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The FreeDOS Beta 9 Distribution is now available on ibiblio and This release is available as an ISO image

For your convenience we also provide a 1.44MB bootdisk image.
(A complete diskette distribution still lacks, though.)

please see the (completely rewritten)   readme file for more info.

Hello list,

This 5th release candidate was intended to be a minor update to the FreeDOS Beta9 series, but has turned out to be a major release, much to my surprise. so far, both the special bootdisk and the packages have been updated, and the installation process has been has slightly tuned and made more reliable.

Features and important updated components of this release candidate:

This is a release candidate because it provides only the Base diskset and the corresponding sources for it.
After people working nearly 10 years on the FreeDOS project, the released software is almost ready for a 1.0 release. Therefore we ask you to help us add items to the FreeDOS 1.0 ToDo list and to resolve the remaining issues. The next Beta9 distribution will no longer be a release candidate, and will feature a diskette release.

Beta 9RC5 can be obtained from Ibiblio.

With kind regards,

Bernd Blaauw

Other disksets have not been included due to lack of time and diskspace  (and especially download time) You can easily integrate this cdrom distribution to your custom cdrom by adding the software and running MAKEISO.BAT in the ISOLINUX\BUILDCD directory.

Mirrors of this Beta9 release candidate:

Were you looking for the source code?

You may want to visit the FreeDOS developer page at SourceForge to get the source for the kernel, FreeCOM, and Install program. For more source code to FreeDOS, refer to the maintainers list.

Files archive:

Primary download at ibiblio (formerly Sunsite):

Mirrors of the FreeDOS files archive: