg);
1950172           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.fcntl.errno, &msg.fcntl.errln,
1950173                                  msg.fcntl.errfn);
1950174           break;
1950175       case SYS_FORK:
1950176           msg.fork.ret          = proc_sys_fork (pid, *sp);
1950177           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.fork.errno, &msg.fork.errln,
1950178                                  msg.fork.errfn);
1950179           break;
1950180       case SYS_FSTAT:
1950181           msg.fstat.ret         = fd_stat (pid, msg.fstat.fdn,
1950182                                            &msg.fstat.stat);
1950183           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.fstat.errno, &msg.fstat.errln,
1950184                                  msg.fstat.errfn);
1950185           break;
1950186       case SYS_KILL:
1950187           msg.kill.ret          = proc_sys_kill (pid,,
1950188                                                  msg.kill.signal);
1950189           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.kill.errno, &msg.kill.errln,
1950190                                  msg.kill.errfn);
1950191           break;
1950192       case SYS_LINK:
1950193           = path_link (pid,,
1950194                                    ;
1950195           sysroutine_error_back (&, &,
1950196                        ;
1950197           break;
1950198       case SYS_LSEEK:
1950199           msg.lseek.ret         = fd_lseek (pid, msg.lseek.fdn,
1950200                                             msg.lseek.offset,
1950201                                             msg.lseek.whence);
1950202           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.lseek.errno, &msg.lseek.errln,
1950203                                  msg.lseek.errfn);
1950204           break;
1950205       case SYS_MKDIR:
1950206           msg.mkdir.ret         = path_mkdir (pid, msg.mkdir.path,
1950207                                               msg.mkdir.mode);
1950208           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.mkdir.errno, &msg.mkdir.errln,
1950209                                  msg.mkdir.errfn);
1950210           break;
1950211       case SYS_MKNOD:
1950212           msg.mknod.ret         = path_mknod (pid, msg.mknod.path,
1950213                                               msg.mknod.mode,
1950214                                               msg.mknod.device);
1950215           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.mknod.errno, &msg.mknod.errln,
1950216                                  msg.mknod.errfn);
1950217           break;
1950218       case SYS_MOUNT:
1950219           msg.mount.ret         = path_mount (pid, msg.mount.path_dev,
1950220                                               msg.mount.path_mnt,
1950221                                               msg.mount.options);
1950222           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.mount.errno, &msg.mount.errln,
1950223                                  msg.mount.errfn);
1950224           break;
1950225       case SYS_OPEN:
1950226           = fd_open (pid,,
1950227                                  ,
1950228                                  ;
1950229           sysroutine_error_back (&, &,
1950230                        ;
1950231           break;
1950232       case SYS_PGRP:
1950233           proc_table[pid].pgrp          = pid;
1950234           break;
1950235       case SYS_READ:
1950236           = fd_read (pid,,
1950237                                  ,
1950238                                  ,
1950239                                            &;
1950240           sysroutine_error_back (&, &,
1950241                        ;
1950242           break;
1950243       case SYS_SETEUID:
1950244           msg.seteuid.ret       = proc_sys_seteuid (pid,
1950245                                                     msg.seteuid.euid);
1950246           msg.seteuid.euid      = proc_table[pid].euid;
1950247           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.seteuid.errno, &msg.seteuid.errln,
1950248                                  msg.seteuid.errfn);
1950249           break;
1950250       case SYS_SETUID:
1950251           msg.setuid.ret        = proc_sys_setuid (pid,
1950252                                                    msg.setuid.euid);
1950253           msg.setuid.uid        = proc_table[pid].uid;
1950254           msg.setuid.euid       = proc_table[pid].euid;
1950255           msg.setuid.suid       = proc_table[pid].suid;
1950256           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.setuid.errno, &msg.setuid.errln,
1950257                                  msg.setuid.errfn);
1950258           break;
1950259       case SYS_SIGNAL:
1950260           msg.signal.ret        = proc_sys_signal (pid,
1950261                                                    msg.signal.signal,
1950262                                                   msg.signal.handler);
1950263           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.signal.errno, &msg.signal.errln,
1950264                                  msg.signal.errfn);
1950265           break;
1950266       case SYS_SLEEP:
1950267           proc_table[pid].status        = PROC_SLEEPING;
1950268           proc_table[pid].ret           = 0;
1950269           proc_table[pid].wakeup_events =;
1950270           proc_table[pid].wakeup_signal = msg.sleep.signal;
1950271           proc_table[pid].wakeup_timer  = msg.sleep.seconds;
1950272           break;
1950273       case SYS_STAT:
1950274           msg.stat.ret          = path_stat (pid, msg.stat.path,
1950275                                              &msg.stat.stat);
1950276           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.stat.errno, &msg.stat.errln,
1950277                                  msg.stat.errfn);
1950278           break;
1950279       case SYS_STIME:
1950280           msg.stime.ret         = k_stime (&msg.stime.timer);
1950281           break;
1950282       case SYS_TIME:
1950283           msg.time.ret          = k_time (NULL);
1950284           break;
1950285       case SYS_UAREA:
1950286           msg.uarea.uid         = proc_table[pid].uid;
1950287           msg.uarea.euid        = proc_table[pid].euid;
1950288          = pid;
1950289           msg.uarea.ppid        = proc_table[pid].ppid;
1950290           msg.uarea.pgrp        = proc_table[pid].pgrp;
1950291           msg.uarea.umask       = proc_table[pid].umask;
1950292           strncpy (msg.uarea.path_cwd,
1950293                    proc_table[pid].path_cwd, PATH_MAX);
1950294           break;
1950295       case SYS_UMASK:
1950296           msg.umask.ret         = proc_table[pid].umask;
1950297           proc_table[pid].umask = (msg.umask.umask & 00777);
1950298           break;
1950299       case SYS_UMOUNT:
1950300           msg.umount.ret        = path_umount (pid,
1950301                                                msg.umount.path_mnt);
1950302           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.umount.errno, &msg.umount.errln,
1950303                                  msg.umount.errfn);
1950304           break;
1950305       case SYS_UNLINK:
1950306           msg.unlink.ret        = path_unlink (pid, msg.unlink.path);
1950307           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.unlink.errno, &msg.unlink.errln,
1950308                                  msg.unlink.errfn);
1950309           break;
1950310       case SYS_WAIT:
1950311           msg.wait.ret          = proc_sys_wait (pid,
1950312                                                  &msg.wait.status);
1950313           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.wait.errno, &msg.wait.errln,
1950314                                  msg.wait.errfn);
1950315           break;
1950316       case SYS_WRITE:
1950317           msg.write.ret         = fd_write (pid, msg.write.fdn,
1950318                                             msg.write.buffer,
1950319                                             msg.write.count);
1950320           sysroutine_error_back (&msg.write.errno, &msg.write.errln,
1950321                                  msg.write.errfn);
1950322           break;
1950323       case SYS_ZPCHAR:
1950324           dev_io (pid, DEV_TTY, DEV_WRITE, 0L, &msg.zpchar.c,
1950325                   1, NULL);
1950326           break;
1950327       case SYS_ZPSTRING:
1950328           dev_io (pid, DEV_TTY, DEV_WRITE, 0L,
1950329                   msg.zpstring.string,
1950330                   strlen (msg.zpstring.string), NULL);
1950331           break;
1950332       default:
1950333           k_printf ("kernel alert: unknown system call %i!\n",
1950334                     syscallnr);
1950335           break;
1950336     }
1950337   //
1950338   // Return value with a message back.
1950339   //
1950340   dev_io (pid, DEV_MEM, DEV_WRITE, msg_addr, &msg, msg_size, NULL);
1950341   //
1950342   // Continue with the scheduler.
1950343   //
1950344   proc_scheduler (sp, segment_d);
1950345 }
1950346 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1950347 static void
1950348 sysroutine_error_back (int *number, int *line, char *file_name)
1950349 {
1950350   *number = errno;
1950351   *line   = errln;
1950352   strncpy (file_name, errfn, PATH_MAX);
1950353   file_name[PATH_MAX-1] = 0;
1950354 }

