Capitolo 95.   Sorgenti della libreria generale

95.1   os32: file isolati della directory «lib/»

95.1.1   lib/NULL.h

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3150001 #ifndef _NULL_H
3150002 #define _NULL_H      1
3150003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3150004 #define NULL ((void *) 0)
3150005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3150006 #endif

95.1.2   lib/SEEK.h

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3160001 #ifndef _SEEK_H
3160002 #define _SEEK_H      1
3160003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3160004 // These values are used inside `stdio.h' and
3160005 // `unistd.h'.
3160006 //----------------------------------------------------------
3160007 #define SEEK_SET        0       // From the start.
3160008 #define SEEK_CUR        1       // From current
3160009                                 // position.
3160010 #define SEEK_END        2       // From the end.
3160011 //----------------------------------------------------------
3160012 #endif

95.1.3   lib/assert.h

Si veda la sezione 88.6.

3170001 #ifndef _ASSERT_H
3170002 #define _ASSERT_H       1
3170003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3170004 #include <stdio.h>
3170005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3170006 #ifdef NDEBUG
3170007 #define assert(ignore) ((void)0)
3170008 #else
3170009 #define assert(ASSERTION)                             \
3170010     ({if ((ASSERTION)==0)                             \
3170011        fprintf (stderr,                               \
3170012                 "Assertion failed: " # ASSERTION      \
3170013                 ", function %s, file %s, line %u.\n", \
3170014                 __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__);})
3170015 #endif
3170016 //----------------------------------------------------------
3170017 #endif

95.1.4   lib/clock_t.h

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3180001 #ifndef _CLOCK_T_H
3180002 #define _CLOCK_T_H       1
3180003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3180004 #include <stdint.h>
3180005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3180006 typedef uint64_t clock_t;
3180007 //----------------------------------------------------------
3180008 #endif

95.1.5   lib/ctype.h

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3190001 #ifndef _CTYPE_H
3190002 #define _CTYPE_H       1
3190003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3190004 #include <NULL.h>
3190005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3190006 #define isblank(C)  ((int) (C == ' ' || C == '\t'))
3190007 #define isspace(C)  ((int) (C == ' ' \
3190008                             || C == '\f' \
3190009                             || C == '\n' \
3190010                             || C == '\n' \
3190011                             || C == '\r' \
3190012                             || C == '\t' \
3190013                             || C == '\v'))
3190014 #define isdigit(C)  ((int) (C >= '0' && C <= '9'))
3190015 #define isxdigit(C) \
3190016     ((int) ((C >= '0' && C <= '9') \
3190017             || (C >= 'A' && C <= 'F') \
3190018             || (C >= 'a' && C <= 'f')))
3190019 #define isupper(C)  ((int) (C >= 'A' && C <= 'Z'))
3190020 #define islower(C)  ((int) (C >= 'a' && C <= 'z'))
3190021 #define iscntrl(C)  ((int) ((C >= 0x00 && C <= 0x1F) \
3190022                             || C == 0x7F))
3190023 #define isgraph(C)  ((int) (C >= 0x21 && C <= 0x7E))
3190024 #define isprint(C)  ((int) (C >= 0x20 && C <= 0x7E))
3190025 #define isalpha(C)  (isupper (C) || islower (C))
3190026 #define isalnum(C)  (isalpha (C) || isdigit (C))
3190027 #define ispunct(C)  (isgraph (C) && (!isspace (C)) \
3190028                      && (!isalnum (C)))
3190029 #define tolower(C)  (isupper (C) ? ((C) + 0x20) : (C))
3190030 #define toupper(C)  (islower (C) ? ((C) - 0x20) : (C))
3190031 #define toascii(C)  (C & 0x7F)
3190032 #define _tolower(C) (isupper (C) ? ((C) + 0x20) : (C))
3190033 #define _toupper(C) (islower (C) ? ((C) - 0x20) : (C))
3190034 //----------------------------------------------------------
3190035 #endif

95.1.6   lib/limits.h

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3200001 #ifndef _LIMITS_H
3200002 #define _LIMITS_H       1
3200003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3200004 #define CHAR_UNSIGNED   0
3200005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3200006 #define CHAR_BIT        (8)
3200007 //
3200008 #define SCHAR_MIN       (-0x80)
3200009 #define SCHAR_MAX        (0x7F)
3200010 #define UCHAR_MAX        (0xFF)
3200011 //
3200012 #ifdef CHAR_UNSIGNED
3200013 #define CHAR_MIN      (0)
3200014 #define CHAR_MAX       UCHAR_MAX
3200015 #else
3200016 #define CHAR_MIN       SCHAR_MIN
3200017 #define CHAR_MAX       SCHAR_MAX
3200018 #endif
3200019 //
3200020 #define MB_LEN_MAX       (16)
3200021 //
3200022 #define SHRT_MIN        (-0x8000)
3200023 #define SHRT_MAX         (0x7FFF)
3200024 #define USHRT_MAX        (0xFFFF)
3200025 //
3200026 #define INT_MIN         (-0x80000000)
3200027 #define INT_MAX          (0x7FFFFFFF)
3200028 #define UINT_MAX         (0xFFFFFFFFU)
3200029 //
3200030 #define LONG_MIN        (-0x80000000L)
3200031 #define LONG_MAX         (0x7FFFFFFFL)
3200032 #define ULONG_MAX        (0xFFFFFFFFUL)
3200033 //
3200034 #define LLONG_MIN       (-0x8000000000000000LL)
3200035 #define LLONG_MAX        (0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL)
3200036 #define ULLONG_MAX       (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL)
3200037 #define WORD_BIT         (32)
3200038 #define LONG_BIT         (32)
3200039 #define SSIZE_MAX        (0x7FFFFFFFL)
3200040 //----------------------------------------------------------
3200041 #define ARG_MAX      8192       // Arguments+environment
3200042                            // max length.
3200043 #define ATEXIT_MAX     32       // Max "at exit"
3200044                            // functions.
3200045 #define FILESIZEBITS   32       // File size needs integer
3200046                            // size...
3200047 #define LINK_MAX      254       // Max links per file.
3200048 #define NAME_MAX       14       // File name max
3200049                            // (Minix 1 fs).
3200050 #define OPEN_MAX      128       // Max open files per
3200051                            // process.
3200052 #define PATH_MAX     1024       // Path, including
3200053                            // final `\0'.
3200054 #define MAX_CANON     256       // Max bytes in
3200055                            // canonical tty queue.
3200056 #define MAX_INPUT       1       // Max bytes in tty
3200057                            // input queue.
3200058 //----------------------------------------------------------
3200059 #define CHLD_MAX          INT_MAX       // Not used.
3200060 #define HOST_NAME_MAX     INT_MAX       // Not used.
3200061 #define LOGIN_NAME_MAX    INT_MAX       // Not used.
3200062 #define PAGE_SIZE         INT_MAX       // Not used.
3200063 #define RE_DUP_MAX        INT_MAX       // Not used.
3200064 #define STREAM_MAX        INT_MAX       // Not used.
3200065 #define SYMLOOP_MAX       INT_MAX       // Not used.
3200066 #define TTY_NAME_MAX      INT_MAX       // Not used.
3200067 #define TZNAME_MAX        INT_MAX       // Not used.
3200068 #define PIPE_MAX          INT_MAX       // Not used.
3200069 #define SYMLINK_MAX       INT_MAX       // Not used.
3200070 //----------------------------------------------------------
3200071 #endif

95.1.7   lib/ptrdiff_t.h

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3210001 #ifndef _PTRDIFF_T_H
3210002 #define _PTRDIFF_T_H    1
3210003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3210004 typedef int ptrdiff_t;
3210005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3210006 #endif

95.1.8   lib/restrict.h

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3220001 #ifndef _RESTRICT_H
3220002 #define _RESTRICT_H      1
3220003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3220004 // At the moment, the GCC compiler does not support
3220005 // the `restrict' keyword.
3220006 //----------------------------------------------------------
3220007 #define restrict /**/
3220008 //----------------------------------------------------------
3220009 #endif

95.1.9   lib/size_t.h

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3230001 #ifndef _SIZE_T_H
3230002 #define _SIZE_T_H       1
3230003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3230004 // The type `size_t' *must* be equal to an `int'.
3230005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3230006 typedef unsigned int size_t;
3230007 //----------------------------------------------------------
3230008 #endif

95.1.10   lib/stdarg.h

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3240001 #ifndef _STDARG_H
3240002 #define _STDARG_H       1
3240003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3240004 typedef unsigned char *va_list;
3240005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3240006 #define va_start(ap, last) \
3240007     ((void) ((ap) = \
3240008         ((va_list) &(last)) + (sizeof (last))))
3240009 #define va_end(ap) ((void) ((ap) = 0))
3240010 #define va_copy(dest, src) \
3240011     ((void) ((dest) = (va_list) (src)))
3240012 #define va_arg(ap, type) \
3240013     (((ap) = (ap) + (sizeof (type))), \
3240014         *((type *) ((ap) - (sizeof (type)))))
3240015 //----------------------------------------------------------
3240016 #endif

95.1.11   lib/stdbool.h

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3250001 #ifndef _STDBOOL_H
3250002 #define _STDBOOL_H      1
3250003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3250004 #define bool    _Bool
3250005 #define true    1
3250006 #define false   0
3250007 #define __bool_true_false_are_defined   1
3250008 //----------------------------------------------------------
3250009 #endif

95.1.12   lib/stddef.h

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3260001 #ifndef _STDDEF_H
3260002 #define _STDDEF_H      1
3260003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3260004 #include <ptrdiff_t.h>
3260005 #include <size_t.h>
3260006 #include <wchar_t.h>
3260007 #include <NULL.h>
3260008 //----------------------------------------------------------
3260009 #define offsetof(type, member) \
3260010     ((size_t) &((type *)0)->member)
3260011 //----------------------------------------------------------
3260012 #endif

95.1.13   lib/stdint.h

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3270001 #ifndef _STDINT_H
3270002 #define _STDINT_H       1
3270003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3270004 typedef signed char int8_t;
3270005 typedef short int int16_t;
3270006 typedef int int32_t;
3270007 typedef long long int int64_t;
3270008 //
3270009 typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
3270010 typedef unsigned short int uint16_t;
3270011 typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
3270012 typedef unsigned long long int uint64_t;
3270013 //
3270014 #define INT8_MIN              (-0x80)
3270015 #define INT16_MIN             (-0x8000)
3270016 #define INT32_MIN             (-0x80000000)
3270017 #define INT64_MIN             (-0x8000000000000000LL)
3270018 //
3270019 #define INT8_MAX                0x7F
3270020 #define INT16_MAX               0x7FFF
3270021 #define INT32_MAX               0x7FFFFFFF
3270022 #define INT64_MAX               0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL
3270023 //
3270024 #define UINT8_MAX               0xFF
3270025 #define UINT16_MAX              0xFFFF
3270026 #define UINT32_MAX              0xFFFFFFFFU
3270027 #define UINT64_MAX              0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL
3270028 //----------------------------------------------------------
3270029 typedef signed char int_least8_t;
3270030 typedef short int int_least16_t;
3270031 typedef int int_least32_t;
3270032 typedef long long int int_least64_t;
3270033 //
3270034 typedef unsigned char uint_least8_t;
3270035 typedef unsigned short int uint_least16_t;
3270036 typedef unsigned int uint_least32_t;
3270037 typedef unsigned long long int uint_least64_t;
3270038 //
3270039 #define INT_LEAST8_MIN        (-0x80)
3270040 #define INT_LEAST16_MIN       (-0x8000)
3270041 #define INT_LEAST32_MIN       (-0x80000000)
3270042 #define INT_LEAST64_MIN       (-0x8000000000000000LL)
3270043 //
3270044 #define INT_LEAST8_MAX          0x7F
3270045 #define INT_LEAST16_MAX         0x7FFF
3270046 #define INT_LEAST32_MAX         0x7FFFFFFF
3270047 #define INT_LEAST64_MAX         0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL
3270048 //
3270049 #define UINT_LEAST8_MAX         0xFF
3270050 #define UINT_LEAST16_MAX        0xFFFF
3270051 #define UINT_LEAST32_MAX        0xFFFFFFFFU
3270053 //----------------------------------------------------------
3270054 #define INT8_C(VAL)             VAL
3270055 #define INT16_C(VAL)            VAL
3270056 #define INT32_C(VAL)            VAL
3270057 #define INT64_C(VAL)            VAL ## LL
3270058 //
3270059 #define UINT8_C(VAL)            VAL
3270060 #define UINT16_C(VAL)           VAL
3270061 #define UINT32_C(VAL)           VAL ## U
3270062 #define UINT64_C(VAL)           VAL ## ULL
3270063 //----------------------------------------------------------
3270064 typedef signed char int_fast8_t;
3270065 typedef int int_fast16_t;
3270066 typedef int int_fast32_t;
3270067 typedef long long int int_fast64_t;
3270068 //
3270069 typedef unsigned char uint_fast8_t;
3270070 typedef unsigned int uint_fast16_t;
3270071 typedef unsigned int uint_fast32_t;
3270072 typedef unsigned long long int uint_fast64_t;
3270073 //
3270074 #define INT_FAST8_MIN         (-0x80)
3270075 #define INT_FAST16_MIN        (-0x80000000)
3270076 #define INT_FAST32_MIN        (-0x80000000)
3270077 #define INT_FAST64_MIN        (-0x8000000000000000LL)
3270078 //
3270079 #define INT_FAST8_MAX           0x7F
3270080 #define INT_FAST16_MAX          0x7FFFFFFF
3270081 #define INT_FAST32_MAX          0x7FFFFFFF
3270082 #define INT_FAST64_MAX          0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL
3270083 //
3270084 #define UINT_FAST8_MAX          0xFF
3270085 #define UINT_FAST16_MAX         0xFFFFFFFFU
3270086 #define UINT_FAST32_MAX         0xFFFFFFFFU
3270087 #define UINT_FAST64_MAX         0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL
3270088 //----------------------------------------------------------
3270089 typedef int intptr_t;
3270090 typedef unsigned int uintptr_t;
3270091 //
3270092 #define INTPTR_MIN            (-0x80000000)
3270093 #define INTPTR_MAX              0x7FFFFFFF
3270094 #define UINTPTR_MAX             0xFFFFFFFFU
3270095 //
3270096 typedef long long int intmax_t;
3270097 typedef unsigned long long int uintmax_t;
3270098 //
3270099 #define INTMAX_C(VAL)           VAL ## LL
3270100 #define UINTMAX_C(VAL)          VAL ## ULL
3270101 #define INTMAX_MIN   (-INTMAX_C(0x8000000000000000))
3270104 //----------------------------------------------------------
3270105 #define PTRDIFF_MIN           (-0x80000000)
3270106 #define PTRDIFF_MAX             0x7FFFFFFF
3270107 //
3270108 #define SIG_ATOMIC_MIN        (-0x80000000)
3270109 #define SIG_ATOMIC_MAX          0x7FFFFFFF
3270110 //
3270111 #define SIZE_MAX                0xFFFFFFFFU
3270112 //
3270113 #define WCHAR_MIN               0x00000000
3270114 #define WCHAR_MAX               0xFFFFFFFFU
3270115 //
3270116 #define WINT_MIN              (-0x8000000000000000LL)
3270117 #define WINT_MAX                0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL
3270118 //----------------------------------------------------------
3270119 #endif

95.1.14   lib/time_t.h

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3280001 #ifndef _TIME_T_H
3280002 #define _TIME_T_H       1
3280003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3280004 typedef long long int time_t;
3280005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3280006 #endif

95.1.15   lib/wchar_t.h

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3290001 #ifndef _WCHAR_T_H
3290002 #define _WCHAR_T_H      1
3290003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3290004 typedef unsigned int wchar_t;
3290005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3290006 #endif

95.2   os32: «lib/_gcc.h»

Si veda la sezione 88.1.

3300001 #ifndef __GCC_H
3300002 #define __GCC_H        1
3300003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3300004 #include <stdlib.h>
3300005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3300006 typedef struct
3300007 {
3300008   unsigned long long int quot;
3300009   unsigned long long int rem;
3300010 } ulldiv_t;
3300011 //----------------------------------------------------------
3300012 lldiv_t _lldiv (long long int dividend,
3300013                 long long int divisor);
3300014 ulldiv_t _ulldiv (unsigned long long int dividend,
3300015                   unsigned long long int divisor);
3300016 //----------------------------------------------------------
3300017 unsigned long long int __udivdi3 (unsigned long long
3300018                                   int dividend,
3300019                                   unsigned long long
3300020                                   int divisor);
3300021 unsigned long long int __umoddi3 (unsigned long long
3300022                                   int dividend,
3300023                                   unsigned long long
3300024                                   int divisor);
3300025 long long int __divdi3 (long long int dividend,
3300026                         long long int divisor);
3300027 long long int __moddi3 (long long int dividend,
3300028                         long long int divisor);
3300029 //----------------------------------------------------------
3300030 #endif

95.2.1   lib/_gcc/__divdi3.c

Si veda la sezione 88.1.

3310001 #include <_gcc.h>
3310002 //----------------------------------------------------------
3310003 long long int
3310004 __divdi3 (long long int dividend, long long int divisor)
3310005 {
3310006   lldiv_t result;
3310007   result = _lldiv (dividend, divisor);
3310008   return result.quot;
3310009 }

95.2.2   lib/_gcc/__moddi3.c

Si veda la sezione 88.1.

3320001 #include <_gcc.h>
3320002 //----------------------------------------------------------
3320003 long long int
3320004 __moddi3 (long long int dividend, long long int divisor)
3320005 {
3320006   lldiv_t result;
3320007   result = _lldiv (dividend, divisor);
3320008   return result.rem;
3320009 }

95.2.3   lib/_gcc/__udivdi3.c

Si veda la sezione 88.1.

3330001 #include <_gcc.h>
3330002 //----------------------------------------------------------
3330003 unsigned long long int
3330004 __udivdi3 (unsigned long long int dividend,
3330005            unsigned long long int divisor)
3330006 {
3330007   ulldiv_t result;
3330008   result = _ulldiv (dividend, divisor);
3330009   return result.quot;
3330010 }

95.2.4   lib/_gcc/__umoddi3.c

Si veda la sezione 88.1.

3340001 #include <_gcc.h>
3340002 //----------------------------------------------------------
3340003 unsigned long long int
3340004 __umoddi3 (unsigned long long int dividend,
3340005            unsigned long long int divisor)
3340006 {
3340007   ulldiv_t result;
3340008   result = _ulldiv (dividend, divisor);
3340009   return result.rem;
3340010 }

95.2.5   lib/_gcc/_lldiv.c

Si veda la sezione 88.1.

3350001 #include <_gcc.h>
3350002 //----------------------------------------------------------
3350003 // If DIVIDEND and DIVISOR have different sign,
3350004 // the QUOTIENT is negative.
3350005 //
3350006 // The REMINDER has the same sign as the DIVISOR.
3350007 //----------------------------------------------------------
3350008 lldiv_t
3350009 _lldiv (long long int dividend, long long int divisor)
3350010 {
3350011   ulldiv_t uresult;
3350012   lldiv_t result;
3350013   // 
3350014   // Check for sign.
3350015   // 
3350016   if (dividend >= 0 && divisor >= 0)
3350017     {
3350018       uresult = _ulldiv ((unsigned long long) dividend,
3350019                          (unsigned long long) divisor);
3350020       result.quot = uresult.quot;
3350021       result.rem = uresult.rem;
3350022     }
3350023   else if (dividend < 0 && divisor < 0)
3350024     {
3350025       uresult =
3350026         _ulldiv ((unsigned long long) -dividend,
3350027                  (unsigned long long) -divisor);
3350028       result.quot = uresult.quot;
3350029       result.rem = -uresult.rem;
3350030     }
3350031   else if (dividend < 0 && divisor >= 0)
3350032     {
3350033       uresult =
3350034         _ulldiv ((unsigned long long) -dividend,
3350035                  (unsigned long long) divisor);
3350036       result.quot = -uresult.quot;
3350037       result.rem = uresult.rem;
3350038     }
3350039   else if (dividend >= 0 && divisor < 0)
3350040     {
3350041       uresult = _ulldiv ((unsigned long long) dividend,
3350042                          (unsigned long long) -divisor);
3350043       result.quot = uresult.quot;
3350044       result.rem = -uresult.rem;
3350045     }
3350046   // 
3350047   return (result);
3350048 }

95.2.6   lib/_gcc/_ulldiv.c

Si veda la sezione 88.1.

3360001 #include <_gcc.h>
3360002 //----------------------------------------------------------
3360004 //
3360005 // If DIVISOR == 0,
3360006 // then QUOTIENT == 0 and REMINDER == DIVIDEND
3360007 //----------------------------------------------------------
3360008 ulldiv_t
3360009 _ulldiv (unsigned long long int dividend,
3360010          unsigned long long int divisor)
3360011 {
3360012   unsigned long long int sign;
3360013   unsigned long long int mask;
3360014   ulldiv_t result;
3360015   int scroll;
3360016   unsigned int size;    // Bits of a long long.
3360017   // 
3360018   // Division of zero will return zero.
3360019   // 
3360020   if (dividend == 0)
3360021     {
3360022       result.quot = 0;
3360023       result.rem = 0;
3360024       return (result);
3360025     }
3360026   // 
3360027   // Division by zero will return zero and all
3360028   // reminder.
3360029   // 
3360030   if (divisor == 0)
3360031     {
3360032       result.quot = 0;
3360033       result.rem = dividend;
3360034       return (result);
3360035     }
3360036   // 
3360037   // Calculate how much bits does have the type `long
3360038   // long'.
3360039   // 
3360040   size = 0;
3360041   mask = ~0LL;
3360042   // 
3360043   while (mask > 0)
3360044     {
3360045       size += 8;
3360046       mask >>= 8;
3360047     }
3360048   // 
3360049   // Calculate the value for `sign' that needs to have 
3360050   // the most
3360051   // significant bit to one.
3360052   // 
3360053   mask = ~0LL;
3360054   mask >>= 1;
3360055   sign = ~mask;
3360056   // 
3360057   // Scroll divisor to the left, as long as the first
3360058   // bit is zero.
3360059   // 
3360060   for (scroll = 0; scroll < size; scroll++)
3360061     {
3360062       if (divisor & sign)
3360063         {
3360064           // 
3360065           // The most significant bit is one.
3360066           // 
3360067           break;
3360068         }
3360069       // 
3360070       // The most significant bit is zero: scroll
3360071       // left.
3360072       // 
3360073       divisor <<= 1;
3360074     }
3360075   // 
3360076   // 
3360077   // 
3360078   result.quot = 0;
3360079   result.rem = 0;
3360080   // 
3360081   for (; scroll >= 0 && divisor > 0; scroll--)
3360082     {
3360083       result.quot <<= 1;
3360084       if (dividend >= divisor)
3360085         {
3360086           result.quot |= 1LL;
3360087           dividend -= divisor;
3360088         }
3360089       divisor >>= 1;
3360090     }
3360091   // 
3360092   result.rem = dividend;
3360093   // 
3360094   return (result);
3360095 }

95.3   os32: «lib/arpa/inet.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3370001 #ifndef _ARPA_INET_H
3370002 #define _ARPA_INET_H       1
3370003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3370004 #include <stdint.h>
3370005 #include <sys/socklen_t.h>
3370006 //----------------------------------------------------------
3370007 uint32_t htonl (uint32_t host32);
3370008 uint16_t htons (uint16_t host16);
3370009 uint32_t ntohl (uint32_t net32);
3370010 uint16_t ntohs (uint16_t net16);
3370011 //----------------------------------------------------------
3370012 const char *inet_ntop (int family, const void *src,
3370013                        char *dst, socklen_t size);
3370014 int inet_pton (int family, const char *src, void *dst);
3370015 //----------------------------------------------------------
3370016 #endif

95.3.1   lib/arpa/inet/htonl.c

Si veda la sezione 88.11.

3380001 #include <arpa/inet.h>
3380002 //----------------------------------------------------------
3380003 uint32_t
3380004 htonl (uint32_t host32)
3380005 {
3380006   uint8_t *orig = (void *) &host32;
3380007   union
3380008   {
3380009     uint32_t value;
3380010     uint8_t b[4];
3380011   } dest;
3380012   // 
3380013   // Convert: must revert byte order.
3380014   // 
3380015   dest.b[0] = orig[3];
3380016   dest.b[1] = orig[2];
3380017   dest.b[2] = orig[1];
3380018   dest.b[3] = orig[0];
3380019   // 
3380020   return (dest.value);
3380021 }

95.3.2   lib/arpa/inet/htons.c

Si veda la sezione 88.11.

3390001 #include <arpa/inet.h>
3390002 //----------------------------------------------------------
3390003 uint16_t
3390004 htons (uint16_t host16)
3390005 {
3390006   uint8_t *orig = (void *) &host16;
3390007   union
3390008   {
3390009     uint16_t value;
3390010     uint8_t b[2];
3390011   } dest;
3390012   // 
3390013   // Convert: must revert byte order.
3390014   // 
3390015   dest.b[0] = orig[1];
3390016   dest.b[1] = orig[0];
3390017   // 
3390018   return (dest.value);
3390019 }

95.3.3   lib/arpa/inet/inet_ntop.c

Si veda la sezione 88.66.

3400001 #include <arpa/inet.h>
3400002 #include <stdint.h>
3400003 #include <errno.h>
3400004 #include <string.h>
3400005 #include <stdlib.h>
3400006 //----------------------------------------------------------
3400007 const char *
3400008 inet_ntop (int family, const void *src, char *dst,
3400009            socklen_t size)
3400010 {
3400011   // 
3400012   // Check family type: only IPv4 is available here.
3400013   // 
3400014   if (family != AF_INET)
3400015     {
3400016       errset (EAFNOSUPPORT);
3400017       return (NULL);
3400018     }
3400019   // 
3400020   // Check for NULL pointers.
3400021   // 
3400022   if (src == NULL || dst == NULL)
3400023     {
3400024       errset (EINVAL);
3400025       return (NULL);
3400026     }
3400027   // 
3400028   snprintf (dst, (size_t) size, "%i.%i.%i.%i",
3400029             *((in_addr_t *) src) >> 0 & 0x000000FF,
3400030             *((in_addr_t *) src) >> 8 & 0x000000FF,
3400031             *((in_addr_t *) src) >> 16 & 0x000000FF,
3400032             *((in_addr_t *) src) >> 24 & 0x000000FF);
3400033   // 
3400034   // Return ok.
3400035   // 
3400036   return (dst);
3400037 }

95.3.4   lib/arpa/inet/inet_pton.c

Si veda la sezione 88.67.

3410001 #include <arpa/inet.h>
3410002 #include <stdint.h>
3410003 #include <errno.h>
3410004 #include <string.h>
3410005 #include <stdlib.h>
3410006 //----------------------------------------------------------
3410007 #define INET_PTON_MAX_STRING_SIZE 31
3410008 //----------------------------------------------------------
3410009 int
3410010 inet_pton (int family, const char *src, void *dst)
3410011 {
3410012   char *t;
3410013   int ipv4[4];
3410014   int i;
3410015   in_addr_t result;
3410016   char source[INET_PTON_MAX_STRING_SIZE + 1];
3410017   // 
3410018   // Check family type: only IPv4 is available here.
3410019   // 
3410020   if (family != AF_INET)
3410021     {
3410022       errset (EAFNOSUPPORT);
3410023       return (-1);
3410024     }
3410025   // 
3410026   // Check for NULL pointers.
3410027   // 
3410028   if (src == NULL || dst == NULL)
3410029     {
3410030       errset (EINVAL);
3410031       return (-1);
3410032     }
3410033   // 
3410034   // Check the source string size.
3410035   // 
3410036   if (strlen (src) > INET_PTON_MAX_STRING_SIZE)
3410037     {
3410038       // 
3410039       // The IPv4 address scan is finished
3410040       // prematurely:
3410041       // return zero to tell that the address string
3410042       // is
3410043       // not correct.
3410044       // 
3410045       return (0);
3410046     }
3410047   // 
3410048   // Copy the source address, to be able to modify
3410049   // the string.
3410050   // 
3410051   strcpy (source, src);
3410052   // 
3410053   // Start ``tokenize'' the string: it is here
3410054   // accepted also
3410055   // the space as a delimiter.
3410056   // 
3410057   t = strtok (source, ". ");
3410058   // 
3410059   for (i = 0; i < 4 && t != NULL; i++)
3410060     {
3410061       ipv4[i] = atoi (t);
3410062       if (ipv4[i] > 255 || ipv4[i] < 0)
3410063         {
3410064           // 
3410065           // An octet cannot have a value greater than 
3410066           // 255,
3410067           // and cannot be negative.
3410068           // 
3410069           break;
3410070         }
3410071       t = strtok (NULL, ". ");
3410072     }
3410073   // 
3410074   if (i < 4)
3410075     {
3410076       // 
3410077       // The IPv4 address scan is finished
3410078       // prematurely:
3410079       // return zero to tell that the address string
3410080       // is
3410081       // not correct.
3410082       // 
3410083       return (0);
3410084     }
3410085   // 
3410086   // Translate into a network byte order IPv4 address:
3410087   // the architecture is little-endian.
3410088   // 
3410089   result = 0;
3410090   result += (ipv4[0] << 0) & 0x000000FF;
3410091   result += (ipv4[1] << 8) & 0x0000FF00;
3410092   result += (ipv4[2] << 16) & 0x00FF0000;
3410093   result += (ipv4[3] << 24) & 0xFF000000;
3410094   // 
3410095   // Update the destination.
3410096   // 
3410097   *((in_addr_t *) dst) = result;
3410098   // 
3410099   // Return ok.
3410100   // 
3410101   return (1);
3410102 }

95.3.5   lib/arpa/inet/ntohl.c

Si veda la sezione 88.11.

3420001 #include <arpa/inet.h>
3420002 //----------------------------------------------------------
3420003 uint32_t
3420004 ntohl (uint32_t net32)
3420005 {
3420006   uint8_t *orig = (void *) &net32;
3420007   union
3420008   {
3420009     uint32_t value;
3420010     uint8_t b[4];
3420011   } dest;
3420012   // 
3420013   // Convert: must revert byte order.
3420014   // 
3420015   dest.b[0] = orig[3];
3420016   dest.b[1] = orig[2];
3420017   dest.b[2] = orig[1];
3420018   dest.b[3] = orig[0];
3420019   // 
3420020   return (dest.value);
3420021 }

95.3.6   lib/arpa/inet/ntohs.c

Si veda la sezione 88.11.

3430001 #include <arpa/inet.h>
3430002 //----------------------------------------------------------
3430003 uint16_t
3430004 ntohs (uint16_t net16)
3430005 {
3430006   uint8_t *orig = (void *) &net16;
3430007   union
3430008   {
3430009     uint16_t value;
3430010     uint8_t b[2];
3430011   } dest;
3430012   // 
3430013   // Convert: must revert byte order.
3430014   // 
3430015   dest.b[0] = orig[1];
3430016   dest.b[1] = orig[0];
3430017   // 
3430018   return (dest.value);
3430019 }

95.4   os32: «lib/dirent.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3440001 #ifndef _DIRENT_H
3440002 #define _DIRENT_H        1
3440004 #include <sys/types.h>  // ino_t
3440005 #include <limits.h>     // NAME_MAX
3440007 //----------------------------------------------------------
3440008 struct dirent
3440009 {
3440010   ino_t d_ino;  // I-node number [1]
3440011   char d_name[NAME_MAX + 1];    // NAME_MAX + Null
3440012   // termination
3440013 } __attribute__ ((packed));
3440014 //
3440015 // [1] The type `ino_t' must be equal to `uint16_t',
3440016 //     because the directory inside the Minix 1 file
3440017 //     system has exactly such size.
3440018 //
3440019 //----------------------------------------------------------
3440020 #define DOPEN_MAX   OPEN_MAX/2  // <limits.h> [1]
3440021 //
3440022 // [1] DOPEN_MAX is not standard, but it is used to
3440023 //     define how many directory slot to keep for open
3440024 //     directories. As directory streams are opened as
3440025 //     file descriptors, the sum of all kind of file
3440026 //     open cannot be more than OPEM_MAX.
3440027 //----------------------------------------------------------
3440028 typedef struct
3440029 {
3440030   int fdn;      // File descriptor number.
3440031   struct dirent dir;    // Last directory item read.
3440032 } DIR;
3440034 extern DIR _directory_stream[]; // Defined inside
3440035                                 // `lib/dirent/DIR.c'.
3440036 //----------------------------------------------------------
3440037 // Function prototypes.
3440038 //----------------------------------------------------------
3440039 int closedir (DIR * dp);
3440040 DIR *opendir (const char *name);
3440041 struct dirent *readdir (DIR * dp);
3440042 void rewinddir (DIR * dp);
3440043 //----------------------------------------------------------
3440045 #endif

95.4.1   lib/dirent/DIR.c

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3450001 #include <dirent.h>
3450002 //
3450003 // There must be room for at least `DOPEN_MAX'
3450004 // elements.
3450005 //
3450006 DIR _directory_stream[DOPEN_MAX];
3450008 void
3450009 _dirent_directory_stream_setup (void)
3450010 {
3450011   int d;
3450012   // 
3450013   for (d = 0; d < DOPEN_MAX; d++)
3450014     {
3450015       _directory_stream[d].fdn = -1;
3450016     }
3450017 }

95.4.2   lib/dirent/closedir.c

Si veda la sezione 88.13.

3460001 #include <dirent.h>
3460002 #include <fcntl.h>
3460003 #include <sys/types.h>
3460004 #include <sys/stat.h>
3460005 #include <unistd.h>
3460006 #include <errno.h>
3460007 #include <stddef.h>
3460008 //----------------------------------------------------------
3460009 int
3460010 closedir (DIR * dp)
3460011 {
3460012   // 
3460013   // Check for a valid argument
3460014   // 
3460015   if (dp == NULL)
3460016     {
3460017       // 
3460018       // Not a valid pointer.
3460019       // 
3460020       errset (EBADF);   // Invalid directory.
3460021       return (-1);
3460022     }
3460023   // 
3460024   // Check if it is an open directory stream.
3460025   // 
3460026   if (dp->fdn < 0)
3460027     {
3460028       // 
3460029       // The stream is closed.
3460030       // 
3460031       errset (EBADF);   // Invalid directory.
3460032       return (-1);
3460033     }
3460034   // 
3460035   // Close the file descriptor. It there is an error,
3460036   // the `errno' variable will be set by `close()'.
3460037   // 
3460038   return (close (dp->fdn));
3460039 }

95.4.3   lib/dirent/opendir.c

Si veda la sezione 88.89.

3470001 #include <dirent.h>
3470002 #include <fcntl.h>
3470003 #include <stdio.h>
3470004 #include <sys/types.h>
3470005 #include <sys/stat.h>
3470006 #include <unistd.h>
3470007 #include <errno.h>
3470008 #include <stddef.h>
3470009 //----------------------------------------------------------
3470010 DIR *
3470011 opendir (const char *path)
3470012 {
3470013   int fdn;
3470014   int d;
3470015   DIR *dp;
3470016   struct stat file_status;
3470017   // 
3470018   // Function `opendir()' is used only for reading.
3470019   // 
3470020   fdn = open (path, O_RDONLY);
3470021   // 
3470022   // Check the file descriptor returned.
3470023   // 
3470024   if (fdn < 0)
3470025     {
3470026       // 
3470027       // The variable `errno' is already set:
3470028       // EINVAL
3470029       // EMFILE
3470030       // ENFILE
3470031       // 
3470032       errset (errno);
3470033       return (NULL);
3470034     }
3470035   // 
3470036   // Set the `FD_CLOEXEC' flag for that file
3470037   // descriptor.
3470038   // 
3470039   if (fcntl (fdn, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) != 0)
3470040     {
3470041       // 
3470042       // The variable `errno' is already set:
3470043       // EBADF
3470044       // 
3470045       errset (errno);
3470046       close (fdn);
3470047       return (NULL);
3470048     }
3470049   // 
3470050   // 
3470051   // 
3470052   if (fstat (fdn, &file_status) != 0)
3470053     {
3470054       // 
3470055       // Error should be already set.
3470056       // 
3470057       errset (errno);
3470058       close (fdn);
3470059       return (NULL);
3470060     }
3470061   // 
3470062   // Verify it is a directory
3470063   // 
3470064   if (!S_ISDIR (file_status.st_mode))
3470065     {
3470066       // 
3470067       // It is not a directory!
3470068       // 
3470069       close (fdn);
3470070       errset (ENOTDIR); // Is not a directory.
3470071       return (NULL);
3470072     }
3470073   // 
3470074   // A valid file descriptor is available: must find a 
3470075   // free
3470076   // `_directory_stream[]' slot.
3470077   // 
3470078   for (d = 0; d < DOPEN_MAX; d++)
3470079     {
3470080       if (_directory_stream[d].fdn < 0)
3470081         {
3470082           // 
3470083           // Found a free slot: set it up.
3470084           // 
3470085           dp = &(_directory_stream[d]);
3470086           dp->fdn = fdn;
3470087           // 
3470088           // Return the directory pointer.
3470089           // 
3470090           return (dp);
3470091         }
3470092     }
3470093   // 
3470094   // If we are here, there was no free directory slot
3470095   // available.
3470096   // 
3470097   close (fdn);
3470098   errset (EMFILE);      // Too many file open.
3470099   return (NULL);
3470100 }

95.4.4   lib/dirent/readdir.c

Si veda la sezione 88.98.

3480001 #include <dirent.h>
3480002 #include <fcntl.h>
3480003 #include <sys/types.h>
3480004 #include <sys/stat.h>
3480005 #include <unistd.h>
3480006 #include <errno.h>
3480007 #include <stddef.h>
3480008 //----------------------------------------------------------
3480009 struct dirent *
3480010 readdir (DIR * dp)
3480011 {
3480012   ssize_t size;
3480013   // 
3480014   // Check for a valid argument.
3480015   // 
3480016   if (dp == NULL)
3480017     {
3480018       // 
3480019       // Not a valid pointer.
3480020       // 
3480021       errset (EBADF);   // Invalid directory.
3480022       return (NULL);
3480023     }
3480024   // 
3480025   // Check if it is an open directory stream.
3480026   // 
3480027   if (dp->fdn < 0)
3480028     {
3480029       // 
3480030       // The stream is closed.
3480031       // 
3480032       errset (EBADF);   // Invalid directory.
3480033       return (NULL);
3480034     }
3480035   // 
3480036   // Read the directory.
3480037   // 
3480038   size = read (dp->fdn, &(dp->dir), (size_t) 16);
3480039   // 
3480040   // Fix the null termination, if the name is very
3480041   // long.
3480042   // 
3480043   dp->dir.d_name[NAME_MAX] = '\0';
3480044   // 
3480045   // Check what was read.
3480046   // 
3480047   if (size == 0)
3480048     {
3480049       // 
3480050       // End of directory, but it is not an error.
3480051       // 
3480052       return (NULL);
3480053     }
3480054   // 
3480055   if (size < 0)
3480056     {
3480057       // 
3480058       // This is an error. The variable `errno' is
3480059       // already set.
3480060       // 
3480061       errset (errno);
3480062       return (NULL);
3480063     }
3480064   // 
3480065   if (dp->dir.d_ino == 0)
3480066     {
3480067       // 
3480068       // This is a null directory record.
3480069       // Should try to read the next one.
3480070       // 
3480071       return (readdir (dp));
3480072     }
3480073   // 
3480074   if (strlen (dp->dir.d_name) == 0)
3480075     {
3480076       // 
3480077       // This is a bad directory record: try to read
3480078       // next.
3480079       // 
3480080       return (readdir (dp));
3480081     }
3480082   // 
3480083   // A valid directory record should be available now.
3480084   // 
3480085   return (&(dp->dir));
3480086 }

95.4.5   lib/dirent/rewinddir.c

Si veda la sezione 88.101.

3490001 #include <dirent.h>
3490002 #include <fcntl.h>
3490003 #include <sys/types.h>
3490004 #include <sys/stat.h>
3490005 #include <unistd.h>
3490006 #include <errno.h>
3490007 #include <stddef.h>
3490008 #include <stdio.h>
3490009 //----------------------------------------------------------
3490010 void
3490011 rewinddir (DIR * dp)
3490012 {
3490013   FILE *fp;
3490014   // 
3490015   // Check for a valid argument.
3490016   // 
3490017   if (dp == NULL)
3490018     {
3490019       // 
3490020       // Nothing to rewind, and no error to set.
3490021       // 
3490022       return;
3490023     }
3490024   // 
3490025   // Check if it is an open directory stream.
3490026   // 
3490027   if (dp->fdn < 0)
3490028     {
3490029       // 
3490030       // The stream is closed.
3490031       // Nothing to rewind, and no error to set.
3490032       // 
3490033       return;
3490034     }
3490035   // 
3490036   // 
3490037   // 
3490038   fp = &_stream[dp->fdn];
3490039   // 
3490040   rewind (fp);
3490041 }

95.5   os32: «lib/errno.h»

Si veda la sezione 88.20.

3500001 #ifndef _ERRNO_H
3500002 #define _ERRNO_H       1
3500003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3500004 #include <limits.h>
3500005 #include <string.h>
3500006 #include <sys/os32.h>
3500007 #include <kernel/lib_k.h>
3500009 //----------------------------------------------------------
3500010 // The variable `errno' is standard, but `errln' and
3500011 // `errfn' are added to keep track of the error source.
3500012 // Variable `errln' is used to save the source file
3500013 // line number; variable `errfn' is used to save the
3500014 // source file name. To set these variable in a
3500015 // consistent way it is also added a macroinstruction:
3500016 // `errset'.
3500017 //----------------------------------------------------------
3500018 extern int errno;
3500019 extern int errln;
3500020 extern char errfn[PATH_MAX];
3500021 //
3500022 #define errset(e) \
3500023     (errln = __LINE__, \
3500024      strncpy (errfn, __FILE__, PATH_MAX), \
3500025      errno = e)
3500026 //----------------------------------------------------------
3500027 // Standard POSIX `errno' macro variables.
3500028 //----------------------------------------------------------
3500029 #define E2BIG            1      // Argument list too
3500030                                 // long.
3500031 #define EACCES           2      // Permission denied.
3500032 #define EADDRINUSE       3      // Address in use.
3500033 #define EADDRNOTAVAIL    4      // Address not
3500034                                 // available.
3500035 #define EAFNOSUPPORT     5      // Address family not
3500036                                 // supported.
3500037 #define EAGAIN           6      // Resource
3500038                                 // unavailable, try
3500039                                 // again.
3500040 #define EALREADY         7      // Connection already
3500041                                 // in progress.
3500042 #define EBADF            8      // Bad file
3500043                                 // descriptor.
3500044 #define EBADMSG          9      // Bad message.
3500045 #define EBUSY           10      // Device or resource
3500046                                 // busy.
3500047 #define ECANCELED       11      // Operation canceled.
3500048 #define ECHILD          12      // No child processes.
3500049 #define ECONNABORTED    13      // Connection aborted.
3500050 #define ECONNREFUSED    14      // Connection refused.
3500051 #define ECONNRESET      15      // Connection reset.
3500052 #define EDEADLK         16      // Resource deadlock
3500053                                 // would occur.
3500054 #define EDESTADDRREQ    17      // Destination address
3500055                                 // required.
3500056 #define EDOM            18      // Mathematics
3500057                                 // argument out of
3500058                                 // domain of
3500059                                 // function.
3500060 #define EDQUOT          19      // Reserved.
3500061 #define EEXIST          20      // File exists.
3500062 #define EFAULT          21      // Bad address.
3500063 #define EFBIG           22      // File too large.
3500064 #define EHOSTUNREACH    23      // Host is
3500065                                 // unreachable.
3500066 #define EIDRM           24      // Identifier removed.
3500067 #define EILSEQ          25      // Illegal byte
3500068                                 // sequence.
3500069 #define EINPROGRESS     26      // Operation in
3500070                                 // progress.
3500071 #define EINTR           27      // Interrupted
3500072                                 // function.
3500073 #define EINVAL          28      // Invalid argument.
3500074 #define EIO             29      // I/O error.
3500075 #define EISCONN         30      // Socket is
3500076                                 // connected.
3500077 #define EISDIR          31      // Is a directory.
3500078 #define ELOOP           32      // Too many levels of
3500079                                 // symbolic links.
3500080 #define EMFILE          33      // Too many open
3500081                                 // files.
3500082 #define EMLINK          34      // Too many links.
3500083 #define EMSGSIZE        35      // Message too large.
3500084 #define EMULTIHOP       36      // Reserved.
3500085 #define ENAMETOOLONG    37      // Filename too long.
3500086 #define ENETDOWN        38      // Network is down.
3500087 #define ENETRESET       39      // Connection aborted
3500088                                 // by network.
3500089 #define ENETUNREACH     40      // Network
3500090                                 // unreachable.
3500091 #define ENFILE          41      // Too many files open
3500092                                 // in system.
3500093 #define ENOBUFS         42      // No buffer space
3500094                                 // available.
3500095 #define ENODATA         43      // No message is
3500096                                 // available on the
3500097                                 // stream head
3500098                                 // read queue.
3500099 #define ENODEV          44      // No such device.
3500100 #define ENOENT          45      // No such file or
3500101                                 // directory.
3500102 #define ENOEXEC         46      // Executable file
3500103                                 // format error.
3500104 #define ENOLCK          47      // No locks available.
3500105 #define ENOLINK         48      // Reserved.
3500106 #define ENOMEM          49      // Not enough space.
3500107 #define ENOMSG          50      // No message of the
3500108                                 // desired type.
3500109 #define ENOPROTOOPT     51      // Protocol not
3500110                                 // available.
3500111 #define ENOSPC          52      // No space left on
3500112                                 // device.
3500113 #define ENOSR           53      // No stream
3500114                                 // resources.
3500115 #define ENOSTR          54      // Not a stream.
3500116 #define ENOSYS          55      // Function not
3500117                                 // supported.
3500118 #define ENOTCONN        56      // The socket is not
3500119                                 // connected.
3500120 #define ENOTDIR         57      // Not a directory.
3500121 #define ENOTEMPTY       58      // Directory not
3500122                                 // empty.
3500123 #define ENOTSOCK        59      // Not a socket.
3500124 #define ENOTSUP         60      // Not supported.
3500125 #define ENOTTY          61      // Inappropriate I/O
3500126                                 // control operation.
3500127 #define ENXIO           62      // No such device or
3500128                                 // address.
3500129 #define EOPNOTSUPP      63      // Operation not
3500130                                 // supported on
3500131                                 // socket.
3500132 #define EOVERFLOW       64      // Value too large to
3500133                                 // be stored in data
3500134                                 // type.
3500135 #define EPERM           65      // Operation not
3500136                                 // permitted.
3500137 #define EPIPE           66      // Broken pipe.
3500138 #define EPROTO          67      // Protocol error.
3500139 #define EPROTONOSUPPORT 68      // Protocol not
3500140                                 // supported.
3500141 #define EPROTOTYPE      69      // Protocol wrong type
3500142                                 // for socket.
3500143 #define ERANGE          70      // Result too large.
3500144 #define EROFS           71      // Read-only file
3500145                                 // system.
3500146 #define ESPIPE          72      // Invalid seek.
3500147 #define ESRCH           73      // No such process.
3500148 #define ESTALE          74      // Reserved.
3500149 #define ETIME           75      // Stream ioctl()
3500150                                 // timeout.
3500151 #define ETIMEDOUT       76      // Connection timed
3500152                                 // out.
3500153 #define ETXTBSY         77      // Text file busy.
3500154 #define EWOULDBLOCK     78      // Operation would
3500155                                 // block (may be the
3500156                                 // same as EAGAIN).
3500157 #define EXDEV           79      // Cross-device link.
3500158 //----------------------------------------------------------
3500159 // Added os32 errors.
3500160 //----------------------------------------------------------
3500161 #define EUNKNOWN                   (-1) // Unknown
3500162                                         // error.
3500163 #define E_NO_MEDIUM                 80  // No medium
3500164                                         // found.
3500165 #define E_MEDIUM                    81  // Medium
3500166                                         // reported
3500167                                         // error.
3500168 #define E_FILE_TYPE                 82  // File type
3500169                                         // not
3500170                                         // compatible.
3500171 #define E_ROOT_INODE_NOT_CACHED     83  // The root
3500172                                         // directory
3500173                                         // inode is
3500174                                         // not cached.
3500175 #define E_CANNOT_READ_SUPERBLOCK    84  // Cannot read
3500176                                         // super
3500177                                         // block.
3500178 #define E_MAP_INODE_TOO_BIG         85  // Map inode
3500179                                         // too big.
3500180 #define E_MAP_ZONE_TOO_BIG          86  // Map zone
3500181                                         // too big.
3500182 #define E_DATA_ZONE_TOO_BIG         87  // Data zone
3500183                                         // too big.
3500184 #define E_CANNOT_FIND_ROOT_DEVICE   88  // Cannot find
3500185                                         // root
3500186                                         // device.
3500187 #define E_CANNOT_FIND_ROOT_INODE    89  // Cannot find
3500188                                         // root inode.
3500189 #define E_FILE_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED     90  // File type
3500190                                         // unsupported.
3500191 #define E_ENV_TOO_BIG               91  // Environment
3500192                                         // too big.
3500193 #define E_LIMIT                     92  // Exceeded
3500194                                         // implementa-
3500195                                         // tion limits.
3500196 #define E_NOT_MOUNTED               93  // Not
3500197                                         // mounted.
3500198 #define E_NOT_IMPLEMENTED           94  // Not
3500199                                         // implemented.
3500200 #define E_HARDWARE_FAULT            95  // Hardware
3500201                                         // fault.
3500202 #define E_DRIVER_FAULT              96  // Driver
3500203                                         // fault.
3500204 #define E_PIPE_FULL                 97  // Pipe full.
3500205 #define E_PIPE_EMPTY                98  // Pipe empty.
3500206 #define E_PART_TYPE_NOT_MINIX       99  // Not a Minix
3500207                                         // partition
3500208                                         // type.
3500209 #define E_FS_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED    100  // File system
3500210                                         // type not
3500211                                         // supported.
3500212 #define E_PDU_TOO_BIG              101  // PDU too
3500213                                         // big.
3500214 #define E_ARP_MISSING              102  // ARP missing
3500215                                         // address.
3500216 //----------------------------------------------------------
3500217 // Default descriptions for errors.
3500218 //----------------------------------------------------------
3500219 #define TEXT_E2BIG           "Argument list too long."
3500220 #define TEXT_EACCES          "Permission denied."
3500221 #define TEXT_EADDRINUSE      "Address in use."
3500222 #define TEXT_EADDRNOTAVAIL   "Address not available."
3500223 #define TEXT_EAFNOSUPPORT    "Address family not " \
3500224                              "supported."
3500225 #define TEXT_EAGAIN          "Resource unavailable, " \
3500226                              "try again."
3500227 #define TEXT_EALREADY        "Connection already in " \
3500228                              "progress."
3500229 #define TEXT_EBADF           "Bad file descriptor."
3500230 #define TEXT_EBADMSG         "Bad message."
3500231 #define TEXT_EBUSY           "Device or resource busy."
3500232 #define TEXT_ECANCELED       "Operation canceled."
3500233 #define TEXT_ECHILD          "No child processes."
3500234 #define TEXT_ECONNABORTED    "Connection aborted."
3500235 #define TEXT_ECONNREFUSED    "Connection refused."
3500236 #define TEXT_ECONNRESET      "Connection reset."
3500237 #define TEXT_EDEADLK         "Resource deadlock " \
3500238                              "would occur."
3500239 #define TEXT_EDESTADDRREQ    "Destination address " \
3500240                              "required."
3500241 #define TEXT_EDOM            "Mathematics argument " \
3500242                              "out of " \
3500243                              "domain of function."
3500244 #define TEXT_EDQUOT          "Reserved error: EDQUOT"
3500245 #define TEXT_EEXIST          "File exists."
3500246 #define TEXT_EFAULT          "Bad address."
3500247 #define TEXT_EFBIG           "File too large."
3500248 #define TEXT_EHOSTUNREACH    "Host is unreachable."
3500249 #define TEXT_EIDRM           "Identifier removed."
3500250 #define TEXT_EILSEQ          "Illegal byte sequence."
3500251 #define TEXT_EINPROGRESS     "Operation in progress."
3500252 #define TEXT_EINTR           "Interrupted function."
3500253 #define TEXT_EINVAL          "Invalid argument."
3500254 #define TEXT_EIO             "I/O error."
3500255 #define TEXT_EISCONN         "Socket is connected."
3500256 #define TEXT_EISDIR          "Is a directory."
3500257 #define TEXT_ELOOP           "Too many levels of " \
3500258                              "symbolic links."
3500259 #define TEXT_EMFILE          "Too many open files."
3500260 #define TEXT_EMLINK          "Too many links."
3500261 #define TEXT_EMSGSIZE        "Message too large."
3500262 #define TEXT_EMULTIHOP       "Reserved error: " \
3500263                              "EMULTIHOP"
3500264 #define TEXT_ENAMETOOLONG    "Filename too long."
3500265 #define TEXT_ENETDOWN        "Network is down."
3500266 #define TEXT_ENETRESET       "Connection aborted by " \
3500267                              "network."
3500268 #define TEXT_ENETUNREACH     "Network unreachable."
3500269 #define TEXT_ENFILE          "Too many files open " \
3500270                              "in system."
3500271 #define TEXT_ENOBUFS         "No buffer space " \
3500272                              "available."
3500273 #define TEXT_ENODATA         "No message is " \
3500274                              "available on the " \
3500275                              "stream head read queue."
3500276 #define TEXT_ENODEV          "No such device."
3500277 #define TEXT_ENOENT          "No such file or " \
3500278                              "directory."
3500279 #define TEXT_ENOEXEC         "Executable file " \
3500280                              "format error."
3500281 #define TEXT_ENOLCK          "No locks available."
3500282 #define TEXT_ENOLINK         "Reserved error: ENOLINK"
3500283 #define TEXT_ENOMEM          "Not enough space."
3500284 #define TEXT_ENOMSG          "No message of the " \
3500285                              "desired type."
3500286 #define TEXT_ENOPROTOOPT     "Protocol not available."
3500287 #define TEXT_ENOSPC          "No space left on device."
3500288 #define TEXT_ENOSR           "No stream resources."
3500289 #define TEXT_ENOSTR          "Not a stream."
3500290 #define TEXT_ENOSYS          "Function not supported."
3500291 #define TEXT_ENOTCONN        "The socket is not " \
3500292                              "connected."
3500293 #define TEXT_ENOTDIR         "Not a directory."
3500294 #define TEXT_ENOTEMPTY       "Directory not empty."
3500295 #define TEXT_ENOTSOCK        "Not a socket."
3500296 #define TEXT_ENOTSUP         "Not supported."
3500297 #define TEXT_ENOTTY          "Inappropriate I/O " \
3500298                              "control operation."
3500299 #define TEXT_ENXIO           "No such device or " \
3500300                              "address."
3500301 #define TEXT_EOPNOTSUPP      "Operation not " \
3500302                              "supported on socket."
3500303 #define TEXT_EOVERFLOW       "Value too large to be " \
3500304                              "stored in data type."
3500305 #define TEXT_EPERM           "Operation not permitted."
3500306 #define TEXT_EPIPE           "Broken pipe."
3500307 #define TEXT_EPROTO          "Protocol error."
3500308 #define TEXT_EPROTONOSUPPORT "Protocol not supported."
3500309 #define TEXT_EPROTOTYPE      "Protocol wrong type " \
3500310                              "for socket."
3500311 #define TEXT_ERANGE          "Result too large."
3500312 #define TEXT_EROFS           "Read-only file system."
3500313 #define TEXT_ESPIPE          "Invalid seek."
3500314 #define TEXT_ESRCH           "No such process."
3500315 #define TEXT_ESTALE          "Reserved error: ESTALE"
3500316 #define TEXT_ETIME           "Stream ioctl() timeout."
3500317 #define TEXT_ETIMEDOUT       "Connection timed out."
3500318 #define TEXT_ETXTBSY         "Text file busy."
3500319 #define TEXT_EWOULDBLOCK     "Operation would block."
3500320 #define TEXT_EXDEV           "Cross-device link."
3500321 //----------------------------------------------------------
3500322 #define TEXT_EUNKNOWN                   \
3500323     "Unknown error."
3500324 #define TEXT_E_NO_MEDIUM                \
3500325     "No medium found."
3500326 #define TEXT_E_MEDIUM                   \
3500327     "Medium reported error"
3500328 #define TEXT_E_FILE_TYPE                \
3500329     "File type not compatible."
3500330 #define TEXT_E_ROOT_INODE_NOT_CACHED    \
3500331     "The root directory inode is not cached."
3500333     "Cannot read super block."
3500334 #define TEXT_E_MAP_INODE_TOO_BIG        \
3500335     "Map inode too big."
3500336 #define TEXT_E_MAP_ZONE_TOO_BIG         \
3500337     "Map zone too big."
3500338 #define TEXT_E_DATA_ZONE_TOO_BIG        \
3500339     "Data zone too big."
3500341     "Cannot find root device."
3500342 #define TEXT_E_CANNOT_FIND_ROOT_INODE   \
3500343     "Cannot find root inode."
3500344 #define TEXT_E_FILE_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED    \
3500345     "File type unsupported."
3500346 #define TEXT_E_ENV_TOO_BIG              \
3500347     "Environment too big."
3500348 #define TEXT_E_LIMIT                    \
3500349     "Exceeded implementation limits."
3500350 #define TEXT_E_NOT_MOUNTED              \
3500351     "Not mounted."
3500352 #define TEXT_E_NOT_IMPLEMENTED          \
3500353     "Not implemented."
3500354 #define TEXT_E_HARDWARE_FAULT           \
3500355     "Hardware fault."
3500356 #define TEXT_E_DRIVER_FAULT             \
3500357     "Driver fault."
3500358 #define TEXT_E_PIPE_FULL                \
3500359     "Pipe full."
3500360 #define TEXT_E_PIPE_EMPTY               \
3500361     "Pipe empty."
3500362 #define TEXT_E_PART_TYPE_NOT_MINIX      \
3500363     "Not a Minix partition type."
3500364 #define TEXT_E_FS_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED    \
3500365     "File system type not supported."
3500366 #define TEXT_E_PDU_TOO_BIG              \
3500367     "PDU too big."
3500368 #define TEXT_E_ARP_MISSING              \
3500369     "ARP missing address."
3500370 //----------------------------------------------------------
3500371 #endif

95.5.1   lib/errno/errno.c

Si veda la sezione 88.20.