os16: «kernel/tty.h»

Si veda la sezione u0.9.

1960001 #ifndef _KERNEL_TTY_H
1960002 #define _KERNEL_TTY_H  1
1960004 #include <stddef.h>
1960005 #include <stdint.h>
1960006 #include <sys/types.h>
1960007 #include <kernel/ibm_i86.h>
1960009 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1960010 #define         TTYS_CONSOLE    IBM_I86_VIDEO_PAGES
1960011 #define         TTYS_SERIAL     0
1960012 #define         TTYS_TOTAL      (TTYS_CONSOLE + TTYS_SERIAL)
1960013 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1960014 #define         TTY_OK          0
1960015 #define         TTY_LOST_KEY    1
1960016 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1960017 typedef struct {
1960018     dev_t       device;
1960019     pid_t       pgrp;            // Process group.
1960020     int         key;             // Last pressed key.
1960021     int         status;          // 0 = ok, 1 = lost typed character.
1960022 } tty_t;
1960023 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1960024 extern tty_t tty_table[TTYS_TOTAL];
1960025 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1960026 tty_t *tty_reference (dev_t device);
1960027 dev_t  tty_console   (dev_t device);
1960028 int    tty_read      (dev_t device);
1960029 void   tty_write     (dev_t device, int c);
1960030 void   tty_init      (void);
1960032 #endif


Si veda la sezione u0.9.