3510001 //----------------------------------------------------------
3510002 // This file does not include the `errno.h' header,
3510003 // because here `errno' should not be declared as an
3510004 // extern variable!
3510005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3510006 #include <limits.h>
3510007 //----------------------------------------------------------
3510008 // The variable `errno' is standard, but `errln' and
3510009 // `errfn' are added to keep track of the error source.
3510010 // Variable `errln' is used to save the source file
3510011 // line number; variable `errfn' is used to save the
3510012 // source file name.
3510013 // To set these variable in a consistent way it is
3510014 // also added a macroinstruction: `errset'.
3510015 //----------------------------------------------------------
3510016 int errno;
3510017 int errln;
3510018 char errfn[PATH_MAX];
3510019 //----------------------------------------------------------

95.6   os32: «lib/fcntl.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3520001 #ifndef _FCNTL_H
3520002 #define _FCNTL_H        1
3520004 #include <sys/types.h>  // mode_t
3520005                         // off_t
3520006                         // pid_t
3520007 //----------------------------------------------------------
3520008 // Values for the second parameter of function
3520009 // `fcntl()'.
3520010 //----------------------------------------------------------
3520011 #define F_DUPFD         0       // Duplicate file
3520012                                 // descriptor.
3520013 #define F_GETFD         1       // Get file descriptor
3520014                                 // flags.
3520015 #define F_SETFD         2       // Set file descriptor
3520016                                 // flags.
3520017 #define F_GETFL         3       // Get file status
3520018                                 // flags.
3520019 #define F_SETFL         4       // Set file status
3520020                                 // flags.
3520021 #define F_GETLK         5       // Get record locking
3520022                                 // information.
3520023 #define F_SETLK         6       // Set record locking
3520024                                 // information.
3520025 #define F_SETLKW        7       // Set record locking
3520026                                 // information;
3520027                                 // wait if blocked.
3520028 #define F_GETOWN        8       // Set owner of
3520029                                 // socket.
3520030 #define F_SETOWN        9       // Get owner of
3520031                                 // socket.
3520032 //----------------------------------------------------------
3520033 // Flags to be set with:
3520034 //   fcntl (fd, F_SETFD, ...);
3520035 //----------------------------------------------------------
3520036 #define FD_CLOEXEC      1       // Close the file
3520037                                 // descriptor upon
3520038                                 // execution of an
3520039                                 // exec() family
3520040                                 // function.
3520041 //----------------------------------------------------------
3520042 // Values for type `l_type', used for record locking
3520043 // with `fcntl()'.
3520044 //----------------------------------------------------------
3520045 #define F_RDLCK         0       // Read lock.
3520046 #define F_WRLCK         1       // Write lock.
3520047 #define F_UNLCK         2       // Remove lock.
3520048 //----------------------------------------------------------
3520049 // Flags for file creation, in place of `oflag'
3520050 // parameter for function `open()'.
3520051 //----------------------------------------------------------
3520052 #define O_CREAT         000010  // Create file if it
3520053                                 // does not exist.
3520054 #define O_EXCL          000020  // Exclusive use flag.
3520055 #define O_NOCTTY        000040  // Do not assign a
3520056                                 // controlling
3520057                                 // terminal.
3520058 #define O_TRUNC         000100  // Truncation flag.
3520059 //----------------------------------------------------------
3520060 // Flags for the file status, used with `open()' and
3520061 // `fcntl()'.
3520062 //----------------------------------------------------------
3520063 #define O_APPEND        000200  // Write append.
3520064 #define O_DSYNC         000400  // Synchronized write
3520065                                 // operations.
3520066 #define O_NONBLOCK      001000  // Non-blocking mode.
3520067 #define O_RSYNC         002000  // Synchronized read
3520068                                 // operations.
3520069 #define O_SYNC          004000  // Synchronized read
3520070                                 // and write.
3520071 //----------------------------------------------------------
3520072 // File access mask selection.
3520073 //----------------------------------------------------------
3520074 #define O_ACCMODE       000003  // Mask to select the
3520075                                 // last three bits,
3520076                                 // used to specify the 
3520077                                 // main access
3520078                                 // modes: read, write
3520079                                 // and both.
3520080 //----------------------------------------------------------
3520081 // Main access modes.
3520082 //----------------------------------------------------------
3520083 #define O_RDONLY        000001  // Read.
3520084 #define O_WRONLY        000002  // Write.
3520085 #define O_RDWR         (O_RDONLY | O_WRONLY)    // [1]
3520086 //
3520087 // [1]  Both read and write.
3520088 //
3520089 //----------------------------------------------------------
3520090 // Structure `flock', used to file lock for POSIX
3520091 // standard. It is not used inside os32.
3520092 //----------------------------------------------------------
3520093 struct flock
3520094 {
3520095   short int l_type;     // Type of lock: F_RDLCK,
3520096   // F_WRLCK, or F_UNLCK.
3520097   short int l_whence;   // Start reference point.
3520098   off_t l_start;        // Offset, from `l_whence',
3520099   // for the area start.
3520100   off_t l_len;  // Locked area size. Zero means up to
3520101   // the end of the file.
3520102   pid_t l_pid;  // The process id blocking the area.
3520103 };
3520104 //----------------------------------------------------------
3520105 // Function prototypes.
3520106 //----------------------------------------------------------
3520107 int creat (const char *path, mode_t mode);
3520108 int fcntl (int fdn, int cmd, ...);
3520109 int open (const char *path, int oflags, ...);
3520110 //----------------------------------------------------------
3520112 #endif

95.6.1   lib/fcntl/creat.c

Si veda la sezione 88.14.

3530001 #include <fcntl.h>
3530002 #include <sys/types.h>
3530003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3530004 int
3530005 creat (const char *path, mode_t mode)
3530006 {
3530007   return (open (path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, mode));
3530008 }

95.6.2   lib/fcntl/fcntl.c

Si veda la sezione 87.18.

3540001 #include <fcntl.h>
3540002 #include <stdarg.h>
3540003 #include <stddef.h>
3540004 #include <string.h>
3540005 #include <errno.h>
3540006 #include <sys/os32.h>
3540007 #include <limits.h>
3540008 //----------------------------------------------------------
3540009 int
3540010 fcntl (int fdn, int cmd, ...)
3540011 {
3540012   va_list ap;
3540013   sysmsg_fcntl_t msg;
3540014   va_start (ap, cmd);
3540015   // 
3540016   // Well known arguments.
3540017   // 
3540018   msg.fdn = fdn;
3540019   msg.cmd = cmd;
3540020   // 
3540021   // Select other arguments.
3540022   // 
3540023   switch (cmd)
3540024     {
3540025     case F_DUPFD:
3540026     case F_SETFD:
3540027     case F_SETFL:
3540028       msg.arg = va_arg (ap, int);
3540029       break;
3540030     case F_GETFD:
3540031     case F_GETFL:
3540032       break;
3540033     case F_GETOWN:
3540034     case F_SETOWN:
3540035     case F_GETLK:
3540036     case F_SETLK:
3540037     case F_SETLKW:
3540038       errset (E_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);       // Not
3540039       // implemented.
3540040       return (-1);
3540041     default:
3540042       errset (EINVAL);  // Not implemented.
3540043       return (-1);
3540044     }
3540045   // 
3540046   // Do the system call.
3540047   // 
3540048   sys (SYS_FCNTL, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3540049   errno = msg.errno;
3540050   errln = msg.errln;
3540051   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
3540052   return (msg.ret);
3540053 }

95.6.3   lib/fcntl/open.c

Si veda la sezione 87.37.

3550001 #include <fcntl.h>
3550002 #include <stdarg.h>
3550003 #include <stddef.h>
3550004 #include <string.h>
3550005 #include <errno.h>
3550006 #include <sys/os32.h>
3550007 #include <limits.h>
3550008 //----------------------------------------------------------
3550009 int
3550010 open (const char *path, int oflags, ...)
3550011 {
3550012   va_list ap;
3550013   sysmsg_open_t msg;
3550014   va_start (ap, oflags);
3550015   msg.path = path;
3550016   msg.flags = oflags;
3550017   msg.mode = va_arg (ap, mode_t);
3550018   sys (SYS_OPEN, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3550019   errno = msg.errno;
3550020   errln = msg.errln;
3550021   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
3550022   return (msg.ret);
3550023 }

95.7   os32: «lib/grp.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3560001 #ifndef _GRP_H
3560002 #define _GRP_H        1
3560003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3560004 #include <restrict.h>
3560005 #include <sys/types.h>  // gid_t, uid_t
3560006 //----------------------------------------------------------
3560007 #define GR_MEM_MAX 32
3560008 struct group
3560009 {
3560010   char *gr_name;
3560011   char *gr_passwd;
3560012   gid_t gr_gid;
3560013   char *gr_mem[GR_MEM_MAX];
3560014 };
3560015 //----------------------------------------------------------
3560016 struct group *getgrent (void);
3560017 void setgrent (void);
3560018 void endgrent (void);
3560019 struct group *getgrnam (const char *name);
3560020 struct group *getgrgid (gid_t gid);
3560021 //----------------------------------------------------------
3560022 #endif

95.7.1   lib/grp/grent.c

Si veda la sezione 88.53.

3570001 #include <grp.h>
3570002 #include <stdio.h>
3570003 #include <string.h>
3570004 #include <stdlib.h>
3570005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3570006 static char buffer[BUFSIZ];
3570007 static struct group gr;
3570008 static FILE *fp = NULL;
3570009 //----------------------------------------------------------
3570010 struct group *
3570011 getgrent (void)
3570012 {
3570013   void *pstatus;
3570014   char *char_gid;
3570015   int i;
3570016   // 
3570017   if (fp == NULL)
3570018     {
3570019       fp = fopen ("/etc/group", "r");
3570020       if (fp == NULL)
3570021         {
3570022           return NULL;
3570023         }
3570024     }
3570025   // 
3570026   pstatus = fgets (buffer, BUFSIZ, fp);
3570027   if (pstatus == NULL)
3570028     {
3570029       return (NULL);
3570030     }
3570031   // 
3570032   // The parse is made with `strtok()'. Please notice
3570033   // that
3570034   // `strtok()' will not parse a line like the
3570035   // following:
3570036   // user::233:
3570037   // The password field *must* have something,
3570038   // otherwise the
3570039   // GID will take the password place.
3570040   // `strtok()' will consider `::' the same as `:'!
3570041   // 
3570042   gr.gr_name = strtok (buffer, ":");
3570043   gr.gr_passwd = strtok (NULL, ":");
3570044   char_gid = strtok (NULL, ":");
3570045   for (i = 0; i < GR_MEM_MAX; i++)
3570046     {
3570047       gr.gr_mem[i] = strtok (NULL, ",\n");
3570048     }
3570049   gr.gr_gid = (gid_t) atoi (char_gid);
3570050   // 
3570051   return (&gr);
3570052 }
3570054 //----------------------------------------------------------
3570055 void
3570056 endgrent (void)
3570057 {
3570058   int status;
3570059   // 
3570060   if (fp != NULL)
3570061     {
3570062       status = fclose (fp);
3570063       if (status != 0)
3570064         {
3570065           perror (NULL);
3570066           fp = NULL;
3570067         }
3570068     }
3570069 }
3570071 //----------------------------------------------------------
3570072 void
3570073 setgrent (void)
3570074 {
3570075   if (fp != NULL)
3570076     {
3570077       rewind (fp);
3570078     }
3570079 }
3570081 //----------------------------------------------------------
3570082 struct group *
3570083 getgrnam (const char *name)
3570084 {
3570085   struct group *gr;
3570086   // 
3570087   setgrent ();
3570088   // 
3570089   for (;;)
3570090     {
3570091       gr = getgrent ();
3570092       if (gr == NULL)
3570093         {
3570094           return (NULL);
3570095         }
3570096       if (strcmp (gr->gr_name, name) == 0)
3570097         {
3570098           return (gr);
3570099         }
3570100     }
3570101 }
3570103 //----------------------------------------------------------
3570104 struct group *
3570105 getgrgid (gid_t gid)
3570106 {
3570107   struct group *gr;
3570108   // 
3570109   setgrent ();
3570110   // 
3570111   for (;;)
3570112     {
3570113       gr = getgrent ();
3570114       if (gr == NULL)
3570115         {
3570116           return (NULL);
3570117         }
3570118       if (gr->gr_gid == gid)
3570119         {
3570120           return (gr);
3570121         }
3570122     }
3570123 }

95.8   os32: «lib/inttypes.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3580001 #ifndef _INTTYPES_H
3580002 #define _INTTYPES_H     1
3580003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3580004 #include <stdint.h>
3580005 #include <wchar_t.h>
3580006 #include <restrict.h>
3580007 //----------------------------------------------------------
3580008 typedef struct
3580009 {
3580010   intmax_t quot;
3580011   intmax_t rem;
3580012 } imaxdiv_t;
3580013 //
3580014 imaxdiv_t imaxdiv (intmax_t numer, intmax_t denom);
3580015 //----------------------------------------------------------
3580016 // Output typesetting.
3580017 //----------------------------------------------------------
3580018 #define PRId8           "d"
3580019 #define PRId16          "d"
3580020 #define PRId32          "d"
3580021 #define PRId64          "lld"
3580022 //
3580023 #define PRIdLEAST8      "d"
3580024 #define PRIdLEAST16     "d"
3580025 #define PRIdLEAST32     "d"
3580026 #define PRIdLEAST64     "lld"
3580027 //
3580028 #define PRIdFAST8       "d"
3580029 #define PRIdFAST16      "d"
3580030 #define PRIdFAST32      "d"
3580031 #define PRIdFAST64      "lld"
3580032 //
3580033 #define PRIdMAX         "lld"
3580034 #define PRIdPTR         "d"
3580035 //
3580036 #define PRIi8           "i"
3580037 #define PRIi16          "i"
3580038 #define PRIi32          "i"
3580039 #define PRIi64          "lli"
3580040 //
3580041 #define PRIiLEAST8      "i"
3580042 #define PRIiLEAST16     "i"
3580043 #define PRIiLEAST32     "i"
3580044 #define PRIiLEAST64     "lli"
3580045 //
3580046 #define PRIiFAST8       "i"
3580047 #define PRIiFAST16      "i"
3580048 #define PRIiFAST32      "i"
3580049 #define PRIiFAST64      "lli"
3580050 //
3580051 #define PRIiMAX         "lli"
3580052 #define PRIiPTR         "i"
3580053 //
3580054 #define PRIb8           "b"     // PRIb... is not
3580055                                 // standard!
3580056 #define PRIb16          "b"     // 
3580057 #define PRIb32          "b"     // 
3580058 #define PRIb64          "llb"   // 
3580059 //                              //
3580060 #define PRIbLEAST8      "b"     // 
3580061 #define PRIbLEAST16     "b"     // 
3580062 #define PRIbLEAST32     "b"     // 
3580063 #define PRIbLEAST64     "llb"   // 
3580064 //                              //
3580065 #define PRIbFAST8       "b"     // 
3580066 #define PRIbFAST16      "b"     // 
3580067 #define PRIbFAST32      "b"     // 
3580068 #define PRIbFAST64      "llb"   // 
3580069 //                              //
3580070 #define PRIbMAX         "llb"   // 
3580071 #define PRIbPTR         "b"     // 
3580072 //
3580073 #define PRIo8           "o"
3580074 #define PRIo16          "o"
3580075 #define PRIo32          "o"
3580076 #define PRIo64          "llo"
3580077 //
3580078 #define PRIoLEAST8      "o"
3580079 #define PRIoLEAST16     "o"
3580080 #define PRIoLEAST32     "o"
3580081 #define PRIoLEAST64     "llo"
3580082 //
3580083 #define PRIoFAST8       "o"
3580084 #define PRIoFAST16      "o"
3580085 #define PRIoFAST32      "o"
3580086 #define PRIoFAST64      "llo"
3580087 //
3580088 #define PRIoMAX         "llo"
3580089 #define PRIoPTR         "o"
3580090 //
3580091 #define PRIu8           "u"
3580092 #define PRIu16          "u"
3580093 #define PRIu32          "u"
3580094 #define PRIu64          "llu"
3580095 //
3580096 #define PRIuLEAST8      "u"
3580097 #define PRIuLEAST16     "u"
3580098 #define PRIuLEAST32     "u"
3580099 #define PRIuLEAST64     "llu"
3580100 //
3580101 #define PRIuFAST8       "u"
3580102 #define PRIuFAST16      "u"
3580103 #define PRIuFAST32      "u"
3580104 #define PRIuFAST64      "llu"
3580105 //
3580106 #define PRIuMAX         "llu"
3580107 #define PRIuPTR         "u"
3580108 //
3580109 #define PRIx8           "x"
3580110 #define PRIx16          "x"
3580111 #define PRIx32          "x"
3580112 #define PRIx64          "llx"
3580113 //
3580114 #define PRIxLEAST8      "x"
3580115 #define PRIxLEAST16     "x"
3580116 #define PRIxLEAST32     "x"
3580117 #define PRIxLEAST64     "llx"
3580118 //
3580119 #define PRIxFAST8       "x"
3580120 #define PRIxFAST16      "x"
3580121 #define PRIxFAST32      "x"
3580122 #define PRIxFAST64      "llx"
3580123 //
3580124 #define PRIxMAX         "llx"
3580125 #define PRIxPTR         "x"
3580126 //
3580127 #define PRIX8           "X"
3580128 #define PRIX16          "X"
3580129 #define PRIX32          "X"
3580130 #define PRIX64          "llX"
3580131 //
3580132 #define PRIXLEAST8      "X"
3580133 #define PRIXLEAST16     "X"
3580134 #define PRIXLEAST32     "X"
3580135 #define PRIXLEAST64     "llX"
3580136 //
3580137 #define PRIXFAST8       "X"
3580138 #define PRIXFAST16      "X"
3580139 #define PRIXFAST32      "X"
3580140 #define PRIXFAST64      "llX"
3580141 //
3580142 #define PRIXMAX         "llX"
3580143 #define PRIXPTR         "X"
3580144 //----------------------------------------------------------
3580145 // Input scan and evaluation.
3580146 //----------------------------------------------------------
3580147 #define SCNd8           "hhd"
3580148 #define SCNd16          "hd"
3580149 #define SCNd32          "d"
3580150 #define SCNd64          "lld"
3580151 //
3580152 #define SCNdLEAST8      "hhd"
3580153 #define SCNdLEAST16     "hd"
3580154 #define SCNdLEAST32     "d"
3580155 #define SCNdLEAST64     "lld"
3580156 //
3580157 #define SCNdFAST8       "hhd"
3580158 #define SCNdFAST16      "d"
3580159 #define SCNdFAST32      "d"
3580160 #define SCNdFAST64      "lld"
3580161 //
3580162 #define SCNdMAX         "lld"
3580163 #define SCNdPTR         "d"
3580164 //
3580165 #define SCNi8           "hhi"
3580166 #define SCNi16          "hi"
3580167 #define SCNi32          "i"
3580168 #define SCNi64          "lli"
3580169 //
3580170 #define SCNiLEAST8      "hhi"
3580171 #define SCNiLEAST16     "hi"
3580172 #define SCNiLEAST32     "i"
3580173 #define SCNiLEAST64     "lli"
3580174 //
3580175 #define SCNiFAST8       "hhi"
3580176 #define SCNiFAST16      "i"
3580177 #define SCNiFAST32      "i"
3580178 #define SCNiFAST64      "lli"
3580179 //
3580180 #define SCNiMAX         "lli"
3580181 #define SCNiPTR         "i"
3580182 //
3580183 #define SCNb8           "hhb"   // SCNb... is not
3580184                                 // standard!
3580185 #define SCNb16          "hb"    // 
3580186 #define SCNb32          "b"     // 
3580187 #define SCNb64          "llb"   // 
3580188 //                              //
3580189 #define SCNbLEAST8      "hhb"   // 
3580190 #define SCNbLEAST16     "hb"    // 
3580191 #define SCNbLEAST32     "b"     // 
3580192 #define SCNbLEAST64     "llb"   // 
3580193 //                              //
3580194 #define SCNbFAST8       "hhb"   // 
3580195 #define SCNbFAST16      "b"     // 
3580196 #define SCNbFAST32      "b"     // 
3580197 #define SCNbFAST64      "llb"   // 
3580198 //                              //
3580199 #define SCNbMAX         "llb"   // 
3580200 #define SCNbPTR         "b"     // 
3580201 //
3580202 #define SCNo8           "hho"
3580203 #define SCNo16          "ho"
3580204 #define SCNo32          "o"
3580205 #define SCNo64          "llo"
3580206 //
3580207 #define SCNoLEAST8      "hho"
3580208 #define SCNoLEAST16     "ho"
3580209 #define SCNoLEAST32     "o"
3580210 #define SCNoLEAST64     "llo"
3580211 //
3580212 #define SCNoFAST8       "hho"
3580213 #define SCNoFAST16      "o"
3580214 #define SCNoFAST32      "o"
3580215 #define SCNoFAST64      "llo"
3580216 //
3580217 #define SCNoMAX         "llo"
3580218 #define SCNoPTR         "o"
3580219 //
3580220 #define SCNu8           "hhu"
3580221 #define SCNu16          "hu"
3580222 #define SCNu32          "u"
3580223 #define SCNu64          "llu"
3580224 //
3580225 #define SCNuLEAST8      "hhu"
3580226 #define SCNuLEAST16     "hu"
3580227 #define SCNuLEAST32     "u"
3580228 #define SCNuLEAST64     "llu"
3580229 //
3580230 #define SCNuFAST8       "hhu"
3580231 #define SCNuFAST16      "u"
3580232 #define SCNuFAST32      "u"
3580233 #define SCNuFAST64      "llu"
3580234 //
3580235 #define SCNuMAX         "llu"
3580236 #define SCNuPTR         "u"
3580237 //
3580238 #define SCNx8           "hhx"
3580239 #define SCNx16          "hx"
3580240 #define SCNx32          "x"
3580241 #define SCNx64          "llx"
3580242 //
3580243 #define SCNxLEAST8      "hhx"
3580244 #define SCNxLEAST16     "hx"
3580245 #define SCNxLEAST32     "x"
3580246 #define SCNxLEAST64     "llx"
3580247 //
3580248 #define SCNxFAST8       "hhx"
3580249 #define SCNxFAST16      "x"
3580250 #define SCNxFAST32      "x"
3580251 #define SCNxFAST64      "llx"
3580252 //
3580253 #define SCNxMAX         "llx"
3580254 #define SCNxPTR         "x"
3580255 //----------------------------------------------------------
3580256 intmax_t imaxabs (intmax_t j);
3580257 intmax_t strtoimax (const char *restrict nptr,
3580258                     char **restrict endptr, int base);
3580259 uintmax_t strtouimax (const char *restrict nptr,
3580260                       char **restrict endptr, int base);
3580261 intmax_t wcstoimax (const wchar_t * restrict nptr,
3580262                     wchar_t ** restrict endptr, int base);
3580263 uintmax_t wcstouimax (const wchar_t * restrict nptr,
3580264                       wchar_t ** restrict endptr, int base);
3580265 //----------------------------------------------------------
3580266 #endif

95.8.1   lib/inttypes/imaxabs.c

Si veda la sezione 88.3.

3590001 #include <inttypes.h>
3590002 //----------------------------------------------------------
3590003 intmax_t
3590004 imaxabs (intmax_t j)
3590005 {
3590006   if (j < 0)
3590007     {
3590008       return -j;
3590009     }
3590010   else
3590011     {
3590012       return j;
3590013     }
3590014 }

95.8.2   lib/inttypes/imaxdiv.c

Si veda la sezione 88.17.

3600001 #include <inttypes.h>
3600002 //----------------------------------------------------------
3600003 imaxdiv_t
3600004 imaxdiv (intmax_t numer, intmax_t denom)
3600005 {
3600006   imaxdiv_t d;
3600007   d.quot = numer / denom;
3600008   d.rem = numer % denom;
3600009   return d;
3600010 }

95.9   os32: «lib/libgen.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3610001 #ifndef _LIBGEN_H
3610002 #define _LIBGEN_H       1
3610004 //----------------------------------------------------------
3610005 char *basename (char *path);
3610006 char *dirname (char *path);
3610007 //----------------------------------------------------------
3610009 #endif

95.9.1   lib/libgen/basename.c

Si veda la sezione 88.10.

3620001 #include <libgen.h>
3620002 #include <limits.h>
3620003 #include <stddef.h>
3620004 #include <string.h>
3620005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3620006 char *
3620007 basename (char *path)
3620008 {
3620009   static char *point = ".";     // When `path' is
3620010   // NULL.
3620011   char *p;      // Pointer inside `path'.
3620012   int i;        // Scan index inside `path'.
3620013   // 
3620014   // Empty path.
3620015   // 
3620016   if (path == NULL || strlen (path) == 0)
3620017     {
3620018       return (point);
3620019     }
3620020   // 
3620021   // Remove all final `/' if it exists, excluded the
3620022   // first character:
3620023   // `i' is kept greater than zero.
3620024   // 
3620025   for (i = (strlen (path) - 1);
3620026        i > 0 && path[i] == '/'; i--)
3620027     {
3620028       path[i] = 0;
3620029     }
3620030   // 
3620031   // After removal of extra final `/', if there is
3620032   // only one `/', this
3620033   // is to be returned.
3620034   // 
3620035   if (strncmp (path, "/", PATH_MAX) == 0)
3620036     {
3620037       return (path);
3620038     }
3620039   // 
3620040   // If there are no `/'.
3620041   // 
3620042   if (strchr (path, '/') == NULL)
3620043     {
3620044       return (path);
3620045     }
3620046   // 
3620047   // Find the last `/' and calculate a pointer to the
3620048   // base name.
3620049   // 
3620050   p = strrchr (path, (unsigned int) '/');
3620051   p++;
3620052   // 
3620053   // Return the pointer to the base name.
3620054   // 
3620055   return (p);
3620056 }

95.9.2   lib/libgen/dirname.c

Si veda la sezione 88.10.

3630001 #include <libgen.h>
3630002 #include <limits.h>
3630003 #include <stddef.h>
3630004 #include <string.h>
3630005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3630006 char *
3630007 dirname (char *path)
3630008 {
3630009   static char *point = ".";     // When `path' is
3630010   // NULL.
3630011   char *p;      // Pointer inside `path'.
3630012   int i;        // Scan index inside `path'.
3630013   // 
3630014   // Empty path.
3630015   // 
3630016   if (path == NULL || strlen (path) == 0)
3630017     {
3630018       return (point);
3630019     }
3630020   // 
3630021   // Simple cases.
3630022   // 
3630023   if (strncmp (path, "/", PATH_MAX) == 0 ||
3630024       strncmp (path, ".", PATH_MAX) == 0 ||
3630025       strncmp (path, "..", PATH_MAX) == 0)
3630026     {
3630027       return (path);
3630028     }
3630029   // 
3630030   // Remove all final `/' if it exists, excluded the
3630031   // first character:
3630032   // `i' is kept greater than zero.
3630033   // 
3630034   for (i = (strlen (path) - 1);
3630035        i > 0 && path[i] == '/'; i--)
3630036     {
3630037       path[i] = 0;
3630038     }
3630039   // 
3630040   // After removal of extra final `/', if there is
3630041   // only one `/', this
3630042   // is to be returned.
3630043   // 
3630044   if (strncmp (path, "/", PATH_MAX) == 0)
3630045     {
3630046       return (path);
3630047     }
3630048   // 
3630049   // If there are no `/'
3630050   // 
3630051   if (strchr (path, '/') == NULL)
3630052     {
3630053       return (point);
3630054     }
3630055   // 
3630056   // If there is only a `/' a the beginning.
3630057   // 
3630058   if (path[0] == '/' &&
3630059       strchr (&path[1], (unsigned int) '/') == NULL)
3630060     {
3630061       path[1] = 0;
3630062       return (path);
3630063     }
3630064   // 
3630065   // Replace the last `/' with zero.
3630066   // 
3630067   p = strrchr (path, (unsigned int) '/');
3630068   *p = 0;
3630069   // 
3630070   // Now remove extra duplicated final `/', except the 
3630071   // very first
3630072   // character: `i' is kept greater than zero.
3630073   // 
3630074   for (i = (strlen (path) - 1);
3630075        i > 0 && path[i] == '/'; i--)
3630076     {
3630077       path[i] = 0;
3630078     }
3630079   // 
3630080   // Now `path' appears as a reduced string: the
3630081   // original path string
3630082   // is modified.
3630083   // 
3630084   return (path);
3630085 }

95.10   os32: «lib/netinet/icmp.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3640001 #ifndef __NETINET_ICMP_H
3640002 #define __NETINET_ICMP_H    1
3640003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3640004 // GNU C compatible ICMPv4 header and definitions
3640005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3640006 #include <sys/types.h>
3640007 #include <netinet/in.h>
3640008 #include <netinet/ip.h>
3640009 //----------------------------------------------------------
3640010 struct icmphdr
3640011 {
3640012   uint8_t type; // message type [1]
3640013   uint8_t code; // type sub-code [2]
3640014   uint16_t checksum;
3640015   union
3640016   {
3640017     struct
3640018     {
3640019       uint16_t id;
3640020       uint16_t sequence;
3640021     } __attribute__ ((packed)) echo;    // echo
3640022     // datagram
3640023     uint32_t gateway;   // gateway address
3640024     struct
3640025     {
3640026       uint16_t unused;
3640027       uint16_t mtu;
3640028     } __attribute__ ((packed)) frag;    // path mtu
3640029     // discovery
3640030   } un;
3640031 } __attribute__ ((packed));
3640032 //
3640033 // [1] message type:
3640034 //
3640035 #define ICMP_ECHOREPLY          0  // echo reply
3640036 #define ICMP_DEST_UNREACH       3  // destination
3640037                                    // unreachable
3640038 #define ICMP_SOURCE_QUENCH      4  // source
3640039                                    // quench
3640040 #define ICMP_REDIRECT           5  // redirect
3640041                                    // (change
3640042                                    // route)
3640043 #define ICMP_ECHO               8  // echo
3640044                                    // request
3640045 #define ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED      11 // time
3640046                                    // exceeded
3640047 #define ICMP_PARAMETERPROB      12 // parameter
3640048                                    // problem
3640049 #define ICMP_TIMESTAMP          13 // timestamp
3640050                                    // request
3640051 #define ICMP_TIMESTAMPREPLY     14 // timestamp
3640052                                    // reply
3640053 #define ICMP_INFO_REQUEST       15 // information
3640054                                    // request
3640055 #define ICMP_INFO_REPLY         16 // information
3640056                                    // reply
3640057 #define ICMP_ADDRESS            17 // address
3640058                                    // mask
3640059                                    // request
3640060 #define ICMP_ADDRESSREPLY       18 // address
3640061                                    // mask reply
3640062 #define NR_ICMP_TYPES           18
3640063 //
3640064 // [2] type ICMP_DEST_UNREACH, code:
3640065 //
3640066 #define ICMP_NET_UNREACH        0  // network
3640067                                    // unreachable
3640068 #define ICMP_HOST_UNREACH       1  // host
3640069                                    // unreachable
3640070 #define ICMP_PROT_UNREACH       2  // protocol
3640071                                    // unreachable
3640072 #define ICMP_PORT_UNREACH       3  // port
3640073                                    // unreachable
3640074 #define ICMP_FRAG_NEEDED        4  // fragmentation
3640075                                    // needed/DF
3640076                                    // set
3640077 #define ICMP_SR_FAILED          5  // source
3640078                                    // route
3640079                                    // failed
3640080 #define ICMP_NET_UNKNOWN        6  // destination
3640081                                    // network
3640082                                    // unknown
3640083 #define ICMP_HOST_UNKNOWN       7  // destination
3640084                                    // host
3640085                                    // unknown
3640086 #define ICMP_HOST_ISOLATED      8  // source host
3640087                                    // isolated
3640088 #define ICMP_NET_ANO            9  // destination
3640089                                    // network
3640090                                    // administratively 
3640091                                    // prohibited
3640092 #define ICMP_HOST_ANO           10 // destination
3640093                                    // host
3640094                                    // administratively 
3640095                                    // prohibited
3640096 #define ICMP_NET_UNR_TOS        11 // network
3640097                                    // unreachable 
3640098                                    // for this
3640099                                    // type of
3640100                                    // service
3640101 #define ICMP_HOST_UNR_TOS       12 // host
3640102                                    // unreachable 
3640103                                    // for this
3640104                                    // type of
3640105                                    // service
3640106 #define ICMP_PKT_FILTERED       13 // packet
3640107                                    // filtered
3640108 #define ICMP_PREC_VIOLATION     14 // precedence
3640109                                    // violation
3640110 #define ICMP_PREC_CUTOFF        15 // precedence
3640111                                    // cut off
3640112 #define NR_ICMP_UNREACH         15 // instead of
3640113                                    // hardcoding
3640114                                    // immediate
3640115                                    // value
3640116 //
3640117 // [2] type ICMP_REDIRECT, code:
3640118 //
3640119 #define ICMP_REDIR_NET          0  // redirect
3640120                                    // net
3640121 #define ICMP_REDIR_HOST         1  // redirect
3640122                                    // host
3640123 #define ICMP_REDIR_NETTOS       2  // redirect
3640124                                    // net for TOS
3640125 #define ICMP_REDIR_HOSTTOS      3  // redirect
3640126                                    // host for
3640127                                    // TOS
3640128 //
3640129 // [2] type ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED, code:
3640130 //
3640131 #define ICMP_EXC_TTL            0   // TTL count
3640132                                     // exceeded
3640133 #define ICMP_EXC_FRAGTIME       1   // fragment
3640134                                     // reass time
3640135                                     // exceeded
3640136 //----------------------------------------------------------
3640137 #endif

95.11   os32: «lib/netinet/in.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3650001 #ifndef _NETINET_IN_H
3650002 #define _NETINET_IN_H    1
3650003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3650004 #include <stdint.h>
3650005 #include <sys/sa_family_t.h>
3650006 //----------------------------------------------------------
3650007 typedef uint16_t in_port_t;     // Port number. [1]
3650008 typedef uint32_t in_addr_t;     // IPv4 address.
3650009 //
3650010 // [1] Types `in_port_t' and `in_addr_t' are to be
3650011 //     intended for network byte order IPv4 integer
3650012 //     address, at least because this type is
3650013 //     used inside the type `struct in_addr', that is
3650014 //     surely in network byte order. But attention must
3650015 //     be made to mistakes: for example,
3650016 //     inside the file <netinet/in.h> from GNU sources,
3650017 //     there are some macro defining default netmask
3650018 //     like this:
3650019 //
3650020 // #define IN_CLASSA(a)  
3650021 //    ((((in_addr_t)(a)) & 0x80000000) == 0)
3650022 // #define IN_CLASSB(a)  
3650023 //    ((((in_addr_t)(a)) & 0xc0000000) == 0x80000000)
3650024 // #define IN_CLASSC(a)  
3650025 //    ((((in_addr_t)(a)) & 0xe0000000) == 0xc0000000)
3650026 //
3650027 //     Such macro can work only if the architecture is
3650028 //     big-endian.
3650029 //
3650030 //----------------------------------------------------------
3650031 //
3650032 // IPv4 address.
3650033 //
3650034 struct in_addr
3650035 {
3650036   in_addr_t s_addr;
3650037 };
3650038 //
3650039 // struct sockaddr_in, members in *network*byte*order*.
3650040 //
3650041 struct sockaddr_in
3650042 {
3650043   sa_family_t sin_family;       // AF_INET.
3650044   in_port_t sin_port;   // Port number.
3650045   struct in_addr sin_addr;      // IP address.
3650046   uint8_t sin_zero[8];  // [2]
3650047 };
3650048 //
3650049 // [2] The type `struct sockaddr_in' must be
3650050 //     replaceable with the type `struct sockaddr',
3650051 //     with a cast. So it is necessary to fill the
3650052 //     unused space with a filler.
3650053 //
3650054 //----------------------------------------------------------
3650055 //
3650056 // IPv6 address, network byte order.
3650057 //
3650058 struct in6_addr
3650059 {
3650060   uint8_t s6_addr[16];
3650061 };
3650062 //
3650063 // struct sockaddr_in6, members in network byte order.
3650064 //
3650065 struct sockaddr_in6
3650066 {
3650067   sa_family_t sin6_family;      // AF_INET6.
3650068   in_port_t sin6_port;  // Port number.
3650069   uint32_t sin6_flowinfo;       // IPv6 traffic class
3650070   // and flow info.
3650071   struct in6_addr sin6_addr;    // IPv6 address.
3650072   uint32_t sin6_scope_id;       // Set of interfaces
3650073   // for a scope.
3650074 };
3650075 //----------------------------------------------------------
3650076 //external in6_addr in6addr_any;
3650077 //#define IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT  ...
3650078 //external struct in6_addr in6addr_loopback;
3650079 //#define IN6ADDR_LOOPBACK_INIT ...
3650080 //----------------------------------------------------------
3650081 //
3650082 //
3650083 //
3650084 struct ipv6_mreq
3650085 {
3650086   struct in6_addr ipv6mr_multiaddr;     // IPv6
3650087   // multicast
3650088   // address.
3650089   unsigned int ipv6mr_interface;        // Interface
3650090   // index.
3650091 };
3650092 //----------------------------------------------------------
3650093 #define IPPROTO_IP      0       // Internet protocol.
3650094 #define IPPROTO_ICMP    1       // Contro message
3650095                                 // protocol.
3650096 #define IPPROTO_TCP     6       // Transmission
3650097                                 // control protocol.
3650098 #define IPPROTO_UDP    17       // User datagram
3650099                                 // protocol.
3650100 #define IPPROTO_IPV6   41       // Internet protocol
3650101                                 // version 6.
3650102 #define IPPROTO_RAW   255       // Raw IP packets
3650103                                 // protocol
3650104 //----------------------------------------------------------
3650105 //
3650106 //
3650107 //
3650108 #define INADDR_ANY         ((in_addr_t) 0x00000000)
3650109 //
3650110 //
3650111 //
3650112 #define INADDR_BROADCAST   ((in_addr_t) 0xffffffff)
3650113 //
3650114 //
3650115 //
3650116 #define INADDR_LOOPBACK    ((in_addr_t) 0x7f000001)
3650117 //
3650118 //
3650119 //
3650120 #define INET_ADDRSTRLEN  16     // IPv4 address string
3650121                                 // size.
3650122 #define INET6_ADDRSTRLEN 46     // IPv6 address string
3650123                                 // size.
3650124 //----------------------------------------------------------
3650125 #endif

95.12   os32: «lib/netinet/ip.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3660001 #ifndef _NETINET_IP_H
3660002 #define _NETINET_IP_H    1
3660003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3660004 // GNU C compatible IPv4 header.
3660005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3660006 #include <netinet/in.h>
3660007 //----------------------------------------------------------
3660008 struct iphdr
3660009 {
3660010   uint16_t ihl:4,       // header length / 4
3660011     version:4;  // IP version
3660012   uint8_t tos;  // type of service
3660013   uint16_t tot_len;     // total packet length
3660014   uint16_t id;  // identification
3660015   uint16_t frag_off;    // fragment offset field
3660016   uint8_t ttl;  // time to live
3660017   uint8_t protocol;     // contained protocol
3660018   uint16_t check;       // header checksum
3660019   in_addr_t saddr;      // source IP address
3660020   in_addr_t daddr;      // destination IP address
3660021   // 
3660022   // Options after this point.
3660023   // 
3660024 };
3660025 //----------------------------------------------------------
3660026 #define IPVERSION       4       // IP version number
3660027 #define IP_MAXPACKET    65535   // maximum packet size
3660028 //
3660029 #define MAXTTL          255     // maximum time to
3660030                                 // live (seconds)
3660031 #define IPDEFTTL        64      // default ttl, from
3660032                                 // RFC 1340
3660033 #define IPFRAGTTL       60      // time to live for
3660034                                 // fragments
3660035 #define IPTTLDEC        1       // subtracted when
3660036                                 // forwarding
3660037 //
3660038 #define IP_MSS          576     // default maximum
3660039                                 // segment size
3660040 //----------------------------------------------------------
3660041 #endif

95.13   os32: «lib/netinet/tcp.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3670001 #ifndef _NETINET_TCP_H
3670002 #define _NETINET_TCP_H  1
3670003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3670004 // GNU C compatible UDP header.
3670005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3670006 #include <sys/types.h>
3670007 //----------------------------------------------------------
3670008 struct tcphdr
3670009 {
3670010   uint16_t source;
3670011   uint16_t dest;
3670012   uint32_t seq;
3670013   uint32_t ack_seq;
3670014   uint16_t res1:4,
3670015     doff:4,
3670016     fin:1, syn:1, rst:1, psh:1, ack:1, urg:1, res2:2;
3670017   uint16_t window;
3670018   uint16_t check;
3670019   uint16_t urg_ptr;
3670020 };
3670021 //----------------------------------------------------------
3670022 // ATTENZIONE: per dare un significato allo stato di
3670023 // una connessione, occorre distinguere in che modo si
3670024 // trova inizialmente il socket:
3670025 // attivo o passivo (passivo quando rimane in ascolto
3670026 // per una connessione).
3670027 //
3670028 enum
3670029 {
3670030   TCP_LISTEN = 1,       // waiting a connection
3670031   // request
3670032   TCP_SYN_SENT, // SYN was sent, waiting from the
3670033   // response SYN
3670034   TCP_SYN_RECV, // SYN received, waiting for ACK
3670035   TCP_ESTABLISHED,      // SYN sent, SYN received and
3670036   // ACK sent
3670037   TCP_FIN_WAIT1,        // local close, FIN sent,
3670038   // waiting ACK or FIN
3670039   TCP_FIN_WAIT2,        // FIN sent, ACK received,
3670040   // waiting FIN
3670041   TCP_CLOSE_WAIT,       // FIN received, ACK sent,
3670042   // waiting local close
3670043   TCP_CLOSING,  // FIN sent, FIN received, ACK sent,
3670044   // waiting ACK
3670045   TCP_LAST_ACK, // FIN received, ACK and FIN sent,
3670046   // waiting ACK
3670047   TCP_TIME_WAIT,        // after TCP_LAST_ACK, wait a
3670048   // little and remove
3670049   TCP_CLOSE,    // connection removed
3670050   TCP_RESET     // connection reset (not standard)
3670051 };
3670053 #define TCPOPT_EOL              0
3670054 #define TCPOPT_NOP              1
3670055 #define TCPOPT_MAXSEG           2
3670056 #define TCPOLEN_MAXSEG          4
3670057 #define TCPOPT_WINDOW           3
3670058 #define TCPOLEN_WINDOW          3
3670059 #define TCPOPT_SACK_PERMITTED   4
3670060 #define TCPOLEN_SACK_PERMITTED  2
3670061 #define TCPOPT_SACK             5
3670062 #define TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP        8
3670063 #define TCPOLEN_TIMESTAMP       10
3670064 //----------------------------------------------------------
3670065 //
3670066 // TCP max segment size: IP_MSS - IP header size.
3670067 // Suppose to have a max IP header of 56 bytes,
3670068 // TCP_MSS == 520.
3670069 //
3670070 #define TCP_MSS         520
3670071 //----------------------------------------------------------
3670072 // LA STRUTTURA SEGUENTE È DA VALUTARE, forse conviene
3670073 // fare una tabella a parte per le connessioni TCP.
3670074 //
3670075 struct tcp_info
3670076 {
3670077   uint8_t tcpi_state;
3670078   uint8_t tcpi_ca_state;
3670079   uint8_t tcpi_retransmits;
3670080   uint8_t tcpi_probes;
3670081   uint8_t tcpi_backoff;
3670082   uint8_t tcpi_options;
3670083   uint8_t tcpi_snd_wscale:4, tcpi_rcv_wscale:4;
3670085   uint32_t tcpi_rto;
3670086   uint32_t tcpi_ato;
3670087   uint32_t tcpi_snd_mss;
3670088   uint32_t tcpi_rcv_mss;
3670090   uint32_t tcpi_unacked;
3670091   uint32_t tcpi_sacked;
3670092   uint32_t tcpi_lost;
3670093   uint32_t tcpi_retrans;
3670094   uint32_t tcpi_fackets;
3670096   /* Times. */
3670097   uint32_t tcpi_last_data_sent;
3670099   /* Not remembered, sorry.  */
3670100   uint32_t tcpi_last_ack_sent;
3670102   uint32_t tcpi_last_data_recv;
3670103   uint32_t tcpi_last_ack_recv;
3670105   /* Metrics. */
3670106   uint32_t tcpi_pmtu;
3670107   uint32_t tcpi_rcv_ssthresh;
3670108   uint32_t tcpi_rtt;
3670109   uint32_t tcpi_rttvar;
3670110   uint32_t tcpi_snd_ssthresh;
3670111   uint32_t tcpi_snd_cwnd;
3670112   uint32_t tcpi_advmss;
3670113   uint32_t tcpi_reordering;
3670115   uint32_t tcpi_rcv_rtt;
3670116   uint32_t tcpi_rcv_space;
3670118   uint32_t tcpi_total_retrans;
3670119 };
3670122 //----------------------------------------------------------
3670123 #endif

95.14   os32: «lib/netinet/udp.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3680001 #ifndef __NETINET_UDP_H
3680002 #define __NETINET_UDP_H    1
3680003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3680004 // GNU C compatible UDP header.
3680005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3680006 #include <sys/types.h>
3680007 //----------------------------------------------------------
3680008 struct udphdr
3680009 {
3680010   uint16_t source;      // source port
3680011   uint16_t dest;        // destination port
3680012   uint16_t len; // length
3680013   uint16_t check;       // checksum
3680014 } __attribute__ ((packed));
3680015 //----------------------------------------------------------
3680016 #endif

95.15   os32: «lib/pwd.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3690001 #ifndef _PWD_H
3690002 #define _PWD_H        1
3690003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3690004 #include <restrict.h>
3690005 #include <sys/types.h>  // gid_t, uid_t
3690006 //----------------------------------------------------------
3690007 struct passwd
3690008 {
3690009   char *pw_name;
3690010   char *pw_passwd;
3690011   uid_t pw_uid;
3690012   gid_t pw_gid;
3690013   char *pw_gecos;
3690014   char *pw_dir;
3690015   char *pw_shell;
3690016 };
3690017 //----------------------------------------------------------
3690018 struct passwd *getpwent (void);
3690019 void setpwent (void);
3690020 void endpwent (void);
3690021 struct passwd *getpwnam (const char *name);
3690022 struct passwd *getpwuid (uid_t uid);
3690023 //----------------------------------------------------------
3690025 #endif

95.15.1   lib/pwd/pwent.c

Si veda la sezione 88.57.

3700001 #include <pwd.h>
3700002 #include <stdio.h>
3700003 #include <string.h>
3700004 #include <stdlib.h>
3700005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3700006 static char buffer[BUFSIZ];
3700007 static struct passwd pw;
3700008 static FILE *fp = NULL;
3700009 //----------------------------------------------------------
3700010 struct passwd *
3700011 getpwent (void)
3700012 {
3700013   void *pstatus;
3700014   char *char_uid;
3700015   char *char_gid;
3700016   // 
3700017   if (fp == NULL)
3700018     {
3700019       fp = fopen ("/etc/passwd", "r");
3700020       if (fp == NULL)
3700021         {
3700022           return NULL;
3700023         }
3700024     }
3700025   // 
3700026   pstatus = fgets (buffer, BUFSIZ, fp);
3700027   if (pstatus == NULL)
3700028     {
3700029       return (NULL);
3700030     }
3700031   // 
3700032   // The parse is made with `strtok()'. Please notice
3700033   // that
3700034   // `strtok()' will not parse a line like the
3700035   // following:
3700036   // user::1001:233:...
3700037   // The password field *must* have something,
3700038   // otherwise the
3700039   // UID will take the password place.
3700040   // `strtok()' will consider `::' the same as `:'!
3700041   // 
3700042   pw.pw_name = strtok (buffer, ":");
3700043   pw.pw_passwd = strtok (NULL, ":");
3700044   char_uid = strtok (NULL, ":");
3700045   char_gid = strtok (NULL, ":");
3700046   pw.pw_gecos = strtok (NULL, ":");
3700047   pw.pw_dir = strtok (NULL, ":");
3700048   pw.pw_shell = strtok (NULL, "\n");
3700049   pw.pw_uid = (uid_t) atoi (char_uid);
3700050   pw.pw_gid = (gid_t) atoi (char_gid);
3700051   // 
3700052   return (&pw);
3700053 }
3700055 //----------------------------------------------------------
3700056 void
3700057 endpwent (void)
3700058 {
3700059   int status;
3700060   // 
3700061   if (fp != NULL)
3700062     {
3700063       status = fclose (fp);
3700064       if (status != 0)
3700065         {
3700066           perror (NULL);
3700067           fp = NULL;
3700068         }
3700069       else
3700070         {
3700071           ;     // printf ("[%s] fclose (fp)\n",
3700072           // __func__);
3700073         }
3700074     }
3700075 }
3700077 //----------------------------------------------------------
3700078 void
3700079 setpwent (void)
3700080 {
3700081   if (fp != NULL)
3700082     {
3700083       rewind (fp);
3700084     }
3700085 }
3700087 //----------------------------------------------------------
3700088 struct passwd *
3700089 getpwnam (const char *name)
3700090 {
3700091   struct passwd *pw;
3700092   // 
3700093   setpwent ();
3700094   // 
3700095   for (;;)
3700096     {
3700097       pw = getpwent ();
3700098       if (pw == NULL)
3700099         {
3700100           return (NULL);
3700101         }
3700102       if (strcmp (pw->pw_name, name) == 0)
3700103         {
3700104           return (pw);
3700105         }
3700106     }
3700107 }
3700109 //----------------------------------------------------------
3700110 struct passwd *
3700111 getpwuid (uid_t uid)
3700112 {
3700113   struct passwd *pw;
3700114   // 
3700115   setpwent ();
3700116   // 
3700117   for (;;)
3700118     {
3700119       pw = getpwent ();
3700120       if (pw == NULL)
3700121         {
3700122           return (NULL);
3700123         }
3700124       if (pw->pw_uid == uid)
3700125         {
3700126           return (pw);
3700127         }
3700128     }
3700129 }

95.16   os32: «lib/setjmp.h»

Si veda la sezione 87.49.

3710001 #ifndef _SETJMP_H
3710002 #define _SETJMP_H       1
3710003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3710004 #include <sys/os32.h>
3710005 #include <NULL.h>
3710006 //----------------------------------------------------------
3710007 typedef struct
3710008 {
3710009   uint32_t eax0;
3710010   uint32_t ecx0;
3710011   uint32_t edx0;
3710012   uint32_t ebx0;
3710013   uint32_t ebp0;
3710014   uint32_t esi0;
3710015   uint32_t edi0;
3710016   uint32_t ds0;
3710017   uint32_t es0;
3710018   uint32_t fs0;
3710019   uint32_t gs0;
3710020   uint32_t eip0;
3710021   uint32_t cs0;
3710022   uint32_t eflags0;
3710023   // 
3710024   uint32_t eip1;
3710025   uint32_t syscallnr;
3710026   uint32_t msg_pointer;
3710027   uint32_t msg_size;
3710028   // 
3710029   uint32_t env;
3710030   uint32_t ret;
3710031   uint32_t ebp1;
3710032   uint32_t eip2;
3710033   // 
3710034 } jmp_stack_t;
3710036 typedef struct
3710037 {
3710038   uint32_t esp0;
3710039   uint32_t eax0;
3710040   uint32_t ecx0;
3710041   uint32_t edx0;
3710042   uint32_t ebx0;
3710043   uint32_t ebp0;
3710044   uint32_t esi0;
3710045   uint32_t edi0;
3710046   uint32_t ds0;
3710047   uint32_t es0;
3710048   uint32_t fs0;
3710049   uint32_t gs0;
3710050   uint32_t eip0;
3710051   uint32_t cs0;
3710052   uint32_t eflags0;
3710053   // 
3710054   uint32_t eip1;
3710055   uint32_t syscallnr;
3710056   uint32_t msg_pointer;
3710057   uint32_t msg_size;
3710058   // 
3710059   uint32_t env;
3710060   uint32_t ret;
3710061   uint32_t ebp1;
3710062   uint32_t eip2;
3710063   // 
3710064 } jmp_env_t;
3710065 //
3710066 typedef char jmp_buf[sizeof (jmp_env_t)];
3710067 //----------------------------------------------------------
3710068 int setjmp (jmp_buf env);
3710069 void longjmp (jmp_buf env, int val);
3710070 //----------------------------------------------------------
3710071 #endif

95.16.1   lib/setjmp/longjmp.c

Si veda la sezione 87.49.

3720001 #include <sys/os32.h>
3720002 #include <setjmp.h>
3720003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3720004 void
3720005 longjmp (jmp_buf env, int val)
3720006 {
3720007   sysmsg_jmp_t msg;
3720008   msg.env = env;
3720009   msg.ret = val;
3720010   sys (SYS_LONGJMP, &msg, sizeof msg);
3720011 }

95.16.2   lib/setjmp/setjmp.s

Si veda la sezione 87.49.

3730001 .global setjmp
3730002 .extern sys
3730003 #------------------------------------------------------
3730004 .text
3730005 #------------------------------------------------------
3730006 .align 4
3730007 setjmp:
3730008     #
3730009     # Previous pushes:
3730010     #
3730011     #   push &env
3730012     #   push back_address   # made by a call to
3730013     #                       # setjmp() function
3730014     #
3730015     enter $8, $0
3730016     #
3730017     # sysmsg_jmp_t msg;
3730018     #
3730019     movl  $0,  -4(%ebp)        # msg.ret = 0;
3730020     #
3730021     movl  8(%ebp), %eax        # msg.env = env;
3730022     movl  %eax,-8(%ebp)
3730023     #
3730024     # sys (SYS_SETJMP, &msg, sizeof msg);
3730025     #
3730026     lea   -8(%ebp), %eax
3730027     pushl $8                    # sizeof msg
3730028     pushl %eax                  # &msg
3730029     pushl $47                   # SYS_SETJMP
3730030     call  sys
3730031     add   $4, %esp
3730032     add   $4, %esp
3730033     add   $4, %esp
3730034     #
3730035     # return (msg.ret);
3730036     #
3730037     movl  -4(%ebp), %eax
3730038     leave
3730039     ret

95.17   os32: «lib/signal.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3740001 #ifndef _SIGNAL_H
3740002 #define _SIGNAL_H       1
3740003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3740004 #include <sys/types.h>
3740005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3740006 #define SIGHUP           1
3740007 #define SIGINT           2
3740008 #define SIGQUIT          3
3740009 #define SIGILL           4
3740010 #define SIGABRT          6
3740011 #define SIGFPE           8
3740012 #define SIGKILL          9
3740013 #define SIGSEGV         11
3740014 #define SIGPIPE         13
3740015 #define SIGALRM         14
3740016 #define SIGTERM         15
3740017 #define SIGSTOP         17
3740018 #define SIGTSTP         18
3740019 #define SIGCONT         19
3740020 #define SIGCHLD         20
3740021 #define SIGTTIN         21
3740022 #define SIGTTOU         22
3740023 #define SIGUSR1         30
3740024 #define SIGUSR2         31
3740025 //----------------------------------------------------------
3740026 typedef int sig_atomic_t;
3740027 typedef void (*sighandler_t) (int);     // [1]
3740028 //
3740029 // [1] The type `sighandler_t' is a pointer to a
3740030 // function for the signal handling, with a parameter
3740031 // of type `int', returning `void'.
3740032 //
3740033 //----------------------------------------------------------
3740034 // Special function used to call the real signal
3740035 // handler. This function will return to the `back'
3740036 // address, instead where it was called.
3740037 //
3740038 void _sighandler_wrapper (uint32_t handler,
3740039                           uint32_t signal, uint32_t back);
3740040 //----------------------------------------------------------
3740041 // Special undeclarable functions.
3740042 //
3740043 #define SIG_ERR ((sighandler_t) -1)     // [2]
3740044 #define SIG_DFL ((sighandler_t) 0)      // [2]
3740045 #define SIG_IGN ((sighandler_t) 1)      // [2]
3740046 //
3740047 // [2] It transforms an integer number into a
3740048 //     `sighnandler_t' type, that is, a pointer
3740049 //     to a function that does not exists really.
3740050 //
3740051 //----------------------------------------------------------
3740052 sighandler_t signal (int sig, sighandler_t handler);
3740053 int kill (pid_t pid, int sig);
3740054 int raise (int sig);
3740055 //----------------------------------------------------------
3740056 #endif

95.17.1   lib/signal/_sighandler_wrapper.s

Si veda la sezione 87.52.

3750001 .global _sighandler_wrapper
3750002 #------------------------------------------------------
3750003 .section .text
3750004 #------------------------------------------------------
3750005 # Port input byte.
3750006 #------------------------------------------------------
3750007 _sighandler_wrapper:
3750008     #
3750009     # Current stack is:
3750010     #
3750011     # push %eip           # Back from interrupted code.
3750012     # push <sig_num>      # Signal number.
3750013     # push <sig_handler>  # Signal handler address
3750014     #
3750015     # Please note that THERE IS NO RETURN ADDRESS!
3750016     # Instead you find the signal handler address
3750017     # there.
3750018     #
3750019     # This routine should have to call the signal
3750020     # handler function, and then return back to the
3750021     # interrupted code.
3750022     #
3750023     enter $0, $0                # No local variables.
3750024     pushf
3750025     pusha
3750026     .equ SIG_HAND,  4           # First argument.  [1]
3750027     .equ SIG_NUM,   8           # Second argument. [1]
3750028     #
3750029     # [1] This function is called without the return
3750030     #     address inside the stack. So the arguments
3750031     #     are 4 bytes nearer than the usual.
3750032     #
3750033     mov  SIG_NUM(%ebp), %edx    # Copy the signal
3750034                                 # number into EDX.
3750035     mov  SIG_HAND(%ebp), %eax   # Copy the signal
3750036                                 # handler function
3750037                                 # address into EAX.
3750038     push %edx                   # Prepare argument for
3750039                                 # the signal
3750040                                 # handler function.
3750041     call *%eax                  # Call the signal
3750042                                 # handler function.
3750043     add  $4, %esp               # Pop the signal
3750044                                 # number argument.
3750045     popa
3750046     popf
3750047     leave
3750048     #
3750049     # Now we are back to the same stack as the
3750050     # beginning:
3750051     #
3750052     # push %eip         # back from interrupted code.
3750053     # push <sig_num>
3750054     # push <sig_handler>
3750055     # push %eip         # back from
3750056     #                   # _sighandler_wrapper()
3750057     #
3750058     # The stack pointer must be modified before
3750059     # returning, so that the address to the original
3750060     # interrupted instruction is used for return.
3750061     # Without such modification, the RET
3750062     # instruction would find the signal handler address
3750063     # instead!
3750064     #
3750065     add $4, %esp
3750066     add $4, %esp
3750067     #
3750068     # Now we are ready to return to the original
3750069     # interrupted address!
3750070     #
3750071     ret

95.17.2   lib/signal/kill.c

Si veda la sezione 87.29.

3760001 #include <sys/os32.h>
3760002 #include <sys/types.h>
3760003 #include <signal.h>
3760004 #include <errno.h>
3760005 #include <string.h>
3760006 //----------------------------------------------------------
3760007 int
3760008 kill (pid_t pid, int sig)
3760009 {
3760010   sysmsg_kill_t msg;
3760011   if (pid < -1) // Currently unsupported.
3760012     {
3760013       errset (ESRCH);
3760014       return (-1);
3760015     }
3760016 = pid;
3760017   msg.signal = sig;
3760018   msg.ret = 0;
3760019   msg.errno = 0;
3760020   sys (SYS_KILL, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3760021   errno = msg.errno;
3760022   errln = msg.errln;
3760023   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
3760024   return (msg.ret);
3760025 }

95.17.3   lib/signal/signal.c

Si veda la sezione 87.52.

3770001 #include <sys/os32.h>
3770002 #include <sys/types.h>
3770003 #include <signal.h>
3770004 #include <errno.h>
3770005 #include <string.h>
3770006 //----------------------------------------------------------
3770007 sighandler_t
3770008 signal (int sig, sighandler_t handler)
3770009 {
3770010   sysmsg_signal_t msg;
3770012   msg.signal = sig;
3770013   msg.handler = handler;
3770014   msg.wrapper = (uintptr_t) _sighandler_wrapper;
3770015   msg.ret = SIG_DFL;
3770016   msg.errno = 0;
3770017   sys (SYS_SIGNAL, &msg, (sizeof msg));
3770018   errno = msg.errno;
3770019   errln = msg.errln;
3770020   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
3770021   return (msg.ret);
3770022 }

95.18   os32: «lib/stdio.h»

Si veda la sezione 88.112.

3780001 #ifndef _STDIO_H
3780002 #define _STDIO_H        1
3780003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3780004 #include <restrict.h>
3780005 #include <stdarg.h>
3780006 #include <stdint.h>
3780007 #include <limits.h>
3780008 #include <NULL.h>
3780009 #include <size_t.h>
3780010 #include <sys/types.h>
3780011 #include <SEEK.h>       // SEEK_CUR, SEEK_SET,
3780012                         // SEEK_END
3780013 //----------------------------------------------------------
3780014 #define BUFSIZ              8192 // At least the
3780015                                  // file
3780016                                  // system max zone
3780017                                  // size.
3780018 #define _IOFBF                 0 // Input-output
3780019                                  // fully
3780020                                  // buffered.
3780021 #define _IOLBF                 1 // Input-output
3780022                                  // line
3780023                                  // buffered.
3780024 #define _IONBF                 2 // Input-output
3780025                                  // with
3780026                                  // no buffering.
3780028 #define L_tmpnam    FILENAME_MAX // <limits.h>
3780030 #define FOPEN_MAX       OPEN_MAX // <limits.h>
3780031 #define FILENAME_MAX    NAME_MAX // <limits.h>
3780032 #define TMP_MAX           0x7FFF
3780034 #define EOF                 (-1) // Must be a
3780035                                  // negative
3780036                                  // value.
3780037 //----------------------------------------------------------
3780038 typedef off_t fpos_t;   // `off_t' defined in
3780039                         // <sys/types.h>.
3780041 typedef struct
3780042 {
3780043   int fdn;      // File descriptor number.
3780044   char error;   // Error indicator.
3780045   char eof;     // End of file indicator.
3780046 } FILE;
3780048 extern FILE _stream[];  // Defined inside
3780049                         // `lib/stdio/FILE.c'.
3780051 #define stdin   (&_stream[0])
3780052 #define stdout  (&_stream[1])
3780053 #define stderr  (&_stream[2])
3780054 //----------------------------------------------------------
3780055 void clearerr (FILE * fp);
3780056 int fclose (FILE * fp);
3780057 int feof (FILE * fp);
3780058 int ferror (FILE * fp);
3780059 int fflush (FILE * fp);
3780060 int fgetc (FILE * fp);
3780061 int fgetpos (FILE * restrict fp, fpos_t * restrict pos);
3780062 char *fgets (char *restrict string, int n,
3780063              FILE * restrict fp);
3780064 int fileno (FILE * fp);
3780065 FILE *fopen (const char *path, const char *mode);
3780066 int fprintf (FILE * fp, char *restrict format, ...);
3780067 int fputc (int c, FILE * fp);
3780068 int fputs (const char *restrict string, FILE * restrict fp);
3780069 size_t fread (void *restrict buffer, size_t size,
3780070               size_t nmemb, FILE * restrict fp);
3780071 FILE *freopen (const char *restrict path,
3780072                const char *restrict mode,
3780073                FILE * restrict fp);
3780074 int fscanf (FILE * restrict fp,
3780075             const char *restrict format, ...);
3780076 int fseek (FILE * fp, long int offset, int whence);
3780077 int fsetpos (FILE * fp, fpos_t * pos);
3780078 long int ftell (FILE * fp);
3780079 off_t ftello (FILE * fp);
3780080 size_t fwrite (const void *restrict buffer,
3780081                size_t size, size_t nmemb,
3780082                FILE * restrict fp);
3780083 #define  getc(p)    (fgetc (p))
3780084 int getchar (void);
3780085 char *gets (char *string);
3780086 void perror (const char *string);
3780087 int printf (const char *restrict format, ...);
3780088 #define  putc(c, p) (fputc ((c), (p)))
3780089 int putchar (int c);
3780090 int puts (const char *string);
3780091 void rewind (FILE * fp);
3780092 int scanf (const char *restrict format, ...);
3780093 void setbuf (FILE * restrict fp, char *restrict buffer);
3780094 int setvbuf (FILE * restrict fp, char *restrict buffer,
3780095              int buf_mode, size_t size);
3780096 int snprintf (char *restrict string, size_t size,
3780097               const char *restrict format, ...);
3780098 int sprintf (char *restrict string,
3780099              const char *restrict format, ...);
3780100 int sscanf (char *restrict string,
3780101             const char *restrict format, ...);
3780102 int vfprintf (FILE * fp, char *restrict format,
3780103               va_list arg);
3780104 int vfscanf (FILE * restrict fp,
3780105              const char *restrict format, va_list arg);
3780106 int vprintf (const char *restrict format, va_list arg);
3780107 int vscanf (const char *restrict format, va_list ap);
3780108 int vsnprintf (char *restrict string, size_t size,
3780109                const char *restrict format, va_list arg);
3780110 int vsprintf (char *restrict string,
3780111               const char *restrict format, va_list arg);
3780112 int vsscanf (const char *string, const char *format,
3780113              va_list ap);
3780114 //----------------------------------------------------------
3780115 #endif

95.18.1   lib/stdio/FILE.c

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

3790001 #include <stdio.h>
3790002 //
3790003 // There must be room for at least `FOPEN_MAX'
3790004 // elements.
3790005 //
3790006 FILE _stream[FOPEN_MAX];
3790007 //----------------------------------------------------------
3790008 void
3790009 _stdio_stream_setup (void)
3790010 {
3790011   _stream[0].fdn = 0;
3790012   _stream[0].error = 0;
3790013   _stream[0].eof = 0;
3790015   _stream[1].fdn = 1;
3790016   _stream[1].error = 0;
3790017   _stream[1].eof = 0;
3790019   _stream[2].fdn = 2;
3790020   _stream[2].error = 0;
3790021   _stream[2].eof = 0;
3790022 }

95.18.2   lib/stdio/clearerr.c

Si veda la sezione 88.12.

3800001 #include <stdio.h>
3800002 //----------------------------------------------------------
3800003 void
3800004 clearerr (FILE * fp)
3800005 {
3800006   if (fp != NULL)
3800007     {
3800008       fp->error = 0;
3800009       fp->eof = 0;
3800010     }
3800011 }

95.18.3   lib/stdio/fclose.c

Si veda la sezione 88.28.

3810001 #include <stdio.h>
3810002 #include <unistd.h>
3810003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3810004 int
3810005 fclose (FILE * fp)
3810006 {
3810007   return (close (fp->fdn));
3810008 }

95.18.4   lib/stdio/feof.c

Si veda la sezione 88.29.

3820001 #include <stdio.h>
3820002 //----------------------------------------------------------
3820003 int
3820004 feof (FILE * fp)
3820005 {
3820006   if (fp != NULL)
3820007     {
3820008       return (fp->eof);
3820009     }
3820010   return (0);
3820011 }

95.18.5   lib/stdio/ferror.c

Si veda la sezione 88.30.

3830001 #include <stdio.h>
3830002 //----------------------------------------------------------
3830003 int
3830004 ferror (FILE * fp)
3830005 {
3830006   if (fp != NULL)
3830007     {
3830008       return (fp->error);
3830009     }
3830010   return (0);
3830011 }

95.18.6   lib/stdio/fflush.c

Si veda la sezione 88.31.

3840001 #include <stdio.h>
3840002 //----------------------------------------------------------
3840003 int
3840004 fflush (FILE * fp)
3840005 {
3840006   // 
3840007   // The os32 library does not have any buffered data.
3840008   // 
3840009   return (0);
3840010 }

95.18.7   lib/stdio/fgetc.c

Si veda la sezione 88.32.

3850001 #include <stdio.h>
3850002 #include <sys/types.h>
3850003 #include <unistd.h>
3850004 //----------------------------------------------------------
3850005 int
3850006 fgetc (FILE * fp)
3850007 {
3850008   ssize_t size_read;
3850009   int c;        // Character read.
3850010   // 
3850011   for (c = 0;;)
3850012     {
3850013       size_read = read (fp->fdn, &c, (size_t) 1);
3850014       // 
3850015       if (size_read <= 0)
3850016         {
3850017           // 
3850018           // It is the end of file (zero) otherwise
3850019           // there is a
3850020           // problem (a negative value): return `EOF'.
3850021           // 
3850022           return (EOF);
3850023         }
3850024       // 
3850025       // Valid read: end of scan.
3850026       // 
3850027       return (c);
3850028     }
3850029 }

95.18.8   lib/stdio/fgetpos.c

Si veda la sezione 88.33.

3860001 #include <stdio.h>
3860002 //----------------------------------------------------------
3860003 int
3860004 fgetpos (FILE * restrict fp, fpos_t * restrict pos)
3860005 {
3860006   long int position;
3860007   // 
3860008   if (fp != NULL)
3860009     {
3860010       position = ftell (fp);
3860011       if (position >= 0)
3860012         {
3860013           *pos = position;
3860014           return (0);
3860015         }
3860016     }
3860017   return (-1);
3860018 }

95.18.9   lib/stdio/fgets.c

Si veda la sezione 88.34.

3870001 #include <stdio.h>
3870002 #include <sys/types.h>
3870003 #include <unistd.h>
3870004 #include <stddef.h>
3870005 //----------------------------------------------------------
3870006 char *
3870007 fgets (char *restrict string, int n, FILE * restrict fp)
3870008 {
3870009   ssize_t size_read;
3870010   int b;        // Index inside the string buffer.
3870011   // 
3870012   for (b = 0; b < (n - 1); b++, string[b] = 0)
3870013     {
3870014       size_read = read (fp->fdn, &string[b], (size_t) 1);
3870015       // 
3870016       if (size_read <= 0)
3870017         {
3870018           // 
3870019           // It is the end of file (zero) otherwise
3870020           // there is a
3870021           // problem (a negative value).
3870022           // 
3870023           string[b] = 0;
3870024           break;
3870025         }
3870026       // 
3870027       if (string[b] == '\n')
3870028         {
3870029           b++;
3870030           string[b] = 0;
3870031           break;
3870032         }
3870033     }
3870034   // 
3870035   // If `b` is zero, nothing was read and `NULL' is
3870036   // returned.
3870037   // 
3870038   if (b == 0)
3870039     {
3870040       return (NULL);
3870041     }
3870042   else
3870043     {
3870044       return (string);
3870045     }
3870046 }

95.18.10   lib/stdio/fileno.c

Si veda la sezione 88.35.

3880001 #include <stdio.h>
3880002 #include <errno.h>
3880003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3880004 int
3880005 fileno (FILE * fp)
3880006 {
3880007   if (fp != NULL)
3880008     {
3880009       return (fp->fdn);
3880010     }
3880011   errset (EBADF);       // Bad file descriptor.
3880012   return (-1);
3880013 }

95.18.11   lib/stdio/fopen.c

Si veda la sezione 88.36.

3890001 #include <fcntl.h>
3890002 #include <stdarg.h>
3890003 #include <stddef.h>
3890004 #include <string.h>
3890005 #include <errno.h>
3890006 #include <sys/os32.h>
3890007 #include <limits.h>
3890008 #include <stdio.h>
3890009 //----------------------------------------------------------
3890010 FILE *
3890011 fopen (const char *path, const char *mode)
3890012 {
3890013   int fdn;
3890014   // 
3890015   if (strcmp (mode, "r") || strcmp (mode, "rb"))
3890016     {
3890017       fdn = open (path, O_RDONLY);
3890018     }
3890019   else if (strcmp (mode, "r+") ||
3890020            strcmp (mode, "r+b") || strcmp (mode, "rb+"))
3890021     {
3890022       fdn = open (path, O_RDWR);
3890023     }
3890024   else if (strcmp (mode, "w") || strcmp (mode, "wb"))
3890025     {
3890026       fdn = open (path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);
3890027     }
3890028   else if (strcmp (mode, "w+") ||
3890029            strcmp (mode, "w+b") || strcmp (mode, "wb+"))
3890030     {
3890031       fdn = open (path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);
3890032     }
3890033   else if (strcmp (mode, "a") || strcmp (mode, "ab"))
3890034     {
3890035       fdn =
3890036         open (path,
3890037               O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC,
3890038               0666);
3890039     }
3890040   else if (strcmp (mode, "a+") ||
3890041            strcmp (mode, "a+b") || strcmp (mode, "ab+"))
3890042     {
3890043       fdn =
3890044         open (path,
3890045               O_RDWR | O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);
3890046     }
3890047   else
3890048     {
3890049       errset (EINVAL);  // Invalid argument.
3890050       return (NULL);
3890051     }
3890052   // 
3890053   // Check the file descriptor returned.
3890054   // 
3890055   if (fdn < 0)
3890056     {
3890057       // 
3890058       // The variable `errno' is already set.
3890059       // 
3890060       errset (errno);
3890061       return (NULL);
3890062     }
3890063   // 
3890064   // A valid file descriptor is available: convert it
3890065   // into a file
3890066   // stream. Please note that the file descriptor
3890067   // number must be
3890068   // saved inside the corresponding `_stream[]' array, 
3890069   // because the
3890070   // file pointer do not have knowledge of the
3890071   // relative position
3890072   // inside the array.
3890073   // 
3890074   _stream[fdn].fdn = fdn;       // Saved the file
3890075   // descriptor number.
3890076   // 
3890077   return (&_stream[fdn]);       // Returned the file
3890078   // stream pointer.
3890079 }

95.18.12   lib/stdio/fprintf.c

Si veda la sezione 88.91.

3900001 #include <stdio.h>
3900002 //----------------------------------------------------------
3900003 int
3900004 fprintf (FILE * fp, char *restrict format, ...)
3900005 {
3900006   va_list ap;
3900007   va_start (ap, format);
3900008   return (vfprintf (fp, format, ap));
3900009 }

95.18.13   lib/stdio/fputc.c

Si veda la sezione 88.38.

3910001 #include <stdio.h>
3910002 #include <sys/types.h>
3910003 #include <sys/os32.h>
3910004 #include <string.h>
3910005 #include <unistd.h>
3910006 //----------------------------------------------------------
3910007 int
3910008 fputc (int c, FILE * fp)
3910009 {
3910010   ssize_t size_written;
3910011   char character = (char) c;
3910012   size_written = write (fp->fdn, &character, (size_t) 1);
3910013   if (size_written < 0)
3910014     {
3910015       fp->eof = 1;
3910016       return (EOF);
3910017     }
3910018   return (c);
3910019 }

95.18.14   lib/stdio/fputs.c

Si veda la sezione 88.39.

3920001 #include <stdio.h>
3920002 #include <string.h>
3920003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3920004 int
3920005 fputs (const char *restrict string, FILE * restrict fp)
3920006 {
3920007   int i;        // Index inside the string to be
3920008   // printed.
3920009   int status;
3920011   for (i = 0; i < strlen (string); i++)
3920012     {
3920013       status = fputc (string[i], fp);
3920014       if (status == EOF)
3920015         {
3920016           fp->eof = 1;
3920017           return (EOF);
3920018         }
3920019     }
3920020   return (0);
3920021 }

95.18.15   lib/stdio/fread.c

Si veda la sezione 88.40.

3930001 #include <unistd.h>
3930002 #include <stdio.h>
3930003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3930004 size_t
3930005 fread (void *restrict buffer, size_t size,
3930006        size_t nmemb, FILE * restrict fp)
3930007 {
3930008   ssize_t size_read;
3930009   size_read =
3930010     read (fp->fdn, buffer, (size_t) (size * nmemb));
3930011   if (size_read == 0)
3930012     {
3930013       fp->eof = 1;
3930014       return ((size_t) 0);
3930015     }
3930016   else if (size_read < 0)
3930017     {
3930018       fp->error = 1;
3930019       return ((size_t) 0);
3930020     }
3930021   else
3930022     {
3930023       return ((size_t) (size_read / size));
3930024     }
3930025 }

95.18.16   lib/stdio/freopen.c

Si veda la sezione 88.36.

3940001 #include <fcntl.h>
3940002 #include <stdarg.h>
3940003 #include <stddef.h>
3940004 #include <string.h>
3940005 #include <errno.h>
3940006 #include <sys/os32.h>
3940007 #include <limits.h>
3940008 #include <stdio.h>
3940009 //----------------------------------------------------------
3940010 FILE *
3940011 freopen (const char *restrict path,
3940012          const char *restrict mode, FILE * restrict fp)
3940013 {
3940014   int status;
3940015   FILE *fp_new;
3940016   // 
3940017   if (fp == NULL)
3940018     {
3940019       return (NULL);
3940020     }
3940021   // 
3940022   status = fclose (fp);
3940023   if (status != 0)
3940024     {
3940025       fp->error = 1;
3940026       return (NULL);
3940027     }
3940028   // 
3940029   fp_new = fopen (path, mode);
3940030   // 
3940031   if (fp_new == NULL)
3940032     {
3940033       return (NULL);
3940034     }
3940035   // 
3940036   if (fp_new != fp)
3940037     {
3940038       fclose (fp_new);
3940039       return (NULL);
3940040     }
3940041   // 
3940042   return (fp_new);
3940043 }

95.18.17   lib/stdio/fscanf.c

Si veda la sezione 88.102.

3950001 #include <stdio.h>
3950002 //----------------------------------------------------------
3950003 int
3950004 fscanf (FILE * restrict fp,
3950005         const char *restrict format, ...)
3950006 {
3950007   va_list ap;
3950008   va_start (ap, format);
3950009   return vfscanf (fp, format, ap);
3950010 }

95.18.18   lib/stdio/fseek.c

Si veda la sezione 88.44.

3960001 #include <stdio.h>
3960002 #include <unistd.h>
3960003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3960004 int
3960005 fseek (FILE * fp, long int offset, int whence)
3960006 {
3960007   off_t off_new;
3960008   off_new = lseek (fp->fdn, (off_t) offset, whence);
3960009   if (off_new < 0)
3960010     {
3960011       fp->error = 1;
3960012       return (-1);
3960013     }
3960014   else
3960015     {
3960016       fp->eof = 0;
3960017       return (0);
3960018     }
3960019 }

95.18.19   lib/stdio/fseeko.c

Si veda la sezione 88.44.

3970001 #include <stdio.h>
3970002 #include <unistd.h>
3970003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3970004 int
3970005 fseeko (FILE * fp, off_t offset, int whence)
3970006 {
3970007   off_t off_new;
3970008   off_new = lseek (fp->fdn, offset, whence);
3970009   if (off_new < 0)
3970010     {
3970011       fp->error = 1;
3970012       return (-1);
3970013     }
3970014   else
3970015     {
3970016       return (0);
3970017     }
3970018 }

95.18.20   lib/stdio/fsetpos.c

Si veda la sezione 88.33.

3980001 #include <stdio.h>
3980002 //----------------------------------------------------------
3980003 int
3980004 fsetpos (FILE * fp, fpos_t * pos)
3980005 {
3980006   long int position;
3980007   // 
3980008   if (fp != NULL)
3980009     {
3980010       position = fseek (fp, (long int) *pos, SEEK_SET);
3980011       if (position >= 0)
3980012         {
3980013           *pos = position;
3980014           return (0);
3980015         }
3980016     }
3980017   return (-1);
3980018 }

95.18.21   lib/stdio/ftell.c

Si veda la sezione 88.47.

3990001 #include <stdio.h>
3990002 #include <unistd.h>
3990003 //----------------------------------------------------------
3990004 long int
3990005 ftell (FILE * fp)
3990006 {
3990007   return ((long int) lseek (fp->fdn, (off_t) 0, SEEK_CUR));
3990008 }

95.18.22   lib/stdio/ftello.c

Si veda la sezione 88.47.

4000001 #include <stdio.h>
4000002 #include <unistd.h>
4000003 //----------------------------------------------------------
4000004 off_t
4000005 ftello (FILE * fp)
4000006 {
4000007   return (lseek (fp->fdn, (off_t) 0, SEEK_CUR));
4000008 }

95.18.23   lib/stdio/fwrite.c

Si veda la sezione 88.49.

4010001 #include <unistd.h>
4010002 #include <stdio.h>
4010003 //----------------------------------------------------------
4010004 size_t
4010005 fwrite (const void *restrict buffer, size_t size,
4010006         size_t nmemb, FILE * restrict fp)
4010007 {
4010008   ssize_t size_written;
4010009   size_written =
4010010     write (fp->fdn, buffer, (size_t) (size * nmemb));
4010011   if (size_written < 0)
4010012     {
4010013       fp->error = 1;
4010014       return ((size_t) 0);
4010015     }
4010016   else
4010017     {
4010018       return ((size_t) (size_written / size));
4010019     }
4010020 }

95.18.24   lib/stdio/getchar.c

Si veda la sezione 88.32.

4020001 #include <stdio.h>
4020002 #include <sys/types.h>
4020003 #include <unistd.h>
4020004 //----------------------------------------------------------
4020005 int
4020006 getchar (void)
4020007 {
4020008   ssize_t size_read;
4020009   int c;        // Character read.
4020010   // 
4020011   for (c = 0;;)
4020012     {
4020013       size_read = read (STDIN_FILENO, &c, (size_t) 1);
4020014       // 
4020015       if (size_read <= 0)
4020016         {
4020017           // 
4020018           // It is the end of file (zero) otherwise
4020019           // there is a
4020020           // problem (a negative value): return `EOF'.
4020021           // 
4020022           _stream[STDIN_FILENO].eof = 1;
4020023           return (EOF);
4020024         }
4020025       // 
4020026       // Valid read.
4020027       // 
4020028       if (size_read == 0)
4020029         {
4020030           // 
4020031           // If no character is ready inside the
4020032           // keyboard buffer, just
4020033           // retry.
4020034           // 
4020035           continue;
4020036         }
4020037       // 
4020038       // End of scan.
4020039       // 
4020040       return (c);
4020041     }
4020042 }

95.18.25   lib/stdio/gets.c

Si veda la sezione 88.34.

4030001 #include <stdio.h>
4030002 #include <sys/types.h>
4030003 #include <unistd.h>
4030004 #include <stddef.h>
4030005 //----------------------------------------------------------
4030006 char *
4030007 gets (char *string)
4030008 {
4030009   ssize_t size_read;
4030010   int b;        // Index inside the string buffer.
4030011   // 
4030012   for (b = 0;; b++, string[b] = 0)
4030013     {
4030014       size_read =
4030015         read (STDIN_FILENO, &string[b], (size_t) 1);
4030016       // 
4030017       if (size_read <= 0)
4030018         {
4030019           // 
4030020           // It is the end of file (zero) otherwise
4030021           // there is a
4030022           // problem (a negative value).
4030023           // 
4030024           _stream[STDIN_FILENO].eof = 1;
4030025           string[b] = 0;
4030026           break;
4030027         }
4030028       // 
4030029       if (string[b] == '\n')
4030030         {
4030031           b++;
4030032           string[b] = 0;
4030033           break;
4030034         }
4030035     }
4030036   // 
4030037   // If `b` is zero, nothing was read and `NULL' is
4030038   // returned.
4030039   // 
4030040   if (b == 0)
4030041     {
4030042       return (NULL);
4030043     }
4030044   else
4030045     {
4030046       return (string);
4030047     }
4030048 }

95.18.26   lib/stdio/perror.c

Si veda la sezione 88.90.

4040001 #include <stdio.h>
4040002 #include <errno.h>
4040003 #include <stddef.h>
4040004 #include <string.h>
4040005 //----------------------------------------------------------
4040006 void
4040007 perror (const char *string)
4040008 {
4040009   // 
4040010   // If errno is zero, there is nothing to show.
4040011   // 
4040012   if (errno == 0)
4040013     {
4040014       return;
4040015     }
4040016   // 
4040017   // Show the string if there is one.
4040018   // 
4040019   if (string != NULL && strlen (string) > 0)
4040020     {
4040021       printf ("%s: ", string);
4040022     }
4040023   // 
4040024   // Show the translated error.
4040025   // 
4040026   if (errfn[0] != 0 && errln != 0)
4040027     {
4040028       printf ("[%s:%u:%i] %s\n",
4040029               errfn, errln, errno, strerror (errno));
4040030     }
4040031   else
4040032     {
4040033       printf ("[%i] %s\n", errno, strerror (errno));
4040034     }
4040035 }

95.18.27   lib/stdio/printf.c

Si veda la sezione 88.91.

4050001 #include <stdio.h>
4050002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4050003 int
4050004 printf (const char *restrict format, ...)
4050005 {
4050006   va_list ap;
4050007   va_start (ap, format);
4050008   return (vprintf (format, ap));
4050009 }

95.18.28   lib/stdio/putchar.c

Si veda la sezione 88.38.

4060001 #include <stdio.h>
4060002 #include <sys/types.h>
4060003 #include <sys/os32.h>
4060004 #include <string.h>
4060005 #include <unistd.h>
4060006 //----------------------------------------------------------
4060007 int
4060008 putchar (int c)
4060009 {
4060010   return (fputc (c, stdout));
4060011 }

95.18.29   lib/stdio/puts.c

Si veda la sezione 88.39.

4070001 #include <stdio.h>
4070002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4070003 int
4070004 puts (const char *string)
4070005 {
4070006   int status;
4070007   status = printf ("%s\n", string);
4070008   if (status < 0)
4070009     {
4070010       return (EOF);
4070011     }
4070012   else
4070013     {
4070014       return (status);
4070015     }
4070016 }

95.18.30   lib/stdio/rewind.c

Si veda la sezione 88.100.

4080001 #include <stdio.h>
4080002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4080003 void
4080004 rewind (FILE * fp)
4080005 {
4080006   (void) fseek (fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
4080007   fp->error = 0;
4080008 }

95.18.31   lib/stdio/scanf.c

Si veda la sezione 88.102.

4090001 #include <stdio.h>
4090002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4090003 int
4090004 scanf (const char *restrict format, ...)
4090005 {
4090006   va_list ap;
4090007   va_start (ap, format);
4090008   return vfscanf (stdin, format, ap);
4090009 }

95.18.32   lib/stdio/setbuf.c

Si veda la sezione 88.103.

4100001 #include <stdio.h>
4100002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4100003 void
4100004 setbuf (FILE * restrict fp, char *restrict buffer)
4100005 {
4100006   // 
4100007   // The os32 library does not have any buffered data.
4100008   // 
4100009   return;
4100010 }

95.18.33   lib/stdio/setvbuf.c

Si veda la sezione 88.103.

4110001 #include <stdio.h>
4110002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4110003 int
4110004 setvbuf (FILE * restrict fp, char *restrict buffer,
4110005          int buf_mode, size_t size)
4110006 {
4110007   // 
4110008   // The os32 library does not have any buffered data.
4110009   // 
4110010   return (0);
4110011 }

95.18.34   lib/stdio/snprintf.c

Si veda la sezione 88.91.

4120001 #include <stdio.h>
4120002 #include <stdarg.h>
4120003 //----------------------------------------------------------
4120004 int
4120005 snprintf (char *restrict string, size_t size,
4120006           const char *restrict format, ...)
4120007 {
4120008   va_list ap;
4120009   va_start (ap, format);
4120010   return vsnprintf (string, size, format, ap);
4120011 }

95.18.35   lib/stdio/sprintf.c

Si veda la sezione 88.91.

4130001 #include <stdio.h>
4130002 #include <stdarg.h>
4130003 //----------------------------------------------------------
4130004 int
4130005 sprintf (char *restrict string,
4130006          const char *restrict format, ...)
4130007 {
4130008   va_list ap;
4130009   va_start (ap, format);
4130010   return vsnprintf (string, (size_t) BUFSIZ, format, ap);
4130011 }

95.18.36   lib/stdio/sscanf.c

Si veda la sezione 88.102.

4140001 #include <stdio.h>
4140002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4140003 int
4140004 sscanf (char *restrict string,
4140005         const char *restrict format, ...)
4140006 {
4140007   va_list ap;
4140008   va_start (ap, format);
4140009   return vsscanf (string, format, ap);
4140010 }

95.18.37   lib/stdio/vfprintf.c

Si veda la sezione 88.137.

4150001 #include <stdio.h>
4150002 #include <sys/types.h>
4150003 #include <sys/os32.h>
4150004 #include <string.h>
4150005 #include <unistd.h>
4150006 //----------------------------------------------------------
4150007 int
4150008 vfprintf (FILE * fp, char *restrict format, va_list arg)
4150009 {
4150010   ssize_t size_written;
4150011   size_t size;
4150012   size_t size_total;
4150013   int status;
4150014   char string[BUFSIZ];
4150015   char *buffer = string;
4150016   // 
4150017   buffer[0] = 0;
4150018   status = vsprintf (buffer, format, arg);
4150019   // 
4150020   size = strlen (buffer);
4150021   if (size >= BUFSIZ)
4150022     {
4150023       size = BUFSIZ;
4150024     }
4150025   // 
4150026   for (size_total = 0, size_written = 0;
4150027        size_total < size;
4150028        size_total += size_written, buffer += size_written)
4150029     {
4150030       size_written =
4150031         write (fp->fdn, buffer, size - size_total);
4150032       if (size_written < 0)
4150033         {
4150034           return (size_total);
4150035         }
4150036     }
4150037   return (size);
4150038 }

95.18.38   lib/stdio/vfscanf.c

Si veda la sezione 88.138.

4160001 #include <stdio.h>
4160003 //----------------------------------------------------------
4160004 int vfsscanf (FILE * restrict fp, const char *string,
4160005               const char *restrict format, va_list ap);
4160006 //----------------------------------------------------------
4160007 int
4160008 vfscanf (FILE * restrict fp,
4160009          const char *restrict format, va_list ap)
4160010 {
4160011   return (vfsscanf (fp, NULL, format, ap));
4160012 }
4160014 //----------------------------------------------------------

95.18.39   lib/stdio/vfsscanf.c

Si veda la sezione 88.138.