1970001 #include <sys/os16.h>
1970002 #include <kernel/tty.h>
1970003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1970004 dev_t
1970005 tty_console (dev_t device)
1970006 {
1970007     static dev_t device_active = DEV_CONSOLE0;  // First time.
1970008            dev_t device_previous;
1970009     //
1970010     // Check if it required only the current device.
1970011     //
1970012     if (device == 0)
1970013       {
1970014         return (device_active);
1970015       }
1970016     //
1970017     // Fix if the device is not valid.
1970018     //
1970019     if (device > DEV_CONSOLE3 || device < DEV_CONSOLE0)
1970020       {
1970021         device = DEV_CONSOLE0;
1970022       }
1970023     //
1970024     // Update.
1970025     //
1970026     device_previous = device_active;
1970027     device_active   = device;
1970028     //
1970029     // Switch.
1970030     //
1970031     con_select (device_active & 0x00FF);
1970032     //
1970033     // Return previous device value.
1970034     //
1970035     return (device_previous);
1970036 }


Si veda la sezione u0.9.

1980001 #include <sys/os16.h>
1980002 #include <kernel/tty.h>
1980003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1980004 void
1980005 tty_init (void)
1980006 {
1980007     int page;   // console page.
1980008     //
1980009     // Console initialization: console pages correspond to the first
1980010     // terminal items.
1980011     //
1980012     for (page = 0; page < TTYS_CONSOLE; page++)
1980013       {
1980014         tty_table[page].device = DEV_CONSOLE0 + page;
1980015         tty_table[page].pgrp   = 0;
1980016         tty_table[page].key    = 0;
1980017         tty_table[page].status = TTY_OK;
1980018       }
1980019     //
1980020     // Set video mode.
1980021     //
1980022     con_init ();
1980023     //
1980024     // Select the first console.
1980025     //
1980026     tty_console (DEV_CONSOLE0);
1980027     //
1980028     // Nothing else to configure (only consoles are available).
1980029     //
1980030     return;
1980031 }


Si veda la sezione u0.9.

1990001 #include <sys/os16.h>
1990002 #include <kernel/tty.h>
1990003 #include <kernel/k_libc.h>
1990004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1990005 int
1990006 tty_read (dev_t device)
1990007 {
1990008     tty_t   *tty;
1990009     int      key;
1990010     //
1990011     tty = tty_reference (device);
1990012     if (tty == NULL)
1990013       {
1990014         k_printf ("kernel alert: cannot find terminal device "
1990015                   "0x%04x!\n", (int) device);
1990016         //
1990017         return (0);
1990018       }
1990019     //
1990020     // Read key and remove from the source.
1990021     //
1990022     key      = tty->key;
1990023     tty->key = 0;
1990024     //
1990025     // Return the key.
1990026     //
1990027     return (key);
1990029 }


Si veda la sezione u0.9.

2000001 #include <kernel/tty.h>
2000002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2000003 tty_t *
2000004 tty_reference (dev_t device)
2000005 {
2000006     int t;              // Terminal index.
2000007     //
2000008     // If device is zero, a reference to the whole table is returned.
2000009     //
2000010     if (device == 0)
2000011       {
2000012         return (tty_table);
2000013       }
2000014     //
2000015     // Otherwise, a scan is made to find the selected device.
2000016     //
2000017     for (t = 0; t < TTYS_TOTAL; t++)
2000018       {
2000019         if (tty_table[t].device == device)
2000020           {
2000021             //
2000022             // Device found. Return the pointer.
2000023             //
2000024             return (&tty_table[t]);
2000025           }
2000026       }
2000027     //
2000028     // No device found!
2000029     //
2000030     return (NULL);
2000031 }


Si veda la sezione u0.9.

2010001 #include <kernel/tty.h>
2010002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2010003 tty_t tty_table[TTYS_TOTAL];


Si veda la sezione u0.9.

2020001 #include <sys/os16.h>
2020002 #include <kernel/tty.h>
2020003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2020004 void
2020005 tty_write (dev_t device, int c)
2020006 {
2020007     int   console;
2020008     //
2020009     if ((device & 0xFF00) == (DEV_CONSOLE_MAJOR << 8))
2020010       {
2020011         console = (device & 0x00FF);
2020012         con_putc (console, c);
2020013       }
2020014 }

«a2» 2013.11.11 --- Copyright © Daniele Giacomini --