4170001 #include <stdint.h>
4170002 #include <stdbool.h>
4170003 #include <stdlib.h>
4170004 #include <string.h>
4170005 #include <stdio.h>
4170006 #include <stdarg.h>
4170007 #include <ctype.h>
4170008 #include <errno.h>
4170009 #include <stddef.h>
4170010 //----------------------------------------------------------
4170011 //
4170012 // This function is not standard and is able to do the
4170013 // work of both `vfscanf()' and `vsscanf()'. 
4170014 //
4170015 //----------------------------------------------------------
4170016 #define WIDTH_MAX       64
4170017 //----------------------------------------------------------
4170018 static intmax_t strtointmax (const char *restrict
4170019                              string,
4170020                              const char **restrict
4170021                              endptr, int base,
4170022                              size_t max_width);
4170023 static int ass_or_eof (int consumed, int assigned);
4170024 //----------------------------------------------------------
4170025 int
4170026 vfsscanf (FILE * restrict fp, const char *string,
4170027           const char *restrict format, va_list ap)
4170028 {
4170029   int f = 0;    // Format index.
4170030   char buffer[BUFSIZ];
4170031   const char *input = string;   // Default.
4170032   const char *start = input;    // Default.
4170033   const char *restrict next = NULL;
4170034   int scanned = 0;
4170035   // 
4170036   bool stream = 0;
4170037   bool flag_star = 0;
4170038   bool specifier = 0;
4170039   bool specifier_flags = 0;
4170040   bool specifier_width = 0;
4170041   bool specifier_type = 0;
4170042   bool inverted = 0;
4170043   // 
4170044   char *ptr_char;
4170045   signed char *ptr_schar;
4170046   unsigned char *ptr_uchar;
4170047   short int *ptr_sshort;
4170048   unsigned short int *ptr_ushort;
4170049   int *ptr_sint;
4170050   unsigned int *ptr_uint;
4170051   long int *ptr_slong;
4170052   unsigned long int *ptr_ulong;
4170053   intmax_t *ptr_simax;
4170054   uintmax_t *ptr_uimax;
4170055   size_t *ptr_size;
4170056   ptrdiff_t *ptr_ptrdiff;
4170057   void **ptr_void;
4170058   // 
4170059   size_t width;
4170060   char width_string[WIDTH_MAX + 1];
4170061   int w;        // Index inside width string.
4170062   int assigned = 0;     // Assignment counter.
4170063   int consumed = 0;     // Consumed counter.
4170064   // 
4170065   intmax_t value_i;
4170066   uintmax_t value_u;
4170067   // 
4170068   const char *end_format;
4170069   const char *end_input;
4170070   int count;    // Generic counter.
4170071   int index;    // Generic index.
4170072   bool ascii[128];
4170073   // 
4170074   void *pstatus;
4170075   // 
4170076   // Initialize some data.
4170077   // 
4170078   width_string[0] = '\0';
4170079   end_format = format + (strlen (format));
4170080   // 
4170081   // Check arguments and find where input comes.
4170082   // 
4170083   if (fp == NULL && (string == NULL || string[0] == 0))
4170084     {
4170085       errset (EINVAL);  // Invalid argument.
4170086       return (EOF);
4170087     }
4170088   // 
4170089   if (fp != NULL && string != NULL && string[0] != 0)
4170090     {
4170091       errset (EINVAL);  // Invalid argument.
4170092       return (EOF);
4170093     }
4170094   // 
4170095   if (fp != NULL)
4170096     {
4170097       stream = 1;
4170098     }
4170099   // 
4170100   // 
4170101   // 
4170102   for (;;)
4170103     {
4170104       if (stream)
4170105         {
4170106           pstatus = fgets (buffer, BUFSIZ, fp);
4170107           // 
4170108           if (pstatus == NULL)
4170109             {
4170110               return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
4170111             }
4170112           // 
4170113           input = buffer;
4170114           start = input;
4170115           next = NULL;
4170116         }
4170117       // 
4170118       // Calculate end input.
4170119       // 
4170120       end_input = input + (strlen (input));
4170121       // 
4170122       // Scan format and input strings. Index `f' is
4170123       // not reset.
4170124       // 
4170125       while (&format[f] < end_format && input < end_input)
4170126         {
4170127           if (!specifier)
4170128             {
4170129               // --------------------------------------
4170130               // The context is not
4170131               // inside a specifier.
4170132               // --------------------------------------
4170133               if (isspace (format[f]))
4170134                 {
4170135                   // --------------------------- Space.
4170136                   while (isspace (*input))
4170137                     {
4170138                       input++;
4170139                     }
4170140                   // 
4170141                   // Verify that the input string is
4170142                   // not finished.
4170143                   // 
4170144                   if (input[0] == 0)
4170145                     {
4170146                       // 
4170147                       // As the input string is
4170148                       // finished, the format
4170149                       // string index is not advanced, 
4170150                       // because there
4170151                       // might be more spaces on the
4170152                       // next line (if
4170153                       // there is a next line, of
4170154                       // course).
4170155                       // 
4170156                       continue;
4170157                     }
4170158                   else
4170159                     {
4170160                       f++;
4170161                       continue;
4170162                     }
4170163                 }
4170164               if (format[f] != '%')
4170165                 {
4170166                   // -------------- Ordinary character.
4170167                   if (format[f] == *input)
4170168                     {
4170169                       input++;
4170170                       f++;
4170171                       continue;
4170172                     }
4170173                   else
4170174                     {
4170175                       return (ass_or_eof
4170176                               (consumed, assigned));
4170177                     }
4170178                 }
4170179               if (format[f] == '%' && format[f + 1] == '%')
4170180                 {
4170181                   // ---------- Matching a literal '%'.
4170182                   f++;
4170183                   if (format[f] == *input)
4170184                     {
4170185                       input++;
4170186                       f++;
4170187                       continue;
4170188                     }
4170189                   else
4170190                     {
4170191                       return (ass_or_eof
4170192                               (consumed, assigned));
4170193                     }
4170194                 }
4170195               if (format[f] == '%')
4170196                 {
4170197                   // ---------- Percent of a specifier.
4170198                   f++;
4170199                   specifier = 1;
4170200                   specifier_flags = 1;
4170201                   continue;
4170202                 }
4170203             }
4170204           // 
4170205           if (specifier && specifier_flags)
4170206             {
4170207               // --------------------------------------
4170208               // The context is inside 
4170209               // specifier flags.
4170210               // --------------------------------------
4170211               if (format[f] == '*')
4170212                 {
4170213                   // ----- Assignment suppression star.
4170214                   flag_star = 1;
4170215                   f++;
4170216                 }
4170217               else
4170218                 {
4170219                   // ----------------------------------
4170220                   // End of flags and begin of
4170221                   // specifier length.
4170222                   // ----------------------------------
4170223                   specifier_flags = 0;
4170224                   specifier_width = 1;
4170225                 }
4170226             }
4170227           // 
4170228           if (specifier && specifier_width)
4170229             {
4170230               // --------------------------------------
4170231               // The context is inside a 
4170232               // specifier width.
4170233               // --------------------------------------
4170234               for (w = 0;
4170235                    format[f] >= '0'
4170236                    && format[f] <= '9'
4170237                    && w < WIDTH_MAX; w++)
4170238                 {
4170239                   width_string[w] = format[f];
4170240                   f++;
4170241                 }
4170242               width_string[w] = '\0';
4170243               width = atoi (width_string);
4170244               if (width > WIDTH_MAX)
4170245                 {
4170246                   width = WIDTH_MAX;
4170247                 }
4170248               // 
4170249               // --------------------------------------
4170250               // A zero width means an unspecified
4170251               // limit for the field
4170252               // length.
4170253               // --------------------------------------
4170254               // End of spec. width and
4170255               // begin of spec. type.
4170256               // --------------------------------------
4170257               specifier_width = 0;
4170258               specifier_type = 1;
4170259             }
4170260           // 
4170261           if (specifier && specifier_type)
4170262             {
4170263               // 
4170264               // Specifiers with length modifier.
4170265               // 
4170266               if (format[f] == 'h' && format[f + 1] == 'h')
4170267                 {
4170268                   // ---------------------------- char.
4170269                   if (format[f + 2] == 'd')
4170270                     {
4170271                       // -------- signed char, base 10.
4170272                       value_i =
4170273                         strtointmax (input, &next, 10,
4170274                                      width);
4170275                       if (input == next)
4170276                         {
4170277                           return (ass_or_eof
4170278                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170279                         }
4170280                       consumed++;
4170281                       if (!flag_star)
4170282                         {
4170283                           ptr_schar =
4170284                             va_arg (ap, signed char *);
4170285                           *ptr_schar = value_i;
4170286                           assigned++;
4170287                         }
4170288                       f += 3;
4170289                       input = next;
4170290                     }
4170291                   else if (format[f + 2] == 'i')
4170292                     {
4170293                       // ------------------------------
4170294                       // signed char, base unknown.
4170295                       // ------------------------------
4170296                       value_i =
4170297                         strtointmax (input, &next, 0,
4170298                                      width);
4170299                       if (input == next)
4170300                         {
4170301                           return (ass_or_eof
4170302                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170303                         }
4170304                       consumed++;
4170305                       if (!flag_star)
4170306                         {
4170307                           ptr_schar =
4170308                             va_arg (ap, signed char *);
4170309                           *ptr_schar = value_i;
4170310                           assigned++;
4170311                         }
4170312                       f += 3;
4170313                       input = next;
4170314                     }
4170315                   else if (format[f + 2] == 'o')
4170316                     {
4170317                       // ------------------------------
4170318                       // signed char, base 8.
4170319                       // ------------------------------
4170320                       value_i =
4170321                         strtointmax (input, &next, 8,
4170322                                      width);
4170323                       if (input == next)
4170324                         {
4170325                           return (ass_or_eof
4170326                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170327                         }
4170328                       consumed++;
4170329                       if (!flag_star)
4170330                         {
4170331                           ptr_schar =
4170332                             va_arg (ap, signed char *);
4170333                           *ptr_schar = value_i;
4170334                           assigned++;
4170335                         }
4170336                       f += 3;
4170337                       input = next;
4170338                     }
4170339                   else if (format[f + 2] == 'u')
4170340                     {
4170341                       // ------------------------------
4170342                       // unsigned char, base 10.
4170343                       // ------------------------------
4170344                       value_u =
4170345                         strtointmax (input, &next, 10,
4170346                                      width);
4170347                       if (input == next)
4170348                         {
4170349                           return (ass_or_eof
4170350                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170351                         }
4170352                       consumed++;
4170353                       if (!flag_star)
4170354                         {
4170355                           ptr_uchar =
4170356                             va_arg (ap, unsigned char *);
4170357                           *ptr_uchar = value_u;
4170358                           assigned++;
4170359                         }
4170360                       f += 3;
4170361                       input = next;
4170362                     }
4170363                   else if (format[f + 2] == 'x'
4170364                            || format[f + 2] == 'X')
4170365                     {
4170366                       // ------------------------------
4170367                       // signed char, base 16.
4170368                       // ------------------------------
4170369                       value_i =
4170370                         strtointmax (input, &next, 16,
4170371                                      width);
4170372                       if (input == next)
4170373                         {
4170374                           return (ass_or_eof
4170375                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170376                         }
4170377                       consumed++;
4170378                       if (!flag_star)
4170379                         {
4170380                           ptr_schar =
4170381                             va_arg (ap, signed char *);
4170382                           *ptr_schar = value_i;
4170383                           assigned++;
4170384                         }
4170385                       f += 3;
4170386                       input = next;
4170387                     }
4170388                   else if (format[f + 2] == 'n')
4170389                     {
4170390                       // ------------------------------
4170391                       // signed char,
4170392                       // string index counter.
4170393                       // ------------------------------
4170394                       ptr_schar =
4170395                         va_arg (ap, signed char *);
4170396                       *ptr_schar =
4170397                         (signed char) (input - start +
4170398                                        scanned);
4170399                       f += 3;
4170400                     }
4170401                   else
4170402                     {
4170403                       // ------------------------------
4170404                       // unsupported or
4170405                       // unknown specifier.
4170406                       // ------------------------------
4170407                       f += 2;
4170408                     }
4170409                 }
4170410               else if (format[f] == 'h')
4170411                 {
4170412                   // --------------------------- short.
4170413                   if (format[f + 1] == 'd')
4170414                     {
4170415                       // ------------------------------
4170416                       // signed short, base 10.
4170417                       // ------------------------------
4170418                       value_i =
4170419                         strtointmax (input, &next, 10,
4170420                                      width);
4170421                       if (input == next)
4170422                         {
4170423                           return (ass_or_eof
4170424                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170425                         }
4170426                       consumed++;
4170427                       if (!flag_star)
4170428                         {
4170429                           ptr_sshort =
4170430                             va_arg (ap, signed short *);
4170431                           *ptr_sshort = value_i;
4170432                           assigned++;
4170433                         }
4170434                       f += 2;
4170435                       input = next;
4170436                     }
4170437                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'i')
4170438                     {
4170439                       // ------------------------------
4170440                       // signed
4170441                       // short, base unknown.
4170442                       // ------------------------------
4170443                       value_i =
4170444                         strtointmax (input, &next, 0,
4170445                                      width);
4170446                       if (input == next)
4170447                         {
4170448                           return (ass_or_eof
4170449                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170450                         }
4170451                       consumed++;
4170452                       if (!flag_star)
4170453                         {
4170454                           ptr_sshort =
4170455                             va_arg (ap, signed short *);
4170456                           *ptr_sshort = value_i;
4170457                           assigned++;
4170458                         }
4170459                       f += 2;
4170460                       input = next;
4170461                     }
4170462                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'o')
4170463                     {
4170464                       // ------------------------------
4170465                       // signed short, base 8.
4170466                       // ------------------------------
4170467                       value_i =
4170468                         strtointmax (input, &next, 8,
4170469                                      width);
4170470                       if (input == next)
4170471                         {
4170472                           return (ass_or_eof
4170473                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170474                         }
4170475                       consumed++;
4170476                       if (!flag_star)
4170477                         {
4170478                           ptr_sshort =
4170479                             va_arg (ap, signed short *);
4170480                           *ptr_sshort = value_i;
4170481                           assigned++;
4170482                         }
4170483                       f += 2;
4170484                       input = next;
4170485                     }
4170486                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'u')
4170487                     {
4170488                       // ------------------------------
4170489                       // unsigned short, base 10.
4170490                       // ------------------------------
4170491                       value_u =
4170492                         strtointmax (input, &next, 10,
4170493                                      width);
4170494                       if (input == next)
4170495                         {
4170496                           return (ass_or_eof
4170497                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170498                         }
4170499                       consumed++;
4170500                       if (!flag_star)
4170501                         {
4170502                           ptr_ushort =
4170503                             va_arg (ap, unsigned short *);
4170504                           *ptr_ushort = value_u;
4170505                           assigned++;
4170506                         }
4170507                       f += 2;
4170508                       input = next;
4170509                     }
4170510                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'x'
4170511                            || format[f + 2] == 'X')
4170512                     {
4170513                       // ------------------------------
4170514                       // signed short, base 16.
4170515                       // ------------------------------
4170516                       value_i =
4170517                         strtointmax (input, &next, 16,
4170518                                      width);
4170519                       if (input == next)
4170520                         {
4170521                           return (ass_or_eof
4170522                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170523                         }
4170524                       consumed++;
4170525                       if (!flag_star)
4170526                         {
4170527                           ptr_sshort =
4170528                             va_arg (ap, signed short *);
4170529                           *ptr_sshort = value_i;
4170530                           assigned++;
4170531                         }
4170532                       f += 2;
4170533                       input = next;
4170534                     }
4170535                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'n')
4170536                     {
4170537                       // ------------------------------
4170538                       // signed char,
4170539                       // string index counter.
4170540                       // ------------------------------
4170541                       ptr_sshort =
4170542                         va_arg (ap, signed short *);
4170543                       *ptr_sshort =
4170544                         (signed short) (input - start +
4170545                                         scanned);
4170546                       f += 2;
4170547                     }
4170548                   else
4170549                     {
4170550                       // ------------------------------
4170551                       // unsupported or
4170552                       // unknown specifier.
4170553                       // ------------------------------
4170554                       f += 1;
4170555                     }
4170556                 }
4170557               // --------- There is no `long long int'.
4170558               else if (format[f] == 'l')
4170559                 {
4170560                   // ------------------------ long int.
4170561                   if (format[f + 1] == 'd')
4170562                     {
4170563                       // ------------------------------
4170564                       // signed long, base 10.
4170565                       // ------------------------------
4170566                       value_i =
4170567                         strtointmax (input, &next, 10,
4170568                                      width);
4170569                       if (input == next)
4170570                         {
4170571                           return (ass_or_eof
4170572                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170573                         }
4170574                       consumed++;
4170575                       if (!flag_star)
4170576                         {
4170577                           ptr_slong =
4170578                             va_arg (ap, signed long *);
4170579                           *ptr_slong = value_i;
4170580                           assigned++;
4170581                         }
4170582                       f += 2;
4170583                       input = next;
4170584                     }
4170585                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'i')
4170586                     {
4170587                       // ------------------------------
4170588                       // signed
4170589                       // long, base unknown.
4170590                       // ------------------------------
4170591                       value_i =
4170592                         strtointmax (input, &next, 0,
4170593                                      width);
4170594                       if (input == next)
4170595                         {
4170596                           return (ass_or_eof
4170597                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170598                         }
4170599                       consumed++;
4170600                       if (!flag_star)
4170601                         {
4170602                           ptr_slong =
4170603                             va_arg (ap, signed long *);
4170604                           *ptr_slong = value_i;
4170605                           assigned++;
4170606                         }
4170607                       f += 2;
4170608                       input = next;
4170609                     }
4170610                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'o')
4170611                     {
4170612                       // ------------------------------
4170613                       // signed long, base 8.
4170614                       // ------------------------------
4170615                       value_i =
4170616                         strtointmax (input, &next, 8,
4170617                                      width);
4170618                       if (input == next)
4170619                         {
4170620                           return (ass_or_eof
4170621                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170622                         }
4170623                       consumed++;
4170624                       if (!flag_star)
4170625                         {
4170626                           ptr_slong =
4170627                             va_arg (ap, signed long *);
4170628                           *ptr_slong = value_i;
4170629                           assigned++;
4170630                         }
4170631                       f += 2;
4170632                       input = next;
4170633                     }
4170634                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'u')
4170635                     {
4170636                       // ------------------------------
4170637                       // unsigned long, base 10.
4170638                       // ------------------------------
4170639                       value_u =
4170640                         strtointmax (input, &next, 10,
4170641                                      width);
4170642                       if (input == next)
4170643                         {
4170644                           return (ass_or_eof
4170645                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170646                         }
4170647                       consumed++;
4170648                       if (!flag_star)
4170649                         {
4170650                           ptr_ulong =
4170651                             va_arg (ap, unsigned long *);
4170652                           *ptr_ulong = value_u;
4170653                           assigned++;
4170654                         }
4170655                       f += 2;
4170656                       input = next;
4170657                     }
4170658                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'x'
4170659                            || format[f + 2] == 'X')
4170660                     {
4170661                       // ------------------------------
4170662                       // signed long, base 16.
4170663                       // ------------------------------
4170664                       value_i =
4170665                         strtointmax (input, &next, 16,
4170666                                      width);
4170667                       if (input == next)
4170668                         {
4170669                           return (ass_or_eof
4170670                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170671                         }
4170672                       consumed++;
4170673                       if (!flag_star)
4170674                         {
4170675                           ptr_slong =
4170676                             va_arg (ap, signed long *);
4170677                           *ptr_slong = value_i;
4170678                           assigned++;
4170679                         }
4170680                       f += 2;
4170681                       input = next;
4170682                     }
4170683                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'n')
4170684                     {
4170685                       // ------------------------------
4170686                       // signed char,
4170687                       // string index counter.
4170688                       // ------------------------------
4170689                       ptr_slong =
4170690                         va_arg (ap, signed long *);
4170691                       *ptr_slong =
4170692                         (signed long) (input - start +
4170693                                        scanned);
4170694                       f += 2;
4170695                     }
4170696                   else
4170697                     {
4170698                       // ------------------------------
4170699                       // unsupported or
4170700                       // unknown specifier.
4170701                       // ------------------------------
4170702                       f += 1;
4170703                     }
4170704                 }
4170705               else if (format[f] == 'j')
4170706                 {
4170707                   // -----------------.------ intmax_t.
4170708                   if (format[f + 1] == 'd')
4170709                     {
4170710                       // ----------- intmax_t, base 10.
4170711                       value_i =
4170712                         strtointmax (input, &next, 10,
4170713                                      width);
4170714                       if (input == next)
4170715                         {
4170716                           return (ass_or_eof
4170717                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170718                         }
4170719                       consumed++;
4170720                       if (!flag_star)
4170721                         {
4170722                           ptr_simax =
4170723                             va_arg (ap, intmax_t *);
4170724                           *ptr_simax = value_i;
4170725                           assigned++;
4170726                         }
4170727                       f += 2;
4170728                       input = next;
4170729                     }
4170730                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'i')
4170731                     {
4170732                       // ------------------------------
4170733                       // intmax_t, base unknown.
4170734                       // ------------------------------
4170735                       value_i =
4170736                         strtointmax (input, &next, 0,
4170737                                      width);
4170738                       if (input == next)
4170739                         {
4170740                           return (ass_or_eof
4170741                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170742                         }
4170743                       consumed++;
4170744                       if (!flag_star)
4170745                         {
4170746                           ptr_simax =
4170747                             va_arg (ap, intmax_t *);
4170748                           *ptr_simax = value_i;
4170749                           assigned++;
4170750                         }
4170751                       f += 2;
4170752                       input = next;
4170753                     }
4170754                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'o')
4170755                     {
4170756                       // ------------------------------
4170757                       // intmax_t, base 8.
4170758                       // ------------------------------
4170759                       value_i =
4170760                         strtointmax (input, &next, 8,
4170761                                      width);
4170762                       if (input == next)
4170763                         {
4170764                           return (ass_or_eof
4170765                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170766                         }
4170767                       consumed++;
4170768                       if (!flag_star)
4170769                         {
4170770                           ptr_simax =
4170771                             va_arg (ap, intmax_t *);
4170772                           *ptr_simax = value_i;
4170773                           assigned++;
4170774                         }
4170775                       f += 2;
4170776                       input = next;
4170777                     }
4170778                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'u')
4170779                     {
4170780                       // ------------------------------
4170781                       // uintmax_t, base 10.
4170782                       // ------------------------------
4170783                       value_u =
4170784                         strtointmax (input, &next, 10,
4170785                                      width);
4170786                       if (input == next)
4170787                         {
4170788                           return (ass_or_eof
4170789                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170790                         }
4170791                       consumed++;
4170792                       if (!flag_star)
4170793                         {
4170794                           ptr_uimax =
4170795                             va_arg (ap, uintmax_t *);
4170796                           *ptr_uimax = value_u;
4170797                           assigned++;
4170798                         }
4170799                       f += 2;
4170800                       input = next;
4170801                     }
4170802                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'x'
4170803                            || format[f + 2] == 'X')
4170804                     {
4170805                       // ------------------------------
4170806                       // intmax_t, base 16.
4170807                       // ------------------------------
4170808                       value_i =
4170809                         strtointmax (input, &next, 16,
4170810                                      width);
4170811                       if (input == next)
4170812                         {
4170813                           return (ass_or_eof
4170814                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170815                         }
4170816                       consumed++;
4170817                       if (!flag_star)
4170818                         {
4170819                           ptr_simax =
4170820                             va_arg (ap, intmax_t *);
4170821                           *ptr_simax = value_i;
4170822                           assigned++;
4170823                         }
4170824                       f += 2;
4170825                       input = next;
4170826                     }
4170827                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'n')
4170828                     {
4170829                       // ------------------------------
4170830                       // signed char,
4170831                       // string index counter.
4170832                       // ------------------------------
4170833                       ptr_simax = va_arg (ap, intmax_t *);
4170834                       *ptr_simax =
4170835                         (intmax_t) (input - start +
4170836                                     scanned);
4170837                       f += 2;
4170838                     }
4170839                   else
4170840                     {
4170841                       // ------------------------------
4170842                       // unsupported or
4170843                       // unknown specifier.
4170844                       // ------------------------------
4170845                       f += 1;
4170846                     }
4170847                 }
4170848               else if (format[f] == 'z')
4170849                 {
4170850                   // -------------------------- size_t.
4170851                   if (format[f + 1] == 'd')
4170852                     {
4170853                       // ------------------------------
4170854                       // size_t, base 10.
4170855                       // ------------------------------
4170856                       value_i =
4170857                         strtointmax (input, &next, 10,
4170858                                      width);
4170859                       if (input == next)
4170860                         {
4170861                           return (ass_or_eof
4170862                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170863                         }
4170864                       consumed++;
4170865                       if (!flag_star)
4170866                         {
4170867                           ptr_size = va_arg (ap, size_t *);
4170868                           *ptr_size = value_i;
4170869                           assigned++;
4170870                         }
4170871                       f += 2;
4170872                       input = next;
4170873                     }
4170874                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'i')
4170875                     {
4170876                       // ------------------------------
4170877                       // size_t, base unknown.
4170878                       // ------------------------------
4170879                       value_i =
4170880                         strtointmax (input, &next, 0,
4170881                                      width);
4170882                       if (input == next)
4170883                         {
4170884                           return (ass_or_eof
4170885                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170886                         }
4170887                       consumed++;
4170888                       if (!flag_star)
4170889                         {
4170890                           ptr_size = va_arg (ap, size_t *);
4170891                           *ptr_size = value_i;
4170892                           assigned++;
4170893                         }
4170894                       f += 2;
4170895                       input = next;
4170896                     }
4170897                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'o')
4170898                     {
4170899                       // ------------------------------
4170900                       // size_t, base 8.
4170901                       // ------------------------------
4170902                       value_i =
4170903                         strtointmax (input, &next, 8,
4170904                                      width);
4170905                       if (input == next)
4170906                         {
4170907                           return (ass_or_eof
4170908                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170909                         }
4170910                       consumed++;
4170911                       if (!flag_star)
4170912                         {
4170913                           ptr_size = va_arg (ap, size_t *);
4170914                           *ptr_size = value_i;
4170915                           assigned++;
4170916                         }
4170917                       f += 2;
4170918                       input = next;
4170919                     }
4170920                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'u')
4170921                     {
4170922                       // ------------------------------
4170923                       // size_t, base 10.
4170924                       // ------------------------------
4170925                       value_u =
4170926                         strtointmax (input, &next, 10,
4170927                                      width);
4170928                       if (input == next)
4170929                         {
4170930                           return (ass_or_eof
4170931                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170932                         }
4170933                       consumed++;
4170934                       if (!flag_star)
4170935                         {
4170936                           ptr_size = va_arg (ap, size_t *);
4170937                           *ptr_size = value_u;
4170938                           assigned++;
4170939                         }
4170940                       f += 2;
4170941                       input = next;
4170942                     }
4170943                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'x'
4170944                            || format[f + 2] == 'X')
4170945                     {
4170946                       // ------------------------------
4170947                       // size_t, base 16.
4170948                       // ------------------------------
4170949                       value_i =
4170950                         strtointmax (input, &next, 16,
4170951                                      width);
4170952                       if (input == next)
4170953                         {
4170954                           return (ass_or_eof
4170955                                   (consumed, assigned));
4170956                         }
4170957                       consumed++;
4170958                       if (!flag_star)
4170959                         {
4170960                           ptr_size = va_arg (ap, size_t *);
4170961                           *ptr_size = value_i;
4170962                           assigned++;
4170963                         }
4170964                       f += 2;
4170965                       input = next;
4170966                     }
4170967                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'n')
4170968                     {
4170969                       // ------------------------------
4170970                       // signed char,
4170971                       // string index counter.
4170972                       // ------------------------------
4170973                       ptr_size = va_arg (ap, size_t *);
4170974                       *ptr_size =
4170975                         (size_t) (input - start + scanned);
4170976                       f += 2;
4170977                     }
4170978                   else
4170979                     {
4170980                       // ------------------------------
4170981                       // unsupported or
4170982                       // unknown specifier.
4170983                       // ------------------------------
4170984                       f += 1;
4170985                     }
4170986                 }
4170987               else if (format[f] == 't')
4170988                 {
4170989                   // ----------------------- ptrdiff_t.
4170990                   if (format[f + 1] == 'd')
4170991                     {
4170992                       // ------------------------------
4170993                       // ptrdiff_t, base 10.
4170994                       // ------------------------------
4170995                       value_i =
4170996                         strtointmax (input, &next, 10,
4170997                                      width);
4170998                       if (input == next)
4170999                         {
4171000                           return (ass_or_eof
4171001                                   (consumed, assigned));
4171002                         }
4171003                       consumed++;
4171004                       if (!flag_star)
4171005                         {
4171006                           ptr_ptrdiff =
4171007                             va_arg (ap, ptrdiff_t *);
4171008                           *ptr_ptrdiff = value_i;
4171009                           assigned++;
4171010                         }
4171011                       f += 2;
4171012                       input = next;
4171013                     }
4171014                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'i')
4171015                     {
4171016                       // ------------------------------
4171017                       // ptrdiff_t, base unknown.
4171018                       // ------------------------------
4171019                       value_i =
4171020                         strtointmax (input, &next, 0,
4171021                                      width);
4171022                       if (input == next)
4171023                         {
4171024                           return (ass_or_eof
4171025                                   (consumed, assigned));
4171026                         }
4171027                       consumed++;
4171028                       if (!flag_star)
4171029                         {
4171030                           ptr_ptrdiff =
4171031                             va_arg (ap, ptrdiff_t *);
4171032                           *ptr_ptrdiff = value_i;
4171033                           assigned++;
4171034                         }
4171035                       f += 2;
4171036                       input = next;
4171037                     }
4171038                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'o')
4171039                     {
4171040                       // ------------------------------
4171041                       // ptrdiff_t, base 8.
4171042                       // ------------------------------
4171043                       value_i =
4171044                         strtointmax (input, &next, 8,
4171045                                      width);
4171046                       if (input == next)
4171047                         {
4171048                           return (ass_or_eof
4171049                                   (consumed, assigned));
4171050                         }
4171051                       consumed++;
4171052                       if (!flag_star)
4171053                         {
4171054                           ptr_ptrdiff =
4171055                             va_arg (ap, ptrdiff_t *);
4171056                           *ptr_ptrdiff = value_i;
4171057                           assigned++;
4171058                         }
4171059                       f += 2;
4171060                       input = next;
4171061                     }
4171062                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'u')
4171063                     {
4171064                       // ------------------------------
4171065                       // ptrdiff_t, base 10.
4171066                       // ------------------------------
4171067                       value_u =
4171068                         strtointmax (input, &next, 10,
4171069                                      width);
4171070                       if (input == next)
4171071                         {
4171072                           return (ass_or_eof
4171073                                   (consumed, assigned));
4171074                         }
4171075                       consumed++;
4171076                       if (!flag_star)
4171077                         {
4171078                           ptr_ptrdiff =
4171079                             va_arg (ap, ptrdiff_t *);
4171080                           *ptr_ptrdiff = value_u;
4171081                           assigned++;
4171082                         }
4171083                       f += 2;
4171084                       input = next;
4171085                     }
4171086                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'x'
4171087                            || format[f + 2] == 'X')
4171088                     {
4171089                       // ------------------------------
4171090                       // ptrdiff_t, base 16.
4171091                       // ------------------------------
4171092                       value_i =
4171093                         strtointmax (input, &next, 16,
4171094                                      width);
4171095                       if (input == next)
4171096                         {
4171097                           return (ass_or_eof
4171098                                   (consumed, assigned));
4171099                         }
4171100                       consumed++;
4171101                       if (!flag_star)
4171102                         {
4171103                           ptr_ptrdiff =
4171104                             va_arg (ap, ptrdiff_t *);
4171105                           *ptr_ptrdiff = value_i;
4171106                           assigned++;
4171107                         }
4171108                       f += 2;
4171109                       input = next;
4171110                     }
4171111                   else if (format[f + 1] == 'n')
4171112                     {
4171113                       // ------------------------------
4171114                       // signed char,
4171115                       // string index counter.
4171116                       // ------------------------------
4171117                       ptr_ptrdiff =
4171118                         va_arg (ap, ptrdiff_t *);
4171119                       *ptr_ptrdiff =
4171120                         (ptrdiff_t) (input - start +
4171121                                      scanned);
4171122                       f += 2;
4171123                     }
4171124                   else
4171125                     {
4171126                       // ------------------------------
4171127                       // unsupported or
4171128                       // unknown specifier.
4171129                       // ------------------------------
4171130                       f += 1;
4171131                     }
4171132                 }
4171133               // 
4171134               // Specifiers with no length modifier.
4171135               // 
4171136               if (format[f] == 'd')
4171137                 {
4171138                   // ---------- signed short, base 10.
4171139                   value_i =
4171140                     strtointmax (input, &next, 10, width);
4171141                   if (input == next)
4171142                     {
4171143                       return (ass_or_eof
4171144                               (consumed, assigned));
4171145                     }
4171146                   consumed++;
4171147                   if (!flag_star)
4171148                     {
4171149                       ptr_sshort =
4171150                         va_arg (ap, signed short *);
4171151                       *ptr_sshort = value_i;
4171152                       assigned++;
4171153                     }
4171154                   f += 1;
4171155                   input = next;
4171156                 }
4171157               else if (format[f] == 'i')
4171158                 {
4171159                   // ----------------------------------
4171160                   // signed
4171161                   // int, base unknown.
4171162                   // ----------------------------------
4171163                   value_i =
4171164                     strtointmax (input, &next, 0, width);
4171165                   if (input == next)
4171166                     {
4171167                       return (ass_or_eof
4171168                               (consumed, assigned));
4171169                     }
4171170                   consumed++;
4171171                   if (!flag_star)
4171172                     {
4171173                       ptr_sint = va_arg (ap, signed int *);
4171174                       *ptr_sint = value_i;
4171175                       assigned++;
4171176                     }
4171177                   f += 1;
4171178                   input = next;
4171179                 }
4171180               else if (format[f] == 'o')
4171181                 {
4171182                   // ----------------------------------
4171183                   // signed int, base 8.
4171184                   // ----------------------------------
4171185                   value_i =
4171186                     strtointmax (input, &next, 8, width);
4171187                   if (input == next)
4171188                     {
4171189                       return (ass_or_eof
4171190                               (consumed, assigned));
4171191                     }
4171192                   consumed++;
4171193                   if (!flag_star)
4171194                     {
4171195                       ptr_sint = va_arg (ap, signed int *);
4171196                       *ptr_sint = value_i;
4171197                       assigned++;
4171198                     }
4171199                   f += 1;
4171200                   input = next;
4171201                 }
4171202               else if (format[f] == 'u')
4171203                 {
4171204                   // ----------------------------------
4171205                   // unsigned short, base 10.
4171206                   // ----------------------------------
4171207                   value_u =
4171208                     strtointmax (input, &next, 10, width);
4171209                   if (input == next)
4171210                     {
4171211                       return (ass_or_eof
4171212                               (consumed, assigned));
4171213                     }
4171214                   consumed++;
4171215                   if (!flag_star)
4171216                     {
4171217                       ptr_uint =
4171218                         va_arg (ap, unsigned int *);
4171219                       *ptr_uint = value_u;
4171220                       assigned++;
4171221                     }
4171222                   f += 1;
4171223                   input = next;
4171224                 }
4171225               else if (format[f] == 'x' || format[f] == 'X')
4171226                 {
4171227                   // ----------------------------------
4171228                   // signed short, base 16.
4171229                   // ----------------------------------
4171230                   value_i =
4171231                     strtointmax (input, &next, 16, width);
4171232                   if (input == next)
4171233                     {
4171234                       return (ass_or_eof
4171235                               (consumed, assigned));
4171236                     }
4171237                   consumed++;
4171238                   if (!flag_star)
4171239                     {
4171240                       ptr_sint = va_arg (ap, signed int *);
4171241                       *ptr_sint = value_i;
4171242                       assigned++;
4171243                     }
4171244                   f += 1;
4171245                   input = next;
4171246                 }
4171247               else if (format[f] == 'c')
4171248                 {
4171249                   // -------------------------- char[].
4171250                   if (width == 0)
4171251                     width = 1;
4171252                   // 
4171253                   if (!flag_star)
4171254                     ptr_char = va_arg (ap, char *);
4171255                   // 
4171256                   for (count = 0;
4171257                        width > 0 && *input != 0;
4171258                        width--, ptr_char++, input++)
4171259                     {
4171260                       if (!flag_star)
4171261                         *ptr_char = *input;
4171262                       // 
4171263                       count++;
4171264                     }
4171265                   // 
4171266                   if (count)
4171267                     consumed++;
4171268                   if (count && !flag_star)
4171269                     assigned++;
4171270                   // 
4171271                   f += 1;
4171272                 }
4171273               else if (format[f] == 's')
4171274                 {
4171275                   // -------------------------- string.
4171276                   if (!flag_star)
4171277                     ptr_char = va_arg (ap, char *);
4171278                   // 
4171279                   for (count = 0;
4171280                        !isspace (*input)
4171281                        && *input != 0; ptr_char++, input++)
4171282                     {
4171283                       if (!flag_star)
4171284                         *ptr_char = *input;
4171285                       // 
4171286                       count++;
4171287                     }
4171288                   if (!flag_star)
4171289                     *ptr_char = 0;
4171290                   // 
4171291                   if (count)
4171292                     consumed++;
4171293                   if (count && !flag_star)
4171294                     assigned++;
4171295                   // 
4171296                   f += 1;
4171297                 }
4171298               else if (format[f] == '[')
4171299                 {
4171300                   // 
4171301                   f++;
4171302                   // 
4171303                   if (format[f] == '^')
4171304                     {
4171305                       inverted = 1;
4171306                       f++;
4171307                     }
4171308                   else
4171309                     {
4171310                       inverted = 0;
4171311                     }
4171312                   // 
4171313                   // Reset ascii array.
4171314                   // 
4171315                   for (index = 0; index < 128; index++)
4171316                     {
4171317                       ascii[index] = inverted;
4171318                     }
4171319                   // 
4171320                   // 
4171321                   // 
4171322                   for (count = 0;
4171323                        &format[f] < end_format; count++)
4171324                     {
4171325                       if (format[f] == ']' && count > 0)
4171326                         {
4171327                           break;
4171328                         }
4171329                       // 
4171330                       // Check for an interval.
4171331                       // 
4171332                       if (format[f + 1] == '-'
4171333                           && format[f + 2] != ']'
4171334                           && format[f + 2] != 0)
4171335                         {
4171336                           // 
4171337                           // Interval.
4171338                           // 
4171339                           for (index = format[f];
4171340                                index <= format[f + 2];
4171341                                index++)
4171342                             {
4171343                               ascii[index] = !inverted;
4171344                             }
4171345                           f += 3;
4171346                           continue;
4171347                         }
4171348                       // 
4171349                       // Single character.
4171350                       // 
4171351                       index = format[f];
4171352                       ascii[index] = !inverted;
4171353                       f++;
4171354                     }
4171355                   // 
4171356                   // Is the scan correctly finished?.
4171357                   // 
4171358                   if (format[f] != ']')
4171359                     {
4171360                       return (ass_or_eof
4171361                               (consumed, assigned));
4171362                     }
4171363                   // 
4171364                   // The ascii table is populated.
4171365                   // 
4171366                   if (width == 0)
4171367                     width = SIZE_MAX;
4171368                   // 
4171369                   // Scan the input string.
4171370                   // 
4171371                   if (!flag_star)
4171372                     ptr_char = va_arg (ap, char *);
4171373                   // 
4171374                   for (count = 0;
4171375                        width > 0 && *input != 0;
4171376                        width--, ptr_char++, input++)
4171377                     {
4171378                       index = *input;
4171379                       if (ascii[index])
4171380                         {
4171381                           if (!flag_star)
4171382                             *ptr_char = *input;
4171383                           count++;
4171384                         }
4171385                       else
4171386                         {
4171387                           break;
4171388                         }
4171389                     }
4171390                   // 
4171391                   if (count)
4171392                     consumed++;
4171393                   if (count && !flag_star)
4171394                     assigned++;
4171395                   // 
4171396                   f += 1;
4171397                 }
4171398               else if (format[f] == 'p')
4171399                 {
4171400                   // -------------------------- void *.
4171401                   value_i =
4171402                     strtointmax (input, &next, 16, width);
4171403                   if (input == next)
4171404                     {
4171405                       return (ass_or_eof
4171406                               (consumed, assigned));
4171407                     }
4171408                   consumed++;
4171409                   if (!flag_star)
4171410                     {
4171411                       ptr_void = va_arg (ap, void **);
4171412                       *ptr_void = (void *) ((int) value_i);
4171413                       assigned++;
4171414                     }
4171415                   f += 1;
4171416                   input = next;
4171417                 }
4171418               else if (format[f] == 'n')
4171419                 {
4171420                   // ----------------------------------
4171421                   // signed char,
4171422                   // string index counter.
4171423                   // ----------------------------------
4171424                   ptr_sint = va_arg (ap, signed int *);
4171425                   *ptr_sint =
4171426                     (signed char) (input - start + scanned);
4171427                   f += 1;
4171428                 }
4171429               else
4171430                 {
4171431                   // ----------------------------------
4171432                   // unsupported or
4171433                   // unknown specifier.
4171434                   // ----------------------------------
4171435                   ;
4171436                 }
4171438               // --------------------------------------
4171439               // End of specifier.
4171440               // --------------------------------------
4171442               width_string[0] = '\0';
4171443               specifier = 0;
4171444               specifier_flags = 0;
4171445               specifier_width = 0;
4171446               specifier_type = 0;
4171447               flag_star = 0;
4171449             }
4171450         }
4171451       // 
4171452       // The format or the input string is terminated.
4171453       // 
4171454       if (&format[f] < end_format && stream)
4171455         {
4171456           // 
4171457           // Only the input string is finished, and
4171458           // the input comes
4171459           // from a stream, so another read will be
4171460           // done.
4171461           // 
4171462           scanned += (int) (input - start);
4171463           continue;
4171464         }
4171465       // 
4171466       // The format string is terminated.
4171467       // 
4171468       return (ass_or_eof (consumed, assigned));
4171469     }
4171470 }
4171472 //----------------------------------------------------------
4171473 static intmax_t
4171474 strtointmax (const char *restrict string,
4171475              const char **restrict endptr, int base,
4171476              size_t max_width)
4171477 {
4171478   int i;
4171479   int d;        // Digits counter.
4171480   int sign = +1;
4171481   intmax_t number;
4171482   intmax_t previous;
4171483   int digit;
4171484   // 
4171485   bool flag_prefix_oct = 0;
4171486   bool flag_prefix_exa = 0;
4171487   bool flag_prefix_dec = 0;
4171488   // 
4171489   // If the `max_width' value is zero, fix it to the
4171490   // maximum
4171491   // that it can represent.
4171492   // 
4171493   if (max_width == 0)
4171494     {
4171495       max_width = SIZE_MAX;
4171496     }
4171497   // 
4171498   // Eat initial spaces, but if there are spaces,
4171499   // there is an
4171500   // error inside the calling function!
4171501   // 
4171502   for (i = 0; isspace (string[i]); i++)
4171503     {
4171504       fprintf (stderr,
4171505                "libc error: file \"%s\", line %i\n",
4171506                __FILE__, __LINE__);
4171507       ;
4171508     }
4171509   // 
4171510   // Check sign. The `max_width' counts also the sign, 
4171511   // if there is
4171512   // one.
4171513   // 
4171514   if (string[i] == '+')
4171515     {
4171516       sign = +1;
4171517       i++;
4171518       max_width--;
4171519     }
4171520   else if (string[i] == '-')
4171521     {
4171522       sign = -1;
4171523       i++;
4171524       max_width--;
4171525     }
4171526   // 
4171527   // Check for prefix.
4171528   // 
4171529   if (string[i] == '0')
4171530     {
4171531       if (string[i + 1] == 'x' || string[i + 1] == 'X')
4171532         {
4171533           flag_prefix_exa = 1;
4171534         }
4171535       if (isdigit (string[i + 1]))
4171536         {
4171537           flag_prefix_oct = 1;
4171538         }
4171539     }
4171540   // 
4171541   if (string[i] > '0' && string[i] <= '9')
4171542     {
4171543       flag_prefix_dec = 1;
4171544     }
4171545   // 
4171546   // Check compatibility with requested base.
4171547   // 
4171548   if (flag_prefix_exa)
4171549     {
4171550       if (base == 0)
4171551         {
4171552           base = 16;
4171553         }
4171554       else if (base == 16)
4171555         {
4171556           ;     // Ok.
4171557         }
4171558       else
4171559         {
4171560           // 
4171561           // Incompatible sequence: only the initial
4171562           // zero is reported.
4171563           // 
4171564           *endptr = &string[i + 1];
4171565           return ((intmax_t) 0);
4171566         }
4171567       // 
4171568       // Move on, after the `0x' prefix.
4171569       // 
4171570       i += 2;
4171571     }
4171572   // 
4171573   if (flag_prefix_oct)
4171574     {
4171575       if (base == 0)
4171576         {
4171577           base = 8;
4171578         }
4171579       // 
4171580       // Move on, after the `0' prefix.
4171581       // 
4171582       i += 1;
4171583     }
4171584   // 
4171585   if (flag_prefix_dec)
4171586     {
4171587       if (base == 0)
4171588         {
4171589           base = 10;
4171590         }
4171591     }
4171592   // 
4171593   // Scan the string.
4171594   // 
4171595   for (d = 0, number = 0;
4171596        d < max_width && string[i] != 0; i++, d++)
4171597     {
4171598       if (string[i] >= '0' && string[i] <= '9')
4171599         {
4171600           digit = string[i] - '0';
4171601         }
4171602       else if (string[i] >= 'A' && string[i] <= 'F')
4171603         {
4171604           digit = string[i] - 'A' + 10;
4171605         }
4171606       else if (string[i] >= 'a' && string[i] <= 'f')
4171607         {
4171608           digit = string[i] - 'a' + 10;
4171609         }
4171610       else
4171611         {
4171612           digit = 999;
4171613         }
4171614       // 
4171615       // Give a sign to the digit.
4171616       // 
4171617       digit *= sign;
4171618       // 
4171619       // Compare with the base.
4171620       // 
4171621       if (base > (digit * sign))
4171622         {
4171623           // 
4171624           // Check if the current digit can be safely
4171625           // computed.
4171626           // 
4171627           previous = number;
4171628           number *= base;
4171629           number += digit;
4171630           if (number / base != previous)
4171631             {
4171632               // 
4171633               // Out of range.
4171634               // 
4171635               *endptr = &string[i + 1];
4171636               errset (ERANGE);  // Result too large.
4171637               if (sign > 0)
4171638                 {
4171639                   return (INTMAX_MAX);
4171640                 }
4171641               else
4171642                 {
4171643                   return (INTMAX_MIN);
4171644                 }
4171645             }
4171646         }
4171647       else
4171648         {
4171649           *endptr = &string[i];
4171650           return (number);
4171651         }
4171652     }
4171653   // 
4171654   // The string is finished or the max digits length
4171655   // is reached.
4171656   // 
4171657   *endptr = &string[i];
4171658   // 
4171659   return (number);
4171660 }
4171662 //----------------------------------------------------------
4171663 static int
4171664 ass_or_eof (int consumed, int assigned)
4171665 {
4171666   if (consumed == 0)
4171667     {
4171668       return (EOF);
4171669     }
4171670   else
4171671     {
4171672       return (assigned);
4171673     }
4171674 }
4171676 //----------------------------------------------------------

95.18.40   lib/stdio/vprintf.c

Si veda la sezione 88.137.

4180001 #include <stdio.h>
4180002 #include <sys/types.h>
4180003 #include <sys/os32.h>
4180004 #include <string.h>
4180005 #include <unistd.h>
4180006 //----------------------------------------------------------
4180007 int
4180008 vprintf (const char *restrict format, va_list arg)
4180009 {
4180010   ssize_t size_written;
4180011   size_t size;
4180012   size_t size_total;
4180013   int status;
4180014   char string[BUFSIZ];
4180015   char *buffer = string;
4180017   buffer[0] = 0;
4180018   status = vsprintf (buffer, format, arg);
4180020   size = strlen (buffer);
4180021   if (size >= BUFSIZ)
4180022     {
4180023       size = BUFSIZ;
4180024     }
4180026   for (size_total = 0, size_written = 0;
4180027        size_total < size;
4180028        size_total += size_written, buffer += size_written)
4180029     {
4180030       // 
4180031       // Write to the standard output: file descriptor 
4180032       // n. 1.
4180033       // 
4180034       size_written =
4180035         write (STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, size - size_total);
4180036       if (size_written < 0)
4180037         {
4180038           return (size_total);
4180039         }
4180040     }
4180041   return (size);
4180042 }

95.18.41   lib/stdio/vscanf.c

Si veda la sezione 88.138.

4190001 #include <stdio.h>
4190002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4190003 int
4190004 vscanf (const char *restrict format, va_list ap)
4190005 {
4190006   return (vfscanf (stdin, format, ap));
4190007 }
4190009 //----------------------------------------------------------

95.18.42   lib/stdio/vsnprintf.c

Si veda la sezione 88.137.

4200001 #include <stdint.h>
4200002 #include <stdbool.h>
4200003 #include <stdlib.h>
4200004 #include <string.h>
4200005 #include <stdio.h>
4200006 //----------------------------------------------------------
4200007 static size_t uimaxtoa (uintmax_t integer,
4200008                         char *buffer, int base,
4200009                         int uppercase, size_t size);
4200010 static size_t imaxtoa (intmax_t integer, char *buffer,
4200011                        int base, int uppercase,
4200012                        size_t size);
4200013 static size_t simaxtoa (intmax_t integer, char *buffer,
4200014                         int base, int uppercase,
4200015                         size_t size);
4200016 static size_t uimaxtoa_fill (uintmax_t integer,
4200017                              char *buffer, int base,
4200018                              int uppercase, int width,
4200019                              int filler, int max);
4200020 static size_t imaxtoa_fill (intmax_t integer,
4200021                             char *buffer, int base,
4200022                             int uppercase, int width,
4200023                             int filler, int max);
4200024 static size_t simaxtoa_fill (intmax_t integer,
4200025                              char *buffer, int base,
4200026                              int uppercase, int width,
4200027                              int filler, int max);
4200028 static size_t strtostr_fill (char *string,
4200029                              char *buffer, int width,
4200030                              int filler, int max);
4200031 //----------------------------------------------------------
4200032 int
4200033 vsnprintf (char *restrict string, size_t size,
4200034            const char *restrict format, va_list ap)
4200035 {
4200036   // 
4200037   // We produce at most `size-1' characters, + '\0'.
4200038   // `size' is used also as the max size for internal
4200039   // strings, but only if it is not too big.
4200040   // 
4200041   int f = 0;
4200042   int s = 0;
4200043   int remain = size - 1;
4200044   // 
4200045   bool specifier = 0;
4200046   bool specifier_flags = 0;
4200047   bool specifier_width = 0;
4200048   bool specifier_precision = 0;
4200049   bool specifier_type = 0;
4200050   // 
4200051   bool flag_plus = 0;
4200052   bool flag_minus = 0;
4200053   bool flag_space = 0;
4200054   bool flag_alternate = 0;
4200055   bool flag_zero = 0;
4200056   // 
4200057   int alignment;
4200058   int filler;
4200059   // 
4200060   intmax_t value_i;
4200061   uintmax_t value_ui;
4200062   char *value_cp;
4200063   // 
4200064   size_t width;
4200065   size_t precision;
4200066   size_t str_size =
4200067     (size > (BUFSIZ / 2) ? (BUFSIZ / 2) : size);
4200068   char width_string[str_size];
4200069   char precision_string[str_size];
4200070   int w;
4200071   int p;
4200072   // 
4200073   width_string[0] = '\0';
4200074   precision_string[0] = '\0';
4200075   // 
4200076   while (format[f] != 0 && s < (size - 1))
4200077     {
4200078       if (!specifier)
4200079         {
4200080           // ------------------- The context is not
4200081           // inside a specifier.
4200082           if (format[f] != '%')
4200083             {
4200084               string[s] = format[f];
4200085               s++;
4200086               remain--;
4200087               f++;
4200088               continue;
4200089             }
4200090           if (format[f] == '%' && format[f + 1] == '%')
4200091             {
4200092               string[s] = '%';
4200093               f++;
4200094               f++;
4200095               s++;
4200096               remain--;
4200097               continue;
4200098             }
4200099           if (format[f] == '%')
4200100             {
4200101               f++;
4200102               specifier = 1;
4200103               specifier_flags = 1;
4200104               continue;
4200105             }
4200106         }
4200107       // 
4200108       if (specifier && specifier_flags)
4200109         {
4200110           // ------------------- The context is inside 
4200111           // specifier flags.
4200112           if (format[f] == '+')
4200113             {
4200114               flag_plus = 1;
4200115               f++;
4200116               continue;
4200117             }
4200118           else if (format[f] == '-')
4200119             {
4200120               flag_minus = 1;
4200121               f++;
4200122               continue;
4200123             }
4200124           else if (format[f] == ' ')
4200125             {
4200126               flag_space = 1;
4200127               f++;
4200128               continue;
4200129             }
4200130           else if (format[f] == '#')
4200131             {
4200132               flag_alternate = 1;
4200133               f++;
4200134               continue;
4200135             }
4200136           else if (format[f] == '0')
4200137             {
4200138               flag_zero = 1;
4200139               f++;
4200140               continue;
4200141             }
4200142           else
4200143             {
4200144               specifier_flags = 0;
4200145               specifier_width = 1;
4200146             }
4200147         }
4200148       // 
4200149       if (specifier && specifier_width)
4200150         {
4200151           // ------------------- The context is inside 
4200152           // specifier width.
4200153           for (w = 0;
4200154                format[f] >= '0' && format[f] <= '9'
4200155                && w < str_size; w++)
4200156             {
4200157               width_string[w] = format[f];
4200158               f++;
4200159             }
4200160           width_string[w] = '\0';
4200162           specifier_width = 0;
4200164           if (format[f] == '.')
4200165             {
4200166               specifier_precision = 1;
4200167               f++;
4200168             }
4200169           else
4200170             {
4200171               specifier_precision = 0;
4200172               specifier_type = 1;
4200173             }
4200174         }
4200175       // 
4200176       if (specifier && specifier_precision)
4200177         {
4200178           // --------------- The context is inside
4200179           // specifier precision.
4200180           for (p = 0;
4200181                format[f] >= '0' && format[f] <= '9'
4200182                && p < str_size; p++)
4200183             {
4200184               precision_string[p] = format[f];
4200185               p++;
4200186             }
4200187           precision_string[p] = '\0';
4200189           specifier_precision = 0;
4200190           specifier_type = 1;
4200191         }
4200192       // 
4200193       if (specifier && specifier_type)
4200194         {
4200195           // -------------------- The context is
4200196           // inside specifier type.
4200197           width = atoi (width_string);
4200198           precision = atoi (precision_string);
4200199           filler = ' ';
4200200           if (flag_zero)
4200201             filler = '0';
4200202           if (flag_space)
4200203             filler = ' ';
4200204           alignment = width;
4200205           if (flag_minus)
4200206             {
4200207               alignment = -alignment;
4200208               filler = ' ';     // The filler
4200209               // character cannot
4200210               // be zero, so it is black.
4200211             }
4200212           // 
4200213           if (format[f] == 'h' && format[f + 1] == 'h')
4200214             {
4200215               if (format[f + 2] == 'd'
4200216                   || format[f + 2] == 'i')
4200217                 {
4200218                   // ----------------------------
4200219                   // signed char, base 10.
4200220                   value_i = va_arg (ap, int);
4200221                   if (flag_plus)
4200222                     {
4200223                       s +=
4200224                         simaxtoa_fill (value_i,
4200225                                        &string[s], 10,
4200226                                        0, alignment,
4200227                                        filler, remain);
4200228                     }
4200229                   else
4200230                     {
4200231                       s +=
4200232                         imaxtoa_fill (value_i,
4200233                                       &string[s], 10,
4200234                                       0, alignment,
4200235                                       filler, remain);
4200236                     }
4200237                   f += 3;
4200238                 }
4200239               else if (format[f + 2] == 'u')
4200240                 {
4200241                   // --------------------------
4200242                   // unsigned char, base 10.
4200243                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
4200244                   s +=
4200245                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200246                                    &string[s], 10, 0,
4200247                                    alignment, filler,
4200248                                    remain);
4200249                   f += 3;
4200250                 }
4200251               else if (format[f + 2] == 'o')
4200252                 {
4200253                   // ---------------------------
4200254                   // unsigned char, base 8.
4200255                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
4200256                   s +=
4200257                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200258                                    &string[s], 8, 0,
4200259                                    alignment, filler,
4200260                                    remain);
4200261                   f += 3;
4200262                 }
4200263               else if (format[f + 2] == 'x')
4200264                 {
4200265                   // --------------------------
4200266                   // unsigned char, base 16.
4200267                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
4200268                   s +=
4200269                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200270                                    &string[s], 16, 0,
4200271                                    alignment, filler,
4200272                                    remain);
4200273                   f += 3;
4200274                 }
4200275               else if (format[f + 2] == 'X')
4200276                 {
4200277                   // --------------------------
4200278                   // unsigned char, base 16.
4200279                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
4200280                   s +=
4200281                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200282                                    &string[s], 16, 1,
4200283                                    alignment, filler,
4200284                                    remain);
4200285                   f += 3;
4200286                 }
4200287               else if (format[f + 2] == 'b')
4200288                 {
4200289                   // --------------- unsigned char,
4200290                   // base 2 (extention).
4200291                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
4200292                   s +=
4200293                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200294                                    &string[s], 2, 0,
4200295                                    alignment, filler,
4200296                                    remain);
4200297                   f += 3;
4200298                 }
4200299               else
4200300                 {
4200301                   // ---------------- unsupported or
4200302                   // unknown specifier.
4200303                   f += 2;
4200304                 }
4200305             }
4200306           else if (format[f] == 'h')
4200307             {
4200308               if (format[f + 1] == 'd'
4200309                   || format[f + 1] == 'i')
4200310                 {
4200311                   // ------------------------------
4200312                   // short int, base 10.
4200313                   value_i = va_arg (ap, int);
4200314                   if (flag_plus)
4200315                     {
4200316                       s +=
4200317                         simaxtoa_fill (value_i,
4200318                                        &string[s], 10,
4200319                                        0, alignment,
4200320                                        filler, remain);
4200321                     }
4200322                   else
4200323                     {
4200324                       s +=
4200325                         imaxtoa_fill (value_i,
4200326                                       &string[s], 10,
4200327                                       0, alignment,
4200328                                       filler, remain);
4200329                     }
4200330                   f += 2;
4200331                 }
4200332               else if (format[f + 1] == 'u')
4200333                 {
4200334                   // --------------------- unsigned
4200335                   // short int, base 10.
4200336                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
4200337                   s +=
4200338                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200339                                    &string[s], 10, 0,
4200340                                    alignment, filler,
4200341                                    remain);
4200342                   f += 2;
4200343                 }
4200344               else if (format[f + 1] == 'o')
4200345                 {
4200346                   // ---------------------- unsigned
4200347                   // short int, base 8.
4200348                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
4200349                   s +=
4200350                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200351                                    &string[s], 8, 0,
4200352                                    alignment, filler,
4200353                                    remain);
4200354                   f += 2;
4200355                 }
4200356               else if (format[f + 1] == 'x')
4200357                 {
4200358                   // --------------------- unsigned
4200359                   // short int, base 16.
4200360                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
4200361                   s +=
4200362                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200363                                    &string[s], 16, 0,
4200364                                    alignment, filler,
4200365                                    remain);
4200366                   f += 2;
4200367                 }
4200368               else if (format[f + 1] == 'X')
4200369                 {
4200370                   // --------------------- unsigned
4200371                   // short int, base 16.
4200372                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
4200373                   s +=
4200374                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200375                                    &string[s], 16, 1,
4200376                                    alignment, filler,
4200377                                    remain);
4200378                   f += 2;
4200379                 }
4200380               else if (format[f + 1] == 'b')
4200381                 {
4200382                   // ---------- unsigned short int,
4200383                   // base 2 (extention).
4200384                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
4200385                   s +=
4200386                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200387                                    &string[s], 2, 0,
4200388                                    alignment, filler,
4200389                                    remain);
4200390                   f += 2;
4200391                 }
4200392               else
4200393                 {
4200394                   // ---------------- unsupported or
4200395                   // unknown specifier.
4200396                   f += 1;
4200397                 }
4200398             }
4200399           else if (format[f] == 'l' && format[f + 1] != 'l')
4200400             {
4200401               if (format[f + 1] == 'd'
4200402                   || format[f + 1] == 'i')
4200403                 {
4200404                   // --------------------------------
4200405                   // long int base 10.
4200406                   value_i = va_arg (ap, long int);
4200407                   if (flag_plus)
4200408                     {
4200409                       s +=
4200410                         simaxtoa_fill (value_i,
4200411                                        &string[s], 10,
4200412                                        0, alignment,
4200413                                        filler, remain);
4200414                     }
4200415                   else
4200416                     {
4200417                       s +=
4200418                         imaxtoa_fill (value_i,
4200419                                       &string[s], 10,
4200420                                       0, alignment,
4200421                                       filler, remain);
4200422                     }
4200423                   f += 2;
4200424                 }
4200425               else if (format[f + 1] == 'u')
4200426                 {
4200427                   // ----------------------- Unsigned
4200428                   // long int base 10.
4200429                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
4200430                   s +=
4200431                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200432                                    &string[s], 10, 0,
4200433                                    alignment, filler,
4200434                                    remain);
4200435                   f += 2;
4200436                 }
4200437               else if (format[f + 1] == 'o')
4200438                 {
4200439                   // ------------------------ Unsigned 
4200440                   // long int base 8.
4200441                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
4200442                   s +=
4200443                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200444                                    &string[s], 8, 0,
4200445                                    alignment, filler,
4200446                                    remain);
4200447                   f += 2;
4200448                 }
4200449               else if (format[f + 1] == 'x')
4200450                 {
4200451                   // ----------------------- Unsigned
4200452                   // long int base 16.
4200453                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
4200454                   s +=
4200455                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200456                                    &string[s], 16, 0,
4200457                                    alignment, filler,
4200458                                    remain);
4200459                   f += 2;
4200460                 }
4200461               else if (format[f + 1] == 'X')
4200462                 {
4200463                   // ----------------------- Unsigned
4200464                   // long int base 16.
4200465                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
4200466                   s +=
4200467                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200468                                    &string[s], 16, 1,
4200469                                    alignment, filler,
4200470                                    remain);
4200471                   f += 2;
4200472                 }
4200473               else if (format[f + 1] == 'b')
4200474                 {
4200475                   // ------------ Unsigned long int
4200476                   // base 2 (extention).
4200477                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
4200478                   s +=
4200479                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200480                                    &string[s], 2, 0,
4200481                                    alignment, filler,
4200482                                    remain);
4200483                   f += 2;
4200484                 }
4200485               else
4200486                 {
4200487                   // ---------------- unsupported or
4200488                   // unknown specifier.
4200489                   f += 1;
4200490                 }
4200491             }
4200492           else if (format[f] == 'l' && format[f + 1] == 'l')
4200493             {
4200494               if (format[f + 2] == 'd'
4200495                   || format[f + 2] == 'i')
4200496                 {
4200497                   // --------------------------------
4200498                   // long int base 10.
4200499                   value_i = va_arg (ap, long long int);
4200500                   if (flag_plus)
4200501                     {
4200502                       s +=
4200503                         simaxtoa_fill (value_i,
4200504                                        &string[s], 10,
4200505                                        0, alignment,
4200506                                        filler, remain);
4200507                     }
4200508                   else
4200509                     {
4200510                       s +=
4200511                         imaxtoa_fill (value_i,
4200512                                       &string[s], 10,
4200513                                       0, alignment,
4200514                                       filler, remain);
4200515                     }
4200516                   f += 3;
4200517                 }
4200518               else if (format[f + 2] == 'u')
4200519                 {
4200520                   // ----------------------- Unsigned
4200521                   // long int base 10.
4200522                   value_ui =
4200523                     va_arg (ap, unsigned long long int);
4200524                   s +=
4200525                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200526                                    &string[s], 10, 0,
4200527                                    alignment, filler,
4200528                                    remain);
4200529                   f += 3;
4200530                 }
4200531               else if (format[f + 2] == 'o')
4200532                 {
4200533                   // ------------------------ Unsigned 
4200534                   // long int base 8.
4200535                   value_ui =
4200536                     va_arg (ap, unsigned long long int);
4200537                   s +=
4200538                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200539                                    &string[s], 8, 0,
4200540                                    alignment, filler,
4200541                                    remain);
4200542                   f += 3;
4200543                 }
4200544               else if (format[f + 2] == 'x')
4200545                 {
4200546                   // ----------------------- Unsigned
4200547                   // long int base 16.
4200548                   value_ui =
4200549                     va_arg (ap, unsigned long long int);
4200550                   s +=
4200551                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200552                                    &string[s], 16, 0,
4200553                                    alignment, filler,
4200554                                    remain);
4200555                   f += 3;
4200556                 }
4200557               else if (format[f + 2] == 'X')
4200558                 {
4200559                   // ----------------------- Unsigned
4200560                   // long int base 16.
4200561                   value_ui =
4200562                     va_arg (ap, unsigned long long int);
4200563                   s +=
4200564                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200565                                    &string[s], 16, 1,
4200566                                    alignment, filler,
4200567                                    remain);
4200568                   f += 3;
4200569                 }
4200570               else if (format[f + 2] == 'b')
4200571                 {
4200572                   // ------------ Unsigned long int
4200573                   // base 2 (extention).
4200574                   value_ui =
4200575                     va_arg (ap, unsigned long long int);
4200576                   s +=
4200577                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200578                                    &string[s], 2, 0,
4200579                                    alignment, filler,
4200580                                    remain);
4200581                   f += 3;
4200582                 }
4200583               else
4200584                 {
4200585                   // ---------------- unsupported or
4200586                   // unknown specifier.
4200587                   f += 2;
4200588                 }
4200589             }
4200590           else if (format[f] == 'j')
4200591             {
4200592               if (format[f + 1] == 'd'
4200593                   || format[f + 1] == 'i')
4200594                 {
4200595                   // --------------------------------
4200596                   // intmax_t base 10.
4200597                   value_i = va_arg (ap, intmax_t);
4200598                   if (flag_plus)
4200599                     {
4200600                       s +=
4200601                         simaxtoa_fill (value_i,
4200602                                        &string[s], 10,
4200603                                        0, alignment,
4200604                                        filler, remain);
4200605                     }
4200606                   else
4200607                     {
4200608                       s +=
4200609                         imaxtoa_fill (value_i,
4200610                                       &string[s], 10,
4200611                                       0, alignment,
4200612                                       filler, remain);
4200613                     }
4200614                   f += 2;
4200615                 }
4200616               else if (format[f + 1] == 'u')
4200617                 {
4200618                   // -------------------------------
4200619                   // uintmax_t base 10.
4200620                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, uintmax_t);
4200621                   s +=
4200622                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200623                                    &string[s], 10, 0,
4200624                                    alignment, filler,
4200625                                    remain);
4200626                   f += 2;
4200627                 }
4200628               else if (format[f + 1] == 'o')
4200629                 {
4200630                   // --------------------------------
4200631                   // uintmax_t base 8.
4200632                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, uintmax_t);
4200633                   s +=
4200634                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200635                                    &string[s], 8, 0,
4200636                                    alignment, filler,
4200637                                    remain);
4200638                   f += 2;
4200639                 }
4200640               else if (format[f + 1] == 'x')
4200641                 {
4200642                   // -------------------------------
4200643                   // uintmax_t base 16.
4200644                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, uintmax_t);
4200645                   s +=
4200646                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200647                                    &string[s], 16, 0,
4200648                                    alignment, filler,
4200649                                    remain);
4200650                   f += 2;
4200651                 }
4200652               else if (format[f + 1] == 'X')
4200653                 {
4200654                   // -------------------------------
4200655                   // uintmax_t base 16.
4200656                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, uintmax_t);
4200657                   s +=
4200658                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200659                                    &string[s], 16, 1,
4200660                                    alignment, filler,
4200661                                    remain);
4200662                   f += 2;
4200663                 }
4200664               else if (format[f + 1] == 'b')
4200665                 {
4200666                   // -------------------- uintmax_t
4200667                   // base 2 (extention).
4200668                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, uintmax_t);
4200669                   s +=
4200670                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200671                                    &string[s], 2, 0,
4200672                                    alignment, filler,
4200673                                    remain);
4200674                   f += 2;
4200675                 }
4200676               else
4200677                 {
4200678                   // ---------------- unsupported or
4200679                   // unknown specifier.
4200680                   f += 1;
4200681                 }
4200682             }
4200683           else if (format[f] == 'z')
4200684             {
4200685               if (format[f + 1] == 'd'
4200686                   || format[f + 1] == 'i'
4200687                   || format[f + 1] == 'i')
4200688                 {
4200689                   // ----------------- size_t base 10.
4200690                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
4200691                   s +=
4200692                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200693                                    &string[s], 10, 0,
4200694                                    alignment, filler,
4200695                                    remain);
4200696                   f += 2;
4200697                 }
4200698               else if (format[f + 1] == 'o')
4200699                 {
4200700                   // ------------------ size_t base 8.
4200701                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
4200702                   s +=
4200703                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200704                                    &string[s], 8, 0,
4200705                                    alignment, filler,
4200706                                    remain);
4200707                   f += 2;
4200708                 }
4200709               else if (format[f + 1] == 'x')
4200710                 {
4200711                   // ----------------- size_t base 16.
4200712                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
4200713                   s +=
4200714                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200715                                    &string[s], 16, 0,
4200716                                    alignment, filler,
4200717                                    remain);
4200718                   f += 2;
4200719                 }
4200720               else if (format[f + 1] == 'X')
4200721                 {
4200722                   // ----------------- size_t base 16.
4200723                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
4200724                   s +=
4200725                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200726                                    &string[s], 16, 1,
4200727                                    alignment, filler,
4200728                                    remain);
4200729                   f += 2;
4200730                 }
4200731               else if (format[f + 1] == 'b')
4200732                 {
4200733                   // ----------------------- size_t
4200734                   // base 2 (extention).
4200735                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
4200736                   s +=
4200737                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200738                                    &string[s], 2, 0,
4200739                                    alignment, filler,
4200740                                    remain);
4200741                   f += 2;
4200742                 }
4200743               else
4200744                 {
4200745                   // ---------------- unsupported or
4200746                   // unknown specifier.
4200747                   f += 1;
4200748                 }
4200749             }
4200750           else if (format[f] == 't')
4200751             {
4200752               if (format[f + 1] == 'd'
4200753                   || format[f + 1] == 'i')
4200754                 {
4200755                   // -------------------------------
4200756                   // ptrdiff_t base 10.
4200757                   value_i = va_arg (ap, long int);
4200758                   if (flag_plus)
4200759                     {
4200760                       s +=
4200761                         simaxtoa_fill (value_i,
4200762                                        &string[s], 10,
4200763                                        0, alignment,
4200764                                        filler, remain);
4200765                     }
4200766                   else
4200767                     {
4200768                       s +=
4200769                         imaxtoa_fill (value_i,
4200770                                       &string[s], 10,
4200771                                       0, alignment,
4200772                                       filler, remain);
4200773                     }
4200774                   f += 2;
4200775                 }
4200776               else if (format[f + 1] == 'u')
4200777                 {
4200778                   // ----------------- ptrdiff_t base
4200779                   // 10, without sign.
4200780                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
4200781                   s +=
4200782                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200783                                    &string[s], 10, 0,
4200784                                    alignment, filler,
4200785                                    remain);
4200786                   f += 2;
4200787                 }
4200788               else if (format[f + 1] == 'o')
4200789                 {
4200790                   // ------------------ ptrdiff_t base 
4200791                   // 8, without sign.
4200792                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
4200793                   s +=
4200794                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200795                                    &string[s], 8, 0,
4200796                                    alignment, filler,
4200797                                    remain);
4200798                   f += 2;
4200799                 }
4200800               else if (format[f + 1] == 'x')
4200801                 {
4200802                   // ----------------- ptrdiff_t base
4200803                   // 16, without sign.
4200804                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
4200805                   s +=
4200806                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200807                                    &string[s], 16, 0,
4200808                                    alignment, filler,
4200809                                    remain);
4200810                   f += 2;
4200811                 }
4200812               else if (format[f + 1] == 'X')
4200813                 {
4200814                   // ----------------- ptrdiff_t base
4200815                   // 16, without sign.
4200816                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
4200817                   s +=
4200818                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200819                                    &string[s], 16, 1,
4200820                                    alignment, filler,
4200821                                    remain);
4200822                   f += 2;
4200823                 }
4200824               else if (format[f + 1] == 'b')
4200825                 {
4200826                   // ------ ptrdiff_t base 2, without
4200827                   // sign (extention).
4200828                   value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
4200829                   s +=
4200830                     uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui,
4200831                                    &string[s], 2, 0,
4200832                                    alignment, filler,
4200833                                    remain);
4200834                   f += 2;
4200835                 }
4200836               else
4200837                 {
4200838                   // ---------------- unsupported or
4200839                   // unknown specifier.
4200840                   f += 1;
4200841                 }
4200842             }
4200843           if (format[f] == 'd' || format[f] == 'i')
4200844             {
4200845               // ------------------------ int base 10.
4200846               value_i = va_arg (ap, int);
4200847               if (flag_plus)
4200848                 {
4200849                   s +=
4200850                     simaxtoa_fill (value_i, &string[s],
4200851                                    10, 0, alignment,
4200852                                    filler, remain);
4200853                 }
4200854               else
4200855                 {
4200856                   s +=
4200857                     imaxtoa_fill (value_i, &string[s],
4200858                                   10, 0, alignment,
4200859                                   filler, remain);
4200860                 }
4200861               f += 1;
4200862             }
4200863           else if (format[f] == 'u')
4200864             {
4200865               // --------------------------------
4200866               // unsigned int base 10.
4200867               value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
4200868               s +=
4200869                 uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s],
4200870                                10, 0, alignment,
4200871                                filler, remain);
4200872               f += 1;
4200873             }
4200874           else if (format[f] == 'o')
4200875             {
4200876               // ---------------- unsigned int base 8.
4200877               value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
4200878               s +=
4200879                 uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 8,
4200880                                0, alignment, filler,
4200881                                remain);
4200882               f += 1;
4200883             }
4200884           else if (format[f] == 'x')
4200885             {
4200886               // --------------------------------
4200887               // unsigned int base 16.
4200888               value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
4200889               s +=
4200890                 uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s],
4200891                                16, 0, alignment,
4200892                                filler, remain);
4200893               f += 1;
4200894             }
4200895           else if (format[f] == 'X')
4200896             {
4200897               // --------------------------------
4200898               // unsigned int base 16.
4200899               value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
4200900               s +=
4200901                 uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s],
4200902                                16, 1, alignment,
4200903                                filler, remain);
4200904               f += 1;
4200905             }
4200906           else if (format[f] == 'b')
4200907             {
4200908               // --------------------- unsigned int
4200909               // base 2 (extention).
4200910               value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
4200911               s +=
4200912                 uimaxtoa_fill (value_ui, &string[s], 2,
4200913                                0, alignment, filler,
4200914                                remain);
4200915               f += 1;
4200916             }
4200917           else if (format[f] == 'c')
4200918             {
4200919               // ---------------------- unsigned char.
4200920               value_ui = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
4200921               string[s] = (char) value_ui;
4200922               s += 1;
4200923               f += 1;
4200924             }
4200925           else if (format[f] == 's')
4200926             {
4200927               // ----------------------------- string.
4200928               value_cp = va_arg (ap, char *);
4200929               filler = ' ';
4200931               s +=
4200932                 strtostr_fill (value_cp, &string[s],
4200933                                alignment, filler, remain);
4200934               f += 1;
4200935             }
4200936           else
4200937             {
4200938               // -------------------- unsupported or
4200939               // unknown specifier.
4200940               ;
4200941             }
4200942           // -----------------------------------------
4200943           // End of specifier.
4200944           // -----------------------------------------
4200945           width_string[0] = '\0';
4200946           precision_string[0] = '\0';
4200948           specifier = 0;
4200949           specifier_flags = 0;
4200950           specifier_width = 0;
4200951           specifier_precision = 0;
4200952           specifier_type = 0;
4200954           flag_plus = 0;
4200955           flag_minus = 0;
4200956           flag_space = 0;
4200957           flag_alternate = 0;
4200958           flag_zero = 0;
4200959         }
4200960     }
4200961   string[s] = '\0';
4200962   return s;
4200963 }
4200965 //----------------------------------------------------------
4200966 // Static functions.
4200967 //----------------------------------------------------------
4200968 static size_t
4200969 uimaxtoa (uintmax_t integer, char *buffer, int base,
4200970           int uppercase, size_t size)
4200971 {
4200972   // -------------------------------------------------
4200973   // Convert a maximum rank integer into a string.
4200974   // -------------------------------------------------
4200976   uintmax_t integer_copy = integer;
4200977   size_t digits;
4200978   int b;
4200979   unsigned char remainder;
4200981   for (digits = 0; integer_copy > 0; digits++)
4200982     {
4200983       integer_copy = integer_copy / base;
4200984     }
4200986   if (buffer == NULL && integer == 0)
4200987     return 1;
4200988   if (buffer == NULL && integer > 0)
4200989     return digits;
4200991   if (integer == 0)
4200992     {
4200993       buffer[0] = '0';
4200994       buffer[1] = '\0';
4200995       return 1;
4200996     }
4200997   // 
4200998   // Fix the maximum number of digits.
4200999   // 
4201000   if (size > 0 && digits > size)
4201001     digits = size;
4201002   // 
4201003   *(buffer + digits) = '\0';    // End of string.
4201005   for (b = digits - 1; integer != 0 && b >= 0; b--)
4201006     {
4201007       remainder = integer % base;
4201008       integer = integer / base;
4201010       if (remainder <= 9)
4201011         {
4201012           *(buffer + b) = remainder + '0';
4201013         }
4201014       else
4201015         {
4201016           if (uppercase)
4201017             {
4201018               *(buffer + b) = remainder - 10 + 'A';
4201019             }
4201020           else
4201021             {
4201022               *(buffer + b) = remainder - 10 + 'a';
4201023             }
4201024         }
4201025     }
4201026   return digits;
4201027 }
4201029 //----------------------------------------------------------
4201030 static size_t
4201031 imaxtoa (intmax_t integer, char *buffer, int base,
4201032          int uppercase, size_t size)
4201033 {
4201034   // -------------------------------------------------
4201035   // Convert a maximum rank integer with sign into a
4201036   // string.
4201037   // -------------------------------------------------
4201039   if (integer >= 0)
4201040     {
4201041       return uimaxtoa (integer, buffer, base,
4201042                        uppercase, size);
4201043     }
4201044   // 
4201045   // At this point, there is a negative number, less
4201046   // than zero.
4201047   // 
4201048   if (buffer == NULL)
4201049     {
4201050       return uimaxtoa (-integer, NULL, base, uppercase,
4201051                        size) + 1;
4201052     }
4201054   *buffer = '-';        // The minus sign is needed at 
4201055   // the beginning.
4201056   if (size == 1)
4201057     {
4201058       *(buffer + 1) = '\0';
4201059       return 1;
4201060     }
4201061   else
4201062     {
4201063       return uimaxtoa (-integer, buffer + 1, base,
4201064                        uppercase, size - 1) + 1;
4201065     }
4201066 }
4201068 //----------------------------------------------------------
4201069 static size_t
4201070 simaxtoa (intmax_t integer, char *buffer, int base,
4201071           int uppercase, size_t size)
4201072 {
4201073   // -------------------------------------------------
4201074   // Convert a maximum rank integer with sign into a
4201075   // string, placing
4201076   // the sign also if it is positive.
4201077   // -------------------------------------------------
4201079   if (buffer == NULL && integer >= 0)
4201080     {
4201081       return uimaxtoa (integer, NULL, base, uppercase,
4201082                        size) + 1;
4201083     }
4201085   if (buffer == NULL && integer < 0)
4201086     {
4201087       return uimaxtoa (-integer, NULL, base, uppercase,
4201088                        size) + 1;
4201089     }
4201090   // 
4201091   // At this point, `buffer' is different from NULL.
4201092   // 
4201093   if (integer >= 0)
4201094     {
4201095       *buffer = '+';
4201096     }
4201097   else
4201098     {
4201099       *buffer = '-';
4201100     }
4201102   if (size == 1)
4201103     {
4201104       *(buffer + 1) = '\0';
4201105       return 1;
4201106     }
4201108   if (integer >= 0)
4201109     {
4201110       return uimaxtoa (integer, buffer + 1, base,
4201111                        uppercase, size - 1) + 1;
4201112     }
4201113   else
4201114     {
4201115       return uimaxtoa (-integer, buffer + 1, base,
4201116                        uppercase, size - 1) + 1;
4201117     }
4201118 }
4201120 //----------------------------------------------------------
4201121 static size_t
4201122 uimaxtoa_fill (uintmax_t integer, char *buffer,
4201123                int base, int uppercase, int width,
4201124                int filler, int max)
4201125 {
4201126   // -------------------------------------------------
4201127   // Convert a maximum rank integer without sign into
4201128   // a string,
4201129   // takeing care of the alignment.
4201130   // -------------------------------------------------
4201132   size_t size_i;
4201133   size_t size_f;
4201135   if (max < 0)
4201136     return 0;   // «max» deve essere un valore
4201137   // positivo.
4201139   size_i = uimaxtoa (integer, NULL, base, uppercase, 0);
4201141   if (width > 0 && max > 0 && width > max)
4201142     width = max;
4201143   if (width < 0 && -max < 0 && width < -max)
4201144     width = -max;
4201146   if (size_i > abs (width))
4201147     {
4201148       return uimaxtoa (integer, buffer, base,
4201149                        uppercase, abs (width));
4201150     }
4201152   if (width == 0 && max > 0)
4201153     {
4201154       return uimaxtoa (integer, buffer, base,
4201155                        uppercase, max);
4201156     }
4201158   if (width == 0)
4201159     {
4201160       return uimaxtoa (integer, buffer, base,
4201161                        uppercase, abs (width));
4201162     }
4201163   // 
4201164   // size_i <= abs (width).
4201165   // 
4201166   size_f = abs (width) - size_i;
4201168   if (width < 0)
4201169     {
4201170       // Left alignment.
4201171       uimaxtoa (integer, buffer, base, uppercase, 0);
4201172       memset (buffer + size_i, filler, size_f);
4201173     }
4201174   else
4201175     {
4201176       // Right alignment.
4201177       memset (buffer, filler, size_f);
4201178       uimaxtoa (integer, buffer + size_f, base,
4201179                 uppercase, 0);
4201180     }
4201181   *(buffer + abs (width)) = '\0';
4201183   return abs (width);
4201184 }
4201186 //----------------------------------------------------------
4201187 static size_t
4201188 imaxtoa_fill (intmax_t integer, char *buffer, int base,
4201189               int uppercase, int width, int filler, int max)
4201190 {
4201191   // -------------------------------------------------
4201192   // Convert a maximum rank integer with sign into a
4201193   // string,
4201194   // takeing care of the alignment.
4201195   // -------------------------------------------------
4201197   size_t size_i;
4201198   size_t size_f;
4201200   if (max < 0)
4201201     return 0;   // `max' must be a positive value.
4201203   size_i = imaxtoa (integer, NULL, base, uppercase, 0);
4201205   if (width > 0 && max > 0 && width > max)
4201206     width = max;
4201207   if (width < 0 && -max < 0 && width < -max)
4201208     width = -max;
4201210   if (size_i > abs (width))
4201211     {
4201212       return imaxtoa (integer, buffer, base, uppercase,
4201213                       abs (width));
4201214     }
4201216   if (width == 0 && max > 0)
4201217     {
4201218       return imaxtoa (integer, buffer, base, uppercase,
4201219                       max);
4201220     }
4201222   if (width == 0)
4201223     {
4201224       return imaxtoa (integer, buffer, base, uppercase,
4201225                       abs (width));
4201226     }
4201228   // size_i <= abs (width).
4201230   size_f = abs (width) - size_i;
4201232   if (width < 0)
4201233     {
4201234       // Left alignment.
4201235       imaxtoa (integer, buffer, base, uppercase, 0);
4201236       memset (buffer + size_i, filler, size_f);
4201237     }
4201238   else
4201239     {
4201240       // Right alignment.
4201241       memset (buffer, filler, size_f);
4201242       imaxtoa (integer, buffer + size_f, base,
4201243                uppercase, 0);
4201244     }
4201245   *(buffer + abs (width)) = '\0';
4201247   return abs (width);
4201248 }
4201250 //----------------------------------------------------------
4201251 static size_t
4201252 simaxtoa_fill (intmax_t integer, char *buffer,
4201253                int base, int uppercase, int width,
4201254                int filler, int max)
4201255 {
4201256   // -------------------------------------------------
4201257   // Convert a maximum rank integer with sign into a
4201258   // string,
4201259   // placing the sign also if it is positive and
4201260   // takeing care of the
4201261   // alignment.
4201262   // -------------------------------------------------
4201264   size_t size_i;
4201265   size_t size_f;
4201267   if (max < 0)
4201268     return 0;   // `max' must be a positive value.
4201270   size_i = simaxtoa (integer, NULL, base, uppercase, 0);
4201272   if (width > 0 && max > 0 && width > max)
4201273     width = max;
4201274   if (width < 0 && -max < 0 && width < -max)
4201275     width = -max;
4201277   if (size_i > abs (width))
4201278     {
4201279       return simaxtoa (integer, buffer, base,
4201280                        uppercase, abs (width));
4201281     }
4201283   if (width == 0 && max > 0)
4201284     {
4201285       return simaxtoa (integer, buffer, base,
4201286                        uppercase, max);
4201287     }
4201289   if (width == 0)
4201290     {
4201291       return simaxtoa (integer, buffer, base,
4201292                        uppercase, abs (width));
4201293     }
4201294   // 
4201295   // size_i <= abs (width).
4201296   // 
4201297   size_f = abs (width) - size_i;
4201299   if (width < 0)
4201300     {
4201301       // Left alignment.
4201302       simaxtoa (integer, buffer, base, uppercase, 0);
4201303       memset (buffer + size_i, filler, size_f);
4201304     }
4201305   else
4201306     {
4201307       // Right alignment.
4201308       memset (buffer, filler, size_f);
4201309       simaxtoa (integer, buffer + size_f, base,
4201310                 uppercase, 0);
4201311     }
4201312   *(buffer + abs (width)) = '\0';
4201314   return abs (width);
4201315 }
4201317 //----------------------------------------------------------
4201318 static size_t
4201319 strtostr_fill (char *string, char *buffer, int width,
4201320                int filler, int max)
4201321 {
4201322   // -------------------------------------------------
4201323   // Transfer a string with care for the alignment.
4201324   // -------------------------------------------------
4201326   size_t size_s;
4201327   size_t size_f;
4201329   if (max < 0)
4201330     return 0;   // `max' must be a positive value.
4201332   size_s = strlen (string);
4201334   if (width > 0 && max > 0 && width > max)
4201335     width = max;
4201336   if (width < 0 && -max < 0 && width < -max)
4201337     width = -max;
4201339   if (width != 0 && size_s > abs (width))
4201340     {
4201341       memcpy (buffer, string, abs (width));
4201342       buffer[width] = '\0';
4201343       return width;
4201344     }
4201346   if (width == 0 && max > 0 && size_s > max)
4201347     {
4201348       memcpy (buffer, string, max);
4201349       buffer[max] = '\0';
4201350       return max;
4201351     }
4201353   if (width == 0 && max > 0 && size_s < max)
4201354     {
4201355       memcpy (buffer, string, size_s);
4201356       buffer[size_s] = '\0';
4201357       return size_s;
4201358     }
4201359   // 
4201360   // width =! 0
4201361   // size_s <= abs (width)
4201362   // 
4201363   size_f = abs (width) - size_s;
4201365   if (width < 0)
4201366     {
4201367       // Right alignment.
4201368       memset (buffer, filler, size_f);
4201369       strncpy (buffer + size_f, string, size_s);
4201370     }
4201371   else
4201372     {
4201373       // Left alignment.
4201374       strncpy (buffer, string, size_s);
4201375       memset (buffer + size_s, filler, size_f);
4201376     }
4201377   *(buffer + abs (width)) = '\0';
4201379   return abs (width);
4201380 }

95.18.43   lib/stdio/vsprintf.c

Si veda la sezione 88.137.

4210001 #include <stdio.h>
4210002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4210003 int
4210004 vsprintf (char *restrict string,
4210005           const char *restrict format, va_list arg)
4210006 {
4210007   return (vsnprintf (string, BUFSIZ, format, arg));
4210008 }

95.18.44   lib/stdio/vsscanf.c

Si veda la sezione 88.138.

4220001 #include <stdio.h>
4220003 //----------------------------------------------------------
4220004 int vfsscanf (FILE * restrict fp, const char *string,
4220005               const char *restrict format, va_list ap);
4220006 //----------------------------------------------------------
4220007 int
4220008 vsscanf (const char *string,
4220009          const char *restrict format, va_list ap)
4220010 {
4220011   return (vfsscanf (NULL, string, format, ap));
4220012 }
4220014 //----------------------------------------------------------

95.19   os32: «lib/stdlib.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

4230001 #ifndef _STDLIB_H
4230002 #define _STDLIB_H       1
4230003 //----------------------------------------------------------
4230004 #include <size_t.h>
4230005 #include <wchar_t.h>
4230006 #include <NULL.h>
4230007 #include <limits.h>
4230008 #include <restrict.h>
4230009 #include <stdint.h>
4230010 //----------------------------------------------------------
4230011 typedef struct
4230012 {
4230013   int quot;
4230014   int rem;
4230015 } div_t;
4230016 //----------------------------------------------------------
4230017 typedef struct
4230018 {
4230019   long int quot;
4230020   long int rem;
4230021 } ldiv_t;
4230022 //----------------------------------------------------------
4230023 typedef struct
4230024 {
4230025   long long int quot;
4230026   long long int rem;
4230027 } lldiv_t;
4230028 //----------------------------------------------------------
4230029 typedef void (*atexit_t) (void);        // Non standard.
4230030                                   // [1]
4230031 //
4230032 // [1] The type `atexit_t' is a pointer to a function
4230033 //     for the "at exit" procedure, with no parameters
4230034 //     and returning void. With the declaration of type
4230035 //     `atexit_t', the function prototype of `atexit()'
4230036 //     is easier to declare and to understand. Original
4230037 //     declaration is:
4230038 //
4230039 //     int atexit (void (*function) (void));
4230040 //
4230041 //----------------------------------------------------------
4230042 typedef struct
4230043 {
4230044   uintptr_t allocated:1, filler:1, next:30;
4230045 } _alloc_head_t;        // Non standard [2]
4230046 //
4230047 // [2] This is used for the `malloc()' management, as
4230048 //     the pointer to the following element of memory,
4230049 //     that might be free or allocated.
4230050 //
4230051 // La dimensione di «uintptr_t» condiziona la struttura
4230052 // «mm_head_t» e la dimensione delle unità minime di
4230053 // memoria allocata. «uintptr_t» è da 32 bit, così
4230054 // l'immagine del kernel è allineata a blocchi da
4230055 // 32 bit e così deve essere anche per gli altri
4230056 // blocchi di memoria.
4230057 // Essendo i blocchi di memoria multipli di 32 bit, gli
4230058 // indirizzi sono sempre multipli di 4 (4 byte);
4230059 // pertanto, servono solo 30 bit per rappresentare
4230060 // l'indirizzo, che poi viene ottenuto moltiplicandolo
4230061 // per quattro. Di conseguenza, il bit meno
4230062 // significativo viene usato per annotare se il blocco
4230063 // di memoria è libero e il bit successivo non viene
4230064 // usato. Questo meccanismo potrebbe essere usato anche
4230065 // con un indirizzamento a 16 bit, dove servirebbero 15
4230066 // bit per indirizzi multipli di due byte.
4230067 //
4230068 //----------------------------------------------------------
4230069 #define EXIT_FAILURE    1
4230070 #define EXIT_SUCCESS    0
4230071 #define RAND_MAX        INT_MAX
4230072 #define MB_CUR_MAX      ((size_t) MB_LEN_MAX)
4230073 //----------------------------------------------------------
4230074 void _Exit (int status);
4230075 void abort (void);
4230076 int abs (int j);
4230077 int atexit (atexit_t function);
4230078 int atoi (const char *string);
4230079 long int atol (const char *string);
4230080 #define  calloc(b, s) (malloc ((b) * (s)))
4230081 div_t div (int numer, int denom);
4230082 void exit (int status);
4230083 void free (void *ptr);
4230084 char *getenv (const char *name);
4230085 long int labs (long int j);
4230086 long long int llabs (long long int j);
4230087 ldiv_t ldiv (long int numer, long int denom);
4230088 lldiv_t lldiv (long long int numer, long long int denom);
4230089 void *malloc (size_t size);
4230090 int putenv (const char *string);
4230091 void qsort (void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
4230092             int (*compare) (const void *, const void *));
4230093 int rand (void);
4230094 void *realloc (void *ptr, size_t size);
4230095 int setenv (const char *name, const char *value,
4230096             int overwrite);
4230097 void srand (unsigned int seed);
4230098 long int strtol (const char *restrict string,
4230099                  char **restrict endptr, int base);
4230100 unsigned long int strtoul (const char *restrict string,
4230101                            char **restrict endptr,
4230102                            int base);
4230103 //int             system   (const char *string);
4230104 int unsetenv (const char *name);
4230105 //----------------------------------------------------------
4230106 #endif

95.19.1   lib/stdlib/_Exit.c

Si veda la sezione 87.2.

4240001 #include <stdlib.h>
4240002 #include <sys/os32.h>
4240003 //----------------------------------------------------------
4240004 void
4240005 _Exit (int status)
4240006 {
4240007   sysmsg_exit_t msg;
4240008   // 
4240009   // Only the low eight bit are returned.
4240010   // 
4240011   msg.status = (status & 0xFF);
4240012   // 
4240013   // 
4240014   // 
4240015   sys (SYS_EXIT, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4240016   // 
4240017   // Should not return from system call, but if it
4240018   // does, loop
4240019   // forever:
4240020   // 
4240021   while (1);
4240022 }

95.19.2   lib/stdlib/abort.c

Si veda la sezione 88.2.

4250001 #include <stdlib.h>
4250002 #include <sys/types.h>
4250003 #include <signal.h>
4250004 #include <unistd.h>
4250005 //----------------------------------------------------------
4250006 void
4250007 abort (void)
4250008 {
4250009   pid_t pid;
4250010   sighandler_t sig_previous;
4250011   // 
4250012   // Set `SIGABRT' to a default action.
4250013   // 
4250014   sig_previous = signal (SIGABRT, SIG_DFL);
4250015   // 
4250016   // If the previous action was something different
4250017   // than symbolic
4250018   // ones, configure again the previous action.
4250019   // 
4250020   if (sig_previous != SIG_DFL &&
4250021       sig_previous != SIG_IGN && sig_previous != SIG_ERR)
4250022     {
4250023       signal (SIGABRT, sig_previous);
4250024     }
4250025   // 
4250026   // Get current process ID and sent the signal.
4250027   // 
4250028   pid = getpid ();
4250029   kill (pid, SIGABRT);
4250030   // 
4250031   // Second chance
4250032   // 
4250033   for (;;)
4250034     {
4250035       signal (SIGABRT, SIG_DFL);
4250036       pid = getpid ();
4250037       kill (pid, SIGABRT);
4250038     }
4250039 }

95.19.3   lib/stdlib/abs.c

Si veda la sezione 88.3.

4260001 #include <stdlib.h>
4260002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4260003 int
4260004 abs (int j)
4260005 {
4260006   if (j < 0)
4260007     {
4260008       return -j;
4260009     }
4260010   else
4260011     {
4260012       return j;
4260013     }
4260014 }

95.19.4   lib/stdlib/atexit.c

Si veda la sezione 88.7.

4270001 #include <stdlib.h>
4270002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4270003 atexit_t _atexit_table[ATEXIT_MAX];
4270004 //----------------------------------------------------------
4270005 void
4270006 _atexit_setup (void)
4270007 {
4270008   int a;
4270009   // 
4270010   for (a = 0; a < ATEXIT_MAX; a++)
4270011     {
4270012       _atexit_table[a] = NULL;
4270013     }
4270014 }
4270016 //----------------------------------------------------------
4270017 int
4270018 atexit (atexit_t function)
4270019 {
4270020   int a;
4270021   // 
4270022   if (function == NULL)
4270023     {
4270024       return (-1);
4270025     }
4270026   // 
4270027   for (a = 0; a < ATEXIT_MAX; a++)
4270028     {
4270029       if (_atexit_table[a] == NULL)
4270030         {
4270031           _atexit_table[a] = function;
4270032           return (0);
4270033         }
4270034     }
4270035   // 
4270036   return (-1);
4270037 }

95.19.5   lib/stdlib/atoi.c

Si veda la sezione 88.8.

4280001 #include <stdlib.h>
4280002 #include <ctype.h>
4280003 //----------------------------------------------------------
4280004 int
4280005 atoi (const char *string)
4280006 {
4280007   int i;
4280008   int sign = +1;
4280009   int number;
4280010   // 
4280011   for (i = 0; isspace (string[i]); i++)
4280012     {
4280013       ;
4280014     }
4280015   // 
4280016   if (string[i] == '+')
4280017     {
4280018       sign = +1;
4280019       i++;
4280020     }
4280021   else if (string[i] == '-')
4280022     {
4280023       sign = -1;
4280024       i++;
4280025     }
4280026   // 
4280027   for (number = 0; isdigit (string[i]); i++)
4280028     {
4280029       number *= 10;
4280030       number += (string[i] - '0');
4280031     }
4280032   // 
4280033   number *= sign;
4280034   // 
4280035   return number;
4280036 }

95.19.6   lib/stdlib/atol.c

Si veda la sezione 88.8.

4290001 #include <stdlib.h>
4290002 #include <ctype.h>
4290003 //----------------------------------------------------------
4290004 long int
4290005 atol (const char *string)
4290006 {
4290007   int i;
4290008   int sign = +1;
4290009   long int number;
4290010   // 
4290011   for (i = 0; isspace (string[i]); i++)
4290012     {
4290013       ;
4290014     }
4290015   // 
4290016   if (string[i] == '+')
4290017     {
4290018       sign = +1;
4290019       i++;
4290020     }
4290021   else if (string[i] == '-')
4290022     {
4290023       sign = -1;
4290024       i++;
4290025     }
4290026   // 
4290027   for (number = 0; isdigit (string[i]); i++)
4290028     {
4290029       number *= 10;
4290030       number += (string[i] - '0');
4290031     }
4290032   // 
4290033   number *= sign;
4290034   // 
4290035   return number;
4290036 }

95.19.7   lib/stdlib/div.c

Si veda la sezione 88.17.

4300001 #include <stdlib.h>
4300002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4300003 div_t
4300004 div (int numer, int denom)
4300005 {
4300006   div_t d;
4300007   d.quot = numer / denom;
4300008   d.rem = numer % denom;
4300009   return d;
4300010 }

95.19.8   lib/stdlib/environment.c

Si veda la sezione 91.1.

4310001 #include <stdlib.h>
4310002 #include <string.h>
4310003 //----------------------------------------------------------
4310004 // This file contains a non standard definition,
4310005 // related to the environment handling.
4310006 //
4310007 // The file `crt0.s', before calling the main function,
4310008 // calls the function `_environment_setup(), that is
4310009 // responsible for initializing the array
4310010 // `_environment_table[][]' and for copying the content
4310011 // of the environment, as it comes from the `exec()'
4310012 // system call.
4310013 //
4310014 // The pointers to the environment strings organised
4310015 // inside the array `_environment_table[][]', are also
4310016 // copied inside the array of pointers
4310017 // `_environment[]'.
4310018 //
4310019 // After all that is done, inside `crt0.s', the pointer
4310020 // to `_environment[]' is copied to the traditional
4310021 // variable `environ' and also to the previous value of
4310022 // the pointer variable `envp'.
4310023 //
4310024 // This way, applications will get the environment, but
4310025 // organised inside the table `_environment_table[][]'.
4310026 // So, functions like `getenv()' and `setenv()' do know
4310027 // where to look for.
4310028 //
4310029 // It is useful to notice that there is no prototype
4310030 // and no extern declaration inside the file
4310031 // <stdlib.h>, about this function and these arrays,
4310032 // because applications do not have to know about it.
4310033 //
4310034 // Please notice that `environ' could be just the same
4310035 // as `_environment' here, but the common use puts
4310036 // `environ' inside <unistd.h>, although for this
4310037 // implementation it should be better placed inside
4310038 // <stdlib.h>.
4310039 //
4310040 //----------------------------------------------------------
4310041 char _environment_table[ARG_MAX / 32][ARG_MAX / 16];
4310042 char *_environment[ARG_MAX / 32 + 1];
4310043 //----------------------------------------------------------
4310044 void
4310045 _environment_setup (char *envp[])
4310046 {
4310047   int e;
4310048   int s;
4310049   // 
4310050   // Reset the `_environment_table[][]' array.
4310051   // 
4310052   for (e = 0; e < ARG_MAX / 32; e++)
4310053     {
4310054       for (s = 0; s < ARG_MAX / 16; s++)
4310055         {
4310056           _environment_table[e][s] = 0;
4310057         }
4310058     }
4310059   // 
4310060   // Set the `_environment[]' pointers. The final
4310061   // extra element must
4310062   // be a NULL pointer.
4310063   // 
4310064   for (e = 0; e < ARG_MAX / 32; e++)
4310065     {
4310066       _environment[e] = _environment_table[e];
4310067     }
4310068   _environment[ARG_MAX / 32] = NULL;
4310069   // 
4310070   // Copy the environment inside the array, but only
4310071   // if `envp' is
4310072   // not NULL.
4310073   // 
4310074   if (envp != NULL)
4310075     {
4310076       for (e = 0; envp[e] != NULL && e < ARG_MAX / 32; e++)
4310077         {
4310078           strncpy (_environment_table[e], envp[e],
4310079                    (ARG_MAX / 16) - 1);
4310080         }
4310081     }
4310082 }

95.19.9   lib/stdlib/exit.c

Si veda la sezione 88.7.

4320001 #include <stdlib.h>
4320002 #include <stdio.h>
4320003 //----------------------------------------------------------
4320004 extern atexit_t _atexit_table[];
4320005 //----------------------------------------------------------
4320006 void
4320007 exit (int status)
4320008 {
4320009   int a;
4320010   // 
4320011   // The "at exit" functions must be called in reverse 
4320012   // order.
4320013   // 
4320014   for (a = (ATEXIT_MAX - 1); a >= 0; a--)
4320015     {
4320016       if (_atexit_table[a] != NULL)
4320017         {
4320018           (*_atexit_table[a]) ();
4320019         }
4320020     }
4320021   // 
4320022   // Now: really exit.
4320023   // 
4320024   _Exit (status);
4320025   // 
4320026   // Should not return from system call, but if it
4320027   // does, loop
4320028   // forever:
4320029   // 
4320030   while (1);
4320031 }

95.19.10   lib/stdlib/getenv.c

Si veda la sezione 88.52.

4330001 #include <stdlib.h>
4330002 #include <string.h>
4330003 //----------------------------------------------------------
4330004 extern char *_environment[];
4330005 //----------------------------------------------------------
4330006 char *
4330007 getenv (const char *name)
4330008 {
4330009   int e;        // First index: environment table
4330010   // items.
4330011   int f;        // Second index: environment string
4330012   // scan.
4330013   char *value;  // Pointer to the environment value
4330014   // found.
4330015   // 
4330016   // Check if the input is valid. No error is
4330017   // reported.
4330018   // 
4330019   if (name == NULL || strlen (name) == 0)
4330020     {
4330021       return (NULL);
4330022     }
4330023   // 
4330024   // Scan the environment table items, with index `e'. 
4330025   // The pointer
4330026   // `value' is initialized to NULL. If the pointer
4330027   // `value' gets a
4330028   // valid pointer, the environment variable was found 
4330029   // and a
4330030   // pointer to the beginning of its value is
4330031   // available.
4330032   // 
4330033   for (value = NULL, e = 0; e < ARG_MAX / 32; e++)
4330034     {
4330035       // 
4330036       // Scan the string of the environment item, with 
4330037       // index `f'.
4330038       // The scan continue until `name[f]' and
4330039       // `_environment[e][f]'
4330040       // are equal.
4330041       // 
4330042       for (f = 0;
4330043            f < ARG_MAX / 16 - 1
4330044            && name[f] == _environment[e][f]; f++)
4330045         {
4330046           ;     // Just scan.
4330047         }
4330048       // 
4330049       // At this point, `name[f]' and
4330050       // `_environment[e][f]' are
4330051       // different: if `name[f]' is zero the name
4330052       // string is
4330053       // terminated; if `_environment[e][f]' is also
4330054       // equal to `=',
4330055       // the environment item is corresponding to the
4330056       // requested name.
4330057       // 
4330058       if (name[f] == 0 && _environment[e][f] == '=')
4330059         {
4330060           // 
4330061           // The pointer to the beginning of the
4330062           // environment value is
4330063           // calculated, and the external loop exit.
4330064           // 
4330065           value = &_environment[e][f + 1];
4330066           break;
4330067         }
4330068     }
4330069   // 
4330070   // The `value' is returned: if it is still NULL,
4330071   // then, no
4330072   // environment variable with the requested name was
4330073   // found.
4330074   // 
4330075   return (value);
4330076 }

95.19.11   lib/stdlib/labs.c

Si veda la sezione 88.3.

4340001 #include <stdlib.h>
4340002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4340003 long int
4340004 labs (long int j)
4340005 {
4340006   if (j < 0)
4340007     {
4340008       return -j;
4340009     }
4340010   else
4340011     {
4340012       return j;
4340013     }
4340014 }

95.19.12   lib/stdlib/ldiv.c

Si veda la sezione 88.17.

4350001 #include <stdlib.h>
4350002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4350003 ldiv_t
4350004 ldiv (long int numer, long int denom)
4350005 {
4350006   ldiv_t d;
4350007   d.quot = numer / denom;
4350008   d.rem = numer % denom;
4350009   return d;
4350010 }

95.19.13   lib/stdlib/llabs.c

Si veda la sezione 88.3.

4360001 #include <stdlib.h>
4360002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4360003 long long int
4360004 llabs (long long int j)
4360005 {
4360006   if (j < 0)
4360007     {
4360008       return -j;
4360009     }
4360010   else
4360011     {
4360012       return j;
4360013     }
4360014 }

95.19.14   lib/stdlib/lldiv.c

Si veda la sezione 88.17.

4370001 #include <stdlib.h>
4370002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4370003 lldiv_t
4370004 lldiv (long long int numer, long long int denom)
4370005 {
4370006   lldiv_t d;
4370007   d.quot = numer / denom;
4370008   d.rem = numer % denom;
4370009   return d;
4370010 }

95.19.15   lib/stdlib/putenv.c

Si veda la sezione 88.94.

4380001 #include <stdlib.h>
4380002 #include <string.h>
4380003 #include <errno.h>
4380004 //----------------------------------------------------------
4380005 extern char *_environment[];
4380006 //----------------------------------------------------------
4380007 int
4380008 putenv (const char *string)
4380009 {
4380010   int e;        // First index: environment table
4380011   // items.
4380012   int f;        // Second index: environment string
4380013   // scan.
4380014   // 
4380015   // Check if the input is empty. No error is
4380016   // reported.
4380017   // 
4380018   if (string == NULL || strlen (string) == 0)
4380019     {
4380020       return (0);
4380021     }
4380022   // 
4380023   // Check if the input is valid: there must be a `='
4380024   // sign.
4380025   // Error here is reported.
4380026   // 
4380027   if (strchr (string, '=') == NULL)
4380028     {
4380029       errset (EINVAL);  // Invalid argument.
4380030       return (-1);
4380031     }
4380032   // 
4380033   // Scan the environment table items, with index `e'. 
4380034   // The intent is
4380035   // to find a previous environment variable with the
4380036   // same name.
4380037   // 
4380038   for (e = 0; e < ARG_MAX / 32; e++)
4380039     {
4380040       // 
4380041       // Scan the string of the environment item, with 
4380042       // index `f'.
4380043       // The scan continue until `string[f]' and
4380044       // `_environment[e][f]'
4380045       // are equal.
4380046       // 
4380047       for (f = 0;
4380048            f < ARG_MAX / 16 - 1
4380049            && string[f] == _environment[e][f]; f++)
4380050         {
4380051           ;     // Just scan.
4380052         }
4380053       // 
4380054       // At this point, `string[f-1]' and
4380055       // `_environment[e][f-1]'
4380056       // should contain `='. If it is so, the
4380057       // environment is replaced.
4380058       // 
4380059       if (string[f - 1] == '='
4380060           && _environment[e][f - 1] == '=')
4380061         {
4380062           // 
4380063           // The environment item was found: now
4380064           // replace the pointer.
4380065           // 
4380066           _environment[e] = (char *) string;
4380067           // 
4380068           // Return.
4380069           // 
4380070           return (0);
4380071         }
4380072     }
4380073   // 
4380074   // The item was not found. Scan again for a free
4380075   // slot.
4380076   // 
4380077   for (e = 0; e < ARG_MAX / 32; e++)
4380078     {
4380079       if (_environment[e] == NULL
4380080           || _environment[e][0] == 0)
4380081         {
4380082           // 
4380083           // An empty item was found and the pointer
4380084           // will be
4380085           // replaced.
4380086           // 
4380087           _environment[e] = (char *) string;
4380088           // 
4380089           // Return.
4380090           // 
4380091           return (0);
4380092         }
4380093     }
4380094   // 
4380095   // Sorry: the empty slot was not found!
4380096   // 
4380097   errset (ENOMEM);      // Not enough space.
4380098   return (-1);
4380099 }

95.19.16   lib/stdlib/qsort.c

Si veda la sezione 88.96.

4390001 #include <stdlib.h>
4390002 #include <string.h>
4390003 #include <errno.h>
4390004 //----------------------------------------------------------
4390005 static int part (char *array, size_t size, int a,
4390006                  int z, int (*compare) (const void *,
4390007                                         const void *));
4390008 static void sort (char *array, size_t size, int a,
4390009                   int z, int (*compare) (const void *,
4390010                                          const void *));
4390011 //----------------------------------------------------------
4390012 void
4390013 qsort (void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
4390014        int (*compare) (const void *, const void *))
4390015 {
4390016   if (size <= 1)
4390017     {
4390018       // 
4390019       // There is nothing to sort!
4390020       // 
4390021       return;
4390022     }
4390023   else
4390024     {
4390025       sort ((char *) base, size, 0, (int) (nmemb - 1),
4390026             compare);
4390027     }
4390028 }
4390030 //----------------------------------------------------------
4390031 static void
4390032 sort (char *array, size_t size, int a, int z,
4390033       int (*compare) (const void *, const void *))
4390034 {
4390035   int loc;
4390036   // 
4390037   if (z > a)
4390038     {
4390039       loc = part (array, size, a, z, compare);
4390040       if (loc >= 0)
4390041         {
4390042           sort (array, size, a, loc - 1, compare);
4390043           sort (array, size, loc + 1, z, compare);
4390044         }
4390045     }
4390046 }
4390048 //----------------------------------------------------------
4390049 static int
4390050 part (char *array, size_t size, int a, int z,
4390051       int (*compare) (const void *, const void *))
4390052 {
4390053   int i;
4390054   int loc;
4390055   char *swap;
4390056   // 
4390057   if (z <= a)
4390058     {
4390059       errset (EUNKNOWN);        // Should never
4390060                                 // happen.
4390061       return (-1);
4390062     }
4390063   // 
4390064   // Index `i' after the first element; index `loc' at 
4390065   // the last
4390066   // position.
4390067   // 
4390068   i = a + 1;
4390069   loc = z;
4390070   // 
4390071   // Prepare space in memory for element swap.
4390072   // 
4390073   swap = malloc (size);
4390074   if (swap == NULL)
4390075     {
4390076       errset (ENOMEM);
4390077       return (-1);
4390078     }
4390079   // 
4390080   // Loop as long as index `loc' is higher than index
4390081   // `i'.
4390082   // When index `loc' is less or equal to index `i',
4390083   // then, index `loc' is the right position for the
4390084   // first element of the current piece of array.
4390085   // 
4390086   for (;;)
4390087     {
4390088       // 
4390089       // Index `i' goes up...
4390090       // 
4390091       for (; i < loc; i++)
4390092         {
4390093           if (compare
4390094               (&array[i * size], &array[a * size]) > 0)
4390095             {
4390096               break;
4390097             }
4390098         }
4390099       // 
4390100       // Index `loc' gose down...
4390101       // 
4390102       for (;; loc--)
4390103         {
4390104           if (compare
4390105               (&array[loc * size], &array[a * size]) <= 0)
4390106             {
4390107               break;
4390108             }
4390109         }
4390110       // 
4390111       // Swap elements related to index `i' and `loc'.
4390112       // 
4390113       if (loc <= i)
4390114         {
4390115           // 
4390116           // The array is completely scanned.
4390117           // 
4390118           break;
4390119         }
4390120       else
4390121         {
4390122           memcpy (swap, &array[loc * size], size);
4390123           memcpy (&array[loc * size], &array[i * size],
4390124                   size);
4390125           memcpy (&array[i * size], swap, size);
4390126         }
4390127     }
4390128   // 
4390129   // Swap the first element with the one related to
4390130   // the
4390131   // index `loc'.
4390132   // 
4390133   memcpy (swap, &array[loc * size], size);
4390134   memcpy (&array[loc * size], &array[a * size], size);
4390135   memcpy (&array[a * size], swap, size);
4390136   // 
4390137   // Free the swap memory.
4390138   // 
4390139   free (swap);
4390140   // 
4390141   // Return the index `loc'.
4390142   // 
4390143   return (loc);
4390144 }

95.19.17   lib/stdlib/rand.c

Si veda la sezione 88.97.

4400001 #include <stdlib.h>
4400002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4400003 static unsigned int _srand = 1; // The `_srand' rank
4400004                                 // must be at least
4400005                                 // `unsigned int' and
4400006                                 // must be able to
4400007                                 // represent the value 
4400008                                 // `RAND_MAX'.
4400009 //----------------------------------------------------------
4400010 int
4400011 rand (void)
4400012 {
4400013   _srand = _srand * 12345 + 123;
4400014   return _srand % ((unsigned int) RAND_MAX + 1);
4400015 }
4400017 //----------------------------------------------------------
4400018 void
4400019 srand (unsigned int seed)
4400020 {
4400021   _srand = seed;
4400022 }

95.19.18   lib/stdlib/setenv.c

Si veda la sezione 88.104.

4410001 #include <stdlib.h>
4410002 #include <string.h>
4410003 #include <errno.h>
4410004 //----------------------------------------------------------
4410005 extern char *_environment[];
4410006 extern char *_environment_table[];
4410007 //----------------------------------------------------------
4410008 int
4410009 setenv (const char *name, const char *value, int overwrite)
4410010 {
4410011   int e;        // First index: environment table
4410012                 // items.
4410013   int f;        // Second index: environment string
4410014                 // scan.
4410015   // 
4410016   // Check if the input is empty. No error is
4410017   // reported.
4410018   // 
4410019   if (name == NULL || strlen (name) == 0)
4410020     {
4410021       return (0);
4410022     }
4410023   // 
4410024   // Check if the input is valid: error here is
4410025   // reported.
4410026   // 
4410027   if (strchr (name, '=') != NULL)
4410028     {
4410029       errset (EINVAL);  // Invalid argument.
4410030       return (-1);
4410031     }
4410032   // 
4410033   // Check if the input is too big.
4410034   // 
4410035   if ((strlen (name) + strlen (value) + 2) > ARG_MAX / 16)
4410036     {
4410037       // 
4410038       // The environment to be saved is bigger than
4410039       // the
4410040       // available string size, inside
4410041       // `_environment_table[]'.
4410042       // 
4410043       errset (ENOMEM);  // Not enough space.
4410044       return (-1);
4410045     }
4410046   // 
4410047   // Scan the environment table items, with index `e'. 
4410048   // The intent is
4410049   // to find a previous environment variable with the
4410050   // same name.
4410051   // 
4410052   for (e = 0; e < ARG_MAX / 32; e++)
4410053     {
4410054       // 
4410055       // Scan the string of the environment item, with 
4410056       // index `f'.
4410057       // The scan continue until `name[f]' and
4410058       // `_environment[e][f]'
4410059       // are equal.
4410060       // 
4410061       for (f = 0;
4410062            f < ARG_MAX / 16 - 1
4410063            && name[f] == _environment[e][f]; f++)
4410064         {
4410065           ;     // Just scan.
4410066         }
4410067       // 
4410068       // At this point, `name[f]' and
4410069       // `_environment[e][f]' are
4410070       // different: if `name[f]' is zero the name
4410071       // string is
4410072       // terminated; if `_environment[e][f]' is also
4410073       // equal to `=',
4410074       // the environment item is corresponding to the
4410075       // requested name.
4410076       // 
4410077       if (name[f] == 0 && _environment[e][f] == '=')
4410078         {
4410079           // 
4410080           // The environment item was found; if it can 
4410081           // be overwritten,
4410082           // the write is done.
4410083           // 
4410084           if (overwrite)
4410085             {
4410086               // 
4410087               // To be able to handle both `setenv()'
4410088               // and `putenv()',
4410089               // before removing the item, it is fixed 
4410090               // the pointer to
4410091               // the global environment table.
4410092               // 
4410093               _environment[e] = _environment_table[e];
4410094               // 
4410095               // Now copy the new environment. The
4410096               // string size was
4410097               // already checked.
4410098               // 
4410099               strcpy (_environment[e], name);
4410100               strcat (_environment[e], "=");
4410101               strcat (_environment[e], value);
4410102               // 
4410103               // Return.
4410104               // 
4410105               return (0);
4410106             }
4410107           // 
4410108           // Cannot overwrite!
4410109           // 
4410110           errset (EUNKNOWN);
4410111           return (-1);
4410112         }
4410113     }
4410114   // 
4410115   // The item was not found. Scan again for a free
4410116   // slot.
4410117   // 
4410118   for (e = 0; e < ARG_MAX / 32; e++)
4410119     {
4410120       if (_environment[e] == NULL
4410121           || _environment[e][0] == 0)
4410122         {
4410123           // 
4410124           // An empty item was found. To be able to
4410125           // handle both
4410126           // `setenv()' and `putenv()', it is fixed
4410127           // the pointer to
4410128           // the global environment table.
4410129           // 
4410130           _environment[e] = _environment_table[e];
4410131           // 
4410132           // Now copy the new environment. The string
4410133           // size was
4410134           // already checked.
4410135           // 
4410136           strcpy (_environment[e], name);
4410137           strcat (_environment[e], "=");
4410138           strcat (_environment[e], value);
4410139           // 
4410140           // Return.
4410141           // 
4410142           return (0);
4410143         }
4410144     }
4410145   // 
4410146   // Sorry: the empty slot was not found!
4410147   // 
4410148   errset (ENOMEM);      // Not enough space.
4410149   return (-1);
4410150 }

95.19.19   lib/stdlib/strtol.c

Si veda la sezione 88.130.

4420001 #include <stdlib.h>
4420002 #include <ctype.h>
4420003 #include <errno.h>
4420004 #include <limits.h>
4420005 #include <stdbool.h>
4420006 //----------------------------------------------------------
4420007 #define isoctal(C)  ((int) (C >= '0' && C <= '7'))
4420008 //----------------------------------------------------------
4420009 long int
4420010 strtol (const char *restrict string,
4420011         char **restrict endptr, int base)
4420012 {
4420013   int i;
4420014   int sign = +1;
4420015   long int number;
4420016   long int previous;
4420017   int digit;
4420018   // 
4420019   bool flag_prefix_oct = 0;
4420020   bool flag_prefix_exa = 0;
4420021   bool flag_prefix_dec = 0;
4420022   // 
4420023   // Check base and string.
4420024   // 
4420025   // With base 1 cannot do anything.
4420026   // 
4420027   if (base < 0 || base > 36 || base == 1
4420028       || string == NULL || string[0] == 0)
4420029     {
4420030       if (endptr != NULL)
4420031         *endptr = (char *) string;
4420032       errset (EINVAL);  // Invalid argument.
4420033       return ((long int) 0);
4420034     }
4420035   // 
4420036   // Eat initial spaces.
4420037   // 
4420038   for (i = 0; isspace (string[i]); i++)
4420039     {
4420040       ;
4420041     }
4420042   // 
4420043   // Check sign.
4420044   // 
4420045   if (string[i] == '+')
4420046     {
4420047       sign = +1;
4420048       i++;
4420049     }
4420050   else if (string[i] == '-')
4420051     {
4420052       sign = -1;
4420053       i++;
4420054     }
4420055   // 
4420056   // Check for prefix.
4420057   // 
4420058   if (string[i] == '0')
4420059     {
4420060       if (string[i + 1] == 'x' || string[i + 1] == 'X')
4420061         {
4420062           flag_prefix_exa = 1;
4420063         }
4420064       else if (isoctal (string[i + 1]))
4420065         {
4420066           flag_prefix_oct = 1;
4420067         }
4420068       else
4420069         {
4420070           flag_prefix_dec = 1;
4420071         }
4420072     }
4420073   else if (isdigit (string[i]))
4420074     {
4420075       flag_prefix_dec = 1;
4420076     }
4420077   // 
4420078   // Check compatibility with requested base.
4420079   // 
4420080   if (flag_prefix_exa)
4420081     {
4420082       // 
4420083       // At the moment, there is a zero and a `x'.
4420084       // Might be
4420085       // exadecimal, or might be a number base 33 or
4420086       // more.
4420087       // 
4420088       if (base == 0)
4420089         {
4420090           base = 16;
4420091         }
4420092       else if (base == 16)
4420093         {
4420094           ;     // Ok.
4420095         }
4420096       else if (base >= 33)
4420097         {
4420098           ;     // Ok.
4420099         }
4420100       else
4420101         {
4420102           // 
4420103           // Incompatible sequence: only the initial
4420104           // zero is reported.
4420105           // 
4420106           if (endptr != NULL)
4420107             *endptr = (char *) &string[i + 1];
4420108           return ((long int) 0);
4420109         }
4420110       // 
4420111       // Move on, after the `0x' prefix.
4420112       // 
4420113       i += 2;
4420114     }
4420115   // 
4420116   if (flag_prefix_oct)
4420117     {
4420118       // 
4420119       // There is a zero and a digit.
4420120       // 
4420121       if (base == 0)
4420122         {
4420123           base = 8;
4420124         }
4420125       // 
4420126       // Move on, after the `0' prefix.
4420127       // 
4420128       i += 1;
4420129     }
4420130   // 
4420131   if (flag_prefix_dec)
4420132     {
4420133       if (base == 0)
4420134         {
4420135           base = 10;
4420136         }
4420137     }
4420138   // 
4420139   // Scan the string.
4420140   // 
4420141   for (number = 0; string[i] != 0; i++)
4420142     {
4420143       if (string[i] >= '0' && string[i] <= '9')
4420144         {
4420145           digit = string[i] - '0';
4420146         }
4420147       else if (string[i] >= 'A' && string[i] <= 'Z')
4420148         {
4420149           digit = string[i] - 'A' + 10;
4420150         }
4420151       else if (string[i] >= 'a' && string[i] <= 'z')
4420152         {
4420153           digit = string[i] - 'a' + 10;
4420154         }
4420155       else
4420156         {
4420157           // 
4420158           // This is an out of range digit.
4420159           // 
4420160           digit = 999;
4420161         }
4420162       // 
4420163       // Give a sign to the digit.
4420164       // 
4420165       digit *= sign;
4420166       // 
4420167       // Compare with the base.
4420168       // 
4420169       if (base > (digit * sign))
4420170         {
4420171           // 
4420172           // Check if the current digit can be safely
4420173           // computed.
4420174           // 
4420175           previous = number;
4420176           number *= base;
4420177           number += digit;
4420178           if (number / base != previous)
4420179             {
4420180               // 
4420181               // Out of range.
4420182               // 
4420183               if (endptr != NULL)
4420184                 *endptr = (char *) &string[i + 1];
4420185               errset (ERANGE);  // Result too large.
4420186               if (sign > 0)
4420187                 {
4420188                   return (LONG_MAX);
4420189                 }
4420190               else
4420191                 {
4420192                   return (LONG_MIN);
4420193                 }
4420194             }
4420195         }
4420196       else
4420197         {
4420198           if (endptr != NULL)
4420199             *endptr = (char *) &string[i];
4420200           return (number);
4420201         }
4420202     }
4420203   // 
4420204   // The string is finished.
4420205   // 
4420206   if (endptr != NULL)
4420207     *endptr = (char *) &string[i];
4420208   // 
4420209   return (number);
4420210 }

95.19.20   lib/stdlib/strtoul.c

Si veda la sezione 88.130.

4430001 #include <stdlib.h>
4430002 #include <ctype.h>
4430003 #include <errno.h>
4430004 #include <limits.h>
4430005 //----------------------------------------------------------
4430006 // A really poor implementation. ,-(
4430007 //
4430008 unsigned long int
4430009 strtoul (const char *restrict string,
4430010          char **restrict endptr, int base)
4430011 {
4430012   return ((unsigned long int)
4430013           strtol (string, endptr, base));
4430014 }

95.19.21   lib/stdlib/unsetenv.c

Si veda la sezione 88.104.

4440001 #include <stdlib.h>
4440002 #include <string.h>
4440003 #include <errno.h>
4440004 //----------------------------------------------------------
4440005 extern char *_environment[];
4440006 extern char *_environment_table[];
4440007 //----------------------------------------------------------
4440008 int
4440009 unsetenv (const char *name)
4440010 {
4440011   int e;        // First index: environment table
4440012   // items.
4440013   int f;        // Second index: environment string
4440014   // scan.
4440015   // 
4440016   // Check if the input is empty. No error is
4440017   // reported.
4440018   // 
4440019   if (name == NULL || strlen (name) == 0)
4440020     {
4440021       return (0);
4440022     }
4440023   // 
4440024   // Check if the input is valid: error here is
4440025   // reported.
4440026   // 
4440027   if (strchr (name, '=') != NULL)
4440028     {
4440029       errset (EINVAL);  // Invalid argument.
4440030       return (-1);
4440031     }
4440032   // 
4440033   // Scan the environment table items, with index `e'.
4440034   // 
4440035   for (e = 0; e < ARG_MAX / 32; e++)
4440036     {
4440037       // 
4440038       // Scan the string of the environment item, with 
4440039       // index `f'.
4440040       // The scan continue until `name[f]' and
4440041       // `_environment[e][f]'
4440042       // are equal.
4440043       // 
4440044       for (f = 0;
4440045            f < ARG_MAX / 16 - 1
4440046            && name[f] == _environment[e][f]; f++)
4440047         {
4440048           ;     // Just scan.
4440049         }
4440050       // 
4440051       // At this point, `name[f]' and
4440052       // `_environment[e][f]' are
4440053       // different: if `name[f]' is zero the name
4440054       // string is
4440055       // terminated; if `_environment[e][f]' is also
4440056       // equal to `=',
4440057       // the environment item is corresponding to the
4440058       // requested name.
4440059       // 
4440060       if (name[f] == 0 && _environment[e][f] == '=')
4440061         {
4440062           // 
4440063           // The environment item was found and it
4440064           // have to be removed.
4440065           // To be able to handle both `setenv()' and
4440066           // `putenv()',
4440067           // before removing the item, it is fixed the 
4440068           // pointer to
4440069           // the global environment table.
4440070           // 
4440071           _environment[e] = _environment_table[e];
4440072           // 
4440073           // Now remove the environment item.
4440074           // 
4440075           _environment[e][0] = 0;
4440076           break;
4440077         }
4440078     }
4440079   // 
4440080   // Work done fine.
4440081   // 
4440082   return (0);
4440083 }

95.19.22   lib/stdlib_alloc/_alloc_list.c

Si veda la sezione 88.76.

4450001 #include <stdlib.h>
4450002 #include <stdio.h>
4450003 #include <unistd.h>
4450004 #include <stdint.h>
4450005 //----------------------------------------------------------
4450006 extern uintptr_t _alloc_start;
4450007 //----------------------------------------------------------
4450008 void
4450009 _alloc_list (void)
4450010 {
4450011   uintptr_t start = _alloc_start;
4450012   uintptr_t end = (uintptr_t) sbrk (0);
4450013   _alloc_head_t *head = (void *) start;
4450014   size_t actual_size;
4450015   uintptr_t current;
4450016   uintptr_t next;
4450017   uintptr_t up_to;
4450018   int counter;
4450019   // 
4450020   // Scandisce la lista di blocchi di memoria.
4450021   // 
4450022   counter = 2;
4450023   while (counter)
4450024     {
4450025       // 
4450026       // Annota la posizione attuale e quella
4450027       // successiva.
4450028       // 
4450029       current = (uintptr_t) head;
4450030       next = head->next * (sizeof (_alloc_head_t));
4450031       if (next == start)
4450032         {
4450033           up_to = end;
4450034         }
4450035       else
4450036         {
4450037           up_to = next;
4450038         }
4450039       // 
4450040       // Se è stato raggiunto il primo elemento,
4450041       // decrementa il
4450042       // contatore di una unità. Se è già a zero,
4450043       // esce.
4450044       // 
4450045       if (current == start)
4450046         {
4450047           counter--;
4450048           if (counter == 0)
4450049             break;
4450050         }
4450051       // 
4450052       // Determina la dimensione del blocco attuale.
4450053       // 
4450054       if (current == start && next == start)
4450055         {
4450056           // 
4450057           // Si tratta del primo e unico elemento
4450058           // della lista.
4450059           // 
4450060           actual_size =
4450061             end - start - (sizeof (_alloc_head_t));
4450062         }
4450063       else
4450064         {
4450065           actual_size =
4450066             up_to - current - (sizeof (_alloc_head_t));
4450067         }
4450068       // 
4450069       // Si mostra lo stato del blocco di memoria.
4450070       // 
4450071       if (head->allocated)
4450072         {
4450073           printf ("[%s] used %08X..%08X size %08zX\n",
4450074                   __func__,
4450075                   current + (sizeof (_alloc_head_t)),
4450076                   up_to, actual_size);
4450077         }
4450078       else
4450079         {
4450080           printf ("[%s] free %08X..%08X size %08zX\n",
4450081                   __func__,
4450082                   current + (sizeof (_alloc_head_t)),
4450083                   up_to, actual_size);
4450084         }
4450085       // 
4450086       // Si passa alla posizione successiva.
4450087       // 
4450088       head = (void *) next;
4450089     }
4450090 }

95.19.23   lib/stdlib_alloc/free.c

Si veda la sezione 88.76.

4460001 #include <stdlib.h>
4460002 #include <stdio.h>
4460003 #include <unistd.h>
4460004 //----------------------------------------------------------
4460005 extern uintptr_t _alloc_start;
4460006 //----------------------------------------------------------
4460007 void
4460008 free (void *ptr)
4460009 {
4460010   _alloc_head_t *start = (_alloc_head_t *) _alloc_start;
4460011   _alloc_head_t *head_current = ((_alloc_head_t *) ptr) - 1;
4460012   _alloc_head_t *head_next;
4460013   // 
4460014   // Verifica il blocco attuale e, se è possibile, lo 
4460015   // libera.
4460016   // 
4460017   if (head_current->allocated == 1)
4460018     {
4460019       head_current->allocated = 0;
4460020     }
4460021   else
4460022     {
4460023       printf ("[%s] ERROR: cannot free %08X!\n",
4460024               __func__,
4460025               (uintptr_t) head_current +
4460026               (sizeof (_alloc_head_t)));
4460027     }
4460028   // 
4460029   // Scandisce i blocchi liberi, cercando quelli
4460030   // adiacenti per
4460031   // allungarli. Se il blocco successivo è il primo,
4460032   // termina,
4460033   // perché non può avvenire alcuna fusione con
4460034   // quello precedente.
4460035   // 
4460036   head_current = start;
4460037   while (1)
4460038     {
4460039       // 
4460040       // Individua il blocco successivo.
4460041       // 
4460042       head_next =
4460043         (_alloc_head_t *) (head_current->next
4460044                            * (sizeof (_alloc_head_t)));
4460045       // 
4460046       // Controlla se è il primo.
4460047       // 
4460048       if (head_next == start)
4460049         {
4460050           break;
4460051         }
4460052       // 
4460053       // 
4460054       // 
4460055       if (head_current->allocated == 0)
4460056         {
4460057           // 
4460058           // Controlla se si può espandere.
4460059           // 
4460060           if (head_next->allocated == 0)
4460061             {
4460062               head_current->next = head_next->next;
4460063             }
4460064           else
4460065             {
4460066               head_current = head_next;
4460067             }
4460068         }
4460069       else
4460070         {
4460071           head_current = (_alloc_head_t *)
4460072             (head_current->next * (sizeof (_alloc_head_t)));
4460073         }
4460074     }
4460075 }

95.19.24   lib/stdlib_alloc/malloc.c

Si veda la sezione 88.76.

4470001 #include <stdlib.h>
4470002 #include <unistd.h>
4470003 #include <errno.h>
4470004 //----------------------------------------------------------
4470005 uintptr_t _alloc_start = 0;
4470006 //----------------------------------------------------------
4470007 static int _alloc_init (void);
4470008 static void *_malloc (size_t size);
4470009 //----------------------------------------------------------
4470010 void *
4470011 malloc (size_t size)
4470012 {
4470013   void *pstatus;
4470014   int status;
4470015   // 
4470016   // Verify to have initialized the allocation memory.
4470017   // 
4470018   if (_alloc_start == 0)
4470019     {
4470020       status = _alloc_init ();
4470021       if (status < 0)
4470022         {
4470023           errset (ENOMEM);
4470024           return (NULL);
4470025         }
4470026     }
4470027   // 
4470028   // Try to allocate as usual.
4470029   // 
4470030   pstatus = _malloc (size);
4470031   // 
4470032   if (pstatus == NULL)
4470033     {
4470034       // 
4470035       // Try to increase memory for the process.
4470036       // 
4470037       pstatus = sbrk (size);
4470038       if (pstatus == NULL)
4470039         {
4470040           // 
4470041           // Sorry: no way to get memory.
4470042           // 
4470043           errset (ENOMEM);
4470044           return (NULL);
4470045         }
4470046       // 
4470047       // Ok. Now try again to allocate memory.
4470048       // 
4470049       return (_malloc (size));
4470050     }
4470051   else
4470052     {
4470053       // 
4470054       // The first allocation was successful.
4470055       // 
4470056       return (pstatus);
4470057     }
4470058 }
4470060 //----------------------------------------------------------
4470061 static int
4470062 _alloc_init (void)
4470063 {
4470064   uintptr_t start;
4470065   uintptr_t end;
4470066   _alloc_head_t *head;
4470067   size_t available;
4470068   // 
4470069   // Get size.
4470070   // 
4470071   if (_alloc_start == 0)
4470072     {
4470073       _alloc_start = (uintptr_t) sbrk (0);
4470074     }
4470075   // 
4470076   start = _alloc_start;
4470077   end = (uintptr_t) sbrk (0);
4470078   available = end - start;
4470079   // 
4470080   // Check available space.
4470081   // 
4470082   if (available < ((sizeof (_alloc_head_t)) * 2))
4470083     {
4470084       // 
4470085       // Try to get a little memory.
4470086       // 
4470087       sbrk ((sizeof (_alloc_head_t)) * 2);
4470088       end = (uintptr_t) sbrk (0);
4470089       available = end - start;
4470090       if (available < ((sizeof (_alloc_head_t)) * 2))
4470091         {
4470092           // 
4470093           // Sorry!
4470094           // 
4470095           return (-1);
4470096         }
4470097     }
4470098   // 
4470099   // Prepare the list main node.
4470100   // 
4470101   head = (_alloc_head_t *) start;
4470102   // 
4470103   // Init the first free block, that points to itself, 
4470104   // as it is
4470105   // the only one.
4470106   // 
4470107   head->allocated = 0;
4470108   head->next = (start / (sizeof (_alloc_head_t)));
4470109   // 
4470110   // Ok.
4470111   // 
4470112   return (0);
4470113 }
4470115 //----------------------------------------------------------
4470116 static void *
4470117 _malloc (size_t size)
4470118 {
4470119   uintptr_t start = _alloc_start;
4470120   uintptr_t end = (uintptr_t) sbrk (0);
4470121   _alloc_head_t *head = (void *) start;
4470122   size_t actual_size;
4470123   uintptr_t current;
4470124   uintptr_t next;
4470125   uintptr_t new;
4470126   uintptr_t up_to;
4470127   int counter;
4470128   // 
4470129   // Arrotonda in eccesso il valore di «size», in
4470130   // modo che sia un
4470131   // multiplo della dimensione di «_alloc_head_t».
4470132   // Altrimenti, la
4470133   // collocazione dei blocchi successivi può avvenire 
4470134   // in modo
4470135   // non allineato.
4470136   // 
4470137   size = (size + (sizeof (_alloc_head_t)) - 1);
4470138   size = size / (sizeof (_alloc_head_t));
4470139   size = size * (sizeof (_alloc_head_t));
4470140   // 
4470141   // Cerca un blocco libero di dimensione sufficiente.
4470142   // 
4470143   counter = 2;
4470144   while (counter)
4470145     {
4470146       // 
4470147       // Annota la posizione attuale e quella
4470148       // successiva.
4470149       // 
4470150       current = (uintptr_t) head;
4470151       next = head->next * (sizeof (_alloc_head_t));
4470152       // 
4470153       if (next == start)
4470154         {
4470155           up_to = end;
4470156         }
4470157       else
4470158         {
4470159           up_to = next;
4470160         }
4470161       // 
4470162       // Se è stato raggiunto il primo elemento,
4470163       // decrementa il
4470164       // contatore di una unità. Se è già a zero,
4470165       // esce.
4470166       // 
4470167       if (current == start)
4470168         {
4470169           counter--;
4470170           if (counter == 0)
4470171             break;
4470172         }
4470173       // 
4470174       // Controlla se si tratta di un blocco libero.
4470175       // 
4470177       if (!head->allocated)
4470178         {
4470179           // 
4470180           // Il blocco è libero: si deve determinarne 
4470181           // la dimensione.
4470182           // 
4470183           if (current == start && next == start)
4470184             {
4470185               // 
4470186               // Si tratta del primo e unico elemento
4470187               // della lista.
4470188               // 
4470189               actual_size =
4470190                 end - start - (sizeof (_alloc_head_t));
4470191             }
4470192           else
4470193             {
4470194               actual_size =
4470195                 up_to - current - (sizeof (_alloc_head_t));
4470196             }
4470197           // 
4470198           // Si verifica che sia capiente.
4470199           // 
4470200           if (actual_size >=
4470201               size + ((sizeof (_alloc_head_t)) * 2))
4470202             {
4470203               // 
4470204               // C'è spazio per dividere il blocco.
4470205               // 
4470206               new =
4470207                 current + size + (sizeof (_alloc_head_t));
4470208               // 
4470209               // Aggiorna l'intestazione attuale.
4470210               // 
4470211               head->allocated = 1;
4470212               head->next = new / (sizeof (_alloc_head_t));
4470213               // 
4470214               // Predispone l'intestazione successiva.
4470215               // 
4470216               head = (void *) new;
4470217               head->allocated = 0;
4470218               head->next = next / (sizeof (_alloc_head_t));
4470219               // 
4470220               // Restituisce l'indirizzo iniziale
4470221               // dello spazio libero,
4470222               // successivo all'intestazione.
4470223               // 
4470224               return (void *) (current +
4470225                                (sizeof (_alloc_head_t)));
4470226             }
4470227           else if (actual_size >= size)
4470228             {
4470229               // 
4470230               // Il blocco va usato per intero.
4470231               // 
4470232               head->allocated = 1;
4470233               // 
4470234               // Restituisce l'indirizzo iniziale
4470235               // dello spazio libero,
4470236               // successivo all'intestazione.
4470237               // 
4470238               return (void *) (current +
4470239                                (sizeof (_alloc_head_t)));
4470240             }
4470241         }
4470242       // 
4470243       // Il blocco è allocato, oppure è di
4470244       // dimensione insufficiente;
4470245       // pertanto occorre passare alla posizione
4470246       // successiva.
4470247       // 
4470248       head = (void *) next;
4470249     }
4470250   // 
4470251   // Essendo terminato il ciclo precedente, vuol dire
4470252   // che non ci sono spazi disponibili.
4470253   // 
4470254   errset (ENOMEM);
4470255   return NULL;
4470256 }

95.19.25   lib/stdlib_alloc/realloc.c

Si veda la sezione 88.76.

4480001 #include <stdlib.h>
4480002 #include <stdio.h>
4480003 #include <unistd.h>
4480004 #include <string.h>
4480005 //----------------------------------------------------------
4480006 extern uintptr_t _alloc_start;
4480007 //----------------------------------------------------------
4480008 void *
4480009 realloc (void *ptr, size_t size)
4480010 {
4480011   uintptr_t start = _alloc_start;
4480012   uintptr_t end = (uintptr_t) sbrk (0);
4480013   size_t actual_size;
4480014   _alloc_head_t *head = ((_alloc_head_t *) ptr) - 1;
4480015   _alloc_head_t *head_new;
4480016   void *ptr_new;
4480017   // 
4480018   // Verifica che il puntatore riguardi effettivamente
4480019   // un'area occupata.
4480020   // 
4480021   if (!head->allocated)
4480022     {
4480023       printf
4480024         ("[%s] ERROR: cannot re-allocate %08X that is "
4480025          "not already allocated!", __func__,
4480026          (uintptr_t) ptr);
4480027     }
4480028   // 
4480029   // Arrotonda in eccesso il valore di «size», in
4480030   // modo che sia un
4480031   // multiplo della dimensione di «_alloc_head_t».
4480032   // Altrimenti, la
4480033   // collocazione dei blocchi successivi può avvenire 
4480034   // in modo
4480035   // non allineato.
4480036   // 
4480037   size = (size + (sizeof (_alloc_head_t)) - 1);
4480038   size = size / (sizeof (_alloc_head_t));
4480039   size = size * (sizeof (_alloc_head_t));
4480040   // 
4480041   // Determina la dimensione attuale.
4480042   // 
4480043   if ((head->next * (sizeof (_alloc_head_t))) == start)
4480044     {
4480045       actual_size = end - ((uintptr_t) ptr);
4480046     }
4480047   else
4480048     {
4480049       actual_size =
4480050         (head->next * (sizeof (_alloc_head_t))) -
4480051         ((uintptr_t) ptr);
4480052     }
4480053   // 
4480054   // Se la dimensione richiesta è inferiore, può
4480055   // ridurre
4480056   // l'estensione del blocco.
4480057   // 
4480058   if (size == actual_size)
4480059     {
4480060       return ptr;
4480061     }
4480062   else if (size <=
4480063            (actual_size - (sizeof (_alloc_head_t)) * 2))
4480064     {
4480065       // 
4480066       // Si può ricavare lo spazio libero rimanente.
4480067       // 
4480068       head_new = (_alloc_head_t *) (((char *) ptr) + size);
4480069       // 
4480070       head_new->next = head->next;
4480071       head_new->allocated = 0;
4480072       // 
4480073       head->next =
4480074         ((uintptr_t) head_new) / (sizeof (_alloc_head_t));
4480075       // 
4480076       return ptr;
4480077     }
4480078   else if (size < actual_size)
4480079     {
4480080       // 
4480081       // Anche se è minore, non si può ridurre lo
4480082       // spazio usato
4480083       // effettivamente.
4480084       // 
4480085       return ptr;
4480086     }
4480087   else
4480088     {
4480089       // 
4480090       // La dimensione richiesta è maggiore.
4480091       // 
4480092       ptr_new = malloc (size);
4480093       // 
4480094       if (ptr_new)
4480095         {
4480096           // 
4480097           // Ricopia i dati nella nuova collocazione.
4480098           // 
4480099           memcpy (ptr_new, ptr, actual_size);
4480100           // 
4480101           // Libera la collocazione vecchia.
4480102           // 
4480103           free (ptr);
4480104           // 
4480105           return ptr_new;
4480106         }
4480107       else
4480108         {
4480109           return NULL;
4480110         }
4480111     }
4480112 }

95.20   os32: «lib/string.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

4490001 #ifndef _STRING_H
4490002 #define _STRING_H       1
4490003 //----------------------------------------------------------
4490004 #include <size_t.h>
4490005 #include <NULL.h>
4490006 #include <restrict.h>
4490007 //----------------------------------------------------------
4490008 void *memccpy (void *restrict dst,
4490009                const void *restrict org, int c, size_t n);
4490010 void *memchr (const void *memory, int c, size_t n);
4490011 int memcmp (const void *memory1, const void *memory2,
4490012             size_t n);
4490013 void *memcpy (void *restrict dst,
4490014               const void *restrict org, size_t n);
4490015 void *memmove (void *dst, const void *org, size_t n);
4490016 void *memset (void *memory, int c, size_t n);
4490017 char *strcat (char *restrict dst, const char *restrict org);
4490018 char *strchr (const char *string, int c);
4490019 int strcmp (const char *string1, const char *string2);
4490020 int strcoll (const char *string1, const char *string2);
4490021 char *strcpy (char *restrict dst, const char *restrict org);
4490022 size_t strcspn (const char *string, const char *reject);
4490023 char *strdup (const char *string);
4490024 char *strerror (int errnum);
4490025 size_t strlen (const char *string);
4490026 char *strncat (char *restrict dst,
4490027                const char *restrict org, size_t n);
4490028 int strncmp (const char *string1, const char *string2,
4490029              size_t n);
4490030 char *strncpy (char *restrict dst,
4490031                const char *restrict org, size_t n);
4490032 char *strpbrk (const char *string, const char *accept);
4490033 char *strrchr (const char *string, int c);
4490034 size_t strspn (const char *string, const char *accept);
4490035 char *strstr (const char *string, const char *substring);
4490036 char *strtok (char *restrict string,
4490037               const char *restrict delim);
4490038 size_t strxfrm (char *restrict dst,
4490039                 const char *restrict org, size_t n);
4490040 //----------------------------------------------------------
4490042 #endif

95.20.1   lib/string/memccpy.c

Si veda la sezione 88.77.

4500001 #include <string.h>
4500002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4500003 void *
4500004 memccpy (void *restrict dst, const void *restrict org,
4500005          int c, size_t n)
4500006 {
4500007   char *d = (char *) dst;
4500008   char *o = (char *) org;
4500009   size_t i;
4500010   for (i = 0; n > 0 && i < n; i++)
4500011     {
4500012       d[i] = o[i];
4500013       if (d[i] == (char) c)
4500014         {
4500015           return ((void *) &d[i + 1]);
4500016         }
4500017     }
4500018   return (NULL);
4500019 }

95.20.2   lib/string/memchr.c

Si veda la sezione 88.78.

4510001 #include <string.h>
4510002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4510003 void *
4510004 memchr (const void *memory, int c, size_t n)
4510005 {
4510006   char *m = (char *) memory;
4510007   size_t i;
4510008   for (i = 0; n > 0 && i < n; i++)
4510009     {
4510010       if (m[i] == (char) c)
4510011         {
4510012           return (void *) (m + i);
4510013         }
4510014     }
4510015   return NULL;
4510016 }

95.20.3   lib/string/memcmp.c

Si veda la sezione 88.79.

4520001 #include <string.h>
4520002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4520003 int
4520004 memcmp (const void *memory1, const void *memory2, size_t n)
4520005 {
4520006   char *a = (char *) memory1;
4520007   char *b = (char *) memory2;
4520008   size_t i;
4520009   for (i = 0; n > 0 && i < n; i++)
4520010     {
4520011       if (a[i] > b[i])
4520012         {
4520013           return 1;
4520014         }
4520015       else if (a[i] < b[i])
4520016         {
4520017           return -1;
4520018         }
4520019     }
4520020   return 0;
4520021 }

95.20.4   lib/string/memcpy.c

Si veda la sezione 88.80.

4530001 #include <string.h>
4530002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4530003 void *
4530004 memcpy (void *restrict dst, const void *restrict org,
4530005         size_t n)
4530006 {
4530007   char *d = (char *) dst;
4530008   char *o = (char *) org;
4530009   size_t i;
4530010   for (i = 0; n > 0 && i < n; i++)
4530011     {
4530012       d[i] = o[i];
4530013     }
4530014   return dst;
4530015 }

95.20.5   lib/string/memmove.c

Si veda la sezione 88.81.

4540001 #include <string.h>
4540002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4540003 void *
4540004 memmove (void *dst, const void *org, size_t n)
4540005 {
4540006   char *d = (char *) dst;
4540007   char *o = (char *) org;
4540008   size_t i;
4540009   // 
4540010   // Depending on the memory start locations, copy may 
4540011   // be direct or
4540012   // reverse, to avoid overwriting before the
4540013   // relocation is done.
4540014   // 
4540015   if (d < o)
4540016     {
4540017       for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
4540018         {
4540019           d[i] = o[i];
4540020         }
4540021     }
4540022   else if (d == o)
4540023     {
4540024       // 
4540025       // Memory locations are already the same.
4540026       // 
4540027       ;
4540028     }
4540029   else
4540030     {
4540031       for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
4540032         {
4540033           d[i] = o[i];
4540034         }
4540035     }
4540036   return dst;
4540037 }

95.20.6   lib/string/memset.c

Si veda la sezione 88.82.

4550001 #include <string.h>
4550002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4550003 void *
4550004 memset (void *memory, int c, size_t n)
4550005 {
4550006   char *m = (char *) memory;
4550007   size_t i;
4550008   for (i = 0; n > 0 && i < n; i++)
4550009     {
4550010       m[i] = (char) c;
4550011     }
4550012   return memory;
4550013 }

95.20.7   lib/string/strcat.c

Si veda la sezione 88.113.

4560001 #include <string.h>
4560002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4560003 char *
4560004 strcat (char *restrict dst, const char *restrict org)
4560005 {
4560006   size_t i;
4560007   size_t j;
4560008   for (i = 0; dst[i] != 0; i++)
4560009     {
4560010       ; // Just look for the null character.
4560011     }
4560012   for (j = 0; org[j] != 0; i++, j++)
4560013     {
4560014       dst[i] = org[j];
4560015     }
4560016   dst[i] = 0;
4560017   return dst;
4560018 }

95.20.8   lib/string/strchr.c

Si veda la sezione 88.114.

4570001 #include <string.h>
4570002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4570003 char *
4570004 strchr (const char *string, int c)
4570005 {
4570006   size_t i;
4570007   for (i = 0;; i++)
4570008     {
4570009       if (string[i] == (char) c)
4570010         {
4570011           return (char *) (string + i);
4570012         }
4570013       else if (string[i] == 0)
4570014         {
4570015           return NULL;
4570016         }
4570017     }
4570018 }

95.20.9   lib/string/strcmp.c

Si veda la sezione 88.115.

4580001 #include <string.h>
4580002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4580003 int
4580004 strcmp (const char *string1, const char *string2)
4580005 {
4580006   char *a = (char *) string1;
4580007   char *b = (char *) string2;
4580008   size_t i;
4580009   for (i = 0;; i++)
4580010     {
4580011       if (a[i] > b[i])
4580012         {
4580013           return 1;
4580014         }
4580015       else if (a[i] < b[i])
4580016         {
4580017           return -1;
4580018         }
4580019       else if (a[i] == 0 && b[i] == 0)
4580020         {
4580021           return 0;
4580022         }
4580023     }
4580024 }

95.20.10   lib/string/strcoll.c

Si veda la sezione 88.115.

4590001 #include <string.h>
4590002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4590003 int
4590004 strcoll (const char *string1, const char *string2)
4590005 {
4590006   return (strcmp (string1, string2));
4590007 }

95.20.11   lib/string/strcpy.c

Si veda la sezione 88.117.

4600001 #include <string.h>
4600002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4600003 char *
4600004 strcpy (char *restrict dst, const char *restrict org)
4600005 {
4600006   size_t i;
4600007   for (i = 0; org[i] != 0; i++)
4600008     {
4600009       dst[i] = org[i];
4600010     }
4600011   dst[i] = 0;
4600012   return dst;
4600013 }

95.20.12   lib/string/strcspn.c

Si veda la sezione 88.127.

4610001 #include <string.h>
4610002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4610003 size_t
4610004 strcspn (const char *string, const char *reject)
4610005 {
4610006   size_t i;
4610007   size_t j;
4610008   int found;
4610009   for (i = 0; string[i] != 0; i++)
4610010     {
4610011       for (j = 0, found = 0; reject[j] != 0 || found; j++)
4610012         {
4610013           if (string[i] == reject[j])
4610014             {
4610015               found = 1;
4610016               break;
4610017             }
4610018         }
4610019       if (found)
4610020         {
4610021           break;
4610022         }
4610023     }
4610024   return i;
4610025 }

95.20.13   lib/string/strdup.c

Si veda la sezione 88.119.

4620001 #include <string.h>
4620002 #include <stdlib.h>
4620003 #include <errno.h>
4620004 //----------------------------------------------------------
4620005 char *
4620006 strdup (const char *string)
4620007 {
4620008   size_t size;
4620009   char *copy;
4620010   // 
4620011   // Get string size: must be added 1, to count the
4620012   // termination null
4620013   // character.
4620014   // 
4620015   size = strlen (string) + 1;
4620016   // 
4620017   copy = malloc (size);
4620018   // 
4620019   if (copy == NULL)
4620020     {
4620021       errset (ENOMEM);  // Not enough memory.
4620022       return (NULL);
4620023     }
4620024   // 
4620025   strcpy (copy, string);
4620026   // 
4620027   return (copy);
4620028 }

95.20.14   lib/string/strerror.c

Si veda la sezione 88.120.

4630001 #include <string.h>
4630002 #include <errno.h>
4630003 //----------------------------------------------------------
4630004 #define ERROR_MAX 120
4630005 //----------------------------------------------------------
4630006 char *
4630007 strerror (int errnum)
4630008 {
4630009   static char *err[ERROR_MAX];
4630010   // 
4630011   err[0] = "No error";
4630012   err[E2BIG] = TEXT_E2BIG;
4630013   err[EACCES] = TEXT_EACCES;
4630017   err[EAGAIN] = TEXT_EAGAIN;
4630018   err[EALREADY] = TEXT_EALREADY;
4630019   err[EBADF] = TEXT_EBADF;
4630020   err[EBADMSG] = TEXT_EBADMSG;
4630021   err[EBUSY] = TEXT_EBUSY;
4630023   err[ECHILD] = TEXT_ECHILD;
4630027   err[EDEADLK] = TEXT_EDEADLK;
4630029   err[EDOM] = TEXT_EDOM;
4630030   err[EDQUOT] = TEXT_EDQUOT;
4630031   err[EEXIST] = TEXT_EEXIST;
4630032   err[EFAULT] = TEXT_EFAULT;
4630033   err[EFBIG] = TEXT_EFBIG;
4630035   err[EIDRM] = TEXT_EIDRM;
4630036   err[EILSEQ] = TEXT_EILSEQ;
4630038   err[EINTR] = TEXT_EINTR;
4630039   err[EINVAL] = TEXT_EINVAL;
4630040   err[EIO] = TEXT_EIO;
4630041   err[EISCONN] = TEXT_EISCONN;
4630042   err[EISDIR] = TEXT_EISDIR;
4630043   err[ELOOP] = TEXT_ELOOP;
4630044   err[EMFILE] = TEXT_EMFILE;
4630045   err[EMLINK] = TEXT_EMLINK;
4630046   err[EMSGSIZE] = TEXT_EMSGSIZE;
4630049   err[ENETDOWN] = TEXT_ENETDOWN;
4630052   err[ENFILE] = TEXT_ENFILE;
4630053   err[ENOBUFS] = TEXT_ENOBUFS;
4630054   err[ENODATA] = TEXT_ENODATA;
4630055   err[ENODEV] = TEXT_ENODEV;
4630056   err[ENOENT] = TEXT_ENOENT;
4630057   err[ENOEXEC] = TEXT_ENOEXEC;
4630058   err[ENOLCK] = TEXT_ENOLCK;
4630059   err[ENOLINK] = TEXT_ENOLINK;
4630060   err[ENOMEM] = TEXT_ENOMEM;
4630061   err[ENOMSG] = TEXT_ENOMSG;
4630063   err[ENOSPC] = TEXT_ENOSPC;
4630064   err[ENOSR] = TEXT_ENOSR;
4630065   err[ENOSTR] = TEXT_ENOSTR;
4630066   err[ENOSYS] = TEXT_ENOSYS;
4630067   err[ENOTCONN] = TEXT_ENOTCONN;
4630068   err[ENOTDIR] = TEXT_ENOTDIR;
4630070   err[ENOTSOCK] = TEXT_ENOTSOCK;
4630071   err[ENOTSUP] = TEXT_ENOTSUP;
4630072   err[ENOTTY] = TEXT_ENOTTY;
4630073   err[ENXIO] = TEXT_ENXIO;
4630076   err[EPERM] = TEXT_EPERM;
4630077   err[EPIPE] = TEXT_EPIPE;
4630078   err[EPROTO] = TEXT_EPROTO;
4630081   err[ERANGE] = TEXT_ERANGE;
4630082   err[EROFS] = TEXT_EROFS;
4630083   err[ESPIPE] = TEXT_ESPIPE;
4630084   err[ESRCH] = TEXT_ESRCH;
4630085   err[ESTALE] = TEXT_ESTALE;
4630086   err[ETIME] = TEXT_ETIME;
4630088   err[ETXTBSY] = TEXT_ETXTBSY;
4630090   err[EXDEV] = TEXT_EXDEV;
4630091   err[E_NO_MEDIUM] = TEXT_E_NO_MEDIUM;
4630092   err[E_MEDIUM] = TEXT_E_MEDIUM;
4630093   err[E_FILE_TYPE] = TEXT_E_FILE_TYPE;
4630094   err[E_ROOT_INODE_NOT_CACHED] =
4630101   err[E_CANNOT_FIND_ROOT_DEVICE] =
4630103   err[E_CANNOT_FIND_ROOT_INODE] =
4630105   err[E_FILE_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED] =
4630107   err[E_ENV_TOO_BIG] = TEXT_E_ENV_TOO_BIG;
4630108   err[E_LIMIT] = TEXT_E_LIMIT;
4630113   err[E_PIPE_FULL] = TEXT_E_PIPE_FULL;
4630114   err[E_PIPE_EMPTY] = TEXT_E_PIPE_EMPTY;
4630116   err[E_FS_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED] =
4630118   err[E_PDU_TOO_BIG] = TEXT_E_PDU_TOO_BIG;
4630120   // 
4630121   if (errnum >= ERROR_MAX || errnum < 0)
4630122     {
4630123       return ("Unknown error");
4630124     }
4630125   // 
4630126   return (err[errnum]);
4630127 }

95.20.15   lib/string/strlen.c

Si veda la sezione 88.121.

4640001 #include <string.h>
4640002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4640003 size_t
4640004 strlen (const char *string)
4640005 {
4640006   size_t i;
4640007   for (i = 0; string[i] != 0; i++)
4640008     {
4640009       ; // Just count.
4640010     }
4640011   return i;
4640012 }

95.20.16   lib/string/strncat.c

Si veda la sezione 88.113.

4650001 #include <string.h>
4650002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4650003 char *
4650004 strncat (char *restrict dst, const char *restrict org,
4650005          size_t n)
4650006 {
4650007   size_t i;
4650008   size_t j;
4650009   for (i = 0; n > 0 && dst[i] != 0; i++)
4650010     {
4650011       ; // Just seek the null character.
4650012     }
4650013   for (j = 0; n > 0 && j < n && org[j] != 0; i++, j++)
4650014     {
4650015       dst[i] = org[j];
4650016     }
4650017   dst[i] = 0;
4650018   return dst;
4650019 }

95.20.17   lib/string/strncmp.c

Si veda la sezione 88.115.

4660001 #include <string.h>
4660002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4660003 int
4660004 strncmp (const char *string1, const char *string2, size_t n)
4660005 {
4660006   size_t i;
4660007   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
4660008     {
4660009       if (string1[i] > string2[i])
4660010         {
4660011           return 1;
4660012         }
4660013       else if (string1[i] < string2[i])
4660014         {
4660015           return -1;
4660016         }
4660017       else if (string1[i] == 0 && string2[i] == 0)
4660018         {
4660019           return 0;
4660020         }
4660021     }
4660022   return 0;
4660023 }

95.20.18   lib/string/strncpy.c

Si veda la sezione 88.117.

4670001 #include <string.h>
4670002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4670003 char *
4670004 strncpy (char *restrict dst, const char *restrict org,
4670005          size_t n)
4670006 {
4670007   size_t i;
4670008   for (i = 0; n > 0 && i < n && org[i] != 0; i++)
4670009     {
4670010       dst[i] = org[i];
4670011     }
4670012   for (; n > 0 && i < n; i++)
4670013     {
4670014       dst[i] = 0;
4670015     }
4670016   return dst;
4670017 }

95.20.19   lib/string/strpbrk.c

Si veda la sezione 88.125.

4680001 #include <string.h>
4680002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4680003 char *
4680004 strpbrk (const char *string, const char *accept)
4680005 {
4680006   // 
4680007   // The first parameter not `const char *' because
4680008   // otherwise
4680009   // the return value should be `const char *' too!
4680010   // 
4680011   size_t i;
4680012   size_t j;
4680013   // 
4680014   for (i = 0; string[i] != 0; i++)
4680015     {
4680016       for (j = 0; accept[j] != 0; j++)
4680017         {
4680018           if (string[i] == accept[j])
4680019             {
4680020               return (char *) (string + i);
4680021             }
4680022         }
4680023     }
4680024   return NULL;
4680025 }

95.20.20   lib/string/strrchr.c

Si veda la sezione 88.114.

4690001 #include <string.h>
4690002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4690003 char *
4690004 strrchr (const char *string, int c)
4690005 {
4690006   int i;
4690007   for (i = strlen (string); i >= 0; i--)
4690008     {
4690009       if (string[i] == (char) c)
4690010         {
4690011           break;
4690012         }
4690013     }
4690014   if (i < 0)
4690015     {
4690016       return NULL;
4690017     }
4690018   else
4690019     {
4690020       return (char *) (string + i);
4690021     }
4690022 }

95.20.21   lib/string/strspn.c

Si veda la sezione 88.127.

4700001 #include <string.h>
4700002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4700003 size_t
4700004 strspn (const char *string, const char *accept)
4700005 {
4700006   size_t i;
4700007   size_t j;
4700008   int found;
4700009   for (i = 0; string[i] != 0; i++)
4700010     {
4700011       for (j = 0, found = 0; accept[j] != 0; j++)
4700012         {
4700013           if (string[i] == accept[j])
4700014             {
4700015               found = 1;
4700016               break;
4700017             }
4700018         }
4700019       if (!found)
4700020         {
4700021           break;
4700022         }
4700023     }
4700024   return i;
4700025 }

95.20.22   lib/string/strstr.c

Si veda la sezione 88.128.

4710001 #include <string.h>
4710002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4710003 char *
4710004 strstr (const char *string, const char *substring)
4710005 {
4710006   size_t i;
4710007   size_t j;
4710008   size_t k;
4710009   int found;
4710010   if (substring[0] == 0)
4710011     {
4710012       return (char *) string;
4710013     }
4710014   for (i = 0, j = 0, found = 0; string[i] != 0; i++)
4710015     {
4710016       if (string[i] == substring[0])
4710017         {
4710018           for (k = i, j = 0;
4710019                string[k] == substring[j] &&
4710020                string[k] != 0 &&
4710021                substring[j] != 0; j++, k++)
4710022             {
4710023               ;
4710024             }
4710025           if (substring[j] == 0)
4710026             {
4710027               found = 1;
4710028             }
4710029         }
4710030       if (found)
4710031         {
4710032           return (char *) (string + i);
4710033         }
4710034     }
4710035   return NULL;
4710036 }

95.20.23   lib/string/strtok.c

Si veda la sezione 88.129.

4720001 #include <string.h>
4720002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4720003 char *
4720004 strtok (char *restrict string, const char *restrict delim)
4720005 {
4720006   static char *next = NULL;
4720007   size_t i = 0;
4720008   size_t j;
4720009   int found_token;
4720010   int found_delim;
4720011   // 
4720012   // If the string received a the first parameter is a 
4720013   // null pointer,
4720014   // the static pointer is used. But if it is already
4720015   // NULL,
4720016   // the scan cannot start.
4720017   // 
4720018   if (string == NULL)
4720019     {
4720020       if (next == NULL)
4720021         {
4720022           return NULL;
4720023         }
4720024       else
4720025         {
4720026           string = next;
4720027         }
4720028     }
4720029   // 
4720030   // If the string received as the first parameter is
4720031   // empty, the scan
4720032   // cannot start.
4720033   // 
4720034   if (string[0] == 0)
4720035     {
4720036       next = NULL;
4720037       return NULL;
4720038     }
4720039   else
4720040     {
4720041       if (delim[0] == 0)
4720042         {
4720043           return string;
4720044         }
4720045     }
4720046   // 
4720047   // Find the next token.
4720048   // 
4720049   for (i = 0, found_token = 0, j = 0;
4720050        string[i] != 0 && (!found_token); i++)
4720051     {
4720052       // 
4720053       // Look inside delimiters.
4720054       // 
4720055       for (j = 0, found_delim = 0; delim[j] != 0; j++)
4720056         {
4720057           if (string[i] == delim[j])
4720058             {
4720059               found_delim = 1;
4720060             }
4720061         }
4720062       // 
4720063       // If current character inside the string is not 
4720064       // a delimiter,
4720065       // it is the start of a new token.
4720066       // 
4720067       if (!found_delim)
4720068         {
4720069           found_token = 1;
4720070           break;
4720071         }
4720072     }
4720073   // 
4720074   // If a token was found, the pointer is updated.
4720075   // If otherwise the token is not found, this means
4720076   // that
4720077   // there are no more.
4720078   // 
4720079   if (found_token)
4720080     {
4720081       string += i;
4720082     }
4720083   else
4720084     {
4720085       next = NULL;
4720086       return NULL;
4720087     }
4720088   // 
4720089   // Find the end of the token.
4720090   // 
4720091   for (i = 0, found_delim = 0; string[i] != 0; i++)
4720092     {
4720093       for (j = 0; delim[j] != 0; j++)
4720094         {
4720095           if (string[i] == delim[j])
4720096             {
4720097               found_delim = 1;
4720098               break;
4720099             }
4720100         }
4720101       if (found_delim)
4720102         {
4720103           break;
4720104         }
4720105     }
4720106   // 
4720107   // If a delimiter was found, the corresponding
4720108   // character must be
4720109   // reset to zero. If otherwise the string is
4720110   // terminated, the
4720111   // scan is terminated.
4720112   // 
4720113   if (found_delim)
4720114     {
4720115       string[i] = 0;
4720116       next = &string[i + 1];
4720117     }
4720118   else
4720119     {
4720120       next = NULL;
4720121     }
4720122   // 
4720123   // At this point, the current string represent the
4720124   // token found.
4720125   // 
4720126   return string;
4720127 }

95.20.24   lib/string/strxfrm.c

Si veda la sezione 88.132.

4730001 #include <string.h>
4730002 //----------------------------------------------------------
4730003 size_t
4730004 strxfrm (char *restrict dst, const char *restrict org,
4730005          size_t n)
4730006 {
4730007   size_t i;
4730008   if (n == 0 && dst == NULL)
4730009     {
4730010       return strlen (org);
4730011     }
4730012   else
4730013     {
4730014       for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
4730015         {
4730016           dst[i] = org[i];
4730017           if (org[i] == 0)
4730018             {
4730019               break;
4730020             }
4730021         }
4730022       return i;
4730023     }
4730024 }

95.21   os32: «lib/sys/os32.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

4740001 #ifndef _SYS_OS32_H
4740002 #define _SYS_OS32_H      1
4740003 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740004 // This file contains all the declarations that don't
4740005 // have a better place inside standard headers files.
4740006 // Even declarations related to device numbers and
4740007 // system calls is contained here.
4740008 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740009 #include <sys/types.h>
4740010 #include <sys/stat.h>
4740011 #include <sys/socket.h>
4740012 #include <arpa/inet.h>
4740013 #include <netinet/in.h>
4740014 #include <stdint.h>
4740015 #include <signal.h>
4740016 #include <limits.h>
4740017 #include <stdio.h>
4740018 #include <stddef.h>
4740019 #include <restrict.h>
4740020 #include <stdarg.h>
4740021 #include <termios.h>
4740022 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740023 typedef uint16_t h_port_t;      // Port number in host 
4740024                                 // byte order.
4740025 typedef uint32_t h_addr_t;      // IPv4 address in
4740026                                 // host byte order.
4740027 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740028 // Please remember that system calls should never be
4740029 // used (called) inside the kernel code, because system
4740030 // calls cannot be nested for the os32 simple
4740031 // architecture!
4740032 // If a particular function is necessary inside the
4740033 // kernel, that usually is made by a system call, an
4740034 // appropriate k_...() function must be
4740035 // made, to avoid the problem.
4740036 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740037 // Device numbers.
4740038 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740039 #define DEV_UNDEFINED_MAJOR     ((dev_t) 0x00)
4740040 #define DEV_UNDEFINED           ((dev_t) 0x0000)
4740041 #define DEV_MEM_MAJOR           ((dev_t) 0x01)
4740042 #define DEV_MEM                 ((dev_t) 0x0101)
4740043 #define DEV_NULL                ((dev_t) 0x0102)
4740044 #define DEV_PORT                ((dev_t) 0x0103)
4740045 #define DEV_ZERO                ((dev_t) 0x0104)
4740046 #define DEV_TTY_MAJOR           ((dev_t) 0x02)
4740047 #define DEV_TTY                 ((dev_t) 0x0200)
4740048 //
4740049 #define DEV_KMEM_MAJOR          ((dev_t) 0x04)
4740050 #define DEV_KMEM_PS             ((dev_t) 0x0401)
4740051 #define DEV_KMEM_MMP            ((dev_t) 0x0402)
4740052 #define DEV_KMEM_SB             ((dev_t) 0x0403)
4740053 #define DEV_KMEM_INODE          ((dev_t) 0x0404)
4740054 #define DEV_KMEM_FILE           ((dev_t) 0x0405)
4740055 #define DEV_KMEM_ARP            ((dev_t) 0x0406)
4740056 #define DEV_KMEM_NET            ((dev_t) 0x0407)
4740057 #define DEV_KMEM_ROUTE          ((dev_t) 0x0408)
4740058 //
4740059 #define DEV_CONSOLE_MAJOR       ((dev_t) 0x05)
4740060 #define DEV_CONSOLE             ((dev_t) 0x05FF)
4740061 #define DEV_CONSOLE0            ((dev_t) 0x0500)
4740062 #define DEV_CONSOLE1            ((dev_t) 0x0501)
4740063 #define DEV_CONSOLE2            ((dev_t) 0x0502)
4740064 #define DEV_CONSOLE3            ((dev_t) 0x0503)
4740065 #define DEV_CONSOLE4            ((dev_t) 0x0504)
4740066 //
4740067 #define DEV_DM_MAJOR            ((dev_t) 0x08)
4740068 #define DEV_DM00                ((dev_t) 0x0800)
4740069 #define DEV_DM01                ((dev_t) 0x0801)
4740070 #define DEV_DM02                ((dev_t) 0x0802)
4740071 #define DEV_DM03                ((dev_t) 0x0803)
4740072 #define DEV_DM04                ((dev_t) 0x0804)
4740073 #define DEV_DM10                ((dev_t) 0x0810)
4740074 #define DEV_DM11                ((dev_t) 0x0811)
4740075 #define DEV_DM12                ((dev_t) 0x0812)
4740076 #define DEV_DM13                ((dev_t) 0x0813)
4740077 #define DEV_DM14                ((dev_t) 0x0814)
4740078 #define DEV_DM20                ((dev_t) 0x0820)
4740079 #define DEV_DM21                ((dev_t) 0x0821)
4740080 #define DEV_DM22                ((dev_t) 0x0822)
4740081 #define DEV_DM23                ((dev_t) 0x0823)
4740082 #define DEV_DM24                ((dev_t) 0x0824)
4740083 #define DEV_DM30                ((dev_t) 0x0830)
4740084 #define DEV_DM31                ((dev_t) 0x0831)
4740085 #define DEV_DM32                ((dev_t) 0x0832)
4740086 #define DEV_DM33                ((dev_t) 0x0833)
4740087 #define DEV_DM34                ((dev_t) 0x0834)
4740088 //
4740089 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740090 #define min(a, b) (a < b ? a : b)
4740091 #define max(a, b) (a > b ? a : b)
4740092 #define sizeof_array(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))
4740093 #define sizeof_field(t, f) (sizeof(((t*)0)->f))
4740094 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740095 #define INPUT_LINE_HIDDEN 0
4740096 #define INPUT_LINE_ECHO   1
4740097 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740098 #define MOUNT_DEFAULT     0     // Default mount
4740099                                 // options.
4740100 #define MOUNT_RO          1     // Read only mount
4740101                                 // option.
4740102 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740103 #define SYS_0                    0      // Nothing to
4740104                                         // do.
4740105 #define SYS_CHDIR                1
4740106 #define SYS_CHMOD                2
4740107 #define SYS_CLOCK                3
4740108 #define SYS_CLOSE                4
4740109 #define SYS_EXEC                 5
4740110 #define SYS_EXIT                 6      // [1] see
4740111                                         // below.
4740112 #define SYS_FCHMOD               7
4740113 #define SYS_FORK                 8
4740114 #define SYS_FSTAT                9
4740115 #define SYS_KILL                10
4740116 #define SYS_LSEEK               11
4740117 #define SYS_MKDIR               12
4740118 #define SYS_MKNOD               13
4740119 #define SYS_MOUNT               14
4740120 #define SYS_OPEN                15
4740121 #define SYS_PGRP                16
4740122 #define SYS_READ                17
4740123 #define SYS_SETEUID             18
4740124 #define SYS_SETUID              19
4740125 #define SYS_SIGNAL              20
4740126 #define SYS_SLEEP               21
4740127 #define SYS_STAT                22
4740128 #define SYS_TIME                23
4740129 #define SYS_UAREA               24
4740130 #define SYS_UMASK               25
4740131 #define SYS_UMOUNT              26
4740132 #define SYS_WAIT                27
4740133 #define SYS_WRITE               28
4740134 #define SYS_ZPCHAR              29      // [2]
4740135 #define SYS_ZPSTRING            30      // [2]
4740136 #define SYS_CHOWN               31
4740137 #define SYS_DUP                 33
4740138 #define SYS_DUP2                34
4740139 #define SYS_LINK                35
4740140 #define SYS_UNLINK              36
4740141 #define SYS_FCNTL               37
4740142 #define SYS_STIME               38
4740143 #define SYS_FCHOWN              39
4740144 #define SYS_BRK                 40
4740145 #define SYS_SBRK                41
4740146 #define SYS_PIPE                42
4740147 #define SYS_TCGETATTR           43
4740148 #define SYS_TCSETATTR           44
4740149 #define SYS_SETEGID             45
4740150 #define SYS_SETGID              46
4740151 #define SYS_SETJMP              47
4740152 #define SYS_LONGJMP             48
4740153 #define SYS_RECVFROM            49
4740154 #define SYS_SOCKET              50
4740155 #define SYS_CONNECT             51
4740156 #define SYS_SEND                52
4740157 #define SYS_IPCONFIG            53
4740158 #define SYS_ROUTEADD            54
4740159 #define SYS_ROUTEDEL            55
4740160 #define SYS_BIND                56
4740161 #define SYS_LISTEN              57
4740162 #define SYS_ACCEPT              58
4740163 //
4740164 // [1] The files `crt0...' need to know the value used
4740165 //     for the exit system call. If this value is
4740166 //     modified, all the file `crt0...' have also to be
4740167 //     modified the same way.
4740168 //
4740169 // [2] These system calls were developed at the
4740170 //     beginning, when no standard I/O was available.
4740171 //     They are to be considered as a last resort for
4740172 //     debugging purposes.
4740173 //
4740174 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740175 // The following values must be: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32,...
4740176 // so that can be `OR' combined.
4740177 //
4740178 #define WAKEUP_EVENT_SIGNAL       0x0001
4740179 #define WAKEUP_EVENT_TIMER        0x0002
4740180 #define WAKEUP_EVENT_DEV_READ     0x0004
4740181 #define WAKEUP_EVENT_DEV_WRITE    0x0008
4740182 #define WAKEUP_EVENT_PIPE_READ    0x0010
4740183 #define WAKEUP_EVENT_PIPE_WRITE   0x0020
4740184 #define WAKEUP_EVENT_SOCK_READ    0x0040
4740185 #define WAKEUP_EVENT_SOCK_WRITE   0x0080
4740186 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740187 typedef struct
4740188 {
4740189   int sfdn;
4740190   struct sockaddr addr;
4740191   socklen_t addrlen;
4740192   int fl_flags;
4740193   int ret;
4740194   int errno;
4740195   int errln;
4740196   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740197 } sysmsg_accept_t;
4740198 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740199 typedef struct
4740200 {
4740201   int sfdn;
4740202   struct sockaddr addr;
4740203   socklen_t addrlen;
4740204   int ret;
4740205   int errno;
4740206   int errln;
4740207   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740208 } sysmsg_bind_t;
4740209 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740210 typedef struct
4740211 {
4740212   void *address;
4740213   int ret;
4740214   int errno;
4740215   int errln;
4740216   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740217 } sysmsg_brk_t;
4740218 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740219 typedef struct
4740220 {
4740221   const char *path;
4740222   int ret;
4740223   int errno;
4740224   int errln;
4740225   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740226 } sysmsg_chdir_t;
4740227 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740228 typedef struct
4740229 {
4740230   const char *path;
4740231   mode_t mode;
4740232   int ret;
4740233   int errno;
4740234   int errln;
4740235   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740236 } sysmsg_chmod_t;
4740237 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740238 typedef struct
4740239 {
4740240   const char *path;
4740241   uid_t uid;
4740242   uid_t gid;
4740243   int ret;
4740244   int errno;
4740245   int errln;
4740246   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740247 } sysmsg_chown_t;
4740248 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740249 typedef struct
4740250 {
4740251   clock_t ret;
4740252 } sysmsg_clock_t;
4740253 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740254 typedef struct
4740255 {
4740256   int fdn;
4740257   int ret;
4740258   int errno;
4740259   int errln;
4740260   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740261 } sysmsg_close_t;
4740262 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740263 typedef struct
4740264 {
4740265   int sfdn;
4740266   struct sockaddr addr;
4740267   socklen_t addrlen;
4740268   int ret;
4740269   int errno;
4740270   int errln;
4740271   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740272 } sysmsg_connect_t;
4740273 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740274 typedef struct
4740275 {
4740276   int fdn_old;
4740277   int ret;
4740278   int errno;
4740279   int errln;
4740280   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740281 } sysmsg_dup_t;
4740282 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740283 typedef struct
4740284 {
4740285   int fdn_old;
4740286   int fdn_new;
4740287   int ret;
4740288   int errno;
4740289   int errln;
4740290   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740291 } sysmsg_dup2_t;
4740292 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740293 typedef struct
4740294 {
4740295   const char *path;
4740296   int argc;
4740297   int envc;
4740298   char arg_data[ARG_MAX / 2];
4740299   char env_data[ARG_MAX / 2];
4740300   uid_t uid;
4740301   uid_t euid;
4740302   int ret;
4740303   int errno;
4740304   int errln;
4740305   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740306 } sysmsg_exec_t;
4740307 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740308 typedef struct
4740309 {
4740310   int status;
4740311 } sysmsg_exit_t;
4740312 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740313 typedef struct
4740314 {
4740315   int fdn;
4740316   mode_t mode;
4740317   int ret;
4740318   int errno;
4740319   int errln;
4740320   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740321 } sysmsg_fchmod_t;
4740322 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740323 typedef struct
4740324 {
4740325   int fdn;
4740326   uid_t uid;
4740327   uid_t gid;
4740328   int ret;
4740329   int errno;
4740330   int errln;
4740331   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740332 } sysmsg_fchown_t;
4740333 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740334 typedef struct
4740335 {
4740336   int fdn;
4740337   int cmd;
4740338   int arg;
4740339   int ret;
4740340   int errno;
4740341   int errln;
4740342   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740343 } sysmsg_fcntl_t;
4740344 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740345 typedef struct
4740346 {
4740347   pid_t ret;
4740348   int errno;
4740349   int errln;
4740350   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740351 } sysmsg_fork_t;
4740352 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740353 typedef struct
4740354 {
4740355   int fdn;
4740356   struct stat stat;
4740357   int ret;
4740358   int errno;
4740359   int errln;
4740360   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740361 } sysmsg_fstat_t;
4740362 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740363 typedef struct
4740364 {
4740365   int n;
4740366   in_addr_t address;
4740367   int m;
4740368   int ret;
4740369   int errno;
4740370   int errln;
4740371   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740372 } sysmsg_ipconfig_t;
4740373 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740374 typedef struct
4740375 {
4740376   void *env;
4740377   int ret;
4740378   // 
4740379   // This structure is intentionally reduced.
4740380   // 
4740381 } sysmsg_jmp_t;
4740382 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740383 typedef struct
4740384 {
4740385   pid_t pid;
4740386   int signal;
4740387   int ret;
4740388   int errno;
4740389   int errln;
4740390   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740391 } sysmsg_kill_t;
4740392 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740393 typedef struct
4740394 {
4740395   const char *path_old;
4740396   const char *path_new;
4740397   int ret;
4740398   int errno;
4740399   int errln;
4740400   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740401 } sysmsg_link_t;
4740402 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740403 typedef struct
4740404 {
4740405   int sfdn;
4740406   int backlog;
4740407   int ret;
4740408   int errno;
4740409   int errln;
4740410   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740411 } sysmsg_listen_t;
4740412 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740413 typedef struct
4740414 {
4740415   int fdn;
4740416   off_t offset;
4740417   int whence;
4740418   int ret;
4740419   int errno;
4740420   int errln;
4740421   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740422 } sysmsg_lseek_t;
4740423 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740424 typedef struct
4740425 {
4740426   const char *path;
4740427   mode_t mode;
4740428   int ret;
4740429   int errno;
4740430   int errln;
4740431   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740432 } sysmsg_mkdir_t;
4740433 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740434 typedef struct
4740435 {
4740436   const char *path;
4740437   mode_t mode;
4740438   dev_t device;
4740439   int ret;
4740440   int errno;
4740441   int errln;
4740442   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740443 } sysmsg_mknod_t;
4740444 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740445 typedef struct
4740446 {
4740447   const char *path_dev;
4740448   const char *path_mnt;
4740449   int options;
4740450   int ret;
4740451   int errno;
4740452   int errln;
4740453   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740454 } sysmsg_mount_t;
4740455 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740456 typedef struct
4740457 {
4740458   const char *path;
4740459   int flags;
4740460   mode_t mode;
4740461   int ret;
4740462   int errno;
4740463   int errln;
4740464   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740465 } sysmsg_open_t;
4740466 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740467 typedef struct
4740468 {
4740469   int pipefd[2];
4740470   int ret;
4740471   int errno;
4740472   int errln;
4740473   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740474 } sysmsg_pipe_t;
4740475 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740476 typedef struct
4740477 {
4740478   int fdn;
4740479   void *buffer;
4740480   size_t count;
4740481   int fl_flags;
4740482   ssize_t ret;
4740483   int errno;
4740484   int errln;
4740485   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740486 } sysmsg_read_t;
4740487 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740488 typedef struct
4740489 {
4740490   int sfdn;
4740491   void *buffer;
4740492   size_t count;
4740493   int flags;
4740494   void *addrfrom;
4740495   void *addrsize;
4740496   int fl_flags;
4740497   ssize_t ret;
4740498   int errno;
4740499   int errln;
4740500   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740501 } sysmsg_recvfrom_t;
4740502 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740503 typedef struct
4740504 {
4740505   in_addr_t destination;
4740506   int m;
4740507   in_addr_t router;
4740508   int device;
4740509   int ret;
4740510   int errno;
4740511   int errln;
4740512   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740513 } sysmsg_route_t;
4740514 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740515 typedef struct
4740516 {
4740517   intptr_t increment;
4740518   void *ret;
4740519   int errno;
4740520   int errln;
4740521   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740522 } sysmsg_sbrk_t;
4740523 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740524 typedef struct
4740525 {
4740526   int sfdn;
4740527   const void *buffer;
4740528   size_t count;
4740529   int flags;
4740530   ssize_t ret;
4740531   int errno;
4740532   int errln;
4740533   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740534 } sysmsg_send_t;
4740535 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740536 typedef struct
4740537 {
4740538   gid_t egid;
4740539   int ret;
4740540   int errno;
4740541   int errln;
4740542   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740543 } sysmsg_setegid_t;
4740544 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740545 typedef struct
4740546 {
4740547   uid_t euid;
4740548   int ret;
4740549   int errno;
4740550   int errln;
4740551   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740552 } sysmsg_seteuid_t;
4740553 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740554 typedef struct
4740555 {
4740556   gid_t gid;
4740557   gid_t egid;
4740558   gid_t sgid;
4740559   int ret;
4740560   int errno;
4740561   int errln;
4740562   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740563 } sysmsg_setgid_t;
4740564 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740565 typedef struct
4740566 {
4740567   uid_t uid;
4740568   uid_t euid;
4740569   uid_t suid;
4740570   int ret;
4740571   int errno;
4740572   int errln;
4740573   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740574 } sysmsg_setuid_t;
4740575 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740576 typedef struct
4740577 {
4740578   uintptr_t wrapper;
4740579   sighandler_t handler;
4740580   int signal;
4740581   sighandler_t ret;
4740582   int errno;
4740583   int errln;
4740584   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740585 } sysmsg_signal_t;
4740586 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740587 typedef struct
4740588 {
4740589   int family;
4740590   int type;
4740591   int protocol;
4740592   int ret;
4740593   int errno;
4740594   int errln;
4740595   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740596 } sysmsg_socket_t;
4740597 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740598 typedef struct
4740599 {
4740600   int events;
4740601   int signal;
4740602   unsigned int seconds;
4740603   time_t ret;
4740604 } sysmsg_sleep_t;
4740605 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740606 typedef struct
4740607 {
4740608   const char *path;
4740609   struct stat stat;
4740610   int ret;
4740611   int errno;
4740612   int errln;
4740613   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740614 } sysmsg_stat_t;
4740615 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740616 typedef struct
4740617 {
4740618   time_t ret;
4740619 } sysmsg_time_t;
4740620 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740621 typedef struct
4740622 {
4740623   time_t timer;
4740624   int ret;
4740625 } sysmsg_stime_t;
4740626 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740627 typedef struct
4740628 {
4740629   int fdn;
4740630   int action;
4740631   struct termios *attr;
4740632   int ret;
4740633   int errno;
4740634   int errln;
4740635   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740636 } sysmsg_tcattr_t;
4740637 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740638 typedef struct
4740639 {
4740640   uid_t uid;    // Read user ID.
4740641   uid_t euid;   // Effective user ID.
4740642   uid_t suid;   // Saved user ID.
4740643   gid_t gid;    // Read group ID.
4740644   gid_t egid;   // Effective group ID.
4740645   gid_t sgid;   // Saved group ID.
4740646   pid_t pid;    // Process ID.
4740647   pid_t ppid;   // Parent PID.
4740648   pid_t pgrp;   // Process group.
4740649   mode_t umask; // Access permission mask.
4740650   char *path_cwd;
4740651   size_t path_cwd_size; // Max path size.
4740652 } sysmsg_uarea_t;
4740653 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740654 typedef struct
4740655 {
4740656   mode_t umask;
4740657   mode_t ret;
4740658 } sysmsg_umask_t;
4740659 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740660 typedef struct
4740661 {
4740662   const char *path_mnt;
4740663   int ret;
4740664   int errno;
4740665   int errln;
4740666   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740667 } sysmsg_umount_t;
4740668 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740669 typedef struct
4740670 {
4740671   const char *path;
4740672   int ret;
4740673   int errno;
4740674   int errln;
4740675   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740676 } sysmsg_unlink_t;
4740677 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740678 typedef struct
4740679 {
4740680   int status;
4740681   pid_t ret;
4740682   int errno;
4740683   int errln;
4740684   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740685 } sysmsg_wait_t;
4740686 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740687 typedef struct
4740688 {
4740689   int fdn;
4740690   const void *buffer;
4740691   size_t count;
4740692   ssize_t ret;
4740693   int errno;
4740694   int errln;
4740695   char errfn[PATH_MAX];
4740696 } sysmsg_write_t;
4740697 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740698 typedef struct
4740699 {
4740700   char c;
4740701 } sysmsg_zpchar_t;
4740702 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740703 typedef struct
4740704 {
4740705   char string[BUFSIZ];
4740706 } sysmsg_zpstring_t;
4740707 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740708 void input_line (char *line, char *prompt, size_t size,
4740709                  int type);
4740710 int mount (const char *path_dev, const char *path_mnt,
4740711            int options);
4740712 int namep (const char *name, char *path, size_t size);
4740713 void sys (int syscallnr, void *message, size_t size);
4740714 int umount (const char *path_mnt);
4740715 void z_perror (const char *string);
4740716 int z_printf (const char *restrict format, ...);
4740717 int z_vprintf (const char *restrict format, va_list arg);
4740718 int ipconfig (int n, h_addr_t address, int m);
4740719 int routedel (h_addr_t destination, int m);
4740720 int routeadd (h_addr_t destination, int m,
4740721               h_addr_t router, int device);
4740722 //----------------------------------------------------------
4740723 #endif

95.21.1   lib/sys/os32/input_line.c

Si veda la sezione 88.68.

4750001 #include <sys/os32.h>
4750002 #include <string.h>
4750003 #include <stdio.h>
4750004 #include <errno.h>
4750005 #include <unistd.h>
4750006 //----------------------------------------------------------
4750007 static int terminal_echo (struct termios *orig);
4750008 static int terminal_noecho (struct termios *orig);
4750009 static int terminal_restore (struct termios *orig);
4750010 //----------------------------------------------------------
4750011 void
4750012 input_line (char *line, char *prompt, size_t size, int type)
4750013 {
4750014   void *pstatus;
4750015   int i;
4750016   struct termios attr;
4750017   // 
4750018   // Set terminal configuration.
4750019   // 
4750020   if (type == INPUT_LINE_HIDDEN)
4750021     {
4750022       terminal_noecho (&attr);
4750023     }
4750024   else
4750025     {
4750026       terminal_echo (&attr);
4750027     }
4750028   // 
4750029   if (prompt != NULL || strlen (prompt) > 0)
4750030     {
4750031       printf ("%s", prompt);
4750032     }
4750033   // 
4750034   errno = 0;
4750035   pstatus = fgets (line, (int) size, stdin);
4750036   if (pstatus == NULL)
4750037     {
4750038       if (errno)
4750039         {
4750040           perror (NULL);
4750041         }
4750042       line[0] = 0;
4750043       // 
4750044       // Reset terminal mode.
4750045       // 
4750046       terminal_restore (&attr);
4750047       return;
4750048     }
4750049   // 
4750050   // Find the last position and, if there is a new
4750051   // line code,
4750052   // replace it with zero. If the string is empty, a
4750053   // ^D was
4750054   // received.
4750055   // 
4750056   i = strlen (line);
4750057   if (i > 0 && line[i - 1] == '\n')
4750058     {
4750059       line[i - 1] = '\0';
4750060     }
4750061   // 
4750062   // Restore terminal mode.
4750063   // 
4750064   terminal_restore (&attr);
4750065 }
4750067 //----------------------------------------------------------
4750068 static int
4750069 terminal_echo (struct termios *orig)
4750070 {
4750071   int status;
4750072   struct termios attr;
4750073   // 
4750074   // Save previous.
4750075   // 
4750076   status = tcgetattr (STDIN_FILENO, orig);
4750077   if (status < 0)
4750078     {
4750079       return (-1);
4750080     }
4750081   // 
4750082   // Get again.
4750083   // 
4750084   status = tcgetattr (STDIN_FILENO, &attr);
4750085   if (status < 0)
4750086     {
4750087       return (-1);
4750088     }
4750089   // 
4750090   attr.c_iflag |= (BRKINT | ICRNL);
4750091   attr.c_iflag &= ~(IGNBRK | INLCR);
4750092   // 
4750093   attr.c_lflag |=
4750094     (ECHO | ECHOE | ECHOK | ECHONL | ICANON | ISIG);
4750095   attr.c_lflag &= ~(IEXTEN);
4750096   // 
4750097   status = tcsetattr (STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &attr);
4750098   // 
4750099   return (status);
4750100 }
4750102 //----------------------------------------------------------
4750103 static int
4750104 terminal_noecho (struct termios *orig)
4750105 {
4750106   int status;
4750107   struct termios attr;
4750108   // 
4750109   // Save previous.
4750110   // 
4750111   status = tcgetattr (STDIN_FILENO, orig);
4750112   if (status < 0)
4750113     {
4750114       return (-1);
4750115     }
4750116   // 
4750117   // Get again.
4750118   // 
4750119   status = tcgetattr (STDIN_FILENO, &attr);
4750120   if (status < 0)
4750121     {
4750122       return (-1);
4750123     }
4750124   // 
4750125   attr.c_iflag |= (BRKINT | ICRNL);
4750126   attr.c_iflag &= ~(IGNBRK | INLCR);
4750127   // 
4750128   attr.c_lflag |= (ICANON | ISIG);
4750129   attr.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | IEXTEN);
4750130   // 
4750131   status = tcsetattr (STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &attr);
4750132   // 
4750133   return (status);
4750134 }
4750136 //----------------------------------------------------------
4750137 static int
4750138 terminal_restore (struct termios *orig)
4750139 {
4750140   int status;
4750141   // 
4750142   // For an unknown reason, when running with Bochs,
4750143   // before
4750144   // restoring the termios configuration, the previous 
4750145   // one
4750146   // is to be read. Here, `attr' is just a placeholder 
4750147   // and
4750148   // the updated content is not used for anything
4750149   // else.
4750150   // 
4750151   struct termios attr;
4750152   status = tcgetattr (STDIN_FILENO, &attr);
4750153   if (status < 0)
4750154     {
4750155       return (-1);
4750156     }
4750157   // 
4750158   // 
4750159   // 
4750160   status = tcsetattr (STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, orig);
4750161   // 
4750162   return (status);
4750163 }

95.21.2   lib/sys/os32/ipconfig.c

Si veda la sezione 87.28.

4760001 #include <sys/os32.h>
4760002 #include <errno.h>
4760003 #include <string.h>
4760004 #include <stdio.h>
4760005 //----------------------------------------------------------
4760006 int
4760007 ipconfig (int n, in_addr_t address, int m)
4760008 {
4760009   sysmsg_ipconfig_t msg;
4760010   // 
4760011   // Fill the message.
4760012   // 
4760013   msg.n = n;
4760014   msg.address = address;
4760015   msg.m = m;
4760016   msg.ret = 0;
4760017   // 
4760018   // Syscall.
4760019   // 
4760020   sys (SYS_IPCONFIG, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4760021   // 
4760022   // Check return value.
4760023   // 
4760024   if (msg.ret < 0)
4760025     {
4760026       // 
4760027       // Something wrong.
4760028       // 
4760029       errno = msg.errno;
4760030       errln = msg.errln;
4760031       strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4760032     }
4760033   // 
4760034   // Return.
4760035   // 
4760036   return (msg.ret);
4760037 }

95.21.3   lib/sys/os32/mount.c

Si veda la sezione 87.36.

4770001 #include <sys/types.h>
4770002 #include <errno.h>
4770003 #include <sys/os32.h>
4770004 #include <stddef.h>
4770005 #include <string.h>
4770006 //----------------------------------------------------------
4770007 int
4770008 mount (const char *path_dev, const char *path_mnt,
4770009        int options)
4770010 {
4770011   sysmsg_mount_t msg;
4770012   // 
4770013   msg.path_dev = path_dev;
4770014   msg.path_mnt = path_mnt;
4770015   msg.options = options;
4770016   msg.ret = 0;
4770017   msg.errno = 0;
4770018   // 
4770019   sys (SYS_MOUNT, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4770020   // 
4770021   errno = msg.errno;
4770022   errln = msg.errln;
4770023   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4770024   return (msg.ret);
4770025 }

95.21.4   lib/sys/os32/namep.c

Si veda la sezione 88.85.

4780001 #include <sys/os32.h>
4780002 #include <stdlib.h>
4780003 #include <errno.h>
4780004 #include <unistd.h>
4780005 //----------------------------------------------------------
4780006 int
4780007 namep (const char *name, char *path, size_t size)
4780008 {
4780009   char command[PATH_MAX];
4780010   char *env_path;
4780011   int p;        // Index used inside the path
4780012   // environment.
4780013   int c;        // Index used inside the command
4780014   // string.
4780015   int status;
4780016   // 
4780017   // Check for valid input.
4780018   // 
4780019   if (name == NULL || name[0] == 0 || path == NULL
4780020       || name == path)
4780021     {
4780022       errset (EINVAL);  // Invalid argument.
4780023       return (-1);
4780024     }
4780025   // 
4780026   // Check if the original command contains at least a 
4780027   // `/'. Otherwise
4780028   // a scan for the environment variable `PATH' must
4780029   // be done.
4780030   // 
4780031   if (strchr (name, '/') == NULL)
4780032     {
4780033       // 
4780034       // Ok: no `/' there. Get the environment
4780035       // variable `PATH'.
4780036       // 
4780037       env_path = getenv ("PATH");
4780038       if (env_path == NULL)
4780039         {
4780040           // 
4780041           // There is no `PATH' environment value.
4780042           // 
4780043           errset (ENOENT);      // No such file or
4780044           // directory.
4780045           return (-1);
4780046         }
4780047       // 
4780048       // Scan paths and try to find a file with that
4780049       // name.
4780050       // 
4780051       for (p = 0; env_path[p] != 0;)
4780052         {
4780053           for (c = 0;
4780054                c < (PATH_MAX - strlen (name) - 2) &&
4780055                env_path[p] != 0 &&
4780056                env_path[p] != ':'; c++, p++)
4780057             {
4780058               command[c] = env_path[p];
4780059             }
4780060           // 
4780061           // If the loop is ended because the command
4780062           // array does not
4780063           // have enough room for the full path, then
4780064           // must return an
4780065           // error.
4780066           // 
4780067           if (env_path[p] != ':' && env_path[p] != 0)
4780068             {
4780069               errset (ENAMETOOLONG);    // Filename
4780070               // too long.
4780071               return (-1);
4780072             }
4780073           // 
4780074           // The command array has enough space. At
4780075           // index `c' must
4780076           // place a zero, to terminate current
4780077           // string.
4780078           // 
4780079           command[c] = 0;
4780080           // 
4780081           // Add the rest of the path.
4780082           // 
4780083           strcat (command, "/");
4780084           strcat (command, name);
4780085           // 
4780086           // Verify to have something with that full
4780087           // path name.
4780088           // 
4780089           status = access (command, F_OK);
4780090           if (status == 0)
4780091             {
4780092               // 
4780093               // Verify to have enough room inside the 
4780094               // destination
4780095               // path.
4780096               // 
4780097               if (strlen (command) >= size)
4780098                 {
4780099                   // 
4780100                   // Sorry: too big. There must be
4780101                   // room also for
4780102                   // the string termination null
4780103                   // character.
4780104                   // 
4780105                   errset (ENAMETOOLONG);        // Filename
4780106                   // too long.
4780107                   return (-1);
4780108                 }
4780109               // 
4780110               // Copy the path and return.
4780111               // 
4780112               strncpy (path, command, size);
4780113               return (0);
4780114             }
4780115           // 
4780116           // That path was not good: try again. But
4780117           // before returning
4780118           // to the external loop, must verify if `p'
4780119           // is to be
4780120           // incremented, after a `:', because the
4780121           // external loop
4780122           // does not touch the index `p',
4780123           // 
4780124           if (env_path[p] == ':')
4780125             {
4780126               p++;
4780127             }
4780128         }
4780129       // 
4780130       // At this point, there is no match with the
4780131       // paths.
4780132       // 
4780133       errset (ENOENT);  // No such file or directory.
4780134       return (-1);
4780135     }
4780136   // 
4780137   // At this point, a path was given and the
4780138   // environment variable
4780139   // `PATH' was not scanned. Just copy the same path.
4780140   // But must verify
4780141   // that the receiving path has enough room for it.
4780142   // 
4780143   if (strlen (name) >= size)
4780144     {
4780145       // 
4780146       // Sorry: too big.
4780147       // 
4780148       errset (ENAMETOOLONG);    // Filename too long.
4780149       return (-1);
4780150     }
4780151   // 
4780152   // Ok: copy and return.
4780153   // 
4780154   strncpy (path, name, size);
4780155   return (0);
4780156 }

95.21.5   lib/sys/os32/routeadd.c

Si veda la sezione 87.42.

4790001 #include <sys/os32.h>
4790002 #include <errno.h>
4790003 #include <string.h>
4790004 #include <stdio.h>
4790005 //----------------------------------------------------------
4790006 int
4790007 routeadd (in_addr_t destination, int m,
4790008           in_addr_t router, int device)
4790009 {
4790010   sysmsg_route_t msg;
4790011   // 
4790012   // Fill the message.
4790013   // 
4790014   msg.destination = destination;
4790015   msg.m = m;
4790016   msg.router = router;
4790017   msg.device = device;
4790018   // 
4790019   // Syscall.
4790020   // 
4790021   sys (SYS_ROUTEADD, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4790022   // 
4790023   // Check return value.
4790024   // 
4790025   if (msg.ret < 0)
4790026     {
4790027       // 
4790028       // Something wrong.
4790029       // 
4790030       errno = msg.errno;
4790031       errln = msg.errln;
4790032       strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4790033     }
4790034   // 
4790035   // Return.
4790036   // 
4790037   return (msg.ret);
4790038 }

95.21.6   lib/sys/os32/routedel.c

Si veda la sezione 87.43.

4800001 #include <sys/os32.h>
4800002 #include <errno.h>
4800003 #include <string.h>
4800004 #include <stdio.h>
4800005 //----------------------------------------------------------
4800006 int
4800007 routedel (in_addr_t destination, int m)
4800008 {
4800009   sysmsg_route_t msg;
4800010   // 
4800011   // Fill the message.
4800012   // 
4800013   msg.destination = destination;
4800014   msg.m = m;
4800015   // 
4800016   // Syscall.
4800017   // 
4800018   sys (SYS_ROUTEDEL, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4800019   // 
4800020   // Check return value.
4800021   // 
4800022   if (msg.ret < 0)
4800023     {
4800024       // 
4800025       // Something wrong.
4800026       // 
4800027       errno = msg.errno;
4800028       errln = msg.errln;
4800029       strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4800030     }
4800031   // 
4800032   // Return.
4800033   // 
4800034   return (msg.ret);
4800035 }

95.21.7   lib/sys/os32/sys.s

Si veda la sezione 87.56.

4810001 .global sys
4810002 #------------------------------------------------------
4810003 .text
4810004 #------------------------------------------------------
4810005 # Call a system call.
4810006 #
4810007 # Please remember that system calls should never be
4810008 # used (called) inside the kernel code, because system
4810009 # calls cannot be nested for the os32 simple
4810010 # architecture!
4810011 # If a particular function is necessary inside the
4810012 # kernel, that usually is made by a system call, an
4810013 # appropriate k_...() function must be made, to avoid
4810014 # the problem.
4810015 #
4810016 #------------------------------------------------------
4810017 .align 4
4810018 sys:
4810019     int   $128  # 0x80
4810020     ret

95.21.8   lib/sys/os32/umount.c

Si veda la sezione 87.36.

4820001 #include <sys/types.h>
4820002 #include <errno.h>
4820003 #include <sys/os32.h>
4820004 #include <stddef.h>
4820005 #include <string.h>
4820006 //----------------------------------------------------------
4820007 int
4820008 umount (const char *path_mnt)
4820009 {
4820010   sysmsg_umount_t msg;
4820011   // 
4820012   msg.path_mnt = path_mnt;
4820013   msg.ret = 0;
4820014   msg.errno = 0;
4820015   // 
4820016   sys (SYS_UMOUNT, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4820017   // 
4820018   errno = msg.errno;
4820019   errln = msg.errln;
4820020   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4820021   return (msg.ret);
4820022 }

95.21.9   lib/sys/os32/z_perror.c

Si veda la sezione 87.65.

4830001 #include <sys/os32.h>
4830002 #include <errno.h>
4830003 #include <stddef.h>
4830004 #include <string.h>
4830005 //----------------------------------------------------------
4830006 void
4830007 z_perror (const char *string)
4830008 {
4830009   // 
4830010   // If errno is zero, there is nothing to show.
4830011   // 
4830012   if (errno == 0)
4830013     {
4830014       return;
4830015     }
4830016   // 
4830017   // Show the string if there is one.
4830018   // 
4830019   if (string != NULL && strlen (string) > 0)
4830020     {
4830021       z_printf ("%s: ", string);
4830022     }
4830023   // 
4830024   // Show the translated error.
4830025   // 
4830026   if (errfn[0] != 0 && errln != 0)
4830027     {
4830028       z_printf ("[%s:%u:%i] %s\n",
4830029                 errfn, errln, errno, strerror (errno));
4830030     }
4830031   else
4830032     {
4830033       z_printf ("[%i] %s\n", errno, strerror (errno));
4830034     }
4830035 }

95.21.10   lib/sys/os32/z_printf.c

Si veda la sezione 87.65.

4840001 #include <sys/os32.h>
4840002 #include <restrict.h>
4840003 //----------------------------------------------------------
4840004 int
4840005 z_printf (const char *restrict format, ...)
4840006 {
4840007   va_list ap;
4840008   va_start (ap, format);
4840009   return z_vprintf (format, ap);
4840010 }

95.21.11   lib/sys/os32/z_vprintf.c

Si veda la sezione 87.65.

4850001 #include <sys/os32.h>
4850002 #include <restrict.h>
4850003 //----------------------------------------------------------
4850004 int
4850005 z_vprintf (const char *restrict format, va_list arg)
4850006 {
4850007   int ret;
4850008   sysmsg_zpstring_t msg;
4850009   msg.string[0] = 0;
4850010   ret = vsprintf (msg.string, format, arg);
4850011   sys (SYS_ZPSTRING, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4850012   return ret;
4850013 }

95.22   os32: «lib/sys/sa_family_t.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

4860001 #ifndef _SYS_SA_FAMILY_T_H
4860002 #define _SYS_SA_FAMILY_T_H    1
4860003 //----------------------------------------------------------
4860004 #include <inttypes.h>
4860005 //----------------------------------------------------------
4860006 typedef uint16_t sa_family_t;   // Address family.
4860007 //----------------------------------------------------------
4860008 #endif

95.23   os32: «lib/sys/socket.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

4870001 #ifndef _SYS_SOCKET_H
4870002 #define _SYS_SOCKET_H    1
4870003 //----------------------------------------------------------
4870004 #include <stdint.h>
4870005 #include <unistd.h>
4870006 #include <sys/socklen_t.h>
4870007 #include <sys/sa_family_t.h>
4870008 //----------------------------------------------------------
4870009 struct sockaddr
4870010 {
4870011   sa_family_t sa_family;        // Address family.
4870012   char sa_data[14];     // Socket address.
4870013 };
4870014 //
4870015 //
4870016 //
4870017 struct sockaddr_storage
4870018 {
4870019   sa_family_t ss_family;        // Socket storage
4870020   // family.
4870021   uint8_t ss_zero[14];  // Filler.
4870022 };
4870023 //
4870024 //
4870025 //
4870026 #define SOCK_STREAM    1        // Byte-stream socket.
4870027 #define SOCK_DGRAM     2        // Datagram socket.
4870028 #define SOCK_RAW       3        // Raw protocol
4870029                                 // interface.
4870030 #define SOCK_SEQPACKET 5        // Sequenced-packet
4870031                                 // socket.
4870032 //
4870033 // Protocol families:
4870034 //
4870035 #define PF_UNSPEC       0       // Unspecified.
4870036 #define PF_UNIX         1       // Unix domain socket.
4870037 #define PF_INET         2       // IPv4 protocol
4870038                                 // family.
4870039 #define PF_INET6        10      // IPv6 protocol
4870040                                 // family.
4870041 //
4870042 // Address families.
4870043 //
4870044 #define AF_UNSPEC  PF_UNSPEC    // Unspecified.
4870045 #define AF_UNIX    PF_UNIX      // Unix domain socket.
4870046 #define AF_INET    PF_INET      // IPv4 address
4870047                                 // family.
4870048 #define AF_INET6   PF_INET6     // IPv6 address
4870049                                 // family.
4870050 //----------------------------------------------------------
4870051 int accept (int sfdn, struct sockaddr *addr,
4870052             socklen_t * addrlen);
4870053 int bind (int sfdn, const struct sockaddr *addr,
4870054           socklen_t addrlen);
4870055 int connect (int sfdn, const struct sockaddr *addr,
4870056              socklen_t addrlen);
4870057 int listen (int sfdn, int backlog);
4870058 ssize_t send (int sfdn, const void *buffer,
4870059               size_t count, int flags);
4870060 ssize_t recvfrom (int sfdn, void *buffer, size_t count,
4870061                   int flags, struct sockaddr *addrfrom,
4870062                   socklen_t * addrlen);
4870063 int socket (int family, int type, int protocol);
4870065 #define recv(sdfn, buffer, count, flags) \
4870066     recvfrom (sdfn, buffer, count, flags, NULL, NULL)
4870067 //----------------------------------------------------------
4870068 #endif

95.23.1   lib/sys/socket/accept.c

Si veda la sezione 87.3.

4880001 #include <sys/os32.h>
4880002 #include <errno.h>
4880003 #include <string.h>
4880004 #include <stdio.h>
4880005 #include <fcntl.h>
4880006 //----------------------------------------------------------
4880007 int
4880008 accept (int sfdn, struct sockaddr *addr,
4880009         socklen_t * addrlen)
4880010 {
4880011   sysmsg_accept_t msg;
4880012   // 
4880013   // Fill the message.
4880014   // 
4880015   msg.sfdn = sfdn;
4880016   memset (&msg.addr, 0x00, sizeof (msg.addr));
4880017   msg.addrlen = *addrlen;
4880018   msg.fl_flags = 0;     // Not necessary.
4880019   msg.ret = 0;
4880020   // 
4880021   // Syscall.
4880022   // 
4880023   while (1)
4880024     {
4880025       sys (SYS_ACCEPT, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4880026       // 
4880027       if (msg.ret < 0
4880028           && (msg.errno == EAGAIN
4880029               || msg.errno == EWOULDBLOCK))
4880030         {
4880031           // 
4880032           // No request at the moment.
4880033           // 
4880034           if (msg.fl_flags & O_NONBLOCK)
4880035             {
4880036               // 
4880037               // Don't block.
4880038               // 
4880039               break;
4880040             }
4880041           else
4880042             {
4880043               // 
4880044               // Keep trying.
4880045               // 
4880046               continue;
4880047             }
4880048         }
4880049       else
4880050         {
4880051           break;
4880052         }
4880053     }
4880054   // 
4880055   // Check return value.
4880056   // 
4880057   if (msg.ret < 0)
4880058     {
4880059       // 
4880060       // Something wrong.
4880061       // 
4880062       errno = msg.errno;
4880063       errln = msg.errln;
4880064       strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4880065     }
4880066   else
4880067     {
4880068       // 
4880069       // Update the socket address and the address
4880070       // length.
4880071       // 
4880072       if (addrlen != NULL && addr != NULL && *addrlen > 0)
4880073         {
4880074           memcpy (addr, &msg.addr,
4880075                   min (msg.addrlen, *addrlen));
4880076           *addrlen = msg.addrlen;
4880077         }
4880078     }
4880079   // 
4880080   // Return.
4880081   // 
4880082   return (msg.ret);
4880083 }

95.23.2   lib/sys/socket/bind.c

Si veda la sezione 87.4.

4890001 #include <sys/os32.h>
4890002 #include <errno.h>
4890003 #include <string.h>
4890004 #include <stdio.h>
4890005 //----------------------------------------------------------
4890006 int
4890007 bind (int sfdn, const struct sockaddr *addr,
4890008       socklen_t addrlen)
4890009 {
4890010   sysmsg_bind_t msg;
4890011   // 
4890012   // Fill the message.
4890013   // 
4890014   msg.sfdn = sfdn;
4890015   memcpy (&msg.addr, addr, (size_t) addrlen);
4890016   msg.addrlen = addrlen;
4890017   msg.ret = 0;
4890018   // 
4890019   // Syscall.
4890020   // 
4890021   sys (SYS_BIND, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4890022   // 
4890023   // Check return value.
4890024   // 
4890025   if (msg.ret < 0)
4890026     {
4890027       // 
4890028       // Something wrong.
4890029       // 
4890030       errno = msg.errno;
4890031       errln = msg.errln;
4890032       strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4890033     }
4890034   // 
4890035   // Return.
4890036   // 
4890037   return (msg.ret);
4890038 }

95.23.3   lib/sys/socket/connect.c

Si veda la sezione 87.11.

4900001 #include <sys/os32.h>
4900002 #include <errno.h>
4900003 #include <string.h>
4900004 #include <stdio.h>
4900005 //----------------------------------------------------------
4900006 int
4900007 connect (int sfdn, const struct sockaddr *addr,
4900008          socklen_t addrlen)
4900009 {
4900010   sysmsg_connect_t msg;
4900011   // 
4900012   // Fill the message.
4900013   // 
4900014   msg.sfdn = sfdn;
4900015   memcpy (&msg.addr, addr, (size_t) addrlen);
4900016   msg.addrlen = addrlen;
4900017   msg.ret = 0;
4900018   // 
4900019   // Syscall.
4900020   // 
4900021   while (1)
4900022     {
4900023       sys (SYS_CONNECT, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4900024       // 
4900025       if (msg.ret < 0)
4900026         {
4900027           if (msg.errno == EINPROGRESS
4900028               || msg.errno == EALREADY)
4900029             {
4900030               // 
4900031               // Loop until the connection is
4900032               // established, or a
4900033               // different error comes.
4900034               // 
4900035               continue;
4900036             }
4900037           else
4900038             {
4900039               break;
4900040             }
4900041         }
4900042       else
4900043         {
4900044           break;
4900045         }
4900046     }
4900047   // 
4900048   // Check return value.
4900049   // 
4900050   if (msg.ret < 0)
4900051     {
4900052       // 
4900053       // Something wrong.
4900054       // 
4900055       errno = msg.errno;
4900056       errln = msg.errln;
4900057       strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4900058     }
4900059   // 
4900060   // Return.
4900061   // 
4900062   return (msg.ret);
4900063 }

95.23.4   lib/sys/socket/listen.c

Si veda la sezione 87.31.

4910001 #include <sys/os32.h>
4910002 #include <errno.h>
4910003 #include <string.h>
4910004 #include <stdio.h>
4910005 //----------------------------------------------------------
4910006 int
4910007 listen (int sfdn, int backlog)
4910008 {
4910009   sysmsg_listen_t msg;
4910010   // 
4910011   // Fill the message.
4910012   // 
4910013   msg.sfdn = sfdn;
4910014   msg.backlog = backlog;
4910015   msg.ret = 0;
4910016   // 
4910017   // Syscall.
4910018   // 
4910019   sys (SYS_LISTEN, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4910020   // 
4910021   // Check return value.
4910022   // 
4910023   if (msg.ret < 0)
4910024     {
4910025       // 
4910026       // Something wrong.
4910027       // 
4910028       errno = msg.errno;
4910029       errln = msg.errln;
4910030       strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4910031     }
4910032   // 
4910033   // Return.
4910034   // 
4910035   return (msg.ret);
4910036 }

95.23.5   lib/sys/socket/recvfrom.c

Si veda la sezione 87.40.

4920001 #include <sys/os32.h>
4920002 #include <errno.h>
4920003 #include <string.h>
4920004 #include <stdio.h>
4920005 #include <fcntl.h>
4920006 //----------------------------------------------------------
4920007 ssize_t
4920008 recvfrom (int sfdn, void *buffer, size_t count,
4920009           int flags, struct sockaddr *addrfrom,
4920010           socklen_t * addrlen)
4920011 {
4920012   sysmsg_recvfrom_t msg;
4920013   // 
4920014   // Reduce size of read if necessary.
4920015   // 
4920016   if (count > BUFSIZ)
4920017     {
4920018       count = BUFSIZ;
4920019     }
4920020   // 
4920021   // Fill the message.
4920022   // 
4920023   msg.sfdn = sfdn;
4920024   msg.buffer = buffer;
4920025   msg.count = count;
4920026   msg.flags = flags;
4920027   msg.addrfrom = addrfrom;
4920028   msg.addrsize = addrlen;
4920029   msg.fl_flags = 0;     // Not necessary.
4920030   msg.ret = 0;
4920031   // 
4920032   // Repeat syscall, until something is received or
4920033   // end of file is
4920034   // reached.
4920035   // 
4920036   while (1)
4920037     {
4920038       sys (SYS_RECVFROM, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4920039       if (msg.ret == 0)
4920040         {
4920041           // 
4920042           // Stream closed from the other side.
4920043           // 
4920044           break;
4920045         }
4920046       if (msg.ret < 0
4920047           && (msg.errno == EAGAIN
4920048               || msg.errno == EWOULDBLOCK))
4920049         {
4920050           // 
4920051           // No data at the moment.
4920052           // 
4920053           if (msg.fl_flags & O_NONBLOCK)
4920054             {
4920055               // 
4920056               // Don't block.
4920057               // 
4920058               break;
4920059             }
4920060           else
4920061             {
4920062               // 
4920063               // Keep trying.
4920064               // 
4920065               continue;
4920066             }
4920067         }
4920068       // 
4920069       // Otherwise, we have received something.
4920070       // 
4920071       break;
4920072     }
4920073   // 
4920074   // 
4920075   // 
4920076   if (msg.ret < 0)
4920077     {
4920078       // 
4920079       // No valid read.
4920080       // 
4920081       errno = msg.errno;
4920082       errln = msg.errln;
4920083       strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4920084       return (msg.ret);
4920085     }
4920086   // 
4920087   if (msg.ret > count)
4920088     {
4920089       // 
4920090       // A strange value was returned. Considering it
4920091       // a read error.
4920092       // 
4920093       errset (EIO);     // I/O error.
4920094       return (-1);
4920095     }
4920096   // 
4920097   // A valid read: return.
4920098   // 
4920099   return (msg.ret);
4920100 }

95.23.6   lib/sys/socket/send.c

Si veda la sezione 87.45.

4930001 #include <unistd.h>
4930002 #include <sys/os32.h>
4930003 #include <errno.h>
4930004 #include <string.h>
4930005 #include <stdio.h>
4930006 //----------------------------------------------------------
4930007 ssize_t
4930008 send (int sfdn, const void *buffer, size_t count, int flags)
4930009 {
4930010   sysmsg_send_t msg;
4930011   int retry = 3;
4930012   // 
4930013   // Reduce size of write if necessary.
4930014   // 
4930015   if (count > BUFSIZ)
4930016     {
4930017       count = BUFSIZ;
4930018     }
4930019   // 
4930020   // Fill the message.
4930021   // 
4930022   msg.sfdn = sfdn;
4930023   msg.buffer = buffer;
4930024   msg.count = count;
4930025   msg.flags = flags;
4930026   // 
4930027   // Syscall.
4930028   // 
4930029   for (; retry > 0; retry--)
4930030     {
4930031       sys (SYS_SEND, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4930032       // 
4930033       // Check.
4930034       // 
4930035       if ((msg.ret < 0) && (msg.errno == E_ARP_MISSING))
4930036         {
4930037           sleep (1);
4930038           continue;     // Retry.
4930039         }
4930040       else
4930041         {
4930042           break;
4930043         }
4930044     }
4930045   // 
4930046   // Check the final result and return.
4930047   // 
4930048   if (msg.ret < 0)
4930049     {
4930050       // 
4930051       // No valid write.
4930052       // 
4930053       errno = msg.errno;
4930054       errln = msg.errln;
4930055       strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4930056       return (msg.ret);
4930057     }
4930058   // 
4930059   if (msg.ret > count)
4930060     {
4930061       // 
4930062       // A strange value was returned. Considering it
4930063       // a read error.
4930064       // 
4930065       errset (EIO);     // I/O error.
4930066       return (-1);
4930067     }
4930068   // 
4930069   // A valid write return.
4930070   // 
4930071   return (msg.ret);
4930072 }

95.23.7   lib/sys/socket/socket.c

Si veda la sezione 87.54.

4940001 #include <sys/os32.h>
4940002 #include <errno.h>
4940003 #include <string.h>
4940004 #include <stdio.h>
4940005 //----------------------------------------------------------
4940006 int
4940007 socket (int family, int type, int protocol)
4940008 {
4940009   sysmsg_socket_t msg;
4940010   // 
4940011   // Fill the message.
4940012   // 
4940013 = family;
4940014   msg.type = type;
4940015   msg.protocol = protocol;
4940016   msg.ret = 0;
4940017   // 
4940018   // Syscall.
4940019   // 
4940020   sys (SYS_SOCKET, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4940021   // 
4940022   // Check return value.
4940023   // 
4940024   if (msg.ret < 0)
4940025     {
4940026       // 
4940027       // Something wrong.
4940028       // 
4940029       errno = msg.errno;
4940030       errln = msg.errln;
4940031       strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4940032     }
4940033   // 
4940034   // Return.
4940035   // 
4940036   return (msg.ret);
4940037 }

95.24   os32: «lib/sys/socklen_t.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

4950001 #ifndef _SYS_SOCKLEN_T_H
4950002 #define _SYS_SOCKLEN_T_H    1
4950003 //----------------------------------------------------------
4950004 #include <stdint.h>
4950005 //----------------------------------------------------------
4950006 typedef uint32_t socklen_t;
4950007 //----------------------------------------------------------
4950008 #endif

95.25   os32: «lib/sys/stat.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

4960001 #ifndef _SYS_STAT_H
4960002 #define _SYS_STAT_H     1
4960004 #include <restrict.h>
4960005 #include <sys/types.h>  // dev_t
4960006                         // off_t
4960007                         // blkcnt_t
4960008                         // blksize_t
4960009                         // ino_t
4960010                         // mode_t
4960011                         // nlink_t
4960012                         // uid_t
4960013                         // gid_t
4960014                         // time_t
4960015 //----------------------------------------------------------
4960016 // File type.
4960017 //----------------------------------------------------------
4960018 #define S_IFMT   0170000        // File type mask.
4960019 //
4960020 #define S_IFBLK  0060000        // Block device file.
4960021 #define S_IFCHR  0020000        // Character device
4960022                                 // file.
4960023 #define S_IFIFO  0010000        // Pipe (FIFO) file.
4960024 #define S_IFREG  0100000        // Regular file.
4960025 #define S_IFDIR  0040000        // Directory.
4960026 #define S_IFLNK  0120000        // Symbolic link.
4960027 #define S_IFSOCK 0140000        // Unix domain socket.
4960028 //----------------------------------------------------------
4960029 // Owner user access permissions.
4960030 //----------------------------------------------------------
4960031 #define S_IRWXU  0000700        // Owner user access
4960032                                 // permissions mask.
4960033 //
4960034 #define S_IRUSR  0000400        // Owner user read
4960035                                 // access permission.
4960036 #define S_IWUSR  0000200        // Owner user write
4960037                                 // access permission.
4960038 #define S_IXUSR  0000100        // Owner user
4960039                                 // execution or cross
4960040                                 // perm.
4960041 //----------------------------------------------------------
4960042 // Group owner access permissions.
4960043 //----------------------------------------------------------
4960044 #define S_IRWXG  0000070        // Owner group access
4960045                                 // permissions mask.
4960046 //
4960047 #define S_IRGRP  0000040        // Owner group read
4960048                                 // access permission.
4960049 #define S_IWGRP  0000020        // Owner group write
4960050                                 // access permission.
4960051 #define S_IXGRP  0000010        // Owner group
4960052                                 // execution or cross
4960053                                 // perm.
4960054 //----------------------------------------------------------
4960055 // Other users access permissions.
4960056 //----------------------------------------------------------
4960057 #define S_IRWXO  0000007        // Other users access
4960058                                 // permissions mask.
4960059 //
4960060 #define S_IROTH  0000004        // Other users read
4960061                                 // access permission.
4960062 #define S_IWOTH  0000002        // Other users write
4960063                                 // access permissions.
4960064 #define S_IXOTH  0000001        // Other users
4960065                                 // execution or cross
4960066                                 // perm.
4960067 //----------------------------------------------------------
4960068 // S-bit: in this case there is no mask to select all
4960069 // of them.
4960070 //----------------------------------------------------------
4960071 #define S_ISUID  0004000        // S-UID.
4960072 #define S_ISGID  0002000        // S-GID.
4960073 #define S_ISVTX  0001000        // Sticky.
4960074 //----------------------------------------------------------
4960075 // Macroinstructions to verify the type of file.
4960076 //----------------------------------------------------------
4960077 //
4960078 // Block device:
4960079 //
4960080 #define S_ISBLK(m)   (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFBLK)
4960081 //
4960082 // Character device:
4960083 //
4960084 #define S_ISCHR(m)   (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFCHR)
4960085 //
4960086 // FIFO.
4960087 //
4960088 #define S_ISFIFO(m)  (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFIFO)
4960089 //
4960090 // Regular file.
4960091 //
4960092 #define S_ISREG(m)   (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
4960093 //
4960094 // Directory.
4960095 //
4960096 #define S_ISDIR(m)   (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
4960097 //
4960098 // Symbolic link.
4960099 //
4960100 #define S_ISLNK(m)   (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK)
4960101 //
4960102 // Socket (Unix domain socket).
4960103 //
4960104 #define S_ISSOCK(m)  (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFSOCK)
4960105 //----------------------------------------------------------
4960106 // Structure `stat'.
4960107 //----------------------------------------------------------
4960108 struct stat
4960109 {
4960110   dev_t st_dev; // Device containing the file.
4960111   ino_t st_ino; // File serial number (inode number).
4960112   mode_t st_mode;       // File type and permissions.
4960113   nlink_t st_nlink;     // Links to the file.
4960114   uid_t st_uid; // Owner user id.
4960115   gid_t st_gid; // Owner group id.
4960116   dev_t st_rdev;        // Device number if it is a
4960117   // device file.
4960118   off_t st_size;        // File size.
4960119   time_t st_atime;      // Last access time.
4960120   time_t st_mtime;      // Last modification time.
4960121   time_t st_ctime;      // Last inode modification.
4960122   blksize_t st_blksize; // Block size for I/O
4960123   // operations.
4960124   blkcnt_t st_blocks;   // File size / block size.
4960125 };
4960126 //----------------------------------------------------------
4960127 // Function prototypes.
4960128 //----------------------------------------------------------
4960129 int chmod (const char *path, mode_t mode);
4960130 int fchmod (int fdn, mode_t mode);
4960131 int fstat (int fdn, struct stat *buffer);
4960132 int lstat (const char *restrict path,
4960133            struct stat *restrict buffer);
4960134 int mkdir (const char *path, mode_t mode);
4960135 int mkfifo (const char *path, mode_t mode);
4960136 int mknod (const char *path, mode_t mode, dev_t dev);
4960137 int stat (const char *restrict path,
4960138           struct stat *restrict buffer);
4960139 mode_t umask (mode_t mask);
4960141 #endif // _SYS_STAT_H

95.25.1   lib/sys/stat/chmod.c

Si veda la sezione 87.7.

4970001 #include <sys/stat.h>
4970002 #include <string.h>
4970003 #include <sys/os32.h>
4970004 #include <errno.h>
4970005 #include <limits.h>
4970006 //----------------------------------------------------------
4970007 int
4970008 chmod (const char *path, mode_t mode)
4970009 {
4970010   sysmsg_chmod_t msg;
4970011   // 
4970012   msg.path = path;
4970013   msg.mode = mode;
4970014   // 
4970015   sys (SYS_CHMOD, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4970016   // 
4970017   errno = msg.errno;
4970018   errln = msg.errln;
4970019   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4970020   return (msg.ret);
4970021 }

95.25.2   lib/sys/stat/fchmod.c

Si veda la sezione 87.7.

4980001 #include <sys/stat.h>
4980002 #include <string.h>
4980003 #include <sys/os32.h>
4980004 #include <errno.h>
4980005 #include <limits.h>
4980006 //----------------------------------------------------------
4980007 int
4980008 fchmod (int fdn, mode_t mode)
4980009 {
4980010   sysmsg_fchmod_t msg;
4980011   // 
4980012   msg.fdn = fdn;
4980013   msg.mode = mode;
4980014   // 
4980015   sys (SYS_FCHMOD, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4980016   // 
4980017   errno = msg.errno;
4980018   errln = msg.errln;
4980019   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4980020   return (msg.ret);
4980021 }

95.25.3   lib/sys/stat/fstat.c

Si veda la sezione 87.55.

4990001 #include <unistd.h>
4990002 #include <errno.h>
4990003 #include <sys/os32.h>
4990004 #include <string.h>
4990005 //----------------------------------------------------------
4990006 int
4990007 fstat (int fdn, struct stat *buffer)
4990008 {
4990009   sysmsg_fstat_t msg;
4990010   // 
4990011   msg.fdn = fdn;
4990012   msg.stat.st_dev = buffer->st_dev;
4990013   msg.stat.st_ino = buffer->st_ino;
4990014   msg.stat.st_mode = buffer->st_mode;
4990015   msg.stat.st_nlink = buffer->st_nlink;
4990016   msg.stat.st_uid = buffer->st_uid;
4990017   msg.stat.st_gid = buffer->st_gid;
4990018   msg.stat.st_rdev = buffer->st_rdev;
4990019   msg.stat.st_size = buffer->st_size;
4990020   msg.stat.st_atime = buffer->st_atime;
4990021   msg.stat.st_mtime = buffer->st_mtime;
4990022   msg.stat.st_ctime = buffer->st_ctime;
4990023   msg.stat.st_blksize = buffer->st_blksize;
4990024   msg.stat.st_blocks = buffer->st_blocks;
4990025   // 
4990026   sys (SYS_FSTAT, &msg, (sizeof msg));
4990027   // 
4990028   buffer->st_dev = msg.stat.st_dev;
4990029   buffer->st_ino = msg.stat.st_ino;
4990030   buffer->st_mode = msg.stat.st_mode;
4990031   buffer->st_nlink = msg.stat.st_nlink;
4990032   buffer->st_uid = msg.stat.st_uid;
4990033   buffer->st_gid = msg.stat.st_gid;
4990034   buffer->st_rdev = msg.stat.st_rdev;
4990035   buffer->st_size = msg.stat.st_size;
4990036   buffer->st_atime = msg.stat.st_atime;
4990037   buffer->st_mtime = msg.stat.st_mtime;
4990038   buffer->st_ctime = msg.stat.st_ctime;
4990039   buffer->st_blksize = msg.stat.st_blksize;
4990040   buffer->st_blocks = msg.stat.st_blocks;
4990041   // 
4990042   errno = msg.errno;
4990043   errln = msg.errln;
4990044   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
4990045   return (msg.ret);
4990046 }

95.25.4   lib/sys/stat/mkdir.c

Si veda la sezione 87.34.

5000001 #include <sys/stat.h>
5000002 #include <string.h>
5000003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5000004 #include <errno.h>
5000005 #include <limits.h>
5000006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5000007 int
5000008 mkdir (const char *path, mode_t mode)
5000009 {
5000010   sysmsg_mkdir_t msg;
5000011   // 
5000012   msg.path = path;
5000013   msg.mode = mode;
5000014   // 
5000015   sys (SYS_MKDIR, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5000016   // 
5000017   errno = msg.errno;
5000018   errln = msg.errln;
5000019   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5000020   return (msg.ret);
5000021 }

95.25.5   lib/sys/stat/mknod.c

Si veda la sezione 87.35.

5010001 #include <unistd.h>
5010002 #include <errno.h>
5010003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5010004 #include <string.h>
5010005 //----------------------------------------------------------
5010006 int
5010007 mknod (const char *path, mode_t mode, dev_t device)
5010008 {
5010009   sysmsg_mknod_t msg;
5010010   // 
5010011   msg.path = path;
5010012   msg.mode = mode;
5010013   msg.device = device;
5010014   // 
5010015   sys (SYS_MKNOD, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5010016   // 
5010017   errno = msg.errno;
5010018   errln = msg.errln;
5010019   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5010020   return (msg.ret);
5010021 }

95.25.6   lib/sys/stat/stat.c

Si veda la sezione 87.55.

5020001 #include <unistd.h>
5020002 #include <errno.h>
5020003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5020004 #include <string.h>
5020005 //----------------------------------------------------------
5020006 int
5020007 stat (const char *path, struct stat *buffer)
5020008 {
5020009   sysmsg_stat_t msg;
5020010   // 
5020011   msg.path = path;
5020012   // 
5020013   msg.stat.st_dev = buffer->st_dev;
5020014   msg.stat.st_ino = buffer->st_ino;
5020015   msg.stat.st_mode = buffer->st_mode;
5020016   msg.stat.st_nlink = buffer->st_nlink;
5020017   msg.stat.st_uid = buffer->st_uid;
5020018   msg.stat.st_gid = buffer->st_gid;
5020019   msg.stat.st_rdev = buffer->st_rdev;
5020020   msg.stat.st_size = buffer->st_size;
5020021   msg.stat.st_atime = buffer->st_atime;
5020022   msg.stat.st_mtime = buffer->st_mtime;
5020023   msg.stat.st_ctime = buffer->st_ctime;
5020024   msg.stat.st_blksize = buffer->st_blksize;
5020025   msg.stat.st_blocks = buffer->st_blocks;
5020026   // 
5020027   sys (SYS_STAT, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5020028   // 
5020029   buffer->st_dev = msg.stat.st_dev;
5020030   buffer->st_ino = msg.stat.st_ino;
5020031   buffer->st_mode = msg.stat.st_mode;
5020032   buffer->st_nlink = msg.stat.st_nlink;
5020033   buffer->st_uid = msg.stat.st_uid;
5020034   buffer->st_gid = msg.stat.st_gid;
5020035   buffer->st_rdev = msg.stat.st_rdev;
5020036   buffer->st_size = msg.stat.st_size;
5020037   buffer->st_atime = msg.stat.st_atime;
5020038   buffer->st_mtime = msg.stat.st_mtime;
5020039   buffer->st_ctime = msg.stat.st_ctime;
5020040   buffer->st_blksize = msg.stat.st_blksize;
5020041   buffer->st_blocks = msg.stat.st_blocks;
5020042   // 
5020043   errno = msg.errno;
5020044   errln = msg.errln;
5020045   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5020046   return (msg.ret);
5020047 }

95.25.7   lib/sys/stat/umask.c

Si veda la sezione 87.60.

5030001 #include <sys/stat.h>
5030002 #include <string.h>
5030003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5030004 #include <errno.h>
5030005 #include <limits.h>
5030006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5030007 mode_t
5030008 umask (mode_t mask)
5030009 {
5030010   sysmsg_umask_t msg;
5030011   msg.umask = mask;
5030012   sys (SYS_UMASK, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5030013   return (msg.ret);
5030014 }

95.26   os32: «lib/sys/types.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

5040001 #ifndef _SYS_TYPES_H
5040002 #define _SYS_TYPES_H    1
5040003 //----------------------------------------------------------
5040004 #include <clock_t.h>
5040005 #include <time_t.h>
5040006 #include <size_t.h>
5040007 //----------------------------------------------------------
5040008 typedef long int blkcnt_t;
5040009 typedef long int blksize_t;
5040010 typedef uint16_t dev_t; // Traditional device size.
5040011 typedef unsigned int id_t;
5040012 typedef unsigned int gid_t;
5040013 typedef unsigned int uid_t;
5040014 typedef uint16_t ino_t; // Minix 1 file system inode
5040015                         // size.
5040016 typedef uint16_t mode_t;        // Minix 1 file system 
5040017                                 // mode size.
5040018 typedef unsigned int nlink_t;
5040019 typedef long long int off_t;
5040020 typedef int pid_t;
5040021 typedef unsigned long int pthread_t;
5040022 typedef int ssize_t;
5040023 //----------------------------------------------------------
5040024 // Common extentions.
5040025 //
5040026 dev_t makedev (int major, int minor);
5040027 int major (dev_t device);
5040028 int minor (dev_t device);
5040029 //----------------------------------------------------------
5040030 #endif

95.26.1   lib/sys/types/major.c

Si veda la sezione 88.75.

5050001 #include <sys/types.h>
5050002 //----------------------------------------------------------
5050003 int
5050004 major (dev_t device)
5050005 {
5050006   return ((int) (device / 256));
5050007 }

95.26.2   lib/sys/types/makedev.c

Si veda la sezione 88.75.

5060001 #include <sys/types.h>
5060002 //----------------------------------------------------------
5060003 dev_t
5060004 makedev (int major, int minor)
5060005 {
5060006   return ((dev_t) (major * 256 + minor));
5060007 }

95.26.3   lib/sys/types/minor.c

Si veda la sezione 88.75.

5070001 #include <sys/types.h>
5070002 //----------------------------------------------------------
5070003 int
5070004 minor (dev_t device)
5070005 {
5070006   return ((dev_t) (device & 0x00FF));
5070007 }

95.27   os32: «lib/sys/wait.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

5080001 #ifndef _SYS_WAIT_H
5080002 #define _SYS_WAIT_H      1
5080004 #include <sys/types.h>
5080006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5080007 pid_t wait (int *status);
5080008 //----------------------------------------------------------
5080010 #endif

95.27.1   lib/sys/wait/wait.c

Si veda la sezione 87.63.

5090001 #include <sys/types.h>
5090002 #include <errno.h>
5090003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5090004 #include <stddef.h>
5090005 #include <string.h>
5090006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5090007 pid_t
5090008 wait (int *status)
5090009 {
5090010   sysmsg_wait_t msg;
5090011   msg.ret = 0;
5090012   msg.errno = 0;
5090013   msg.status = 0;
5090014   while (msg.ret == 0)
5090015     {
5090016       // 
5090017       // Loop as long as there are children, an none
5090018       // is dead.
5090019       // 
5090020       sys (SYS_WAIT, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5090021     }
5090022   errno = msg.errno;
5090023   errln = msg.errln;
5090024   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5090025   // 
5090026   if (status != NULL)
5090027     {
5090028       // 
5090029       // Only the low eight bits are returned.
5090030       // 
5090031       *status = (msg.status & 0x00FF);
5090032     }
5090033   return (msg.ret);
5090034 }

95.28   os32: «lib/termios.h»

Si veda la sezione 87.58.

5100001 #ifndef _TERMIOS_H
5100002 #define _TERMIOS_H       1
5100003 //----------------------------------------------------------
5100004 #include <stdint.h>
5100005 //----------------------------------------------------------
5100006 typedef uint16_t tcflag_t;
5100007 typedef unsigned char cc_t;
5100008 //----------------------------------------------------------
5100009 #define NCCS    11      // `c_cc[]' size.
5100010 //
5100011 struct termios
5100012 {
5100013   tcflag_t c_iflag;
5100014   tcflag_t c_oflag;
5100015   tcflag_t c_cflag;
5100016   tcflag_t c_lflag;
5100017   cc_t c_cc[NCCS];
5100018 };
5100019 //
5100020 // Subscript names for `c_cc[]' array, inside the
5100021 // `termios' structure:
5100022 //
5100023 #define VEOF      0     // EOF character
5100024 #define VEOL      1     // EOL character
5100025 #define VERASE    2     // ERASE character
5100026 #define VINTR     3     // INTR character
5100027 #define VKILL     4     // KILL character
5100028 #define VMIN      5     // MIN value
5100029 #define VQUIT     6     // QUIT character
5100030 #define VSTART    7     // START character
5100031 #define VSTOP     8     // STOP character
5100032 #define VSUSP     9     // SUSP character
5100033 #define VTIME    10     // TIME value
5100034 //
5100035 // Input modes, for `c_iflag' inside the `termios'
5100036 // structure:
5100037 //
5100038 #define BRKINT    1     // signal interrupt on break
5100039 #define ICRNL     2     // map CR to NL on input
5100040 #define IGNBRK    4     // ignore break condition
5100041 #define IGNCR     8     // ignore CR
5100042 #define IGNPAR   16     // ignore characters with
5100043                         // parity errors
5100044 #define INLCR    32     // map NL to CR on input
5100045 #define INPCK    64     // enable input parity check
5100046 #define ISTRIP  128     // strip off eighth bit
5100047 #define IXOFF   256     // enable start/stop input
5100048                         // control
5100049 #define IXON    512     // enable start/stop output
5100050                         // control
5100051 #define PARMRK 1024     // mark parity errors
5100052 //
5100053 // Output modes, for `c_oflag' inside the `termios'
5100054 // structure:
5100055 //
5100056 #define OPOST     1     // post-process output
5100057 //
5100058 // Control modes, for `c_cflag' inside the `termios'
5100059 // structure:
5100060 //   not implemented.
5100061 //
5100062 //
5100063 // Local modes, for `c_lflag' inside the `termios'
5100064 // structure:
5100065 //
5100066 #define ECHO      1     // enable echo
5100067 #define ECHOE     2     // echo erase character as
5100068                         // backspace
5100069 #define ECHOK     4     // echo KILL
5100070 #define ECHONL    8     // echo NL
5100071 #define ICANON   16     // canonical input mode
5100072 #define IEXTEN   32     // extended input mode
5100073 #define ISIG     64     // enable signals
5100074 #define NOFLSH  128     // disable flush after
5100075                         // interrupt or quit
5100076 #define TOSTOP  256     // send SIGTTOU for background
5100077                         // output
5100078 //----------------------------------------------------------
5100079 // Optional action for use with `tcsetattr()':
5100080 //
5100081 #define TCSANOW   1     // change attributes
5100082                         // immediately
5100083 #define TCSADRAIN 2     // change attributes when
5100084                         // output has drained
5100085 #define TCSAFLUSH 3     // change attributes when
5100086                         // output has drained,
5100087                         // and also flush pending
5100088                         // input
5100089 //----------------------------------------------------------
5100090 int tcgetattr (int fdn, struct termios *termios_p);
5100091 int tcsetattr (int fdn, int action,
5100092                struct termios *termios_p);
5100093 //----------------------------------------------------------
5100094 #endif

95.28.1   lib/termios/tcgetattr.c

Si veda la sezione 87.58.

5110001 #include <termios.h>
5110002 #include <sys/os32.h>
5110003 #include <errno.h>
5110004 //----------------------------------------------------------
5110005 #define DEBUG 0
5110006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5110007 int
5110008 tcgetattr (int fdn, struct termios *termios_p)
5110009 {
5110010   sysmsg_tcattr_t msg;
5110011   msg.fdn = fdn;
5110012   msg.attr = termios_p;
5110013   sys (SYS_TCGETATTR, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5110014   errno = msg.errno;
5110015   errln = msg.errln;
5110016   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5110017   return (msg.ret);
5110018 }

95.28.2   lib/termios/tcsetattr.c

Si veda la sezione 87.58.

5120001 #include <termios.h>
5120002 #include <sys/os32.h>
5120003 #include <errno.h>
5120004 //----------------------------------------------------------
5120005 #define DEBUG 0
5120006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5120007 int
5120008 tcsetattr (int fdn, int action, struct termios *termios_p)
5120009 {
5120010   sysmsg_tcattr_t msg;
5120011   msg.fdn = fdn;
5120012   msg.action = action;
5120013   msg.attr = termios_p;
5120014   sys (SYS_TCSETATTR, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5120015   errno = msg.errno;
5120016   errln = msg.errln;
5120017   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5120018   return (msg.ret);
5120019 }

95.29   os32: «lib/time.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

5130001 #ifndef _TIME_H
5130002 #define _TIME_H       1
5130003 //----------------------------------------------------------
5130004 #include <restrict.h>
5130005 #include <size_t.h>
5130006 #include <time_t.h>
5130007 #include <clock_t.h>
5130008 #include <NULL.h>
5130009 #include <stdint.h>
5130010 //----------------------------------------------------------
5130011 #define CLOCKS_PER_SEC  ((clock_t) 100)
5130012 //----------------------------------------------------------
5130013 struct tm
5130014 {
5130015   int tm_sec;
5130016   int tm_min;
5130017   int tm_hour;
5130018   int tm_mday;
5130019   int tm_mon;
5130020   int tm_year;
5130021   int tm_wday;
5130022   int tm_yday;
5130023   int tm_isdst;
5130024 };
5130025 //----------------------------------------------------------
5130026 clock_t clock (void);
5130027 time_t time (time_t * timer);
5130028 int stime (time_t * timer);
5130029 double difftime (time_t time1, time_t time0);
5130030 time_t mktime (const struct tm *timeptr);
5130031 struct tm *gmtime (const time_t * timer);
5130032 struct tm *localtime (const time_t * timer);
5130033 char *asctime (const struct tm *timeptr);
5130034 char *ctime (const time_t * timer);
5130035 size_t strftime (char *restrict s, size_t maxsize,
5130036                  const char *restrict format,
5130037                  const struct tm *restrict timeptr);
5130038 //----------------------------------------------------------
5130039 #define difftime(t1,t0) ((double)((t1)-(t0)))
5130040 #define ctime(t)        (asctime (localtime (t)))
5130041 #define localtime(t)    (gmtime (t))
5130042 //----------------------------------------------------------
5130043 #endif

95.29.1   lib/time/asctime.c

Si veda la sezione 88.15.

5140001 #include <time.h>
5140002 #include <string.h>
5140003 #include <stdio.h>
5140004 //----------------------------------------------------------
5140005 char *
5140006 asctime (const struct tm *timeptr)
5140007 {
5140008   static char time_string[25];  // `Sun Jan 30
5140009   // 24:00:00 2111'
5140010   // 
5140011   // Check argument.
5140012   // 
5140013   if (timeptr == NULL)
5140014     {
5140015       return (NULL);
5140016     }
5140017   // 
5140018   // Set week day.
5140019   // 
5140020   switch (timeptr->tm_wday)
5140021     {
5140022     case 0:
5140023       strcpy (&time_string[0], "Sun");
5140024       break;
5140025     case 1:
5140026       strcpy (&time_string[0], "Mon");
5140027       break;
5140028     case 2:
5140029       strcpy (&time_string[0], "Tue");
5140030       break;
5140031     case 3:
5140032       strcpy (&time_string[0], "Wed");
5140033       break;
5140034     case 4:
5140035       strcpy (&time_string[0], "Thu");
5140036       break;
5140037     case 5:
5140038       strcpy (&time_string[0], "Fri");
5140039       break;
5140040     case 6:
5140041       strcpy (&time_string[0], "Sat");
5140042       break;
5140043     default:
5140044       strcpy (&time_string[0], "Err");
5140045     }
5140046   // 
5140047   // Set month.
5140048   // 
5140049   switch (timeptr->tm_mon)
5140050     {
5140051     case 1:
5140052       strcpy (&time_string[3], " Jan");
5140053       break;
5140054     case 2:
5140055       strcpy (&time_string[3], " Feb");
5140056       break;
5140057     case 3:
5140058       strcpy (&time_string[3], " Mar");
5140059       break;
5140060     case 4:
5140061       strcpy (&time_string[3], " Apr");
5140062       break;
5140063     case 5:
5140064       strcpy (&time_string[3], " May");
5140065       break;
5140066     case 6:
5140067       strcpy (&time_string[3], " Jun");
5140068       break;
5140069     case 7:
5140070       strcpy (&time_string[3], " Jul");
5140071       break;
5140072     case 8:
5140073       strcpy (&time_string[3], " Aug");
5140074       break;
5140075     case 9:
5140076       strcpy (&time_string[3], " Sep");
5140077       break;
5140078     case 10:
5140079       strcpy (&time_string[3], " Oct");
5140080       break;
5140081     case 11:
5140082       strcpy (&time_string[3], " Nov");
5140083       break;
5140084     case 12:
5140085       strcpy (&time_string[3], " Dec");
5140086       break;
5140087     default:
5140088       strcpy (&time_string[3], " Err");
5140089     }
5140090   // 
5140091   // Set day of month, hour, minute, second and year.
5140092   // 
5140093   sprintf (&time_string[7], " %2i %2i:%2i:%2i %4i",
5140094            timeptr->tm_mday, timeptr->tm_hour,
5140095            timeptr->tm_min, timeptr->tm_sec,
5140096            timeptr->tm_year);
5140097   // 
5140098   // 
5140099   // 
5140100   return (&time_string[0]);
5140101 }

95.29.2   lib/time/clock.c

Si veda la sezione 87.9.

5150001 #include <time.h>
5150002 #include <sys/os32.h>
5150003 //----------------------------------------------------------
5150004 clock_t
5150005 clock (void)
5150006 {
5150007   sysmsg_clock_t msg;
5150008   msg.ret = 0;
5150009   sys (SYS_CLOCK, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5150010   return (msg.ret);
5150011 }

95.29.3   lib/time/gmtime.c

Si veda la sezione 88.15.

5160001 #include <time.h>
5160002 //----------------------------------------------------------
5160003 static int leap_year (int year);
5160004 //----------------------------------------------------------
5160005 struct tm *
5160006 gmtime (const time_t * timer)
5160007 {
5160008   static struct tm tms;
5160009   int loop;
5160010   unsigned int remainder;
5160011   unsigned int days;
5160012   // 
5160013   // Check argument.
5160014   // 
5160015   if (timer == NULL)
5160016     {
5160017       return (NULL);
5160018     }
5160019   // 
5160020   // Days since epoch. There are 86400 seconds per
5160021   // day.
5160022   // At the moment, the field `tm_yday' will contain
5160023   // all days since epoch.
5160024   // 
5160025   days = *timer / 86400L;
5160026   remainder = *timer % 86400L;
5160027   // 
5160028   // Minutes, after full days.
5160029   // 
5160030   tms.tm_min = remainder / 60U;
5160031   // 
5160032   // Seconds, after full minutes.
5160033   // 
5160034   tms.tm_sec = remainder % 60U;
5160035   // 
5160036   // Hours, after full days.
5160037   // 
5160038   tms.tm_hour = tms.tm_min / 60;
5160039   // 
5160040   // Minutes, after full hours.
5160041   // 
5160042   tms.tm_min = tms.tm_min % 60;
5160043   // 
5160044   // Find the week day. Must remove some days to align 
5160045   // the
5160046   // calculation. So: the week days of the first week
5160047   // of 1970
5160048   // are not valid! After 1970-01-04 calculations are
5160049   // right.
5160050   // 
5160051   tms.tm_wday = (days - 3) % 7;
5160052   // 
5160053   // Find the year: the field `tm_yday' will be
5160054   // reduced to the days
5160055   // of current year.
5160056   // 
5160057   for (tms.tm_year = 1970; days > 0; tms.tm_year++)
5160058     {
5160059       if (leap_year (tms.tm_year))
5160060         {
5160061           if (days >= 366)
5160062             {
5160063               days -= 366;
5160064               continue;
5160065             }
5160066           else
5160067             {
5160068               break;
5160069             }
5160070         }
5160071       else
5160072         {
5160073           if (days >= 365)
5160074             {
5160075               days -= 365;
5160076               continue;
5160077             }
5160078           else
5160079             {
5160080               break;
5160081             }
5160082         }
5160083     }
5160084   // 
5160085   // Day of the year.
5160086   // 
5160087   tms.tm_yday = days + 1;
5160088   // 
5160089   // Find the month.
5160090   // 
5160091   tms.tm_mday = days + 1;
5160092   // 
5160093   for (tms.tm_mon = 0, loop = 1; tms.tm_mon <= 12 && loop;)
5160094     {
5160095       tms.tm_mon++;
5160096       // 
5160097       switch (tms.tm_mon)
5160098         {
5160099         case 1:
5160100         case 3:
5160101         case 5:
5160102         case 7:
5160103         case 8:
5160104         case 10:
5160105         case 12:
5160106           if (tms.tm_mday >= 31)
5160107             {
5160108               tms.tm_mday -= 31;
5160109             }
5160110           else
5160111             {
5160112               loop = 0;
5160113             }
5160114           break;
5160115         case 4:
5160116         case 6:
5160117         case 9:
5160118         case 11:
5160119           if (tms.tm_mday >= 30)
5160120             {
5160121               tms.tm_mday -= 30;
5160122             }
5160123           else
5160124             {
5160125               loop = 0;
5160126             }
5160127           break;
5160128         case 2:
5160129           if (leap_year (tms.tm_year))
5160130             {
5160131               if (tms.tm_mday >= 29)
5160132                 {
5160133                   tms.tm_mday -= 29;
5160134                 }
5160135               else
5160136                 {
5160137                   loop = 0;
5160138                 }
5160139             }
5160140           else
5160141             {
5160142               if (tms.tm_mday >= 28)
5160143                 {
5160144                   tms.tm_mday -= 28;
5160145                 }
5160146               else
5160147                 {
5160148                   loop = 0;
5160149                 }
5160150             }
5160151           break;
5160152         }
5160153     }
5160154   // 
5160155   // No check for day light saving time.
5160156   // 
5160157   tms.tm_isdst = 0;
5160158   // 
5160159   // Return.
5160160   // 
5160161   return (&tms);
5160162 }
5160164 //----------------------------------------------------------
5160165 static int
5160166 leap_year (int year)
5160167 {
5160168   if ((year % 4) == 0)
5160169     {
5160170       if ((year % 100) == 0)
5160171         {
5160172           if ((year % 400) == 0)
5160173             {
5160174               return (1);
5160175             }
5160176           else
5160177             {
5160178               return (0);
5160179             }
5160180         }
5160181       else
5160182         {
5160183           return (1);
5160184         }
5160185     }
5160186   else
5160187     {
5160188       return (0);
5160189     }
5160190 }

95.29.4   lib/time/mktime.c

Si veda la sezione 88.15.

5170001 #include <time.h>
5170002 #include <string.h>
5170003 #include <stdio.h>
5170004 //----------------------------------------------------------
5170005 static int leap_year (int year);
5170006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5170007 time_t
5170008 mktime (const struct tm *timeptr)
5170009 {
5170010   time_t timer_total;
5170011   time_t timer_aux;
5170012   int days;
5170013   int month;
5170014   int year;
5170015   // 
5170016   // From seconds to days.
5170017   // 
5170018   timer_total = timeptr->tm_sec;
5170019   // 
5170020   timer_aux = timeptr->tm_min;
5170021   timer_aux *= 60;
5170022   timer_total += timer_aux;
5170023   // 
5170024   timer_aux = timeptr->tm_hour;
5170025   timer_aux *= (60 * 60);
5170026   timer_total += timer_aux;
5170027   // 
5170028   timer_aux = timeptr->tm_mday;
5170029   timer_aux *= 24;
5170030   timer_aux *= (60 * 60);
5170031   timer_total += timer_aux;
5170032   // 
5170033   // Month: add the days of months.
5170034   // Will scan the months, from the first, but before
5170035   // the
5170036   // months of the value inside field `tm_mon'.
5170037   // 
5170038   for (month = 1, days = 0; month < timeptr->tm_mon;
5170039        month++)
5170040     {
5170041       switch (month)
5170042         {
5170043         case 1:
5170044         case 3:
5170045         case 5:
5170046         case 7:
5170047         case 8:
5170048         case 10:
5170049           // 
5170050           // There is no December, because the scan
5170051           // can go up to
5170052           // the month before the value inside field
5170053           // `tm_mon'.
5170054           // 
5170055           days += 31;
5170056           break;
5170057         case 4:
5170058         case 6:
5170059         case 9:
5170060         case 11:
5170061           days += 30;
5170062           break;
5170063         case 2:
5170064           if (leap_year (timeptr->tm_year))
5170065             {
5170066               days += 29;
5170067             }
5170068           else
5170069             {
5170070               days += 28;
5170071             }
5170072           break;
5170073         }
5170074     }
5170075   // 
5170076   timer_aux = days;
5170077   timer_aux *= 24;
5170078   timer_aux *= (60 * 60);
5170079   timer_total += timer_aux;
5170080   // 
5170081   // Year. The work is similar to the one of months:
5170082   // days of
5170083   // years are counted, up to the year before the one
5170084   // reported
5170085   // by the field `tm_year'.
5170086   // 
5170087   for (year = 1970, days = 0; year < timeptr->tm_year;
5170088        year++)
5170089     {
5170090       if (leap_year (year))
5170091         {
5170092           days += 366;
5170093         }
5170094       else
5170095         {
5170096           days += 365;
5170097         }
5170098     }
5170099   // 
5170100   // After all, must subtract a day from the total.
5170101   // 
5170102   days--;
5170103   // 
5170104   timer_aux = days;
5170105   timer_aux *= 24;
5170106   timer_aux *= (60 * 60);
5170107   timer_total += timer_aux;
5170108   // 
5170109   // That's all.
5170110   // 
5170111   return (timer_total);
5170112 }
5170114 //----------------------------------------------------------
5170115 int
5170116 leap_year (int year)
5170117 {
5170118   if ((year % 4) == 0)
5170119     {
5170120       if ((year % 100) == 0)
5170121         {
5170122           if ((year % 400) == 0)
5170123             {
5170124               return (1);
5170125             }
5170126           else
5170127             {
5170128               return (0);
5170129             }
5170130         }
5170131       else
5170132         {
5170133           return (1);
5170134         }
5170135     }
5170136   else
5170137     {
5170138       return (0);
5170139     }
5170140 }

95.29.5   lib/time/stime.c

Si veda la sezione 87.59.

5180001 #include <time.h>
5180002 #include <sys/os32.h>
5180003 #include <errno.h>
5180004 //----------------------------------------------------------
5180005 int
5180006 stime (time_t * timer)
5180007 {
5180008   sysmsg_stime_t msg;
5180009   // 
5180010   if (timer == NULL)
5180011     {
5180012       errset (EINVAL);
5180013       return (-1);
5180014     }
5180015   // 
5180016   msg.timer = *timer;
5180017   msg.ret = 0;
5180018   sys (SYS_STIME, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5180019   return (msg.ret);
5180020 }

95.29.6   lib/time/time.c

Si veda la sezione 87.59.

5190001 #include <time.h>
5190002 #include <sys/os32.h>
5190003 //----------------------------------------------------------
5190004 time_t
5190005 time (time_t * timer)
5190006 {
5190007   sysmsg_time_t msg;
5190008   msg.ret = ((time_t) 0);
5190009   sys (SYS_TIME, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5190010   if (timer != NULL)
5190011     {
5190012       *timer = msg.ret;
5190013     }
5190014   return (msg.ret);
5190015 }

95.30   os32: «lib/unistd.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

5200001 #ifndef _UNISTD_H
5200002 #define _UNISTD_H       1
5200003 //----------------------------------------------------------
5200004 #include <sys/stat.h>
5200005 #include <sys/types.h>  // size_t, ssize_t, uid_t,
5200006                         // gid_t, off_t, pid_t
5200007 #include <inttypes.h>   // intptr_t
5200008 #include <SEEK.h>       // SEEK_CUR, SEEK_SET,
5200009                         // SEEK_END
5200010 //----------------------------------------------------------
5200011 typedef unsigned int useconds_t;        // This type
5200012                                         // should be
5200013                                         // used for
5200014                                         // the
5200015                                  // obsolete function
5200016                                  // `usleep()', that
5200017                                  // is only
5200018                                  // implemented inside 
5200019                                  // the
5200020                                  // kernel, as
5200021                                  // `k_usleep()', for
5200022                                  // the
5200023                                  // drivers
5200024                                  // management.
5200025 //----------------------------------------------------------
5200026 extern char **environ;  // Variable `environ' is used
5200027                         // by functions like
5200028                         // `execv()' in replacement
5200029                         // for `envp[][]'.
5200030 //----------------------------------------------------------
5200031 extern char *optarg;    // Used by `optarg()'.
5200032 extern int optind;      // 
5200033 extern int opterr;      // 
5200034 extern int optopt;      // 
5200035 //----------------------------------------------------------
5200036 #define STDIN_FILENO    0       // 
5200037 #define STDOUT_FILENO   1       // Standard file
5200038                                 // descriptors.
5200039 #define STDERR_FILENO   2       // 
5200040 //----------------------------------------------------------
5200041 #define R_OK            4       // Read permission.
5200042 #define W_OK            2       // Write permission.
5200043 #define X_OK            1       // Execute or traverse
5200044                                 // permission.
5200045 #define F_OK            0       // File exists.
5200046 //----------------------------------------------------------
5200048 int access (const char *path, int mode);
5200049 int brk (void *address);
5200050 int chdir (const char *path);
5200051 int chown (const char *path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid);
5200052 int close (int fdn);
5200053 int dup (int fdn_old);
5200054 int dup2 (int fdn_old, int fdn_new);
5200055 int execl (const char *path, char *arg, ...);
5200056 int execle (const char *path, char *arg, ...);
5200057 int execlp (const char *path, char *arg, ...);
5200058 int execv (const char *path, char *const argv[]);
5200059 int execve (const char *path, char *const argv[],
5200060             char *const envp[]);
5200061 int execvp (const char *path, char *const argv[]);
5200062 void _exit (int status);
5200063 int fchown (int fdn, uid_t uid, gid_t gid);
5200064 pid_t fork (void);
5200065 char *getcwd (char *buffer, size_t size);
5200066 gid_t getegid (void);
5200067 uid_t geteuid (void);
5200068 gid_t getgid (void);
5200069 int getopt (int argc, char *const argv[],
5200070             const char *optstring);
5200071 pid_t getpgrp (void);
5200072 pid_t getppid (void);
5200073 pid_t getpid (void);
5200074 uid_t getuid (void);
5200075 int isatty (int fdn);
5200076 int link (const char *path_old, const char *path_new);
5200077 off_t lseek (int fdn, off_t offset, int whence);
5200078 #define      nice(n)     (0)
5200079 int pipe (int pipefd[2]);
5200080 ssize_t read (int fdn, void *buffer, size_t count);
5200081 #define      readlink(p,b,s) ((ssize_t) -1)
5200082 int rmdir (const char *path);
5200083 void *sbrk (intptr_t increment);
5200084 int setegid (gid_t gid);
5200085 int seteuid (uid_t uid);
5200086 int setgid (gid_t gid);
5200087 int setpgrp (void);
5200088 int setuid (uid_t uid);
5200089 unsigned int sleep (unsigned int s);
5200090 #define      sync() /**/
5200091 char *ttyname (int fdn);
5200092 int unlink (const char *path);
5200093 ssize_t write (int fdn, const void *buffer, size_t count);
5200094 //----------------------------------------------------------
5200095 #endif

95.30.1   lib/unistd/_exit.c

Si veda la sezione 87.2.

5210001 #include <unistd.h>
5210002 #include <sys/os32.h>
5210003 //----------------------------------------------------------
5210004 void
5210005 _exit (int status)
5210006 {
5210007   sysmsg_exit_t msg;
5210008   // 
5210009   // Only the low eight bit are returned.
5210010   // 
5210011   msg.status = (status & 0xFF);
5210012   // 
5210013   // 
5210014   // 
5210015   sys (SYS_EXIT, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5210016   // 
5210017   // Should not return from system call, but if it
5210018   // does, loop
5210019   // forever:
5210020   // 
5210021   while (1);
5210022 }

95.30.2   lib/unistd/access.c

Si veda la sezione 88.4.

5220001 #include <unistd.h>
5220002 #include <sys/stat.h>
5220003 #include <errno.h>
5220004 //----------------------------------------------------------
5220005 int
5220006 access (const char *path, int mode)
5220007 {
5220008   struct stat st;
5220009   int status;
5220010   uid_t euid;
5220011   // 
5220012   status = stat (path, &st);
5220013   if (status != 0)
5220014     {
5220015       return (-1);
5220016     }
5220017   // 
5220018   // File exists?
5220019   // 
5220020   if (mode == F_OK)
5220021     {
5220022       return (0);
5220023     }
5220024   // 
5220025   // Some access permissions are requested: get
5220026   // effective user id.
5220027   // 
5220028   euid = geteuid ();
5220029   // 
5220030   // Check owner access permissions.
5220031   // 
5220032   if (st.st_uid == euid
5220033       && ((st.st_mode & S_IRWXU) == (mode << 6)))
5220034     {
5220035       return (0);
5220036     }
5220037   // 
5220038   // Check others access permissions.
5220039   // 
5220040   if ((st.st_mode & S_IRWXO) == (mode))
5220041     {
5220042       return (0);
5220043     }
5220044   // 
5220045   // Otherwise there are no access permissions.
5220046   // 
5220047   errset (EACCES);      // Permission denied.
5220048   return (-1);
5220049 }

95.30.3   lib/unistd/brk.c

Si veda la sezione 87.5.

5230001 #include <unistd.h>
5230002 #include <string.h>
5230003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5230004 #include <errno.h>
5230005 #include <limits.h>
5230006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5230007 int
5230008 brk (void *address)
5230009 {
5230010   sysmsg_brk_t msg;
5230011   // 
5230012   if (address == NULL)
5230013     {
5230014       errset (EINVAL);
5230015       return (-1);
5230016     }
5230017   // 
5230018   msg.address = address;
5230019   // 
5230020   sys (SYS_BRK, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5230021   // 
5230022   errno = msg.errno;
5230023   errln = msg.errln;
5230024   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5230025   return (msg.ret);
5230026 }

95.30.4   lib/unistd/chdir.c

Si veda la sezione 87.6.

5240001 #include <unistd.h>
5240002 #include <string.h>
5240003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5240004 #include <errno.h>
5240005 #include <limits.h>
5240006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5240007 int
5240008 chdir (const char *path)
5240009 {
5240010   sysmsg_chdir_t msg;
5240011   // 
5240012   msg.path = path;
5240013   msg.ret = 0;
5240014   msg.errno = 0;
5240015   // 
5240016   sys (SYS_CHDIR, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5240017   // 
5240018   errno = msg.errno;
5240019   errln = msg.errln;
5240020   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5240021   return (msg.ret);
5240022 }

95.30.5   lib/unistd/chown.c

Si veda la sezione 87.8.

5250001 #include <unistd.h>
5250002 #include <string.h>
5250003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5250004 #include <errno.h>
5250005 #include <limits.h>
5250006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5250007 int
5250008 chown (const char *path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
5250009 {
5250010   sysmsg_chown_t msg;
5250011   // 
5250012   msg.path = path;
5250013   msg.uid = uid;
5250014   msg.gid = gid;
5250015   // 
5250016   sys (SYS_CHOWN, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5250017   // 
5250018   errno = msg.errno;
5250019   errln = msg.errln;
5250020   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5250021   return (msg.ret);
5250022 }

95.30.6   lib/unistd/close.c

Si veda la sezione 87.10.

5260001 #include <unistd.h>
5260002 #include <errno.h>
5260003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5260004 #include <string.h>
5260005 //----------------------------------------------------------
5260006 int
5260007 close (int fdn)
5260008 {
5260009   sysmsg_close_t msg;
5260010   msg.fdn = fdn;
5260011   // 
5260012   while (1)
5260013     {
5260014       sys (SYS_CLOSE, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5260015       if (msg.ret < 0 && (msg.errno == EINPROGRESS
5260016                           || msg.errno == EALREADY))
5260017         {
5260018           continue;
5260019         }
5260020       // 
5260021       break;
5260022     }
5260023   errno = msg.errno;
5260024   errln = msg.errln;
5260025   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5260026   return (msg.ret);
5260027 }

95.30.7   lib/unistd/dup.c

Si veda la sezione 87.12.

5270001 #include <unistd.h>
5270002 #include <sys/os32.h>
5270003 #include <string.h>
5270004 #include <errno.h>
5270005 //----------------------------------------------------------
5270006 int
5270007 dup (int fdn_old)
5270008 {
5270009   sysmsg_dup_t msg;
5270010   // 
5270011   msg.fdn_old = fdn_old;
5270012   // 
5270013   sys (SYS_DUP, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5270014   // 
5270015   errno = msg.errno;
5270016   errln = msg.errln;
5270017   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5270018   return (msg.ret);
5270019 }

95.30.8   lib/unistd/dup2.c

Si veda la sezione 87.12.

5280001 #include <unistd.h>
5280002 #include <sys/os32.h>
5280003 #include <string.h>
5280004 #include <errno.h>
5280005 //----------------------------------------------------------
5280006 int
5280007 dup2 (int fdn_old, int fdn_new)
5280008 {
5280009   sysmsg_dup2_t msg;
5280010   // 
5280011   msg.fdn_old = fdn_old;
5280012   msg.fdn_new = fdn_new;
5280013   // 
5280014   sys (SYS_DUP2, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5280015   // 
5280016   errno = msg.errno;
5280017   errln = msg.errln;
5280018   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5280019   return (msg.ret);
5280020 }

95.30.9   lib/unistd/environ.c

Si veda la sezione 91.1.

5290001 #include <unistd.h>
5290002 //----------------------------------------------------------
5290003 char **environ;

95.30.10   lib/unistd/execl.c

Si veda la sezione 88.21.

5300001 #include <unistd.h>
5300002 #include <limits.h>
5300003 #include <stdarg.h>
5300004 #include <stddef.h>
5300005 //----------------------------------------------------------
5300006 int
5300007 execl (const char *path, char *arg, ...)
5300008 {
5300009   int argc;
5300010   char *arg_next;
5300011   char *argv[ARG_MAX / 2];
5300012   // 
5300013   va_list ap;
5300014   va_start (ap, arg);
5300015   // 
5300016   arg_next = arg;
5300017   // 
5300018   for (argc = 0; argc < ARG_MAX / 2; argc++)
5300019     {
5300020       argv[argc] = arg_next;
5300021       if (argv[argc] == NULL)
5300022         {
5300023           break;        // End of arguments.
5300024         }
5300025       arg_next = va_arg (ap, char *);
5300026     }
5300027   // 
5300028   return (execve (path, argv, environ));        // [1]
5300029 }
5300031 //
5300032 // The variable `environ' is declared as
5300033 // `char **environ' and is
5300034 // included from <unistd.h>.
5300035 //

95.30.11   lib/unistd/execle.c

Si veda la sezione 88.21.

5310001 #include <unistd.h>
5310002 #include <limits.h>
5310003 #include <stdarg.h>
5310004 #include <stddef.h>
5310005 //----------------------------------------------------------
5310006 int
5310007 execle (const char *path, char *arg, ...)
5310008 {
5310009   int argc;
5310010   char *arg_next;
5310011   char *argv[ARG_MAX / 2];
5310012   char **envp;
5310013   // 
5310014   va_list ap;
5310015   va_start (ap, arg);
5310016   // 
5310017   arg_next = arg;
5310018   // 
5310019   for (argc = 0; argc < ARG_MAX / 2; argc++)
5310020     {
5310021       argv[argc] = arg_next;
5310022       if (argv[argc] == NULL)
5310023         {
5310024           break;        // End of arguments.
5310025         }
5310026       arg_next = va_arg (ap, char *);
5310027     }
5310028   // 
5310029   envp = va_arg (ap, char **);
5310030   // 
5310031   return (execve (path, argv, envp));
5310032 }

95.30.12   lib/unistd/execlp.c

Si veda la sezione 88.21.

5320001 #include <unistd.h>
5320002 #include <string.h>
5320003 #include <stdlib.h>
5320004 #include <errno.h>
5320005 #include <sys/os32.h>
5320006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5320007 int
5320008 execlp (const char *path, char *arg, ...)
5320009 {
5320010   int argc;
5320011   char *arg_next;
5320012   char *argv[ARG_MAX / 2];
5320013   char command[PATH_MAX];
5320014   int status;
5320015   // 
5320016   va_list ap;
5320017   va_start (ap, arg);
5320018   // 
5320019   arg_next = arg;
5320020   // 
5320021   for (argc = 0; argc < ARG_MAX / 2; argc++)
5320022     {
5320023       argv[argc] = arg_next;
5320024       if (argv[argc] == NULL)
5320025         {
5320026           break;        // End of arguments.
5320027         }
5320028       arg_next = va_arg (ap, char *);
5320029     }
5320030   // 
5320031   // Get a full command path if necessary.
5320032   // 
5320033   status = namep (path, command, (size_t) PATH_MAX);
5320034   if (status != 0)
5320035     {
5320036       // 
5320037       // Variable `errno' is already set by
5320038       // `commandp()'.
5320039       // 
5320040       return (-1);
5320041     }
5320042   // 
5320043   // Return calling `execve()'
5320044   // 
5320045   return (execve (command, argv, environ));     // [1]
5320046 }
5320048 //
5320049 // The variable `environ' is declared as
5320050 // `char **environ' and is
5320051 // included from <unistd.h>.
5320052 //

95.30.13   lib/unistd/execv.c

Si veda la sezione 88.21.

5330001 #include <unistd.h>
5330002 //----------------------------------------------------------
5330003 int
5330004 execv (const char *path, char *const argv[])
5330005 {
5330006   return (execve (path, argv, environ));        // [1]
5330007 }
5330009 //
5330010 // The variable `environ' is declared as
5330011 // `char **environ' and is
5330012 // included from <unistd.h>.
5330013 //

95.30.14   lib/unistd/execve.c

Si veda la sezione 87.14.

5340001 #include <unistd.h>
5340002 #include <sys/types.h>
5340003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5340004 #include <errno.h>
5340005 #include <string.h>
5340006 #include <string.h>
5340007 //----------------------------------------------------------
5340008 int
5340009 execve (const char *path, char *const argv[],
5340010         char *const envp[])
5340011 {
5340012   sysmsg_exec_t msg;
5340013   size_t size;
5340014   size_t arg_size;
5340015   int argc;
5340016   size_t env_size;
5340017   int envc;
5340018   char *arg_data = msg.arg_data;
5340019   char *env_data = msg.env_data;
5340020   // 
5340021   msg.path = path;
5340022   msg.ret = 0;
5340023   msg.errno = 0;
5340024   // 
5340025   // Copy `argv[]' inside a the message buffer
5340026   // `msg.arg_data',
5340027   // separating each string with a null character and
5340028   // counting the
5340029   // number of strings inside `argc'.
5340030   // 
5340031   for (argc = 0, arg_size = 0, size = 0;
5340032        argv != NULL &&
5340033        argc < (ARG_MAX / 16) &&
5340034        arg_size < ARG_MAX / 2 &&
5340035        argv[argc] != NULL; argc++, arg_size += size)
5340036     {
5340037       size = strlen (argv[argc]);
5340038       size++;   // Count also the final null
5340039       // character.
5340040       if (size > (ARG_MAX / 2 - arg_size))
5340041         {
5340042           errset (E2BIG);       // Argument list too
5340043           // long.
5340044           return (-1);
5340045         }
5340046       strncpy (arg_data, argv[argc], size);
5340047       arg_data += size;
5340048     }
5340049   msg.argc = argc;
5340050   // 
5340051   // Copy `envp[]' inside a the message buffer
5340052   // `msg.env_data',
5340053   // separating each string with a null character and
5340054   // counting the
5340055   // number of strings inside `envc'.
5340056   // 
5340057   for (envc = 0, env_size = 0, size = 0;
5340058        envp != NULL &&
5340059        envc < (ARG_MAX / 16) &&
5340060        env_size < ARG_MAX / 2 &&
5340061        envp[envc] != NULL; envc++, env_size += size)
5340062     {
5340063       size = strlen (envp[envc]);
5340064       size++;   // Count also the final null
5340065       // character.
5340066       if (size > (ARG_MAX / 2 - env_size))
5340067         {
5340068           errset (E2BIG);       // Argument list too
5340069           // long.
5340070           return (-1);
5340071         }
5340072       strncpy (env_data, envp[envc], size);
5340073       env_data += size;
5340074     }
5340075   msg.envc = envc;
5340076   // 
5340077   // System call.
5340078   // 
5340079   sys (SYS_EXEC, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5340080   // 
5340081   // Should not return, but if it does, then there is
5340082   // an error.
5340083   // 
5340084   errno = msg.errno;
5340085   errln = msg.errln;
5340086   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5340087   return (msg.ret);
5340088 }

95.30.15   lib/unistd/execvp.c

Si veda la sezione 88.21.

5350001 #include <unistd.h>
5350002 #include <string.h>
5350003 #include <stdlib.h>
5350004 #include <errno.h>
5350005 #include <sys/os32.h>
5350006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5350007 int
5350008 execvp (const char *path, char *const argv[])
5350009 {
5350010   char command[PATH_MAX];
5350011   int status;
5350012   // 
5350013   // Get a full command path if necessary.
5350014   // 
5350015   status = namep (path, command, (size_t) PATH_MAX);
5350016   if (status != 0)
5350017     {
5350018       // 
5350019       // Variable `errno' is already set by `namep()'.
5350020       // 
5350021       return (-1);
5350022     }
5350023   // 
5350024   // Return calling `execve()'
5350025   // 
5350026   return (execve (command, argv, environ));     // [1]
5350027 }
5350029 //
5350030 // The variable `environ' is declared as
5350031 // `char **environ' and is
5350032 // included from <unistd.h>.
5350033 //

95.30.16   lib/unistd/fchdir.c

Si veda la sezione 87.6.

5360001 #include <unistd.h>
5360002 #include <errno.h>
5360003 //----------------------------------------------------------
5360004 int
5360005 fchdir (int fdn)
5360006 {
5360007   // 
5360008   // os32 requires to keep track of the path for the
5360009   // current working
5360010   // directory. The standard function `fchdir()' is
5360011   // not applicable.
5360012   // 
5360013   errset (E_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
5360014   return (-1);
5360015 }

95.30.17   lib/unistd/fchown.c

Si veda la sezione 87.8.

5370001 #include <unistd.h>
5370002 #include <string.h>
5370003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5370004 #include <errno.h>
5370005 #include <limits.h>
5370006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5370007 int
5370008 fchown (int fdn, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
5370009 {
5370010   sysmsg_fchown_t msg;
5370011   // 
5370012   msg.fdn = fdn;
5370013   msg.uid = uid;
5370014   msg.gid = gid;
5370015   // 
5370016   sys (SYS_FCHOWN, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5370017   // 
5370018   errno = msg.errno;
5370019   errln = msg.errln;
5370020   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5370021   return (msg.ret);
5370022 }

95.30.18   lib/unistd/fork.c

Si veda la sezione 87.19.

5380001 #include <unistd.h>
5380002 #include <sys/types.h>
5380003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5380004 #include <errno.h>
5380005 #include <string.h>
5380006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5380007 pid_t
5380008 fork (void)
5380009 {
5380010   sysmsg_fork_t msg;
5380011   // 
5380012   // Set the return value for the child process.
5380013   // 
5380014   msg.ret = 0;
5380015   // 
5380016   // Do the system call.
5380017   // 
5380018   sys (SYS_FORK, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5380019   // 
5380020   // If the system call has successfully generated a
5380021   // copy of
5380022   // the original process, the following code is
5380023   // executed from
5380024   // the parent and the child. But the child has the
5380025   // `msg'
5380026   // structure untouched, while the parent has, at
5380027   // least, the
5380028   // pid number inside `msg.ret'.
5380029   // If the system call fails, there is no child, and
5380030   // the
5380031   // parent finds the return value equal to -1, with
5380032   // an
5380033   // error number.
5380034   // 
5380035   errno = msg.errno;
5380036   errln = msg.errln;
5380037   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5380038   return (msg.ret);
5380039 }

95.30.19   lib/unistd/getcwd.c

Si veda la sezione 87.21.

5390001 #include <unistd.h>
5390002 #include <sys/types.h>
5390003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5390004 #include <errno.h>
5390005 #include <stddef.h>
5390006 #include <string.h>
5390007 //----------------------------------------------------------
5390008 char *
5390009 getcwd (char *buffer, size_t size)
5390010 {
5390011   sysmsg_uarea_t msg;
5390012   // 
5390013   // Check arguments: the buffer must be given.
5390014   // 
5390015   if (buffer == NULL)
5390016     {
5390017       errset (EINVAL);
5390018       return (NULL);
5390019     }
5390020   // 
5390021   msg.path_cwd = buffer;
5390022   msg.path_cwd_size = size;
5390023   // 
5390024   // Set the last buffer element to zero, for later
5390025   // verification.
5390026   // 
5390027   buffer[size - 1] = 0;
5390028   // 
5390029   // Just get the user area data.
5390030   // 
5390031   sys (SYS_UAREA, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5390032   // 
5390033   // Check that the path is still correctly
5390034   // terminated. If it isn't,
5390035   // the path is longer than the buffer size, because
5390036   // the last null
5390037   // character was overwritten.
5390038   // 
5390039   if (buffer[size - 1] != 0)
5390040     {
5390041       errset (ERANGE);
5390042       return (NULL);
5390043     }
5390044   // 
5390045   // Everything is fine.
5390046   // 
5390047   return (buffer);
5390048 }

95.30.20   lib/unistd/getegid.c

Si veda la sezione 87.22.

5400001 #include <unistd.h>
5400002 #include <sys/types.h>
5400003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5400004 #include <errno.h>
5400005 //----------------------------------------------------------
5400006 gid_t
5400007 getegid (void)
5400008 {
5400009   sysmsg_uarea_t msg;
5400010   msg.path_cwd = NULL;
5400011   msg.path_cwd_size = 0;
5400012   sys (SYS_UAREA, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5400013   return (msg.egid);
5400014 }

95.30.21   lib/unistd/geteuid.c

Si veda la sezione 87.27.

5410001 #include <unistd.h>
5410002 #include <sys/types.h>
5410003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5410004 #include <errno.h>
5410005 //----------------------------------------------------------
5410006 uid_t
5410007 geteuid (void)
5410008 {
5410009   sysmsg_uarea_t msg;
5410010   msg.path_cwd = NULL;
5410011   msg.path_cwd_size = 0;
5410012   sys (SYS_UAREA, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5410013   return (msg.euid);
5410014 }

95.30.22   lib/unistd/getgid.c

Si veda la sezione 87.22.

5420001 #include <unistd.h>
5420002 #include <sys/types.h>
5420003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5420004 #include <errno.h>
5420005 //----------------------------------------------------------
5420006 gid_t
5420007 getgid (void)
5420008 {
5420009   sysmsg_uarea_t msg;
5420010   msg.path_cwd = NULL;
5420011   msg.path_cwd_size = 0;
5420012   sys (SYS_UAREA, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5420013   return (msg.gid);
5420014 }

95.30.23   lib/unistd/getopt.c

Si veda la sezione 88.56.

5430001 #include <unistd.h>
5430002 #include <sys/types.h>
5430003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5430004 #include <errno.h>
5430005 //----------------------------------------------------------
5430006 char *optarg;
5430007 int optind = 1;
5430008 int opterr = 1;
5430009 int optopt = 0;
5430010 //----------------------------------------------------------
5430011 static void getopt_no_argument (int opt);
5430012 //----------------------------------------------------------
5430013 int
5430014 getopt (int argc, char *const argv[], const char *optstring)
5430015 {
5430016   static int o = 0;     // Index to scan grouped
5430017   // options.
5430018   int s;        // Index to scan `optstring'
5430019   int opt;      // Current option letter.
5430020   int flag_argument;    // If there should be an
5430021   // argument.
5430022   // 
5430023   // Entering the function, `flag_argument' is zero.
5430024   // Just to make
5430025   // it clear:
5430026   // 
5430027   flag_argument = 0;
5430028   // 
5430029   // Scan `argv[]' elements, starting form the value
5430030   // that `optind'
5430031   // already have.
5430032   // 
5430033   for (; optind < argc; optind++)
5430034     {
5430035       // 
5430036       // If an option is expected, some check must be
5430037       // done at
5430038       // the beginning.
5430039       // 
5430040       if (!flag_argument)
5430041         {
5430042           // 
5430043           // Check if the scan is finished and
5430044           // `optind' should be kept
5430045           // untouched:
5430046           // `argv[optind]' is a null pointer;
5430047           // `argv[optind][0]' is not the character
5430048           // `-';
5430049           // `argv[optind]' points to the string "-";
5430050           // all `argv[]' elements are parsed.
5430051           // 
5430052           if (argv[optind] == NULL
5430053               || argv[optind][0] != '-'
5430054               || argv[optind][1] == 0 || optind >= argc)
5430055             {
5430056               return (-1);
5430057             }
5430058           // 
5430059           // Check if the scan is finished and
5430060           // `optind' is to be
5430061           // incremented:
5430062           // `argv[optind]' points to the string "--".
5430063           // 
5430064           if (argv[optind][0] == '-'
5430065               && argv[optind][1] == '-'
5430066               && argv[optind][2] == 0)
5430067             {
5430068               optind++;
5430069               return (-1);
5430070             }
5430071         }
5430072       // 
5430073       // Scan `argv[optind]' using the static index
5430074       // `o'.
5430075       // 
5430076       for (; o < strlen (argv[optind]); o++)
5430077         {
5430078           // 
5430079           // If there should be an option, index `o'
5430080           // should
5430081           // start from 1, because `argv[optind][0]'
5430082           // must
5430083           // be equal to '-'.
5430084           // 
5430085           if (!flag_argument && (o == 0))
5430086             {
5430087               // 
5430088               // As there is no options, `o' cannot
5430089               // start
5430090               // from zero, so a new loop is done.
5430091               // 
5430092               continue;
5430093             }
5430094           // 
5430095           if (flag_argument)
5430096             {
5430097               // 
5430098               // There should be an argument, starting 
5430099               // from
5430100               // `argv[optind][o]'.
5430101               // 
5430102               if ((o == 0) && (argv[optind][o] == '-'))
5430103                 {
5430104                   // 
5430105                   // `argv[optind][0]' is equal to
5430106                   // '-', but there
5430107                   // should be an argument instead:
5430108                   // the argument
5430109                   // is missing.
5430110                   // 
5430111                   optarg = NULL;
5430112                   // 
5430113                   if (optstring[0] == ':')
5430114                     {
5430115                       // 
5430116                       // As the option string starts
5430117                       // with `:' the
5430118                       // function must return `:'.
5430119                       // 
5430120                       optopt = opt;
5430121                       opt = ':';
5430122                     }
5430123                   else
5430124                     {
5430125                       // 
5430126                       // As the option string does not 
5430127                       // start with `:'
5430128                       // the function must return `?'.
5430129                       // 
5430130                       getopt_no_argument (opt);
5430131                       optopt = opt;
5430132                       opt = '?';
5430133                     }
5430134                   // 
5430135                   // `optind' is left untouched.
5430136                   // 
5430137                 }
5430138               else
5430139                 {
5430140                   // 
5430141                   // The argument is found: `optind'
5430142                   // is to be
5430143                   // incremented and `o' is reset.
5430144                   // 
5430145                   optarg = &argv[optind][o];
5430146                   optind++;
5430147                   o = 0;
5430148                 }
5430149               // 
5430150               // Return the option, or ':', or '?'.
5430151               // 
5430152               return (opt);
5430153             }
5430154           else
5430155             {
5430156               // 
5430157               // It should be an option: `optstring[]' 
5430158               // must be
5430159               // scanned.
5430160               // 
5430161               opt = argv[optind][o];
5430162               // 
5430163               for (s = 0, optopt = 0;
5430164                    s < strlen (optstring); s++)
5430165                 {
5430166                   // 
5430167                   // If `optsting[0]' is equal to ':', 
5430168                   // index `s' must
5430169                   // start at 1.
5430170                   // 
5430171                   if ((s == 0) && (optstring[0] == ':'))
5430172                     {
5430173                       continue;
5430174                     }
5430175                   // 
5430176                   if (opt == optstring[s])
5430177                     {
5430178                       // 
5430179                       if (optstring[s + 1] == ':')
5430180                         {
5430181                           // 
5430182                           // There is an argument.
5430183                           // 
5430184                           flag_argument = 1;
5430185                           break;
5430186                         }
5430187                       else
5430188                         {
5430189                           // 
5430190                           // There is no argument.
5430191                           // 
5430192                           o++;
5430193                           return (opt);
5430194                         }
5430195                     }
5430196                 }
5430197               // 
5430198               if (s >= strlen (optstring))
5430199                 {
5430200                   // 
5430201                   // The `optstring' scan is concluded 
5430202                   // with no
5430203                   // match.
5430204                   // 
5430205                   o++;
5430206                   optopt = opt;
5430207                   return ('?');
5430208                 }
5430209               // 
5430210               // Otherwise the loop was broken.
5430211               // 
5430212             }
5430213         }
5430214       // 
5430215       // Check index `o'.
5430216       // 
5430217       if (o >= strlen (argv[optind]))
5430218         {
5430219           // 
5430220           // There are no more options or there is no
5430221           // argument
5430222           // inside current `argv[optind]' string.
5430223           // Index `o' is
5430224           // reset before the next loop.
5430225           // 
5430226           o = 0;
5430227         }
5430228     }
5430229   // 
5430230   // No more elements inside `argv' or loop broken:
5430231   // there might be a
5430232   // missing argument.
5430233   // 
5430234   if (flag_argument)
5430235     {
5430236       // 
5430237       // Missing option argument.
5430238       // 
5430239       optarg = NULL;
5430240       // 
5430241       if (optstring[0] == ':')
5430242         {
5430243           return (':');
5430244         }
5430245       else
5430246         {
5430247           getopt_no_argument (opt);
5430248           return ('?');
5430249         }
5430250     }
5430251   // 
5430252   return (-1);
5430253 }
5430255 //----------------------------------------------------------
5430256 static void
5430257 getopt_no_argument (int opt)
5430258 {
5430259   if (opterr)
5430260     {
5430261       fprintf (stderr,
5430262                "Missing argument for option `-%c'\n", opt);
5430263     }
5430264 }

95.30.24   lib/unistd/getpgrp.c

Si veda la sezione 87.25.

5440001 #include <unistd.h>
5440002 #include <sys/types.h>
5440003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5440004 #include <errno.h>
5440005 //----------------------------------------------------------
5440006 pid_t
5440007 getpgrp (void)
5440008 {
5440009   sysmsg_uarea_t msg;
5440010   msg.path_cwd = NULL;
5440011   msg.path_cwd_size = 0;
5440012   sys (SYS_UAREA, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5440013   return (msg.pgrp);
5440014 }

95.30.25   lib/unistd/getpid.c

Si veda la sezione 87.25.

5450001 #include <unistd.h>
5450002 #include <sys/types.h>
5450003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5450004 #include <errno.h>
5450005 //----------------------------------------------------------
5450006 pid_t
5450007 getpid (void)
5450008 {
5450009   sysmsg_uarea_t msg;
5450010   msg.path_cwd = NULL;
5450011   msg.path_cwd_size = 0;
5450012   sys (SYS_UAREA, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5450013   return (;
5450014 }

95.30.26   lib/unistd/getppid.c

Si veda la sezione 87.25.

5460001 #include <unistd.h>
5460002 #include <sys/types.h>
5460003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5460004 #include <errno.h>
5460005 //----------------------------------------------------------
5460006 pid_t
5460007 getppid (void)
5460008 {
5460009   sysmsg_uarea_t msg;
5460010   msg.path_cwd = NULL;
5460011   msg.path_cwd_size = 0;
5460012   sys (SYS_UAREA, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5460013   return (msg.ppid);
5460014 }

95.30.27   lib/unistd/getuid.c

Si veda la sezione 87.27.

5470001 #include <unistd.h>
5470002 #include <sys/types.h>
5470003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5470004 #include <errno.h>
5470005 //----------------------------------------------------------
5470006 uid_t
5470007 getuid (void)
5470008 {
5470009   sysmsg_uarea_t msg;
5470010   msg.path_cwd = NULL;
5470011   msg.path_cwd_size = 0;
5470012   sys (SYS_UAREA, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5470013   return (msg.uid);
5470014 }

95.30.28   lib/unistd/isatty.c

Si veda la sezione 88.69.

5480001 #include <sys/stat.h>
5480002 #include <sys/os32.h>
5480003 #include <unistd.h>
5480004 #include <sys/types.h>
5480005 #include <errno.h>
5480006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5480007 int
5480008 isatty (int fdn)
5480009 {
5480010   struct stat file_status;
5480011   // 
5480012   // Verify to have valid input data.
5480013   // 
5480014   if (fdn < 0)
5480015     {
5480016       errset (EBADF);
5480017       return (0);
5480018     }
5480019   // 
5480020   // Verify the standard input.
5480021   // 
5480022   if (fstat (fdn, &file_status) == 0)
5480023     {
5480024       if (major (file_status.st_rdev) == DEV_CONSOLE_MAJOR)
5480025         {
5480026           return (1);   // Meaning it is ok!
5480027         }
5480028       if (major (file_status.st_rdev) == DEV_TTY_MAJOR)
5480029         {
5480030           return (1);   // Meaning it is ok!
5480031         }
5480032     }
5480033   else
5480034     {
5480035       errset (errno);
5480036       return (0);
5480037     }
5480038   // 
5480039   // If here, it is not a terminal of any kind.
5480040   // 
5480041   errset (EINVAL);
5480042   return (0);
5480043 }

95.30.29   lib/unistd/link.c

Si veda la sezione 87.30.

5490001 #include <unistd.h>
5490002 #include <string.h>
5490003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5490004 #include <errno.h>
5490005 #include <limits.h>
5490006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5490007 int
5490008 link (const char *path_old, const char *path_new)
5490009 {
5490010   sysmsg_link_t msg;
5490011   // 
5490012   msg.path_old = path_old;
5490013   msg.path_new = path_new;
5490014   // 
5490015   sys (SYS_LINK, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5490016   // 
5490017   errno = msg.errno;
5490018   errln = msg.errln;
5490019   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5490020   return (msg.ret);
5490021 }

95.30.30   lib/unistd/lseek.c

Si veda la sezione 87.33.

5500001 #include <unistd.h>
5500002 #include <sys/types.h>
5500003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5500004 #include <errno.h>
5500005 #include <string.h>
5500006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5500007 off_t
5500008 lseek (int fdn, off_t offset, int whence)
5500009 {
5500010   sysmsg_lseek_t msg;
5500011   msg.fdn = fdn;
5500012   msg.offset = offset;
5500013   msg.whence = whence;
5500014   sys (SYS_LSEEK, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5500015   errno = msg.errno;
5500016   errln = msg.errln;
5500017   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5500018   return (msg.ret);
5500019 }

95.30.31   lib/unistd/pipe.c

Si veda la sezione 87.38.

5510001 #include <unistd.h>
5510002 #include <string.h>
5510003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5510004 #include <errno.h>
5510005 #include <limits.h>
5510006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5510007 int
5510008 pipe (int pipefd[2])
5510009 {
5510010   sysmsg_pipe_t msg;
5510011   // 
5510012   if (pipefd == NULL)
5510013     {
5510014       errset (EINVAL);
5510015       return (-1);
5510016     }
5510017   // 
5510018   sys (SYS_PIPE, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5510019   // 
5510020   errno = msg.errno;
5510021   errln = msg.errln;
5510022   // 
5510023   pipefd[0] = msg.pipefd[0];
5510024   pipefd[1] = msg.pipefd[1];
5510025   // 
5510026   return (msg.ret);
5510027 }

95.30.32   lib/unistd/read.c

Si veda la sezione 87.39.

5520001 #include <unistd.h>
5520002 #include <sys/os32.h>
5520003 #include <errno.h>
5520004 #include <string.h>
5520005 #include <stdio.h>
5520006 #include <fcntl.h>
5520007 //----------------------------------------------------------
5520008 ssize_t
5520009 read (int fdn, void *buffer, size_t count)
5520010 {
5520011   sysmsg_read_t msg;
5520012   // 
5520013   // Reduce size of read if necessary.
5520014   // 
5520015   if (count > BUFSIZ)
5520016     {
5520017       count = BUFSIZ;
5520018     }
5520019   // 
5520020   // Fill the message.
5520021   // 
5520022   msg.fdn = fdn;
5520023   msg.buffer = buffer;
5520024   msg.count = count;
5520025   msg.fl_flags = 0;     // Not necessary.
5520026   msg.ret = 0;
5520027   // 
5520028   // Repeat syscall, until something is received or
5520029   // end of file is
5520030   // reached.
5520031   // 
5520032   while (1)
5520033     {
5520034       sys (SYS_READ, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5520035       if (msg.ret == 0)
5520036         {
5520037           // 
5520038           // End of file.
5520039           // 
5520040           break;
5520041         }
5520042       if (msg.ret < 0
5520043           && (msg.errno == EAGAIN
5520044               || msg.errno == EWOULDBLOCK))
5520045         {
5520046           // 
5520047           // No data at the moment.
5520048           // 
5520049           if (msg.fl_flags & O_NONBLOCK)
5520050             {
5520051               // 
5520052               // Don't block.
5520053               // 
5520054               break;
5520055             }
5520056           else
5520057             {
5520058               // 
5520059               // Keep trying.
5520060               // 
5520061               continue;
5520062             }
5520063         }
5520064       // 
5520065       // Otherwise, we have read something.
5520066       // 
5520067       break;
5520068     }
5520069   // 
5520070   // 
5520071   // 
5520072   if (msg.ret < 0)
5520073     {
5520074       // 
5520075       // No valid read.
5520076       // 
5520077       errno = msg.errno;
5520078       errln = msg.errln;
5520079       strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5520080       return (msg.ret);
5520081     }
5520082   // 
5520083   if (msg.ret > count)
5520084     {
5520085       // 
5520086       // A strange value was returned. Considering it
5520087       // a read error.
5520088       // 
5520089       errset (EIO);     // I/O error.
5520090       return (-1);
5520091     }
5520092   // 
5520093   // A valid read: return.
5520094   // 
5520095   return (msg.ret);
5520096 }

95.30.33   lib/unistd/rmdir.c

Si veda la sezione 87.41.

5530001 #include <unistd.h>
5530002 #include <string.h>
5530003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5530004 #include <errno.h>
5530005 #include <limits.h>
5530006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5530007 int
5530008 rmdir (const char *path)
5530009 {
5530010   sysmsg_stat_t msg_stat;
5530011   sysmsg_unlink_t msg_unlink;
5530012   // 
5530013   msg_stat.path = path;
5530014   // 
5530015   sys (SYS_STAT, &msg_stat, (sizeof msg_stat));
5530016   // 
5530017   if (msg_stat.ret != 0)
5530018     {
5530019       errno = msg_stat.errno;
5530020       errln = msg_stat.errln;
5530021       strncpy (errfn, msg_stat.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5530022       return (msg_stat.ret);
5530023     }
5530024   // 
5530025   if (!S_ISDIR (msg_stat.stat.st_mode))
5530026     {
5530027       errset (ENOTDIR); // Not a directory.
5530028       return (-1);
5530029     }
5530030   // 
5530031   msg_unlink.path = path;
5530032   // 
5530033   sys (SYS_UNLINK, &msg_unlink, (sizeof msg_unlink));
5530034   // 
5530035   errno = msg_unlink.errno;
5530036   errln = msg_unlink.errln;
5530037   strncpy (errfn, msg_unlink.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5530038   return (msg_unlink.ret);
5530039 }

95.30.34   lib/unistd/sbrk.c

Si veda la sezione 87.5.

5540001 #include <unistd.h>
5540002 #include <string.h>
5540003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5540004 #include <errno.h>
5540005 #include <limits.h>
5540006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5540007 void *
5540008 sbrk (intptr_t increment)
5540009 {
5540010   sysmsg_sbrk_t msg_sbrk;
5540011   // 
5540012   msg_sbrk.increment = increment;
5540013   // 
5540014   sys (SYS_SBRK, &msg_sbrk, (sizeof msg_sbrk));
5540015   // 
5540016   errno = msg_sbrk.errno;
5540017   errln = msg_sbrk.errln;
5540018   strncpy (errfn, msg_sbrk.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5540019   return (msg_sbrk.ret);
5540020 }

95.30.35   lib/unistd/setegid.c

Si veda la sezione 87.48.

5550001 #include <unistd.h>
5550002 #include <sys/types.h>
5550003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5550004 #include <errno.h>
5550005 #include <string.h>
5550006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5550007 int
5550008 setegid (gid_t gid)
5550009 {
5550010   sysmsg_setegid_t msg;
5550011   msg.ret = 0;
5550012   msg.errno = 0;
5550013   msg.egid = gid;
5550014   sys (SYS_SETEGID, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5550015   errno = msg.errno;
5550016   errln = msg.errln;
5550017   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5550018   return (msg.ret);
5550019 }

95.30.36   lib/unistd/seteuid.c

Si veda la sezione 87.51.

5560001 #include <unistd.h>
5560002 #include <sys/types.h>
5560003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5560004 #include <errno.h>
5560005 #include <string.h>
5560006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5560007 int
5560008 seteuid (uid_t uid)
5560009 {
5560010   sysmsg_seteuid_t msg;
5560011   msg.ret = 0;
5560012   msg.errno = 0;
5560013   msg.euid = uid;
5560014   sys (SYS_SETEGID, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5560015   errno = msg.errno;
5560016   errln = msg.errln;
5560017   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5560018   return (msg.ret);
5560019 }

95.30.37   lib/unistd/setgid.c

Si veda la sezione 87.48.

5570001 #include <unistd.h>
5570002 #include <sys/types.h>
5570003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5570004 #include <errno.h>
5570005 #include <string.h>
5570006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5570007 int
5570008 setgid (gid_t gid)
5570009 {
5570010   sysmsg_setgid_t msg;
5570011   msg.ret = 0;
5570012   msg.errno = 0;
5570013   msg.egid = gid;
5570014   sys (SYS_SETGID, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5570015   errno = msg.errno;
5570016   errln = msg.errln;
5570017   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5570018   return (msg.ret);
5570019 }

95.30.38   lib/unistd/setpgrp.c

Si veda la sezione 87.50.

5580001 #include <unistd.h>
5580002 #include <sys/os32.h>
5580003 #include <stddef.h>
5580004 //----------------------------------------------------------
5580005 int
5580006 setpgrp (void)
5580007 {
5580008   sys (SYS_PGRP, NULL, (size_t) 0);
5580009   return (0);
5580010 }

95.30.39   lib/unistd/setuid.c

Si veda la sezione 87.51.

5590001 #include <unistd.h>
5590002 #include <sys/types.h>
5590003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5590004 #include <errno.h>
5590005 #include <string.h>
5590006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5590007 int
5590008 setuid (uid_t uid)
5590009 {
5590010   sysmsg_setuid_t msg;
5590011   msg.ret = 0;
5590012   msg.errno = 0;
5590013   msg.euid = uid;
5590014   sys (SYS_SETUID, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5590015   errno = msg.errno;
5590016   errln = msg.errln;
5590017   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5590018   return (msg.ret);
5590019 }

95.30.40   lib/unistd/sleep.c

Si veda la sezione 87.53.

5600001 #include <unistd.h>
5600002 #include <sys/types.h>
5600003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5600004 #include <errno.h>
5600005 #include <time.h>
5600006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5600007 unsigned int
5600008 sleep (unsigned int seconds)
5600009 {
5600010   sysmsg_sleep_t msg;
5600011   time_t start;
5600012   time_t end;
5600013   int slept;
5600014   // 
5600015   if (seconds == 0)
5600016     {
5600017       return (0);
5600018     }
5600019   // 
5600021   msg.seconds = seconds;
5600022   sys (SYS_SLEEP, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5600023   start = msg.ret;
5600024   end = time (NULL);
5600025   slept = end - msg.ret;
5600026   // 
5600027   if (slept < 0)
5600028     {
5600029       return (seconds);
5600030     }
5600031   else if (slept < seconds)
5600032     {
5600033       return (seconds - slept);
5600034     }
5600035   else
5600036     {
5600037       return (0);
5600038     }
5600039 }

95.30.41   lib/unistd/ttyname.c

Si veda la sezione 88.133.

5610001 #include <sys/os32.h>
5610002 #include <sys/stat.h>
5610003 #include <unistd.h>
5610004 #include <sys/types.h>
5610005 #include <errno.h>
5610006 #include <limits.h>
5610007 //----------------------------------------------------------
5610008 char *
5610009 ttyname (int fdn)
5610010 {
5610011   dev_t dev_minor;
5610012   struct stat file_status;
5610013   static char name[PATH_MAX];
5610014   // 
5610015   // Verify to have valid input data.
5610016   // 
5610017   if (fdn < 0)
5610018     {
5610019       errset (EBADF);
5610020       return (NULL);
5610021     }
5610022   // 
5610023   // Verify the file descriptor.
5610024   // 
5610025   if (fstat (fdn, &file_status) == 0)
5610026     {
5610027       if (major (file_status.st_rdev) == DEV_CONSOLE_MAJOR)
5610028         {
5610029           dev_minor = minor (file_status.st_rdev);
5610030           // 
5610031           // If minor is equal to 0xFF, it is
5610032           // `/dev/console'.
5610033           // 
5610034           if (dev_minor < 0xFF)
5610035             {
5610036               sprintf (name, "/dev/console%i", dev_minor);
5610037             }
5610038           else
5610039             {
5610040               strcpy (name, "/dev/console");
5610041             }
5610042           return (name);
5610043         }
5610044       else if (file_status.st_rdev == DEV_TTY)
5610045         {
5610046           strcpy (name, "/dev/tty");
5610047           return (name);
5610048         }
5610049       else
5610050         {
5610051           errset (ENOTTY);
5610052           return (NULL);
5610053         }
5610054     }
5610055   else
5610056     {
5610057       errset (errno);
5610058       return (NULL);
5610059     }
5610060 }

95.30.42   lib/unistd/unlink.c

Si veda la sezione 87.62.

5620001 #include <unistd.h>
5620002 #include <string.h>
5620003 #include <sys/os32.h>
5620004 #include <errno.h>
5620005 #include <limits.h>
5620006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5620007 int
5620008 unlink (const char *path)
5620009 {
5620010   sysmsg_unlink_t msg;
5620011   // 
5620012   msg.path = path;
5620013   // 
5620014   sys (SYS_UNLINK, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5620015   // 
5620016   errno = msg.errno;
5620017   errln = msg.errln;
5620018   strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5620019   return (msg.ret);
5620020 }

95.30.43   lib/unistd/write.c

Si veda la sezione 87.64.

5630001 #include <unistd.h>
5630002 #include <sys/os32.h>
5630003 #include <errno.h>
5630004 #include <string.h>
5630005 #include <stdio.h>
5630006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5630007 ssize_t
5630008 write (int fdn, const void *buffer, size_t count)
5630009 {
5630010   sysmsg_write_t msg;
5630011   // 
5630012   // Reduce size of write if necessary.
5630013   // 
5630014   if (count > BUFSIZ)
5630015     {
5630016       count = BUFSIZ;
5630017     }
5630018   // 
5630019   // Fill the message.
5630020   // 
5630021   msg.fdn = fdn;
5630022   msg.buffer = buffer;
5630023   msg.count = count;
5630024   // 
5630025   // Syscall.
5630026   // 
5630027   sys (SYS_WRITE, &msg, (sizeof msg));
5630028   // 
5630029   // Check result and return.
5630030   // 
5630031   if (msg.ret < 0)
5630032     {
5630033       // 
5630034       // No valid write.
5630035       // 
5630036       errno = msg.errno;
5630037       errln = msg.errln;
5630038       strncpy (errfn, msg.errfn, PATH_MAX);
5630039       return (msg.ret);
5630040     }
5630041   // 
5630042   if (msg.ret > count)
5630043     {
5630044       // 
5630045       // A strange value was returned. Considering it
5630046       // a read error.
5630047       // 
5630048       errset (EIO);     // I/O error.
5630049       return (-1);
5630050     }
5630051   // 
5630052   // A valid write return.
5630053   // 
5630054   return (msg.ret);
5630055 }

95.31   os32: «lib/utime.h»

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

5640001 #ifndef _UTIME_H
5640002 #define _UTIME_H        1
5640003 //----------------------------------------------------------
5640004 #include <restrict.h>
5640005 #include <sys/types.h>  // time_t
5640006 //----------------------------------------------------------
5640007 struct utimbuf
5640008 {
5640009   time_t actime;
5640010   time_t modtime;
5640011 };
5640012 //----------------------------------------------------------
5640013 int utime (const char *path, const struct utimbuf *times);
5640014 //----------------------------------------------------------
5640016 #endif

95.31.1   lib/utime/utime.c

Si veda la sezione 91.3.

5650001 #include <utime.h>
5650002 #include <errno.h>
5650003 //----------------------------------------------------------
5650004 int
5650005 utime (const char *path, const struct utimbuf *times)
5650006 {
5650007   // 
5650008   // Currently not implemented.
5650009   // 
5650010   return (0);
5650011 }

«a2» 2013.11.11 --- Copyright © Daniele Giacomini --